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THE BROAD AX. J)Q Broad .x bat Dies 01 iMHiocracT. Catholics, Protestants, luiignw . Infidals. Mormons. BeDOblicans, PUBLISHED WEEKXT. "Will promulgate and at all times uphold tae true pnncr laraaera. of Labor. Priests, or any one else can hare their say, mo loxg as their language Is proper and responsibility Is fixed. The Broad Ax Is a newspaper whose platform Is broad enough for all, ever claiming the editorial right to speak its om saind. Local sommanlcations will have atten tion; write only on one side of the paper. subscription: One Year. - - - $2.00. falx Month. - - - LOO. Three Months, ... .50. In any quantity at the following Bates: One Hundred, $ 3.00. Fire Hundred, - . 12.50. One Thousand, - - 20.00. Single Copies, - . - .05. Adrertising rates made known on appll eaCea. pF Address all Communications to THE BROAD AX, 06 Main Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. JULIUS F. TAYLOR, Publisher and Editor. MUsrtd at Post Office matter. as second-class CHIPS. There may be as many Turks "but there is not as many turkeys as there used to be.' John G. Carlisle wants to retire the greenbacks, the people want to retire him, and they will at the first opportunity. It is said Grover will not accept a third term. Of course he won't; he could not get it from the Demo crats, but he might accept his first term as a Republican. This talk about Clereland and a third term gives us a tired feeling. Cleveland and Carlisle tsrned Kentucky over to the tender mer cies 'of the Republicans. Because they would not eat hay, they ob jected to the or eating it. Rather than see free silver win, they would defeat their own party, and they gained their point by the same methods, and in the same way that the repeal of the Sherman law was accomplished. But wait until the people again get into the saddle, and the golden calf will be ground to powder and its worshipers smitten with consternation. This is the way they feel over a shower of rain in sunny Kansas: "A short time since the cow was sad; She scarce could raise her head, begad; Her hoofs were sore, her tail was limp, Her mane and bangs had lost their crimp, And miles she trudged from grass to drink. With scarcely strength enough to wink! The owner, too, looked blue and glum, And cursed the cattle business some, But since the rain the grass is tall, The cow can raise her head and bawl; Her hide is sleek, no bones protrude, She prances like a Kansas dude; Her tail is stiff, her eyes are bright, She snorts and dares the crowd to fight. Her ewner, too, digs up the chink, And asks the boys to take a drink. God bless the gentle, gentle rain, It makes a man feel young again; He feels like tossing up his hat. And howling like a Democrat." What we said last week about the condemned man, Thiede, was with reference to the neglect of the so-called orthodox people to bestow their Christian charity and sancti fying influence upon this hman being. We have been informed that the Unitarian and Christian Sc . jce people have done their duty in this regard, but they are the only ones. S. B.NEWMAN. "76" Opposite Theatre. When the wintry blasts howl around your poorly clad form, and you without a dollar in your pocket, find there is no coal in the coal house, no potatoes in the cellar, no flour i the barrel, and you have no employment, you can comfort yourself by sitting down in your cheerless home and reading one of McKinlej's speeches on protection, or Jonn o Herman's on sound money. You have got just what you have been voting for; you have voted protection to the "gold nabobs," and multiplied the mil lionaires, but neglected to protect yourself and family. If the fool killer ever comes around your way, you had better crawl into a cave, as he would gat you sure. Is it not about time you should open your eyes, and swear you will never vote for -any protection that does not protect you and your family. If you like your situation, then keep on voting with the g. o. p. for protection, and gold, of which you never get either, nor never will. Meier MUilnff & Elevator Co. Manufacturers of the Finest Brands of NEW ROLLER PROCESS . PATENT Whole Wheat Baker's Choice Fancy THATCHER GERMADE, All Kinds of Mill Products. 129 E. FIRST SOUTH STREET. The Lowest Prices quoted. S. J. JEPPESEN, Agent BigHHB Ask for -S and take & no other. Finest Breakfast Food in the Market. COAL. FROM "EUREKA DEMOCRAT." "Julius F. Taylor, editor and publisher of the Rroad Ax of Salt Lake, was in town Wednesday soli citing patronage. He gave us a nleasant call and stated that the outlook for his paper was very promising." We clip the above from the Eureka Democrat of Nov. 27, and we want to return our thanks to Mr. Diehl for favors shown us while visiting the beautiful city of Eureka. A Solo IMtct. It appears the most gifted native diver a Sola islander of thu finest phy sique and in perfect training cannot stay longer under water than about 2J minutes. The greatest depth such divers are known to attain is 17J fathoms. Chambers' Journal SANTA CLADS HEADQUARTERS Toys, D0II3 and Fancy Goods, in fact everything for HOLIDAY PRESENTS In great variety, at lowest prices, at the GOLDEN ROLE BAZAAR, 227 u Hi Sn&iM3. Kuril "In the economy of nature," says a nhilosonher. "nothincr is lost Tha in. The Diamond is twenty-five per ! side of au orange may refresh one man, cent, better than any other Coal in the market. J. W. Whitehead, Jr., Aot., 10 VY. Second South. Telephone 608. while the omside of the same fruit may serve as the nicdiuiu for breaking an other nmii W " O'REILLY'S Clot fling, Furnishing Goods, etc. MAIN STREET. ONJBi FKIOE Wiscomb & Co., fXS G&QCM8S. The best place for Family Supplies. 58 E. FIRST SOUTH ST. David L. Lemons, the barber, and one of our race, read the article on "Lynch Law," and he savs: "I approve every word of it. If the negroes or any one else would escape the mobs, let them obey the laws, become better citizens and try to be more intelligent, and there will be no fear of lynching' THE BROAD AX WOULD LIKE TO SEE: More good sidewalks in Salt Lake Oity. Sole agents for Yoaman't New York Hat The Leader. We alto carry Stetson's and other flue hats. W. P. Noble Mercantile Co. IBS TuTa'-n Qtxaat. HATS, CAPS i- GEHTS' FURNISHINGS. TO BUSINESS MEN. Wx desire to call attention of the business men of the city, to our list of readers and supporters. If you waat your business known br the public, put an advertisement in the Broad Ax, and it will benefit you. The class of people we have for patrons are of the very best in the community. A word to the wise is sufficient. Subscribe for the BROAD AX. Cement walks around the Citv and County building. A building boom which would displace hundreds of old shacks, which are an eyesore and a disgrace to our beautiful city. Good hard macadam roads from all parts of the new State, and all leading into Salt Lake. It would yield a big return to all. The inmates of the Utah peni tentiary doing something more than playing "high five' and graduating in crime, .rut them to breaking rock to improve the highways, if nothing else. An appropriation from Congress to build a $500,000 governmet building in Salt Lake City. We can all be non-partisan on this question. The other states have all received their slices of pie, and Utah is now ready for her first pieee. I now hare In my employ a flrst-daat practical Optician. Am better tjrecared than heretofore to grind and l)t glasses to snlt the light. EYES TESTED FREE. Jeweler and Optician. 162 Main St. Salt Lake City. AIEUWMT, EDI L. PIGE,- Green, Staple and Fancy Groceries, Fruits, Poultry and Fish. 254 MAIN ST. Telephone 157. Adolph Hauerbach, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER. 170 State St, Salt Lake City. Satisfaction Guaranteed Utah Poultry and Produce Commission Co. 108 W. FIRST SOUTH ST.. ISALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. WALTEB L. PRICE, Manager. m 1 trm at m iffnmmStiafnn itfn (aOOXTOJUTTD.) milBSWll Lt. Wholesale and retail dealer In SUrer Leaf and Patent Floor, Groceries, Hay, drain. Batter, Eggs, Poultry, Psf er. Etc. Telephone 311. 155-7 W. South Temple. Miner of and dealers In Weber Coal. TABD, 321 B. xnlrd west street; xeiepnone Ax 411. OTTT OFFICE, ICO Main Street; Te.ephone No. Hi. WIBEB COAL COHPAIY W. J. Montgomery, Agent. Sell all kinds of Coal. Clean Coal and fall weight guaranteed. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. G$Al1 MKrffr STANDARD OAUQC CURRENT HUB TABLE In Effect Nov. 18, 189$. Erst Unitarian Chnrch, 44 Main UuU O ? a irccw ounces at 11 o ciocK a. m., Sunday. Eer. A. L. Hudsoa, pastor. Subject: "Earnestness and INSTRUCTIONS In Oil Painting and Art Needle Work. OIL PAINTINGS FOR SALE, BY Irs. J. p. Jaylor, .rti$t, Student of the Chicago Art Iastkaa. Studio No. 7IO Main St. E. ENGILMAN, 1Y Stilt Lasts) CUT. 7 For BlagkMa.rreTO.Gnad Jaactloa and all pota's aast gla. -No. 4 er Ptoto. Uraad Jaaetioa amd all polau East T0 p. m. No. 6-Tor Ordsn and Intermediate points far Ht. Pleasant. Moab, Sa ils and all Intermediate polaU l30p.nL For Xareia. Payson. Proro. . and an Intermediate points Sp.m -! Oidsa and tae West Jo. I Tor Ogdea aal tas West..- UiB Arrive Salt Lake city Sa 1 Froa ProTo.Oranl Jaaotaoa ailUi East. ltaSp.0. " Mivm xtoto. urasa waaotioa No. No. i No. ; N ad te East, ,,.. Udtp.1 From Proro. Btazaaa. Haatl auaa. aareca aaa au later- aadutepotau 136 p.m. Act Treat Ogdem aaa istaraed- isu.fwmif , ., :.. Xo. 7 Fie Barak t aad PiToa :.. JJo. S-Fraa Ojrdea and Us West- Ho. rroes Ogata aad tae West.. T40p. .OzJyliM ramaax tarosga PaUaua ralaM sletp&r ears Salt Lake City to Saa rraaetseo; taltXake City to Dearer Tl Onad JaaeOoa and Salt Lake Oitr to Kaasa CHr aad Caia revrteCeteradftpeiata, . . Tareata ttaasit ot fimfly sleepers wttaaat alT, to naaaas uiit, vu(S aaa ""? DTar- can aatt Laka t TWK OlH, II l IU lXL A CSOIME. Cam. Jtaaacar. C.B. BABCUCK. Traaa taatfr. t. A. WaSLXKtS. Oem, Passir. Act neutrality." (kinds of New and Second Hand Goods.