Newspaper Page Text
CkntrBfnr ibe Drafts ' .Prov,JUsf . Office, Cth Dist. Ill, 1 .. , " Joliel, D 7ib 1894. - J - Kj.Sipcucit 2ar iSirV ' Doing in lbs daily receipt oroomtnaoioationa mak tog endoiriee ooeerning tbe probsiblitiss of soother draft.and tbe mode pf towns aod sub-district preparing for it. I give 700 general enaweiv -you to ay, it joa tbiok proper, g9, it publicitj through jour eclottjD. 1 be D9 ofljoial knowledge tbat ft fu ture draft will be ordered, therefore my opinion Koold be of 0.0 more ; value than , any etber nan's at to wbetber there will or will no be one. Though I am -ordered by tbe Department to have toy enrollment list tborcoghly corrected, that io eaee of Dsososity 1 ay be .'prepared 'to exeoate any ordei promptly .' and without deiey Tbie yon can eoostroa, per b ape, to rasao tbsttbe intentions of the Departmeoi. are to otder another draft, yet I incline to tbe cpinlbo, that it simply uieane tbat io view of the immense amount of labor necessity to get ready for a draft, tbat tbe list should Ijept'in a condition to meet each , do rnaod io ose ft iborongh trial rhouM convinc the government that more men are needed to pat the finishing stroke to. tbe rebellion. ...,.....,.., Ik view, however, of tbe fact that tbe rebellion, still exist, and tbat it may nec esticaa a call for more men to aooomplisb Its overthrow, 1 would advise esoh town, either by a committee or otherwise, to we tbat their list i purged of ell names that are not liable to military doty, aod that all tbose are fj.iesd opon it who by remov- m ot becoming of: age, brooms .liable to . draft therein. The board of enrollment re now prepared to attend to said oorreo lion, and by town or sub district attend ingto the matter ioimcdi.itlv, it will de crease tneir quotas unoer luiors calls, in acoordanea with tbe number aotually cspa- Cited to do duty, and save tbe trouble and eonfoeioa lately experitneed under a aimi lar call.1 , . ! Tbe eansea of exemption are lit, alien ate ;2d, non-reiideoce ; 3d, cnsuitablenese of age ; 4ib, permaoeot disability. The ease in wbiob they are to be add ed are 1st, by becoming of suitable age ; 21, by removal from other districts to tbeir present plaea-of reaideoce ; 3d, omissioas in previous eoi oilmen!. It will be seen that a very little trouble and expense by esoh town, will place thru opon a comet footing in Regard to a fu ture dralt, wbetber there should be one or It, "regard to consolidation of sub district, it ia ntterly naelen for tbe inhabitants of a sub-diitriot to attempt ite consolidation with another, as the policy of the Depart meat will hereafter be, io oe any changes are made, to sob divide, instead of consol idate. Tons I give you briefly my opinion and aoggestiooa concerning tbe probabilities of future draft, aod trust that 1 have not trespassed too mooli on either your time or patieeoe, and hope some of your readers may profit by tbe suggestions offered. A. LONG WORTH, . Pro. Alar. ; .. . Order by Gen. Dlx. Headquarters New York City, Deo. 14. : General Order No. 97. Information having been reoeivtd at tbees headquarters tbat tbe rebel maraud ers who were guilty of murder and rob bery at St. Albans have been discharged from arrest, and tbat other enterprises are actually io preparation io Canada, tbe commanding general deems it due to tbe people of tbe frontier towns to adopt tbe most prompt and efficient measures for tbe eeeority of tbeir lives and propertj. All military commanders on the frontiers are therefore instrnoted, in case further acts of depredation and mnrder are attempted, whether by marauders er persons aoting under commissions frcm tbe rebel authori ties at Richmond, to shoot down the dep redator, if possible, while in tbe commis sion of tbeir orimec, or if it is necessary with a view of tbeir capture, to croea tbe boundary between tbe Ucited States and Canada, Said commanders are hereby dirsoted to pursue them wbi tber they may take refuge ; and, if captured, they are, under no circumstance, to be surrendered, bat are to be sent to these headquarter! for trial and punishment by martial law. Tbe major general commanding lbs dep artment will not hesitate to exeroise to the fullest extent the authority ha pns.iejeea under tht roles of law, rjcognirsd by all jiviliied hostile expeditions within neutral territory, and fleeing to it for an aeylum after eommiting sots of depredation within oar own, each an exercise of authority having become indispensable to tbe pro tection of our cities and towns from incens diarism and our peojlc from robbery aod murdei. It is earnestly hoped that the inhabitants of oar frontier districts will abstain from all aots of retaliation on account of tbe outrages committed by rebel marauders, end tbat tbe proper measure of redress will be left to the action of the public auth orities. By command of Maj. Gen. Dix. (Signed) .J). J. TiBf Brass, Col. and Asst. Adjt. Geo. From Kew Orleans. : " New York, Deo. 18. The steamer Morning Star, from New Orleans tbe lOcb, has arrived. Sbo saw off Hatteras, on Thursday, a fleet of steam er steering southwest. Cotton quoted at $120 for middling. Gen. Davidson's grsat raid from Baton Rouge bad been beard Irom. lis reached Taogepako on the 30:h ult., burned the oodeoript camp, destroyed all tbe stores and dwellings, captured ft large number . 01 norsaa, ana carried away an immense number of negroes. Mobile papers of tbe 4tb aay that be was marchio; on that oily, lie has a force of 5,000 oavalry. Price claims to have accomplished all ho intended io Missouri, aod captured . im mense stores. A large meeting was held in New Or lean tu make arrangements for ths recep tion of Geo. Banks. The eleotoral college of Louisiana met on the 7lb, oast ttiir votes for Lioooln and Johnson, aod appointed ft messenger to eonvey their vote te Washington. The Frenoh corvette La Megefa had ar rived from New York. - Removal of tbe Stale Capital. The ftewapeptra ro discussing the pro priety ol removing tlio capital from Spring field to some other point. Tbe dieoussion thus far sterna to bare been confined to tboee of them who favor tbe projeot. The Peoria paper are decidedly in favor of re moving the eapital to tbat place. The Deoator papers want it there. The Jack sonville papers think it should be removed to tbe vioinity of the iosane hospital, while tbe Jjlist papers oonttud tbat if tbe oapi tal is removed it should by all means bo taken to the neighborhood of the State Veoiteotiar. Unless tbe friend of these several points oan first agree among them selves, they will not snowed in effeating its removal. Still, the agitation of tbe aubjeot baa Stirred up tbe denixens of priogaeiJ somewhat. J. bey begin to talk of building ft now hotel, aod some cf them have actually suboribd . money for that pur pone. . If the now Jaotel goes up within a reasonable time, in talk about removing tbe capital will most likely cease. 4iotol ftooommodationo at Springfield have .always been indifferont in qual ty, extras ,agant in prise, and very olteo impossible to get of any qaalitv or at any price. If they will go ahead and build hotel that -will b credit to the plate, and put a t inaa in it tbat knows how to keep tavern, we think wo shall be safe io giving occari ty that the eapital will not bo taken from them. If not, wo eball feel it oar duty to v favor its removal to Joiiet or Jacksonville . w iuon I care wbiob. Tbe Springfieldera WU. please take notice Quincy Herald. .SSrWolUreaaed men with small val'is w are cbaelj watched in All the large cities "JOLIET SIGNAL. JULIET, ILLINOIS. OFFIOIALPAPSK of thx cm . Tuesday, December 20J864, No Parts Nixt Wiik According to the ueoal custom, no paper will be pub lished .- fror tbis- office , aext week. A 'Merry Christmas" and "Hsppy New Year" to all otr)patrotljind .friend,' r. 1 ' - is tb Democratic Party Dead f . Tbie is ft qoestioa id which, tha interests of ovory friend of free representative gov ernment is involved.'1 In it is centered all oar hopes for. ths futurs 'aad our secnrjty J for tbe presoci,,.! -;;t-fc w..-it . .. 3 Wo are aware that there are ecSie weak- minded peebne wbo-conUnd that '.heT)m- ocratio party has, outgrown the necessity for ita existeooetbat its mission has been filled and there is no necessity for keeping op iu organisation". .. V ' ' ' Now we wich it distinctly understood that we are not on the list of croakers who believe there is nothing to be gained by keeping tip . the prganiaatioo of tbe Demo cratic party,' 'Tbe Demoerstio nartv is founded on principles tbat cannot become obsolete.- In this country it came into be' ing on the first formation of parties under our government... It has stood its ground 1 from that day to this, while its opponents bare undergone numerous cbsnges of poli cy and names. It bas outlived' the old Federal .party, the. National Republican party, tbo aoti-maionio party, and its present opponent is trying to shuffle off the cognomen of Black Republican yarty aod appear in a new body as ths so-called Union patty. Under all these various ebanges of lbs opposition, the Demoerstio party never . bad oceasion to change its name or principles. Repeatedly bas tbe Demacratio party been defeated in elec tions, but each time it arose again with renewed strength and vigor, and trampled over all opposition. And so it will in the future. " At various periods in the history of ths Demoerstio party, superficial thinkers have eontended tbat there was no longer a ne cessity for maintaining the organisation of tha Democratic party. Thia was tbe case especially when tbe alien and sedition laws, tbe United States bank question, tbe terriff question, the internal improvement question, beoame obsolete. Hero wo would remind oar readers tbat all these questions, and others, that have separated tbo Democratic party from its opponents avtr sinoe tbe formation of the government, have been but tbo tests npon which tbe contests have been maintained between popular rights ton the one side, and thirst of power on the other. Tbe one grand Issue tbat has always di vided tbe two parties, is that of State rights. Ever since the foundation of tbe government tbe opposition party, nnder its various names, bas aimed to eoncentrate in its bands more power than tbe constitu tion, with a literal and true constitution, confers. And ' it bas been tbo mission of tbe Demoerstio party to resist and cbsok this tendency. Tbe alien and sedition law, tbe national bank, a general system of in ternal improvements, a high tariff, and other questions of difference between tbe parties, have been opposed by tbo Democ racy on tbe ground tbat they tended to ac cumulate and consolidate, power into the bands of the federal government. And thue this contest betvteen centralised pow er on the one side and local popular liberty on tbe other bas existed ever since the adoption of our national constitution. And now that tbe dominant party and Adminivtration are laboring to completely centralize power, and to take it from tbe Stales and people, it bebocves Democrats to stand firm by their principles. The bold and startling assumption is made tbat tbe States are nothing . and tbo General Government everything, tbus virtually de claring in favor of a centralised despotism. Against this dangerous heresy the Demoo racy must continue to present an unbroken front. ' . To suppose that the Democratic party bas been used np in the late contest, be tokens s shallow brain.- Indeed the late canvass is moat encouraging evidence of iU strength end vitality. It grsppled with an administration wielding vast powers, expending treasures uncounted, controlling tho servioe of stipendiaries so innumerable and against all odds fought its fight thro' 0 the end, and won a clear majority of tbo people, excepting tboee only who have, as office-holdere or depscdents, a direot pecu niary interoet io tho continuance of power where it is nor. ' The fact was never . more apparent than it is at tbe present moment tbat tbe Demo cratic party bas an existence. Though the wave of usurped power and federal abuse of constitutional guarantees have swept over it. it will oome out of tbe storm unecatbed. Burdensome taxation, suffering, wretchedness ami woe will oome to the dwellings of tbe oommon peaple. and they will arise in tbeir might and shako off tbe Blaok P.epublican leprosy . in duo time. This is ascertain as tbat night follows day. Mark what wa say. f"A convention haa boon in session in Philadelphia for several days, wbose objeot is the incorporation into tbo Constitution of .the United States of an amendment de- clariDg; thietot le a Christian nation, and rscognitation therein of tbo Savior. On Thursday tbe Convention passed resolu tions aeciarmg mat "a national recogni tion of God. tbe Lord Jesus Christ, and tho Hold Scriptures, is clearly a Scriptural doty which it is national peril to disregard; regretting tbat the Constitution is devoid cf any distinctive Christian feature; aod tbat the limes enoourag tbo attempt to seoure saob amendment." If all mankind would acknowledge the trutba of Christi anity, it would be a blessed thing, indeed ; but as tby do not, it would ue simply, an infringement of the rights of eonsoienae, snd of ths spirit of our institutions, to 00- Ltabliab aoy religious doctrine as tbe nati onal faith of tho country. But fanaticism knows no law or sense and reada history to very little .purpose. . - rrr- -.1 ... !' ,0,-5?-lM- groat mUtake to tbiok that the majority are always in tho right. They were pot in the matter of the flood and they've been wrong several timoo ainoo. gSy-A lady who visited tbe "oontrabeud camp" at Norfolk recently wa astonished to find the names of overyjuoale baby in tho camp to be uniformly "Abraham," Taxation In 1863. ""TtTsboold bo reeolleoted thaTths .willing as well aa unwilling subjects? of Abraham, will be called oknVxt year, tin eSiitioo to theif State, oannty,city, sohol and jtber local taxes, to'psyy. government tix on the! real end personal property. Thio g'jtertimenV Wko postponed until after the Presidential election, in order that Abraham, might bsve ft longer. ,leaao nfl at n war a Xt war rVni at jar irvn is Aras iVaa I wvfii A-ivw vtunaej viwvuvu a m vci iuq people must prepare their Bbouliers for the burden. It tootimfttedibat tbo iroet-govom ment raised drinfthe present session - ot Uongrese .to aiztv millions of dollars.: .It; will be. divided among. the State in proportion to the'y population as shown by tbe censu of 1860. ,' v . Ths. proportion to bet paid by Illinois of this iix will be over three aod a half mil lions of dollare ; and ' the haro of Will ecuoty be a ittle less .' than ope hand red thousand dollars. , : - : The farmers who voted for Lincoln and elected bimj will soon, have an opporton ty of bandicg over. their accumulated green-, backs to eoitaio- his profligate power. Heretofore they have, io a uisasar, escap ed their proportion 6f the cnerous and op- preseive burden, but ibey will be neglected no longer.. . Old Abe. bas . got tbeir votes aod secured a lease of power for four years longer, aid now tbey mast py their share of tbo tax for Lincoln's stealing pflisiaU and orsxy negro schemes. . When tbe people of Will county oome to pay one hundred thousand drllsrs addition al tax, tbey will begin io realise .tbat we have a Government. Bat tbey must re member 1bat 'thia i bat tbe first install ment. Those to oome after it will be heavier still. If ths war goes on, wbiob it must in definitely if Lincoln's policy be continued oar taxes will be doubled and tbribbled aod tbeD enough money oarmot be rained to save n from national batkruptey aod financial ruin. Yet' Abraham Lincoln claims that onr resources are inexhaustible. .- fe, perhaps Abraham may be right, but it will be bard for bim to make people aeo it, when bis greenback bubble bursts. Those who voted for Lincoln on aooouot of tbe abundance of money and good prioea, will soon see their error. In tbo meantime, let tbo war go on and conscription follow conscription till not a single able bodied man of the proper age is left at borne, lt'a all for tbe nigger and Abolitionism. ,, JMojor General Horlbut, command ing tho District of New Orleans, is entitled to the credit of discovering t new field for the exercise of military authority, no baa issued an order to the effect tbat no pub lisher or newtboy shall sell a paper for mora than ten oents per copy in tbst city. Tbo beavy hand of military power may next be laid upon pop corn and peanut. gtThe official vote of Kentucky is aseer tained. Nine oounties, Breathitt, Cullo wey, Floyd, Johnson, Letcher, Owen, Per ry, Pike and Wolfa, failed to make re turn. The voles of parts of eighteen Kontocky regimente, and 101 oonntiee, foot np on the leading electors : McClellati. 64, 301 ; Lincoln, 26.786, making tbe aggre gate vote of tbe State 92,087, against 146.216 at tbe Presidential of I860, which bows a loss of near sixty-foor per cent. School Exhibition. , The pupils of tbe Public Sabool, Eaet Joliet, are. very anxious to cbtain a piano or, if that is not possible, a meloaeon for tbe. use of the. school. To nbtsin fond for the purpose, they propose to give a public exhibition at Young's Hall, 00 Friday evening, Deo. 23d. The exercises will consist of tableaux, pantomimes, music, reading, reoitatione and the comedy "School . for Scandal." Tbe Joliet Cornet Band will bo in attend ance. . Considerable expense bas been incurred in obtaining and preparing costumes. It is hoped tbat all, and especially tbose in terested in our publio schools, will attend aod give tbe pupil a rousing ''benefit." Jackets 25 cents, for sale at Wboeler & Lawrence'a store and at tbe door. JadThe excavations . of Pompei have just led to tbe discovery of a temple . of Juno, on tbe Hags of which were soattered about more than 200 skeletons of women and children who during tbe eruption of Yesuviue, hastened to tbo temple to im plore tbe protection of the goddess. t9A young girl from Illinois wsnt to St. Louis ft few days ego and sold herself for an army substitute. When taksn be fore tbo examining eurgeon, ho ordered her to strip, but this not exactly agrseing witb her eence of pripriety, aha ran out of tbe room and ooncluded to give up soldiering until they would take her ' word for being an able bodied man. ;,, ItS At the late Presidential election in one of tbo wards in Cincinnati ' one ballot was found straight Republican ticket, with " Godforyitt me for this sin ' written on the back of it. There will be hundreds of Republicans offering thia prayer eoon. Tbe Cinoinnati Gazette (Rep.) says: Through large port'nna of the oountry, es pecially in Iba West, men voted for Mr. Lincoln as tbey take calomel; it was bit ter pill, but tbe political doctors thought it necessary. S9Mexioo is in a bad way nobody's satisfied and nothing prosperous tte re public was bid enough, but tho empire is worae. - .. .. Masoalc. At ths snnnal conclave of Joliet Com- mandery, No. 4. Knighte Templar, held at their aeylum on Wednesday evening, De cember 7, 1864, the following offioer wore elected for tbe ensuing Masonic year, vis : ' Em.1 Sir W. S. Brooks, Commander. Sir C. A. Austin, Generalissimo. , . Sir W. R Steele, Captain General. , Sir W. W. Stovooe, Prelate. Sir U. Uiginbotbam, Treasurer. . ' -. Sir O. P. Phillips, Recorder. . . Sir J. S. M. liar, Senior Warden. . Sir U, C Knowlton, Junior Warden. - Sir Elias Hyde, St. Bearer. Sir S. D. Footo, Sw. Bearer. 8ir W. D. Fay, Wards,- ... -J I. : Sir J. F. Dorr, Captain of tb Guard. ' Union Fxxs Co. No. 2. At an eleotion of offioors, on tho evening of 5th ioet., the members of Union Eogine Tire Co. elected tbe following offioors, for the ensuing year : . Foreman Joseph Brown. 1st Assistant Miobael Ulrica. ' 2d .Assistant T Beateomullsr. A, r Secretary A. Brooniog. . jt ,. ' ' Treasurer Henry Young., Stewart John Limpert. rmr' - iryrrTi Cv1 Ized Warfare 1TTT&1864. Tbo Quiecy Herald In an ablo-article diw a cob tree t between tbo mode of eon doeting vrai in revolutionary times and in hooo-daysf Abolition rots. ,; Ja reference to ths barning 'of bt hemes and vast .destrnetioa 'of tho V propertyof defenceless private eiens of toSon'thcy our invading armiss, tbe Herald trotbfuv remarks thatj is orely.notneeessarj o -. u ... U J . t . pursue any suco moae ot warfare to cco- qrier tbo rebel: , It cannot be possible hat in order te overpower and pat down' to rebellion, it r necessary to destroy with out disorimioatioa, tho property of all wk live in the South. We eball never believe that, in order to enable pur. armies to' col iqaer. ie armies cf the. rebels, nd' mach in triumph through, every :. part of tfeir terri tory, it is first necessary to tarn Ibe women. and ohil3red out 'of; their, hoaxes and destroy theii little earthly poseeeiions, including tbe provisions upon which khey live from to day. I. ' This mode of destructive warfare s un heard of ia'tbo oarly history of this eoun try, or in the history of eivilised wsrfare in any eonnrry. fff is true, webe ij-e.tbat Something similar was attempted to be en acted by the Britiah duriog our nvolutioo ry war.'in 177, but it is equally roe that it was denounced by tbe whple Vivilised world, aod roost handsomely and efitnally rebuked by tuo great patriot, starisman and warrior Gecrge Washington: Ga. Wilkinson, in bis history of h , . -,r .. . . . . edl rcToiuuun, 1 allowing oraer issa by-Gec. Ilowe, the oommandor or the British forces: "All salted meats and provisions which sto not neooseery for tho subsistence of an ordinary family, shall be considered ss a' magatine of tbo enemy, and siesed for the king, and gien to tbo troops aa a laving for tbe publio. Io tbie no discrimination can be made between tbe property of a loyal subject with bie protection in ''his pocket, and tbo contumacious rebel who resist royal authority at ovory hazard." Thia order of tbe British commander was universally regarded throughout tho oolonies, and mora especially by tbose who fought or sympathised for tbe cause of freedom and independence, as not only un authorised by the rules of eivilised war fare, bat as wretchedly inhuman aod sav agely barbarous. -v Io this great emergency, what was the oonduot of Washington f Did ho retaliate ; Did ho order his troops to visit similar oppression upon those who sympathised or acted or co-operated with the king Not at all. He was a christian statesman and warrior, and his conduot tbrougbout.the perilous struggle cf the seven years wbiok were devoted to achieving the independ ence of these States, stands to this day un impaaohsd and unimpeacbablo. Tho asms historian gives n order issued by Gen. Washington, dated d. 1 77, eoon after Gen. Howe's order waa made publio, in which he said: "Tbe General prohibits both tbe militia and tbo continental troop, io tho most positive terms, tbo infamous, practice of plundering the inhabitants under tbe spe cious pretext of tbeir being Tories Let tbo persons of such as are known to be en emies of tbeir country bo siesed and con fined, and tbeir property disposed of as tbe law of the State directs. It is our business to give protection and support to tbe poor, distressed inhabitants, not to multiply and increase tbeir calamities. After the pub lication of thia order, any offioer, either mititia eruootinel found plundering tbo in habitants under the pratenoo of tbeir beiog tories, msy be expected to be punished in tbe severest manner, and be obliged to ac count for evorytbing so taken." . It is not necessary to add anything by way of comment upon these two orders. They speak for themselves An enlighten ed, christianised public judgment will eaaily bo alio to decide which of thou, is most in accordance with the rules of civ ilized wsrfare Surely there is vast difference in our mode of conduotiag war in 1777 and 1864 J New Cuthisg Stobs. S. C. Stearns and H. F.Busb, in ths store formerly oc cupied by Charles Clsmeat, one door east of Casey's store, are opening s new stock of ready-made clothing . abd gentleman's famishing goods generally, which they propose to sell ss low as can bo sold in these times. ' Annual Ball. Columbia Hose compa ny will gite their first, annus! ball, at Young's Hall 00 tbe evening of tbe 27th iost. Judging from tbo character of tbe young gentlemen having the management of tbe affair, we oan assure the poblib tbat it will be one of tbo most plsssaot parties of tho season. Tbe bast of tnusie ha been engaged, and do pains will be spared to render tbe occasion pTeancg to all' wbo may attend. Ticket, f 1.00. New Boot and Shox Store. M. Kraker is just opening a new assortment of boots and shoe in the store formerly occupied by Mr. Kavaoagb and Mr. II ill as a millinery establishment on Jefferson et., where bo itrepared to furnish customers with anj thing in bis line on the most moderate terms. Ue also manufactures to order cn ebort notice. F' otu the South. ' Washington, Det'.lft.' ' The Richmond Whig baa another article in reforenoe to rebel incecdiariee in the north. It profoeeea great pleasure in ob serving tbat tbo Yaokeeo are abaut to make tbeir country too hot to bold tbo ocutbero refuges, wbo have oome hither te get out of tbo roach of daoger, aod bopea Gen. Dix, if b can't find law aevora onougb to suit their oases, will make one. Tho now rebel ounsoription bill waa re ported in tbe Richmond bouso of repree entativos on tbe 10;h iost. , From KetTbern. v - Newborn, N. C, Deo. 13. - .The expedition aent from Roanoks Is land to Pitob landing, in Roanoke river, on tbe 13tb, under command of Col. Clark, mot witb a complete auocess, Nearly a million of dollar worth. of rebel commis sary stores waa destroyed, and 83 .bales of ootton, witb mules and army wagons oap tured. News from tbo union expedition moving up the Roanoke river bas been received. Tbo gunboat Otsego, when about James town, ran into a torpedo, by which she waa blown up and totally destroyed. Tbe packet boat Bosely No. 5 : snot witb tbe earns fats Tbo expedition proceeded on ;to its destination. -; It ia reported this A. hi. that our force have captured Kioeton, whore tbey base truck tbe railroad and are still moving into ths stats. t5t-Tbe remain of Major Rodney S. Bjwen arrived in Wilmington on Wednes day evening last, aod tbo funeral ceremo nies occurred of Friday, at 2 o'clock, P. M Ths sermon was preached by Rev. C. U. Gilbert, of Joliet, a.nd sketobaa of. the life and character of the deoeaeod were road by Rev. Mr. ' Ds'. Wolf Wilmington ndf pendtnl, Hth usl. The ICevrs. Tie ens agemant btwen-Tbom.s and IIod, in tho vicioity of ; Nashville, U was rsrswed on Friday! and resulted in) as oiler federal victory. Tbo rebele ' were drved from tbe new position tbey had tak- enop, ana ineir army tbruaen 10 tot two pa-. Unofficial dispatches report I that tn federals have already eeoured 5.000 n-isoners anacW pieoetrxr STtilerv. Tbo a loss is about 3,000 These figares, wo preeume include tbe fighting both dsys,No oslimate is given of tbe rebels illed " and wounded. Pursuit of Hood was to bo con tinoecfon Saturday i ', ' U Va tbe 14tb lost. Gen. Foster bed an interviow with Gsn. Sbortnea at Fort Mo- A!liter. which work was lakeo-by assault I on tbe 13tb. oaVannah was invested cl.)-1 ly, and a eummona tot its eurrender waa I about to be sect in, a ' refasat to nomply ! with ttbieh woald lead to an opening of the Federal batteries. The eaptore of Sa Tanoah, and tho force constituting its gar: .1 riexio, hub mniivipptea who connaeooo. The rebels have established a buaiTr of batterie on tbe Cumberland river. . One of these, a few miles below. Clarksville, 1 enid to number thirty gnn. was 'recently attacked by three gunboat. ' Tbo aail ant were driven off;' one of the vessel- be ing eericuvly. dsmeged. Tho ironclad Cincinnati is reported at'.Clarktvillo in disabled condition. A portion of the rebel Gen. Lvon'e command ia marching upon Smitbland, at the mouth of the Cumber land ; and soother body is moving toward Caevville, on the Ohio where, it is sap posed, aa attempt will bo made to effect a blockade of tbat stream. Gn. Burbridge defeated . Basil Dnke's brigade, at Kii gsport, Tbdh cn tbe 13th int. The rebele lost tbeir train and 150 men. Among the prisoners taken was a brother of he late John Morgan. lnree boats 01 tbe federal expedition up the Roan-ko river be been sunk kjt- I fvujor. uo vircai-j is ueecriuea as DSlPg a perfect network of infernal machine. lbs president bas disapproved that part of Geo Dix recent order which .'directed pursuit of raiders into British r territory , and Gsn D. bss. in constanenoo. revoked tbat portion of bis instructions to common- I irs of tho frontier At a Fenian meeting in Jersey City on Friday night, one of the tpeakere atated that 50,000 of tbe "Brotherhood" were ready to march into Canada in case of hos tilities between tbo United State and iireat Britain. Tbe Brazilian demand for reparation in the matter of the Florida ' is said to be "solemn" in its tone, whatever tbat may mean. Secretary Seward, in hia reply, does not indorse the seizure, andexpressee a desire tc have tbo matter fairly and sat isfttctorily adjusted. . . Tbe fleet under Admiral Porter, wbiob tailed from Hampton roads on Monday last, numbered 64 veasele, carrying 597 guns- An order is soon to be irsued requiring the possession f passports by all persona arriving in rbe United Statea from foreign countries excepting emigrant passengers directly entering Amriosn ports by sea- Tbie regulation will apply to parties com ing here from tbe British North American pri.ince. James W. Nye and William Stewart have been elected United States! senatore from tbo new stets of Nevada. Nye ie tbe well-known New York politician, who bas lately been governor of ' the territory. Stewart is a eoo-io-law of "Hangman" Fi.ote, of tbe rebel congress. Chicago Tunes, lOlh insl. Baltic at JVashvllla Washington, Deo. 16. To Muj. Geo. Dix: Tbo following official report of the bat tle before Nasbvilie bas been received from Gen. Thomas : 'Naebville, Deo 15. I attacked the enemy's left this morn ing, nod drove bim from tbo riser below the city very nearly to the Franklin pike dietaooe of about eight mile. Have cap tared Chalmers' headquarters and bis train." 'Vaabville, Doo. 15. "Oor lino advaoeed and engaged tbo rebel line at 9 this A. M. Tbe - line woo formed tho: Steadman on tbe left; Wood (14tb corps) next; A-J. Smith next; withox in reserve, and tbo cavalry under Wilson, fight dismounted, occupy ing tbe extreme right, aided by tbe gun boats in tbe river. Tbo artillery practice has been fine, and at times tbe musketry firing woe continuous aod bsavy ; and, tborgb the casualtiea bave been light, the results are very fair. Tho left occu pied tbe esmo ground aa in tbo morning, but the rigbt has advanced five miles, driv ing the enemy from tbe river, from bis 10 trenchment. from tbe rsrge of hill on which bi left' rested, and forced it back Mi bis right and centre. Hie centre was pushed back from one to three mile, witb tbe loss in all f 17 guns. 1.500 prisoner, and his whole line of earthworks, except about a mile on bi extreme right, where 00 serious attempt was made to dislodge him. "The whole of Hood's srmy io here ex eept tbe cavalry aod one division, whieb bas been detaebed to threaten an attack on Murfreeeboro. - - - "Tbo whole action te day was splendidly successful.- Tbe divisions oommsnded by Gen. Kimball, of tbo 4th corps, by Gen. Garrard of tbe eommaod nnder Gen. A. J. Smith and tbe oaval-y division under Geo Krape, were nnder my observation. 1 have never soon better work. Gen. Kim ball's division carried two fortified posi tion by aesault, witb very slight loss, cap taring at one point 400 prisoners and oil guns. No doubt other parts cf tbe line did ae well. I only speak of wbat I ssw." Tbe following unofficial dispatoh has been reoeived : 1 "Nsebville, Dec. 16. "Tb bsttls was severe and terrific. Our forcei were victorious. "Nashvills. D' . 16.-2:15 P. M. , "Hood has fallen back, aud ia apparent ly doing hie beet to get away; 'while Thomas is pressing bim witb great vigor, frequently capturing guns and men. Ev orytbing ao far is pertectly auoceesful, and the prospoot io fair to oruab Hood's ar my. .... There ia nothing einoe my last dispatch from any other quarter. Edwin M. Stanton. From Grant's Army. Headquarters Army of tho Potomac, ) - J' -: Dee. 15. f Unusual quiet bas prevailed all slung the line 10 front of Petersburg for tbo last few days, soarcoly a shot beiog ' ex changed, exoepting in tbo evening, on tbe rigbt of the - lino. Last night, however, quit ao oxoitorent was kept up from about n to 10 o'djok, wbaa ibe fire died away gradually, aad after midnight oct-a abut wa heard. Of oouree the picketo in tbo vicioity of Fort Hell were responsible for tbo outbreak, although aoma other ' paat of tho line from tbo . west were partici pant. V A report i current tbat 'a. number of picket watching tbe raal linee wore taken and murdered night before last, and tbat, in consequence, the foroo of moo -on this side baslbeen doubled. Changes are being made in . tbo dis position of our troops, but there ia noth ing to indicate an early attack on ths en emy. " ''..- The troops engaged in the late raid are most all in good condition. Some of them returned from tbo trip witb f rosea hood and feet, and other oars, caused by tbo severe wether which 1 mailed a, that time. , ' ' On Friday five deserters are to bo bung, two from New York, two from New Ham pshire, and one from Miooouri - ' -, Rebel deserters are coming in daily Tnoy report nothing now frees rebel- dom. .". "': :? ': (Signed) ' W.'D. MtGaEcojt, : - J From Canada. r-T New York,' Deo. 16. f "'-A privata'dii patch received in thia eity to-day front. gentleman in4 Moutre!, save- I " I1 11 ij'Itia reported that tho mossy belonrl Ins to tho hi Albsnst banks m to be res iored to-di? tbat tbert ie crttt retotin h . a J o . m . a a lore in rebel stock inee-.WeJnitdsv : atdv tbat even tbe toriee feel disgusted with tbo j proceedings 01 tbe court preeided over by i uaiS-Uijursoii,--,, Quebec, Deo. 16. Another eabioet meeting was hsld to andin,'pafmnt frfr too barohase of tbo ff jX' '""'X'.' tw.r'r day. Parlimnnt bas bsen eommooed on tax isle certificates cr laid lote."" ,v 11 , " ' the 9lhof Jaauary.- Stioendiarv jnesis- Wbereae. tho commiesiooera heretofore t ""1 nU,t.X. . Irate hava been appointed on tbo frontier, ( Mpeeraliy to take cognisance of breaebee 01 tbe neutrality laws, ana tbey are to bo nided by strong p lice foroi. " ' f "'The Journal' do Uuebeo of to-oitht. "Th. l J. ll...Vi '.r t.lklLt 't ftjg t tVl !. . , I t.- L , t ; k "Gen Dix' proclamation i disappfsYad by tho Washington government." ' " '" i i : ,rp.-. r . ?U8,0.D De0; W .. Private dispatches from a reliable oouroo at Moatreal atato that that is perfeot panic in Canada amngt railway mana gers, in anticipation of non-mteroourso with tbe United Statea, which ia expected voices tbo; go.vernraeot. ; takes prompt ao- tion to allay tho excitement on tbo border. At 5 o'clock P.M.. to day, nothing was known at Montreal of tbo Confederate raider, nor were there further develope metits in regard to .the restoration of tbo money stolen from tho St. Albans banks Rcbl Stateaasaf: . of Federal Repulses. New York. Deo. 15. -The Saricoah news of tbo 7th oays : "We believe that a fight occurred yester day at tbe froet. ia which tbo onomy were eeverly punished. It ia said that a Strang viuiu vi iiiiniifcij auu cavinv iiihibuiui command of Coi. Fisher, which io station- d 00 the outpost, wbo bad not mora than quarter of tbo number opposed to bim, but ho bad eeverely repolsed them. 1 "Wo learn tbat on Taeadaa force of tho enemy advanced toward Coomalcbio, Darning leiiapeony bridge. Tbey were attacked by Gen. Gotham's command and driven back. "On Wed nesdey morning a portion of our force bad a' sharp fight witb a loreo of tho enemy near Tetlapenny bJidge, about four miles bebw Pocotaligs. Tbey advanced toward tbo railroad, aod were driven back. One was killed and several wounded : r "Tbe enemy landed a large force at Me Kay'a point, and wore repulsed. Advanc ing towards Old Pocotaligo, they will be taken ears of. "Tho force which landed at Boyd's landing bas disappeared. Tbat wbicb fought on Tuesday was about a mile from tbe railroad, aod i reported iotreccbing. Oor oondition'in tbat locality will bo mora satisfactory at tbo next account." Be Not Deceitid. Tbo publio are par licalarly cautioned against beiog deceived by some pereon wbo from igooraoee, self ish motives, or some otber roaaon repre sent, tbat Speer'o Sam burg wioo is made with sugar. It is a well known fact that the name wine is applied to a mixture of juice, sugar and wst3r,.and sometimes cheap liquor, in various proportions, forming a cordial and not a wine. Tbe Samburg grapes, however, need no such unnatorai admixtures witb their juice as tbey contain all tbe properties esseotial ton rich, nutrative and Valuable wine vritbin themselves. The thousands ol phynicisBs io this country aod Europe who are prescribing this wine a wall as using it in tbeir own famiies in preference to alt others, is sufficient evidence of its superi ority over imported wioee, Tbe only geo nine Samburg wine baa Mr. Speor'o signa ture oer ibe cork of each bottle. Ite pur ity for a csmmuiiioo wine and its valuable properties for medical use cannot bo sur passed. Be not deceived. Portland Pres. COrjVCIL, PnoCEEDIaTGS Roon rr Cos son Cocncil, Juliet, iao. 7a, lbu4 j Regular meeting. Present bin Honor Mayor Porter and Aid. Scbeidt. Ulrich. Cuidsey. CJabby aod Tighe. ' ' Being no qaorom rreseat tienn-H it j turned to meet on Friday too 9th day of December, at 0 clock P.M. Joliet, Dc 9, 1864 Council met pursuant to adjournment. Present his Honor tbo Mayor aod Aid. Doolittle, Ueraobbaeb. Scbeidt, Ulrich, Cagwin, Austin aod Clabby. Minutes of previous meeting read and aprroved. Petition of Henry Fanning .praying tbe council to grant bim tbe privilege of erect ing n coal shod in tho alley running from Joliet street, woe presented and on motion of Aid. Cagwin, was r.ferred, together with the matter of renting street and alleys, parte of streets and parts of alleys when not used by tbe public, to tbe com mittee on, street ad bridges. - Remoustrsnee of P. Hart and J. Bjlaod against opening tbo alley, running through block 24 North Joliet, was received and reiorrea to toe committee on streets and cringe. f. v;artery and A. Williams, police iRiiirii, auamurau toir report. which on motion 01 Aia. uooiittle, wae resoived and ordered plaoed eo file. - ' On motion of Aid. ecboidL tbo oitoaUrk was ordered to draw an order on tbo Ceo- ire street groaing tund ia favor or James O'Riley. for tbe sum of twsatv-fivs hun dred dollars, being part payment lor grad- JI1-; caiu viiiio eirecK. Ua motion ci Aia. Uoolittle, tho eale of tbe property lor gradmg Exchange street was postponed lor thirty days from tbie date. . - 1 . 1 . Uo motion 01 Aid Cagwin, it wae order ed tbat tbo minutes et tho proviouo meet ing te ana tbey ore Hereby - amended and tbo commissioners heretofore appointed were empowered to amend tbeir assess ment for building n aido walk on tho north eide of e-xebaoge etreel between Broadway and tbo west oide of lot 13 iu block 50 Canal Trustees Subd'n w J sectioo 9 T 34 K 10 oast. . Oo motion of Aid. Scbeidt, it was order ed tbat tbe clerk draw an order on tbo Exebango street side walk food in favor of J J Taylor for tbe sum of seventy five dol lara part payment lor building aide walk, and tbat tbo same be paid when tbe assess ment is eullectad. Oo motion of Aid Clabby, tbe olsrk waa ordered to draw an order io favor of M W A P Bannon on tbo Exobango etreet grad iog food for tbe sum of four band red dol lars, part paymsot for gradiog said atrsot. - On motion of Aid. Scbeidt, tbo bill of A Comstock, for surveying- Exchange etreet.amountinc to ten dollars, was allow ed. On motion of Aid Scbeidt, tbe clerk was ordered to draw ao order n Centre street grading fund iu favor of M W A P Bannon for tbe sum of one bsndrod and ton dollars for building culvsrt aod digging ditch on Centre street. Tbo collector returned tbo warrant for tbe oolieotioo of tbe special assessment lev ied for tbe purpose of grading Centre etreet from Cross street 10 tbo Chicago and R I R R uneuatisfisd - ae to tbo lots and blocks, part of lota one? parts of blocks aud real estate no' marked on tbe face of ooid warrant. Oo motion, it was ordered that an order of eale be iesoed to tho said eolleotor, in doe form, to advertise sod sell tbe lots nod blocks' parts of lots snd part of blocks aod other real estate not marked paid on tbe face of said warrant, and mare doe return to tbe city clerk.- : ' - - .- ' Messrs Alloo and Hammond, committee appointed by tbe Board of inspectors, ap peared before tbe council and asked that the. cooncil repair school bouse in district J co i, so .oat ir win not ieas,wnen,on mo tion of Aid Cagwin, .' B F Allen and K J Hammond were appointed a spseisl com mittee to repair aaid school house, Co motion of Aid Doolittls, it was order- d that tbo eity etfk draw aa order ia f.- Randall k Fuller for tho earn of fifty E?". " Wltio LS ?5l f f f'iti. v On. motion of-Aid Scheldt, tbo May 'nthZT'r 01 A,d' P?0.1:1"? ,0 '.eK"'- tbe ealsries of eity Officer for the ysar 1155. ' On motion of Aid Doolittlo. John M Niff wa allowed to build hie side walk in front of lots 7 ft 8 in block 43 School See- ' lion' Addition to Jo1i;bTivini tbo oust and getting tbe consent of tbe contractor, appointed by the eommcn cooncil of the 1 teitj of Joliet to levy an : nssesWment upon 1 tbo real estate fronting 00 tho north side I of Excbane etreet between Broad wav and il,. ...t .! j l 1.1 it ;. m l. n...l Tru.tee Sabd'n" w eetior 9 T S5 R 10, to defray tbe expense of boUding side W.Ik on said north oide pf Exoheoro street, have returned their aesessmeot, doe huties of which bao been published in the corpora tion newspaper, in aoeordapce with the charter and ordinances of said oity, in tt lotion to opecial fttsestmentt, nod 00 per son having fildd any - objections, therefore Be xt ordained ' ly the common council of the city of Joliet, ' Ibat aid assessment be and the same is spprovsd and Confirmed, and the olerk is sue a warrant to tbe city eolleotor for tho collection ot tbe same. ' Paesed and approved Dm. 9tb. 18G4. ' -E; PORTER, Mayor. A'tift: W. H. ZaSlet, City Clerk. Bills reported back by committee on claims and on motion allovtd: - " " " John Fay labor, Jeffaroun-st bridge $15 50 J C Van Auken " 7 50 O Bennet " ' 10 00 B Richardson - - V , fl 00 A McNeroy lqr aalary eity marshal 15000 " baiaoce increase of salary CO 00 TO'Brian 'CO 00 " lqr salary street oons. 175 90 D n Pinnsy 1 qr salary city att'y . 25 00 W U Zirlsy ' city clerk 100 00 Joan Meaiffi monib salarv lamp ' lighter . ' ' 14 50 J F Bnoo extra police eerviss 4 00 G E Duffy 4 00 James Murpby ": : " 12 00 Walter Brennan M ' 6 00 Deaoia Mullen M ' ' , 2 00 John Hartigaa ; ' 4 ..," ; 2 00 John Walsh . JC Van Aakea'1 ""V B Richardson' " " Tbonis CT Brian : "' James CutLing "! ; Michael Tracy cleaning bridewell Was Adam lomber f r bridges m . A 1 W 400 6 CO 12 00 t ha JO .l W S Brooks hardware,- 74 7 C E Ward glass for laoapti windows 9 65 W. II Zirley making revenue books 164 76 R Kohno fcv.uliog eogine to firs ' aud backr. .... ' M 50 J Cusbiog bauli.ig plank to bridges ' 1 00 " . ; ". , sngioe, to 4 W E Porter freight 00" bi-es ' ' 1 70 M C R R Co repairing eogine N 2 55 00 J Mi-Niff coal for council roui 1 9 50' W W Steven iosuraoco on prima- ' ry (cbool bouse "." ' 6 60 R Doolittlo paid dray ago and fit-. ting up bouse to hold elec tion in 1st ward " '3 50 G E Duffy repairing bridewell 9 37 P Dmaboe draying lamp post to 2 50 J Ferguson wood for bridew-11 9 00 Gas LightCo light t lamp Ootobsr 91 45 " " " city ball 4o . 80 J J Taylor building side walk, achool bouse District No 1 90 00 A Cometock surveying Jjliet street side walk . 6 00 On motion, cnuoeil odjourned W.H. ZARLKY, City Clerk. MARRIED lo tbla city co th- 3d lnt tjr Rrr. Mr. J-wM, Mr. iuuCKiBof Jnliot, to Mua Uattu A. Umiu, of Wool Rockbridge, )lu. SPECIAL TAX HSTICX. - cur coi-LECTKii's rrrrn. Public notice im h-r-bric irrn thr a aarrant for tha coll-ctluu of a px:al Ma inranlliir ill- urMi;f LuilUica a mulr oaik on tlm north i.le or l.arliancr trwl Irom ilro-dwa- to Vt'-t .id. or lot 13 tlk-rk 60. Canal ub4ir H at U Sm tion S T 36 U 10 T. in tli-city of JclMt. Partir iia-mtrd will (Inife tak- notlr and make imniedia'a Biant tl tlinr rctiTetax- JOHN LK..iX, Citj Collector SEEawowan in am-th-r rolnnin Hrkinr Sunbnra Orapra torfei-sca'a It ia ao aJniitaMa ar- tic. nard in bonitaia and ly Ibe fiirt rla- l-milh-a ia Pii. London, and N Ynik. iu yzrlrfi to old PortVtina. ltia aortb a Inal and s"ea great a tit lac lion . MARIIHOT.A AND DV8KN1 I KY. We bare nan Iced a ictf-.i annibrr of letu-ra (rum toDte of ibe oa Brominen rilixrn of Cincinnati and Cotnt.ti.-tc. prakina: in the Mliret trrvaot br.PtrirkUnJ'a Anti Cholera M xti tor the rnra of diartba a and dyarr t-ry. 1 he l ttei are too leu hi be roMith. Mr. Wood. orCoinfto. aat be a pronounced inmra abe be Ih lat ilorion ia CiaHonaii. and uqr t-a-tie ol Dr. land's Aali-Cholrra Mixinrr eflWted a permanrrt cure afl-r oO-rinc Ur aiontl wiih the woj-t lorm of diarrbo-a and dtsentorT. 60 crate oar W ,1a L' i - . . . . r T H. CHENEY. M. PHTKli ..a Praoaoa. A I, Jn,.t.lUM aad AaaaU. I'k. linir.. k...u..k AIM . . Ornrt Jrfererin t, orer Elnateln' Clotlilnc Store. Illdear-, Netioaal Hotel, to be found at oreecut at vmiw v. rrviia, ouiniaai. . ...... Cunaaltalion ia tiersiaa or French. : " ' E STRAY COLTS. Loet three colu. one a dun colored. One era oat: cream, blac k uaa-aad taikona. I.t. 'ji - little white in lliefm. a? I mare col t. 1 year old. aod u. ..., i.n meien auouiaer with J K. A lioeral rwwaiu anil ot paM. JAJaKS KYAM. Dec 20. 104 . Teotooe, IIL FKC1ALTAX IOTICE. - . citt collkctqh's orrrcs.1 Joliet. lire. 10. r rnblic nctice i berrby icirea that in pnrananr at an order of the common roanril cf the city of Joliet, uiauc c-a me win oay of vrcrniltrr. lobe, too berrt ber will oo the 3uth day of December lu xt. com mr ac ini; at tli north or the Court Mooae la aadcitr. aell at pablic auctioo the atnalleat portion of ioU, par w hm ana rem eeiaie aereloaliMr Oe-crilaa (lo be uiaea irtHu me rasi aiae tnereor;, lur wnicb any per son will pay tbe anma rreptfully et opnoailetoearh been: apcclat Uxe aaeend tbarwefi by tbo commoa coubciI for tb purpusa hereinafter named, together with the exneueea of eale, lo-wlt: For the patpoee vi pi-u'ns ieaiee nrreet. ueiwee-j vruas aueei and m i;BM9aco ut KocB lalaaut tUilroad. Demmood Addition lo Weet Jot let. ' To whom aeteetad. Lot Biorfc. Tax John II Beeca, i -i : 1 ; :S . $28 OS e 21 2S 00 Joal A Hattaaoo, a 92 - SS 00 eeme ..- 4 IrJ VS 00 athar voautoca. .. j , H3 . xN 04 eanie 2 2S M Jacob Ofsaitein, " " ' '' " 4 4 Mil Caoal Trnatee-k rJabdJriaica of tec. 0 T SA K 10 K oei weurica, Ataiker Cometock, 1 M 76 10 60 . 1 61 AM 19 17 '. : . -. 4:,16, 18A19 do 6T 74 . 36 41 161 TO E.tbrr Cotxidixk, pcnooi sec Addition to Juliet. s T SO 60 61 00 SO 60 SO 60 SO 60 SO 60 AOam txaiatoca . Win C Wood, , I jt of Michael McKYoy, biatoa D Prlaca, Cbaa A Uastiag, Kichard n Uewe, Henry K bteana George Prtara, tamnel Lock wood, J Yoao Scaa.xaoB, James Tyrell, Jama H Hatch, 0 D A Park. Hereey Lowe, t'lancie Cb.iod.paoa, . , Joarpb Kohnn, " Herrey IxiWe, Cbaa At Wrd. f boioatoa Wells. CbaaKWard, ' ' Chicago A ft I B B Co. Peter MoQoada. Cbesaito A K I & K Co. 'AO AT . t ' a Sit V -16 16 SS 38 28 ' , SS I 47 47 T 1 : 48 Sl' 48 ! 48 66 66 66 80 60 SO 60 a oo 80 60 30 60 SO 60 M 60 84 60 1 SO 60 SO 60 80 60 SO 60 SO 60 SO 60 SO SO 66 I , SO 60 64 30 60 Patrick O'Connor, (ieorge rhard, John atrUiania. 4 ' 06 : 6-, ; 66 ' 06 ' 00 to ao to 3-1 60 AO ti CaUbJ KkJrw.y, Kicbard h Uewea, Cba it Ward. Clarrlaaa Odiorna, Cba It Ward. 80 60 SO 60 46 do aw 60 do SO 60 tertatf ceoU coat axa kerab aAdi ao 60 Ml MX1 Ara cent a paid before u-cet ,4 real estate ad-ertieed above, and tblrti at addUionial will bo added H tb? tu Ut mL dura Mm day of -ale. to tb tax oa ' JOHM LKNVOW tf. r.,fl- AUBURN HOUSE. JOllBT a I I.a..;t - ;t THB nadVnlgaod, fe-Ung craatfDl for sbo rxUvdad farora from tbe trarri.n. T?" i-t " . T " aau.ll Deo. 11 1a7i S-t7"Z " ""f- , . a u rrr i im wm it -D ENTI8TR "X. ' D". O. W. COOK pennaatly located la Joliet.- leaiMhll.. .. k- I ..I SerrUea ta tha pot) tic. . All p par at ion entrust ta my care, will bo 'performed in tbe moat approved snaaaer, aad all work warranted tnr to year. times naxt door to th Foot Office, oeac Cwalp' rekry Btora, JeUat, III. ) E. O-APPu&.SOUf 1 1 . piprsiciAirs autiQEoztSi fOSMZStT 0 KSW t&xki 'w art trMtisg taccwifsuy CHROH ICHDISE ASE3, i tON A NEW SYSTEM.."' - ' Which mbrarr th bt m4 ant -pprTS VMtk. ' ' . - All nf f TOfijfc enl1e RHpa mm .-!.-, 7 filI?!?.?!rf"i.:? tt d 'tk-l.iT "T:.1 T" -f maowri Com- !;,lllIi,7,- --rt JpZZZi ggitt VsIxneW i itXXJktViatUtr - t Which rs.rijiag.Moti-4a ta'tkstt rrsrtsaa-- " E Y E XJL ivS -A IX ' x Thtj trwt Mccanir-Jljr, a oe B-tbed, all Sin'." of Uit F.J nd Kr. Tkj ha had -Mrs suj- " aiT practice, am Mtwr tacceaa la ttaa tr-a ai . ; .11 t all Di$eae$ of nmejsY Thaaanyatber Ph--iriaa la America' Tb-r Van " , . eutd mio ko btn bm c-ftflvad to sbaar - tot j Mr. TbtJ aarar fail to amra .-: j EHEUMA TlSlVir la all atagas; new matt- of bow long steading ; Tkjr ear - ast n ar a, v ao It aartr Tatars. They ba-a a Sara Car lot ta.S ' diatraaalat lima, ' Jlemmorrhoidi or Piles , Tar car aU Mi of tha Throat and Lungs I DirTiiriTTi cuized r .' Tkay i00Tarad a '- . SURE AND SPEEDY CURE FOB THIS TEERIBLB DTBKASXI It i alaes ttrre car fnr Bcmrlarlaa, or Scarlet Farar.--arfaitb lr-f tk aa-Mclaaaof dia-aaa. It .aarar taila l o nn DUitb-rial or ScmrUtiaa la troai IS toalS kra I 11 ' relirf toai-diatoljr. Trict Per Bottle, - - $5.00. CANCERS. 1 ful raMi ia tba tratat of Caacrra vhlck Umv CUKK withua eating thea oat oc aaiag tlia koita lt tho-a vno aao ,. . 11 . . TUMORS OR SWELLINGS,- r a rod spot loos no tiaa'ia ha-lag I attndfd tev" a a tin-.! J treatment aa aar lb. at froa tbo koT" rora, auHeriiig and dcotb of aa opoa cancer. ' CATARRH CURED! They or t reatiog Catarrh ea a new sj-atea' which ia a SCHE tfRE FlK THIS DI8E1SE I Zxperieaeelta prxsrri tlat Catarrh ra-asat bartnedl ' by local trratatrat olenc; be bee, tbe Many adTaniaed) curea fcrCa( of w.iteb are Iceal rraxdlea, giro relief eaJy abil tbe pa lie at ta aaing thear bal Lml-r-tandlnj-Uie direaae aad we tin H camtiaS be enr-d by Local treatment lUmt, tbcierbre we alee prercribe a con,i'fui'onoj remedy to l takea, aad by tho combined lecul aad rmulilmlimuml treataaeat, ee are enabled te rcmoro tk tatua of CUcrS, adl thereby effect A PERMANENT -TJRE. , Tbeir encen Italian for year bar averaged from flee to aeeea thoaaand a ear whhk gieea them aa ezpatieaee naaaruaaaad by aay . aad equalled only by a lew. - a-Bemember I bay do ol premie to cars all eta-, getut there. . Wlu'k- all di are cnrable. If ta- -km ta -rswoa, all tavr aot. Tonr raa. may be : curable thi week, ant neat to-day, aot tomorrow; hence tbe daegcr of di lay. KOCAEKWI1L BK BECK7TEB, Wim.w 1DEKB AKf DotBTS Or CVRC UK Br.LIr. ror Turn are Ca ; kt-nc tba aeooey aaay be eo with all oroor ormillc;Bea. It coot from Ave Sw- fifteea dollar per month, to doctor with aa, wkiakv' iacloilt mrdicinee. atar-ln poor will he uroreil. COXSULTATIOX FREE. Patient mnat write their naaae, f-tote, pat oglco addree. plainly, All letter reqwtrmg aa aaew.r, mn't -on tain a letter etaaip. aad be ereaawi to Dk KNAPP HiN. Bx 643. v.kieng. 111. Any .d" Ih-atwrei l eaacan t- tr-atcd) neceeefnt ly by the -lientedeMr.hingtheircae to a tetter, when they nnot ae- na. Ir. Kuapp, wiio will JOLIET. rexnlarly la the Intnn-, may be roeenlted at tho NatUaal Ilet-t SATTRDAT, DKC1.MBFB Jlt. SATIIIDAT, MAECn lilk, . i. SATURDAY, MAY Utk. ' 8ATUHDAT. JCLT litk. I-C. 17, l6l.y STRAYED OR STOLEN " IVECM.the .nb-rribft, a BAT COLT, tbrr T r old -t, beary built, braey tuane atd tail. 6t wkita about Ljbi. A rcaard f I0 aill be faid to any ana giving tr.f.inait.n a krrr ea.d olt ana 3 lM.fowwd. Joliet, Die -ju, 9fc4 JoHK FEkUtN. TAX SALE KOTICE. Notice I hereby (ivrn to all prreoua coacrrBed tVat at a eale of laud aud lot lor Uli aid coat f..r lb year I1.66. held at tbe Court H,.aee ia tbe cllv pf Jot. tel. V ill Co., Ill , oa !)- of Jane, lr, 1 the aa-di-raiicaid became tLe pnirb err of tba) cert 1 beat re of eale the knowing doecrUa-J ywoe ar. aarccu af land, lo ait: Acre. Deecrlp. Bee. T. . X; Vteaataideof Oa U 61 S of eaat axle of 2 Lu-lou a. and l 69 .0 . ' 1 as of eaat eldj of 40 a. ivi, 11 ., 1 of rat aide o 30 a a w hi 17 64 16 ' Lei 13 Llo. k 31 School eec Add lo Joliet, "O at 14 "J . m :. . a. That the time ol leUempUoa will explro la two yaan jonn xcKirF, , Joliet, Dec 20, 1164 B-S TAX SALE NOTICE. Notice ia hereby given to a peraoaa coaoaraed that at a l of land and M for uxea aad roots for tb year 18o3. held al the Court Ilea I tbe city of Jolt et. ill Cuaaly, lliiaota,oa the 3d day af AUy, 164. 1 became tbe purcbaeerof tbocartincoteatf aai oftla lot lowing ueacribed bicca ar eavracia of load, to-wiu cava. . LM-ecrlp-ioo. , is,. T. B B 40 iJjn;i I l i z 60-100 wiLot M tyru. AsMoy BaMiv , ol LMgbtoa KeeeiVBtlOB' 'A 11 86 2400 , . ,UewU 1 ICIUII -ke-il w tn a frl I Bubdir w U bO SO . . , so ; -4 ei-100 4 eo-iou 14 is a H a e i . 17 it a ' t wfl j: ,ti S S3 ' ... Ksi4aadpartofa a U IS 84 pat tba tlm of ronemptioa wUl aspire ta two 1 true the date of aald tal. . cuuuiv w an part Tears Joliet, Dec 20, lsb4. JOBS Keif IFF: TAX SALE NOTICE -ft PUBLIC aotica ia bar-hw .v.. -. .- .!.' and laad lor city baxea for tba year 1863. held aa the 4th day of 61.,, k4, to Will touaty.aomT tbo mT- 'r;' V ota U blork Ktbt Be. Add.iu,. to Jolirt,... tn., I ... ,b. bokWef Ui aarti ncale, an d that tb time of redemntioa Will ATtVnaiSA 199 Jn Uom lL tUtc of -Mid ml. December 20.1804 : ' , V laoTicjc. ESTATB OF nARMCS W. CBABLES, SZP. ' PTJBLIC noilc. bereby g,Ten. that aa tba Third. Monday of Fabraary next, (beta tb Such dar of, aid aaontb.) I abail attend uetore the -TV. ivlri! of H ill Cawuty. at the CoartllSm. tol ttZT ",,;r ""'lDg ana oan.aflcUI-V. 121 1Z ""M .""-o W. berto.T.ta WaahAt j,wa.- ear aad waara .11 , to wriUiig.,imai4 eatot lor .djUtaeaat.. ed ll fT" '"ft4 -toto7ar. ali7eo-J: 4 .tVi,., ,U, ""I'r.ign'd without i.yv . . - TflA D.SBAALhJl. AdmtohnBwtrtx. V "iLm bub reoneaiMi 1 m m t j . . . . .ei tiea. SB, 1664.... ' . ajjva-A, Farm For Salts. Tb anbaoribaw r.. c 1- 1. . ... tb Iowa of hew Lcx,4 ..U-a aorth M WMat,, 1 ix-looacrei: Tktaisaaaaf tha heat. " "I tontity. liher for atock roiaiagor mraw L, !"' ?" ' rUi Stiealars U oa ska aa, uibcr on lb (arm. ., Joliet. Kov28. 1864 4w THOMAS t. STXTX.V8- i A Qoc&e aod Lot for Sale. Tk nbacriber wiabine- to larnn hk iknw, wfSl sell lib bonee and lot, sitae! ad eo Saa. k aortoof tbefbkxk.ohaay orcaao. Ik Aaaae. - a good frame bona two etorie hi, eh tower eta, ry Bniehad for a wore and the appor 000 A a reatoaaoa. with lour .and room aod other ooe'-j -r imraoa aUbiag a bwgai. Bumf arpjr . JoliM V. 2. I4 l)m& maker ant! feamstress. f Alhtraenv of Jcltet tht has .1aat a aboa reoarrd to oo n aia --- ' - -ea. aom that aba I a war wtoow. wte. . mmily of 'ebiiiUM "-Vi adrBolieibi a hrf public P'c"P- . FBOMShotowa of Lock port, a dvk bymraa-l 4n aoie ah Btina jb too sr ... abort. Hi grayieh dowa to tba fetlock, eaa Wad footwbito: the rait is a bright bay miovUS weak old wbeo aba left about tb 13th ot liny laat. An laoaravaima aaoraa wsb KM) lack port. - tbe abovepronerty will b Uberslly rewarded. 7T fee. ur, joc. - , . I 1. IW