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k 'Tm 1 T"f s KW vL -jfCSc)" gG2c) A"t Hew to the Line. m - rt, & WJ ,ra"SSSiV, f k-s. Cl RV7 e.B -dinA3ii , ' Ak ', x J IL v!fes!f JW&Sb WjWJih Xy Vol. I. SALT LAKE CITY, TTTAS, NOVEMBER 30, 1895. No. 14. IUE TICKET FOR 1806. For President: JOHN T. MORGAN, OF ALABAMA. Far Vice-President: WILLIAM J. BRYAN, Or NEBRASKA. OUR PLATFORM! 'TREE SILVER, MORE MONEY. AND AMERICA FOR AMERICANS. We fling this banner to the breeze, and nail it to our masthead. It will inspire hope, and bring a rich reward, to toiling millions of ur countrymen. Hurrah for Morgan and Bryan! THE COLORED RACE IS MARCHING ON It is am interesting, as well as an important matter to know of the advancement and progression of the negro race as the result of thirty-two years of freedom. A generation has passed since slavery was destroyed and it is now a question of how rapid ly has the slaTe improved tha opportunities of liberty, in regard to his financial, intellectual and moral condition. We all know. that when a slave he owned nothing, not even himself. So it would be difficult to form an adequate con ception of the rights of property. This ie illustrated by an incident of the war: An old negro was questioned, as to how he got enough to eat, when he admitted eating one of his mas ter's pigs. ".Well, you donft mean to say you. stole and ate your master's pigs?" "Oh, no, massa, I didn't stole none." Dem pigs wur massa's and I wur massa's, and when I ate one of dem pigs, that pig was stillJ massa's." After alL it is about as easy to justify the. slave's right to the pig, as the. master's right to the slave. As to the financial improvement of the 'colored race, the statistics show their wealth to be $263,000, 000. They own and maintain 379 colleges and schools for higher edu cation. They have 206 newspapers and 47 magazines in the United States. They hare nearly 300 lawyers, and as many more physi cians, all in the general practice. . As to their moral and intel lectual attainments, we pre sent a verdict from a jury of competent and prominent educators of the South. None are better able to testify on this point, than these teachers many of whom have spent twenty five years in teaching the colored people. We cannot give their statements in full, but make ex tracts from their letters and speeches. Rev. E. -M. Cravath, D. D., writes: "The higher standard of instruction in the churches, and the higher ideas of the home and family relations are the best illus trations of improvement made in the ethical development of the negro." President Wagner, of Morgan College, Baltimore: "There is a higher estimate of character, a growing regard for the truth, a clearer recognition of the rights of ownership, an earnest class of leaders, who insist upon the recog nition of pure ethics." The principal of the Normal and Industrial school of Huntsville, Ala.: "A more enlightened method of religious worship, an increasing respect for home, a general observ ance of the law of contracts, are facts which illustrate the ethical development of the negro." President Mitchell, of Leland University, New Orleans: "The ethical development of the negro, proceed upon the line of his educa tion. The facts which illustrate this are numerous." Presieent Braden of Central Col lege, Tenn: "The negroes have better churches, they are more regular in their family arrange ments, have better homes, there is less crime, and higher ideas of virtue." President Hickman, of Clark University, Atlanta: "They are com ing more into honest and business methods of trade. They are home loving and keep the marriage vow holy. They are liberal and kind to the suffering." ' Mrs. Lucy E. Moulten, of Wash ington Normal school, says: "Our statistics'and reports show a steady development and growth in all the moral virtues." President Dunton, of Claflin University, S. C, says: "That the negro is improving, no one can doubt, as shown by their improved home life, the education of their children, the financial condition of the people, and their tendency to live independently of the white people." President Steel, of Le Moyne Institute, Memphis, Tenn: "The acquisition of property and homes, the improvement of their home sur roundings, the rapid decrease of illegitimate births, the increase of men of character and ability shows the most hopeful growth among the negroes." H.B.Frissel of Hampton College, Va.: "One of the things that shows the ethical development of the negro is, he pays his debts. There is a marked improvement in purity and a very great diminution of crime in the oountry districts." Principal Corbin, of the Normal College, Pine Bluffs, Ark., says: "A geod many of them if you refer to them as freed men. will inform you they were never slaves." "Should you offer them clothing as a gratuity, they would inform you they were not paupers. Their improved homes, and fine churches are an evidence of their growth in self respect." We could extend these testimon ials to columns more, but we think sufficient is shown to convince any fair minded person, that the colored people are rapidly freeing themselves from the degradation and mental servitude in which slavery held them, and are achieving greatness equal to the other races. "ANSWER A FOOL ACCORD ING TO HIS FOLLY." W. W. Taylob, of this city, has been trying to collect the dog tax and run a disreputable newspaper at the same time. This poor crea ture may be able by education and instinct to be a model "dog catcher," but as an editor he is no more fitted to' talk to the public through his obscure paper, than the animal once owned by Balaam. In his issue of last week, he devotes a column of rot and base lies to an attack on the Herald and the Broad Ax in regard to the lynching of colored people in the South. In our issue of Nov. 16, we published an article on the above subject, and which seems to have aroused the rancor of this man Taylor. We will not honor the drivel of this fellow, by reviewing what he said; but will simply say, he either did not read our article or could not understand plain Ecglish,or else he deliberately lied when he wrote his rubbish last week. In our article, we denounced lynching and mob law in the strongest terms; we did not justify or uphold it in a single instance; in fact, our argument against it, was far more strong than any word or sentiment everexpress ed by Taylor, or his double dealing paper. Yet he would seek to incite the colored people and others against us, and drive us from this community by the same methods, of which he so bitterly complains, viz mobs. You ought to be ashamed of yourself, man, to pursue such a course. How can you look, even a stray cur in the face, and be guilty of such contemptible misrepresenta tions? Go read our article again, and then kick yourself from the courthouse to the crematory, or soak your head in a water pail as a pen ance for your foolishness. Pay your debts and be honest with mankind, before you charge 'others with being a Judas. We are not running a Sunday school, neither do we stand up and make long and lond prayers, but we have never had anyone to try and stop our salary to liquidate a bill. "We are on to you" and your plain double dealing methods. We ask pardon of our readers for giving so much attention to this man and his sheet, but the falsity of his charge seemed to justify it. Salt Lake City, Utah, November 16, 1895. J. F. Taylor, Esq. I have read with much interest and appreciation your address re cently published in the Broad Ax, and take this occasion to congratu late you upon the learning, force and ability therein made manifest. Very truly, J. L. RAWLINS. Mr. A. C. Calway, of 333 Main street, is one of the leaders of our race in Utah. Mr. 'Calway is a broad minded gentleman,, and he thinks our people must learn to act just like white people if they want to keep up with the spirit of the times, and not stand around and talk about slavery days before war; he says that will not buy us bread and meat or pay house rent, but we must act for the ever living present; he is a friend and reader of the Broad Ax, and he has commended the editor for publishing such a' bright newspaper; he' also thinks the address "The New Democracy" was very grand, and that it should be read by all classes of our citizens. In the next week's Broad Ax will appear a full account of the Negro exhibit at the Atlanta Ex position. Look out for it, it will be fine. ' ,JJL "" 4 ' ,- -" X" . V'" " . r tr- ""' ' z &' iX 'trwi.-'..'- ., i:a..;Pv. - .:.-,. v ' -- -s. -. v - ; .- - :. . - ' - .-E-. i . A Ai. a? "!SS!!S!SSS!mmmmmm'm . !. J?&. - v t?dNB