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"fS8Wfl -i K U it 05 0 i'l rabltabeSjvery Taeaday.on JeBersoa Street Jollet erf-1 v i ' a i -t'.t )' ; .-.; I it ?oi .a I Awl TA LIU tT VYl" - - - - y-p-a-aa-aai r li i:i r-t ' C. CA ZARLET ; i --.s.aaraniy iiaeser la t)eae ' At a, 0.1l Ji TV1!.,C baroaaat taaertl . L k U r" Oaaaalaaaa.tweveaMi , " W , T ., Oeei - alx if-U t il Jl JJ .ai rjJi:,- i .l:A Itlllll A 1 1 i a ... ! : m on) ,,5-v o , i- r- - .T ... t - we-w (r W.bvlpt A $0 k;r,li adrenee, r. - ; -. CO pud within the year, "-'- - - S Si not paid within the year, SO SabepUoe-tora jwrloa lea thaaa year.wilfbe ceived ok teraie proportioned to lheabov.neroelrate Nosabacrlption will tx discontinued natll ell tntti (ee era paid, except at tha option Of the publishers sT Letter nat be pre-paid tolnsnreattentioe . III C IBDIi tCTIORKEB T K. 11 APPS. annooneet to tbe pablle that b ba JL V s take oat Ureter. end oflm bi servieet tw IxiMwr, Hid Will attend sews 1st thai purpose la this eltjf and Cnnutt, if required, Charee. BKxierste. Orden iiromptl attended to. Postofnce endrww, ollet. "' SS-ly D y tlr 1 N 1 V, Horsey at Law Office la Bnab'a Block ofamilo Katioaai Motel, Joiiet. Illinois larticolar atui.ltoo arvee to il prornrins ol Pea iontj bmt k Vay, Itonntv Money and all war claims. D u a. HA&WOOD, wit) hereafter (tire kls nndl aided attnnttoo to tba practice or hia profession. Orric oa Jefleraoat St over Caicwln'a Crockerjt or. Beaiileaoar .opposite the Baptiet Chorea. , ' S. TilUM AB. M. D.. Pliratolaa and Surseoa JTe-oBera hi p okMaioaalaervieee to the citlseu of Juliet and vicinity, umce no. 11 wenereon at., over It. Dlarkwaa'e Drag Btora, opposite tba Court Hooaa, rVldDOe cw JefJoreon et-fc-oruer of Beetren venae, Itf). . . ' , . Jollet, Illiooia. ITC. -fK. 8TEVEN8, -Attorney and Conneelor at VJ e Law, and Geaeral Land aad Collecting ugeot. ollauUooa promptly remitted . Oreroslo IIaieyeaaanioee, t . -, Jollet.IlI. NDALIi . rrLLER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW - Bl7 ollet, llloola. rcmnnnTs OOODSPKRV, Attorney and Conn Lmtlo. t t Lua.Mlwii Ultooia. OIBca in Stune tliick. .wmMnm ..-. . - f.aoooma. 1 AHK8" OOODUUE, Atloroeta, CooneMore.Joliet, Will C-Miiiy. HIlnoM. OtBca, North aide ol Uiaiub ie aqaare, JeReraoa St. a., a. Mitu. . B.B.oooiHOTr i r - ' 1 1 ? 1 T t ; i.TLIBHAC. FELLOWS, Attorney and Conneriorat J Law a ad Solicitor and Counaelor in Cliaucery, will eKnlarly attend tlie Conrta la tha coantiea of Will, Ia. '.'aira, Kaa.bUI, Hr.llonry, Orundyand lroinoia. Olflce ar K.M.Bray'f Drngg Store, JefToraon-et., Jollet, IU." J AM 118 rLKTCUHA, Attorney at Law. Hiddleport Irstinoia county, Iillnoia. 1 A WaalllVnTftK itt end flnnnaetoratlew , will aaCnnd faltbrully to all baaioeea aatraated to to care, lu thM and the neigbboriug eon nt lea. MidUleport, IroqooM county, Illiooia, II. 8N APP, Attorney and Counaelor at Law. Will County, Iillnoia. Jollet, TACOB A. WIIITRMAN, Attorney and Counaelor at J lw and 8 iltoitor to Oiiaacary Middleport, Iroeaola onnty, Iillnoia. T" H.RKECR.Oerman Eclectic Doctor and Ocnlia J . omaoB Uluffat., Weat aide, wbera be way be oun.l at all timea ready and willing to wait apon tbe Ick and attlicted. lie w.iiild Juat any to tboae that are ftlicted with Diaeaaet of the Eye, tbat ha devotee the raoa of each day to tbat branch ef hla proteaaloa. FAR. A. B. MS AD, baa removed hie Ofllca aver E. M AS Bray'a Orafrg Store, on Jaflarana at where peraona Jiapoaed to employ him can atwaye Sad him when not ruteeaionally auaeot. f kit. A. L.MeAKTHBU, Pbyalclan aild Bnrgeon offer 1 7 hlaprtliaMionalaervtceetotheeltisenaoiJolietand tctoity. Oince iu tne umniona nioea, airaciiy over Mr oodru(T Drug tore. Keaidence Ottawa at. Iir J.UEATU, Police Magiatrate, and J natice o Ye tbe Peace, Olflce on corner of JeOeraoa A Cbl- -aKO Htreeta, Juliet, III. Will attod promptly to ell bnainaai.latrnated tobii are. Cilectiug, paying taxea, conveyancina, ana all thar buaiaeee pertaining to bia oOice. D it. E. PEN TON BUKSON. Minooka, Orumly Co liuuuia. (jooexo O J. CURBIW Iillnoia. U U, riaiunald, Will County E. I. DUBOIS. rarwadiag ak. Catuamlaalou Narchaali WiLH:nuToa, lu.. LIBERAL advance made tu farmer, who prefer to abip Ibeirgrain to their friend in Chicago, or tit. Louia. Bi-ly A.CO.U8TOCK, c IVIL EQISEEIl A VD DK CUTr 00CNU7 8CR VKt R. Uapaaml Plata drawn to order. Olflee In the Court liouae. decie-n27 A rilS.ilARUIRT KILLMKR, Female Pbyaician.ol J fora lier profeaioiial aervicea to her own aex, in Jbetetrice, and the dewaaea incident to women and dreo. She will aiaoatuutd professional call generally eidence'a KaatJuliet . iTc N T I 8 T It V . Das. ALLEN A SALTER, permanently located la Juliet, ie prepared to perform I all operations ui the profeeaion, in tne utteatand moat approved style. R ru dotel Joos iruui a aiogle Tooth to a (all eatt,inaertedon a Atmospheric punctpm. Tseth Extracted without pain. Orrtci on JeOeraon St., in Uawley's New Building J. MVBKIsV, AGENT FOR TIIR UNITED STATE8 AND AMUR lean Expreae Companies, will forward Vreightand Valualiiee to all points of the country. Notee, Draft tnd Uillacollected, and proceed returned promptly . Juliet, July ia,ltlo4 n4-tl W. Cr. THOMP80N, ARCHITECT AND BUILDER, XIILL fnrnlih Plant and BpecificatioDa, and taSte IF contracts for, or superintend the erection of Churches, School Uooses, I'oullc Bnildiugsand Dwell in ga. Shop and Office on Chicago Street, Bear 0 A. A St. LRU. Depot. n33-tf Jwltet MarbU Werkt, OARLK8 MUNQKR, Manofactoreranddealer t J every variety of MARBLE MONUMKITTS.TOMB STONES. FUR NITURE, AC, AC. ear the Rock Island Depot, Joliet. Illinois. Order em abroadreapectf ally solicited DENTISTBT. Dr. P. B. CMOCHB.ABE TTfOULD respectfully uuform the inhabitants o fV oliet and viciuity, that after aa absence of aome years, baa returned to Joiiet for tbe purpose of making it hia future home, and adopts tbie method to inform hi friends and the public, that be has take 'tbe room formerly occupied by Carpenter A Pierce, OVER BROWN'S DRUG STORE, erbsre be will be plraaed to see all who may need tiav olass Dotal OrrtaATtows. Those who may employ him may be assured tbat all apperations will be per turned la neat, (nuty and fduV'aU awaaer Wot, io, 1801 ' tit ti JULIET CITY BAN K F. L. CAGWIN, BANKER. JOLIET, ILUN0I8. KS'Qffiee Opposite the Post Office -w Tk ECEITRS Denoaltea. nva lold and Silver, and JLV nnenrrent Hooey, Bnya and Sella Domeetic and FOREIGN EXCHANGE, and sells PASSAGE TICKETS from Europe ant Coatinsat by Steamer and the nunou BLACK STAR LINE, Makes collection la Canedas and Earope. parUof the fjnlted SUtae, AtsT-NegotiaUN loaaa on Real As tale, an asad pttrehass of the earns. Joiiet, March 24, Itwa. for the aaw Bdl-tf 8U0W RESPECT TO THE DEAD. CITY MARBLE FACTORY. LENNON A very variety of R B E 8 , Manafactarere la Rtaraa Blamaaaswta, Haadl Btoatsa, ax,c. Jefferson Street, north of Coanty Jail , JOLIET, ILUN0I8. . AU work wamaaed tm s,.e satire eatisfactioii, and .prioea Is aoit the lines. Ordera eent by mail will eelve prompt attention . . n'J4y) v PAINTINfi AND PAPL21X6. ITHEcitisena of Jollet and viciaity are reapeetlvely informed, that we the (Ubecribert contmea the Painting business In all IU branches. 8UOP ON JULLKXST- (appoeite the Joiiet Hoove.) . . , DORR A SCUOTT. JoJiet,Sopt0.188 . ,ut JOLlliT fSOOKBINDaURY. THE nnderdgned wilt bind all kinds af Books, in any desired style. Jobe will be neatly executed and warranted. Prices moderate. . Wk. 8TAKHLE. Bookbinder. . Blff Street, (oae door north af tba Oas Works,) 'b 7, Igaa. . - - . - . Jolietv lliiooir () BBLS MICUIOAM FLOOR (Buchanan AUlkO " aite Wheat. at Jemtbaa lie Msrket price. At 44 Bir Br " SS,co Reward. S . , Bl fr" the rabecriber'a farm in March last, E?..T??ya ' hita (potted cow, with white r?Jl Tti Md U -".a year. old. mZZy briudleoBw.aarayed ia Hay last. VlT" U1 be paid foreilher by tbsaab Tj-UT: : ' " B. CSHARPB. ai, . RaJ aJ?iSrTTS V. . - prhw. at a. at . " a" MU CASWEXl8. BY G.& C. ZARLlEY. - : CHAWGE. . ' , '- V-at . . A. 1tH3Kt. ' 1 Whence this shadow darkly creeping O'er my sonl, ia sadness weeping I , Is tbi heart, so lately leaping With ectatic joy, , Weary of ito load of pleaanre t ' Would It seek another beasoref Bath life's overflowing meaior. Still another Joy T " Ah, 'tie bat a dream of sorrow, ... ,. Which tbe soul delights to borrow ' Vrotn its Joys, psrhaps to-morrow Twill have paaaed away ; Then, methinks, this weary feeling, Which upon my bear t ia stealing, -Will dlwolve. beyond revealing' ' 8(111 a brighter day. Boars of lorrowa, hoursof gntdaen I . Welcome pleasare, welcome sadnessl Bom may donbt, but 'tis not sadness, That I love yon all; . Ti tbe raptures of transitioa, Not tta goal of each ambition, Which completes the oala fruition , ' V On this earthly ball 'V-. From tha Callfotai floldaa SreJ - COVRTIXG A EMI- GRAKT IS A5UOE. . BT DAN. D IJCILUt. Oar Washoe bachelors are always on tbe qui rive during tba last month of sum mer and the first and second fall mootba. wben tba emigrant traios are rolling in off tha plaint with wbola tioops of sun-brown ed damneK Tbe girle have heard that the ohaooes fr getting huehandt are 'awful good io Waaboe.' Tbey know there are 'gig bin' of chances, no tney begin primttiog eborlly after paamg lodepeodence Kock, and by tha lime tbey atrike tbe watera of tbe Carson, tbey are io a perleov atate of wig gia. My friend Coodrick wanted a wife, lie wanted a piers of 'uoeopbjsticated oalioo from tbe Strtre ' He talked ojucb ofwbea tbe trains would arrjve, and also of tbe pretty emi grant girls. He swore be would 'gobble up one this rail, sure At laet it waa reported that a big train was oamped oa tbe Carson, two miles be yond Dtvto. Condnck mounted hia mustang and de parted witb alaority. Tbe report proved true, and what waa better, 'Women absolutely abounded,' as C 'Ddnok afterwards informed me in bis aothoeiaatio way. He rode among the tents and wagons os tenaitly much cuocrned to know ezaetly the state, eounty and town, from wbieb each family hailed, bnt in reality taking notes of tbe fine points of all tba marriag9 able looking females in camp. At last be struok one tbat suited him to a dot. Long afterwards, he eaid to toe with a great aign, a, men ne tried to emotber in a Inugh, 'Oh ! she wae a clipper I I' rim ae a gx lie; litbe as a willow ; cheeks (though eunbrownl "bowed a peachy ruddiLeee witb eyea I ah I auch great brown swim ming eyes! tbat drove your soul down into your boots, dragged your beart up in t your throat, aod ielt you epeeoblees and rlaucbtered. To this sumptuous female Condrick laid eiege Hit progress wae good. A tha shade of evening settled down upon valley and bill, be and bia charmer to. k a stroll. As they walked along the meandering hanks of the Corson, tbe full faoe oi the moon rose up tr.m he bind tbe eastern bills. All nature eeemed filled and quiv ering witb love. Love danced in the raya of the moon light tbat glanced in tbe stream ; tbe wil lows rustled tbeir leaves to tbe passing breezes aod so sweetly told tbe story of tbeir Jove tbat even the restless wiode were for a while enticed to linger, forget ful of tbeir journey ; enamored night hawk were skimming tbe love-laden air in voluptuous circles, rays of languishing light gleaming in aoswering flashes from tbeir lzy wings ; erickete, peeping from tbeir boles iu neighboring tbickeia chirp ed to each other in mellow, tremulous notes tbe rips and gushing lovejt of tbeir stiroha'ged hearts; beetles, erasy witb love, thundered bi steely their plaints of tender pain tbat racked tbeir mailed bod ies, and tbe sweet boneydew of Heaven fell softly into tba beart cap tbat eaob meek plant beld trustingly op. Tbe sympathetic hearts of tbe luers ac knowledged tbe tender influences sur rounding them, and shared tbe sweet tbnll with wbicb all nature quivered. Slowly the pair, in foud diaouurte wan dered on. What throbs of effeotion stirred Con drick's beart. What fires of love burned in Condriok's eyes. As bis charmer leaned trustingly upon bis arm, Heaven aeemed to desoend and rest on tbe lowest and nearest bills. As tbs murmur of a bee in a rose was her voioe to his soal. Seating themselves on a grassy bank .tbey gaged together cn tbe sparkling ed dies nf tba gliding stream. In glowing colors Condrick painted for tbe fair being by bia aide, a picture of tbe wonderful wealth biddeo within tbe rooky vauita ot tne w Bipporwin mine. Charmed by hia eloquence and absorbed in tbe contemplation of tbe picture be piaoed belore ber, fbe forgot all else and gradually ber beautilul head dropped dropped lower and lower and finally rest ed apon bis bosom bis manly ehaat. Great Heaven 1 a thrill darted through ma frame ana so sneotea mm that it waa only by a tremendous effort that be could easotner the votoaod of emotions STelliog witbio his bosom. He felt a deeire to bound to bia feet and utter a wild whoop 1 But be didn't. No ; be constrained his emotion ; he re sided tbe impulse. Her bead was now fairly and snugly nestled upon hie breaet. Aa abe lay gaging into his handsome faoe, ber parted tresees, of richest brown fell baokward io affluent wavea from ber broad forehead, nokiased by tbe son. and ol marble texture and wbiteoese. Her great liquid eyee looked iuto bia and he gased down into tbeir unfathomable depths till all tbe past, all tbe future aeemed eeo tred there. Heaver came down etill lower aod rested on tbe valley. But this oould not always last. Us felt tbat it could not. She seemed .expecting eometbiog. - . .... Her great eyea closed wearily, and the silken .fringes of ' tbeir eor tains, reeled oa bet cbeek ' v- ' ' ' - He was happy aa he was, .but be coold be as ha was forever. i 8b seemed to have tha aama thoughts. ; Sue slightly raised her bead. Ite pres sure on his chest was not ao great as for meriy. He was distressed. ' Would she rise T Was be about to lose bar f Tbie tbooght wee agony.-- . . JQis head was dissy. .lie,. felt himaalf Standing on a precipiee. - He waa losing his balance. He wae toppling over. ' Courage 1 - 1 ; is H gasped Kissed oot . fail a tor? of llrvB. -j ........ , - : It wat not We odav v .. w , , u Birt it era tfi tba point, 7 Sba aif hed aighed a lane, trameaJoas, Batahaaaid Botbiog. Io a. marnorine; tooe,' ha aiked her if aba bado't lomt fcelioga of tbe not kind fo? him. " ' ' . She fiat her Arms about iia neek, and biding ' tar sweet face in hie ebirt front, Bobbed oat in a broken roioe tbat tbat waa what ailed ber.1 Ileareo let go all its folds tod fell at hi feet. " Here followed several deep, eearohiog, delieiooekiwes. " (F r tbe gratification of my ladr readers, and that tbe in ay know tba ezaot number and daratmn of these kieeea, 1 bava put them all down They are aa follows, tba etars repreeenting tbeir number, and the dashes the duration of each ; - . a . It will be obeerved tbat tbe laet one, waaf immaoee jeogtb, -, 4-t- fca a tail like aoomet 1 am oot eure that it wae not longer than I bave represented Con driok is not even sore of tbat. He thinks about nere that be was inseneibls for a time.) After all these kissts eame ao awkward pause. situation to bs sure was not an on harpy one. But again my friend felt tbat it wae time tor something more. He bad made a leap from one precipice another waa before bim. lis waa tottering to ite brink. Ha most speak of marriage. How would ebe take that I She had acknowledged tbat she loved bim. -Goodl Tbn gavs him enursgs. . . He gasped and chokingly gulped oot tbs question in fear, and with bis eyes slight ly elosed. She elavped bim more tightly arouod tbe neck and sighed deeply. Poor Condrick i all sorts of fears attack ed bim. He felt a drop of moist fall on bis band. At first be thought ber tse was bleed ing He beld his hsnd aloft in the moon light, and on it he bebeld a glittering tear He felt better then. Hia beart gave a great leap, and he said Thaok Uesveo 1' Us was now moch eoeouragsd. He again made enquiry as to her love for him. She said then in words, tbat sbe loved him 'Ob I so mnob 1' wbiob for a time comforted bim greatly. Condrick now began to urge immediate marriage. Sbe objected, bnt clung more cloae'y to bim, and eaid, 'Wait awhile.' Condriek wanted to know if there waa any obetecle to their immediate onion. Sbe kiseed bim, and said there waa a slight ons. He tLen tendsrly kissed her (. ) and ssked if tbey oonld not be mar ried in a week. She raised ber ereat ewimmine eves to bis face, and eased fondly unun bim. but said nothing. Her pouting lips were in tempting prox imif j to hia own. He now repeated bis question, wben in an aronised voice sbe cried tint: Oh 1 dear. 1 can't tell I I've got a pbtie ickyold cues of a bur-band out in joe o them wagnua, and ne'e juat spiteful enough to live a month yet 1' Condrick ie etill a haohelor. He had a bad spell of eometbing Ike mountain fever tbe next day after be vis itd the emigrant camp at least, he went off into tbe mountana, and shunned mankind and womankind for abiut two months. But ha is all right now. Tbe Wise Ambassador. We remember reading ia an old mega sine, accounts of an embassador from tbe court of the Emperor Charlemagne to tbat of ao Eaatero monarch. Dining one day in company witb tbe barbarian king and tbe great men of the eoort, not knowing tbe regulations and tbe etiquette of tbe East, tbs embassador without dreaming of barm, moved witb bis band a disb which bad been placed near bim on tbo table. Now tbe lawa of the tyrant required - tbat if any guest touched a disb tbat was bro't forward, before tbe king was served, be should soff r tbe penalty of death ; eoBr quently all eyes were turned upon tbo em bassador of Cbr lemagne, . and there waa an immediate outcry against bim ; for tbe courtiers of tbe tyrant tbonght to gain bis favor by upholding bim in bis tyranny Tbe barbarian king feared o d iepleaee so great an Emperor ae Charlemagne, but be feared to traoegreia bis own laws more, and be told the ambassador that be must suffer death fir what be bad done. 'Great king,' said tbe Frank, 'I submit to my fate. Tbe laws of so great a mon arch must not be broken witb impunity I die without a murmur, but in (he name of tbe greet emperor whose bumble serv ant I am, I beg of your majesty one favor before I die.' 'Thou apeakeet 'well,' revlied the barbar ian king.. 'It ie not my wish tbat thou eboullet suffer death, but since tbe laws require it. I give tbes tbe promise of a king whose word is fate, tbat whatever tbou ask est shall bs granted. I baveeoo ken.' 'Then, I am eatiafied replied tbe in baeaadorL proudly ; and be glanced oon temotunoely at tbe obsequious courtiers. 'AH I ask is this: give me tbe eyes of every man who saw me oommit tbe erime.' . - Tbs tyrant eeemed confounded, aod his fiatterera turned pale. Bat bis word had gone fortb, aod moat be kept. Tbe Fraok'e request-must be granted. , 'It ia well,' aaid tbe king. 'Their eyes sbaii be plucked out for thee.' -But when it was ssked who hsd seen the ambassador move tbe disb, every courtier was esger to deny tbat be bed seen tbe aot. Tbe servants also exolaim ed tbat ; tbey bad not witnessed it, and tbe king also dsclarsd tbat be himself had not. - . , ;, :. 'Then, why should I die, great king?' said tbe Frank 'Tbe deed eaapot be even proved against me.' The king was pleased, and not only pardoned bim, bat acknowledging and prising bis eonniog and . wisdom, sent bim home to bis master loadsd witb pres ents. . .-, . Mr. Jenkine was dioioe; at a very hos pitable table, but a piece of beeorJ near bim was so very small tbat tbe lady of tbe hooaa remarked to him : i .jray..Mr Jenkins, help yodrself to tbe bacon I Don't be afraid of it.'. , 'No, indeed, madam I've seen a piece twice as large, and it didn't scare me a bit.' ( - -i-iS : . . I...". ': t. .. L" . , - J . Grbat Mis, There are not half as many great son of small fathers as small eons of greet " fathers. Mountains often bring forth mice, mioejeldom briog forth asoootaiiBSH , . . ',. ' . , J OLIET, ILLINOIS, DECEMBER20.' I f. .... : t - t U i-..s ...., sa flew' Godfrey Choqe 111 Wile. 'Godfrey, old bsy,' said Henry CIsy ton ss he tilted back in bie chair, nod put hi feet oo the mantlepiece,' 'when is tbs wed ding to bet' ' ... ' , . ; : 'Whose wedding?' ' ' .. " 'Mies Laora Somers, or Jenny, which is 'I don't know, I'm sure. - 'Now d;.n't b mysterious, Gidfrey you are a constant visitor, and all our aex ia talking a boot the match. Don't preteod you have not eeleoted one nf the sisters.' 'How do you know whether either of them will have met D n't be absurd, old boy. Come, be frank, wbicb is the favorite eistert Well frankly then, I have visited the family for several montha, aa you know, but I canoot decide. Laora ia certainly the handsomest with her flashing black eyes and qoeeoly manner; bnt Jenny see ma, although tbe yooogeat, to be tbe met womanly and asefd! af the te Yet, I cannot be eure nf tbat. My en trsaoe is the signal for eotdial welcome and smiles, and let ma call at what bour I will are always dressed, ail appar ently dxesngaged. Tw be sore, I always io tbe morning, bave to wait before Laura te visible. 'Pop in unexpectedly, and notice the ternal economy. 'How can If A card at the door will put tbe lady on ber guard, or even the notioe of a gentleman vis tor. Qj there in disgoie. As a washer woman for instanoe.' 'Good. I will.' G there as a washerwomen ?' cried Clayton. 'Not exactly; but I will obtain admit tance to a morning'a privacy ' 'Well, let me kn w the result.' 'Laura and .Jenny were ibe children of a widower, who although in moderate cir cumataooes, moved in I a own able society. At tbe end of my eh rt .ketch he was about to supply tbe lamented Mrs. Sum era' place, alter nearly ten years' mourn ifig and although a kind aod indulgent pa rent bad no objection to his daughter' marriage, and, indeed, bad told tbem so. Laura, whose bigb spirit ressnted tbe probable eapremaoy nf a aten-motber, had already selected God rey Horton her husband; and Jrnny, wbo was yonngsr aod gentler in spirit, bad tried to conquer a carefully conceived preference for tbe earns person. All bis attention were ae on bed by her as a brotherly regard, -though every aot of kindness aod oeurtesy touched her to tbe very heart. It was the morning after a large ball and the eietere were in tba breakfast room together. Laora, ber gl soy black bair trusbed negligently off ber faoe, witb tbe rough, tumbled braids of laet evening's coiffure gathered loosely in a comb, wear ing a soiled rspper, torn stockings, and pres cted ratber an alarming -contrast to the briliaat ball room belle, waa louoging on a sofa. . Jenny, in a neat morning dress witb a large gingham apron, and bair brushed smoothly into a pretty knot, was washing tbe breakfaet dishes.' 'There is an old man at tbe door, witb artificial flowers, eaid tbe servant, opening tbe dinning ruom door,' will you see bim f 'No,' eaid Jenny, 'Yes,' cried Laura, 'send bim up.' "Tne servant deoended to tbey tbe last order. Hs was poorly clad, with a eoarss blue eliek, wbiob was much too large for bim. Hla bair wbita, and ha a. Uei and moustache of tbe seme enowy hue Mekong a low bow, he placed tbe large basket opoo a table and opeoed it. 'I bave a bunch of blue fl iwers here,' said be, taking tbat from tbe basket, 'tbat will just suit your golden bair, Miss,' aod beld it up to Jenny 'It is my sister wbo wishes to look at your flower?,' eaid aba, quietly. 'Yes bring tbem here.' wae Laura's im perious command. Tbe old man's eyes followed sTenny, as sbe washed, wiped, pat away tbe dishes, ewept tbe room and dusted it, and then sat down beside Laura, wbo wae atill looking over tbe basket. 'See, Jenny, tbie scarlet bench. Will it not be lovely witb a few bark leaves, to wesr wit my new silk V . 'But yon cannot afford it, juat niw,' wbispeied Jenny. 'Yes I oan. Father gave me aome mo ney yesterday.' To pay tbe last dry goods bill.' 'Wall, I oan have ti at carried to my private account ' 'Ob, Laara, I bate to hear you talk so of that private account. It seems so mucb like oneating lei ber. 'Nonsense 1 it will etand till I get mar ried. tbeu I can easily save it out of my housekeeping money.' 4 1 ehouldo't wish to marry in debt, aid Jenny. The peddler looked at tbe sisters: 'Xou bad better take this blue bunch Miss,' said be to Jenny. If it aint con venient to pay for it now, and I will call again. 'No, I shall not tks tbem.' 'Tbey are very becoming, Miss. Look intheglsss.' 'I wish my bair was light,' said Laura '1 like te wesr blue. God I rey Horton eaid laet night, tbat forget me-nota were bia fa vorite flmere.' Jenny eolored, and placed tbe bunch again in the basket, said, 'Corns, Laura, decide. You are keeping one waiting, time ia probably valuable,' and then pae eing a chair, ebe added, 'Be eeated, air you muat be tired.' I am tired. tindeed' ws tha rani- I will take tbat scarlet buneh, and those rea comiies, ana mis wbite cluster,' said Laora. But, sister, you ean't aff rd it 'Yee I can. Godfrey is riob.' Tbe old man bit bie Ho. I bink, eaid Jenny, in an undertone, jou riya mm, now moch it will griev Kim if L L 1J .9 ... . . w --. ho euuuiu uisoover tnis deceit. Nonssnes! Well, I'll tell you boi remedy it. Leod me aome monev oat tne ooueekeeping funds V Jenny I eteel from father t 'There don't preaob.' Miss Jenny,' eaid a servant, entering at that moment, tbe dinner baa eome. Jeony left tbe room, and Laura still turned over tha a fl k:t. .t.. ia r J ... I-, null, iub V1U man pointed out tbeir varioua beauties, be uiBBBwme, wae turniog over tbe disordered bair, shabby dress, aod Issy position, whils be mentally eonlraeted thorn with Jentiy'e neat attire. Not decided yett' aaid Jenny, returned after a abort No. Come here' leant' Fatber la aent horns a calPe need and I am afraid t.. trust it entirely to Margaret; I must superintend tba dinner and make a podding, and tba parlors must be dueled, and there is my white mull to b-ISnibd Before I'd be a drudge tbat you are' cried Lora. . 'Drudge 1 nonsense 1 I have time for en joyment, and father cannot bave a com for table house if some one does not superin tend these things. When I marry jou msy do it, she laughed merrily.. " 'Aa if 1 should not marrr first t' eaid Laura , . 'Tbere.I have chosen all 1 want.' ' Shall I oall again Ut k change V eaid be pedlor,, - shell ba bsppy to pat tbe jnieaer o.-aere en my net er easterners. -i t.'? c" again.' aaid. Laura. , - . . So .ibe pedler took ap , bis basket, end wslkel home, threw aside bis wig, beard and dVgoiee.'anel avowal of bis hand and beart Misa Jenny Somen which : wee aceeptd . , ,.,4 .. , s .- ., '. Leu Somere had two aonreee of pro f roors It peculation. One wae. Why Ond frsy Hoitoa eropneed to Jeony, instead of bereelf t The ether, 'l wonder why the eld man never called to be paid for thoee eiqoisit floweret' . -- . ' w. A31dtl AbolltlonUt.. " Gen. Oaitar, of Missouri, in a jesnt ad dress to the people of tbaspiat- diatrict draws tha following piotarrfjf one' of oar latter day loyalists: ' - I refer to the ease of Ceptv Wm A. Pol lioo, oompaiy 68th eolored Yolaoteere He, accord hg to hie ewa admiaions, was for a namter of years engaged in tbe Af ricen law trade ; in kidnapping and tran eportinsnegroes) from Africa to tbe I eland atCflr.ja On en a n, . li..i. M b ardiis veisel.f f which be 'waa esptain.) k-'-fiw-vrn sunara orgrese, . all Dona c'eo ana ettmo below decke, ae t e wae approaobing tbe eoaet of Cuba he was chased by a British man-of-war, and in order to effect kia own escspe wss compell ed to run hie vessel ashore and abandon ber ; which be did. Before abmdonmg the ship, however, be scuttled and sunk her, witb all tbe negroes on board, thus wiping 001,10 esse of his capture, all evi dence of the character nf hie vessel. He we have Can am Pullion eneas-arl in tbe philanthropic work of induoing negroes into the blessed condition of slsvery, except upon one eiross oi tne axe, bs sent sevso hundred uf tbem, naked, unwashed, unre g oerated, with msnae'es oron their limbs, i to that etate of perfect fnedom wbiob lies beyond tbe Joidan. Now we find Capr. Pollion at the bead nt a negro eompany leading tbem - en to freedom and to glory by a different road, however, to that over which be led tbe even hundred. N.w add to this tbe far ther faotOist Capt. Pollion organised and oruiea one oi tne nret rebel oomoamee in nortn Missouri, ana you bave tbe parallel Handkerchief F Irat on. A very silly and very mischievous nraot- icv uae uoma mu vogue among I'gnt oead ad school virls. whinh tbv nnvkr ia k. made thoroughly ashamed of. It is the practice of attracting tbe attention of tbe sterner aex. bv skillful dm of tba hand K t :hiei CO gnral bas tbia silly custom become in some plaoes. tbat ladiea wbo re gard tbeir ebaraeter for respectability scarcely aar . put tneir nacdkeiebier to nsesssity use in the street for fear of at trading ths sttention of some bold bed man. now it may bs very tunny, my dnar nuns' lad far won tn tnaa inn r em broidered esmbrie to aome handsome esv alia? with tlevml mnnatanha anri air.and reeeue a smils and a bow io rstorn, bat bs assured that svery time you do it. ymr character for modesty and respecti bility ie aerioaely eompnmifed. Bear io mind tbat an true gentleman, who booore womannooa, win ever respond to eucn sily BBDiieaaiisos uniy very yoocg Uentl men, wbo know no better tba to imitate tbe mannere of corrupt yilliaos, or those villiana tbemaelvee ever take notioe Si your nanaaercniei aiepiay fTnar Pie R.rrn wia flir.e-. A -k- -a v v - i i atv V am aa a SB ssx tva, IUJ" eieiaw. whose sign oee bang out on Eases eirevt, t.u-tha lull , win g"Kl etory. tie was sitting one day in biet.fSce, wbeo there came in an Irishman, wbo after making bia bow, wbicb an Irishman always bss tbs p ihteoess to do, addressed bim tbns 'Can ys pull a tooth for me dc tor feu re itt tbe divil's own brother I've got in my bead, tbat sheen keeping tat awake these three nights entirely.' 'fee, I tbmk I can take it out for yon replied tne aocior. 'sit dawn and let ana 1 .ok at it ' Tbe tootb proved to be a large ... , r . . ooubie one, naoiy innamea arouod it ao verysors. Wusn tbs instrumente were brought oot to oommence operstions, Pat ahnwnd evident aisaa nf narsnnanaaa 'Ocb 1 sote, ye'il be mnrtberin me, quite aid ne. 'To be sburs I shall burt yon,' said the doctor, io a jocular way, 'If I don't I won charge you anything for pulling it. Pat said not another word end tbe doc tor went to work. Tbe tootb waa fimli k tit a firmer jaw, and stuck 'likeaDem . . i . ..... . ocrat to toe lioneiuouon,' out our preaev ering doctor tugged a ad pulled, fairly Ii lift ing bis patient I rom bis ebsir in tbs stru ug gle, wbo bore it all the wey tbroogb, li ike tbe a martyr, 'making no sign.' At last tbe offending molar waa out, and triumpban laid opoo tbe table. ntly 'There,' ssid tbs doctor, 'didn't I hart TOO bad epoogb t 'Not a bit sir,' ssid Pst, 'aod eure yon' re ur not the man to be going back from jour own word. , Query Wbicb got the worst of it, Pat wr lue uocior J vrijvwu. 'I was preaching one evening,' writee clerical friend wbo reliebes a gcx.d tbi og of ricbly, 'from tbs passage ia tbe history Moses wbers bs and his two friends, Asi and Uur, wss standing, on a bill and 1 holding tbe battle between Israel and A aros and be m olrk. My text waa 'Aaron asad Uur stay anl nt hia hanrla Inn T arotiiant Ih, - y w.w --- , - a.j ef the people to bold op tbe bands of their ,k- l - . l . i Diiuwnr, aivu. xue vhhjui, vi laves s;ouw men of old wbo thus supported Moses. On my wsy homeward Irom cborcb, one of tba leading men of my parieh joined me, and alter expressing bie great aatia faotion in my discourse, begged leave to suggest one point tbat I bad quite over looked. Ah.' aaid I. 'and what can that bet' 1 mean.' be anewersd. 'the power a I aT . tui argument in tavor oi female ion 1 confess,' said I, tbat I do not perceive met too sunject is ninteo at now da yon disovsr it, my dear sir f Wby, dose it not read.' eaid be, with eome surpnss, tbat 'Aaron and ber beld up bis bandar l sopp&se tbe woman helped ae muoo as toe man. A Cuxiocs Colccl ati )K . Some body makes tbe following curious calculation What is a billion f Tbe reply is very simi le: a million times a million This is qoiokly written,' end quicker etill pro nounoed; bnt no mon ie able to count it. You may eooot 160 or 170 in a minute: but let us even euppose tbst yon msy go aa far a 200; than sn hour will produce 12.000; a day 288.000; and a year of S65 days (lor every four years you may rest from coun ting daring a leap year), 105.120.000. Let ns soppoee oow. tbat Adam, at ' fbe first beginning of his existsooe, bad began to eouot, bad contioned to do eo, and waa ooanting etill be would not even now, ae eordiog to tbe naoally eoppoeed age of oor globe, have counted near enough. ' For to coot a billion be would repair 9512 yeara 24 days. 5 hours and 20 minutes, accord ing to the rale taken above. Now, an j poeing we were to allow tbe poor counter 12 huare daily for rest; eating and aleepiog be would need 19.024 yeare, 69 days, 10 hi 0", and 40 minutes. ' ; f Hs wbo is not iodiffersot himelf, will find out, from bis own feelings, wbat it is tbat interests ptbers la a . cause. " Ao hosv est nan ia aa orator by nature, ' ' - AJ r - I I ' ' A 11 I : i: pi it,1) !A::tt:kJI oi!i ! . 1864. -': tyii DeYeu Waot 'Do iPIrT : ' Dll OW w ant a Kn at. a.Lt f... - . J wava-i VFUIf, little fellow, aeareely eight ysara old, to a uiei a id m larva omnA. 'Want a ru- T w k ,. t -V engaged f naked a smsrt ' looking elerk, looking with a pvuled alaaca at tha litti. applicant. . ' . 1 do, air,' replied George. 'Look here. entleman nrler) tha-wnnn- m sn, spseking to bis fellow clerks ; Here t .... :.l vit . . . ie iriaiar uuiana. n inn IO N DOr I snnroaa t . T.nnk al kin. ter. The clsrks sratbered in rraat ata iKnnt et wa. - w r O w v aw wVV iwii vi vamtri purpose before them, aod waa, therefore, Gwnsciowa oi any reason way ae anoaia made an object of snort. Wbat can von do V asked one. 'You can keen hooka, nf toam uM aeothsr. . Carry a bale of vooda am IMF riajik akt cried the third. - flesh yoong gentlemen,' eaid the eld erly bookkeeper at tba daek. after view. inar Georre thrnnsh hia anaeae1a tTuw don't make eport of tbe child. Let me la la.nint.'-w-naai ..f-.v- t-.;..; Tbon ssesking to Georss. in kindU tones, he eaid : ' " 'Yuu are too voone ta ba acpa-arl child.' Who eeot ton here f - . . I came mvaalf. air If r.tVee J V ... . J .MVS WUW mother are gone te heavea. My aunt ie poor, ana i want to earn eometbing to help ber. Won't too please to take nae. air V Tb eifflcle Storv. told in a a,t that showsd how esraeet the boy wss, not only ebeckod tbe sport of tbe clerks, but brought tesrs to tbsir eyes. Tbey looksd oo tbe dsllASla Ahilrl aairh All- Anil eeaneeft mA eoe of tbem plaoing aabilliog uo tbe desk, ..L.J .1.. - . r . I , . . .acu tue rea tu iuuow oie example iney id eo. He than took tha mnnev anri ifTer. ed it to George eayiog ion are too small to be of any use here, my good boy. Bat take the money, and wben yon bave grown a bit, perhaps we msy find eometbing for yon to do.' George looked at tbe money without offering to tooob it Wby do you not tske tbe money t' ask ed the elerk Pieties, sir. I am nut a bes-ar. said George. "I want to earn eumotbicg to help my annt to keep me, for ebe Is very kind. 'You are a nobla little f ,- ' aawt the esnior clerk. 'We give tbe money not be cause we tbink you are a beggar, bat be- eaue we use your spirit. Suob a boy as you wil not essilv bseoma a h,tr Take the money my bov. and ma Qud blees ya sad give your annt better daya ' I like George's spirit in tbie affair. It waa noble, brave and aelf-reliaat beyond bia years. It wae tbe spirit tbat makea poor grow into naaful and successful men. It msds George do tbie ; for in after years, tbst little boy bscsme a noted artist, wboss praise waa spoken by many tongoee. All cbildrca should cherish a desire to do ell tbey cio for themselves, by tbeir own la bors, as esrly as possible. Tboss wbo lean on father and mother for everything will nod it bard work to get along by and by, aa tbev may bave todc. wben tbeir parents die. Those wbn early learn to rely apon miiDieiiti, win nave little dimoulty in earning their own liviog. Learn there- tore to help ycuraelvee. Alwaye taking care to do eo under and witb tbe consent f your g.od parente cr guardian. Cherry ' amy UU2CIK. Welcome. 'Papa will aooo be here.' eaid mammi to ber tbree year old boy ; 'what can Gor gy ao to welcome him t And tbe motber glanced at tbe cbild'e playtbiaga, wbicb lay scattered in the wildeet eonfueion on tbe carpet. Make tbe room neat replied tbe bright eyed one, understanding the loek and at once beginning to gather bia toy into a basket. 'What more can we do to welcome papa?' aesru cam id a, woeo notning wae wantio ta the neatneaa of tha rnnm "Be happy to bim wben be comes.' cried !. - I : . . i . i- , . . w ucar lima leuow, jumping as with eagerness, ae be watched at tbs wiodo' for bis fatbar'a coming. . Mow aa all tbe dictionary makers will testify it ia very hard tn ti it.. nitiooa ; bat did not little Georgy give tbe very substance of a welcome f ' 'Be happy v (Jim sun oc oomee 1 All parente wbe read tbie. will kno tbat elegant apartmante, and sumptuous entertainment, ana formal courtesy, will aot avail in welootaiog tbeir gaeeta, unlae auej vuuie. Wit and YTsidem. - Mannere make tbe msn. Study men ae wall ae booke. Poeitive meo err most of any. . , , Never wade ic unknown waters. Look not a gift horse la tbe mouth. Never wish a tbing dona, but do it. Prudetce is not satisfied witb msy be'e. ' - Remorse is very often the barbs of the arrow of affliction. S -me ahowy quality very crten screens a number of unsightly ooea. Mao'e arguments often prove ootbiog but their wishes. None are so weary as tboae who never work. ' Meo are often resigned, bat never con tented. The Stark eouoty Democrat, published at Canton, Ohio, aaye : A preacher in tbie city last Ssbbatb, took for bis tsxl tbe 14tb veres ef the 12ih chapter ef Hebrews. It read as follow: Follow peace with all meo, and holi neee without wbicb no man eball see tbe Lvrd.' The reverend gentleman read Ibis text from the book ae follows: 'Follow holiness, without wbicb 00 man shall see tbe Lord.' . Tbe words 'Peace witb all men' were oot acceptable aod hence were emitt ed. So it sseme tbat ths Abolition yressbere ere oing to take tbe same liberty witb tbe word of God tbat Abe does witb tbe cooetitatioa. .. . ?.- Paxecairriofr rot thi Ccaa (T) or Doos ADDICTED TJ KILUMO SflKXP Take of beefsteak, sixteen eaoeea ; euryebma, four scruples e0irearib.-M,-2Divids the' bssfstesk, or tit bit ' i itj sixteeo pieces ; take a ebarp peu-koife aod make a email inoiaion into each one of tbem ; into tbe orifice tbns made, insert one sixteenth of tbe above quaotity of atryeboia, (wbiob will amount to five grains.) drop a few of tbess medioa ted 'tit bite' on tbe outside of tbe sheep pea aa near tbe treeke of tie' 'Bow wuw' as possible. ' A dog with five graine of etryebnia in bie etomacb waa never known to meddle witb mnctoo, r ever again dis turb tbe alumbers of any ebe by virtue of dogmelidy. rr-r,.-. c, A lady tbat woeld please bereeiria mar. ryieg L waa warned tbat bar intended, al though a gond sort of a au. was vsry singular.- 'WelL re 0 lied the lsdy 'if i very moob aalika other msn, be is much more likely to be a good faosband., . . . t ' Four quf stions tbat" a very 'yonnz 'lady should aak theyonog man wbo wishes to marry ber. Ie he honest f Ie bs kiod of heart t Can he au nnort raa anai a,i.KU Dots he take a newspaper f And last, bnt -otlsaat Does hs pay for it f 1 wt-a -. , -&-ri . iiii rnA iti",V -.tiV. Jjai ifi .ji ,:toi taVrt. 1 1 ! I i I I I -'J j TfiVi V-tc!i- t fa 'tlR',!-'!") TL VOL.' 22 NO. 28 - i Embaimliisja Live nmm.l A Diraeoloas eseapc -from': tha horrora of actually being buried alive bat just lakt -1 -. - : ay a i en iiim iD xvsw vri'aos. i i. , A person earned Msrtln wss supposed to have died from diaaaa af tHa k-.. -t wvsry outward appearaaoe wae dead, - The -al--: a a - . a.euuins:pnyBioiaa bad .given niacsrtifi eau of burial, testifying to tbo eauss ol nis death, and the kepposed' corpse bed bsea prepsred shrouded ia tkehabiliessnu of death, and sneoBaed. . ., Near and dear cues had 'ibed tears over tbs loss of oci , whom tb.y eappoeed dead, and wboe bodyha, b.d cerefolly prepar' ea lor tne eiiant preciocte of the toaib wmtm to lortaoate tnnugbt eogaestad it eelf tbat tha bod v aho-M h- nk..i i Tbe ncoessary etepe were taken, tha aoSn earefolly closed oo. cod the bode aant n an esnhalmieg eatabUshmear . adjoioioc tJ.H- VT: . n n . . "Si dcu a union etaoiee, oa uarnnaalft atreet. Here tbe prnceae of embalming waa ia daa time initrni upon. It appear ibai In the 'process wbicb preserves tba bode frnm im-ui;.i. a. - . J i w W"W position, the preserving quality is infsed i k. . ,k . L . 1 . ir.,,rnriii vj wsaoe oi an locuion into tbe main artery of tbe arm. "' : Tbo inoiaion witb a lancet ia in the aama manner aa in tha a .a nf ki- i.,.: The embalmer bed commenced bis work by making the nseessary incision, and to bis surprise ho disoovered blood faeblv sing from tbe vein. - - : Ha knew thera ranit ha life V... 1.1... J - . - -- - wuvrv uiww would fl w, end desisted from h tm n rr a asi emblcoinjt lot few miootM more ert was -lirhl tnnrinn of tKm Krtr.. .e.4 presently tba msn in tbe eoSo msde a alight effort to rsiss himself, and witb si sistance did riee op and spssk. uaoue rvstorstivee wsre edministersd, and hs wss soon able ta eoeverae. and de- eired to know haw it waa that k. t.A imkelf in a e fn clothed in a abrnud. Tbe matter wa soon explained to bim ; ia friend to tbeir joy, were advised of rbat bad taken rlara ant ' .. . b-ma instead of to tbe grave, where he ie iu iair waj oi recovering. , , i Tbia waa. indeed, a a ,rm- r - " ..ww wVVauV 11 tfUl the elctcbee of Jeatb. - r 01 u ale. Letyoor dangbtere cultivate mnsic by 11 BilDI. Ever, anm.a -rk I... . . j " - uu ime au ap titude for emgmg ehenld bleea Gd for tbe eift and cultivate) it with iiii . an " - a,V S Ur UVw that abe may dassla airangere or wia ao- .i.... r. i , . . r i" crowu, oot mat ebe may brinsr cladnesa to bar n D.u. tl. influence io strengthening the affections is er iiuim -..sing pereeivea by many of its admirers; a aweet melody biode all haarta together as it ware witb a golden ebord ; it make tbe polees beat io onisoo and the heart tbrill wtb symptby. But the mnsic of the fireside mast be simple and unpretending, it dose notTe- quirs brilliancy of execution, but tender nee. ut irenrg a marry tone for tbs yoong a subdued strsin for the eged ut sudi oi toe noisy elsptrsa which populsr in public. ie Sensible Maxima. Never tests an atom wben you are hungry it ia euieidal not Never hire servants who go in paire, ae eieters, eonaina. or anything else. Never epeak of yoor father as 'the old msn.' Never reply to the epithet of a drunkard Aa aw fVastl we es istui, Nsver ipeak coctsmpoonsly of woaaa kind. .never ahues oae wbo waa yeor bosom frierd, howsver bitter now Nsver smile at tbe expense of 'yoor relig ion or yoor Bible. . , A good word ie as soon eaid as a bad ana Tbat groat is ill-ssved that shames the master. No one is a fool always , every oaesome timee. Pesce with Heaven is the best frisnd- There ie an allegorical story current tbat onoe, immediately after Theodore Perker bad parted Tram fialpb Waldo Emeveoa ea tbe road to B.ton, a erasy Miller ite en countered Parker and cried 1 'Sir, do yon not koow that tbe wetli ie com tag to an end f ' Upon wbieb Parker replied t 'My good man. tbat doeso't concern msi I live in B etoo.'. Tbe eame faoatie overtaking Emeraon, aeaosjoced io tba aama tarma tbe anproaob of the and of tbe world, npoa wbicb Cmer eon replied : I em glad or it, sir ; nWwil! get along maeh better without it!' - A Mg. Paetinotow A littfa Airl brought homo a kitter one day, and io re ply ta eome not very complimentary obser vation from her motber related to ite con. ditioo. remarked with great einceirty.tbat, il tbey gave it a plenty to eat sbe thoogbt It wculd soon be infatuated.' Duaiira ths riatsnf IT ATI . !- Ia..- :.:iT "V F'raowo 1 . a,..,u, ouruer so ssve their; hoe see from bsmg burned or polled down wrote oa their dore, 'N i Pooery f O d Orim eldi. tbe father or the celebrated .Joey ta avoid all mistakes, wrote aa bis, 'No Relig ion!' 8 Girls none tooyceng to bw a the aor eery. meke three or foar toilets a day. Saratoga Letter. . The luUe babies change sfiener.-Boston Post . An Abolition editor out Wast ssya, that wben he tbinke ef eome Demoorate- n bie vioinity, be bluabes tbat be ia a man. Quite likely;but tbe bloib is tbst be isn't oe. Sbe who 00m poses a erase baby is great' er tbsn sbe wbo eompueee a bjok. Children are eo nomsroos ia some parts cf lodia, tbat tbey ohm the as for 'oUthoo pine.' . . .. - ........ Hs wbo bss a beart for bis Issson, will aooo bave bie leaeoo by beart. '1 wish.' aaid a eo. ol Erin, -f eould find the place where meo don't die, tbat I might go and end my daya there.' The more we koow tbe leas wc aay.1 At death mao arrives at immanaa knowledge, aad doean't open hie month. . Beauty in woman ia bke tbs fl wer in spring ; but virtue is like tba star in beav- en. - ' 1 ' .... . Men do two-thuds of the eioniog ia the world, end make women da tbe other third. - ' ' "-:: . Speak sad play by it.' srite by the cerd, bat don't . Tea should never wink at faejte and not too often at tbe Isdies. The oeeaa ie the tbrobbiog beart er the a ai verse, aa ila every wave a- moaod ever tbose who bave aa grsree, v:u t, When a landlord abows yea exoeeeivs civiUy, be sure that be- expects t pot li down in tbe eilL -.' j - 3 . ; . j Wbea a rich widower visit g aewy bereaved widow, the vi.ii gooerally makes ber forget bar viaitatbd. - - ' . ' 1 , '.'vif.ii ; . j 1 ' ! : card lllaOTlaas aar J ! .".;rol ifi. SI.,, A .. , fi .,?:? 'iff H..t l O' -r ' - - i a . ' l -"' 1 aaaa-aaa I 'a.. Wtfct.f-. iiu' . ft k .,,. ,. 'i"-iviit, aaaars' ' j l-!l,"'",'4t,-1" IHar... ai.r L iTZ.. ' keteeavatl) m . -4. beeoasee reapaasihl for . TtT' if L4 p r - ' ' " vi iPsoraTfir nrtih .i.i.... . . ' 1.. ... " J 1 5 I a w c J ay hsi uiaiar? - laacbsa. v ,a We invite Ibe alteotioa of 'all thhVia. i men to tbe fotlowieg 'jassoo. from kisterj. It is eontaiped loaa addreaeoftba fTa- Charles Maeoo.of Wubiogtonr-' -i it n Toward Ih rlrtea nt tha Kle-a.k 1J 1 rt tary, Edward 1, of Eoglaod. claimed ta be4 4 tbe legitimate sovereign of Scotland bold-' '' tog an tnoss to te traitors wbo reeisted Lie 3" role. - ' - --..! His elaime ware atoatly resisted ty Vi "-' -rebels" nnder William Wallace, la 12?9 1 tbey were defeated at the decUiva bsrtla ' ' of Falkirk. Tbsif military power' waa " Merashed."iod Saotland was euMerstsd andleysL' ' J" Tr 1 Tbree years later Waliaee ' bad become1 u agala a f rmidable aa before, and Edward bed to enmmoaee bie work cf conaassS ' anew 'lie moved; northward with the "' whole miliUry power ef bis reef.-.. acooa- psaisd by bis osvy, wbicb t ; . en;ire ommsad of the ses. j j fiera v. - s r-otcS -' were eatirnji 1. . .w Vu.tji' r - w. w w w -r . i Tbe cocqoerer mercbed i j triampb from 1 ' ene end of tbe eonotry to the other. All " Vied in expreeeiooo of sllegisooe ; all bow- - ecepteror toe eonqcerer. Hsat temnted to ihrnni tha Unifik . - , - a,anar, to abolish the Soettisb name, aod even a subst Ito te English for Ssotcb iobabitsntt I lbs kingdom.' Ail aeamaif hum a. 4 - eecarity. Two yeare later the rebellion' broke cb' afresh aader R)bert Brnec.,: Ta 1307. t ' ; tbe fatal battle of Metheven.tbe organised power of Scotland waa again ' annihilated and Brnoe became a fugitive and twit " derer. -. - . ....... . . , - Eiebt yeare later Iia fen. k: lr 1 the bead of another army. Tbe battle cf Baonoekburn was fnaoht anil R-mi. .4 , - ww.Mue w aw agaia free. - - j - . Under tbe weak ansea a-iea .mu iL- .- . . w, i domioin of England waaagain elaimed and ' rniorceo. xer tnree Dnndrod veara Km. - land often raaied tha atanriar1 nt ' . and opon every epportoaity tbat traeetk "" ur ov-operauon witb tbe enemies 1 England. - . - 1 be two netione aama ta ha rmm-Am v natural enemea. until Jemea VL. efSrmu' land at 'ens-tb aaeeuded the V,.i;.k throne. ' - Tbe more nnwerfnl naiin v-. - w a MTV itself u tbe weaker, and natural aalme-i. tiea extingnisbed by peaceful appliaoeee. wouiu never nave yielded ta fore. Tbe lepee or more tbsn two baedrsd and fifty veara baa ima that ,.-.1 w-ev-,ij growing stronger, wbieb. centuries or war ana mutual injury bad eeemed te render wholly impossible. . Tbeee teachings of ths history cf fbe past ars confirmed by the lessons of oar own ' experience. Tbe State of Missouri. cceV reduced toqoiet aad beld in a eoetreined " loyalty by military power, ie ageio ristas; '' in esccessful rebellion, aad must be con quered anew "'-."' Tbe seme msy e eaid efa great portion. ' Louisiaoa,Arkaaaae,Texas,aa wsll as soma of tbe States on this side ef tbe Mieeisaipe pl ... Mere conquest nsvsr sxtingaisb as t ion- . al antipathies, but give tbem edgs anl . venom. Tbo mild ioflaeneee of peace aod kindoeee effect wbat could sever bent-' Wined by violence in the production anl preeervation of national unity. Tbey ae eompliab their per poses, net . by reststiaa the power to eeparate, bat by removing the will and ibe motives for dorng so. Ia tbe lesson to bo lost upon ns f , Shell we eontione vainly to pursoe tbe phantom. "Coiod" over the fi.lj 0f car 0 age, wbe it ia ready si nestle in oar bueome as a Jbleeeed reslity, if diaoardiog tba brutal, avage, and fiendish propensities of ear naturs. wa iovoko the peaceful influeoewe of intelligence and reason, and tbe teacb iog of tbe DiviceMster f We mey eoea have peaoe aod urjjoo if we ohojas, but aot by wsr. however locoeeafoL Tbs contest nf tbe cities, and tbe disper sion of the ermiee of tbe Confederacy, will ' only bring increaeed difficulties and en ehroud tbe country ia a deeper gloom. ' Your means of support will be abetreete t by inorsaeiog Urstion, yoor sons enstcbed from yo by frequently coocorring eon soriptioos. - t Large etandiag armiee will be neoeseary to preeerva tbe country ia iu forced all gianee. Tbe eimplioity ef yonr republi can institutions will dissppesr and ia tbsi' stesd tbe coetly maebirTery of a governmsrf which enforces obedience by tba fear it exitee rather than by the affection it iodo- " eea ;..-."" For yoar own cake and that of posterity we ooojure you to tarn back from tbe pal of danger in which yea are pow ratbicK forward to yoor ruin. ' PxiNTxa's and Doct es. As easter psper josily oommeots on newspaper acl and -.edios) aceooate : " It is a notorious fact tbat doctor's anl Sewepsper bills are the lest aceouota.l.v tbe earn of almost every men's indebted nese which he tbinke of payiog Whatev ." er may bo bie ability to pay, no difference if hia chest is filled with old rnsty dollars,' ba tbinke aome indefiote time will do U el'le tbe aforeeeid asoounts. " '' People somehow bare m traditiooary na tion that tbe practise of physio snd tbe publishing or nswspspere are more a ma te a r prsfeeions, followed for emneemeot's sake, and fir tbe cost of wbieb little er nothing i expected. Yet there ie not ia tbe whole roocd of bueioeea, ae far ae we know, a more expensive employment than tbat of a newspaper. . 'Heaaon far Daatlar, t .-t Thsre ie a etory told or a eertaia impe rial krgbnsae waltsing thrice en tbe eame evening with aa Eoglisb lady at tbe Court of Berlin. The lsdy, fltttersd by bie'.ttsnUoD, frenkly expreesed bsr gratification 9tth eomtfiment. " ' ' ' '1 did not inteod it as complimeat wax ths soswer Then.' said the lady, 'your highnese mot be very food of dancing.' I deteet dancing wae tbe ensatlsfaotOw ry response. What. tbsn. msy 1 ask, ert be yoar im perial bighness's motive for dancing r Msdsm,' was tbssxkslted psrsonage'e curt reply, I dsnos so psrspireP r ' ' While walking itb a frisod, a genfle mae accidentally stepped npan a lady'a trailing dress. Sbe turned with a frown ing look and strong sipreseioo of aogsr. Wirid bis asoal orbaartj," bs rep'ied I am sorry, m'adaav. very sorry indeed 1 bof really, I didn't know tbat I was witbia a querur of a mife of you." ' "A young lady dewa eest advertises for tbe yoaag ma wbo'embrsses aa ' epptrw tuoity,' aad says if be will ooffle ever a tbsir town bs ceo do better i"'1 'in ;' 1 ' ' ,n it 7;i ' A geotlemaa aaye tha reaeea wby Jiak, ine ie nalike a slog's tsil it, that- Jia.iaa fceeaa a carriage aad the tail keeps a Wa- gla. I I J l l...-! A wife 10 San Fraaaiaew latejm petition for dienraa ia k. J, pwa apthVtub' bMbB4 oriafowi, ed fool The aoart -u.i.- .7 . Che .... . . uisii tae plea, btoaoee aim oat Mary - worried-maa a - -t I