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L.. TiTTtohiwMMriiPMw!liiiiifriiil1l jtiTiSsfWrTrsTi- ----" tfei SP t- R- T .&&&' .r'Q? .-;'. ::- THE BROAD AX. -i - Lfc lif V&1 r-t- c Saw Xiao Citt, Nov.1995. JSiUsr Brd Axi Mack coameodatkm k dae yoa inr the rgkt, aewsy paper which yoa. are. giving the paolic. The ausnoaary work yea are doing aaaoag the colored class of eitiiens "shonki receive the encouragement of all liberal sainded people. If the colored people are to ad ranee in propertioa to their oppor tunities, they mast lire, act and move in the present, thus preparing -thcnm elves for the new duties of -the future. Allowing old preja dices, bos of them founded on falsehood and for base purposes, to awerve their judgment can only tend to prevent thes from perceiv ing the heat interest of their race, aad ako robs their country of a service which it may justly-demand all ita citiaens. "Were we to Iceefrcontinually fight img the battles f the Bevolutioa over and over again, mastering our hatred and bad will toward our , oace enemy, any one could easily show our blindness and loss, but who could point out any benefit or wkdoa in sach a course? He who emancipates the minds and hearts of men from the slavery oi narrow -atas, bigotry, hatred and prejudice, readers a greater service than he who emancipates their bodies from slavery; and sinee the former is the mission of the Bsoad Ax, may its career exceed the dreams of all its friends. Very respectfully, J. H. Murphy. pleasant ladies to meet aad are the leaders of our society. Both ladies read aad admire, the Broad Ax, and they think the address, "The New Democracy," very fine. The entertainment given on the 19th of this month, at the A M.E. church, was not a success finan cially, but .socially it was all that could be desired. The speakers of the evening were Mr. H. Durham and John L Simpson. Rev. Cason greeted all with a cordial shake of the hand and tried to make those present feel at home. Thkks will be a ne-plus-ultra concert given on Thanksgiving night, November 28th, at the old County Court House, by the A.M.E. Church, for the benefit of the trus tees, under the mansgement of Mrs. A. J. Cason. Everybody, in vited to be present. Admission, 20 cents, -which includes supper. A WAITEH WHO LOSTMONEyI Politicians I f Of all kinds can find at Zb g M The beat Assortment of General Merchandise And at Prices to suit the Times. GENTS' CLOTHIKG and GENERAL FURNISHING, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, HOTIONd, WRAPS, HATS, and FOOTWEAR, GROCERIES, First-Class, in Immense Variety, r ' Staple or Fancy. SOCIETY NOTES Mr. and, Mrs. C. F. Mitchell and two daughters of 223 West Payton Avenue, old time friends of Mr. aad Mrs. Julius F. Taylor spent a very pleasant evening at the home of the latter, 710 Main Street the past week. A very pleasant surprise party was held at the residence of Mr. amd Mrs. Adam Brown on South Main Street last Tuesday night, it being Mrs. Brown's birthday, and jaer friend and neighbors thought this a good way to tender their congratulations. A most delightful time was enjoyed by all. Mrs.Brown waa the recipient of some very nice presents, among the anany being a rslame of Edwin Arnold's Idght -of Asia" from the editor of the B&oabAx; a fine pair of rases from Mr. Brown, ako a painted drape from Mrs. JaHas F. Taylor. Among ihose present were; Mr. and Mrs. "W. Smith and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. G. Penrose; Mrs. Anna Ryan; Mr. and, Mrs. Julias F. Taylor; Miss Jaae Bridges; Miss Irene "Bridges; Master Tommie Bridges. Mr. F. A. Marks, head waiter of the Tempktoft Hotel is the Ward ja&ajuaiar ot ow mvj, jmj. jksxxs is a frieasl of the Bboab Ax and he . thinks taaaddreee entitled "The K?w Democracy' delivered hy the editor was racy grand. Mr. James Kennedy of Dearer 'was a risitar to ear city daring the xptk week. Mr. Kennedy is an eld btaod Mr. J.jZL Hill, late aed TWtwof theTempletoa.Hetel,thisr Ky.. jar .mu m aow,neaa waster ot the, Ifiadaor HW, Dearer, r- whose letter; appears in another. of the BaoAB Ax. M. If ; H. Darrein raed to , the ' sttwgrig the pastl week ffeaa LeadrUie, Coio., the'Xa.Mr. . Dates .assMtad she jBaoo Ax whik "" he wa.aeattT itThsiar isaf t'a him W WrnJL T. SUafea, of 1M v-vsae 'Oosshi ssjveew JajaaZH - mm. 4fn. Jtaaaat ;LfoswaK H V&nAtA Ubm CoBTeutlas mud From their conversation they wero evidently Hnole and niece, and the lat ter was from the coantry. Her gown was trimmed with xaaay ribbons, and it bore the unmistakable stamp of the rural dressmaker. Notwithstanding that fact, she was good to look upon, aad her interest in everything around berwasvigoross aad broad. They found a table in a restaa rant in the Tenderloin not far .from the intersection of Broadway and Sixth are nas at the dinner hour. 'Tes," saidpthe ancle, "I have been here, long eaoogh to become a pretty thorough Now Yorker," and then he ordered a medest dinner. "This is one of the bang up restaurants, and you'll always and first rate people here. My boarding boose is bang ap, bat this beats it all hollow." The niece straightened out a ribbon and then looked around in an embar rassed way. She was straggling with a question. As if the suggestion were al together improbable she asked : I "DM ron Bver am .Tit OnnMJ" "Soxelhave," he answered; "lots aad lots of times." "Did yon over see Mr. Vaaderbllt?" "Cornels?" said the ancle inquiring Jy. "Yes, iBdeed. When I boarded up town, I used to see CorBele nearly every day." "What did he look like?" asked the niece, beginning to feel the importance of dining with a New York ancle who had seen millionaires. "Why, Oomele Vaaderbilt is one man in a thoaeaad," said the ancle, puffing apwithpriie. "He is a tall, fine kok Jngmaa with a heavy black beard. Yoa would kaow him in any crowd for a man of importasee. He wears his hair long and" "Pardon, m'etear' interrapted the waiter, who had begun to serve the soap, aad who had stopped in sarprise as the city ancle began to describe Ooraelias Yaadereik. "Pardon, m'aiear, but I haf had ae honor to serf Meester Corne lias Tanderbilt, and yoa sake sees mis take. He is not heeg, aad he has not se black whiskers, fall beard, so. Be k oae" "Jast bring me a large spoon, wait er," interrupted theanele. -As tbewait- er got out of earshot he said: "Yon see, I haven't seen Cornelias Vaaderbilt since I moved down sown. Be'sohaaged -a good deal sinee then, aad I have heard that his whiskers had been trimmed. " -The waiter didn't have another ep portaaitytoiatradeia theeoareraation, aad he.seesired no tip. New York Sen. You cannot go wrong, and a little money goes a long way now. T. C WEBBER, Sqt POWERS, STRAOP A8D LIPPMM, Attorneys and Counselors. EASLE BLOCK. SALT LAKE CITY. ljnwiiiHs & ciUTGflitow, Booms 25-27 Hooper Block. J.L KAWXINS. 3.B.CRITCHL0W.' Law Office of JAMES E. I0YLE, Booms 301-2-3-4-5-6, Constitution Building, 34 S. MAIN STREET. Salt Lake Clianing Company, PA UC 3AMTM. Prefrfrtor. Clothes- Cleaned and Pressed at 85 cents per month. Pants Pressed 25 cents. Pants Dved $1. Ladies' clothes Cleaned and Dyed in al its branches. Repairing neatlr done. New clothes made for eld ones. 279 South Main Street, under St. Elmo. CHARLES H. HART, ttmg-afjaw, Union Block, LOGAN, UTAH. THORMAN 4 WEDCEWOOD; First National Bank Building, . PEOVO, UTAH. 1 J. M&&rM2 & C$ Wholesalers and Retailers of Whiskies, WinesJ jfirandies, Cigars, WARNER & OISHT, Union Block, PBOVO, UTAH. SAMUEL A. KlffG, (ttmfM. First National Bank Building, PROVO, UTAH. ETC. 213 SOUTH MAIN STREET, SALT LAKB CITY, UTAH. rf.." Vf, Caaeider the great awkitBde of Chris- wbo are ooaosHatl onal ly iBoapabla pfheKerihai thereeaa be good i any ether reMfioos systsaa than their own." Bow away frotestaate ate there who hold it iaeredihle that any geed tUageaneoBse-oetof Soase? Gat yea namher the goiwnaints who ae withoat ialsh ha anything the Ftotestaata ever " A ahaUar peaaHariigri aaaa ia rases. Then arc maar Hahaiaa who eaa he ere'ia aoshtag bat Sasoa "psrMy," -Fates whOMur leMsra ha a4saa iaa 'SvMtsdaaaf T' asaaf Wb- saaa "aras,M aad east haUeM at aesUatf ( -: .-E. A. WILSON-, ttiriei. First National Bank BaUdiag, P80V0, UTAH. '"- A. D. GASH, tlKlUJI. First National Bank Baildiuf , PKOVO, UTAH. X. X. OXXKST. J. W. OXISRY. CHERRY k CHERRY. LAWYERr Room 9 aa&10; Walker Bros. JBank. i5Mf.. kUXT luxs UiTT. P. J. DALT, JLTTOWttT k GOVlttttOt AT U, fl fi. (i. lBBLBY, . Telephone 27. Manufacturer . of Pnre Ice Cream, Tfater Icee, Candies, Home-Made . Bread aad Cakes. 2M 8. MAIN &T- SAW LAKt CITY. For FIRST-CLASS WORK Aad where all castomers will re eeire eenrteeaa treatawaf, go to B.LLatfu'BirMsj 68 W. JTBST SOUTH. TheBaoAn Az will bs for sale then. ajmjjjjjjj3jja2ii222? KHMK.M4 TnMlate atahri ITwSiMei rnn1 irli I a a.. . ,---- - siwKuara srw- : 2TZV?Z2?i2igZ,g UUmmUL i v0bbk vCsdrtM It. liiiiw. owfoBM4ita i WtIT"BOWlMMli,- it fTiimtlmti p. j. md. fiwlf in n mi CA.8MOWA.OO. .--- tvBS4tM58k7IwSi -?-. r--, 1T. inai'Sfig-sTjfa ..--j StitLasClsfiUtsa.. 3hJSK3S2r(SS, ti j. j - . a . .