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ijanTatfJtffifflViaffaprtWf bSttNHIaiMi " - " - v - :-f? - - .-5ssr- ? -f. THE' BROAD AX. A Xl?e Broad fa PUBLISHED WKBSXY. 'wm vTOnlt and at all times uphold tk t TvrfnrJnlea of Dftmocracv, but- bmen, Catholics, Protestants, Kilghts of Labor, Iafldela, Mormona, Republicans, PriMts, or any oneelae can have their say, m loag ai their Unpuage is proper and reepoxuibuity is fixed. Thk Broad Ax is a newspaper whose platform is broad enough for all, ever claiming the editorial right to speak its own mind. , . . . Local eommnnications will have atten tion; write only on one side of the paper. subscription: One Year. - - - SfOO. Six Month. LS" Three Months, - - In any quantity at the following Bates: One Hundred, - jJ-OO. Five Hundred, - . 12.50- One Thousand, - - 'MSr Single Copies, - . - .Oo. Advertising rate made known on appli cation. p&- Address all Communications to THE BROAD AX. 60 Main Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. JULIUS F. TAYLOR, Publisher and Editor. SnUred ai Post Office matter. as second-class CHIPS. Thanksgiving Day. turkey if you please. Pass the When Got. West returns, the contest between the Tribune and the governor, will be short and de cisive; You bet, the old "Trib." can't control the governor. The Republicans will be thankful that they won, the Democrats, that it was no worse, the Populists, that they made small gains. And every body will be thankful that the election is over, and all can take a rest. The young rising attorney, oE Salt Lake City, H. A. Smith, says: "Every true Democratic maa or woman in Utah should read the Broad Ax' We could fill columns with this sort of reading, but space forbids. Wb publish, this week, several letters from Salt Lake and else where, from prominent men, all breathing a spirit of encourage ment and commendation for the work of the Broad Ax. In addi tion to these we daily receive words of kindness, and of tubilantial aid from many of our friends.. S. B.NEWMAN. "76" Opposite Thxatrk. The editor extends thanks to Bishop Burton, for the large con signment of fish, placed at our disposal for the benefit of the de serving poor. Tney were distri buted among the needy, and many a heart breathed a prayer of grati tude to the kind hearted and thoughtful bkhep. Such aiea are a blesaiag to any community Tax Uaioa Pacific Railroad k a corker. Salt Lake City now has a fast train to Chicago, a regular flyer or cannon ball. Thk will be a big thiag for oar city; and we owe our thanks largely to David E. Barley the Gen. Agt. of the U. P. Mr. Barley is oae of the foremost xaikead w ia the west, and k doiag everrthiBg ia hk power to adraafee the iataresta of the people an4 traVafcag fwblic UAacTt-x, the Sagas satirist, oaoe said of thk eoiktry, "Aaaeriea k 'a ooaatry of thirty aiLUoss of aeofle, aioitly 'fitftr Coeld he Tiatt these Mores bow m aeea aot change hk statement except as to thenumher. The biggest fools on earth are those who are constantly kicking about hard times, and yet go up to the polls regularly every year, and vote to make times harder. Such fellows would tire the patience of Job. COAL. The Diamond is twenty-five per cent, better than any other vx)al in the market. J. W. Whitihead, Jr., Aot., 10 W. Second South. Telephone 608. The editor of the Broad Ax had the pleasure and honor of an inter view with Manager Babcock and Passeneer Aeent Wadleieh, this week. These gentlemen are sup porters and friends of thk paper, and are also away up in railroad circles. The Rio Grande Western k growing in popularity daily, un der their skillful handling. It k fast becoming the favorite route for passengers and freight in the West. Hon. Geo. W. Thatcher is a vkitor in our city this week, attend ing to his official duties, as a mem ber of the Utah Commission. The gentlemen, as well as his talented brother, Hon. Moses Thatcher have extended their congratulations to the editor of the Broad Ax on the address "The New Democracy." Both of these gentlemen are readers and firm supporters of our paper. See their ad. which appears in another column. In 1892 the people "jumped out of the frying pan into the fire." In 1894 they jumped out of the fire into the frying pan. In 1895 the people of a large portion of the country jumped out of the frying pan into h 1. Where they will jump next thk deponent saith not. Lane Co. Ore. Broad Axe, Out thk way a good many of these jumper have made their last jump. They have gone so deep into pureatory that they will never wiggle again in the political pan The rustling real estate dealer and genial gentlemen, J. W. Hamm, has recently opened up a branch office at Mercur, where he will be prepared to handle mines and real estate to the very best advantage to all parties. Mr. Hamm k one of "God's noblemen," and is a clear headed, honest business man be sides. The Broad Ax wishes him success in thk new field as he richly deserves. The new town of Mercur will be greatly benefitted by the location of such men. Brother W. W. Taylor has resur rected the Plain Double Dealer and proposes to "hang on to the willows" a while longer. Among a lot of senseless twaddle last week, he says "he has the names of all the colored men who voted and worked for the Democratic ticket in the Fifth Pre cis ct." If he has, he has got a list of very respectable persons. What his purpose k, he does aot state. Perhaps he means that they are to be spotted; if so, we would kindly .suggest that the gentleman himself better "take heed test he fall." Yoar Alack Iht will never do yon any good, bat may become abooauraag. Remember Hamaa was haaged on hk own gallows. Tax cofedeaned aaaa Thiede, aow awaitiag execatioa ia the peaiten tiary, k the sabjeet of iaterest with assay oa the streets, and evea sobk t tae city aewapapers nave ex pressed their feeliags toward thk aaaa. There seems to be no wtv or asercy exhibited ia Lk case, bat all w- x WcteltoyWirEo. Manufacturers of the Finest Brands of NEW ROLLER PROCESS . PATENT Whole Wheat Baker's Choice Fancy THATCHER GERMADE, All Kinds of Mill Products. 129 E FIRST SOUTH STREET. Big pSplf & Ask for & and take fr no other. Finest Breakfast Food in the Market. The Lowest Prices quoted. S. J. JEPPESEN, Agent spirit of vengeance. He may be guilty of the crime charged; we know not. But even if he is, now is the time when the professing Christians, and minkters of Jesus, should emulate the example of the man of Gallilee, and visit and com fort thk condemned raan, now standing on the edge of hk open grave, it unnsuauuy is true, una runermea'i Queer Wj. Fishermen have queer customs. A few years ago the fishermen of Preston, Lancashire, used actually to go fishing on Sunday. It seems incredible, but they did. A clergyman of the town used to preach against this Sabbath desecra tion and pray that they might catch no fish. And they did not I But they found out how to make his prayers of no avaiL The fishermen used to make a little effigy of the parson in rags and put this small ' gny "up their chimneys. White man has an immortal soul, and yet Mg reverence was slowly smoked and --. the preachers of the gospel seem as anxious to hurl the .soul of thk poor victim into perdition, as the ungodly. We have been informed that no spiritual comforter has yet asked permission to see thk man, and if possible save hk immortal part from hell fire. Comment k unnecessary. TO BUSINESS MEN. We desire to call attention of the business men of the city, to our list of readers and supporters. If you want your businesi known by the public, put an advertisement in the Broad Ax, and it will benefit you. The class of people we have for patrons are of the very best in the community. A word to the wise is sufficient. consumed, the fish bit like anything ! London Fishing Gazette. Logwood is the marrow of a peculiar tree in the West Indies. It is shipped in long, thick pieces of firm, heavy, dark red wood. T.t is split up and moistened by water or add for use. It appears to be quite certain that there will be a shortage in the pepper mint crop. The Influence or Pen!. To understand the relation of Mussul man rule to religions and intellectual freedom wo must note the influence of the conquest of Persia an the Arab mind. When the invaders took the cap ital city of Khosru, they did not know the value of booty. Some offered to ex change gold for silver, and others mis took camphor for sulphur. They came like Bwarms of half starved locusts to devour the land. They were banditti of the desert, with no culture but the in spiration of the plans. The only idea rf government in these tribes was the leadership of age and valor, as repre sented in the sheik, with a natural mix ture of hereditary respect. On the death of Mohammed they broke into rebellion. Islam really came on the world like a fierce descent of desert clans on their foes. Mohammed's ideal of government was just to send his goveraors through Arabia to establish Islam and then to collect tribute from the poor in camels and sheep; also as plunder to meet the expense of his caapaiga. Under these circumstances it was an absolute neces sity for the founders of the Humlmaa empire in the east to adopt in the main the financial and administrative experi ence of their more cultured subjects. Arable Bases, cwtoaw, language, rites. yeaeirated the empire, but ander their external forms appeared the native ideas and method. Persiaaa were the leaders sad sfeapera of lalaarie saltan. The simple Arabs learned of these larger braiaa and acre ssosaoag firing inatku, static, architecture, sealntare. peikeepay, wiae aad Sae apaareL Per aUas were the real f oaaders aad teach ers -of the great acaaeaiio class aad school. Tohnioafr "Odeawl Seli- gicas." to At CrawfordsviUe, lad., ia the saai ef le there WMfcnw -- aad aaghwerau. The u'.wm. eat eyes aad tu afeoat twa faebw Icmg. ragrswiagcCBa4aOMiftJB6iaa lor hoaae oonaaaiaUuu aad W- ier wostora states ku Lmut desire hk execution ia z) krg acloc HfWW IflSTftUCTIOflS In Oil Painting and Art Needle Work OIL PAINTINGS FOR SALE, BY Trs. J. p. Jaylor, Irtist, Student of the Chicago Art Institute Studio No. 110 Main St. SANTA CLADS HEADQDARTERS Toys, Dolls and Fancy Goods, in fact everything for HOLIDAY PRESENTS In great variety, at lowest prices, at the GOLDEN 227 ail ib !ui:M3 in S1. O'REILLY'S Clething , Furnishing Goods, etc. : ONE PE1CE -210- MAIN STREET. Wiscomb & Co , The heat pkee for Family Supplies. 58 E. FIRST SOUTH ST. E. ENGILMAN, 226 State St.. handles all kinds of New and Second Hand Goods. Adolph Hauerbach, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER. 170 State St, Salt Lake City. Satisfcctiaa Gaaraateed Utah Poultry and Produce Oomweeion Go. ta'W.'FMtT WttTH ST.. LT:LAKE CITY, UTAH. wamw l. rsxx, yiBtgw.