Newspaper Page Text
mn. v iry w? 'yjrmyv s-w-v.-c "5f will -bury cheaper than the trust mmBmummX??" bsibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb. iaaaSSB'''v':laaap 7i'4"; Sbbbbbbbbbb fl Ke'-sslllllllB fSBBMBMi "" 'SSSsflSJL sp SSbsSSbsSSbSSS. GEO. O. Funeral Director and Embalmer successful undertaking establishments in Chicago. As a result of the people's appreciation of honest funeral direction. I am the only Undertaker that the same price as Hearse and carnages, can save you from Fifty to One Hundred Dollars On a .funeral. You are cordially invited to compare our prices with others before making arrangements: $15 caskets that others ask $30 $20 caskets that others ask $40 $30 caskets that others ask $60 $50 caskets that others -ask $100 $75 caskets that others ask $150 We carry a large stock on hand from which to select, that will suit tbfe people. Funerals are conducted in any out extra charges. Large Chapel free to our patrons. Bodies shipped to all parts of the United States and foreign countries at the very lowest prices. Phone, West 1761. Lady attendant, umce ana cnapei, ivd w. Lake St, near Lincoln St. The Retort Courteous. "I hats to press this bill. Mr. Blow Bay," said the tailor, taking a much wrinkled memorandum of accounts from his pocket, "but" -Oh, don't bother. Snip," said Slow pay genially. "You don't need to press it I don't mind wrinkles in It at an. The fact is IT got a doren fresh cop ies of it at bom already." Jumping Stunts. We know we're heard that yearwaro It may hare beea high noon A. cow went oct sad did a stsnt Sy Jumping o'er the moon. Bow true that la ws cannot say, "Wen try not to convince. Set sorely beef aad ether meats Sara 'Romped some ever since. Ycnkers Statesman. Up to Him. "Bee here,' asked the cautious stran ger. If I decide to stay here for a week how much is It going to cost tar Our First incorporated CKy. The first city Incorporated In this coualrj with a charter and privileges .was New York, which 'was granted Its papers In 1664. Varnish From Seaweed. A kind of seaweed which is plenti ful on the coast of China furnishes an admirable glue and Tarnish. When dried It is. waterproof, and It Is em ployed to fill up the Interstices In bam boo network, of which windows are frequently constructed In that coun try. It, is also utilized to strengthen and Tarnish paper lsntpma. Drinking Water. The aTerage amount of water that frni be taken dally is from two to four pints, or from four to eight glasses. More water should be dress: In hot weather than In cold. Fire Escapes. Fire escapes were first made In Saris ml76L " Postage Stamps. The inventor of the adhesive postage stamp was undoubtedly Rowland Hill, an Englishman, In 1837 he proposed the use pf "a bit of paper just large enough to bear the stamp and covered at the back with a glutinous wash, which the buyer might by the appli cation of a little moisture attach to the back of the letter." Keep plogglns? right along sad say Wh yon fan flat. "Another jolt from fate, but I Expected, that." X grin la better than a groan. Life's road Is tough. Bat Jolts wont stop yon If you're mad Of proper staff. Dinner For Y. M. C A. Managers. Plans are being perfected, for tbelcat """! dinner of the eoxnmltte of management of the Carlton areas branch of the Young Men's Christian association, Brooklyn, The dinner will b held at tk branch, -405 Carlton avenue, os Wed nesday evening, Jas IS. It wffl b an Invitational affair. The object ef the gathering, aside frosa its social features. Is to lay before to cities" s . ef Brooklyn the aeceeslry ef tk werk from a bualaeeB standpoint Step Ussiest Extrsvasaaeasv The erase for satoaebDe aad eab rMing, fln .yfcipg aad a ether useless extravagances the,, colored man back, says tk Pert land (Ore.) Advocate. Why sot Imitate the ferejgaer irks before be learns to apeak the JONES. who conducts, one of the most furnishes automobile funerals for part of the city or suburbs witn- language launches out in some kind of business bootblack stand, pushcart, fruit stand or something equally hum bleand In a few years becomes in dependently rich and In this manner helns to make a Dlace in the world of I affairs for their people. Cuban Negroes Seek Legal Redress. The Negro situation in Cuba has recently assumed some Tery Important phases. A large number of Negroes who were arrested some time ago have refused to be released on ball, claim tng the right of free speech. General Freyse Andrade, secretary to former President Palma, has offer ed to defend the prisoners In their claim to be heard, and the altnatloa now looks dark for the admtolstratloa forces. VAN'DORN WINS HIS CASE Court Gives Aged Afro-American Clear Title to His Property. Jastlce Aspinail of the Queens coua rr srinreme court. New York, has de cided that Primus Van Dora, an aged Afro-Amencan, is entitled to ms nome, which be has owned for forty-four years m Jamaica, -N. Y. The "" in question consists ox zour and a quarter acres and is valued at tlSjOOO. Mr. Van Dorn paid $50 for It ka 1868. He is now In the eighty- eighth year of nis age. ue la xne son ef a slave who was set free by his ataster In New Jersey and who after ward moved out on Long Island. Tk fsmllT settled in the Sorinrfeld section, which was then almost in ths beart of a wilderness, midway ne tweea Jamaica and Far Rockaway. The family continued to reside on tk place, and in IBM young Van TVmd. then of ace. married and pur chased a plot from John Conselyea. The deed conveyed one ana a quarter acres, more or less. The boundary was a little stream which has since dried up. As the years went by and the small water barrier was removed Van Dorn. who was engaging in farming pur suits, was a little careless of the gnf of land he cultivated. No one told Mm to stop, and he worked a sec tion containing nearly five acres. He testified that he has held adverse pos session ever since, and in this he was corroborated by others. No one paid attention to him, be cause the land was not considered worth while bothering about. Beccnt ly, however, all the section around has been developed, and the value of the tend rose. Then some of the heirs of the former John. Coaselyea decided to evict Mr. Van Dorn and gain possession of the tend; but, having held it so long, he fought back. In the case that was submitted to tk court an the facts were agreed mpon, and it left but a question of Jaw for the court to decide to whom the ftoperty belonged. Hies Paslelgb I bat had sty t asre taken once ever yeara afae I xastes. in. Yscmrthlnr Ok. do let sae aaa ase of tk eld dagaerreetypes. to qualat Koseiear. Lays Far His Feed. Ke alecs aot,for wreath of kaav . IT. - m kia lav. Althosch be.triss kts ' " M ants, to bipwi . ... t t.n.j ns n -" -Why Is Utile Johaay pleis "2" "He saw a way fTkere-a a measer aad Rwa. a MtteteKeeaMSS. ato aaaaaasaaai B Dried Seaweed. in KerwegiaBS raaks Sea weed for fset Derfvatien ef Money. Sfcs. ward "laeaey Is derrred "asseta, aaaie gives by the saass ts tadr silver pieces es&sed la a bulldiag ca the CastteUa Mil attacked to the tempi of Jssttsr Ifeseta. The officers Id charts sd ths Bint were called triumviri zaoataalas, cad Nlebuar thlaks that they wera im trodoced at the time wbea tk B flat kesaa to coin ailver. Standing Armies. The list "Mr army of aaadara time was established Tly Charles jTO. of France In IMS. la England tk first standing army was orgiiteed ka 1638. Folding a Man's Coat. To fold a man's coat lay the coat t perfectly flat with the Inside dewa. The sleeves should be spread eat smoothly and then folded back to the elbow until each end of the sleeve la eTen with the collar. Fold the reran back and then double the coat folding It directly in the center and then smooth it out carefully aad lay flat in the drawer. Nettis Fiber. ! Prom nettle fiber a thread has beea produced so tine that a length ef sixty miles of It weighs bnt two and a half pounds. Orang-utan. Orang-utan is a Malay word derived from orang, man, and utan, weeds. It would appear from this that tk Dyaks of Borneo, who use the tent, were Darwinians at an early date. The one thing most nearly huaaaa about the orang-utan is Its cry wkea wounded, according to the starles ef hunters. Legislative "Rldsrs." A rider, in legislative parlance, 1 aa additional section or clause aaaerred to a bill while in course of passage aad frequently foreign to Its original pse port. T Submarines. Electricity is the only motor used in submarine boats. The Roman Emperors. The first fourteen Boman ea all ahaved their faces clean. There Is a portrait bust representing Net witb a beard, but It iM not believed to be authentic ' Silk ef Spain. Nearly all the sUk of Bpabj Is f daced la the provlace ef Murd. After Dinner Diwwaii A man feels drowsy after a Caner because a large part blood la the arsteai aeea to tk aek to aid ths dlgestiea aad leaves tk brain poorly supplied. An Ancient 00 Weft. A petroleum well ka beea karra at bate, one of tke Ieaiaa iw'taea, fsr nearly 8 years. It Is mrniMsait ky Herodotus, who was bora 4M before tke Ckrlatlaa Circus Hersea, After training a good drcaa worth from $3,000 to $4000. A Swashbuckler, One of Louis XVIIL'a fought three duels in a aiagle day, first with a gentleman who leaked askew at him. then with aaotker who looked straight at him and finally wkh one. who avoided looking at him aft all. Ths River Indus. The Indus, the second sacred rtrer of India, is 1,700 miles long. Its wa ters have always been considered si most as holy as those of the Ganges. Unole Sam's Great Scale. There have been three great seals ef tke United Statesone In 1782, a sec ond in 1841 and that of 1885. which Is used at the present day by the secre tary of atate. He affixes it to ream s alcatlons signed by the presldeat. Sugar. Sugar alone will sustain life caaalderable time. The Pony Express. The quickest run ever made by tke pony express was when Abraham L! coia's first Inaugural message was isent from St. Joe to Sacraxaeat ha even days and seventeen hours. Apollo's Favorite Instrument, Apollo was the old god of music, ak favorite instrument, the lyre. Invented by Mercury. Wbea the latter was four hours -old he found tke ef a tortoise and made Jt late a with sine strings la honor of the teases. This Instrument Mercury lyre 1ST to Apollo, who became a player upon it The lyre hr ktk Greeks in olden rimes, aad was fashioned the harp. Flies. ' A fly will lie motionless aft aerataxe of freering peiat, erewi at SS degrees, to bwas AS decrees. One Jraadred m tees degrees of dry keat will jjtaii aflyiaasaorttliee.- pressing the Hair' : Za preparing haasaa kalr i fcenbur water to wifch a weak: flea ef eedacr ammnwla Is aadafl, mm. rted'aslfocotets. Te,sats saMsr ara wesad arouaa -stue gjaes- seas ears. wkea tbey are Troey-asrsats as tke No Wonder. The andeats thougtu the world was rra really not surprised at that. Wsd find tt fist. 1 dsre to say.' Zf ws were living In their day. Jaet think, they had no sutos thea. Ho show girls to delight the men. Me pipes to smoke and no cigars. He- cocktails served at hand some be He bridge to play and no pink teas. liners speeding o'er ths seas. He yellow Journals and no flats. He women's monstrous picture tana problem to attack. He gowns that button up the back. Ho end seat hogs with manners nils. x monkeying with us price ex He Ice bills, no cold storage eggs, no bunko steerers and no yeggs. no trolley cars with cling and He Teddy to keep things astir ay, is it any wonder that Tks ancients thought the world was Sat? Boston Transcript. Worthy ef 8upport. Mr. Greatbead 1 shall run far re election again next fall, and 1 presuste I shall have your vote? Citizen (dubiously) Well I dunae. "What, you don't know J Why, sir, I saved the taxpayers $500,000 this year." "Eh? Howr "By not stealing it, of course." New York Weekly. Fishing Today. The boy with pole and string and pia. The expert with his book of files, Are watching for the flash of fin Along the streams where shadow Use. Bltee may not corne to him who tries Ever so harJ. but still we say With radiant sparkle In our eyes. The fishing season starts today." We'll hear the same old tales agala About the one "I almost got. I had him In ths boat, and then Be' left roe. Lord, but It was hotl" Long hours of sitting at a spot Where once a big one got away. Of tramping over field and lot The fishing season starts today. Spokane Spokesman-Re i law. A Dead Shot on Livers. "I bear, doctor, that my friend Drown, whom you have been treating so long for liver trouble, has died of stomach trouble." aald one of the phy sician's patients. , "Don't you believe all you bear," re plied the doctor. "When I treat a man for liver trouble be dies of ttver trouble." Everybody's Magazine. Triumphant Optimism. Bister's eloped with the "shurvsev" She might have married a coast. They have Just trimmed her tatfcer a Wall street Took an enormous amount. Mother Is In the hospital. Tomorrow they operate. Brother's been fired from college J"or breaking a freshman's pat. Chicago Becord-BaeaM. The Wont He Knew. The Butler You know, George, that different people have different concep tions of what the state of eternal pun kament really is. Now, what's year idea of hell? The Chauffeur Having to drive a kerse car for a living! Exchange. The Burglar's Waterloo. The burglar bold slipped under the As burslar bold will do. Ka folded ht rcet and tucked In his And waited an hour or two. At last she i-ame by nil the stars. That burslst will n'?r forget! She rasufil iii.ii hpii iiiarwl nim behind the tjr lor she a a u;ir:i i"e j:..i ;e's Horary. A C-'e'-s. "What Is n i..iij. .i i. ' -wclinRery There :irt :in i ... " replied Senator Sonxlinm. :! ; . M -upect that moat of Uiiv .:n . r lss in fluenced by i lit i.t .!. ' 'TV rain bow has a Hit f p ! -! eud of kV Washington Star. Chanticleer. Sally flaunts him from a hatpin. He's on Willie's tennis ball. Mother sports blm as a shoe clasp, Jennie on her pantoL Daisy hongs him to her neck chain. From him Mary takes her tea. For Augustus he's a pipe bowl. But I choose him fricassee. New York Time. For the Asking. "Pardon uie. governor." began ths interviewer. "I" "Certainly, certainly." replied the Tennessee executive, reaching for a blank. "What are you guilty fT Philadelphia Public Ledger. Man's Inconsistency. Men seek to wed their oppositaa, . But you'll notice. Just the same, That after one Is dealt a hand In the matrimonial game The chances of his better half To please him are quite slim If, perchance., his love grows cold And she makes It hot for him. Chicago Keasv The Latest. "Nice car." -Yes." "Is It the latest thing In carar -I gaess so; it has never got S3 where oa time yet." Houston t Her Love. "Mas, do you love your neighbor I BlVnl ft f&lr P" fharmtTif ess. TXet much." she said, "the troth to 1 ea, I love my neighbor's soar Detroit Free HIa Descent. Via. Gabble (to her new Bkaa My husband has descended froai ef the finest bouses In the land. Mtav Mulcahy An phwat Is he, a earriar? Boston Transcript Dorft Werry. Csat stop the world from roIMag. So keep a quiet souL Although you're standing la the way, it's bound to Toll and roQ. Atlanta ConstitstS, A Combat. rrsrriWe affair at the club .liwst Wkat happened?" h rCbeHy strnck Ferdy wttk a takl- ' XaBsas- City JoBraal Play Ball. As It was never played is what w are doing every 8ataruay, Baaday aad Holidays at our new Park. Leland Giants 63th and Hateted Streets, To the most select audiences ta tke city. Games with the best talent pro curable. Come and visit our Park eM see. Rube Foster the World's Greatest Pitcher, assisted by Wlckwars, aad Daugherty, the Season's sensation Petway and Booker the 8 tare, Hill asd Payne, Outfield phenomenon, Duncan, Prior, Hutchinson, Lloyd and Home Run Johnson celebrities, who can only be seen on our Diamond. Game called 3:30 P. M. Visit the Chateau at night, 5324 State street. Grand Opening of Parks May 15th Box seats reserved by mall or phone If order Is accompanied with caah,(Q eta. per seat. Special attention to ladles and children, ice water served free. Take any southside surface car to 69th streeet and transfer to Park or Nor mal Park car, Englewood Braach, Southside "L. LELAND QIANT8 BA8EBALL A AMU8EMENT ASSOCIATION. 6221 8. Halsted 8treeL Phone Want 215. ErtafclitHed 1SS7 PKoa OUud2S50-155 John J. Dunn Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Coal and Wood FlFTT-FlnST STREET ill ARMOUR ATEIUE BflErd: Sin St. U S.4 It. 3. By., Had Sli ua Axmoar artso CHICAGO - M NOTJOtT ptrauc Pkaae rsaiflenee. Qray IITI Waller M, Farmer A170BJTBT AT UA.W Swstsi TSS, in ruUartn it. 4SM Xaiaglay Xr. CKXCAflC rrinUTtieplMn, Ciaiat 3899 TL CthsMt 321 Dr. M. J. Brown Ffijsiciu aid Sirgeoa 2950 SUte Street, CHICAGO. Hotok 1(U12bi42u4: 7 US p.m. General Expressing To and From All Depets MOVING AND VAN SERVICE. Ice Wholesale and Retail Coal By Bags, Basket and-Tons Henry H. Turner Crystal Ice Company Office 733 E. 46TH 8TRTET Phone Oakland 74. CHICAGO, ILL. Dorsey's WHITE ROSE Petro latum Far Caappra Haass, Fae aaS Un. KBfGSTW PHARWACT J. 8. DORSET. R. Flu prsfrlstsr 11SH W. Slst Street, near Dsarkern. Chicago. TELEPnOKW OAKTJiTfB 803 ar Ketta U Parity aa Awszaey M0m0m0rw&m&&&000 Phone , Oee. W. BUFFET, POOL 3004 SUte Street Js-WMisfsTWftlHll IT. JL. TtASWULNS THE POPULAH AND UP-TO-DATE Undertaker and Funeral Director JaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW aaafl . ..' um ' iifraiyytfT a-rsse purs T Back to ttejd Stand. U W. 29th St near State 8L, T. B. Hall, laundry mens' furalahlaga, ac tions, cigars, tobacco, and news stand. Phone Douglas S2SS. oseAIsae2io Beatag a Specialty Clark, Hayes & Co. Real Estate, Renting, Loans and Insurance Flats and Houses to rent and For Sale. 3705 STATE STREET CHICAGO St. Monica's Church SL Monica's Church, Dearbora and 36th streets. Rev. John S. Morris, Pastor. Rectory, 3543 Dearbora street Masses on Sundays, 6:30, 9,30, 1030. Instruction for the children after the 8:30 mass. THE BROAD AX CAN BE FOUND ON SALE AT THE FOLLOWING NEW8 8TANDS. From, On and After This Date, Th Broad Ax Can Be Feund en Sale At the Following News Stands: R. M. Harvey's Barber ahop, 3934 State street J. S. Dorsey's drug store, 21 W. 51st street, near Dearborn. A. F. Tervalon. cigar store and news stand 5004 State street R. J. Jones, news stand, barber shop and pool room, 5264 State street George L Martin, maker of fine cigars and news stand, 18 W. Hat street, near State.' Mrs. Nellie Phelps, cigars, notions and news stand, 31 W. 51st street near Dearborn. W. S. Cote cigars, tobacco and news stand, 34 W. Slst street, near Dearborn. Philip Smith, cigars, tobacco aad news stand 8 W. 27th Street. T. B. Hall, laundry office, tobacco and news stand, 11 W. 29th street near State. Mrs. Jas. H. Lewis, notions, cigars and news stand, 15 W. 36th near State. B. Davis cigars, tobacco and news stand, 3532 State street E. D. Burt, notions and newa stand 2636 SUte street W..-M. Maxwell notions, cigars tc bacco, confections and news stand 5252 State street H. Hart, news stand, cigars, tobacco and laundry office, 15 W. 35th street. A. A. Dwelle, cigar store and news stand, 21 E. 33rd street near State. Freddie Smith, 1358 29th street, Newport News, Va., news agent Turner Williams, barber-chop, 11 West 30th street, near State. 0tJ0sMJ0Ss'akJa12Y Aldine 3653 Holt, Prop. . AND BILLIARDS. J ' Chkag Prices to Suit AIL tCaIIs 'Answered Day and Night 4817 State Street. j Phone Oakland i328i I S Hi T .' r8TSMa ( S-.i --a.iai feSjgfejSV 't&4zii4!SA&il!HmHsarw& - ftfr-