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L!W li : THE BROAD AX. Jfye Broad ix PUBLISHED WEEKLY. Will promulgate and at all times uphold the true principles ot Democracy, but taraaera, Catholics, Protestants, Knights of Labor, Infidels, Mormons, Republicans, Priests, or any one else can have tlieir say. o long as their language Is proper and responsibility is fixed. Thk Broad Ax is a newspaper whose platform is broad enough for all, ever claiming the editorial right to speak its own mind. Local eommanlcations will have atten tion; write only on one side of the paper. subscription: One Year. - - - $2.00. falx Months. - - 1.00. Three Months, - .60. la any quantity at the following Bates: One Hundred, $ 3.00. Five Hundred, - . 12.60. One Thousand, - 20.00. Single Copies, ... .05. . Advertising rates made known on appll eatfoa. pf Address all Communications to THE BROAD AX. C6 Main Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. JULIUS F. TAYLOR, Publisher and Editor. BmUnd at Post Office matter. as second-class CHIPS. When statehood comes, what trill become of poor little Frank J. Cannon? He will have to give up his seat in Congress before he e'ren got to say, "Mr. Speaker." That dazzling meteoric states man, Isaac Trumbo, like a moth, is flattering around the senatorial blaze and still trying to catch on. He is as prominent in Washington as "Schooner Jim" is in Salt Lake, and is about as useful. He is stuck on himself, like the glue pot of love between a young mother and her first baby. Will we ever get a rest from this bundle of self-conceit? We can supply you with every thing for the holidays in Wines, Whiskies, Brandies, Cigars, etc. M. E. Mulvey & Co, 213 South Main Street. A war cloud no bigger than a "man's hand" has arisen between the United Stales and Great Brit ain. It may grow to immense size in a few days, or it may fade away into nothingness. But anyway "watch the heavens." Fob first class groceries and family supplies, visit Wiscomb & Co., 58 E. First South St. From the Payson Globe of Dec. 14th: "J. F. Taylor, editor of the Broad Ax, was in the city yester day and paid the Globe office a short visit." - We want to return our thanks to Editor C. W. Jackson for the kind favors shown us while we were in Payson during the past week. S. B.NEWMAN. "76" Opposite Tbeatrx. The detailed financial report of Judge Powers as Jchairman of the Democratic State committee, pub lished last Monday, is an honest, straightforward account of steward ship, and shows that there wu no corruption fund or improper use of money on the part of, the Democrat to win the election. We would add to the report by saying that the item of $40, charged to the Broad Ax, was for two thousand copies distributed throughout the territory through the committee, and that we never received a cent as a donation; the above amount being about the actual cost of printing. We notice that some of the mushro' u papers got a slice of pie, but the Broad Ax got nothing but what it paid for. COAL. The Diamond is twenty-five per cent, better than any other Coal in the market. J. W. Whitehead, Jr., Act., 10 W. Second South. Telephone 608. First Unitarian Church, 44 Main street. Services at 11 o'clock a. m., Sunday. Rev. A. L. Hudson, pastor. Subject: "Influence of the Puritans and Pilgrims." Go to the art exhibition, 67 East, First South. If Uncle Sam and John Bull want to fight, we suggest Venezuela as the battle ground, and we guar antee no interference from the po lice. Let the winner take both purses and the gate receipts. We trust it will be no Corbett-Fitzsim-mons affair. We will back Uncle Sam either on land or water. f For. clothing, furnishing goods hats" and caps, visit O'Reilly's, 210 Main Street. t Hon. C. E. Allen soon, ex expects, to don the Congressional robes, and poor Jus, iron logic into thenars of the country. Mr. Allen beat one o the .best men in Utah for Congress, and was elected by a a 1 J j . TTT "Puj TCuocea miiontr;. we WW WW fAA bUWUAUllf KC UlU 'CoBgretMaan bur support m ijll thkgs tsodmg-tobenefit oar great fOfie We kT8 alwaji-thought Mr. Allan whs rather cold tblpodsd, hat he may have i "soul of ire eoacealed underaa exterior of ice." TOiratt fie will bVisg honor to Tmmrif and blessings to Utah. McbGrMillMmtorCo. Manufacturers of the Finest Brands of NEW ROLLER PROCESS . . . i T S3CT Ask for j$r and take "ft no other. PATENT Big Whole Wheat " Baker's Choice " Fancy " THATCHER GERM ADE ESSE? All Kinds of Mill Products. 129 E. FIRST SOUTH STREET. The Lowest Prices quoted. S. J. JEPPESEN, Ageal I? Finest Breakfast Food J. BERGERMAN, Manager- Telephone No. 473. UTAH LIQUOR CO., WHOLESALERS, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF WINES, WHISKIES, KEY WEST AND DOMESTIC CIGARS, 167 South Main Street, MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. ZvU SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. CHRISTMAS CHIPS, TO WARM THE KIKES OF BROTHERHOOD. A sack of flour or a ham sent to the home of the poor neighbor, who is sick and out of work, will bring more pleasure to the square man, both to you and him, than all the "Tom and Jerry" in town. Try this receipt once. A pair of shoes on Christmas eve, given to a widow or a barefoot child, will cure insomnia, even with a praying Christian. Thk C. B. Durst Grocery Com pany are receiving their new goods for the holidays. They are end men. Give them a call. A load of coal sent to the cheer less home of that poor neighbor will not only bring comfort to him, but it will warm your whole soul much' more than that new suit of clothes your wife gave you as a Christmas present, for which you gave her the money. For all kindi of Christmas presents, such as silverware, jewel efy, fancy goods, and toys, in great variety at the lowestprices, visit the Golden Rule Bazaar, 227, and its Branch, 43 Main Street. On fcrt oTinrnll maVa Inner iirwm Mad chant hymns, it you Mfc' bit don't forget, that the Lord thinks thk .time of the 'year than he does of selfish Christian. Huvtn rU not offering a prize on prayer, tout u wbo cares ionne poor win get a free admmion ticket. BM-SAUEfi m ft, SprgsR.R.depot J Telephonk 675 Telephone 650. f Ielephone bio. ALL KINDS. COLORADO STABLES. Livery, Feed and Boarding. Fine Car riages always on hand. Promptness and Good Service Guaranteed. BERO, ROBISON & CO., No. 317 South State St. Telephone 95. O. H. Bero, Manager. Skewes taking Co, Successors to Wm. Skewes & Son. FUNERAL DISECIOBS AltD lMim 25 East Third South. Sole agents for Yonman's New York Hat The Leader. We also carry Stetson's and other tine hat. W. P. Noble Mercantile Co. lea TuTwIn Street. HATS, CAPS & GEKTS' FURNISHINGS. Salt Lake Hack Line Oflct under Walker Bro.' Bank. TELEPHONE Q73- m Fin Carriage on Stand Day and Night. Chargtt Beatonabt. Stand, at Walter Bret.' Bank, Cor. Second South and Main. J0HH PABEIHGTOir, Prop. OOOO OOO TjLSOerbtek. ILPMorrU. bUMi OO'O OOtJO GfsEllfiUECK & xm All kinds of CoaL Office in Gbdbti-Pitts Drug Co. Tcl.No.56Lr Klfiers of and dealer In Weber Coal. "TABS, Ml 8. Third Wert Street; eleeesae So. 41L CXTY oma. MO Hala Street: Telephone MalM. WIBIB COAL COMPAHT W. rlfoateoaerr: Agest. Self all klad ot OoaL Oeaat-Oealaad faU weight amrsntneil, SALT Mm uii una. la Oil ? aad ArtrfeedleWorkf. OIL PAIMTIKGS FOR SALE, Tire. J. p. Jgyiqr,rlfst Stadeat oC Ae.CWfArt SattilvtsNj Studio No. 7IO Main St H BLANK & CO., . . DEALERS IN .. Staple and Fancy Groceries, Hay. Grain, Flour, Fed, Coal and Kindling Wood All Orders Promptly Filled and Delivered. NO. 374 SOUTH MAIN. ELI L. PlIGE,- Green, Staple and Fancy Groceries, Fruits, Poultry and Fish. 254 MAIN ST. Telephone 157. tocotST iSommtssionffio. Wholesale and retail dealers In SllTer Leaf sad Patent Floor, Groceries, Hay, drain. Butter, Eggs, Poultrj, Paper, Etc. Telephone 311. 155-7 W. South Temple. I now hare In mj employ a flrt-cls practical Optician. Am better prepared than heretofore b grind and fit glasses to salt the sight. EYES TESTED FREE. ATW I TDVIVP Jeweler and Optician. atUsa 1. Wassail 282 Main St Salt Lake Citr- O'REILLY'S Cot fling, Furnishing Goods, etc. .ONE PRICE 2210- MAIN STREET. Wiscomb & Co , ms emecMas . The beet pkee for Family Supplies. 58 R FIRST SOUTH ST. Adolph Haiierbaoh, PAjOTICALr-. a .WATCfrHAKERh. 1?Q State -SL, alt Lake City. Satisfectioa GBaranteed ik Utah Poultry and, , ProdiaQe jCpinwiseiQn Co. KM W FWST SOUTH STU- T UKE WTt, UTAH. wMLTK L. PBKS, Kasar. rri