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Newspaper Page Text
THE BROAD AX. Durham vs. lindell. Henry Dukham, the man who recently resigned as vice-president of the Lincoln Republican club and joined the Democratic party, has replied to the challenge to debate iisued by Cyrus Lindell, and the de bate rill probably excite a great deal of interest. Mr. Durham yesterday issued the following reply: "I am in receipt of your chal lenge of recent date and hasten to ept the same, as I understand I to take the affirmative of tho question. 'Resolved, That it is more beneficial for the colored men of the United States to rote the Democratic ticket than it is to vote the Republican ticket I hereby name Judge O. W. Powers as my referee and he will have authority make any further arrangements for me that may be necessary." ?alt Lake Herald, Oct. 9, 1895. Thx Plain Double Dealer has two columns of clean white paper. headed "Democratic principles' This is very appropriate, Bro. Taylor; the Democratic principles are clean, pure, and untarnished. Now if you want to illustrate the G. O. P. principles, just print in those columns: "Whiskey Rings," "Star Route Frauds," "Salary Grab' "Silver Demonetization' "Trusts" and "Monopolies." Fill the clean white space up with black blotches, crooked lines and blun ders, and you will have the 'Repub lican platform. It would be a tell ing object lesson, and you would be a great genius. First Unitarian Church, 44 Main street. Services at 11 o'clock Sun day, a.- m. Rev. A. L. Hudson, Pastor. Subject: "Partnership with God." The Russian tbistlo has appeared a many new Iiealiitj, particularly along railw ly I'Hta" frot" the uurthwept- A coanrry inni.ster remarked to hi wife Sunday iux-ii: "Tbcru wax a stranger iu church tlm moriiiXi.. " Vaat ri:d he loafe liki?" asked the wife, who wax a wmiiau fir.t and a minister wile aitemard. "I didn't weliim." "Then nov. ; joa know there was a stranger to n-.-" "I found .i tollar bill iu the contribu tion box " Ziou's Herald. Still Hope. Her grief .viw ii.iciixv. "How can I uwr hold up myheadr" she sobbed. For a tbne no i-ouiid was heard, save the sound of her lunicmiitiuns. "How can I ever hold up my head?" Presently rfie kii.w miIiu and decided thai lht-rvTCi uu ulua-native but to take a small, r 1 t. 11k - w i s-Li! would make every effort nii;e muscles of her neck. Detroit TYiliuuc Salt Lake Cleaning Company, PAUl. SMITH. Proprietor. Clothes Cleaned and Pressed at 85 cents per month. Pants Pressed 25 cents. Pants Dyed $1. Ladies' clothes Cleaned and Dyed in all its branches. Repairing neatly done. New clothes made for old ones. 279 South Main Street, under St. Elmo. Business Cards and all kinds of JdbBrinting done at the office of the Broad Ax, 66 Main St. J. S. SIMS, Cilney Sweeffeg art Fonuce CMg. Orders attended to promptly. Leave orders with Utah Stove & Hardware Co , cor. Commercial and First South Sts. STYLISH MILLINERY. Not one unhandsome style in the store color blendiugs simply per fect, latest Naere effects in velvets, ribbons, flowers, feathers, eta Every thing new and modern. Some choice designs have been selected. When will we have you. WOflDEH jHbMHEftY G0" 48 S. MAIN ST. Lambert Paper Co. 23 W. First I Headquarters, for South Street, I e9 ,nS the.line (,UT , rv' i of Pnnters' Supplies, Salt Lake City Wrapping Papers. Bags, Twines, Folding Boxes, Etc. For FIRST-CLASS WORK And where all customers will re ceive courteous treatment, go to D. L. Lemcss' Barlier Shop 63 W. FIRST SOUTH. The Broad Ax will be for sale there. GREAT SALE- FOR TEN DKYS One lot men's brown or fast black seamless Sox, cheap at 16c, go this sale at He One lot boys' dark outing flannel Waists, 20c One lot boys' dark, heavy Pants, this sale 25c One lot boys' fancy front outing Shirts, 2fic One lot gents' 50c Balbripgan Underwear, 35c One lot boys' dark long Pants go at - ?5c All our boys' 40c anlfeoc straw Hats go at 25c Our entire stock of $1.40 and $1.76 ladies' Bilk Umbrellas, cut to - - $150 Ladies Calico "Wrappers, cut from 85 to 63c 25 doz ladies'iast black seamless Hose,go at 1 2ic All our ladies' 25c fine Jersey Vests, go at l?c 6c 35c 40c 5Uc 60c Frljl d. "Was it cool ivhure you spent 7001 vaca tionr" "Goolf I should sar it was. I -went awa for a couple of days and returned uexpoctedly. I found the old former wearing one of iny shirts and ray straw hjUy his two suns away at a picnic In raj bwt clothes and, his wife straining jelly tkxongh my white flannel coat, aad all they said whs, "We hain't boon expectlnyc tem so soon. It was the coolest family 1 ew struck. Jjfe. Only Dedse Tbi Doctor Tue bicycle gives , people the beat exerci-in the world. Patient Bat I can't afford to ride a U-. Doctor Oh, yoodaat seed-to.rUU eaa- One lot Indigo Blue Calico, go at Ladies' 50c Jersey Vests, cut to One lot fine 60c Corsets, cut to One lot fine 76c summer Corsets, cut to One lot J Chenille Table Covers, go at All our black India Linen, cut from 15 and 20c to One lot ladies'tan Oxfords,cut from $1.20 to 85c One lot ladies' black Oxfords, cut from $1.40 to .... $1.05 One lot children's cloth top Dongola Shoes 8 to 12, cut to 10c 95c Two white and black metal Belt Pins for 5c Ladies' bicycle Stick Pins - - 10c Latest slyle Side Combs - 15 and 20c Ladies' Belt Buckles, white metal, at ' - 10c Ladies' black silk ottoman Belts 25c Ladies' line silk Neckties - - 30c Crochet Cotton, all colors, per box - 45c Ladies' and children's silk "Windsor Tie 15c Ladies' fine shell Hair Pins, per doz. 10 and 15c Ladies' Hand Bags, large size, at Fine KnittingJSilk, large size, per ball Cocoanut oil Toilet Soap, 2 cakes Finewhite Castile Soap, 3 cakes Six cakes fine Yucca root Soap for This is entirely free from grease: Call for sample. Fancy paper Lamp Shades One dozen ladies' Hat Pins for - Large cabinet Hair Pins, Any size Hair Curlers, - 2 oz. bottle sperm Machine Oil, Kirk's Dusky Diamond Tar Soap, 25 best quality Envelopes for Children's Pencil Boxes, Jock and key, Children's largeVTablets for 36c 16c 5c 15c 26c 6c 6c 5c 5c 5c 5c 5c 5c 5c New York Cash Store, ! OPPOSITE post office;- Mi ' f -V- 51 p .VH -' i & 4 -BeJSoit UrJU'in. L BARTLING, Proprietor. priotOT.''' ' '.,iJtT j. -. J byv !f :t ' Jj . -;T : ft v ". f. -i , - .-' , a Wi . , iSE-( &T-fr - , ' m . m '&B&