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vmiHmm8Q&&?Tmii6i.xr-'- ? v "" ini,iri!SSTV;iii JLin ' -" " iin ? Ma L. . . . it KS i THE BEOAD AX. Jl?e Broad fix PUBLISHED WEEKLY. Will promulgate and at all timet uphold tas true principles of Democracy, bat farmer, Catholics, Protestants, Knights of Labor, Infidels, Mormons, Bepnblleans, Priests, orany ose eke can hare their say. eo loag as their lrngnage is proper and responsibility Is fixed. Tax Broad Ax Is a newspaper whose platform is broad enough for all, ever claiming the editorial right to-speak its owmmlnd. Local OBSsaanlcationi will have atten tion; write only on one side of the paper. suBscmpnori: OaeYear, - - - 92.00. StxMoat&s. - - - LOO. xm ee Aobiu, .ou. la any qoantityat the following Bates: (tee Hundred, f 3.00. Fire-Hundred, - . 42.00; O&eTaoasand, 3100. SfagTe'Copiea, - . - '-'.OK Advertising rates made known on a'ppll- ther comment is unnecessary, and we leaTe these fellows toithe conso lation of their own consciences. The Oquirrh Club was "in it" again in the Judicial convention, and when everything else seemed lost, they adroitly landed"their pet candidate. They may be accused of queering the ticket; but the whole mesa was "queefid" before Thomson was nominated; who, by the way-, is the best of thfrlot. This dub is a mighty factor in' the G. O. P. as to advancing the interests of certain men. All talk to the contrary is moonshine. Watch the city convention and see if we are right. " Address all Communications to ,n" THE BROAD AX, 68 'Main Street, SaltXaca'City, Utah. JULIUS F. TAYLOR, PtJBUsnra and Editor. Watered ,)C'j at Post Office matlir. as second-class CHIPS. Young; Howat'and Hiles Are greeted wit&smiles, Whenever their names have been spoken; ButTerg., Thousand Snyder, Like fte'web of a -spider, , Are "basted already and broken. To the "Republican judicial com mittee: you had better pull off your trio of judges, and make it unani mous for Hiles, Howat and Young. It is an idle dream to think you can elect your ticket; besides it would save expense.arid disappoint ment to yourselves and to the acci dental nominees. Think it over, gentlemen. It is rumored that the G. O. P. have a gold-bug on their State ticket. It would be no great sur prise, as Utah Republicans will all be' gold' bugs' next' year, or else be kicked out of the big tent. "Com ing events cast their shadows be fore," and none would be more alert to get on the right side of the party issue than a banker. 6. O. R Gbld,01igarchy,and Protection; they all go together, and all will be fband in the Bepublican platform in 1896, and don't you forget it. Will C. E. Allen please rise and tell us what the G. O. P. has ever done to advance the cause of silver. Will lienor any other Republican pat his thumb on a single represen tative leader of that party, who is now raising ins voice, east of the Mississippi river, in behalf of free coinage? They don't dare to do so, for the" money power of Wall street tubs the party; they own it body aad breeches: To the rising .star of -the silver Democrat we mast alone look for hope and help. Tax "Double-Dealer," and its doen supporters, were thrown into spassu by the expose of their . methods as given in last' week's Uaoad Ax. The Western Record er, "the colored Bepublican paper, also .loaches this crowd up in the suae style it says of the "Double DMer" aad its backers: "Such, people and such papers' are what we call straddlers and boodlers." Far- With the fire department of, this city in a state of turmoil' and petty quarrels, with a Re publican politician at the head with the police department, headed by another Bepublican autocrat, in a constant muddle, and rent with internal dissension a with the Bepublican County Court tramping over the Territory to swell their mileage fees, and refus ing to make it possible that a poor insane patient could receive medi cal treatment with a Bepublican county attorney whose "zeal has superseded his judgment," in pros ecuting imaginary offenders, and who has received hundreds of dollars for riding in palace cars, and boarding at fine hotels, while junketing back east, is it any won der the people of Salt Lake should have that "tired feeling" for Bepub lican misrule and stupidity. Let us have a new deal and a new deck; the one we have consists of old, greasy, marked cards. LIVE WHILE YOU MAY!-sk And Live Well, Wor -vr& oan'beett: ... . , i v. MELONS, FRUITS, VEGETABLES And all other good gs thin to Kind words from a large number of out journalistic neighbors come to the JBroad Ax daily. They cheer and encourage us in our work of redeeming political sinners. Of those who give us a friendly notice, we mention the Mount Pleasant Pyramid, the Eureka Democrat, the Montpelier Examiner (Idaho), the Spanish Fork Herald, and a namesake of ours, away out in Oregon, the Lane County Braad Axe. All of the above papers com mend our course, and bid us "Go.d speed." On the other side the Murray American, becomes very un-American in urging that the colored people should still be slaves to the G. O. P.,and rebukes us for trying to make true Americans of the colored men. The Wasatch Wave also breaks itself over the Broad Ax, and scatters its spray all over the county, in trying to show that because Lincoln freed the slaves, they should ever be Bepnblicans. Such logic is puerile; it is like the "old bloody shirt" argument of the past, That people ought take, For their health and stomach's sake. JStf V A. CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES ! V A fv Salt Like Crtinmi Gimpiny, - PAUL SMITH; troerletsrx ' Clothes Cleaasd. and Pressed at 85 ceats per moath. Pants Pressed 36. cents. Pants Dyed SI. Ladies' clothes Cleaned and' Dyed in all lis oraocnes. repairing aesuy done: 'Stew dothee' Made-for oM ernes. 279 . Sooth Main Street, under St. Elmo. . P u. B. DURST BR08ERY ill 2& g. SSgQHe.gOUCTH. I 'Vv &r V&' , .'JSlhl' i ' " '.,