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VsiL G037 ICvL 9Su 2 'ilM:? : -. ir? life) TJEsrsrrMC t'- Hew to the Line. Vol. I. SALT LAKE CITY, TJTAJE, NOVEMBER 23, 1895. No. 13. A STAR OF HOPE! The election of 1894, followed ay a repemioa or ine use reamv 1895, demonstrates beyond cavil, hat the people are dissatisfied -with. but present rulers. In fact, almost rer since the dose of the civil rar, tne people oc iae uuitcu States have shown an unrest and satisfaction with the party in 3wer. in lovz, iranx carriea mo auntry over Greeley by almost three quarters of a million votes. four years later, in 1876, Tilden's pluraity over Hayes, was almost a quarter of a million on the popular rote. In 1880, .Garfield beat Han- ck by over ten thousand votes. it the next election, in loiJ4. leveland received twenty-five thousand more votes than Blaine. 1888, Harrison Teceived nearly Irae hundred thousand more votes than Cleveland; and in 1892, the popular verdict was again reversed, Cleveland beat Harrison by a large vote. Each presidential elec tion, for more than twenty years, shows that the political pendulum has swans regularly from 'one side to the other, which to our mind, is evidence that something is wrong, and the people, in trying to better their condition, have sought a change at each opportunity. As to the election of 1896, "we believe we are "confronted with a condi tion and not a theory." In brief, the industrial and financial affairs of the country are sick. The po litical quacks who have been pre scribing for the nation since 1873, have simply been giving us slow poison, and instead of getting bet ter we .have been gradually sinking; the only hope is not only in a lange of doctors, but a radical re in the treatment. The gold , Ui,Uwi NBimiuni uj a sraocrat or bv a Benublican. A 0 lakes no difference, it will still Dntinue to drag down the patient a condition of Earopean boa? ?c The question of the hoar is, what Mhall we do? Is there any hone? "Is there not a balm in GOead, is (there no phyaiciaa there." The answer k yes. The star of hopek in the Soath and West.. If re follow, kHHmdm out of oar present'JMkmkks. and epea up the iwn of anew sky. We revere and Jove the good eld Democratic party el Jeffersoa and Jackson, bat it Jmm best and akaaaarei, matil it k pellei to go ate dry doesrfer repairs. The rmrtt ,ol thejeeeat ejectieapats aria,; olifci sal gaaran- we can come out of the fire, as it were, rejuvenated and more glorious than ever,and be the means of con ferring prosperity and happiness upon ; Jllions of our countrymen. The opportunity is with the party next year; and we need but put forth our hand and grasp the fruit. The act is short and simple: it is, that we declare our purpose to legislate, and administer this government in behalf of the great masses of the people, instead of a favored class of millionaires. Let us sound the tocsin of ''Free Silver, 16 to 1" of "An Increase in the Circulating Medium" of "America for Ameri cana.". tine, for the. Bat Let us put up for our standard bearers, brave and patriotic men, who" when elected will carry out the wishes of the people. We have such men in our party, and they willserveus. The time has come when we must act, if we would save ourselves and posterity from the degrading effect of the money power. We must place the right men. on the right kind of a platform, re gardless of their geographical loca tion. The time k long passed when we should fear to name a. candidate for President from the South. The bloody-shirt argument no longer frightens, even a child. The peo ple of the South are as loyal to the interests of this country as the people of the North or East. We therefore name as our ticket for the campaign of 1896: For. President: " JOHN T. MORGAN, - OF ALABAMA. - For Vice-President: WILLIAM J. BRYAN, OF NEBRASKA. Place those mtn in nomination upon a platform of principles simi lar .to what we have hinted at, and an avalanche of votes will carry them to victory, by more than a aillioa majerity. These men are brainy, and patriotic, and as true to the immortal principles of Je&noa and Jackson, as any whose names have graced the Democratic escutch eon for the last half ceatary. Thk k the star of hope for the Demo cratic party, aadfor the people ef the whole United States., Let as agitate thk important keae bow, aad keep it ap, until the wreathes e viotory eatwiae par bsnaors; God speed the day, iwhea the toUkg aiHiear of thk laaJbVare.lei oat'ef the wilderness, in', which they are JWWWJ SOME OF OUR FRIENDS AND ' READERS. We herewith publish a partial lkt of our regular .readers in Salt Lake City. We expect to com plete the lkt in future issues, as it is too lengthy to print all at one time. We must say we are proud of the character and number of our patrons; and we would add, that they are increasing every day: Mrs. Emily , Richards, Mrs. Jane Kingsbury, Mrs. Fisher Harris, Dr. E. B. Ferguson, Mrs. Mary P. Silver, Mrs. E. McCune, Dr. Mattie H. Cannon, Mrs. Margaret Caine, Mrs. M. B. Sowles, Mrs. Stephen B. Newman and daughters, Mrs. R. W. Young, Mrs. Martha Baldwin, Dr. Maggie Shipp, Mrs. S. W. WilUams, Mrs. Emily Weiler, Mrs. Anna Malin, Mrs. M. P. Wells, Mrs. Judge A. N. Cherry, Mrs. Jennie Lyons, John T. Caine, J. L. Rawlins, O. W. Powers, James H. Moyle, John Marshall, Ogden Hiles, .Chas. Dey, R, N. Baskin, G. H. Backman, Le Grand Young, D. C. Danbar, S. D. Chase, R. H. Cabell, E.W. Wilson, Nat Brigham, Judge A. G. Norrell, J. R. Letcher, J. W. Whitehead, Jr., R. C. Chambers, A. W. McCune, John W. Judd, Andrew Howat, P. L. Williams, H. P. Henderson, W. H. Dale, H. J. Dininny, J. G. Sutherland, John H. Murphy, C. R. Savage, Gev. C. W. West, G. W. Snow, N. J. Scherkell, J. C. Royle, F. A. Wad leigb, T. G. Webber, D. E. Burley, David R. Allen, Rulon S. Welk, Heary Wallace, Charles W.Penrose, C. J. Pence, Joseph E. Taylor,Adam Spiers, Oscar Van Cott, S. H. Babcock, J. W. Hamm, H. V. Maloy, P. J. Daly, H. A. Smith, A. C. Keeley, John Shea, G. H. Kaowlden, Charles Baldwin, Frank Harris, A. G. Campbell, H. T. Ball, S. H. Lynch, W. B. Preston, Fra&ck Armstrong, B. R. Tyler, S. J. Jeppeson, C. C. Richards, B. H. Roberts, a F. Mitchel, W. C. Hall, T. J. Andersoa, A. Greenwald, O. W. Mbyle. Rev. A. L. Hudson, E. P. Newell, O. H. Pettit, Jefferson Rhodes, John Allen, R. P. Morris, Joseph M. Watson, H. J. Hayward, G. E. Bowae, Robert Patrick, Sr., Walter P. Jeaamn,Robert Morris, M. E.MuIvey, Rev. David Utter, J. E. Caiae, G. A. McLean, G. E. Blair, S. T. Bar to, Hadley D. Jbhasoa. The above k only a part; there will he many more to follow. C. H. ANHE1ER, National Bank Examiner, north dakota. Fargo, N. D., Nov. 15, 1895. J. F. Taylor, Esq., Salt Lake City: Dear Friend. I had the pleasure sometime ago, to receive a copy of your paper, the Broad Ax, and again today, when I received two copies, and also two copies of the Herald, for which I beg leave to thank you very much. I read your speech, "The New Democracy," with a great deal of interest, and want to congratulate you in your success as a speaker. It certainly reads nice in cold type, and I am only sorry I could not hare been present to hear you. I must say that I took a great deal of interest in your first State'campaign, and had every cenfidence you would succeed, and am sorry you failed. But Democracy k long lived, and will, like Banquo's ghost, not down, and you must win if you perse vere. I have no newspaper at hand which gives the vote of your new State in detail, and you would oblige me very much if you would send one. Here, in New Fargo, where many of the old-timers still live, things generally ire moving along very nicely. We are grow ing steadily and substantially, and we believe we have the best city in the best county in the best State in the best country on earth. Mr. J. J. Bowers and M. A. Brewer, both of whom you no doubt re member well, only recently passed to the great beyond, and we mourn their loss very much. Little Dick Tyler still loans money to hk par ticular friends, and big Billy Allen still charges $10 for thawing out a frozen water pipe. Some other time I may give you something on politics and politi cians here, which time will not per mit now." Again thanking you for your kindness, and wishing you and Mrs. Taylor and the Demo cracy of Utah success, I am very truly yours, C. H. Anheier. First UaiUriaa Charoh, 44 Main street. Services at 11 b'eloek a. jr., Saaday. Her. A. It. Hudson, P-Sabket: Pedlar Amae The Wimdsur, Dsnveb, Colo., Nov. 13, 1895. Mr. J. F. Taylor: Dear Friend. Received papers, and was very much pleased to get . them, and to be able to learn of the political affairs in Utah. Your - address was grand, and the com ments upon it in the Herald was very fine. Some of oar leading lawyers here, say your address was very good. So, again thanking yoa, and with kind regards for Mra. Taylor, I remain your friend, J. E. Hill. Loan, Utah Nov. 12, 1805. . F. Taykr, Etf., Salt Lake City: Dear -Friend. I enclose here with my check for the sua of $10, to aeskt in yoar mksioaary labor for Democracy aaeag yoar race .ferethrea of the Territory iapar tiealar, and all olswen in general.'". I wish yoa jsaceess a yoar efforts. "7 "- Tears very traly, ' . Chs.H.Hm-t;? ". h.T -A- -vf. ' M:k-mM f? - ;:mmms&fflBtt!&B& wr& -SrS73S mmm. jSt- aSf-Stod &&z&&-M$Lf .afir S-MMMMIMU