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&a y THE BROAD AX. r ' jl?e Broad k PUBLISHED WEEKLY. "Will promulgate and at all times uphold tie true principles of Democracy, but farmers, Catholics, Protestants, Knights of Labor, Infidels, Mormons, Republicans, Priests, or any one else can have their say, no long as their language is proper and responsibility is fixed. Toe Broad Ax is a newspaper whose platform is broad enough for all, ever claiming the editorial right to speak its own mind. Local communications will have atten tion; wriuf only on one side of the paper. subscription: One Year, - - - $2.00. Six Months. . . . 1.00. Three Months, ... .50. In any quantity at the following Rates: One Hundred, - $ 3.00. Five Hundred, - . 12.50. One Thousand, - - 20.00. Single Copies, . .03. Advertising rates made known on appli cation. & Address all Communications to THE BROAD AX. 66 Main Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. JULIUS F. TAYLOR, Publisher and Editor. for the paper. The following is a partial list of our readers in Eureka: John McChrystal, Mayor, A. J. McPhee, Postmaster, J. A. Price, City Recorder, Edward Pike, Coun ty Attorney," C. M. Thaxton, City Attorney, J. T. Sullivan, Sheriff, T. D. Sulliyan, Judge J. S. Watts, L. C. Doty, H.C.Kruse, Dr. Field, Prof. A. M. Bo wen, Judge Martin Egoe, A. Buckbee, Frank Zarnbom. Mctellii&EMrt. 1 In the Broad Ax of next week, will appear a letter from the Hon. C. H. J. Taylor, Recorder of Deeds, "Washington, D. C. Sntertd at Post Office matter. as second-class THE COLORED RACE AT ATLANTA, (Concluded). "Pharaoh's Horses' by a 14-year old boy, named "W. P. Renn, which shows marvelous ability. Taking the colored people's ex hibition, at this display of Ameri can achievements, and it is truly the wonder of the age, when we consider what the race have accom plished since they gained their lib erty. One remarkable feature o this display of negro talent is, that nearly all of it comes from the Southern States, where the politi cians of the North have always claimed the colored people were so oppressed and despised, that no substantial improvement could be made by the race. The work of this noble race refutes the false hood, and proves to the world that the negro is prosperous and happy in his old Southern home. The Broad Ax has taken consid erable pains to get the data and in formation from reliable sources, of what our people are capable of do ing. The foregoing is a new era in the history of the negro, and should encourage and stimulate every colored man or woman in the States, to earnestly strive to raise the standard of excellency above that of the past. If the negro will continue to advance, and "help himself" to the golden opportuni ties at his hand, the race will soon become the envy as well as the ad miration of the world. AT EUREKA. Last week the editor of the Broad Ax side a flying trip, via Bio Grande "Western, to the stir ring eitv of "Rriraa nil -fnnnrl wn- h! only a live town, but a lot of genial, oif-neartea gentlemen. The re presentative of the Broad Ax was most ordially received by that thorough basinets man and unfal tering Democrat, Mayor John Mc Chrystal, who showed as and oar paper auaj favors during our short stay. "W also met Postmaster A. J. McPkee, who is not oaly a reader f the Broab Ax, bat k acting as as omr ageatto receive subseriptioas THE MESSAGE. The President's message to Con srress. a document of unusual length, was given to the country this week. It is devoted principal ly to foreign affairs, and to the financial questions now uppermost with the people of thirpountry. With reference to the latter, the President's utterances will be a dis appointment to the people of the South and West. The President will doubtless receive the support of the money power in the East, regard less of party, and it would seem he has had an "itching palm" to cater to their wishes, during his entire term. He favors the retirement of greenbacks and treasury notes, of allowing National Banks to in crease their issue ten per cent. He favors the issuing of bonds, to maintain the "national Jack Pot," commonly known as the gold re serve, and he most earnestly op poses free coinage of silver. From the attention he gives the free coiners, it is evident he does believe the question is settled, or that the "silver craze," has subsided; but on the contrary he evi dently fears the avalanche that is coming and seeks to stay its progress. There is nothing new in his argument against silver, as every point has been met and an swered by the advocates of the white metal. The only effect of the mes sage on this subject, will be to cause the lines to be more closely drawn, and the fight to be brought to a finish at an earlier date. Let every friend of silver show his hand, and step forward and enlist in the contest for 1896. The only thing for which we commend the President in this re gard, is his unequivocal utterances; he is honest and outspoken if nothing more. Manufacturers of the Finest Brands of NEW ROLLER PROCESS . . PATENT Whole Wheat Baker's Choice Fancy THATCHER GERMADE, All Kinds of Mill Products. 129 E. FIRST SOUTH STREET. The Lowest Prices quoted. S. J. JEPPESEN, Agent. BigflHH leLHr alB agr Ask for 6T and take S3T no other. Finest Breakfast Food in the Market. U Uptown Office: 161 Main. Telephone 675. HM-SAUR COAL CI Main Office and i VarH nr Mrvf- V Sprgs R.R.depot T Telephone 650. f ALL KINDS. COLORADO STABLES. Livery, Feed and Boarding. Fine Car riages always on hand. Promptness and Good Service Guaranteed. BERD, ROBENSON & CO., No. 317 South State St. Telephone 95. D. H. Berd, Manager. Skewes E. ENGILMAN, 226 State St., handles all kinds of New and Second Hand Goods. I now hare In my employ a nrst-c. practical Optician. Am better prepared than heretofore to grind and at glasses to inlt the sight. EYES TESTED FREE. 1TE9 f WV1W Jeweler and Optician. Alffck I. WiAlii SSSMalnSL Salt Lake City. W Co, Successors to Wu. Skewes & Son. 25 East Third South. Sole agents for YonmanM New York Hat The Leader. We alao carry Stetaon't and other fine hats. l P. Noble Mercantile Co. 16S TLfal-n 6txet. HATS, CAPS i- GENTS' FURNISHINGS. O'REILLY'S Clothing, Furnishing Goods, etc. ONE PRICE -210- MAIN STREET. Wiscomb & Co., SJB G8QCM&S The beat place for Family Supplies. 58 E. FIRST SOUTH ST. Salt Lake Hack Line Oflce under Walter Bret.' Bank. Telephone 273. John Farrington, ooon nor. Fine Carriages on Stand Day and Sight. Charge juaxmaou. siana. ai auer urot.' Cor. Second SoutX and Main. Bank, O O O O O O O TJLZlUrbeek. B.PJlorrit. All kinds of Coal. Office in Godbe-Pitts Dreg o oo oooo i Co. Tel. No. 561. Adolph Hauerbach, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER. 170 State St, Salt Lake City. Satisfaction Guaranteed Utah Poultry and Produce Commission Co. 108 W. FIRST SOUTH ST.. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. THE BROAD AX WOULD LIKE TO SEE: Tbx street crossings kept a little cleaner in muddy weather. Soiu united action by the chari table people of Salt Lake, to assist the needy this winter. At.t. the people of Salt Lake unite to advertise and booaa Utah in the East when we become a State. Thb pleasant weather continue all winter, i woaua iaror iuc mise huntr,yaad the thinly-clad widow and orphan, as welL S. B.NEWMAN. "76" Or?osra Thxatu. H. BLANK & CO., .'. DEALERS IN .. Staple and Fancy Groceries, Hay, Grain, Flour, Feed, Coil and Kindling Wood. All. Orders Promptly Filled and Delivered. NO. 374 SOUTH MAIN. ELI h. PlIGE.ef Green, Staple and Fancy Groceries, Fruits, Poultry and Fish. 254 MAIN ST. Telephone 157. WXBtSSSSSSL. xxooaroxiTXD.) iiwwm j.u. Wboletale and retail dealer In SUrer Leaf and Patent Hoar, Oroeenw, Hay, Drain, Batter, 'Eah Pool try. Paper, Xte. Telephone 311. 156-7 W. South Temple. VTALTEB L. PRICE, Manager. STANDARD OAUQE- CURRENT TIME TA3LE In feet Hoy, 18, M Kaava Salt lake 017. Na.I-Ter JUaxfcaaa, PraTO, Grtml Jaaettea u an pacafa aan tMt. a. Jfo. 4 r IToto, Wraad Janetua XO.B- TarOrtaaaaa tatarmadlata s:a.nv 90l - Hlrluiat. Haifa. Sa- . . . - I, . HHnHOUH .! Hlaers of and dealers In Weber CoaL YABD. 2318. Third Vest Street; Telephone So. 41L Cm OmCE, W0 Mala Street; TwejAose NaHl, WIBIB COAL COUPAIY W J Tirniilinnii.i Imt CUM .11 VlJ. CoL Clean Coal aad fall weight gnanptaed. DJU.J. IJiaii Uil, U1UL IflSTfrUCTIOflS IaOaPaiataeaBd Art Needle Work. OIL PAIHTINGS FOR SALE, Y Ire. J. p. Jaylor, irtfct, Stadeat of the Chicago Art IatifrH Studio No. 7K Main St. fax and all oteta . .. Tor Xrea. Parao. Ptoto. J ,-; Of4a ami tka Waat 9- - -Tor OgM aad taa Wart..- M' - ArrtT BaltLak city. a l-IrmtaralQrtU JaaM w- m JJ laa iaat.... ....... ltiQa.av -rZMa PrcT, atM JmaatM - . ft .... ...nitta-m. iHattjXsrek au axi atar. '.e-rraatoxiam aa tetanaaa- - . "? - - gy " m.wna. aaa raraaa iaai 2 Ocaa aad taa Waal. Ta ,CfrlM iaaai tkmrt PaBaaa ratiaa 215?? WT" Xaaaaa Ctr Ca--aS i tuUtj ataarra aWtaat m tin ii in SHtk. Soy- . Kaaaaac