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i Hew to the Line. Vol. I. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, JANUARY 4, 1896. No. 19. STATEHOOD DAY, Statehood day will overshadow all others in Utah, next Monday, January 6th, 1896. The following proclamation from Acting Governor Richards, makes it a legal holiday, and one which all, old and young, will delight to observe, regardless of party or creed: governor's proclamation. Whereas, The people of Utah have formed and adopted a consti tution and have elected officers for a. state government, agreeable in all respects to the constitution and laws of the United States; and, Whereas, The canvass of the re turns or the votes cast for and against the adoption of the consti tution has been certified to the president of the United States, and it is confidently expected that his proclamation will soon be issued admitting the Territory into the Union as a sovereign State; and, Whereas, The constitution for the new State fixes the Monday next after the day upon which the president shall issue his proclama tion of admission as the day upon which the administration of the Territorial government shall termi nate and the governor and other officers of the State shall enter upon the discharge of their official duties; and, Whereas, The inauguration of the State government will be an occasion that has long been desired and one that should be celebrated by the whole people with thankful hearts and appropriate rejoicing that we have been freed from the imperfections of the Territorial system and are permitted to enter the glorious Union of American States: Therefore, I, Charles C. Richards, acting governor of the Territory of Utah, in pursuance of the authority conferred by law, do hereby desig nate and set apart the Monday next after the day upon which the presi dent of the United States shall issue his proclamation admitting the State of Utah into the Union, as a public holiday for thanksgiving -and rejoicing, and 1 advise an ear nestly advise that on that day all unnecessary business be suspended; that the schools be closed and that suitable arrangements be made for old and young to celebrate inau guration day in a manner becoming a free, intelligent . and patriotic people. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the Territory of Utah to be af fixed at Salt Lake City, the capital of the Territory, this (Seal) thirty-first day of December, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five, and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and twentieth. Charles C. Richaubs. By the governor: Charles C. Richarbs, Secretary of Utah Territory. In accordance with the foregoing proclamation we trust everyone who possibly can, will in some manner observe the day and honor the occasion. THE FARADS. The line of march under Mar shal Burton, will form at 10 o'clock, on State Street and Third South, and will move north on State to Second South, thence west to Main, thence south on Main to Third South, countermarch on Main to Second South, thence west to West Temple, thence north to First South, thence east to Main, thence north to the Temple. As nearly as can be aicetained the following will be the order and program: Platoon of police. Grand marshal and aides. Sixteenth Regiment Band. General Penrose and staff. Eight companies of regulars un der company commander. Carriages containing the incom ing and retiring governors. Carriages containing state and retiring territorial officials. Pedersen's K. P. band of thirty pieces. General Young, State troops and staff officers. Signal corps in command of Captain W. W. Hall. Companies A. B. and D in com mand of Captains Grow, Lund and Alford respectively. Company H, of Farmington, under Captain Landers. Following will march the artillery and cavalry companies of the guard, touowea oy tne various civic .societies in positions to be al lotted later with Held's band and the Ogden military band sand wiched in the proper intervals. Among the sociecies expected to be in line are the G. A. K., K. of P., A. O. U. W., I. O. O. F., Black Hawk- and Walker Indian War veterans. German societies and several others which have not as vet announced their intention of parti cipating but who are expected to do so. artillery salute. When the procession arrives at the tabernacle the artillery company will proceed to the top of Capitol hill accompanied by a member of the signal corps to, be detailed by the officer in command. Another member of the corns will be stationed on top of the tabernacle and when all is settled within and the governor- elect rises to take the oath of office, the artillery will be signaled and the firing of a salute of forty five guns will immediately begin. AT THE TABERNACLE. ' The programme at the Tabernacle as decided upon by the executive committee at a meeting yesterday 4s to be as follows: Instrumental Music Sixteenth U. S. Infantry Band. Instrumental Music Deabalter Band. .Prayer by President Woodruff. Music "Star Spangled Banner" By Chorus. (Fifth number undecided.) Music "Utah, I Love Thee," Chorus. Inaugural Address by Governor Wells. Music "America," Chorus and Audience. Benediction, Dr. T. a IUff, Instrumental Music. Combined Bands. "Hail Columbia" and "Star Spangled Banner." The exercise of the day will close with a grand inaugural ball at Salt Lake Theater. This will be an elaborate affair, the committee havingspared neither timenormoney to make it commensurate with the occasion. "After the ball is over," and after the last shout of joy, we can lay our wearyhead8 torest with a feeling of peace and security, under tne guidance and bnlliancv of the forty-fifth star of human progress and local self-government. All hail glorious day and glorious Utah. Onward speed thy course of greatness. A TARIFF FOR REVENUE ONLY. This is an exceedingly rapid age. The world moves, as it were by the electric current. Each change in the affairs of men travels close upon the heels of each other. One of the most remarkable metamor phoses of political doctrine, is the recent revenue bill framed by the Republican majority in the House, by which it is propsed to place a duty on wool and woolen fabric, of about 40 per cent, less than the McKinley law, all for the purpose of increasing the revenues. So, at last, the great Republican party have adopted the old popular cry of "A tariff for revenue only." Pro tection is thrown aside; the Mc Kinley law dehorned, and the ad vocates of a "home market" are somersaulting into revenue reform ers with such rapidity that one can hardly believe that such things are true." The bill referred to, is a wonderful concession on the part of the mad supporters of protection against the foreign manufacturer. It amounts to an open confession, that the Democratic theory of a "tariff for revenue only," is cor rect, and that the Chinese wall of protection is wrong. All the talk we have heard about-"home mar kets," "protection from cheap la bor," and "building up home in dustries," was only intended to delude the voter during the cam paign, md not to be put into prac tice. In other words, the Republi can leaders do not propose to rein carnate the McKinley bill just on the eve of the presidential election of 1896, even though they have an overwhelming majority in Congress. Their conduct is an acrobatic performance worthy of the fast age n which we live, and entitles them to the distinction of first-class po litical tumblers. This bounding around like a goat, is unseemly, and will disgust the rank and file of their party, if carried on too far. This party of extremes and false pretenses, will find that "for tune is Gckle," and the politcal pen dulum is liable to vibrate over to a party of honest men, who will re store the monev of the neoule. and protect ns from the gold nabobs of Europe and Wall street. "lne most dangerous thing to the Republican party, is unlimited power," said one of their great leaders, and 'it would seem now to be prophetic. REPUBLICAN CONSISTENCY. We wonder what the honest Re publicans of Utah now think of the action of their party in the House of Representatives, in voting bonds in time of peace, by almost a. strict party vote. It is only a few weeks ago that the g. o. p. fellows were raving and ranting on the stump and through the press over thegreat ' crime of issuing bonds in time of peace, and in their state platform, which was adopted amid wild en thusiasm, they say, "We condemn the action of the present national administration for issuing Govern ment bonds in time of peace. " Yet, after all this stormy declam ation, the new Republican Congress had hardly got settled in their scats when by a party vote they commit themselves to this bonding business without a blush or tremor. No wonder that the staid old Utah Re publican, when he read the des patches, would pinch himself to sec whether or not he was dreaming. One of two things must be true; either the declarations of a Repub lican platform mean exactly oppo site from what it says, or else the whole party at Washington have become the subject of hypnotic in fluence eyerted over them by the Wall street fakirs. What C. E. Allen of Utah would have done or said had he obtained his scat before the House passed the bond bill is unknown. He is the reputed father of the Utah Republican platForm, and dur ing the campaign, wherever he went, it was the storm center of of attack upon President Cleveland for the bond issue. Will he be like the prophet of old, declaring that he alone has not "bowed the knee to Baal?" "We opine that the gen tleman is like the rest of his party, or, at least, is no better, and they all will assume that a party plat form is only made to stand upon during a campaign, and to get off of as soon as elected. In other words they have two sets of weights and measures; one to be used ift buying, and the other in selling. "Consistency is a jewel," butitno longer decorates the apparel of a Republican Congressman. It it a hopeless yearning of the people if they expect any financial benefit from the hands of this Congress. We must have a mew deal and a new deck before the people get their honest dues.. X T . r Vs - . 1. Ji SaSBSFsiAS' .js VT.3 A C - -Sl'V. -"- .-- - . SfrWF.y . 'r.'Sl ...'v !T. :, - ?fZ.1fflG" AMl.- - v- 46 i .. "vi'V LCB R;?-?ae4ffi-.,j't s.;. j:S? r "- - ' --v -- ., . - fi.,L -re .- .:-?a '---" s " .. '-jjr vuHta. attffts J ' . ' r r - - .. &. Jf " v . 'i-ii-. -..? . ..-.i . --i-v - , . - -,fc .fc s. .ft ,t -- - , , .-- l -A' -y " TX ' . V i '3 V i," - ,'-te-a.T '.&' ,, &.: