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i . Hew to the Line. - . c :-' ' - . - -J " T Vol. L SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, NOVEMBER 2, 1895, No. 10. - DO YOUR "WHOLE DUTY. NRxrTuesday.Nov. 5, 1894, will bean eventful day for Utah. It will be ike battle ground of a con--test of ballots; and not only will all the people of this fair common wealth wait the result with intense interest, but the eyes of the whole nation will watch the termination of the straggle with deep concern. Utah is a name of histronic im portance throughout the civilised world, aad a change in her situation will be marked by all observers. We as a people are about to secure the birthright of statehood, and by our vote determine the policy of the :new state government. As this -frill be the last issue of the Broad Ax prior to the election, we desire -to briefly sum up the case before submitting it to the decision of the -people. One thins all must feel gratified over, and that is, this campaign has been fought with an absence of personalities. The voters can act freely from. pure, motives, and as to the preference of those to rule over us, can be, and should be decided upon the principles they Tepresent and their qualifications. The principles of the leading par ties are pretty wall understood, and need sot he reiterated here. As to the candidates for the various offices, we claim the Democratic party have given the .people a splendid ticket to "support. John T. Came for Governor is a broad minded, brainy man, of large ex perience m public. aftairs in Utah, and if elected will Bake a model Governor. O&the other hand Jar. Welk may "be a pleasant gentleman, but he a young man without any experience in pnblic matters, aad it would be a dangerous experimeat to entrust the ship of state to an inexperienced pilot. Hoa. B. H. Roberta is so maeh the superior of C. E. Allen, thai a comparison seems odious. .Roberts is hrillnat, gemal and boMtt.te ih -core, whik AHea is dull, haaghty aad heloags to the "ward jwKtkiaa school It as sake no mistake in this mpciat efiee. JLebarss shoehi.reprMt'Utah iu CcfMM by afl ww, As to the balaaW -of the SUte tieb, the pwtoasel of -c jseaMMtasac above 3bat3Etbe Staffer the it eoam, tothe Joiarj, hidi foc tfce-aaaiasae aad thud -district ia?dttiT tWTU nrtrtZ-'t----f '"' ' .jaogw, isAJJMSoenttMMft . Beea to the veiaer mm w4 wall " . H"- ". 1 ' i -v " fc - r. thi iwhsot if al iiiiiii ami ; He neither worn out, superanuated men, nor young upstarts who have had no practice or experience he fore the courts. Do not blot the fair name of Utah by electing such men as. ths Republican nominees in this district. If the people of Utah desire such typical Americans aa J. Jj. Rawlins and Moses Thatcher tcv go to the U. S. Senate, then to te for all the Democratic candidates lor thelegk- lature. Should the Republicans elect the legislature, the chances are that IkeTrumbo and his barrel would be one of the Senators, and such an accident would cause all good people of the new state to hang their heads, in. shame. done in the city, hobos and strang ers from abroad will be imported to do it The motto of the Demo crats is: "Salt 'Lake workmen for Salt Lake work." Therefore, be sure and vote for the entire Demo cratic city ticket, and thus vote for your own interest and beaefit. Fay no attention to any rumor or circular that may appear on the day of election. Such things are invariably untrue, and are put out simply to deceive voters. If the Democracy and the better class of Republicans will pull together, and vote their honest sentiments, No vember 5th will be a day of victory for honest government and reform. Det every man do his duty. itoanaaar M far .UBPf !ff"PtMjt j-rHT-U -wtrJj&mMfc- '- wt'T. TTm E?iaajjfrMMaaaaaaaaaaaaMatfj"IKi.' P ' w!33SBaaaav ?SS2iJtii3SaBBBBBBBBw!iSPv -WvMff93maa: 33 tmBBt jtv" TfcLjBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaSjBaLiSm cffc jBaaBsfiiBsBBBl BKW' BBBBBHslOfl9& "'kmsH aJfliBBH &swmmM iBaLMSlSBKiLBBBBBbBHBK . ' ' 'HsiHBliBV SKjEr BamiiiiiiiiiiaiiBiiiiiiiiiiimiiH gentlomoa and their ladies graced the occaeioa; among the many we mention: Goveraor TVest, Judge Cherry, Dr. Hudson, AC. E, Mulvey, J. yr. Hamm, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Savage, Mrs. Dr. Ellen B. Ferguson and daughter, Mrs.Step hen B. New- man and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. A. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Penrose, Mrs. Silver, H. H. Vo,R.B. John son, H. DarhaavFred Johnson, Mrs. Carter, Mrs. A. Xove, VT. W. Tay lor, Editor TVilson of the Western Recorder, R. Huston, W. "H. Mur ray, Albert Grice, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dent, John-R. Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. E. Hatfield, P.TV. Jack son, Mr. and Mrs. A. Parks, Mr. and Mrs. Powell, Mrs. Jennie Lyons, W. H. Banks, Ed. Washing ton, B. R. Tyler, Mr. and Mrs. Sadler, and many others. It was quite well demonstrated that the Broad Ax has many read ers and supporters among the colored people, as they turned out en masse, and were enthusiastic in their praise of the course pursued by this paper. A large number of the boys will vote their first Demo cratic ticket at this election. The editor returns his thanks to all who honored him by their at tendance, and in the gratitude' of his heart will treasure up the mem ory of the luad. words given him, aa long as life endures. There was no color line drawn on this occa sioa. The gallant Kentucky gover nor and other white gentlemen and their ladies, mingled wkh each other and with the vast throng of colored ladies and gentlemen, with out aay discrimination. Such is the "new Democracy." raANOIB JKSTaOKS, THE KXST MATOKOFAIT LAKI. With Tefereace to the city lickei, BANQUET AND RECEPTION it is a qaostipaof both mm mA MJfi JBKUAU aa." atesure. Asa saaa, Fraak Am-j Thk G. A.R. hall wasw ell filed aa mayor, js-agiaat,m last night by the friends and wall wishes of the. Boab Ax, it beiag the ooeaaioa of our Banquet aael Heceptiea. v A large ad aitaative amdkace lwteoed to-.ihe adaresa from ,the editor, aatitk The New Dma eraey," . AfW the apoaehiram Mr.-TayW, wwie, aaas;aiEMr e4 whieh was faW aHiary ooe praeevt aBma8-;toeisjgy .'the OMM)MrMHi M'k TMf )Ml toit UtWrV jFR !WiWmH JNkr opvj-- iiBwisrhijwi -a; .aaaft agqfcwhtiSr eempansoa with the pigmy, Glea fliwhing: md an tnthr mrafrnm or poiiey whtth wSl most likely be pi by is io the ie eaied jaatwat .otlw-khoriga t . " T- J t j ' fmitldfim immk. T-t- t k.j m . C r" --m "S Dwioirsc ;aakiyJ UAet. "Hi smmirftrili W wisiol -4?.- 3iIj-. t ' "that it"biheeeair -!-.-.-. - - a. ..- - C ItO WttMOMMiaUM of .- trJ" - -i- .j- -as rTam-iflracscr -j- ,'.- i - . E - " --. !?'- f iC rT ' afa Vl a." " i'w3!!!f",,.- tifc f: Jt Vaas vte W- aafiaM b I smmk to' Jb jn.-w-jjt'.'.f-.M j. - T". i Mt' rf'-t . "- - - ' - rr t, - "-! Tr"V-Ti-w ' aay paMW-wnc, w-aaae 0ce Thk . Losak Pascufcr DaiCOCRATIC COHUITTEX, Loqax, Oct. 31st; 1895. TAe Breaa' r, Sell Lake Ciy. : -Grtifeawf. Your iavitatioR'to atteaithereeeption aad baaqaetio be givaa hjrtheBaoAB Ax oa Priday eveaing, Ke beforer aw. I asaan you I appreciate, the honor Jeea- f erred by the iavkafeea. . aad. ;tba&X am very sorry mymaayaaues ac ;: this time will apt permit me "to be praaeat. - I applaud the spirit e the eatsr- 'ariee'ae I deem it oa el the batT .ways ofpreaaotiag social aad polite ical frieadshrp. Maa's dkagraa: meats aad mama onaa jaaatt from, hak oL aaiaaUadiatr .that paid oartawly be bad -dC they. waakloalv eoater-iocetaac-ahaiar. it iiik .m 'Mtrr Miur W mmb' i S .-' ' - . i --. W. -TV ,- IM1 "s'--.-V' 3K-T3E? ',W. w.V -.-;rS - J" J. v -' ' v :t..-v -- - .-3l iV. 3l&- - tf- " -1 . 3 . -A? . frt5ib&-? " - At U- : - -- STE-I- -, V .In-, IF L ,SKZ v.