Newspaper Page Text
I W GovERHmT'0J .: . - - ' 5. fJIgJ" .fljrM,5 JC&fG)" jffi " "" ' '" Quauty: c LlbttJ 'S ''g':felig" .';'"''' ', hewtotheline: ' ;. . ' - "- - 1 Vol. I- M S SALT LAKE CITY, TTTAH, JUNE , 3886. ? .. '" No. 41. j a S2 DOLLAR vs. A90 0ENT ' DOLLAR. - Fok the first tiate ia tke "fc&tery ef the United State aaveiaaaibfle Tithin the last year orteer! A.t a niece of reas&er;emed w the United Statee, tic inscription, "One Dollar," -Mgoikrs iaiaoaej, for the benefit of 1 uz.npt dollar." It m seaa tie people of the West waatjb iaake fifty cents worth of sibar-ertE oae joHar, and hence tbey aad Aeax jollir are bothtlisaoaeet. - Sapoee tk government, actfef tiuroagk ca price, or under the daw of exer cjang its police power, slwofillMke it unlawful to sell c five away aay poi and all persoaa aad taasaor tjgoQ companies were f ors&aem to aVf or dispose of amy aaiae; or, tae .pjofecttherefroato ay otheraer mb, Trkt would fee tae elect a tie pries of hogs aad other Treats? Uaioabtedly hog aat aad-lard wtH depreciate, aad beef, fallow, nitoo, etc., woald liee ia Talae. Sijpose after a trial o tweaty nsn it was eyideat that the world odd not supply -safficieat beef aad stton to feed the peefle, aad that owing to the high ariee of saeat the poorer classes were aoaspelkd to do wkkmt, and gosaeat .aaagry aad Mae meat craak shoakL advocate the taking oS of the reetrictkHi oa tie hog, who do yon sappoee woald bethe irst to declare ia favor of "honest seat." and "soaad beef?" It would be the fellows eagaged a the beef and mutton moaopoly. Tbej would argue that port was-aot lrholesome, that the Jews did ant like it, that there was plenty of ae&t of other kinds to feed the people on, aad that bogs should not be recognized as awat aatil there vas an interaatioaal agreemeHt by other nations that they would all est pork. They would daimih&t the pork cranks were tryiag to sell 50 cent ham for oae dellar, aad fiaally that to recogalae pork the auiets would only beaeit the bog rakers in the West. This hypo- fe&al niostratioa agpli- oossa we have jaet sack a coadi- Q as regards the two asoaey aetslt. The 50 ceat dollar, was adeposeible by aet 6laW,jaBt as a 50 ceat ham could be created. A 50 ceat dollar is far more koaest than a $2 dollar. All ikaroeTacC d raises of the oeaatry bare ffoed a decliafi of Jtfy ft cml fficoajequence of the kw appreet &g the value of gold. 'jkXLlkm aerethan doubled its Talae, aa tWefore it alone is. dkboaee. as it es to be worth aaere tbea it tyis,oroughttoie Itirmis-' t because it takes ireea .the lAoring man aafl tb jroe-aoer 4eflWe what it oagkt to e; H & til iadebteekeesiad a ewst all vahws oae-balf; It Ji ', tt0,beawitwiUbriag;iaai. 7ud want to illio of hoeies, ; d at last esd ia TereiatW a JFtiare. The "fMer?:! ea clutchiag at the tfaeefeat Jfce fr since 1873, bat nhiay en of avarice !trth, aad sesa tWa POWBr. Tt maaaJmmd'li rer thesHelraa aad peerafly right, nghtthk Hixarrrnaw: wr meB wm y free wlwr. H."', Soldamndeed 4aeisM 3! Hamiy -ji 77maSr - t-ii jin. afJsmlMBl VBBBBBBBsmVJL. -T , . 7- 1 - a .1 sa. aMsa-alOssmrX- - - "l ' . O eoueeaw tae a -'iJZ:nAMajmt"flrmrM. ' rJcaa Ii 1 , aea awtfcer have' aemJsamahrad Tr- .--'.- i " "nianrrri IsaasT eaf e hmJwlMiglir by eases THE POLL-TAV NtiieAKrniP Thk .season of the 'Tear- is atiaad irhea the imexonible collector; of what is knowa aa "pott-tax," wfll be after erery abl Twaiea-paa, not exeapl by law, to eoaate two days' labor or three mv strew aaa roads, 'rbis bo. oafled lax is imposed bec&ase. the abject k a man and is able-bodied. It k a tax on muscle aad good beakh, aad k tolerated on account of aa absurd, old-time custom, rather than upoa any grounds of equity or reason, There is no tax paid: by the cctisen which k as un jaet aad unequal as a "poll-tax." It k aha oae of the most burden. some taxes on many which they aave to meet. The poor laborer or meohanic, who tdik from ten to twelve boors a day to get bread for theaaoutusof his family, and who trudges hk way to and from ih work on foot, with bis dinner pail oa bis arm, or, peronance, pays a aickel to ride on a street car, k compelled to donate hk time and aoaey to the same extent as the wealthy geatleman, with hk car riage and 2.20 steppers, or the transfer companies, with their numerous vehicles, which require the., constant use of the streets. The poor men are the ones upon which this tax k a burden; they get little or no benefit from good streets, either by way of pleasure or proat. Tae,.oaes who get the great oenefits, are the men who contribute nothing to the mainten ance of the public streets and roads. We see ao good reason why the streets should not be kept in repair by a general tax, the same as other public institutions, as the courts, the schools, the prisons, the asylums, or the government itself. The "poll-tax" k a jelic of barbarity, and ought to be abolkhed. Many of the eastern cities have done away with the ankance long ago, aad ao .bad results have come to the streets ia consequence thereof. It k degrading to tax the muscle, health aad streagth of aa Ameri- ran oy putting nxaa on MwMccb under a boss and made to worK. with pick aad shovel like a galley slave, iet Salt Lake City set the pace ia the West, by abrogating the iafaaoas pell-tax, sad. mate it a free eity, t for freeaaeato live ku JEax'tbe property -suftcient to keeptae,,rtrsetsia repaid aid. thus Uft the disgraceful burden from the tired shoulders of the poor Uberiag mH,whioh alee Test, on the wife aad chiWrea, fero other jnMon ihaa that tae latter m iteeWBiaT' SPANISH SArAfHTY. tmx Amencaa saaeenar twp- r waik ea.a aaeastarasg acpsei tiem in e iateres Cabaas, reafiared by ae Bpaa,,aa tfce mart ooaatanatr "; T-'- i i..- oMtri.mMMUA aan ooa- to HW -jniliK.Mah .. - J Al. Vair,lMHlUl . V ?- i..imm l.ll MM . I A - lim -'V . -.. :j .-: - 'Liii - j. m -. aiflBBHuaLA- a. ir w .. w m i aaafli nasi WBBBiaflnaaK rnrmwm w 1 s HHakBruai , taeae dsiem - . rTv- aauorai t. "" - 1 'Aaaas'UtlMrsUliH - "i" mC.1 IwiaUmBl YtM JbMVV'HM BL "-- "" - - . -- -W rf-r0-: i-'fc. Aa.-maaaar?:e -jfca,. y- .tnaar Ittt ! tr"" - i - . .. 4,-m i jptvrvr j v . t. i -w - - w OpiCgrfw W-&?LMV ; ,j aadm naiadtt HDBBMW -rT.T -..- - . i mamam .mm: BWJ .kiiMMiaaaa, 4 " saaawnaHar Ksbl sHfeaVapaV sajmwai alLakBWaaeej TaT TVejtBmaw Kammt bbbbbbbbhI kHbbbbH PppapHHM aiaaMfeAaaBaea nHaBBBaavva MaaBaa'BBBb ja sDesssBaeaav aw m a- Jaw fc " E. aarHeaPa?-aa ,. . T- - - . -"-.- Ta, i- - - . ' JeW" - - -. - 1- U a .e..M JaaaeamV ZS .- -. -. - ,-a" '- - t - A triaa -iaaaawisir --j '" !! "th- r"T M na tat Bum man iiwjei Mirjm vmt - ri saea aBWamaaja L Bia'tfoea aeaw at 4T8ea. aea taa vatea ja aaej, atoms. DariBg oar civil war block ade runners were frequently caught carryiug arms, ammuaition and supplies td the Confederates, but no one ever thought of puttiBg them to death for that offense. It seems to us that oar Govern ment k a little too slow in dealiag with the Cuban question. The po sition of the Broad Ax on thk sub ject has Veen very plainly expressed several weeks ago, and at thk time we have nothing to take back; but we believe now more earnestly than ever, that ike stars and stripes should float over Cuba's capital; that the President should not only recognize the Cubans as a belliger ent power, but that under the pro visions of the Monroe doctrine, our government should protect these struggling patriots from the iron hand of Spanish oppression. . It begin to look as though the rich corporations, the Shylocks, and the foreign syndicates'Vere the only ones to receive protection. A proclamation recognizing the inde pendence of the Cuban Republic, would end hostilities in nicety days, and bring the blessings of heaven upon the Cuban patriots and the people of the United States. GETTING READY TO EAT CROW. The Tribune last Sunday had an editorial headed, "The Conven tions," in which that journal con ceded that the Democratic National Convention would have a large-ma jority favoring the free coinage of silver. It also gave rather a gloomy prospect for silver at the hands of the Republican Convention at St. Louis, but advised the silver mento "make the fight of their lives," that "they cwould be listened to with more patience than they now ex pect." It then rambled off mto aa abuse of the Democratic party and the -present Administration, and winds up with an appeal to stay by the g. o. p.., and abide that party's method of drowniBg the white metal in the sea of. protection. The ZWsiays of its party: "It k the only party that can undo the mis chief of 1873," and the inference k, that it should be returned to power for that purpose. The idea k ab surd; it would be like reiastating an embescling clerk, or official- to a place of trast, on the theory that as they did the wroagtbey would know best how to right it. The fact k, the Tribme k looking for a soft pot to fall oa; or ia other words; prepariag to "eat crew." It sees the party of it ohoice k geiag to ran its campaiga oa proteetioa wfna. and brash its sSrsr oraaka ..,, aside ae amouabag to ao man taaa a iy on a oart:w"heel;'aadta 3H- mHbmdmi sf ta erent "casting its aatilwr'to msdwtM," aad sttiar-itaeKeaay to awauaw thegeJd,Bar-reesty waaarur orwhatereritmaybe. at waste BatheUevaxlTraihaablata awing taea9es ia Utah kfe Sac. We betiere that tha -iaetalag4 after liaa t Loak -loeawajtaoa epte.ies three jaactyiaUtaa tiny wp ft T'fteZ Wkixsvnxi, Utah, - May 29th, 1896. JuUux F. Taytor, Esq., Salt Lake Ctiy: Dear Sir, Enclosed please find money order for the sum of oae dollar; aad X desire to renew my subscription to your paper, he Broad Ax, for another period of six months. I like the Broad Ax, because it k broad-minded, and I think it k doing good work for our party. Wkhiag you continued success in your work for -Democracy, I remain, Yours respectfully, Wm. F. Dakixx. If you dare not say what you think, soon you "will dare say what you do not think. Draper. PPOPESSIOHfili. M0YLE, ZANE I C0STI6AN, ArroaNBYs and Couhsellors-at-Law. Deseret rfatioaal Bank Bldg. DICKSON, ELLIS ELLIS, ATT0RNEY5-AT-LAW. Rooms 512 to 515 Progress. BoOdisg. BAY VAWCOTT, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 607 McCorakk Block, Salt Lass Crrr. FEMQU50N I CAHN0M. ATrORNEYS-AT-LA.7. Set CofirtltBtteR-Balldlag. CHEIiRY I TIHM0HY, IAWYEBS. Beeas 88 aad W Commercial Block. Salt Lake Crrr. POWERS, STRAW ASD LIFP1AN, ithafHeys and Counselors. eagle aCocii, - salt lake crrr. HAWlilflS & CRlTGfUiOW, ' Booms 25-27 Hooper Block. J. L. RAWLINS. n. a. cnrrcHLOw. I S. W. STEWART. C. B. STEWART. STEWART & STEWART 817 B'cCorakk Block, Sak Lake City. EUGENE LEWIS, &tttrttM Jrt gxw, 117 Comaaal Block, SakLakcCky. Real Estate Loaas. B. K. BABSIN. s. a. Hoax. BASKIN & flOaE, 149 SOOTH: MADC-. , UHrTT.B - JataB. Drk & Anderson, 'fc ATTOaKSYS-AT-LAW. Reo, "ea4-7 Heoeec Heck, ; StL-keCkr.Utek. ' H: J. DININNY, Baede, SakLakeCar, Uaa v.- ,ATTOIUY-AX-LAir. rApfaUlaa. -?MMX,JiE9mKj SAIimi. a- ?oto; wabl I "I matt tor Tcihfi Xw Tork HaTfc Leader. W alto eazrr BtBteaert aad W. P. Noble Mercantile Co. 1SW tfr.l-m Street. HATS, CAPS k GEBTSFniXISHHQS. Thejecurily S Capital, . t , J75.O0O.OO Offlea turfer DeseretNaUanat Bank TELEPHONE HO. 142. " HENRY PEERY, INVESTMENTS. Stocks and Securities bought and sold. 217 Mm Btok( SM Lak tj. ftefenaees: Nattosal Bask ot the paic Salt Lake, Utah Natteaal Bask, Ogdea TJtah Poultry and Produce Commission Co. KH W. FIRST SOUTH ST.. IALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. WAI.TSB L. PSICK, Hutfe. H. . K BE LEY, . Telephone 27. Manufacturer . of Pure Ice Cream, "Water . Ices, Candies, Home-Made . Bread and Cakes." 2SS 8. MAIN ST. SALT LAKE CITY. 5XTT XAXXaOCBIT r.LCaxtar.rrMtaest. O.W.miar,SaeUkTu. THE S0181 COAL AMD ICE C0M Wbol wl ad BetiH Dlan to COA1V a IOB -f Office, 158 S. Maia Street Triapbee 3U. r SALT LASS CITT' WHEN BUYING SHOES Wkr set bsr tbs tact tben Is E e maatj ob tbe Ejarket. ROBINSON BROS., Tha Shoa BaSdga, Baaafteterc litem. 35 W.TIB8T SOUTH BT. RALT LAEZ CTTZ. S. D EVANS, UBdertiker$Embalmer ZLISE. Z1S KA7I K SALT UkKX CITX. VTAJSL OpaaaaB3bC TeJboao aL HTLANTIO TEA CO., H. a; SCOHT-FBer. CHASE & SANBORN'S" Teaj, Coffees, Slices & Extracts Ordan 23 1. FUST 1ST SoUfHfrt. irf; : ROYZAJVCE, EPM5SYIIUe,TAH;mataaapoKr of Imjtca aad anlHng aa Iflada of nin w-tk. n Ka Ac. marx to pkkmb. -SaHa JWICLaS aad BmnWiw -' o Takpkoae 74 o ' WasliiiigtoDL Market. 813 Haia St., Sak Lake Cky, DAY, EOWE 4 Co., Props., Dealers k leai. Gfocanes, Fisk, Foal- aa -Freyfaioas. J. II, KMOGH, BOOT AND SHOE MAKES. Saeeed Ban Sfceaa f Tec Sato. at LwTrteea, K R Secoaa Son, Salt Lake Ckj. IHSTHUGTIQNS laC4 aad ;Alt xMsdKj Mc, OIL PAIMTIMCS F0I SALE, s -- Irs. j. Jayior, prtl5t - Art 7I0 - Wiacomb & Co' Sato j i raw sooth w. E. K. Thomas Dry Goods Mw J. Mnrjfr el 4?. Wholesalers aad Refers f Wniskies, rnrm Rrandiea, Cigars, a ejtc. 213 SOUTH MAIN STOIT, SALT LAKJS CITT, UTAH. ED. WILLIAMS, MUmtAY, UTAH. Dealer in Wises, Liqnors, Iraporled aad Domestic Cigars. Corner Saloon. ED. WILLIAMS, Proprietor. H. J. Gwffltres. JobnHear7SraIlh,Vle?xw. J. F. Grant, Seer, and Treaa. ntrecton.-jQtm Haarr Sailth, Eafeer J. Gnat, J. T. Graat, Br r. Graat, Kathaa Sear. GRANT SOAP CO. Bmsf AM FMTHT, 7S I TS 78 1 8. 3W WfST ST. Kunnfactnrga of High Grade Laasdry and Tuflet Soapa. SPECIALTIES ! BSE HIVE, ELECTRIC and So LAUNDRY. ' Brs Uxtx Toaxn PINK TAB, PEBFECT TLOATINO, CASTILE AND COMMKRQAI. BAB. - J. F GRANT, MahaCBV ysUT Lxxx Crrr, - Utah. FREDG LYNGBERG FANOY Grocer. OYSTERS, FISH AND' came. Imported Cheese, Faacy Fmifes, etc., etc 8 E. FIRST SOUTH ST., Telephone 18 Gg-operaUve Funiture (k. FURNITURE CABPETS And Upholstery Goods, etc. BIcyeJei and Baby Carrkiea. Beet Goods and Beet Prices. 11 AND 13 MAIN STREET, SALT LAKE CITY. TV vtim wanttnhaveabaaewtie. sofMtteag yoa wfll Teaemfeer aad took back to wkk pkasare? WeH, jast. n ta Btowmb Bros., bey a. Bfcyck. a haatr ock.a fisaog rod. soase of lime sar; catch'eaUckle,aKod4kaadapw,ad wbea Jidy 15th rolls rooed takeyoaoek aa to the -caayoa, stay there aaaoath, aad aote the resak. 1S MAtN STREET. C0HN DRY GOODS CO. Great lamoval Sate. Coatiaaed to' oler Irroaiaiible Bat- 1 gaias....... IrerTtliias gem at Priees kresaeet- ive e Cost or Talae.... rBaaatifallj fraeaea Oa TiJamm wnx. a Trtir amxx rtam wJUT aareaases Ae -aasacae; Treek....... f, i. sura TiiLMlMCi. HMAMtT eT m.:trqmfsq's Shoe Dssi Taxi ; aLaawoe anvm,9r. mbW- - v, - J efaesite: T'aatejto.Tit: - iJ5 , ,, ijLjL-"'T .a? aaaawnuaejap" -"7"tv.' v.-- - - - - a ?.i7:4is)JHBBsBHaBmnSS3sa