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J IWWJ.'q' Ml ViitMBESSir! ' ''-5. i ,'?-r O teTiir-2i?r L'.5. ii TLJI' . jbk--. .. ' -":-. '-i-;' - , jr . - .?-:?se; "'..-- "CTgS) St . - -. .s r ""'-, .- KE?v to the Line. -. '.&" -feIrlR? " III J( I'L' " llfefcv JAi jqcw , IB LlsirHAm Yol. I. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, NOVEMBER 9, 1895. No. 11. THE NEW DEMOCRACY. -Address delivered November 1895, by Julius F. Taylor. 1st, selves had sought a new land to en joy freedom and independence. Navr York and Pennsylvania, not only tolerated slavery, hut it actual ly existed within their borders until long after the Revolutionary War. All the slaves, during the early period of this century, were the product of the African slave trade; the slaves being brought by the shipload direct from Africa and the islands of the tropics. The New England settlers, being ex pert seamen, and avaricious sailors. engaged largely in the slave trade for the immense profit there was in the business; so thousands of these poor creatures were yearly landed in the Colonies by the shrewd Yankees, who afterward became the rantingabolitionists. It soon became apparent that slavery coald not be made profitable to the owHers.exceptln the milder portions or the country, owing to the nature of the Negroes and their long con tinued habitation of & tropical land. Hence; the institution' gradually died out in the colder latitudes, and increased in the warmer or southern portions' of the country. . This re sult was in accordance with a natural law, and not the result of any difference or distinction be tween the white people of the northern and southern rortions of the New World. In fact, the Hs- tory of each,sho ws that the early set tiers of Virginia and Massachusetts, of Georgia and Pennsylvania and of many of the ethers, were all from England, all of the same blood, the -j Bathe education, the same religion, ana tney au received their law from the same source', viz.. the common law of England. As time went by, I dksibx on this occasion to pre-.-sent to you a few plain conclusions, founded upon facts and history,' and tending to prove that there is -a New Demooracy, or rather, per haps a new feature to the old Democracy. A few years ago it would have been a novelty to see, or hear of a colored Democrat; and even now, income commsnittes, they are rare species. But my friends, there are thousands of them in the United States, aad their number is increas ing as intelligence and reason dawn upon the mind of the colored race. I therefore assert that the time has com for the colored people "to divide on party lines .' In time long .past, the colored .people were taught to believe, and many believe it yet, that the word Democrat meant everything that was oppossd to the interest and welfare of the negro. The name was supposed to embody an invet erate, .hatred and dklike of, all our - people on account of their race and Keekr. That it meant a desire to feetpetua! slaverv. the mind. bjbdy and eoel, and that: evfer since the fortunes ot war struck the man acles from the slaves, that the word Democrat meant the incarnation of oppression, oatrage and wrong. Starting out "with this wrong lm prassion in the mind of the colored man, it perhaps is not to be won dered at that he treats with dfwFnm and fear the bought of his beiag a the sturdy New Englandef looked a,wuuu". iimwMjju CMIYUa- With ft iP9lnti pda nnnn ho o.a nrafftd tTinr m wiltr i.j il iT- .. - England, on account of the great profit resulting to those states by its continuance. From 1626 to 1664, Queen Elizabeth, the Stuarts, and even the City o Amsterdam, were patrons and partners of slave vessels, advancing money for out- u mm BLuaruig in ioe recurns. oee ijancrotrs autory, Vol. il, page 60.) Even William Penn, the great Quaker philanthopist, opposed the abolition of .slavery in 1701. (Djid page 2.19.J In 1669, an agreement was entered into between England and Spain, whereby the English ob tained the monopoly of importing the slaves .from Africa to the West Indies and America; arid in thirty years, one hundred and forty-four thousand slaves were brought to this country and sold; Queen Anne and her. subjects receiving three-fourths of the profits, and Philip V, ,of Spain, one fourth; (lb. page 390.) The church .and leading divines, also encouraged this cruel and in human' business, on the ground that it brcmeht the African heathen under the influence of Christianity, inus: "The slave ship speed from coast to coast. FanBedhjrftewlagtot.tafolr GhostT. Haviugjjhowtf-you-flie crisis, of the slave-trade and its connection with and support from the north ern people ot tne United States, I will now, for a few minutes, sneak upon the recognition of slavery, and the laws respecting the colored people, in the North and East, prior to the civil war. We have seen teat our northern fathers were not pression, engrafted there by wily and dishonest politicians. And we all know how lasting our first and earliest impressions are. But my friends the time hag come when Tre must awaken from this nightmare of falsehood, and open oer eyes to the true reality we find about as. Let us now unfold the pages of history, and see if we have not been mLlo ; i- :-. uuaivu uiuiu e&rij impressions ana later conclusions. Eirsii,let us see whether or not the Democrats or the people of the Southern States, were the first and only peo ple who favored the estfthUshmpBt of the slavery of the black man in the United States. According to all accepted history, a Datch vessel tailed up the James Eiyer ia 1619, irith a cargo of twenty colored people, who were sold a stares to the pUuweo-o Virginia. Thkwar jaet one year before the lae&ag of; the Pilgrks at Hjaqtitlr JtbcV exd it was the irat act of eet&blkh W daTery ktibe Untied- States; But a veryf- yeenf.after, the m etitntiod eeaiwrery, spread ks"ek y fingeri-owr aU the-nrovaW oftheNewTferld. Itimtrvr,Jt aefer kHtriefced to ulj greet, extekt i .ifeujup Tftrlsn nolseist r tat aelwe siM leeeeftWfc W t, w J -- . arid comforts enjoyed by their Southern neighbors, and lie natur ally attributed the difference in their situatioas to the result of the advantage of having servants to db the hard labor, incident upon tho establishment of civilization in anew contuseat. This feelinpof enwOTflW. year by year; until it blossomed out man -active opposition of slavery, not upon any moral or benevolent gronndr.bsi in a desire to check the wonderful growth and prosperity of their Brethreain the South. At the ubse of the war of the Revolution Congress submitted the question of the -slave trade to a committee, a majority of whom were Northern men, and on the eight of Asgust,l787,they reported against any? prohibition, thus legal ising the slave-trade forever. The Constitutional Convention subutted,this qaestion again to the uootrntiico, .wmpoaea. ot a lHajonty of-Seethera HS8,wbo reported that the slaretrade should absolately oeaee the'jesr, 1900, which wa afterward extended to 1806, by the rote o. Massachusetts, New Haes shke and Ceaaeticat. I will uj right here, .that ThoeMW Jefersos, tae tather ot iJeaocraey, was the iaa. who iatredaoed the rslatiea -arged In Massachusetts, if an African or negro, not born there, aad not in bondage, should tarry within' the commonwealth for a longer term than two months, he was impris oned at hard labor until the next session of court, and if.fdund guil ty, be whipped with ten stripes, and ordered out of the state within ten days, and if he went riot, the same course to be repeated. (Law of Mass.; VoL 1, 1788.) If negroes were found abroad af ter nine o'clock at night, unless upon an errand for their masters, they were put in the house of cor rection and whipped. (Ancient Charters; chap. 16, p. 3.) Any one finding a negro slave five miles from home without a written pass from the master, is authorised to take up the slave and whip him or her on the bare, back, not exceeding twenty lashes, and shall have a reward of five shil lings, and reasonable charges for returning them .to their homes, to be recovered from the owner as any other debt. (Laws of New Jersey, 1784.) . " It may be lawful for any mas ter or .mistress to panish his or her slave at their discretion, not ex cluding to life or limb. . (New York, 1730) By the law of New York, a white man was fined five pounds, and a colored man ten pounds for the same of fence. In 1822. in New York and in Rhode Island, if any person con cealed or assisted in the escape of a slave they were fined three hun? dred dollars and imprisoned: thin was far more severe than the Fusri. only slave-owners, bat slave-trad- ?Je SIa,ve sw- New' . Ten(iY ersjand when it became evident etts ano. uonneetieat ,no ilA -i - . ii . , . colored men could h nt fw. nnJ mat Biavery coma not oe main the abolitiea of. tt -: -",. . V.- - . - ... w tained with profit, they sold theiv slaves to the planters of the South, and tamed abolitionists. Thou sands of our race were thus shipped from the New England shores to pase their lives in perpetual bond age in tne acratri. From a rapid survey of tbe laws of New .England, and other North era States, I can only refer to a few of the many, that- proves, the "race prejudice and injustice of the whites toward the blacks. No free colored man was permitted in vnt in- any oE the Northern States be fore the civil war. Many of the leading men of the North, believed the negro ah inferior creature. "Mr. Lincoln himself, said on September 18th, 1858, "I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way, the social and political equality of the white and slack races; I aai not, nor ever have been in favor of makiag voters or jurors of. negroes, nor o qaaKfyiag them to hold oSce, nor to marryiag with whitepeople; and I will say in addition to this, that' there k a physieal differeBce be tween the white aad hlaqk "races which I believe wirr forbid the two races Kviag toether oa terms ef socklaad pli&aloaali tr This .was the aeafiaunt n she Norirtwrm-.peepk Mtteraly aribr wjto. ' -' - - i colored men could be set free unless security was given for their main tenance, or upon the payment of twenty pounds annually. In Rhode Island, in 1822, if any person brought into the state any slave with the intent that they may there become free, were fined three hundred dollars for each slave Ine coarts of the New England States recognised slavery and pro? tected it, even not many years ago. As time is passing, I will only quote two cases in point: The Supreme Court of Maeaachnsettsn 1819, says: "A bill of sale or htW formal instrament, was notaeces- saryio transfer trie property of a slave which is a mere, personal chattel, but might pass as other chattels by delivery." (16. Mass. Ban. 110 Tyng. Reps.) In 1816, the ,same court says: "At the time of his. birth, Csaser was a slave, msui such was the property of his master, as much as his or or hk horse? ba Jbad no civil righto, bat that of aro- zectioatrom craetty; ae ooaid ac quire ad property, nor dispose of anv witboat tke rvuumt nP "ki- master; his children of the iesae of his nurriaee with a alav. vaaU immediately aeon their uy fryfwnj t an master, or the master of the lamak ikn." (13 Maes. JUm. 54T, Parker. waege.; "k- A- in.'!, u tjMom Mir oA-Mlfcr Cintinmd mt jhuk Ijfe-. - s , ; - - v ,- -. . - - - ? . L T-SETt- - ' . ".-'-r. j . l .r.-rZL -T.i:rriv $n-gfrr&gw r J- S ' i9 .ifatjtfiv. J3L . -'.' -." T -'- - r' ' "-r -ir-.- -. - - ?.2 & 'J&XL-J&--&&- .. .. -i, -?wjri .B V; .".cr". .j .- -r- -ri-.?- -L. m.'J?- -LJfr fc d .. k- -".. ... . -.- -i-7 :Sr.-.- ,iir : Ht -y - -ftaLi-,-.. '&SM-VSh'Mpr-- tfrFj.. .Jl : ' - . :'42a ,in2nlriiW . Jt.-djf - . - .iv i -i r -na nrrt r 5sr- - . Mnr-'HBmer v-im. . s-xmrv