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Newspaper Page Text
uuvt-JioimMB! If 4 .," A' v THE BROAD AX. IN THE APIARY. Calirornlan Account of Extraction Honey From Box Hires. A California apiarist, who "worked : an old apiary the past Beason ana -ntoH mnrft than 1.000 pounds of oey from the old boxes, gave his ex- ience. through The American uee loumal, as follows: I cut f onr pieces of latn, A, a, a, a, he length of the hive frames, and a at (B) an inch sqnare ana as long aa -width of the frames, and a small at (C) the same length, and nail im together as shown in the illnstra rv nnd alone the outer edVes of the atside lath drive some email nails ont three inches apart, letting the ads project one-quarter inch. A pair these pallets will be needed, and if I has an assistant two pairs will be nimd. I now cut the combs to fit the frames i nearly as practicable, and lay a piece ithe pallet so as to rest against tne ; B. aDd if there is room I pnt an- ner picee on the pallet resting against ae first piece. I now uncap the upper C ' lit F ;B " f H S ' -' m rl rS ? B m Mr I DEVICE CSED IS EXTHACriSO H05ET. ide of these pieces, and with a clamp I fasten each piece by laying the up across the piece near its upper id and hook it over the projecting lis. The clamp should be narrow aough to bind rather tightly on the ah, I then lift the pallet by the cleat and set it in the extractor. After ex acting I turn the comb on the pallet, icap and extract the other side. Any i board will answer for the pallets tead of latb, but the lighter the bet- For fastening these extracted combs i tne lraines i use the clamp-E. I do ; know but beekeepers generally have l sucn cJamps, but as far as I know hey use pegs, strings and other devices quaiiy unnandy. There is an abun- nce oi wire suitable for making clamps ng around iiere that has been used in ling hay. The clamps should be just enough to co over the outside of ) frames from ton to bottom. As soon i the combs are stuck by the bees the nps can be taken off and used again. Sortlne Potatoes. A corresnnndent nf Tha TVavH,i Farmer says that this operation may be uaue easy Dy constructing a box 12 feet u6 " leek wuc, ueb tne lliUS- atiOD. with three mrtiKnnii T,a pack piece should be about 4 feet high. JL (9. IBELEY, . Telephone 27. Manufacturer . of Pure Ice Cream, "Water . Ices, Candies, Home-Made . Bread and Cakes. 206 S. MAIN ST. SALT LAKE CITY. For FIRST-CLASS WORK And where all customers will re oelve courteous treatment, go to D. L. LeiDus' Barker Shop 63 "W. FIRST SOUTH. The Beoad Ax will b for sale there. THBEI GBADE POTATO 60HTTTL he next 3 feet, and the next 114 oat l;.v. t- . - &u. asai placets on for screens, .them rather close together on the " """ue, ana lanner apart on the --. AUiBBoaxs mem in tnree grades. "el them nn tVtn trm rmm fi-i- Jl na poke them down, and you have aera sorted in tfcwm a AttlSAIka & . Said he In a gentle raanaep, "Shall -m E. ENGILMAN, 2226 State (St., handles all kinds of New and Second Hand Goods. iiva mm Trade-Mxrks obtained sad an Pal-1 ent tmtmca conaactea tor MooCRATC Fees. Our ornccis OPKtrn; U, 8. PATSKTOrnet andwcranimira paxeotta toa tnao uua those, remote Iron WaiMatoo. i Send model, drawing or photo, with descri; Don. we aaTise. u patentaMs or doc tree efcircc Onr fee sot doe till intent Is leccred. i A Pamphlct," How to Obtain Patents," with cost of araela the U. S. sad foftiffa cotmrrtet sent tree, juatea. C.A.SNOW&CO. OfP. PATENT OmCC. WAMIOTOl. D. C. SANTA CLADS HEADODARTERS Toys, Dolls and Fancy Goods, in fact everything for HOLIDAY PRESENTS In great variety, at lowest prices, at the GOLDEN ROLE BAZAAR 227 ud its 8rineM3 M Si ) M. P. WELLS, AQKNT, FINE TAILORING. 128 Main Street. CHRISTMAS SALE SALT LAKE EQUITABLE - CO-OP. Note these EXTREMELY LOW PRICES: 1 10-4 White Blankets, nice 69c pair Childs' Fleeced Coats 50c each Ladies' Coats and Wraps, just half the price sold (or before. ""Home-made Black Yarn ......65c lb Germantown Yarn 65c lb Misses' Fleece lined Union Suits, were $1, cut now to half dollar. Bleached Heavy Twilling . 5c yd Our 10c Bleached Muslin 5c yd Only 30 yards to each customer. Heavy Checked Shirtings 5c yd Our 10c Ribbons for. 5c yd Black Sateen Sk rts 59c Nice allwool Shawls, for presents, very cheap. Ladies' all-wool Hose ( 19c pr Ladies' Fascinators ... 20, 25 and 35c Five-hook Foster Kid Gloves 90c Ladies' Silk Mitts, from 50c Ladies' Wool Mitts, from 19c Misses' Wool Mitts, from 15c Finest quality Knitting Silk 12c Regular Price, 35c. Linen Thread, 4 spools for. 10c Ladies' Gold Edge Side Combs .10c Ladies' Silver Edge Side Combs10c Adamantine Pins, 3 pkgs for .........5c Ladies' Hair Curlers, 2 sizes...5c each Silk Embroidered Handkerchiefs 10c Ladies Hair Pins, 2 boxes for . ...5c TOYS AND HOLIDAY PRESENTS. Wagons, Horses, Chairs, Bicycles, Baby Carriages, Tool Chests, Jumping Jacks, Monkeys, Talking Birds and Every thing else for the Gents, Ladies, Boys and Girls for Xmas Presents, and remember our prices will be lower than anybody else and we shall give you a fall size CRAYON PORTRAIT of yourself or friend worth $10.00 with every $10.00 purchase of Goods. You don't have to spend the $10.00 all at once,butyou can spend it any time during the Christmas Sale. SALT LAKE EQUITABLE CO-OP. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. 42 to 48 W. Equitable Block, - Corner First South and Richards Sts., SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH '- ' v'v . ---, -iitujjf -fnr1' aad ht the wm -Boontoai ""7W-' sJ'-.rt'- . f s r. mx