Newspaper Page Text
.... eAfCTRlUMPH WATICOPPdRlij-3 - ' vrz w . a - Jey'snommttTOnW fc0B "'-J U-ki i-;n hir me ifoii',ww" . D0W CO""10" "J.;""' "iVh his honest tkotMrtit, - ; .A & . k a. u-13 cEnley's tnurapa- "r & opportunity. .V-; lie Ohio leader repMtey. j t and phase aad MHWlwae "il gepuDlicanisiu n. ?t;-8- "" ... V- L. t..Ua- fietoiJemociwar- .-""SSt jt will present ww J77 -r a. Mfties square-cat or. wesy; ; c " ft - - i -a Lu kj on these issues a mm vm r bare Been oTerwaoiMiwmj -, before the peopta. TniRMthe RepoUioaM'xarrwd : ik cowtry, electing tiwirPretet adimjonty or uorewj. jr. 'jfcBky stood spoJBt; bfce tenfi till which WprWMMTM policy olhis partyad. thii-WMir a jtib etectiomof IcWflseaofik pad judgment -apoa. it. Tiey aworlrine:BihtfiKoa.fc- .'-&k the House-iaio Dtmii -aBeaajomy 01 xo. itacj -. jLgjey himself atlwaw. Xter IjbJM sp a popul&r .majority afwaet feLsdeyism ot lj33Z,WU. fTse Republican co44tioft waia Est the Tote iras iaaiy.. Tbe Ijwe, they said, fead wtrexpen- wldiamcienUy wBe ;Baae8- the McKinler:talaM.ta eea Editures. Bat mMM, atte 5ko years' expeneaoe, ta geopje Affirmed their Terdiet. They I Grover Cleveland fcyaa elec- majority of 132 and a popular ilitv of 382.956." 3iey. rev ned a Democratic majority ety-four in the House. Tfcey orered the Senate and elected a awncy ot uorernors. ; It was a tidal-wave subaerfikg ! second overthrow o McKMtey . Again McKJuey h coala before fe country as the ckapleopK. Jtecnoa though we -have atarm ifote as high as that reeoaamonneaV 'tkrtheKeoublican tariff commission ;.k 1883 and enacted by Keg aJfc M Congress. "'"" He is to be posed as ""tbe adfiawe pat of prosperity" ptosatrifcy dt ae sort fflustnted'ljJto-liWM r.A strike and riotsby bwdreis sastter strikes andiock6ts,lyte we io secure ,ajr wtmcc j: wgato accompaay 4le iirfe aS'-. faace in bounties teTtejttftaated Wries,and fiaaH j $& fcjw of His tariff, by a asU wrk- Ppaen out of eiaployniMit. & fty treasury, a-diwatod -foW sad a monetx-iie.: ACAinley s -tnumakjr. tTthf rr.l.Ji . T'-AJL. " . ti '!. v- I .w wuuuiiuuity. i -.wrnmx ffUPIbnnnL XM T . ''T.A.1 WarH - . -vbwb-u iu umwrvrmjmnsyf. Wefslly concur wkk ilrfTrW -w if the syndicate ef his www . in uominxtiw BiltTCefcm- "1 J f l-ii c -r '--T -- ij--1 "Mi nis DU1 IOr f MSMMVUfB - . . jsr .-- .- ". : k. mi i -.-.--Tl m utiacy wui nave a : i.HT, provided, tber free sflver" platfdrmjyi; war sianaard beanr ,l ym fiSJf.t i , aicc uuioage mam. V heartily sick ad tirtd ; tari. isVmigUm and boade. ;ce to express t ii ?? DOlIa. nA Pndism would - A - . w4U iof thenoliticd - "jrt fe jrotective tariJt 0. WJ hl would be fitly ;aley, but' tbe idea "Pated hv tWUwri Kn peopkj ad is' .protection w "t-Ktten bv ;4themillioi, ""yoBld not he. :S!ttwury 0f t itmaybegeJiiB, lriQag it is a sht; .RKeoaratnTjA.; :&.b .Bt attifcii fioik epws siiif erenBir. 5,-JW. 't&iorZ)Z. tLifeV.'. Fr-iawv-.CKi rrv'-i'"C-3 HKJWBW VW . VBlBUiVB mJamM B-JW - '-... -Jfa '-i' JMJ""- " . rMiKli iLi-iaA Ja-tiM'.'lsi iMttai'iflitt J " iWi MaiMmaa'-Jm(MBSiMBt . -. m . -" . . JSJ JHB 3 , ' . UT i lisMMTTT- II "i IT mmmsamma -szl aihflr A'.TBHCBV J9 K.-MW V .tf 5a: J " " . U. liOd- AMWIOEN'nALSYHDfdATE y",w.- age. of syadwaarsVfV Tiria arHdkjftttsbiiiKBg sjwdieatee, sad st batraet ttife:.liW-a Presidential; flyrii- Hate, "Mfamaed by the g. op, to wwywow: tt KimHL aucxviniey ,1H0. tbTreb4tkl chair. Tkewieek of ifcjB: HMdMBe baye been YuHmig try aistiiry-fBr- the t tbirty fkysvs aoeefflitot: the peculiar Iu- i irlewsV"rffiwa. fat" obuiaed ifoa tbe'iaaiviwiml members com oswg tbe syiiote, who are the bwkera. .the-bjg Baanufacturers, lad. tbe expectaat oflace bolders. Tbe eiffort e tbespolitical manip ulators Jto.-BOBiaate: McKinley is itty peofriy"-cJleA a "fotmS All f '.. -wbo iaro. lived iir tbe "VTeat fcww wlat'tbe srd boom neans; it is aB-ia&aae rasb all iu oaeirec tioarwkkottt cause or xeaspnr except :by bje lellows cm; tber inside, -who waiei tbfir cbasce. to "unload, and tberaby1 raaj the, benefit df;the "otbec f eUoV lolly v Intbepres- et ease these JacKihley boomers hare seitiae ;3h fae tide for their fa- -vsnte far double purpose. ust, beoaace irepre&cats-tae politician, aad wauld"be as clay ia the bands ef the-ottw, and the. machine poli- dcM wouJd ruBr. things' to suit the syadioate but a second, and tngr reason Urtbat thw boom W bfuiuass for "McKinlev and proied W wi6 detract the public ami, firea-ibempaey Question for thiwi,-ad' esable the money lpwW'Sayiocks-tamore effect jtaMr riyt their; chwas oa the Diflcc MaKiaky is . tracldler ofcesiker. !;. aad tnercrore a $feaMtfor;tbe goWbup. If he mbe lasted ia the Presidential jmVaVf.thaterests of Wall Street wUl-be safe. 03ie shrewd manipu- laier iaows well eabugli that it weald be dangerous to submit the BMy sertiea as an issue to the BcbiiIb' ,at, this time, as it would SMaa'aa jertarow of the money jower? -fee tbeymll start the slogan 'it -JaKMBleyi protection, and iLu.-o. CbaI k ebale asraia with kk Worn ery. IWreawinB to be vr ... r"t J gt.wbettrorjwt -aissyuaaw; 4triksWf ea sacoasefally Mil th PraAtiaV; market, aad1 thus Ae peee r -aaether four Tfci VtlW iimUwlM i- -. Mt . 4 - . , I kltPII15 T&'EvGQOJD VQRK. ;.r.Urtre ;voV-lkr$e , tae 1- - -nt -- i J.fcm z t- . ' - " -Km --t - Tag :a9!kJ"rr'- 3 fUi "-. - " . .MtmkWPport ttr: t Vji "i. -.-' fe.-; .ftfclMliikljP Kn isatt".-.jrTtv wV, . .. JkT iakAai - . . k- - ta ,-.iy ..'. . . r? rl ftWT .-"1 :- a-w. o.LJjr 0X ipw, i cardy, and kioUKJ- PWV '"I 4 sm MM ''rf. - -- -l. MHl . "',", T k ef past tvraHuv. but it m eonstaufc menaceto our free and in dependent form of government. The promoters of the recent "mani- yetfo" have been sowing broadcast lbadragOHs teeth, from whicb will spring a Harvest of armed enemies, which will at last destroy ihe very thing they sought to protect Judging from the conduct and ut terances of the men: who promulga ted the manifesto, and who are now stumping the State to get the people to endorse the same, one would be led to believe that they have a des perate case on their hands, by the way they threaten, cajole and ex hibit ill feeling. "Whom the gods would destrqythey first make mad." From" the abuse and criticism falling from thelips of these church attpr-. neys upon those who dare to dis-; agree with them, shows they are getting angry already. This is a good sign, and points to the result which we have indicated. We trust the brave men who have thus far stood up for the right, will continue their glorious effort, and that hun dreds maybe added to their num ber daily. STAND BY THE NEWSPA PERS ,1t is often 6aid that the public do not fully appreciate the real 1 wbrtb and true value of the news papers This would seem to be true,cat least in Utab,nf thetMndi dition past, preseat and .future o the leading newspapers are an in dication. The Sett -Lake Herald, the lead ing Democratic, paper of the State, has been running at a loss for years, uatit it bas debt of over $135,000 on its hands. The News, after .struggling with, adversity, passed infothe control of the Pub lishing, Company. The Times went to an early grave for lack of finan cial nourisbment. Many others of lesser light, have been -compelled to succumb to the -same -diseaejyd have passed, out of -existeace'aad out of mind. At Ogdea, J?rovor and Logan, the sameooaditioa ex; i.ta" All-the sewsaapers in the State are being raar at a loss, counting ,the" brain matter .as a xioaaiioa. - xbjo va be. The people ef "Utah are accounteMabright,.progressive class of mea a4wo J should all tatejwoi aa-iaterest aad .? TTH.Z -IsnaalH iri- nride in tbeir-aewsfn as wmM Usure their stability and useful Beef. Every femUy sbpaH .read, three or four ae WBej?i,-4d ; for them too. Basmese me aeM adrU their basinpse tbob" the meifiw oLtbe -press. e.pwiaajw-- erfMl,agoat ia apswy;, wh aca4er;.s"kdy the; fa. eietr-te 'tiMr. would The BtomI -Ax .M-rno eaajir to w .i- i ? metid. . We Jmw kem UtrjsaliifC '& awaDK . MWr ;l?:t.J1?lir, - .aferM.fl!JMBm F " T j.i,!-n-sfriWimT ?? L-. -,- .- -V -r-.-v' Afi4 iTKUtaK- !"c w .mr -".! afC' - ( - . - J -!-- , - tlw usas ? bjim i- - A - J-.Jj -.iiA, aaB'.w - Ax ichsi:VTsm -- Tvr . ia'btdses m w s L- 3SL A Lit all get ready to hoi p sead a 46 to 1 delegation to the Chicago eoaveetioa, sad assist in 'destroying the demo-republican syndicate of i goWbags. Besure and attend the primaries wneu cauea, waicn will be -soon. A Small body of men of the g. o. p. brand met somewhere in thei city and county, building' last Tues day, and "pro forma" nominated J. A'. Street for district judge. A lot; of hungry office-seekers held the convention open until the af ternoon, waiting and boping for a certain resignation to be made, so as to create another vacancy; but the "cat never came back," and the briefless barristers, with a sigh of disappointment, slowly wended their footsteps homeward. If there ia an office in sight, about one-half of the g. o. p fellows lie awake schem iag how to get it. POPBSSIONAL. HOYLE, 2ANE & COSTIQAfi, Attorneys and Counsellors-at-Law. Deseret National Bank. Bldg. DICKSON, ELLIS & ELLIS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. : Rooms 612 to"515 Progress Building. MA Y YA.X COTT, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 607 McCoraidt Block, Salt Lake Cinr. FERGUSON & CANNON, AITORNEYS-AT-LAW; 332 Constitution Building. CHERRY & TIHMONY, LAWYERS. iieoBS 9 sadjd Walker Bros: Bank Bldg. SAXT-iAKK Crrr. "POWERS, STEAOP AND LIPPMM, Attorneys and Counselors. EAGLE BLOCK. SALT LAKE CITY, RfiWMJiS & GHITCHItOtf, SQoms.2527 Hooper BIoclc. j.l kawuns. i. B. CRITCHLOW. S. W. STBWABT. C. a. STBWABT. STEWAET&STEWATIT 17 HcCpinictDdc, Salt Lake Gty. -EUGENB LEWIS, gttf ri at gl aw, 117 dommerdriBkxk, SaK Lake City. Real Estate Leans- f R. Ni BASKIN. E. B. -HOGE. BASEIN & HOGE, im90TJTIL,MIX WurT.D" JkaB. Inilwtnn rk&-Andtrsoji, i.-jr ' jtT8KBTS-AT-LAW. f- ' -"- ,: -V SkEafce,eky,,Uak. wi&'-sr" - .-. '"-rr; rf" tv-Ti r -riit --- ij--' ' .' - " ., iw-q-- j)Sll t, .5 'JS',A - gAt-LAW-. iiiyftfMtgriVajigtfgiM i 1"- - . . -. - - ' iv.' T' i-i-1 .. i '.. i-Jy.-t'- . .-J iy.-i-asiiXAa- r" 5rrr m jy r - a .t 5f iN- -- - - v? iaBJ.1 !-" "I - V ai3Mrjl S& iMrti tar genamt-aW Yotfc'Ktt-Tto - Tenter. Wje wn Bob.H kI. EP.iilmoiCo. axi-w. HATS.TJAPS k GEKTS' FgiSISfllKGS. Wuteggf Cul k ALL KINDS. The. Jecyiiij S Capital, .73,00a00 Offl&o tinder Oeeret Natleiwl Bik. TELEPHONE NO. 142. HENRY PEBRY, . INVESTMENTS. Stocks and Securities bought and Bold. 217 AUm Btofc SWt Lk iitj. -Hef ereaces: National Baak of the Bepabllc Salt Lake, Utah Xattosl Beak, Ogi Utah Poultay And Produc8!ominission -Co. IO W. FIRST-SOUTH ST.. ii- : SilLT LAICE CITY, UTAH. WALTZU L. ?KICt, Mbw. JL (S; IBBLBY, Telephbae 27. Manufacturer . of Pure, Ice- Cream, Water . Ices, Candies,- Home-Made . Bread and Cakes. 286 S. MAIN ST.. SALT LAKE CITY. WHEN SHOES BUYING vrhy eot bs? tfee be Uz U ter k aea7 os it xauket. ROBINSON BROS., Tie SfcoaBattteo, aaaa&etmw torn. as w.nssr south bt: aw lake crrr; iDovbaTela wj msulBj m. tntrttam pnctttal OpttcUn. in better yrfi4 tan berwefera to grind ad ftt gti Bin to aK th rtgfet. EYES TESTETJ' FREE. wHn JuelradOpMelin lTSMMaSt 8ltLieCl. fr. 'AHria Macons fArfeoc Hair Drass. ShampooaE) aad stnugfetewse a specakr K ( 68 Fbaiixlim Avkhob. I Hair dreaainr oae at pwate raatdeaces. UTLASTIG TEA (X)., achot ra OHASC-C SANBOMM'S Teas, Coffees, Sffc & Extracts WM. M.rfiOYrAJV'CjE, SPBOiSTHXB, 1TXAK,. wiVm ip ot bvrtM u aittu ail Uo4 f ft M i vv IWwtJBp PiW JHMHBf .rwt in tarsaMCY IB AUM 'wie5X7'. ,- i -4icoMf3frH t. - WqliiTrLi ' :Mi-rkr3t ii?A X't arr jt m.xM,y .ggt vl-TJfl JKJE Jfc Wiscomb& Co, a i .5..-' -r, . - - - ,- j jMcMay.fta, pot-. - JllLBBlMli H. hr At?JC 8aeaaltoai 4hst Lsta Ol - . -aaiW. Bsrf,.C4sfc - - -.r ! t ..-"" .-f - - -T '- -' . r-i .M. i;- ..: i esshi R.K. Thomas Dry Goods,..,. Wholesalers and RetaSWs ef Wbirides, Wines,! Brandies, Cigars, etc 213 SOUTH MAIN STREET, - SALT LACK CITT, UTAH. E. E. WILLIAMS, MURRAY, UTAH. Dealenjn Vine3, Liquors, Imported aad. Domestic Cigars. Corner Saloon, E. E. WILLIAMS, Proprietor. H. 3. Graat,Pre. JoBa-HeanrSailUs.Vlee-PiM. J. T. Grnat, Sfj, csd Treaa. Dlrectoi.-JokB Iwr tebb, Etter J. Grut, J.T.Qi tat, B. J. GBjt, Nlha4j Bent. GRANT SOAP CO. 9FF1K AM fTMT, 751 T9 781 S. 3M JKSTST. Mnuacturer of High Grade iASBtfay hGnd Soapa. ana lwei c SPECIALTIES "W BEX B1VK. ELECTRIC and 3c LAUXOBT. Brr Bm Toitm PINE TAB, PERFECT FLOATIKG, CASTILE AKD COMKEUOAL BAR. J. F GRANT, Manascr. Rut Lam Crrr, - Utah, FRED 0. LYNGBERG Grocer. OYSTERS, fish and oamb. Imported Ckese. Faacy Fi ults, etc, etc. 8 E; FIRST., t. SOUTH STt' Telepbose 18 Gs-opcriiivs FurniturcCk sxaxxxs zatr- FURNITURE CAEPETS And Upholstery Goods, etc. " BkysTe aae Baay CarrtafM. Best Goods and Best Prices, ' 11 AND' 13 MAM STREET, SALT LAKE CITY. i Giiii Coratk "What are jm goff ta do about it?" -4 "About what?" "Why, aboat the Bicycle yoa are geiag , to bay.'1 I aa goMT to do jut wbatevy sm stbk persoa doe, goto JrowBg l.r 155 Male St, aad bay a Rambler. It's. good fcan to ride Ramblw mhJ, b skks, (lre is sese aatiafcrtiMW kao-; mg tiut yoa bave got thtr best IhatjMaey caaboy; I waat a wheel tkatl .caa y oaaadoae tbat I know is wertky-tfee coe6dece I place k," COM DRY GOODS W .BBMOVIi SAIJ?.' Secosd waek of the tabes 2 woavikfai aaka U Beasoaabk Msr cWdiM? ;TW- great omAs that tigffafd o sfawa lasf Svir- tkwoagalT oar 3tawod ,m xaeofused as thepaa aad j W BAaAW Tivam- of tfc iriA Sacboic Hat jfe. V J5T. TWMPSQX'S Shoe Dressing Par&r 'fcauBTi -jir-Eafia "."y-T-r.r - - r VAt'HfAai. i it - j .-. t BBSt a.'L BSBW iBHBB BBa u i M A4BF BTB B m - ' I . : " " "' M . - ""I - i . "jv. r"Sffs -a tii , Sri C---'; rj . e T ' f- fX --B- .v- - tt: - .'7. JiBH