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No." 38
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Hon. Joseph E. Lindqisist, One of the Vice Presidents of the Central Trust Company of Illinois;
At Which Bank the Colored People Have Thousands of Dollars On Deposit; J. W. Dowd,
Of the Newton Dowd Dairy Co., 4326 So. Wabash Avenue, Which Concern Supplies ;
Thousands of Colored People With Their Milk and Cream; Martin Isaacs, Master-
- v?2-
Our first article appeared in these
columns against the bombing of the
homes of highly respectable and law
abiding colored people, April 30, and
shortly after the death dealing bomb
was hurled at the building at 3818
Grand blvd, the first floor of which
was used as the living quarters for
the nurses connected with the Port
Dearborn hospital, at which time four
or five of the colored lady nurses were
severely injured from the effects of
the explosion of the bomb. It came
to our ears that on the night of the
explosion or at no time thereafter, did
either of the big five political leaders
of the colored people residing-in this
oty, take the" trouble to call np .any
one connected with the Tort Dear
born hospital to ascertain just how
bad the nurses "were injured, showing
that the big five are cold-blooded, sel
fish, and that they are absolutely in
different as to the fate of those who
are less fortunate than themselves.
Not knowing what the fates had
in store for us at that time, whether
it meant instant death to us or not,
for writing against the bombers,
nevertheless, we had placed our hands
on the handles of the plow, and we
highly resolved not to look to the
right nor to the left, but straight
ahead and continue to press or move
forward, though the heavens fall, and
the sun refuses to illuminate the
earth and "the high heavens with its
effulgence op-brilliant rays.
The actual result of our ght so
far has been that the. high city off!
cials, after talking along upon the
bombing. business, have finally woke
up, for during their long sleeping or
silent spell, they, with the rest of the
citizens residing in this city, enter
tained the idea that something was
radically wrong if they were unable
to read every morning on the front
page of the daily newspapers that the
home of another colored person had
been bombed, and that no outward
effort on the oart of the police had
been made to apprehend anyone for
tossing the bombs, for the city offi
cials regard that act as -a matter of
fact and several high up whites and
colored city -officials "have severely.
condemned us for continuing our fight
in that direction.
Notwithstanding all of these things,
with our penjdipped in burning fire,
all the head chiefs of the powers that
be, were at last forced to sit up and
take notice, arid in the end! Alderman
Louis B. Anderson was ordered or
commanded to introduce a resolution
wto the city council setting aside
twenty-five thousands-dollars to be ex
pended in hunting down the bombers,
but it must be remembered that three
weeks had passed away before we
could wake hirnup and make the
slightest move in that direction.
Many sharp or pointed headed stf
ttlled leaders o the colored race, in
cluding one or two newspaper men
Who altrave it1 -fi.'.trt whnrrT
fnything big is to be pulled off inlheJ
merest ot the colored people enaeav
d to steal our thunder but they
we all loudly barking np the wrong
tfee all the time, and they were un
aware of the fact that'werhad iff
nr coat pocket the original letter
which are still in our possession at
the very time when they rushed over
and sneaked in to jeedf ayor WS
Jan Hale Thompson. If the-mem-"
of, that delegation, would 'have
fad the letters referred-to they would
tavt been in a far Keft'er .position-to
in-Chancery of the Superior Court, For Judge Joseph Sahath, and L.
Smith, President of the Chicago Real Estate Board, Are the Guiding
Spirits of the
force Mayor Thompson to show his
hand and take: a bold stand against
the bombings of homes of colored
people. This statement may be very
distasteful to many persons, and es
pecially to those who are on the city
hall payroll, namely, that so far
Mayor Thompson has not uttered one
loud word which would ring around
the world in condemnation of the
The letters which we have had un
der lock and key for the past four or
five weeks which appear in another
column of this paper and after they
are carefully read by Mayor Thomp
son -and by Hon. Robert E. Crowe,
state's attorney o Cook Countjy theyj
should call on the gentlemen whose
names appear on the face of the three
letters and request them to do some
tall explaining why they should not
be prosecuted to the fullest extent of
the law under the conspiracy act of
the great state of Illinois.
It will be recalled that L. SC Smith,
3947 Cottage Grove avenue, is the
president of the Chicago Real Estate
Board, that as such he is willing to
go the limit in his mad or rattled
brained effort in endeavoring to pre
vent highly respectable colored peo
ple from acquiring homes in the Hyde
Park district, for recently the Chicago
Real Estate Board, with L. M. Smith
as its president, passed the following
"Any real estate dealer who "Sells
Negrocpxoperty in streets or ave
nues where there are only white
owners will be expelled from the Chi
cago Real Estate Board This is the
edict issued at a meeting of its exec
utive committee, and afterwards in
dorsed and adopted by the full board
It may not be out of place to state
that each and every person whose
names appear on the top of the letters
outside of those composing the old
well known real estate firm of Chan
dler, Hfldreth & Co., are Tabid or
rank Negro haters and many of them
are criminals at heart, for any man
is a violent criminal who attempts to
ham string any race of people whose
members have never cast one stone in
their pathway.
Let us take the case of Martin J.
Isaacs, one of the directors of the
Grand Boulevard Property Owners
Association. He is Master in Chan
cery of the Superior Court for Judge
Joseph Sabath, and any colored law
yer would stand a slim chance in
winning any law -suit before him; one
of its other prominent directors is
J. W. Dowd of the Newton-Dowd
Dairy Co., 4326 S. "Wabash avenue,
and that concern rakes in thousands
of dollars from the colored people
'from' the .sale or milk and cream to
them, and Mr. Dowd laughs real loud
to himself on how he is able to fool
the short sighted colored people all
the time by pulling in their money for
his milk and cream and then using
their own money to forever bar them-from-residing
in decent homes south
of 39th -street
Then we have old uncle Pat B.
Flanagan as one of the directors, and
tnrimanv -rears aeo he was one of the
so-called judges of the Municipal
Cost pf Cmcago ana wnen ne ran w
re-election he ran around after. the
ninrM Tronic jand snred .them- "to
;- fnr him but at the present time 1
"" - - -j- , r I
4 iar JCfoadJcase.-oi ine-jieq jam
----"ttrn "fee cfimu ta. contact wan
highly respectable colored people.
Grand Boulevard District
And then we have John E. Murphy,
also one of the directors who sold
his home to colored people at 48th
and Champlain avenue, for ten thou
sand dollars and now he has become
one of the most rabid Negro haters
in Chicago; and then we have Hon.
Joseph E. Lindquist, vice president
of the Central Trust Company of
Illinois; Adolph F. Kramer of Draper
& Kramer, real estate dealers; L. M.
Smith, I O. Ackley, Mark Levy,
Henry Ncwhouse and each and every
one of the directors of the Grand
Bend DistrictrProperty Owners Asso
ciation belong in the same class with
Uncle Pat B. Flanagan, who in our
humble opinion is -a. disgrace to the
liberty-IovingJ irisrifHerican race!
In conclusion, two hundred colored
men and women should march or call
on L. M. Smith, who is the ringleader
in the movement to prevent the col
ored people from, residing wherever
they have enough money to secure
themselves homes, and plainly inform
him that the colored people pay taxes
on between five and six million dol
lars worth of Chicago real estate, and
that by the eternal gods if he does not
refrain from continuing to hound
them and cause them to feel all the
time that they are aliens and criminals
in a strange land, that they, the col
ored people, will honestly endeavor to
land him and somejof his associates
behind the prison bars-at Joliet, Illi
nois, under the conspiracy act or law
of the great state of Illinois.
By Attorney Walter M. Farmer
Chicago, June 9, 1921.
Mr. Julius F. Taylor,
Editor, The Broad Ax,
Dear Sir:
Supplemental to our conversation a
few days ago relative to the activity
of certain persons and organizations
directed toward the colored people of
the city and especially that class de
sirous of purchasing real estate, I
am calling your attention to the law
of the State of Illinois in regard to
conspiracy. This law was passed
March 27, 1874, in force July 1, 1874,
and amended in 1919, and reads as
"If any two or more persons con
spire" or agree together, "or the offi
cers or executive committee of any
society or organization or corpora
tion, shall issue or. utter any circu
lar or edict, as the action of or in
struction to its members, or any
other persons, societies, organizations,
or corporations, for the purpose of
establishing a so-called boycott or
black list, or shall post or distribute
any writen or printed notice in any
place, with the fraudulent or mali
cious intent wrongfully and wickedly
to injure the person, character, busi
ness or employment, or property of
another, or Jo obtain, money or other
property by false pretenses, or to do
any illegal act injurious to the public
trade, health, morals, police or admin
istration of public justice, or to pre
vent competition in the letting of any
contract by the State, or the authori
ties of any county, city, town or vil
lage, or to induce any person not to
enter into such competition, or to
commit any felony, they shall be
deemed guilty- of conspiracy; and
every such offender, whether as in
dividuals or.s the officers of any so
eietyor organization, and every per
son convicted of conspiracy .at com-
HHHni. : . HHr J9IH
EMM mm: ';? Wmw RgSammw
mon law, shall be imprisoned in the
penitentiary not exceeding five years,
or fined not exceeding $2,000, or both."
The Black List as used in the Stat
ute, is defined asfollows:
"Black List is a list of persons
marked out for special avoidance, an
tagonism and enmity on the part of
those preparing the list or those
among whom it is intended to circu
late." Section 1977 of. the Statutes of the
United States provides that, "All
persons within the jurisdiction of
the United States shall have the same
right in" every state and territory, to
make and enforce contracts and to
the full and equal benefit of all laws
and proceedings for the security of
persons and property as is enjoyed
by white citizens."
Section 198 provides as follows:
"That all citizens of the United States
shall have the same right in every
state and territory as is enjoyed by
white citizens thereof, to inherit, pur
chase, occupy, lease, sell, hold and
convey real property."
The Bill of -Rights of the Consti
tution of the State of Illinois pro-J
vides as follows: "Section 1. All
men are by nature free and indepen
dent, and have certain inherent and
inalienable rights among these are
life, liberty and the pursuit of happi
ness. To secure these rights and the
protection of property, governments
are instituted among men, deriving
their powers from the consent of the
The Supreme Court says in the case
of Ritchie vs. People, 15S I1L 98, "Lib
erty includes the right to acquire
property, and. that means and in
cludes the right to make and enforce
contracts. The right to use, buy and
sell property and contract in respect
thereto Is protected by the Consti
tution of the State of Illinois.
"The right to acquire, possess and
protect property includes' the right
to p"V reasonable contracts. And
when an owner is" deprived of one Of
the attributes of property, like the
right to TvTr -contracts, he is de
prived of his property within " the
meaning of the constitution of the
State of Hlinois.-
In the caseof Graceville Coal Com
pany vs. People, 147 HL, the Supreme
Court held that property-m its broad-
er sense is not- the physical thingj
Property Owners' Ass'n
which may be the subject of owner
ship, but property Is the right of
domination, possession and power of
dispossession, which may be acquired
It seems to me that persons who
have combined to prevent colored
people from purchasing property and
who are active in their efforts to keep
them from purchasing property in any
particular neighborhood, are not only
guilty of conspiracy as to those who
seek to purchase, but as to those who
seek to sell. It is .very clear that
they arc combined to do an unlaw
ful act and this alone makes it a con
By Dr. M. A. Majors.
No one need to ask the question as
to the cause of the race riot that has
blighted the name of Tulsa. Por fifty
five years they have been lynching
Negroes in these United States. Klu
klux, murderers, and criminals that
have brought disgrace to the white
race in their industrious violation ofl
Jaw with the object chiefly to bluff and
cower the American Negro, is one of
the diagnosis of the condition that ob
tains in Oklahoma and the rest of
the country.
It is indeed a very sad plight for
the white race to yet emphasize the
curse of Cain in the face of its thou
sands of years of civilization. Em
phasizing a degradation in its outlaw
ry, and running the entire gamut of
crime to slake its thirst for innocent
blood, puts to shame everything one
only could expect from the meanest
and lowest form of savagery, but not
at all expected of the great white race.
The white man's religion and dvili
Tation is a sham. There isn't suffi
cient Christianity in the white race to
carry it as far as you could throw
an elephant. The whole blasted thing
has been discarded and discredited
The Hegro has found it out, and he
has determined to shoot at some of
the things that get in his way too.
It is such a pity that human hate is
directed against a fellow because he
was bora with a dark skin. It .would
252S Broad Ax Elm 6-8 -THREE
- be so mucfe better if all .of this tyran
The Non-Partisan
Won trom 1 op to Bottom. More than
Three Hundred Thousand Voters
Served Notice on the Boss Politicians
That They Must Not Attempt to Dic
tate to the Judges of the Circuit Court
of Cook County.
Monday, June 6, was a great day in
this city and throughout Cook county
for on that day the great mass of
people rose up as one man and they
firmly decided for many years to
come that the circuit court judges
shall not be forced to wear the iron
collar of any political party and be
forced to take order how to decide
lawsuits or points of law from their
political masters, for the non-partisan'
judicial ticket won out from top to
bottom and ten republicans and
eleven democrats were elected to the
circuit court bench which clearly in
dicates that it is non-partisan and it
is safe to say that on the whole that
this city and county has the best
class of circuit court judges that it
has had for many years.
The Thompson machine with
Mayor William Hale Thompson and
Col. Fred Lundin with a million dol
lars on hand to do business with
some ot the voters put up a game
or a stiff fight but the two million
dollar real estate experts were too
much of a load for it, and after a great
deal of groaning and puffing the old
well oiled machine with Mayor
Thompson and some of his trusty
henchmen running the thing the ma
chine which had won many hard
fought political battles in the past
came to a sudden stop and everything
connected with it went down in a
heap and nothing was left to mark
the spot where it and its heavy load
of statesmen or would-be statesmen
disappeared below the political hori
zon. The writer very much regretted
that Hon. James W. Breen was de
feated for we shall always believe
that he would have made a first-class
ny and oppression was directed
against sin, crookedness and harlotry.
A thousand homes burned down,
hundreds of Negroes shot down, and
more than ten thousand Negroes dis
armed while the rest of human fiends
are given carte blanche to do their
The morning of June 4, in speaking
of the atrocious acts of (civilization?),
The Herald and Examiner remarks:
The Innocent Paying for the Guilty.
At Tulsa, as usual; the innocent
pay. Black men, innocent, pay in life.
White men, innocent, pay in money.
By rumor, out of fear and dislike,
is produced that monstrous abortion,
a race riot. Somebody starts the
charge that a black man has assaulted
a white woman. Somebody else sets
going the Statement that the black
man is to be "rescued" by men of
his 'color. Scores are killed, thou
sands made homeless. The homes
destroyed the good citizens of Tulsa
are taxing themselves to rebuild; for
the lives lost no reparation is possible.
There is no use in blaming Tulsa or
the South. Chicago, Omaha, East St
Louis xt not southern cities, but the
horrors of race-rioting disfigured
them Just the same. The white man
uses the Negro, abuses him, treats
him like a stepchild and worse. The
black man, uneducated, unstabuized
by a savage inheritance not balanced
by a couple of generations of theo
retical equality, sinks back into pas
sion, flames up in resentment The
clash comes. The black man loses
most in life and property; the white
man most in character.
It is a bitter, tragic, humiliating
business. The only way out of it is
by honest publicity, honest discussion,
honest education. An institution like
Tuskegee- is far 'more encouraging
than a-riot is. discouraging; but the
one is a long, slow- process the .other,
an explosion. "
Judicial Candidates,
circuit court judge and he has for
many years been one of our warmest
friends this paper stood by him to
the last ditch.
On the other hand wc were highly
delighted to note that Judge Anton T.
Zeman and Judge Harry B. Miller
were defeated, for they both shy
from the truth when it comes down
to dealing with colored newspaper
The following non-partisan judges
and candidates were elected with .ma
jorities ranging from thirty-five thou
sand to almost one thousand:
Superior Court: Timothy D. Hur
ley. Circuit" Court: George Kerstcn,
Kiekham Scanlan, David M. Brothers,
Hugo M. Friend, Frank Johnston, Jr.,
Victor P. Arnold, George Fred Rush,
Thomas G. Windcs, Harry M. Fisher,
David F. Matchett, John R. Caverly,
Francis S. Wilson, Thomas Taylor,
Jr., Oscar M. Torrison, Donald L.
Morrill, Thomas J. Lynch, Philip L.
Sullivan, Charles M. Thomson, John
A. Swanson, Ira Ryner.
The best joke of the judicial contest
was, that word had been sent out by
the powers that be that Judge Kick
ham Scanlan must be defeated at any
cost, in his race for re-election to the
Circuit Court bench; but with the
great aid of The Broad Ax he invaded
the second ward, the stronghold of
his political enemies, and grabbed off
more than three thousand votes.
In every ward and district wherein
any number of colored people reside
Judge Scanlan received a good share
of their votes, and as this paper led
the fight for him, we feel doubly
proud, over his re-election to the Cir
cuit Court bench, for the third time.
We think the only possible action
lies in an effort to discover and pun
ish individual participation in these
crimes, in accepting personal, respon
sibility, every one of us,' in so far as
we fail to advance a better under
standing among American citizens,
and in refraining from general re
crimination. For that the situation
has no room.
The Louisiana constitutional con
vention now in session at Baton
Rouge, had a little tussle over a "race
purity" ordinance a few days ago.
It read: "The legislature shall en
act necessary legislation to guard and
preserve race purity."
The women defeated the proposi
tion by a large vote. The principal
reason given by the female opposition
was that it would be a bad advertise
ment for the state and make it ap
pear to non-residents that it was a
troublesome question and that it was
difficult to prevent white women from
marrying black men. There may have
been other reasons which the ladies
did not care to divulge perhaps some
of them were colored and knew it.
Louisiana is a state in which there
"aint no sich animal' as race purity.
Those who are familiar with the facts
say that probably three-fourths of the
native born so-called white people
have more or less Negro blood fn
their veins. The mixing has been go
ing on for more than 300 years, and
it still continues in spite of laws to'
prevent it
On the day that the ordinance was
considered by the constitutional con-'
vention a blood controversy case was
being tried in one of the courts in
New Orleans, and when the plaintiff '
demanded a "blood test? the -age
judge suggested that it would "be
better to submit the matter to the
-omja board."
-The - AppeaL-,
tt Paul, Minn, June74, 192L-