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-- &: m The PUBUSHSD JMtlaVsVMT. . tti DMOCRA.Ttt x w aaaaeaaaV- JaWsVOTaaab -MPIOTB& 1IP 1, J W i. . ,-. - '-.! JMS.'Wrjr, mjtmmum: tlSJ MHC ISjajpill JSIIJ USES. :JUJ :( IT Mn4Mt i J aces! imiijgjt fcrjJiw ?Kj :ntv ,., -Voriaf or otwwrn ON .a' -OR'TWOAY? ,'Aftir- Ms Tin .-,:??- 'i- ,. -aa 4VTMm ,..?". .- 'WJMCMPTIpif: iaisafcfc..-......""-.v""''' raie mi ft yw fpn; r TMT'Vi Street. fttLib City, Cub. at Petece arM-ctett. j -4 t eerge GeaH weald better took tter at ttttte brother Howard ejr the yeaag taaeaet will be gettleg awrried before r w . V L: ,M -" T . tk aeieaUic exeaaage aay that wish, Wee eyea fa always w ee "! It ia dilereat with tie aredneee. "' Oaantorea'ltae.wbereeeatiy Wiled iWaaToa 8raederlasdael,eeBta feral wreath t deeerate.the bier ef ata aaJertaaate aatagenlet. OManae naval or aarlae aeddeata art abeat the ealy thlaga to asedera that are eaite as diaaetroae a eewery ezplodeaa, TheTarka sees to have killed every body a Aratemk, and are hw begln aiag em Crefe. Fifty perseee were knled aad won! os tie ialaad last week te a twe days Igbt. 1 Betea Dunrny te saarried again, aad Ike taet Bstarally suggests tie thoaght abet if actresses changed names when ever .ehey change hasbanda it -would be erynerd te keep track e thesa. '.Jpbtta Brick, ef Seats Bead, lad, baa beea seat to tie peaMeatlary for twe.yeara far tie mnrder ef Adam Wan dorMoa. It seecae aaproBrlate that a snefcabesldbeaetlasideawall. ?" C 'vtr Terk's leglalatare passed lie. Greater Kevr Yerk bill OTer tie nreteea at tie mayors' of Brooklyn aad tie City jaf Kew York, This fir-sewetMa like liaTiar greataeas'taraet ea a tewa. :, A. Jopatatibn at farmers aad grariera fMB Kerfelk aad SeiToIk, TiarBday, waMed apes tie preafdeat of tie Britiak ' -Bead of Agrkaltareto arge tie goT - eraateat ta abandon tie Cattle diseases bW, wbki akas to regulate tie iaiper aaMaa et eattle train Caaaia. Tie dep aUtlea eeateaded tbattiere k aa "di sease im. Caaadiaa cattle aad ae daager -teJUuir kapertatiea. Tie preafdemt raylrwaeaapreaaieiag. Hesaiditwaa -Minlawte aemd a ceaalaslea ta Canada. A.. raBLf 4.U- eight years tie mileage of aa- raflway eefistraetkiB.ia tie Halted baa been steadily decreaaiag. searly 13,999 mflee'ef track -M- fcvtita woaderfaLyear et 1987 tie.tetei. rv ae goae aeirn by tieasaads aad iaa- dMdfl, aaUl 1895 toacied tie lewBst reaad for tweaty years by addiag esly 3,tmOe8t0 ear rail way system. Bat tfcln jrn. m .t. fat ffc flttIIMHl1.ffTr raMways is iearly sapplled aad tiat aatiuettea will coatiaae te decrease. Ok tie eeatrary, tiere is ream aad will be seed far additlems far greater tiaa tie eaUrepreseat mileage et tie eeaa- Cbieaaa Ofcranlalo (May Q: V-Twietec asdIrbMaIarsed tie spfeere etite stateeaMsly aetlrltfea. HaTiag a Jeyed a nesooa et roposa after tyteff a series et kaete la ti4all ot tie BrrUsV ilea, be aew ferges ta tie treat " It is ae raJgar plebeian petittos from the, herd beggtag eeagreas te make wTall iappy, if set Tirtaeas. It is a petltiea. iambly eaTered by grave aad xeTeread seaaters ta taelr-.awa. comauuee ea. fiaaaee. Tilrty-oae seaaters wSe. bTe" sigaed U solemaly beg tie com mittee, la'caee tbey "ceasideratew say rereaae bUl darlag tie preseat seaeies4 to "eepport tie addlUoa ot sToIaaee prrrtdlag lor aa adeqaate aaty oa woof Hereia Chandler exhibits himself la tie cbaractec of a statesmaa iareator -wis tilaks of things which are so, sim, ple tiat tie wonder ever grewr way aebody has ever thought of them be fore. HeTemiads one of a certain mem ber ot a state legislature. The "lower aease" lad cleared away everything that was ready to be acted on one mora iag and someone moved to adjonm. Tie member referred to took the iJooranS sapperted the motion in an elaborate speech. He was very much out of or der, of course, bat the house tolerated him aad then adjourned. Probably it would not have had the collective sense to adjourn if he hadn't demonstrated that the thing could be done without fracturing our institutions. So in this case. The members vf tie finance committee, including Morrill, AMrich aad Joan Sherman, never woald have thosght of wool If Chand ler hadn't mentioned it and. induced thirty other thoughtful senators to help him meatiaa it Members of the finance committee are so stupid. As it is, we may depead upon it that Wool will not be neglected If the comraitttee takes a revenue bill iahaad this session. Then Chandler -will be tie first in the hearts of his shepherd -ceuatrymen. Come to look at It, perhaps Chandler has seme idea, beyond tiat of making' himself solid In the Bheep pastures. One or twe, rep Hill can senators have been so lest to all sense of party duty aa actually to say that they -would Tote for almost any kdad of a tax that any one might propose to raise snfflcleat reveHHe. Chandler and his thirty fel low petitioners do not want sufficient reveaae. Just now a deficit suits them better than a surplus. Therefore they take this method of giving notice that if anybody proposes any kind ot a tax for revenue only they will antagonise it with tie most offensive -ind bur densome et protective taxes the. tax. on wooL Here, no doubt, we approach the trae inwardness ot tie Chandler petition. if tiere-ma taetmots fUtflOrt he. tb ft' aMMMMMutaH,la, r - pibhui, i t.ealrtj9M,"jJioia)i-lw M ataitec fwsML Ad tit aaaale is sssauLslUss aas iaa m hAAM' mia . t is ssteriatter ta 4a tat, wjaBe aad Mr. CwwrntaM dto- Trith Mr. layers. Mr. Oaaaea. ,fce- nbiilrwua .r tio ipfyefrtaMoas tie froiabMaaa,. ekAlmaa agrees wH tie leadlag demoewttlc BMmber t,ft'e semmlttee as to tie aggregate apprc Priatiew tielr statesasats ahM ear- Tymore weigit'tia those of atea who are not U so aod a position to kaew thefaete. Bat wish tie tostimoay ot these mes before It tie beeee refased te ceacur to; tie, saaate asaaadmeat to tie aaval arspriatia bUl providiag for two aew bakle ships, aid insisted ape its ewa prevision fer four by a Yete t 81 to 141 c tie motiea to coacar la the amondmeat We thus et aa lakllnir t what will iappea if the republicans ever regain complete control. aa VasaiftsVasm 2aI4 saiaiai at 1 Xu K & Ikoi jrwiu cWewtHr WhIUiT' .. X J. CeJeawa et MWdletewa, N, . T, is ertaiiily -a -victim ot arisplaeed eea- -Jdettea, A ahert time ago ie kU ia lave with a vary beaatifaT yoaag: iadr S asrf stanied her. Soon tUter the kal waitied ibe bride iadseed'iim to deed aS atis property to ier Mverytilag tovaiy t tie ser day -wieft he t to bis; wife aboat a ytoKac ; bad, wbareapea tie yoaag bride. m aagry that she ordered Mr. I'M" Otfamaa wrtj lie Jiease bag" aad ' -bacsjeff. PawOeJBaiaw.iad.togeaad ailaat- aoceaate was ia tie P --acifiwarid, w4abssJw bad We life to ? ;- ' at agrieKsj ior Tlader. lastaaeBsas tnm iMr-M4rte '-mirrftiiini at seed teTarataf- ..raa- Ee-was kto Ik.jiadfaar . V .. imaB'tfAaMa mmA -&.' V. -- -- x - 4 SiV fT-jr-rr-f. -T ---?' .c ar- '- & -. W.vllH 111 X "'-. . J J,.."' ifL -i ' a- oany Vkeateaad - far tic tbsfc taiUMCJW Oal- : atrlatf-aM4k '' aaaM jn'Sarwairiatf ;ia wraattauw - '&--""y'-rfliaiairli I " . , L. ' Trotectloatit Belldoxtac. Not many days ago there was a loud outcry et calamity from the. chief seat of the tia-plate industry in this coun try. It was not a cry of calamity pres eat, but of calamity Impending aad sure to befall in ninety days unless eea gress la .meantime- should doable tie duty on tin plate to safe guard the lead er Industrial Infant Now from Iadkaapolls comes tier statemeat tiat at a Joint meeting' ot two window -glass associations. tia Pittsburg aad the Western, held last Tuesday, it was decides to close down every window glass factory in the Halted States on the 29th of May. This is thirty 4ays earlier than the anal shut-down for repairs. The reasea' as signed is 'tie glut In tie glass market? Tie sagacious manufacturers accord ing tetie Iadiaaapolls dispatch; pro peseiet oaly to close down, bat to "Tab-?priees so as to -dispose at the prodact already oa hanL" ' RaisiHg prices -so as to dlepese; t, praaacc js probably, a geod. schema as 'protectieaists ieokat ecoaamk: -iaw, m.. mm m sat tne real point Tier scaems is to make emptores aad atimr ee;-tie. market is glattedf wJth.for- 'M geeas and so faullow ka if Tag.tie repablkaa Ucket'"axtfalL, Minji-assw Ka-ae wfclph ku w. werSed witi coaaidertHe political at- leevat. msk twiee sinee the last raal- aaatfal eleetie. It mav w&ffc ui. V tkoaaaaas-who wfll beihrswa,sit Laaptsyaseatmay be made tebeSere t that, lis osiy Tray for thw te to Jw' k ;Isf MiaTeykm. . - " "gyy" Preaideat WeveJaad's Si-!!!!!! Bldied ia weaa mjr am; therttrW" -,TrB aa ukss tie stoma- fsr MBaJar.-aatiardlr. Tk--- iaiim tor tbit sir. ,- KrrU mi ib Carreaer. It is said te be the.elief et ex-President Harriaea-that the party should give attoraace to a conservative sen timent ia respect to the tariff: and should be as pronounced as possible on. use money question, ho favored an explicit aad unequivocal declaration for the geld standard, saying that the mosey question and not the tariff will be the Issue between the two parties this year. And. what are we to think of the sincerity ot President Harrison? He signed the Sherman bill with its pur chasing cl&ase. He did It with his eyes opea and with full knowledge that the design was to placate the silver eenti- meat la his own party and secure to his . candidacy if possible the electoral votes et mining camp states that other wise might be in revolt This man now is to tell the people ot the United States, who have-suffered dearly through his demagogic act, what they shall do concerning tho currency question. He tells them, too, .about the neces sity ot conservative, action upon the tariff question, yet he gladly gave his signature when president to radical ac tion, oa'the tariff, and even when his. party in the congressional elections ot 1890 was overwhelmingly beaten he west out ot his way in the message he seat to .congress in the succeeding De cember to denounce the people of tae United States for rendering a verdict against tie McKlaley law, and insisted tiat congress should take no backward step. Perhaps ex-President Harrison, while not a capable practitioner generally, is a devil of a doctor oa fits, and it -was for the purpose of offering his profes sional services in that connection that he did his beet to throw the republi can party into fits. ,KrtMt ObIt TVhes Leilas. Philadelphia Record: The McKln ley men, who apprehend that Mr. Quay will capture the republican national committee, and thus rule the St Louis convention, "are threatening a rvni la. tie party like that In New York state whea- Felger was nominated over Cor- eu by a corrupt and shameless bar-J gam. Bat there wras no revolt in tils party, when Senator Chandler, weeks as?, made charges agalast McKinley's frieads substantially similar to those how preferred against the Quay peo ple. As specific charges with a aa behind them had ho result, it is scarce ly likely that anonymous accusations Willi stir ap .an insarrectiba sf alarm isg proportions. New York Timsb: We aew have prest, ia tie admissions of tie aall maa!atHren4aeueve8, that the aall trust or pool, while compelling all bay era et sails la this ceuatry to pay ?2JB'per keg for wire nails aad S2.30 pec keg for cat- nails in carfead lots at ia amis sens Sails to bayers Ja Germany aad wtbsr foreign countries tor n-tesa per keg. tils greedy cm blaatisa has 'bees enabled by tie tariff .daty oa aaik te reb eonsasaeis la tie Ualtod States la iiis way wills selling abroad At a reductisa if per eeat aad tie repabUcaa party fa -eeagress iafjrebsatly vstodto sawrge this tariff awyias-Bw-ssnfc. , Xsaierk-e Times: Delaware-will have to-getatoag tor." assae. time fki atfy ,oae asaatoc. Ia Tfew atibatorf n tie. state Ja wtasdi bagger toaa aa aT8fTaas ety, aad has grewm aaaltor atoae it tk:g deatMratk. aa,eiaaier w4B prebably saaise, aspe etoMywaest k. ja aaTjwalaar mi biw : r.-aay. '- Tie-Flat mmiltttm. vaaastowa Desaaetatf Malar Ma- JOal-r M4 aappaa Ua-atoto te- asaoc. -u-vh toiaMkrri at tkr sv "Ik Wbrn it m.laliiiat to to-be tbrtotoa to tie Mn Oartis ssweUmes writes ia seek a rate aa to lead ece-to savpeee tiat he beUeves ia tie geld standard. When the direst faestiea is raised, he dis claims being; a aHver man, and by im pUcatiea he dees the same whea the point aader eeasideration bears so im mediately apea tie mala Issue tiat its deotetea necessarily and palpably in velvee tie satire question, aa ia tie statement ceaeerslng silver production wh!sh la elsewhere commeated apoa. If he openly conceded tiat silver had falles cempared with gold, or, more properly, that geld iad risen compared wltintlver; because of silver's demea atiaatiea, it would be a complete sur render of tie gold' side ot tie case. But wherever tie connection is not se pat ent where there is a chance for hedg ing, qualifying- and explaining, tie whole tread of his writings is against the gold standard, -A- considerable portion of one ot his recent letters to the Chicago Record la devoted to a statement by ex-Gov. Shepherd, relative to business condi tions la Mexico. What the governor says is. here-given in full: Ex-Gov. A. R. Shepherd, who is now principal owner and manager ef the Batopllas silver mines, la Chihuahua, Mexico, has been spending the winter la Washington for the first time, since he left here sixteen years ago, and be fore leaving for his Mexican home yes terday ho addressed the following let ter to Representative Newlands of Ne vada, in reply to some inquiries from that gentleman concerning the eco nomic condition of Mexico as a silver basis: "I hive been a resident of Mexico since 1870. When I first went there the ratio between silver and gold was 15 to 1. The first exchange I bought was at the rate of 15 per cent In coin silver on a New York draft. Since then, owing to the demonetization of silver, many changes have occurred In "1 the rate of exchange. During the fam ine. Which existed -the whole period from 1889 to 1892, when two-thirds ofj w vne snun usea lor loea in Mexico, wan brought from the United States, tie rates of exchange ranged from 9 to 95 per cent, and at times went as high as 109. Notwithstanding this, Mexico met all her obligations, paid all her interest, and suffered less than any country. The present condition of the silver market Is leading the Mexican people to doing their own maBUfactartojr. .As an instance of this I may cite Chihua hua as aa example. An Iron foundry and machine shop was established there some time ago, with 9O,099 capi tal, for the -purpose of manufacturing the mining and other machinery for which there was a large aad growing demand in that vicinity and which, was formerly supplied by the United States. Tie success of this venture may be re alised when it is known. that the capi tal stock was increased to $399,909, and -e company secured a contract recently for a large amount otmachia ery in competition with the firm of Fraser &. Chalmers and other large con cerns in this country Cheap elothlag, aa of which was formerly purchased in the United, States and Iterope, is now Manufactured ia Mexico. At Chihua hua a canning establishment with a capital of 1100,909, Is now being r Canlsed fer the purpose of preserving seats and fruit, and, a larga brewery, with a capital of ?200,009, Is being put - A wooien ractory, with 3W.09O capitol, was Btarted, and was enjarged last season to meet Mw in creased demands apoa it-and smelters at Chihuahua now treat the ,Mexiean res tiat were formerly sent across the border at heavy expense "Numerous ether enterprises nave been established aad are contemplated, ftU having the effeet otiviBgremBBer aUve.empleymeat to Mexican, artisans and laborers, aad what is equally l pertaat, serving: to keep Mexican mea ria Mexico, fer the fruit et all these rms ot industry represents the Mfe Beeesatttos ot which Mexico has hltier been. dependant, en this ceuatry and sKrspe. iae ooMitieas ia Chlauahsa are truer t tie mere advanced periiea et Mexico, and tie development is steady aad remarkabU tbraapha.f t v Mrtiweet et Mexico a railroad wtU ae blK withlajie next year, raaaiag from M Pase.te a point Cer lalKIUs, a dtotaaee tuief. epea iag ap.a.eeaatry rieala mines aad ttaral-reswee.. Tie ,m.m f! r tie aadertakiag has 4ieea laealeaedbr-New Torknttos. The eeaMteas eftfce peepfc have toiprsysd eerretotively witk tie deral- 2!Leitlk?'a'rT- "rkedtotrietet Jal-Iaerto, witoh raraiaaec:tie part at tWnasaatoJae.ia,wiWi ear;laea are Seated, has deabied la pcMlataia to m&g&m y?dito.jirsdyattoe aarrespeaaftaglj the peea rrstnar it ur pejr-aisdaa htoxto.,;w tkenri sraent,!. ew taeraeanrtr at ua so - great .that rarrtiiac U.wabw u ti rim iuJ':i .. - . - " .-- .?.". " iaijawBie w raaaa a mas tae werxmea are tatorsstod ia ft, V -i , 1 eaabaai j mm k eaaena. m aaage -" i . -.i'i7 - i t-utir- jlexleaas to seiaer mwmm, v-- ZZremlir. tteVMextoananaaetora wttiwieat ibTs talked held tie view Tiere aavw been bat twe. or three baakt asliarea atone 1 kva reaMed there. Tie Merieaasaaka are rehired keea eae-Ukd et tiefr ekeaJaUea ia silver deiiars la their ranlta. -Tie system in Mextos allows tie xtlaer to sead Us aUver to the ffersra Mat dseesttories aad reeelTe silver dollars la retarn'-tor it- la any part et the ceaafay where' there to an assay eOce, tie government tax aad seat being about 4!4.pereeat. "Perhaps tie best sign ot tie stabil ity of Mexico aader a silver policy may be found in the fict tiat Mexican 5 per cent bonds stand at 93 la Leaden." This is exactly ia ilae with what Mr. Curtis has stated astherxeeuK U his owa observations in Japan, aad there can be no 4oubt that la thus quoting Gov. Shepherd at length, he-lateaas to fully sanction tie statements made, especially as they are given without comment A mas like Bdward Atkinson, who is utterly incapable ?ef reasoning frsav cause to effect, might say exactly what is givee, above, and still believe la the geld standard, bat Mr. Curtis is a much abler man -than Atkinson, and It to dif ficult to see how he can so clearly recognise the benefits which Mexico and Japan are reaping from the use of silver, and still believe that free cols- age would ruin the United States. That the appreciation of gold Is stimulating the industries of Mexico on many Important lines, is too plain for discussion. It, Ja fact, is denied by no one who understands the situation and is candid enough to speak without disguise. The gold people, do not meet this point fairly. They say, "See how much greater, richer, and more ad vaaeed the United States is than Mex ico," aad then they seek to convey the impression that It is owing to our es tablishment of the gold standard, while Mexico uses silver. They entirely ig nore tho self-evident fact that the United States was always far ia ad vance of Mexico. Even in greenback times, whea our only money consisted of depreciated paper, worth but 40 cents oa the dollar, we were away ahead ot Mexico, which was then doing Business witanuver dollars worth about five cents more than the Amer ican gold dollar. Nay, we were thea relatively farther In advance than we are now, because of late years Mexico has been gaining upon, ns rapidly. A few years ago Great Britain was vastly richer than the United States, and her business waa Incomparably greater, but that did not prove that her form of government or her financial syestera, waa better than ears. The reason was that Britain had the start Of OS. BUjt we have cvertinnlarl a passed her, and we are aew the richest natloa la the world, although by no means se rich as we would have beea If we had not gene deliberately at work to cripple our own resources aad la crease the burden of pur debt by de stroying one ot the money metals with which that debt might have been paid and of which metal we were tie great est producers. So we are a kag way ia the lead of Mexico for various rea sons with which students ot histery are lasuuar, Dut our adoption ettie gold' standard la 1873 is set eae ef these rranniin As between American, aad Mexican conditions at tie preseat time, tie question ia one of ceaparatiye -improvement, and there is no iatelligeat and fair-minded investigator who de nies that Mexico is" now gaining greaad witi race-horse spe-d. The explanation of the advantages that inure to tienilver-atandard coun tries has beea freeaeativ 4tr i v.. columns, and the Hatter will not be seae toto now. The reader Js simply Shepherd says, as preseated by Mr. Curtis, and thea serieusly ask himself aewa-moaey standard that is so aear Isaing to the industries et Meriee W possibly be rank' poison to tiose iar ewa coaatry.Natieaal Bime(al- Oae rre hm water badl - . Jef a4 Mt.taTtoitious for fiL Si Oa. ttx: he-learned to r!ii, v .far tntal. bcesase b: wasted some tear tnUlt bar. ,gve." vXIi rm u That taed feeliagafaicU nearlTl .lUuunn iD,.k... w3 t mj - - . -. w """KH Cu.t, I pasi, the tkatom grow weary, th9 ess. i getto beeome eaervated. You know nut ttv au oubio men and WOBa tarer fcCTapwrariiy w overcome tJ Tired JpeeUag'by great force of will. Bctiu. Y m ansafe, as it polls powerfully npoa tii aervoBs syKem, wmen wm not long iUsj saea-Btrala. Too many peopla " wotk M their serves," and the result it seenlan tortanato wrecks marked " nervoni prc. traticB," la every direction. That tlad Feel- tog is a positive proof of thin, weak, la. pare blood; for, if the blood Is rich, ni Titolizedand vigorous, it imparts lifeasd energy to every nerve, organ and tlasi ot the body. The necessity of taklaf Hood's Sarsaparilla for that tired fetllsf is, therefore, apparent to every one, tad the good it wlILdo you Is' equally beyoai question. Eemember that Hood's Sarsaparilla. the Oae True Blood Purifier. All drogiutt t rnaared only by & I. Hood & Co.. Lowell. Mia. Hood's Pills are easy to take. eij to operate. ssee&U. Denver Direetory. HARNESS The best $30 ara ble Concord Bit- nesa la utiarts for IIS. Witi brechluj. t3L f!3 double tta larnesa w t tb breeching $1113 steel horn stoCI mrMl. fnrtlK ill aail bnny btiraeM for W.50. Do not 6 secelved By wortbleaa Imitations bat ordK direct from as and cet ta lowest wholes! "tea. utiiioruB rree. All goods stampta- frajuu MveiijUtiti, uvmer. uoioraao. , Ooodi tent for examination. 1413 Larimer Stmt. ITHE DCNVERTCNTi AND AWNINQ CO. noou'spiunwufio 1728 LAWRENCE ST.! l)Jj lt fiLUE PBIfl I ropcUet. KsbSSth. Uiks k Hixlia Xraalcb A ) sslcCu,14UJ-19Anp O I A I C UHC HoUl KoeJC.IXnTer. Pocket SJ. fwet boot. Tflasbto to ot ialyprf. mtUl trt. FiaTl DLrai. Dmoo Uobm, tc C tTtipondeaw , yiorirt, ea tent st. lypiJlSTAHPsreSgrj Suiae. ia8 Canla btrm. &uBltMlj llet Beptioa. Jaeeb atele the Wrfi.i- - . &r Eeaa dreesiag himself ia a kid- . , UIW aecemag hie bliad fath- llfT A" ay reaabllcaa ad deawcratk candiAat- . .s thkyear to aiaoilar deceive aad rob the revrptu Bjr MMnnama y vii.i.. t by iateraatioaal agreeaeat, etc. M lw .Oar Msaey 6e. c" w,Trk aad aspirant for ta fMiey. liM ea Tariri.!T X-reaeaa trie. The AraWa ot the weat wiU eeaUaae, te take daily trtsTalT " V" ZZ? 8 . fhiea CI JZLulTWr. 1 ae Ver awy--i e ike. umjmsssssm Bttnos.Oiri HoMc and I7-ISU Clump ACHnnsx vii ot udtino. pblhtiJ JZ!!!n' "? lln sad eoaii lt wamMmp C. E. BURLINGAME'S ASSAY OFHCBSSS38F .artrtHiaea at Sasples br es9 mrrtm wot nstr yresaft ae cartful sttesfea QOtD AND SILVER BULLION - !(MsTtMdadAtyaderPrtksML NK.M4 MM UwfCM SL. KEriYES. C8U A quarterjpentln HIRES Rpotbcr does, you dollars' worth of tooi, -aeerefaryOarHaie'a aarreaer boiri tv. . i nLm-- . . ""aiaaa "- ew sera - - - ' Mm vt nniTMini ta iu... ... . IT - """ ""wera. jf a aeaeat ImW . '"" -WjKas. a-Mtasfaaaal amAl. . . Se-S - ? 1?r--l-a4 mVL""! " . -- --wt. irear,-! aaa-rk -1L ..-.. - .. ammJJZZZJsnrmt.t!a t iri -ui yi.iM -"; ' . r" '.jisiiuih ac -tae -raa. vvl -;i. -.-..', - .". m Ul anuii ii. aa. - d makh-g iuS?. aaaBBaaBBBBa f - - -" " . r .- . - . r i , rfaWisk H 9 BMaBBtaMsa ' . , - . r c- v rt - - ie&& Tmm mmmtoem 1 XUKmnrtet'&kak- ...JT" TgTL. " V wjhj jehaaai wa Dcaner-t: Jaaiar K. l-. eeabied la seaiaiiak i. I mmZ'lZZ77r "TnM iliaan Ssfr k. v-5T "! -Tae.aeetaHa-T amarka w. vi.. ,- .- ---k-.c - pau- w-yiii , n ! .aaa;;Bsxmapr.aaiiiaam a-r'- 'iz-:- -yjaatea: ttstloc at wMIbe jeataaabM. il-ew tw ; J twrreeaewelagly Jaia-a Bp; . ."! .niigiiaijeBL aihuati :nH Zm-zZZL'-Z-!i jiaac-f-aie. iaaawoy , waa tOSfSsf. L" -SB SSBSSSS1 IT SM Ih llhail-". n-" --. i ii-itaLj fc m. -taa .lj . aa a tj . . -. .. .' -WSbNSE aQa.-"1- - . , - " t""TwaBsasmi aaBWaaaavaarar -ear 3 . . . z'r - -aa naaaaaaaLa aanBaBV jl, aaa anaBBBBaaavaaaT aaav aaaasaBLaBat - . - - ,-. s-Xii . m ' m ."f . .aanaaaaai saaiwiasil'i it l - - - t 't ," , vaPaasaaaaaaa, aaay , VafaaBaaV - as.sM Wbrs?T&L2&: mSKfZZm SSmSJ.-SSSJXLP&JS-. SCTF?- . aff&A mm iJi .'i- nrL. .... - --- - - .-te-.. -v --7".!5TT' mmmmmmmm,-www. . . .i.viV '""r"' rr' ' "t- Jt -- .h-.. . - EMrr-' '. we v tBBBBBsaa naaasna taaaw-. aaaa. ma aa. - ' -ism aavstafaaaaaa. . ar' stsWaaasaai t-"Ja- ,iaJ .- -':n.. . - ' ' m mnn all r -- . r"-sww cnaaan. a usi i v t - - R4-Vi.lam'5aareSi r '? - -.-.- " MSdZTiSn-ST'-? o.tae deatt.ZZT .T KUlrOC m an am in fc-.- . , .,- aasst a, fcti. -. . -... .-.- -m aMttr njrM i iri. - aadaaftaewerkataaarsTfatiiiiaj fc.IT BF&smm mr wmn aaa-Jia -'--r rhaat la tak bwaao, SiTi."!" WaeadaaUo Ptwt:. itJaeerteaiir a : "laether m -"C L.T1 freaiea SK. '-" '& m Pmemtt dm Oa tae'ivfeaaea win -'r riaiaiid that 'whea the!: wee- aaewlae: -jae- j,.Vt- , Bc.'-T- " " " .?- -' - " ' r vjmjm 2:fS? - '52S2!JZ&! r"-" EZSMm u: ----.4 ' ' - : . .- - ' . "J - .-- .. ,1 iiajfn, y samn in a.wa-wMm nat, a; isjiiw saa waa arat apea ad K wa: " i T WwV333MlT&2i rev- --r-aaaw. or. anatustn rf tim.r. a . " sKBsaaai Taaa bsm sa hat . . ... b-t raaa ran tiisiiiii i r i --m-. -- in aniisi i i f'iaaai aaa an ! lis n. im -- fnra gaai laaliai'i ' 1T ifaTfftit ta iT iaal ' ' ae w in. - - r --.-. 'Tt : ,i rTT " :' - ' ;-"-c Wfi liS." " ST? J.-m, ' . a .. a. . itis""' aBaaaaaaaaaaABaaK .a , . . ' 2 m j - b "gVwBBmB SaBa?'BaBaaaaa9BBBaaaBaaeaak'1 bbbbl " " bbbsi g;jMi-iaM'IMCtt9eosietotae eWtl,llfc aaaaaraaal te - - r t ti ff ru tii ZES-lT tbaar aerUoa, hew- taat as afiay tatitlcaaaa ajjr?l? aaaaBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaafsBaaHSB : iaarataeeia'ic werH, the eha'rch tar &!mmfKy ct"ti T1 lartaB- Taablial na Pent: Mew taat aas J naet aeaBt. iailii y--. -SSi.! !!? ' ! FTlHBaattaaHsuITr gaKJM.Mrtl "" teSL-!SS!!,!SL?Wlt-" oaeered bow to aaa .uaaathJ SSf-- J? " " iETtae - ' MSSB. . 8arf?'-;. .' :.- . -.? " -i-l'', - ,IJI ' ' - JP9PHaWsaamaieamfh a. Sa5aBa5-.,5-" "- Caataaakr:iV---USBV - -. mmZ&St.jEZaB&&&Z .-'JX ' aaaGLfJVT . ' ' :T- "1 " uaaaa aw. TSJvwesi MnagegBgMSfc-ejt. ,j- ---- t-Miucw. -3- , , aeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasaywjx' '-a'n-TrBBairrarTTnBaaiaaaaaTBBaiiiif"- ' iwv.ftiTiir' v -' JCjaABaBBaaaBBBraacssekk vs - - . . -- waa BBangeT bbbbb) aaBBaBBBBafcaBBaaBBaisake BglTiiMrliiri ill Tiji hii i i TflTlPffHiifia i tiiiilFrTIi laallaaalal In U 'i ' -vJWkaaaaaaaBaaaaA ' .."rf. . .;:,'. mmm "" pnsaaaeat You can reach' practically all thVrcatreSOrts , dfAmericfa bythethrouitii; CewM1riiitf; i.i?ar. -T .iKU'york Central. iilKPNPILES . ...ifr.a-ffW EetPaJlars. TsjsV XMX: S St ''I vtrar . .