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s twiSBBBJUiw 'U-' a, -r-r.- . MP (S-VA IB 62c) 2w . b& Wk A41f l X'.' 'ry SS -" ' Sf fr4 I ft"i) Hew to the Line. Vol. I. SALT LAKE CITY, "UTAH, OCTOBER 5, 1895. No. 6. THE TENDERFOOTS APOLOGY. It is with much reluctance that the editor of the Bboad Ax ob trudes anything of a personal nature upon the public, through the columns of this paper; but being a comparative stranger in Salt Lake City, and having been called a "carpet bagger, "mi charged -with other offenses not in keeping with good morals, we take this occasion to explain to the public who we are, and why we are here. In the first place every good busi ness man and reputable citizen should be able to give references of his character in places where he has formerly lived. The following gentlemen know us well, and if any of our enemies or friends care to write to any or all of them, they will find we have been considered a tolerably decent fellow. Our refer ences are as follows: Hon, W.-N. Roach, U. S. Senator, Hon. John D. Benton, Ex-Mayor W. A. Yerxa of Fargo, John H.Hansen,Ex-Coun-ty Recorder,Major AW. Edwards, editor of the Forum, James S. Campbell, Dan W. Marrita,minister to Australia, C. H. Anchier, bank examiner of N. D., Hon. W. B. McConnell, U. S. District Judge, and Hon. G. S. Barnes; all of the above are of Fargo, N. D., also, Reade & Garrett, Joseph S. Wood ruff, T. W. Magill, Hon. T. S. Quincy, IS. H. Morris, and many others of Chicago, HI., as well as the following of Salt Lake City, who knew us years ago: S. H. Babcock of the R. G. & W. Ry., C. F. Mitchell, A. C. Keeley, J. L. Gavegan, John Milton, H.- Milton and Robinson Bros. We could double the above list, but space for bids. We were born in Virginia 41 years ago, spent 12 years in Phila delphia, went to St Paul, Minn., in 1878, thence to Fargo, N. D., in 1879, at which time we were mar ried to our present wife; after re maining there ten years removed to Chicago where we lived until the spring of 1895, when we came to Salt Lake for the benefit of the health of Mrs. Taylor, believing the people of Zion would deal with us as justly and as generously as the people of other places, and in which we have not been disappointed. During all of the time above men tioned we have been engaged in business on our own account, ex cept one year in St. Paul. In 1888, we visited Washington, D. C, and on a letter of introduction from Hon. John D. Benton we called on President Cleveland, in the interest of the colored people of North Dakota; we received a most kind and hearty welcome from the presi dent, was presented to Mrs. Cleve land, and remained to the afternoon reception. We have the honor of being the first colored grand juror appointed west of the Mississippi river, having served in that capacity 1885, at Fargo, N. D.,appointed by Dan W. Marrita, the Democratic U. S. Marshall. With the above we drop the subject, and will only add, that we regret that there was a seeming necessity for a plain state ment of facts in view of the un founded charges appearing in an obscure city paper. We again apologize to our readers for thus re ferring to these personal affairs.and trust there will be no occasion for further allusion to the subject. Julius F. Taylor, Editor. than they loved the negro. The threadbare argument, that "the Re publican party freed the negroes,and that hence they were in honor bound to vote with that party," is without reason or truth. Such an argument appeals to prejudice, and not to the conscience of the voter. It is debasing and enslaving in its results, as the negro, while freed from their southern masters, would become the abject slaves of the Republican bosses, and dishonest politicians. It has been charged that the Democrats are unfriendly to the colored race, and that the Republi cans are their only true friends. However, the facts and history of the past twenty-five years, do not verify that statement. Let us see: In 1885, President Cleveland ap- WHO ARE OUR FRD3NDS? We have, through the columns of the Broad Ax, on several occa sions, pointed out the absurdity of the colored men aligning them selves with the Republican party, simply because that'party was sup posed to have the credit of freeing the slaves. Let us, for a short time, see if there remains any good rea son why they should do so. In the first place, the emancipation of the slaves, was one of the fortunes oi war; a military necessity. It would never have been done, even by Abraham Lincoln, had it not been considered necessary to put down the rebellion. The proclamation of the president provided, tbat if the South would lay down their arms by a certain date, they Bhould keep and retain all their slaves, as they had done before. From this alone it is plain that the Republicans cared but little for their dark skinned brothers, as they were will ing to forge the fetters of bondage closer than ever, to gain a victory at arms, and bring a surrender to the party in power. During the great political campaign of I860, no greater insult could be given the Republicans than to charge them with being favorable' to the aboli tion of slavery. And during the war, tip 'to 1863, to say it was waged simply to "free the ne groes" would be resented -in the most violent language, and would frequently result in a personal combat. The spirit of the North ern people has been that of envy toward the South, before the war, and their pretended regard for the colored man was the offspring of that jealous feeling. In other words, they hated the South more B. H. ROBERTS- pointed C. H. J. Taylor, a colored man, minister to Bolivia, the hrst time in the history of this country that a colored man had been sent as minister to a white nation. The same gentleman is now recorder of deeds in the District of Columbia. Isaiah Montgomery, an ex-slave of Gen. Jo. Davis, was the only colored member 'of the late consti tutional convention of Miss., elect ed as a Democrat, and is now in the treasury department, appointed by Cleveland. Mr. Ashwood, a col ored man, was appointed by Presi dent Cleveland to a consulship in France, but a Republican senate refused to confirm him. There are over two thousand colored men now holding positions in Washington, under Democratic administration. When Ben. Har rison was president, he discharged Coachman Hawkins, a colored man, and appointed an 'alien English man in his place; and when Presi dent Cleveland was re-elected, Haw kins was reinstated. The Republi cans have never nominated a single colored man north of the Mason and Dixon line, for a federal office. Fred Douglass, in 1887, in a speech before the Commercial Club, of Boston, said in substance, "that while he ,vas a Republican, he was free to say that President Cleveland was the only president of the U. S. who had the courage to invite a colored man to a reception at the White House; that he, him self, was present, and received the highest and kindest consideration from all present." No free colored man was al lowed to vote in anv Northern state before the war. The laws in New England states, and in JNew York, Pennsylvania and New Jersey all recognized slavery rrom t their earliest history until a few decades ago. And in many of them the laws were cruel and oppressive upon free colored men. From all this, how can an hon est, intelligent colored man feel that the Democrats are their natu ral foes? In the South, the Democrats un derstand the colored people better than do the Republican Yankees of the Ncth. They have been raised with them for many years; they, know their wants, and their hearts are in full sympathy with the struggles and difficulties of our race. There is, therefore, no rea son on earth why a colored man should be a Republican, any more than a Democrat. The history of the past shows that the Democrats are as thoughtful of the needs and rights of the colored race as the Republicans. In conclusion, let us again urge upon every progressive colored voter to strike down this feeling of prejudice, and vote and act as a thinking, reasonable being, and be either a Republican or a Democrat, upon logical grounds, and be gov erned by the principles and policy of the political parties, and not by a false sentiment, that only de grades you and keeps you in po litical slavery. LEAVES THE G. O. P. Mr. H. Durham has resigned as vice-president of the Abraham Lin coln (colored) Republican Club and has left the Republican party. Wise men sometimes change, but fools never change. Brother Durham has the reputation of being one of the finest speakers in Utah. First Unitarian Church, 44 Main street. Services at 11 o'clock Sun day, a. m. Bey. A. L. Hudson, Pastor. Subject: "Faith in God."