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v:T J(K & L ' i' " JB-. T f 1T- ' 3 W '& ' kc ' HRS fmrzssrL s CWL Y ftt Hew to the Line. Vol. I. .SALT LAKE CITY, TJTAJ3, DECEMBER 14, 1895. No. 16. OUR TICKET XTOR 1896. For President: JOHN T. MORGAN, Or ALABAMA. For Vice-President: WILLIAM J. BEYAN, OF NEBRASKA. OUR PLATFORM: FREE SILVER, MORE MONEY, AND AMERICA FOR AMERICANS. "We fling this banner to the breeze, and nail it to our masthead. It -will inspire hope, and bring a rich reward to toiling' millions of our countrymen. Hurrah for Morgan and Bryan! of his office to crush the vital in terests of the great middle classes jn the South and "West. Give us Morgan and a good run ning mate from the "West and the people of this country will gladly unite tor elect them, and a political reformation will set in, which will finally bring prosperity and happi ness to the homes of millions of our fellow countrymen. MORGAN FOR PRESIDENT. Senator Morgan, of Alabama, has recently distinguished himself again, by the delivery ok a great speech, relating to our Bearing Sea controversy with Great Britain. The Senator on this occasion, as well as on many others, has demon strated his profound knowledge of foreign affairs and his true Ameri canism. John T.Morgan is the peer of any nian in the U. S. Senate, and but few men in that body care to cross swords with him in debate. He is the coming man; and we pre dict his statesmanship will be 'fully recognized by his countrymen by putting him in nomination for President in 1896. His career in public life has been consistent and honorable, and as chief executive of the country, he would be the servant of the masses and not the classes. He is a typical American, sound on the fipnnpial question, and thoroughly conversant with state questions, .foreign and domes tic The South should be recognized in the great struggle between the people sad the money power, as we in. the West realise the South is with us solidly for free silver, and her -votes with ours will elect the president. No raaa south of the If aeon and Dixon line has been BOBunated for president since I860. That the people of that section ar$ aa patriotic as they are in the East, or North, there is no question. "Why, then, should we. be eternally seeking a candidate from. New York, er some other soney center, -who, whea elected, wee the power THE BROAD AX IN THE EAST AND WEST. The following letter and extract from a great western newspaper, re ceived a few days ago, proves that the Broad Ax is read and ap preciated far from home: U. S. Court House, Office of the Recorder of Deeds. Washington, D. C, Nov. 30, 1895. Mr. Julius F. lay lor, Editor "Broad Ax," SaU Lake City, Utah, Dear Sir. Long ago I intended to write you m congratulation upon the soundness of your great speech. I wish it was possible to have sent a copy of it into the home of every colored voter in this whole country, especially so much of it as relates to the true history of slavery. It should become a national campaign document. Go on Mr. Taylor, in your good work of opening the eyes of our people; your reward will come by and by. When I started it was very nearly all curses and blows. Yours for an enlightened citizen ship. "The Broad Ax is ihe name of a nsw silver paper recently started in Salt Lake City. It advocates the nomination of Senator Morgan for president. There is nothing the matter with Senator Morgan. He is not only eminently qualified, but the South is entitled to recognition. It must furnish a majority of elec toral votes cast for silver. Why should it not furnish the candidate?" We presume modesty alone for bid the World-Herald from also ea- dorsing our candidate for vice president, the Hon. W. J. Bryan. The ticket we have named is tak ing well among the friends of silver; and should these men receive the nomination their election is certain, as there will be a "solid West' as well as a "solid South." C. H. J. Taylor. The above letter is from one of the 'brightest and most progress ive colored Democrats in the nation Mr. Taylor was nominated by President Cleveland for the position of minister to Bolivia, in 1893, but a Republican Senate, prompted by envy and inborn dislike to our race, refused to confirm him; the Presi dent thereupon named Mr. Taylor for Recorder of Deeds for the District of Columbia, which posi tion he now holds. Such responses to pur feeble efforts go a long way to encourage and strengthen us in our fight to "bring the colored voters outof the mentaland political slavery in which so many of them are now held. But a brighter day is surely coming; and we trust we shall be able to continue the warfare until it dawns. We would say,, by way of explanation, that Mr. Taylor of Washington, is not a relative of ours "not brothers, so relation." Following the above letter, came this extract from the Omaha World Herali, with the compliments cf W.J. Bryan, editor. DOCTOR GROVER CLEVE LAND. President Cleveland, in his re cent message to Congress, is led to say, "Many of my countrymen, whose sincerity I do not doubt, in sist that the cure for the ills now threatening us, may be found-ia the single and simple remedy of the free coinage of silver." How in the world the President received this piece of information, and who some of the many are who maintain that position, we are left in darkness. We think Mr. Cleve land is mistaken in his conclusions in this regard. No one that we can call to mind, in either branch of Congress, or on the stump, or in the press, has ever maintained that the free coinage of silver would be a panacea for all the na tional ills with which we are now afflicted. No well posted modern physician relies on a single remedy for a cure, but combines well-known and oft tried medicines, together with good nursing and a strict obr servance of the laws of hygiene. In our case the doctors in charge of the patient, insist upon the "single gold cure'1 which is producing a congestion in a small portion of the national anatomy, and a depletion of the circulating medium in all the remainder. We suggest a change, by mixing a little silver with the gold, and using a small "greenback" plaster for the weak parts. We also believe the patient should not be disturbed by a lot of noisy visitors from foreign lands, bat should be kept quiet and al lowed to enjoy the climate and scenery of the United States, and not be compelled to inhale the poisonous gases emitted from the sewer pipes leading from Europe and Asia. Let us protect our own sick, before we- invite the Moral, intellectual, and. financial cripples of the earth to come here for hos pital treatment. Doctor Cleveland also states, that we as a natien, would be hu miliated by the consciousness that we htd "parted company with all the enlightened and progressive nations of the world," should we adopt the bimetalic standard. Well, it would not be the first time we parted company with these fellows. We rather turned oar back on this crowd in 1776, and we have had no reason to feel hu miliated yet. It sometimes is very good policy to shun our neighbors, especially if they have got some contagious disease that we don't want. In tact it is ofttimea neces sary to quarantine, even against an "enlightened" and "progressive" neighbor, to avoid smallpox, scarlet fever, or cholera. The United States is no longer an infant; it is big enough and strong enough to go it alone if given a chance. If we "but set the pace in the direction of benefitting hu manity, these old, sleepy powers of Europe, will soon be found fol lowing our example, as they have IB many respects during the last century. The world moves for ward, not backward; and if we read the signs of the times aright, it is moving in an opposite direc tion from the President's idea. From J. L. Reade, senior mem ber of the firm of Reade and Gar rett: Chicago, Illinois, Dec. 3rd, 1895. . F. Taylor, Esq. Dear Sir and Friend We have had the pleasure of receiving sev eral of your papers from you, illus trating year convictions, amd, no doubt, doing good work in a mighty cause, one that every person, who has the welfare of the country at heart, should support. The people need the honest dollar. The dollars of their daddies. Good silver dol lars that have the stamp of UdcIc Sam on their face and their back. When that good -time comes, pros perity will follow. ' The West will become a garden and the mountains hives of industry. The Gold bugs and the usurer's will hide their dim inished heads and the cent per cent robbers will have lost their precious privilege of taking their pound, of flesh and the heart's bloed of the people. Let your good work go ahead and arouse the people to their op portunity and place themselvee on record, aa free men and not be bound to the chariot of the finan cial Juggernaut, that will crush him. and his friends into financial ruin. Yours yery truly, J. L. Rzasx. -- .-H- - ", Sv - s . j-3' H t'n. -dL- . : v. ?&