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.. - XI . life 3&M&stt'p'L- - "5$3R?v- A M3t"J$- :-C V. " v- 'L-i: vVv;; ; -cr-CK- K ."?".- -T The Quality of Lrjxxry we rossm is Equal to thi QuANTmr xf REsraAnrr' ft'' - wx Put Upon the GovERx-J MENT. Daniel Wrasrra.1 s jnef- -. -. A. t ' 5,f. ? ' H6-, - Hew to the Line. - Jasyjy . V Xr -5 - . -c- THE CONVENTION. Tbk first Democratic aTemtioa held since TJtak feecaaa a Sfse, convened in tHs dtylast Saiiay. In every sense it ttm a 'pilinpt. jaccess", both as to its aai its-trork. Every por& .oMke Sttte vas veil regrsasmied fey as intelligent and mtHSwaticolaB o sen and women as swr graced a political gathering ia ITtak. Har aony and confidence pervaded the entire body and eack aaeaber Treat my trith a feeling iaafc Iris Desso ratic strength had heea leaewol. The speeches "were patriotic, elo quent and directed to the great Junes that are HBfenaost ia the ainds of the people of the West. js to the work of the coaveatiox, it tras well dose. The -delegates selected to represeat the "gsm of tk aountains" m the Chicago coa gGareall mea who are well bown, not only ia. Utah, bat ia s nation at large, ad who will rsder s good aoceaat. of them tdres at the great aatioaal con vention. One of theaeatest and aioat ap propriate acts o'f this distinguished tody, was the aaaiag of. the Hoa. Moses Thatcher, hy acclaaaation, to be chairman of ike Jekgatioa, and with the power to aasae his owa alternate should his liealth -preveat iim from attending the Chicago conventionNo better Democrat, or fetter friend of Utah, hreathes ia all our valleys, than- Moses Thatch er; and there will be no letter Americau or purer man Lathe typi cal body of Democrats ia the aa- tioHal raeetiBg than he. The selection of the gallant aad koaett Joseph L. Eawlias was not oflly appropriate, bat it was a ne cessity. There are bat few "better fighters ever on the aoor of a" de liberative assembly taan "ar "Joe." He is the aaa above all .otters who has fought down a bit- iter prejudice against the people of tUtih, and did more than aay other am. alive to accosiplisk the adaus- mq of Utah into the family of States. Aa a speaker, he is logieal, AoeEtand forcible; aad at Chi cago be wul naturally become a hfar, aad the eatire Watt will feet to him to staackap for oar 9mk interests, and ire caa a- nre them that aooae will he dk- pointed in the leaderskip aad. k sggnaiiveness of-Hoi. Baw- The remainder of the Utah-dele ; P&Q are all aien of ability aad esad silver men, and "will reader good account of themselves at UK&go. The revaatioM are-siwrt d to the point, aad express the saimous sentiment s the ary Tea altogether the ceaTeatioa vs a grand snecess, aad wH five rtrength and eacoaragomeat 'Hi j&c ity U over the State. th the bright prospects .f A Jrty adopting & free sisc ' jm: &m &t Chicago, a aoawMnag-a Jaoanced srer maa for 'ati t, the State of Utah eaa'aiiy counted as beiag Dtnilehy w taoasand majority. - - A I,. ? latest fad. is the ooe, aa iaefcattMni one caa talc i a i . . i -t- t vms. recavm: aa- '0 when the is on the n i . -'-?;. ijr jkhm to :m IB rf Vol. L IBBHBHHBB.' T mHT m jt !5t"ttaad AN IDLE CONGRESS. It - stated ia the akpatebes that CoagreBs is aboatto comBlete ita work and adjourn." Thk raises the qnestion ia the wind of the pahlic as to what "work" Congress will complete? If the present meet- iagof theKfty.foarth Congrew re- saKs in accompushiag aay work it will require a powerful microscope to discover it It has heea the avowed policy of the Republican majority, aa expressed by Speaker Seed, to take no decisive action on aay material isaae until after the Presidential election, aad thereby avoid any distressing complications during the campaign. Thas the present session has been one of in activity and inertness for political Teasons. lae present nam times, depression in business, and scarcity of money, have all been charged up to the Democratic Administration, and yet this party of such magnifi cent pretensions, with a large ma jority in both Hoases of the Legis lative branch, have failed to even introduce a single measure tending to relieve the country from the dis tress now resting upoa it. They have not even attempted any tariff legislation, notwithstanding they claim the Wilson bill is carrying the country to ruin every day. The fact is, this party of false pretenses is afraid of itself; it dares not put itself on record on any important Usae preceding a popalar election, for fear of the judgment of aa in- igaaat people. It has therefore parsaed a do-nothing policy, and will have thegall to go before the country and ask a -vindication for its cowardice. The only matters of note which have emiaated from the present Bepablican Congress, are excessive appropriation bills, rapid war speeches to be used for giving the British lion's tail a twistj and doing their level best to 'Issue more bonds a time of peace." Thus far it has been a CoBgress that has reduced demagogy to a science by its su piBeaess. The dominant party in Congress has taken no decisive stand on aay great question, except a desire to hold the officesand draw the salaries. It is neither .hot iwr cold, and therefore shoald be spewed oat of the mouth. Their record is as transparent as the waieryaoup of which (Mirer Twist craved more. The coaatry needs bo more of such statesmanship, aad we predict Trill eoadeaa by their rotes this body aselese Congressmen. A SILVER TIDAL WAVE. ATXxearriagday,the timmtt m faror e restoring eUrer t its farmer pomben a a money sttal, grows sfaeeerajal stronger aft owr the lea. Tae moreruw Ration diseaeeel and tboaght by the, people, the mfarer- sale the oaaae otJrtemA immmt Weeiaafof afiyarheeenMS, The fAimm f 'Hew Yett andi ;tto jenarauy, aw -r -tthe streaneaawa-ay. ikm free eeeaeri The If. rrfPerU, -m1mI aener, has ? mL i Wm aamher et jw - $ rt aiim' of X M - r; at of Trade, taa mJ T ait, of aaa,aad jLm-,Atd. ike sea' f;'" - -. -i;- .- mMeimtik KfTZ mTI TaeammK ImW' aaaiBer-otv laeJaaaawa SALT LAKE CITY, TTTAH, JUNE 13, 1896. standard, and hence they cannot be said to be given out for effect. The PttUhtrgh Leader, another cold paper, concedes that the silver sen timent k growiag most wonderfully in the State, of Pennsylvania, par ticularly among the working men. The Republican politicians all over the East and middle States, are clamoring for sound money, and will, without doubt, dictate the platform at the St. Louis conven tion. On the other hand, the feel ing in the Democratic party is in creasing in favor of the white metal; and it now seems certain that a free silver candidate will be nominated on a free silver platform at Chicago, thus presenting" a clean, clear cut issue to the people at the coming election. The opportunities of the Demo crats are grand, indeed, to sweep the entire country, if this course is pursued. Look out for a tidal wave which will sweep the last remains of the g. o. p. into obli vion. THE COLORED MAN AND THE C. O. P. It has been said that, "the birds of the air have nests, and the foxes have holes" but the colored Re publican delegates to the St. Louk convention -have not where -to lay their heads. It looks now like the colored men who have been fight ing for the g. o. p. for lo these many years, and who will attend the great Republican convention, where the spirit of Lincoln u sup posed to preside, will be compelled to sleep in box .cars and board at a cheap lunch counter, or else stay away from St. Louk altogether during the convention. St. Louk is a Republican city, with a Repub lican mayor; and the refusal of that, city to provide decent accommoda tions for the negro delegates who wilf attend the convention, is only another evidence of the great love (?) the g. o. p. has for the colored man. If such a condition should arise in a Democratic dtjf the Republi can speakers, and their press would never get through howling about race prejudice and hatred of the colored people by the. rebek aad their sympathisers. As itk now your ox which has been gored, we bear but little comment from these loudmoathed advocates of equal rights. The trath k, it k a disgrace to the city of St. Loak aad the whole Bepablicaa pa.ty, that sank a coa ditioa shoald exkt. Itwoaldseem that the professions of these politi cal saints for oar race, for the past thirty rears, was mere hypocrisy aaif chaiv We hare alwaya main tamed that the xrkndship of the g. Or p. for the eoierei raee was merely reneenagef tae taaaest character. Cat. H Ju Ptctari', s leadkf .-- nfiW Tarritorr of Ifew a. haa reeaatiy leeatedisi Sak ; Tjakc, adis to he Jodis his elt- CttSWW OtMNH M UC.JHU J the Coianrrhl Wook. The eirspapewy frtpa Hm piaee uliarc he was nnaerir Mekef hMLi tW lofhest Ik aaal aMhtr.. askt as a ", '.. .-m i' Mr a.JS - '- - TataVanaiiaa He Mlmjma torn ot ftee, sat saw aati th Ssoad Ax .welcosaat kat to M( bewrtifal oitT, aad treats thor party aar awat it- we a subscriber of the'Broad Ax, and .believes that- every true Democrat in the State should be a reader of our paper. He is from one of tbe oldest families in hk native State, and has the honor of having the youngest county in Tennessee named for hiim. Hon. R. C. Lund, of St. George, arrived in the city on Monday last. Mr. Lund k the chairman of the State board of equalization, and he will remain here until after the ad journment of the board Mr. Lund is a prominent member of the Dem ocratic party, and he k a warm friend and reader of the Broad Ax. PROFESSIONAL. HOrL, ZAHE COSTIBAH, Attorneys and Counselloes-at-Law. Deseret National Bank Bldg. DICKSON, ELLIS ELLIS. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. Rooms 512 to 515 Progress Bonding. BA Y VAX COTT, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 607 McComlck Block, Salt Lake City. FERGUSON i CANNON, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. 33B Constitution Building. &. L. PICKETT, Atteroey-at-Law. Mining Litigation a Specialty. Nos. 81 and 82 Commercial Building. Reference, Commercial Nation! Bank. CHERRY & VMM0NY, LAWYERS. Rooms 93 and W Commercial Block. Salt Late City. POWERS, SIRADP ASD LIPPMLN, Attorneys and Counselors. EAGLE BLOCK, SALT LAKE CITY. HfiWIiIfiS & CfjITCtfiiOW, Booms 25-27 Hooper Block. J. L. KAWLINS. b. b. carrcHLOw. S. W. STEWART. C B. STEWART. STEWART & STEWART gWwnrijs-Jrt-gaw, 817 McCornfck Block, Sak Lake City. EUGENE LEWIS, &ttr9 at $aw, 117 Commercial Block, Salt Lake Cky. Real Estate Loaas. R. N. BASEIK. Z. B. HOOK. BASKIN &H0&E, 19 SOOTH MAIN.. MtearW.Barfce ieiaB. katoctga Duke & Anderson, Attorkits-at-Law. ' Reosav8M-7 Heepsr Block, Sak Lake CRjiUtak. HiJ.PININNY, Stock, Sak Lake Cky, Utak J X WEBER, ATTQRNEY-ATrLAW. i"A, Ofdaa, Utalu FMKX K. HE8EKE, v . ATTE-ATcLAW. Ho. J.iUck's Ugm, Ulak. SHUEL A. ILK6, woTaxncAH. SaU (Mat far Ynnmin Hw York Hai-Tto LMdtr. w uo caxry StetKQ1! aad W. P. Noble Mercantile Co. IBS -VTal-Fi Stxeu HATS, CAPS k GENTS' FITCXISHIKGS. TiieJecurity gj? Capital, J75.000.00 Offiea tinier Deieret National Bank. TELEPHONE NO. 142. HENRY PEERY, INVESTMENTS. Stocks and Securities bought and sold. S17 IHm Bteek, H Lak Ity. Reference: National Bank of tke Bepablk Salt Lake, Utah National Bank, Ogden Utah. Poultry and Produce Commission Co. 108 W. FIRST SOUTH ST.. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. WALTEK L. PKXCZ, Kaaager. fi. . r(BBLBY, . Telephone 27. Manufacturer . of .Pure Ice Cream, "Water . Ices, Candies, Home-Made . Bread and Cakes. 288 S. MAIN ST. SALT LAKE CITY. cxBt nv xjlxxb: T. L Carter, irmdent. O.W.HOaer.SaeJkTrvaa. TEE MORSE COAL AND ICE CO., Wsetcaala aad Betaa Dealen la f COAI 0 ICE -f allkUuJ. SataraiaArtUdal Office, 158 S. Main Street Tetcpaaa 3U. SALT LAKE CUT- WHEN BTJYINQ SHOES Wlay not b57 ih bert tfeml n the TKkQWJ OB tbt ISatTfafC ROBINSON BROS., Ta Bbea BaHdan, maanlactaro thes. aBW.FIBef 60DTHBT. SALT LAKE CITY. S.-D EVANS, Undertaker & Embalmer UaCE, ZU S7ASI &T, SALT MAKE CITY. VTAH. Opeo aU nJW. Ttlcphone SW. HTLANTIO TEA CO., H. a atOITTBB, POT. iqxx rax CHASE k. SANBORN'S Teas, Coffees, Spices 4 Extracts gaid. a I. FIST kst smn. WM. M. ROYLAWCE, SPKISaVIIXE, UTAH, maUa a apedalty of tarjtsg apd aeHIsc aa klada of WJUIEFOS FSICBa. E-SeUa BICYCZas aad I o TeiepaoQe 574 o WasMiigtoi Market. 818 Mala St, Sak Lake Cky, DAY, EOWE & Co., Props., Dealers ffl Moots, Groceries, Fish, Poql- FroYKkas. J. AC KKOGH, BOCXE AHD SHOE MAKES. 9 at LwKMt 108 . SeceatA SeaA, Sak Lake Cky. - hclfajaayaaal OIL PAIMTIMCS F0I SALE, irs J. pgjaylor, Artist, Stadaotsf aWTaWgo ArtlsaUlali; StusNo V&mO Ma . Wisepmb &Co miwantmrmmt, No. 42. HBaHaW'H R. K. Thomas Dry Goods Wholesalers and Retailers of Whiskies, Wine8, Brandies, Cigars, EiTC. 213 SOUTH MAIN STREET, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. ED, WILLIAMS, MURRAY, UTAH. Dealer in Wines, Liquors, Imported and Domestic Cigars. Corner Saloon. ED. "WILLIAMS, Proprietor. H.J. GrantjPns. John Henry 8mllh,VIce-Prs. J. F. Grant, Seer, and Treaa. Dtrecton. John Henry Smith, Htber J. Grant, . J. F. Grant, B. F. Grant, Aalhan Bear. GRANT SOAP CO. Bffnc am fKttrtrfS l to 76 1 S. 3m West St. Manufacturer of High Grade Laundry and Toilet Soap. SPECIALTIES ""r BEE HIVE. ELECTRIC and - 5c LAUNDBY. Bex Hir Toilet: FINE TAB, PERFECT FLOATING, CASTILE AND COMMERCIAL BAB. J. F GRANT, Manager. Salt Lixx Cmr, - Utah. Co-operative Furaiinre Ik. tttt a T.-raaat sr FURNITURE CARPETS And Upholstery Goods, etc. Blcyelfr and Baby Carriages. Best Goods and Best Prices. 11 AM J3 MAM STREET, SALT LAKE CITY. Do you want to have a baagsp taac, socaethag yoa will remeaiber aad look back to wkh pkacare? WelL jast 20 to BrowB&e Bros, bay a Bfcycle. a haaa eaock. a fishing rod. soaie of tbatr sare catch 'ea tackle, a Kodak aad a gHavaad wfeca July 15th rolls rosed take yoarsaV ap lato tbe caayoa, stay there aasoatfc, aad sote tbe result. ISC MAW STftECT. C0HN DRY GOODS CO. Great iKaoviI Sk. -, Coatsaaetl to oar Irraoiatislc Bar-' iTBtjtkisg foas at.Pricas irrssfsat ire sf Cost or Tala.MM.. ' BatfaBj fxasaed. Oil FaamiMa yqxi. mk aivzx awat rtam tfam yuwhssaa tsta cosnimg yrtk..u.. F.iSAIUTH TAILORIJK Ci. JW. Ho.ip.tMtcofi9 - $&k "II " ..j MiBJBfitlm-rfe. h&j - ""-" s-OTmSHbSt.'"- ' t - 1 ' -' . '-9SBr4KBJB .'9SuKmanmB?alJeNmaBflimmBVml