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w&m tfgg' .M -ft . rr ;4 W"- &swMxameiHKgEn3k 'V. - THE BROAD AX. BR'JSH AND stone drains Both An Vmt t'wfal and Entirely tlcable Vadrr Certain Condition. Boggy land cannot well be drained at first with oilier ftono or 'tiTe unless there is a plunk or board laid in the bot tom of luu dirJi. and if there is a large quantity of hroli proeut by all means use it in the pioneer work,which may be made to resalt in bringing the landf coder proper cultivation. Dig-draiES through the inarch about three feet deep and fill them half fall of brush, lopping the branches where they preTeat the brash from lying close. HacAthetopaof the branches down stream Orar al$ place a good covering of straw QfBome otsr coarse material to prrreat th earth from sifting into the drain. If, as A BKUSH DRAtH. is likely to be the case, this brush is constantly iimuerseil in water, it will last for many years and do the work re quired most effectually When the ground has become settled. - ptaue or tile drains should be substituted for the brush. If stone is used, it should be remembered that the ditches must be deeper than it tiled, since in filling tba dr&artbe ton of it will come nearly foot- nearer the- surface than the tile drain, and it might become obstructed if mice and other vermin are present; by their digging down to thn top of the drain and allowing the earth and silt to sift into it. Stoue drains, if well laid, as shown, and put not less than S or 4 feet deep, will stand perfectly, and to all intents and1, purposes'- &re-aBsgtiBd1Bfj tile. hen the only expense of the brush drain is in labor, it all depends upon the financial side of the labor ques tion. By all means, beginning at the lover end of the marsh, try same of these drain?, placing them at the most bo lees than 30 to 40 feet apart, if th laad is to be thoroughly and effectually drained. Of course tbo brush will rot in a few years if the supply of water from be neath does not keep them fairly well ratanerged, but this is not likely to fi the ease, since in such ground the W POWERS, STRADP ASD L1PPMAH, Attorneys and Counselors. EAQLC BLOCK, SALT LAKE CITY. Business Cards and all hinds ofJbbJPrintinjf done at the office of the Broad Ax, 66 Main St. If you want clean coal and large lamps that will barn into ashes and leave no clinkers buy the Diamond Coal and save one third on con sumption from J. W. "Whitehead, Jr., 88 West, Second South Street, Telephone 608. A. H". CHERRY. J. W. CHERRY. CHERRY & CHERRY, LAWYERS, Rooms 9 and 10, Walker Bros. Bank Bldg. , Salt Lake City. AaU-CoiablBe Coal eHe, The only dealer in Salt Lake City who is outside of the coal combine is J. W. Whitehead, Jr., 88 West, second south street. Telephone 608. For FIRST-CLASS WORE And where all customers will re ceive courteous treatment, go to 01 taw' Mnr Sty 63 W. FIRST SOUTH. The Broad Ax will be for sale there. GREAT SALE- FOR TEN DMYS --...'.."i:-i ., !-i""l!!i!ii uiPJSIi.111"" A WELL LAID STOXK DEAET. tar cozes from the bottom, and Bince tha passage through the drain is slow. OoaQtry Gentleman, authority for the foregoing, adds that poles and eves oerdwood aro nader such circum stances with hi. cjs. With the former a throat can b-j larfjof fairly good size, which in tome respects will look liks the etone drain sbovu. In 450 there were a drought and f,.ia iae all orer south Europe. In Italy par ea ate their children. It was computed that 00,000 people perished. CHAKLES H. HART, :r - r Union Block, LOGAN, UTAH. Jvxbt citiaen in Salt Lake Cjty akld buy their coaf train J? Wc Whitehead, Jf.f 'WYfatl Second Somtk Street, Telephone 608, as he m the d!eieffKtfr8h"t'lhe com"- bae off their perch. fc One lot men's brown or fast black seamless Sox, cheap at 15c, go this sale at H'c One lot boys' dark outing flannel Waists, 20c One lot boys' dark, heavy Pants, this sale 25c One lot boys' fancy front outing Shirts, 25c Onellot gents' 50c Balbriggan Underwear, 35c One lot boys' dark long Pants go at - ?5c All onr boys' 40c and 50o straw Hats go at 25c Our entire stook of $1.40 and $1.75 ladies' silk Umbrellas, cut to - - $1.20 Ladies Calico Wrappers, cut from 85 to . 63c 25 doz ladies'iast black seamless Hose,go at 12c All our ladies' 26c fine Jersey Vests, go at l?c One lot Indigo Blue Calico, go at 5c Ladies' 50c Jersey Vests, cut to - 35c One lot fine 60c Corsets, cut to - - 40c One lot fine 75c summer Corsets, cut to 5Uc One lot i Chenille Table Covers, go at 60c All our black India Linen, cut from 15 and 20oto - - - - 10c Onelot ladies'tan Oxfords,cut from $1.20 to 85c ' One lot ladies' black Oxfords, cut from $1.40 to - ' - - $1-05 One lot children's cloth top Dongola Shoes 8 to 12, cut to . - - 95o Two white and black metal Belt Pins for- 5c- Ladies' bicycle Stick Pins - - 10c- Latest slyle Side Combs - 15 and 20c-- Ladies' Belt Buckles, white metal, at - 10c Ladies' black silk ottoman Belts - 26c- Ladies' fine silk Keckties - - 30c- Crochet Cotton, all colors, per box - 45c- Ladies' and children's silk Windsor Ties 15c- Ladies' fine shell Hair Pins, per doz. 10 and 15c Ladies' Hand Bags, large size, at - 35c Fine KnittingJSilk, large size, per ball 15c Cocoannt oil Toilet Soap, 2 cakes - 5c Fine'white Castile Soap, 3 cakes - 15c Six cakes fine Yucca root Soap for - 25c This is entirely free from grease. Call' for sample. Fancy paper Lamp Shades - 5c- One dozen ladies' Hat Pins for - 5c Large cabinet Hair Pins, - - 5c Any size Hair Curlers, - 5c 2 oz. bottle sperm Machine Oil, - ' 5c Kirk'sDusky Diamond Tar Soap, - 5c 25 best quality Envelopes for - 5c Children's Pencil Boxes, Jock and key, 5c Children's largeTablets for - . , 6c- Tsx Diamonb Coal is the best in tteTBarketr kst-'sog, iufeEIks7 K&atrvrir.'WhitefceadrJfti aftjOTWSecoaorSouth-Sfaeetr Telephone 608. New York Cash Stave; OPPOSITE POST QEPleE. WM. BARTLING Reonriatotv ' v - - t i- - ..,'.-.;-. ' :? i (Li j t Jm r