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t f THE BROAD AX. yj f J)Q Broad fix PUBLISHED WEEKLY. "Will promulgate and at all times uphold the true principles of Democracy, but famert, Catholics, Protestant, Knights of Labor, Infidels, Mormons, Republicans, Priests, or any one else can have their say, o long as their language is proper and responsibility Is fixed. The Broad Ax Is a newspaper -whose platform is broad enough for all, ever rUiming the editorial right to speak its own mind. Local ommnnlcations will have atten tion; write only on one side of the paper. subscription: One Year. - - - SiOO. Six Months, --- LOO. Three Months, ... .50. In any quantity at the following Bates: One Hundred, 9 3.00. Five Hundred, - . 12.50. One Thousand, - - 20.00. Single Copies, - . - .05. Adrertlslng rates made known on appli- eatfea. i l p0 Address all Communications to ' THE BROAD AX, G6 Main Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. JULIUS F. TAYLOR, Publisher and Editor. MnUrtd at Post Office as second-doss matter. CHIPS. What has become of Carley Cannon, our Delegate? Has he flaked before that effulgent streak of sunshine, surnamed Col. Ike Trumbo? Tom Reed has lost his moustache. If his strength lies in his hair, like Samson's of old, his spinal cord trill be like an empty sausage at this session, as he is also bald-headed. "The world is my country, and to do good is my religion." Thomas Paine. A lot of Republicans in the House embraced an opportunity to perform the 'fire-fly" act, last Tuesday, by introducing a resolu tion looking to the impeachment of Minister Bayard. It was a failure, but it afforded a chance to display a little grandstand jingoism. Tbe g. o. p. fellows have been in a stew about the location of their national convention. We think the most appropriate place would be the Great Mammoth Cave of Ken tucky. It is said that even the fish there are blind, and anyone who would rote that ticket now may have eyes but they cannot see. The long-legged county attorney, and his three pigeon stools, known as county selectmen, are liable to feel the cold hand of the law before many moons. This crowd have been raising a big cloud of dust, in order to hide their own trail of "mileage' and pleasure trips to Chicago. For clothing, furnishing goods, hats and caps, visit O'Reilly's, 210 Main Street. Congressional news has been rather tame thus far. It is prob able that after the holidays, me animals will be a little more active. The Republicans have such an over whelming majority, that there is likely to be a row in their own camp. One thing is certain, that no legislation will be passed in the line of free coinage. The people can expect no relief from the hands of, the "gold hug" aggregation. Senator Chandler's bill for the free coinage of silver, is a fair sample of the burlesque manner with which the subject will be treaUd. If the people ask bread, they will be given a stone. MtelliwirCi. HMVOUR. For all kinds of Christmas presents, such as silverware, jewel ery, fancy goods, and toys, in great varietyat the lowest prices, visit the Golden Rule Bazaar, 227, and its Branch, 43 Main Street. John Sherman's book should bear the title of "JVhat I knoxo about Republican Leaders." He tells a few party secrets, and spares neither the living nor the dead. The book had such a chilling effect on some of the former class, that they have been laid up with severe colds ever since. We doubt if even the half has yet been told; but enough has been said to show that the Senator is not suffering from a very high temperature of love for some of the g. o. p. idols. S. B.NEWMAN. "76" Opposite Theatre. The large increase in immigra tion during the past six months is worthy of Congressional attention. It is a subject that needs legisla tion promptly and to the point. Persons from the Old World with bleached characters and un-American instincts should be received upon our shores with caution. Pro tecting the money power with high- tariff laws and leaving our labor exposed to the influx of cheap laborers and paupers, will bring us to a condition of European vassal age. Let us protect our own land from this swarm of pests before it is too late. COAL. The Diamond is twenty-five per cent, better than any other Coal in the market. J. W. Whitehead, Jr., Aot., 10 W. Second South. Telephone 608. SEE HOW WE GROW. The editor of the Broad Ax en joyed a pleasant trip over the range to Park City last week. We found this mining metropolis lively and busy, and we also found a nice lot of new subscribers and friends of the Broad- Ax. The following names were added to our Park City list: John W. Girger, Shields Bros., G. W. Groo, R. V. Ivory, F. J. McLaughlin, R. C. Cordell, P. M., James Sweeney, John Paradise, John McDonald, Salon Spiro, D. Fisher. A NUMBERof the"smallfry" variety of newspapers in Utah are publish ing a lot or readymade commenda tions of Isaac Trumbo for U. S. Senator. This streak of so-called sunshine, is only a phosphorescent vapor, artificially produced, and whea examined under the sunlight of common sense, he will prove to be nothing more than a political glowworm. This attempt to manufacture public opinion, and boom "Ikey" for senator, is the height of impudence. We concede to the Republicans the two senators from Utah; but we trust they will not pass by the many talented and brainy men, of that party, and send to Washington a California representative of the Southern Pacific Railroad, who would be but a mental nudity in comparison with a dozen bright men of Utah, who would accept the position. All this warmed over, high-sounding praise by Colonel Isaac Trumbo, on Col. Isaac Trum bo, ought to disgust the whole people and especially the members of the legislature, upon whom, the responsibility of electing a senator rests. v Thunbo papers please copy. Manufacturers of the Finest Brands of NEW ROLLER PROCESS . . . PATENT Big Whole Wheat Baker's Choice Fancy THATCHER GERHADE, Sttw All Kinds of Mill Products. 129 E. FIRST SOUTH STREET. The Lowest Prices quoted. S. J. JEPPESEN, Agent. u ( S Ask for r and take CT no other. J. BERGERMAN, Manager. Telephone No. 473. UTAH LIQUOR CO., WHOLESALERS, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF WINES, WHISKIES, KEY WEST AND DOMESTIC CIGARS. 167 South Main Street, MA,LVrTDSEDRT0oMPTLY SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. mumm m co. I Uptown Office: 161 Main. Telephone 675. Main Office and i Yard near Hot Spr'gs R.R.depot 7 Telephone 650. f ALL KINDS. COLORADO STABLES. Livery, Feed and Boarding. Fine Car riages always on hand. Promptness and Good Service Guaranteed. BERO, ROBISON & CO., No. 317 South State St. Telephone 95. O. H. Bero, Manager. H BLANK & CO., . . DEALERS IN .. Staple and Fancy Groceries, Hay, Grain, Flour, Feci1, Coil and Kindling Wood. All Orders Promptly Filled and Delivered. NO. 374 SOUTH MAIN. Skewes Undertaking Co, Successors to Wji. Skiiwes & Son. FUNERAL BUS AND miSXM 25 East Third South. Sole agents tor Toaman's New York Bat Tbe Leader. We alo cany Stetson's and other fine hats. W. P. Noble Mercantile Co. 163 "VTa'-H Stxoet. HATS, CAPS & GESTS' FURNISHINGS. Salt Lake Hack Line Oflee under Watter Bro.' Bank. TELEPHONE 373. Fine Carriages on Stand Day and Xight. Ckarott Reasonable. Stand, at Walker Brat.' Bank, Cor. Second SoutX and Main. JOES FARBIHGTOir, Prop. O O O O O O O TJLElUrbeek. R.PJlorrU. 1Mb o o o o ooo elierbecs & mm All kinds of Coal. Office in Godbe-Pitts Drug Co. Tel. No. 661. Miners of and dealers In Weber CoaL YARD. 331 8. Third West Btreet; Telephone No. 41L CTXT 0F7ICE, 160 Main Street; Telephone No. 1U. WXBIB GOAL COHPAIY W. J. Hontcoxnerr. Asent. Sell all kinds of CoaL Clean Coal and fnU weight guaranteed. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. iflSTSUCTIOflS HSBHHSBBMSaMSBSiiiBiHHlMMB In Oil Painting and Art Needle Work. OIL PAINTINGS FOR SALE, BY Trs. J. p. Jaylor, frti$t, Student of the Chicago Art IastiMc Studio No: 710 MAJn'Sfc ELI L. PIGE, Green, Staple and Fancy Groceries, Fruits, Poultry and Fish. 254 MAIN ST. Telephone 157. todoo ommfestono. Wholesale and retail dealers In Silver Leaf -and Patent Flour. Groceries, liar. Grain, Batter, Eggs, Poultry, Paper, Etc Telephone 311. 155-7 W. South Temple. I now hare In my employ a nrst-cos practical Optician. Am better prepared than heretofore to grind and fit glasses to suit the sight. EYES TESTED FREE. ITf9 ! WV1TT Jeweler and OpUdan. Alfsffc 1. W I Alii 262 Main St. Salt Lake, City. U TlJhLLiljJL b Clothing furnishing Goods, etc. MAINSTREET. ON-Ci IlUC-Ii Wiscomb & Co., fxs smocMms. The best place for Family Supplies. 58 E. FIRST SOUTH ST. Adolph Hdiierbach, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER. 170 State St, Salt Late City. Satisfaction Guaranteed Utah Poultry and Produce Commission Co. 108 W. FIRST SOUTH ST.. . 1SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. WAXTZB L. PRICE, Vaaager.