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THE BROAD AX Jr;e Broad fix PUBLISHED "WEEKLY. Will promulgate and at all times uphold the true principles of Democracy, but farmers, Catholics, Pro testaats,-Knights of Labor, InHdela, Mormon; Republicans, Priests, or any one else can have tiielr say, o long as their language is proper and responsibility is fixed. The Broad Ax is a newspaper whose platform is broad enough for all, ever claiming the editorial right to speak 'its own mind. - Local communications will have atten tion; write only on one ude of the paper. subscription: One Year. - $2.00. Six Months. . . 1.00. Three Months, ... .5a la any quantity at the following Bates: One Hundred, $ 3.00. Five Hundred, '- . 12.50. One Thousand, - - 20.00. Single Copies, . - .05. Advertising rates made known on appli cation. f&" Address all Communications to THE BROAD AX, 66 Main Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. JULIUS F. TAYLOR, Publisher and Editor. g. o. p., where it belongs. Any Democrat who casts his vote for a Republican for Senator, will drive a hail into' "his political coffin. No pretence or excuse will remove the suspicion that such a vote was bought and paid for by Republican gold. Let the Republicans fight it out if it takes all summer. .V - f- ;' COAL. Thz Diamond, is twenty-five per cent, better than any other Coal in the market. J. W. Whitehead, Je., Agt., I,. 10 W. Second South. Telephone 608. Thb editor of the pleasure of sEnttrtd at Post Office matter. as second-class CHIPS. Whu said the bimetalic move ment was dead? Read Senator Vest's speech and you will believe the fight for silver is getting hotter. Jt is rumored that young Mr. Spreckels is to visit Zion soon. Why is it that so many of the mem bers of the legislature are desiring an introduction to the young sugar king? TheC. B. Durst Grocery Com piny are receiving their new goods for the holidays. They are end men. Give them a call. There is a at Washington which fits the financial question to a dot. It also contains as patriotic a heart as ever throbbed in the breast of an American statesman. the Broad Ax had meeting, the past week, J. R. Murdock. member of the jlpwer house from Wasatch County. Mr. Murdock is a mem ber or the Democratic state com mittee and he is also a large farmer anddairvman and is also extensively engaged in the mercantile business. Statehood day was a big one for Utah. The parade was magnificent; the military being the leadingfeatura The streets were crowded with living humanity, and the Tabernacle filled to its utmost capacity, demonstrat ing that a building holding 12,000 people could not accommodate 50,000.- Cannon-firing, horns toot in:;, whistles blowing, men and boys shouting, and everybody re joiqing was the order or disorder of the day. The ball at night was all that could be desired and was' up to the standard of such occasions. It was a great fete day for cur people. Thatcher MilliM & Bleyator Co. Manufacturers of the Finest Brands of NEW ROLLER PROCESS . . . t PATENT Big Whole Wheat- " Baker's Choice " Fancy " THATCHER GERIADE,KBM All Kinds of Mill Products. 129 E. FIRST SOUTH STREET. The Lowest Prices quoted. S. J. JEPPESEN, Agent 6r Ask for r and take gr no other. Finest Breakfast food J. BERGERMAN, Manager- Telephone No. 473. We are unable, at this writing, to give our readers any cue to the senatorial contest, but we will bet a package of peanuts to a glass of buttermilk, that the 'winner will have a "Q" in his name. This is, ou the quiet. State Senators Warrum and Warner both conduct themselves- in a peerless manner, they having uo equals in the Senate. t i A .barrel of jfugar will sweeten , lots of things. Even the taste of pepper can be modified by saccha- ' rine juice'. But remember Trumbo's - ice cream' is the purest and easiest to take. It will slip into the hand, r i or into the pocket as easy as falling oft a log. Thatcher's Germade the finest '" breakfast food in the market;' Try it. J - j Representative Monsos is 'the r equal of any man " in 'the lower ' house, and the Republican members "will not be able (o make him- wear. a collar.' Mr. Monson believes in speaking right out in meeting. S. B.NEWMAN. ' ' "76" ', I Opposite Theatre. . ,!Th dogs of war will be let loose, "the fcojaing week for Senatorial game, it should be a abort but : .HtcTt figkt; it may, "however, last ' "katij spring; if it ahoald, we trust 'the Democrats' will remain; true' to' tkor. principles and let the respond . tibilityof a deadlock rest with the We were somewhat surprised and disappointed that Gov. Wells, in his inaugural address, in giving honor and credit to those, who in the past had endeavored to obtain statehood for Utah, should have neglected to even mention the gallant and suc cessful effoxts of the Hon. J. L. Rawlins', who, above all others is entitled to more credit, for having the. boon conferred, upon Utah. The governor, in his address, seemed to avoid even the mention of his name. If it was done through partisan jealousy, we say shame on such narrow bigotry. If it was due to an oversight, then we think it is inexcusable, as there was ecough transpired during the exer cises' at 'the tabernacle to have re minded the new governor, that it was largely due to the efforts of Mr. Rawlins, that the occasion of last Monday was possible. The people of all parties give J. L. "Rawlins the honor of being the successful advocate of local self- government for Utah, as was dem onstrated by the enthusiasm shown him on inauguration day. Any man,, be he governor or not, who would detract from this justlyearned "merit 'deserves a rebuke at the "hatids' of a gratfnl people. " - Knotsford Hotel. w2 cl Salt Lake City, ,,,..,.. Jan. 4, 1896. JK-Taylor, Esq. I Enclosed please find the sum of fiftv .cents for my subscription to 'theBaoAD Ax from date. Wbhing you success I remain, j ; I Yours respectfully, B. R. Tyler. UTAH LIQUOR CO., WHOLESALERS, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF WINES, WHISKIES, KEY WEST AND DOMESTIC CIGARS. 167 South Main Street, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Sr UUUUOfflffi IM. CO,, Uptown Office:. 161 Main. Telephone 675. A Main Office and J Yard near Hot T Sprgs R.R.depot f Telephone 650. ALL KINDS. COLORADO STABLES. Livery, Feed and Boarding. Fine Car riages always on hand. Promptness and Good Service Guaranteed. BERO, ROB1SON & CO., No. 317 South State St. Telephone 95 D. H. Bero, Manager. - Skewes Undertaking Co, Successors to Wm. Skiiwes & Son. FUMAL DIRECTORS AHD EM.U.EU 25 East Third South. Sole agents for Tooman' New York Uat The leader. We also carry Stetcon's and other fine hat. l I Nolle Mercantile Co. IBS -- Street. HATS, CAPS & GENTS' FURNISHINGS. DON'T GO HUHTING ?tVbn Coal and Kindling: Wood, la anj quantity, when yoo can GET IT AT 338 State Street, N B JACOBSON ELI L. PlIGE.- Green, Staple and Fancy Groceries, Fruits, Poultry and Fish. 25 MAIN ST. Telephone 157. nSo. UTAH g?ri Wholesale and retail dealers !.-afr iaf and , Patent Flour, Groceries, H jji5r m, But'ar. "Eg, Poultry, PJ'Mt Telephone 311. 155-7" South Temple. Salt Lake Hack Line Ofct tinder Walker Bros.' Bank. TELEPHONE 273 Fine Carriages on Stand Day and Night. Charge Reasonable. SUna, ai it alter urots Dane, Cor. Second South and Main. , JOBS TA&BXNQT0E, Prop I now hare In my employ a flni-cla practical Optician. Am better prepared than heretofore to grind and fit glasse to olt the tight. EYES TESTED FREE. Jeweler and Optician. SasMalnSt. SaltLakeCUf ALEUW7ATT, 00 0 0-0 0 0 T.Il.ElUrbeck. lUPMorrts. .:. INSTRUCTIONS la Oil Painting and --- Art Needle Work. tfil'PAIrlTIrlGS FOR SALE, jfijrs: J. F- fayIor' rtist, trades of the Chicago Art Iutkate. Studio No. 7IO Main St II All kinds of Coal. I Office in Godbe-Pitts Drug ooo oooo Co. Tei.No.661. Itinera of and dealer In Weber Coal. YARD, Ml R Third Wert Street: Telephone No. 411. COT OFFICE, ISO Main Street; Te.ephone No. IM. W2BSB COAL COMPANY W. J. Montgomery. Agent. Setl all kind of Coal, dean Cnal and f oU weight srosranteed. SALT LAKE CITYV UTAH. O'REILLY'S Clothing Furnishing Goods, etc. mainstrIet. ONE PRICE Wiscomb & Co , mx emocMms The best place for Family Supplies. 58 E FIRST SOUTH ST. Salt Lake Cleaning Company, bAUL SMITH, Proprietor. Clothes Cleaned and Pressed at 85 cents par month. Pants Pressed 25 cents. Pants Dyed $1 . Ladies' clothes Cleaned and Dyed in all its branches. Repairing neatly done. New clothes saade for old ones. 179 South Main Street, under St. Llmo. Adolph Hauerbach, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER. 170 State St, Salt Lake City. Satisfaction Guaranteed Utah Poultry and Produce Comaaission Co. IDS W. FIRST SOUTH ST.. JSALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. WALTSB L. raid, y :J