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- i ifwy -yy t M BSte. ' u wMl Wvii 7i SSSHi ) Mf v I fjfii ivn iiV M aB 'IEjkssssssjf HEW'TO'THE LINE; ET THE OHlPiS FALL WHERE THEY MAY Vol- 3CV The Aftermath of the Great Johnson and Jeffries Fight at Reno, Nevada JAMES J. CORBETT THE BOSOM FRIEND OF THE FALLEN CHAM PION 18 STILL EXPLAINING HOW IT ALL HAPPENED. THE MILLION DOLi-AR WORLD THE AFRO-AMERICAN A. M. E. PREACHERS OF CHICAGO ASSIST TO DRAW THE COLOR, LINE. THEY WITH THE OTHER SO-CALLED CHRISTIANS WHO BECOME' GAGGED ON A NAT AND SWALLOW A CAMEL. ARE BITTERLY OPPOSED TO THEJ PICTURES OFJTHE FIGHT. WHICH HAVE BEEN AND ARE STILL RUNNING THROUGH THE DAILY NEWSPAPERS WHICH ENTER THE HOMES OF HUN DREDS OF THOUSANDS OFPEOPLE. THE RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY, THB PREACHERS AND'THE PRESS NOW ENGAGED IN CRYING OUT AGAINST THE PICTURES BECUSE A WHITE PRIZE FIGHTER WAS PUT TO SLEEP BY A NEGRO PRIZE FIGHTER. HAVE NEVER IN THE PAST ATTEMPTED TO SUPPRESS THE "CLANSMAN" WHICH DEPICTS A NEGRO RAPING A WHITE WOMAN. NEITHER HAVE THEY CRIED OUT AGAIN8T 8UCtf BLOOD THIRSTY ANARCHISTS AS BENJAMIN. R. TILLMAN, JAMES K. VARDA MAN, REV. THOMAS DIXON, J R AND THEIR BROOD OF. RANK ENEMIES TO SOCIETY LAW AND ORDER. WHOSE SOLE OBJECT IS TO STIR DICE TO UPHOLD MOB SO THAT THE HIGHLY CIVILIZED CHRISTIANS CAN TO THEIR HEARTS CONTENT END THE LIVES OF INNOCENT AND LAW ABIDING COLORED MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. One of the greatest writers of the old world, some years ago declared that "The American people, are the biggest set of foofs on earth" tor words to the same .effect. There is a great deal of truth in the above 6tatement the vast majority of them being color blind and race prejudice ridden, they have made monkeys of themselves and have permitted them selves to become the laughing Btock of the world, prior to and since the great Johnson and Jeffries fight at Reno, Nevada. Under one pretext or another ther thought it would be all right if Jef fries could only knock and pound the stuffing out of Johnson, and those who were fearful of Ms ability to make good in' that direction, includ ing the good Christians, nit! cried out against permitting the fight. James J. Corbett, known as "gentle man Jim" who Is the bosom friend of the fallen champion is still explaining too- tt all happened on July 4th, but before the light he assured the wor shipers of white skin that "Jeffries would have no trouble in winning the fic'it and that within a very short time after he hid met with success hi the ring as there was nothing to it, tut the shouting, that he would start on a million dollar world tour. wfeicb has now been abanooned for eolio time, and that some of his easy Pavings would be turned over to the hlghir educated broad minded Chris tians of his race, so that' they could s?end some of it In instructing the Colored folks In Africa ad in Amerl t to neTer attempt In the future to fipiit any one with -a so-called white face, and minions of the-good Chris- t'ans sent up loud prayers to the hea "ens caMns; on their wfcite Godto let " ce as foretold by gentleman "Jim but it seems that foriwme-cause-their God felt that He waa act.ln. the deal strong enough. He utterly failed to k&rlen utortheir-TOlca&, thereby mak tag It pojsftle tag 'tie black. if Africa to put It over goodand plear oa Jeffries, and as no money was to & Into thepockete'ef-tke Christians a result of the flgat, they feel ffltebtr 8ormEBi&efci ttft Aro-Amerlcan A. M. E. preachers of Cttcsg are aafetfag them to draw U color line, thr tritk ti otfcer ao- otted C&rfstisas -gfeo teoome gtg. TOUR HAS BEEN ABANDONED. EXHIBITION OF THE MOVING 1 .: -5? !.' ---- o- UP RACE HATRED AND AND LYNCH LAW. PREJU- on a nat at the same time swallow ing a whole camel. Are bitterly opposed to the exhibi tion of the moving pictures of the fight, which have been and are still running through the daily newspapers which enter the homes of hundreds of thousands pf people and are looked at and read by millions of children. Some of the papers which are now engaged in crying out against the pictures have in the past gleefully set forth all the details of the most revolting crimes committed by man kind, illustrating the black deeds and fowl crimes, will the Chicago AmerK can please stand up and repent of its former sins right now in this respect? At this time It will not do to over look the fact that the religious or ganizations throughout the country, the preachers and the press, now en gaged in crying but against the pic tures, simply because a whlto prize fighter was put to Bleep by a Negro prize fighter. They have never in the past at tempted to eupress the "Clansman' which depicts a Negro raping a white woman, but on the contrary they have glorified it from their pulpits as the noblest work of their hand made God. Neither have they cried out against such blood thirsV anarchists, half de vils andJaalf savages as Benjamin R. Tillman, James K. Vardaman, Rev. Tnomaa Dixon Jr., and their brood of rank enemies to society,-law and or der, who have no 'higher object in view than to stir up race hatred and prejudice to nphold mob and lynch So that under some pretext or other Innocent and law abiding Colored men, women nd children can be ibot down In coM blood like csta and mad dogs, by the; highly civillzCnristians residing In aH parts of the United States. MIchaeWiWalgi,.one.MhB-atrong and Inflneatial suppcrtera of Gover nor Charges S. r3eneen, ,m the Town race for con5resa"im the 4th conr satl Atattct; mU. I? . Wftan should dectd tett fctfagia-ltW irisBwolsyflrfitoitettjrnlter- patter foe Us theymlafctbe. CHICAGO, JTUI iBnWw jslslsWisea9B? l3F.V llslslS HONEST EDWARD D. GREEN. PrnmtftRnt Knlnhta 'nf Pvttila. -Author o tha Antl.Mnh and Lvneh Law of Illinois, who-has been highly commended by the leading reform o" .aahIzatIon8and the newepaserassjHlntnilnenUy qualified to Jto-rec.1 elected to the General Assembly great States of Illinois. This .week the members of the committee of the first legislative dis trict, of Illinois, comprising the first and second wards of this city In dorsed, honest Edward D. Green, and noble B. Judah as the proper persons to make the race for the lower house of the legislature of this state; and Francis P. Brady, was united upon to become State Senator Instead of Charles L. Billings and their selec tions is equal to their elections. Mr. Brady did not kick over the traces at tip last session of the legis lature and vote for Lorimer, Instead of for Senator Hopkins, but he stuck with the Hopkins wing of his party to the very last ballot, thereby saving his respectability and standing among the true blue Republicans. Noble B. Judah "Is clean cut and will make a live and active candidate and he will be heard from when he assumes his duties In he legislature at Springfield. Honest Edward Dy Green, who JUDGE CHARLES M. WALKER, KNOCKS OUTTHE PEDDLERS. On or about Jan. 1, this year, th city council, passed an ordinance compell ing the great army of peddlers from shouting at the top of their voice at all hours of the day and, night, while traveling through the streets and byways' of this city, seeking vic tims to buy their wares, and often times rotten fruit and so on, and the more tfian six thousand peddlers felt cock sure that through their lawyers, they would be able to sound the death knell of this new law which they hate so much, so they prayed- unto his Hon. Judge Walker this week to issue an injunction restraining the city authorities, from enforcing the ordi nance, in any manner shape or form. But Judge Walker, would not hava it so and In dismissing their bill for want of eqtutTv he declared that they the peddlers conducted their boalnew la an unusual way asd tothg discom fort of the public at large, In fact they-are a. public nuisance, and after being cast overboard by Judge" Walk Jjjr,. they -D. appeal to tho 8npri6 court of this state, aa it w db hoped thart the higher court will stand fcy "jBdjp Wafterso t vH S!eajJMn. be jreyeBted, for yeArto Jem..te&L oatfrff,tffcfr tto & sale -ap- and down tie streetriof QiP- cago. ' - Y - ie, 1910. and assist to enact legislation for the stands so well with the best element of his party of the first and second wards with the reform organizations, the newspapers and with those who thoroughly believe in good govern ment that it is a great pleasure to state, that he has been selected as the associate and running mate of Mr. Judah, by bis straight-forward conduct he has made a lasting name for himself. As a former member of the legisla ture, he was ever ready to vote for everything which would redound to the best interest of all the people within the confines of this state. It will long be remembered, that he Is the author and the father of the antMynch and mob law, which meas ure is proving itself so beneficial, and when Mr. Green takes his seat in the next session of the legislatme, he will put over some more legislation which will be almost as .important, and as far reaching as his anti-mob and lynch law. PROF-DUBOI8. ACCEPTS POSITION. Will be Director of Publicity and Re search for National Association For the Advancement of Col ored People. New York, July 12. Dr. W. E. B. DuBois, the foremost Negro sociolo gist of the- country, and for some years, professor of history and sociol ogy at Atlanta University, has accept ed the position of director of publicity and re-search for the National Asso ciation for the Advancement oT the Colored People. Dr. DuBois will especially look out for all matters affecting the status of the Negro, and will formulate plans for bringing to the attention of the country, matters concerning the real condition of the race, as well as sug gestions for the amelioration of the Negro's condition, and the bestowal of those rights (which other classes of American citizens enjoy. Dr. DuBois Is a native' of Massa chusetts. After graduating from the Great Barriagton (Mass.) high school (tie wtattoTtakaJarreTslty where he reeeiev the" aegrea of ' Bachelor o3 Art Bfe" -mbeetaently entered Har vard, Trhw fee wen a-scholarahip e-J t&Itag aim' td s ceerse- of" sfcMts lit Mftiti gtjmtwstfce degvee? of &ctor tyumo9irjfrelm Harm fa LfMf. Btis MHSUier ofctt mWk My! llsgw," i'-TOa-rj-mw aS Stock FoBc" a a -tsW of pampMets. Harmony Prevails in tha Ranks of the Democratic Party in Cook County CARTER H. HARRISON, EDWARD F. DUNNE, ROGER C. SULLIVAN, WILLIAM E. DEVER, JOHN E. TRAEGER, COL. JAMES HAMIL TON LEWIS, ANDREW M. LAWRENCE AND OTHER LEADERS OF THE PARTY. HAVE ALL BURIED THEIR PAST DIFFERENCES AND SELECTED A TICKET FOR THE FALL E? LECTION. As sudden as a clap of thunder from a clear sky. Carter H. Harri son, Edward P. Dunne, Roger C. Sul livan, William E. Dever, John E. Trae ger. Col. James Hamilton Lewis, An drew M. Lawrence and other leaders of the party; UjIb week found a room large enough to hold them and with out any fist fights or knock downs, they got together and united upon the folowing county ticket to be voted for at the fall election, and they and their followers all claim it Is a win ner. Sheriff Michael Zimmer, Ward 12. Treasurer W. L. O'Connell, Ward 6. Count Clerk R. M. Sweltzer, Ward 13. County Judge John E. Owens, Ward 13. President county board Peter Bart zen. Member board of review Thomas J. Webb, Ward 23. N M W. Korale8ki, Ward 16. Clerk Probate court John A. Cer venka, Ward 34. Clerk Criminal court Frank J. Walsh, Ward 32. FOSTERING RACE PREJUDICE BY DECRYING IT. Jack Johnson, heavyweight cham pion pugilist of the world, says that he got a rotten deal when he returned to his home in Chicago after his vic tory in the ring at Reno. Mr. Johnson is exactly right about it He did get a rotten deal and he has a perfect Tight .to complain. Without going Into the merits or de merits of prize fighting and there Is much to be said on both sides it must be admitted by anyone that Mr. Johnson had accomplished, a feat that brought him into prominence and made him much admired by a consid erable portion of the populace of Chi cago. - Whether his admirers are misguided in their adulation of his physical prow ess is quite beside the question. The point at issue is that a large number of oeoole desired to do him honor and. this being a free country, they ought to have been permitted to do so Those who disapprove of Mr. Johnson hwjmse he is a ougilist or because he is a Negro, were not askgd to parti cipate in the welcoming festivities and there was no disposition to force them to do so. Mr. Johnson's fellow Negroes and Ma frnnta amone the white race had planned to meet him at tee station with a band and to organize o paraae tn ieart him to his home. They were forbidden by Chief of Police Steward to do this. And whv? Because, forsooth, it might foment race hatred and result In riots. That is absolute piffle and Mr. Stew ard, if he Is a person ot discernment, knowB it. The parade was forbidden because of this very xace prejudice about which there "was eo much cant and for no other reason. There was more to foment race hatred In Chief Steward's ruling than there would have been in a. dozen parades in hon or of Mr. JoTinson "or anyone else. Mr. Johnson andothers of hi race are,- by the constitatiaii, or an; eaual rfoiIh6oPdUxenship:'with the, other ftai&Dt of'esaaQcaltz.asd t$er BM nnfHiM in' thh--sa3W privileges. The police dspartmeaUliae o Tight (o fsrh4lK9anE7rS$W!Pa that k win Ti3m.m&. fym case there was bo reasoa to believe No- 41 President sanitary district Thomas A. Smyth, Ward 20. (Trustees sanitary district Thomas L. Sullivan, Ward 18; Stanley Adam klewicz, Ward 17. I County commislsoners Lawrence J. Coffey, Ward 13; Dr. George Sultan, Ward 9; Joseph Fitzgerald, Ward 30; Frank Regan, Ward 29; Stanley J. Ku flewski, Ward 12; Charles Glenon. Ward 27; Joseph Mandl, Ward 10; Daniel Harris, Ward 3; Bartley Burg, Ward 34. , Judge Circuit court for Carpenter vacancy Edward O. Brown, Ward 21. Judges Superior court William E. Devr, Ward 17; .Charles A. McDon ald, Ward 25; M. M. Grldley, Evan ston; William Fennimore Cooper, Ward 21; Joseph H. Filch, Ward 26; Colin C. H. Fyffe, Ward 21; Richard E. Burke, Ward 13. Judge Probate court Ode L. Ran kin, Riverside. I The-aboye.ticketls...composed.jotl many good and successful business" men and there is no .reason whatever, why it should not rally to Its support a majority of the voters In this city and county. that it would result in anything of the sort. The Negroes of Chicago are not anarchists nor, we take it, are they looking for trouble in which they would be bound to come out second best. Race prejudice is fomented more by the discriminations of persons who are themselves prejudiced than it Is by any demonstration in compliment to anyone. Mr. Johnson's admirers are now talking of running him for alderman In the Third Ward where he resides, and where there are some S,000 Ne gro votes. Would it not be quite as reasonable for our discriminating chief of police to forbid this on the ground that it might cause a race war? Mr. Johnson, since his return to Chi cago, has exhlbted much good sense. He has done no strutting nor brag ging, and has been in every way rea sonably and conservative. This shows his conservatism and his realization of the necessity of good order. As to his political aspirations, the Bulletin Is not yet ready to pledge Its support but, should he prove the only candidate against the Republi can Nominee, we must say that he would look very good to us. The Chi cago Democratic Bulletin, July 13, 1910. To this we say Amen! Amen! bro ther and editor Phlllpp, and we call on Mayor "Busse and Chief Steward to stand up and lead us in prayer Editor. JIM GOLDSMITH A HALF CRAZY MAN TURN8 ROBBERS-BREAK ING INTO JESSE BINGA'S BANK GETTING AWAY WITH A' LARGEJ ROLL OF MONEY. Early Friday morning Jim Gold smith, who they claim Is half crazy threw a stone through on,e of the large pate glass windows of Jesae Binga's Bank, 26th place and State street, at tha same time entering; and grabbing a, blgf roJL of bills and getting- away castared by a poUceman'adath'e' money sestorfd to. the -bank: 1& BJfier, oa "of T&.- BingVs a- Blatant, eai one or twootfier8wTe I Goldsmith. -. r . . I 14 '2 i-'.l l ! i n ti Hri fTMjffiJ&& jSfc- -