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T??Z3?- &i "fj& -, , v; ,1 '(S-'ft ' t(mj"v "4M&j;"iJS"" fc -gn) JPa sCgSc)" & ' iiTC HPJh stvi""cT?sM i X'-A Hew to the Line. Vol. I. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, JANUARY 11, 1896. No. 20. THE STATE OF UTAH. After many long years of wan dering in the wilderness, and patient waiting for tardy justice, Utah has at last been admitted into the sisterhood of states. The President's proclamation was duly issued at ten o'clock on Satur day the fourth of January, 1896, and on Monday, the sixth day of water distilled in mountain gorges, or medicated by the hand of nature, our natural resources, our artistic scenery, our liberty-loving people, our churches, schools and colleges, and our whole civilization cemented by a Republican form of State government, we as a people are bound to become the glory of the West, and the pride of January, Gov. Wells and the state the nations. We commend the officials were sworn into office, and -the new machinery moved off grandly and smoothly, and is running as though nothing had Happened. The sun rises and seta as usual, but we feel assured that it shines upon no nobler or more de serving class of people than are found within the boundary lines of this the youngest State of Columbia's happy land. Of the pioneers who planted civilisation in these lovely valleys and on these fruitful plains, but few remain to unite with their children ia celebrating this event: as the majority of this noble race have been "gathered unto their fathers." Of those who still survive the ravages of time, what just feelings o pride must they ex perience, on being permitted to see the (Consummation of their long desire. What toil, privation .and aaguish have these grand men and women undergone, that their child ren and children's children may be blessed and enjoy a glorious herit age? No wonder their hair is grey, their cheeks furrowed with care and their tottering forms palsied with over exertion. To them, today, we owe more than to all others, for the benefits of a home within this prosperous commonwealth. All honor to the sires of Utah! Let us emulate their example, and cherish their memory. And let us hand down to posterity the blessings we 'have received unimpaired and still more glorious. Utah commences its career under Auspicious skies. Its people are moral, industrious and intelligent as a class; more so than many other states which have been born into the Union. We have peace and plenty within our borders, and resources beyond estimate. Its stock and fruit-growing enterprises are truly wonderful; its agricultural richness' is unlimited, and its min eral wealth js inexhaustible, althousk vet ia its infancy. Utah isdestisedto be the' greatest min eral state of all others, and as -a result, iudastries of all kinds will .gravitate to this intersaoHntain atate, . 'IFfith our Wlth-giving clmate iavigoradag air, pare following original poem as expres sive of the sentiments of the Broad Ax: OK THE BIRTH OF THE 8TATE OF UTAH. All hall, youn;: Utah of the West, Of all the lands we love tbee best. Press on; tb y hopes are truly great. Since now thou hast become a state. All hall, thou bright and sparkling star, Thy glory shines from near and far. Onward and upward be thy way. No one will now retard thy sway. Within thy gates shall men be blest, Upon thy hills thy children rest; All creeds and names enjoy thy soil. And build their homes in honest toIL Thy mountains, lakes and rivers free. Strong, broad and pure shall ever be An emblem of thy rising fame, And keep untarnished thy fair name. May law and right with thee prevail. And justice reign in every vale. Be this the spot on earth most free. To worship God and honor thee. THE FINANCIAL PROBLEM. Of all questions concerning the interest and tranquility of the peo ple of the United States, the finan cial question is the most important of all. To properly guard the rights of all classes and deal justice to each, has been a vexed question at all periods of the world's his tory. In our own country, we have been harrassed about each de cade, with a money panic with all of its attendant evils. We are just now emerging from one of the most aggravating of the kind we have ever had itbeingbroughtabout for poorer reasons aud flimsier pre texts, than any other known to the .history of the country. But what troubles us now, more than any thing else, is how to keep from an early recurrence of the condition of 1893-1, and to get entirely out of the predicament of that un pleasant period, which still lingers and, like Banquo's ghost, will not dowa. Not only are the people in dividually suffering for the need of money, but the government itself is -compelled to exist, as it were, from hand to mouth, a condition not only unnecessary, but humili ating in the extreme. With the great resourcesof natural wealth in our land, with our patri otism and high standard of 'intelli gence, with an absence of famine, pestilence or war, with our fields. teeming with the rich products of the earth, and our factories pro ducing all that is needed or neces sary, we ought to be the most pros perous and favored nation on the globe. But we are not; and why is it, and what is the reason? Where ever you go, in every department of life, except that of the money lender, the universal complaint is, "a scarcity of money." So we have the situation explained, viz., the people all need more money, and the government itself needs more money. Thus the financial problem is ever uppermost, and we seem to be no nearer its solution than we were years ago. England, France, Germany and Russia, each have a greater per capita circulation than do the peo ple of the United States. Accord ing to the most liberal estimate we have not to exceed $21 per .capita, and perhaps not to exceed two thirds of that is in actual circula tion, as a large amount of the original issue has been lost or de stroyed, and a still larger amount is locked up in vaults or hidden away. So we can safely say that we, 70,000,000 of people, in this great country, are doing business upon a cash capital of $15 to each person. It seems strange, indeed, that we should suffer from such a cause, when the relief and remedy is with in our own hands. We suggest the following plan to relieve both the nation and the people from this uncomfortable position, viz.: 1st, Let us have the free and unlimited coinage of silver into legal tender money, at the ratio of 16 to 1, to be coined from the American pro duct upon adequate evidence. 2nd, If the above plan is not ample, and the government still needs more money, and is bound to issue bonds, then let Congress authorize the is suance of $1,000,000,000 in popu lar bonds, at 2 per cent, inter est, payable in coin in ten to fifty years, at the option of the govern ment, to be as low a denomination ten dollars, so as to invite the as people of the United States to in vest therein. Whenever the general government has sold sufficient of these bonds to meet the running expenses, then let the government invest the balance in State bonds at three per cent., which would have the 'efiecWeC keeping the money of the country moving from the center to the outskirts of the nation. t This latter scheme we have but cradely presented, bat we believe it is worthy, of serious consideration. These bonds would be a safe in vestment for the masses who wished to save their earnings, and they at all times would be available as a circulating medium. This plan would certainly be preferable to an issue of bonds, to be taken by for eign capita, thereby driving mil lions of dollars annually from this country by way of interest. We recommend this plan for considera tion. THE ATLANTA EXPOSITION. O.v Tuesday, at midnight,Dec.31, the Atlanta Cotton States Inter national Exposition expired. It opened its gates on September 18, 1895, and run just one hundred . days. Considering all the circum stances it was a success; not in the sense of a commercial investment, but in many other ways. Such exhibitions never, or rarely ever pay the projectors financially. The great World's Fair at Chicago was not a profitable investment from a pecuniary standpoint. The pro moters of such shows do not expect dividends from their moneyin vested; they are induced to'encourage such enterprises from pure motives of patriotism. So it was with the Atlanta Exposition. While it paid no profit to those who invested, yet it has been one of the grandest successes of the kind, by way of the education of patriotic sentiment in the whole country. It has shown the wonderful progress made by the colored race since the chains of slavery were stricken from their limbs, aud has fostered a better feel ingbetwecn thewhiteandblackraces all over the South. This alone is an achievement worthy of the effort. It has also taught a lesson to the Northern people, by demonstrating that the negro is more thought of and better cared for by the people of the South than'they are by their pretended friends of the North. Another grand result of the Exposition is, it has done more than any one thing, since the war, to break up the sectional ani mosities between the North and the South, and to engender a kindlier feeling and a loftier patriotism be tween the two sections. One of the best means of allaying our prejudices is to become better ac quainted with our neighbors. The fraternal feelings aroused by closer relations to our fellows, ripens into warm friendship and 'tends to bind us together as fellow-countrymen. We are glad the Atlanta Exposi tion was held; it will make oar country stronger and better and the sentimeats of brotherhood will be heard and felt all over the Union. s