Newspaper Page Text
AM -n , - ' sj E5Y" GOODS.':: s : a a fox's cu stand. HATS. - CAPS.. STilA - - . trail- ! V A -a. w O . I H piidowsnaacs, WINDOW - GHTf CORNISH, and OoKTwrit M Wlaawws, GOLD LEAF MOULDINGS, ". 'J ,- ijc t.- - .': 1 rr- Aw'1K6oW001.iOYAIi WhMESV. ; oast e shows ; Im Jollst.' AW. mtm sad lobars . Bow tylnn .ao fAvemMaanlketBriesBad I""Wrfc " WOOLEN 8HlTS.d DBAWiRt. A largo stock of EST 'FURNISHING GOOD . SCHOOL BOOKS, mSCTLLAV'XOCB BOOKS. HISTORICAL. BTe, Prayer BOOKS STATIONERY. VHOTOOiifH ALBUMS; BXANK I M sstsrvVso af CARTA DK TETSTES, Callerf. Gold Pen, Jewelry, Fuey Geode, Ac . .. -i rVMiw thaa any ather AMS lOOE 0K. MItu;Il rfWH, AprflVHM. W.F.BARRETT. BXALKBIS SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE Stores. Iron. If all. Tin and Copper-ware, Larka, Larehea, rarpeaSrr's TeaU. Farming Tool, WM BaaA, Straw Onttera,. Hay Turner. Kap aw Kztraa. Flew, Horse boa. Hone Naila, Bov. Chain Pnmpa. Wood Pumpa for W'lla, Cwtora nsmpa. Lead Pipe, and varkooa erner artiolaa too aum'rioaa au mention, all of wbick will be anid Obi aa any other man will aril. I Asm Bom A bo fl TV O XT 13 o , T. H C IROKSIDE t Ihjlrn Haaww, Seanoth, Ftaln Caating: new Stove, ood tba beat combined Cook Stove for Ceal, Wood or Cob, Cnae and See l!;-lmrrofcniiit. The Iroasidaa will hake with I fuel aad be more Starabl than ay other combined Stove, AewjKrwIiw'ged by aTl that are nsiag them to be bet r tkoo tba fUwart. It coata leaa money, and yon aoa eaetA a aal qaickar than can be got with the uwt Soad refereacea given by those who ars Itktg she Geod Samaritan. Alt general anrtmnt toVsa, whieh will be aold at aaeat of various style of Cook 10 per Cent Abore Coat. . Atl'Blevw Warranted tAlTlaeUoB. t la Will Cenaty. THE CONNECTICUT PLOWS atlfh'a Patent Cast Steel Plow beat all other Plow.; War quicker and eaaier; will wear long; dra saal, aad 00 the work of atirring and breaking soil better and more aatfcrtaetory than any .. ether PLOW IS IUK AlAKKKt. faimiu are swejoeetad to post tbemte1"eo on. the - Ilka Pleas-before porchaaing any other. w. . barrctt; 8ft peel te Rational Hotel, Joint, 111. araV otwak lslnmal Plexors, for sale At BARRETS. ' AB1D0S CLOTOIS WRISOBBr T wfll wria. 0 bate eolUr '1X8, Brew's Ctn Plamtor, " ' tAeet HoTasorn Plantar in nee. Penona wanting a awed I'lanter bad better have their orders in early to CT.0..tu.oa. BA.RRETT, Agent; J H.MAHKY,J. MANNY and Tkampson's Kxtras for Reapers. Order early to bo aure your blrhva ia n right. Fur sals JoUt.reb., At BARUKTI'8. TCU LATEST AI5D TllE BEST. to"mla.CjM maim. aaa I K0 MORE BROKEN TUGS. X hove anichaaad the oaslwaivo right to sell the J.W1BB Patent Bwckla, the onty VaalMo ever a Which entirely - . . swan th TK firwan Broaklmaj, ui will otbr hi to the tarmera of Will County. R.neahir thai ta the only place whore yon oaa gar Aha Wis BocUe,aaa don't buy any oumr aa yoa wiu ; aave It dullaxa la s set uarneaa y naviag 1 1 have eonatanUy on hand n Urra'aaaortmenl of all eode awaally Kept la a II ISBEB8 SHOP, saad of the bast material and la tba moU .mho aaaaaer. All my good are warranted maaaembar.aall at Ueury Btuadera' Bluff street, aaa Rarhaaga.Jouw, . IISSRY 8HRADER. t Mar ti.lte, . C. 8. STAMPS. . : H ktsaa of OwitMl Riaaaa Rsselvo Btsssps f aalavat ta nsooroyajavnace at aoiaw, oy r v7avsi W. Ism - B. F. RDftgi ELL. ;"TtilAvl AiAAj Ik Bali's. -cKEW STYLES I ZZtunXatrtJ Eastern GtOTianSEKPOHHIllT Ml CSOITIT MMDS 1 Vja Bare fata' fO 0BX0A9O BACCE I on ommt HUE GLOTHIHG A Eastern Emporium ;OUT THIS OUT ! Irii( k vitk jl ab LAHQEST STOCK l0tT.lTAIUtM detail ltliinVlrts 1 J m cmIbaoo. ;;) Weharebsci too long known to blow muck in ' in a windy adrertis-' ment, but will pledge ' ouraelrea to knock the potaut of th present higa prioe of Clothing. NOTICR. la Im paat yam Bo oaa artlol Baa aOmaaaA m tastdlr Clothing, but our trnmenw Keuul Balea anabl aa to aaU aiany seeda at a wmrnil ad Ajrm o- WOOD' LIFE INSIR AM Y AGENCK! HATKYOOBKBS TIVPORTUNATBI ARK VCU IN DKBT1 . WOULD YoO IK AVBTOCR . FAMILY CoMFORTABLK! T4KE OCT, , A t I F E POLICY Wilbuat a day del a j ! Ita tha CaEArmr Pnct or PunmmTT" and th tOBsar wai to pr Tlrtr for the ifo and 1 it 1 1 oara. You pajr lor it ia aiaU aaanol inatatlinrBta If Ton Hve to old are yoa don't pa bmH of what 00010 lrk it yoa dieihe riaar tiao. your laaiilj, bjr yoor liBieljr ItiToetnipnt of a t.w Dollars receiTe toooaanas ITPaVSNOTAXKSI NktDS NO REPAIR?! TDK OLD (OSNECTHTT fllCTCAL i Eatabliahed 184S, refanila annaalljr IIalt thi TkeVi " cms back to the inmirrd in diridroda (Nootbm Com pan; baa averaged thia ) Capital now over a millitns Loaera paid, over 3 nniliona, and baa paid bark over S millkma ia dividend! ia maiated lorTVpr cent of ita cnae reoeipta being more economical than any other coniiaor. and hence, pars larger dividend Piraae call oa the enbarober h full information. AU queatiooa answered with great pleasure. W, C. WOOD. yRefcrenee to Meeara. T. Mack, -6. H. WoodrnfT. L. J-.Sa,S K.Caaey. AcAc . fMaj 'b3. ' WM. KMABE.& COsS PIANO FORTES. Read the following commendatory let ters from distingiii&aed Artists. Wal. Knahe k t: Uenflemni: &2 After having played on the Piano of Mraer Ksabs A Co. It ia imrmeilblr not to hear tti mony to tlieir qualities wlrich have acquired for mem 'ne eminent reputation which tlier rnjo The ilanoa of their manufacture, on width 1 have played, are exceedincl.v reniarkahle for tneir qualities of Tone. Tlie Has is nowrrfui. without harahneee. ami the npfier not sweet. clear and hannoniounly mellow, ichryalin.) anu uo no oeaita'e to txirrM In retraril ! these tnstrumenla my entire ratUfuciioii, and to declare that they are equal if not mprrinr t the beat manufactured in Eape or tliii coun try by the most ceh'bratril mak-rs. .A.. VI, VUTTHIIaLK, Jnlis Baser A fe. f hlrjico OruilJnr,,.- I consider II Hum Knabe A Co' the most perfect in ne, combining in the niheat degree the m"st valuable and e-n tuu requiatte of power, eajunre ef tece, and geaerai accuracy.- The Baes po"eM rr--at oomnaae ana volume, mid the hi-ln-r notes a clearness and nrhneu of ton. seldom at tained in other instrument. Tit. touch or aot Ion appear particularly agreeaMe. and in Ita proportionate- a-inptttion reflect great rredli upon tu manufacturer. The lutroiinction of your Piano in the West ha created a new era ia Musical circle, and will duulitlcs crown your effort with the eminent auoceea yua o 3 rwriiiy ment. ery truly, yours, Cktoago, Jiuwg, 1664. LoUISSTAAD. ireeommena tne pteno of Mr. KxAna to evaryueoy wno wanta a really first claw. 1-stru. ent. . . U. B4LAT&A. VTbu Kaabe X C 6eeu.- 1 have great pleasure in certifying that 1 have tnea -our r-quare fianos. and find them equal, If not s.-oerior, to any In this country Among their gre.i -talkie, which distinguish them, l the evenness -f tone, the agreenhle and easy touco, ana volume or tone, n tilling you J. e woTSB you o nu'ltiy oeserve, 1 am sir yours very truly, K.THALBEUU Wpj. Knahf A Co. Gatlrmn,: I I cannot but congratulate you upon the im- 1 men progreas and improvements a hu h you wiHiiHMii wane on jour riaoo. wnicti, in m opinion, rank among the verv highest in this J country. in. sTHAKOaCU. ! J. Baier k Gentrmen: '." I Our Opera Troupe are at Mwntaiog four of your justly celebrated Knahb f i.a.n., and a, , iiirioueni 01 sue view and (-t.hiloua of tin various Artists, permit me to v, I rmiKidei them umatrparmed in brtUiamtii and mrrtltmn and prr-mintnt, mUuml -j rirtil rn Mtsenwa- rw er tn Anroie. Aerr mwnor ewaffy ef Mm., cuwoiuiiig grvai uepin and p werrul vol- ume, with which and a peculiarly thur and even ireoie, together with a magic elnstlehv ..f 3 toucn ana acta.n, rentier llietn avnener eiarr. sW ,'nstraaneats, which rar ly if ever combine these mot rnra inl reuuuiie. I n.ost' endorse the high end merhoriuns -nc-ouiiurut stwj.hwi: iiniiiiiuiicim nMu iiM-se I'uilios. r K. iWHtlU, Miuiral Dirr.U.r, I a! Ujjerm, Vh.oiyo, Fib. 10, ism. VTm. Kaale A fo. GnU!nn,: Having reeenl'y had opp -rtind Wr of 4-sliiii notn your new caic and rpire ri i 1 it gives ue great pleasure to stiile tlint I b . found th-m to combine all the qu-ditireto-mak- a Piano as K-rfect aa pesil.le,.Miid uiisurpi.- l by any that I nave so a eiUM-r m tb Hiuti or kueniH-, f..r great power and ruuuiin- tone, coinhined with that peculiar .weet ani - mging quality, so nfi,n kh.imI wai.lii h ii They are really unsurpaiiUr.an1 ii toucn ng that can lie deaiied liy tli uut I rilliant pinyer. WiabLig you aif) suv cess, rcautin, yours -uiy. aaa Virtf tor 0 :h Grrmti Op- rn" JULIUS B n U ' R h CO '.VhoUoiU Agents for Nnrlhwest-rii S a i. .' 99 8. CJiirl- m,d fjg llV.,rfv if tlllCtC'), III, ' fP" Ii POy a ' .0 3NT 13 XT GROCERY STORE. rgtHK subscrfbet would inform the public that be haa X removed his place of business to the aecon build ng aoutn of the Natioiiai Hotel, Bluff Street, where at all tunes win be found n good assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES, PROVISIONS .. . T. Z - - vane aa n a ii.J q n o r s Us msasActares from ths Chinese Sugar Cain a choice article of - & A S O HUM R U M, ; PvB. from all potaonns awbatances; which he wfll- seH by tin barret or in leas quantities. The quality of the liquor canuot be excelled, even by that imported. He also has on hand a quantity ef Y K w'h I i l a K K Which be will sell to customers at tow rates, t Availing himaelf of tbie opportunity to return hia thanks lo patrons fur their liberal patronage in tha past, promising them at tba name time that be wllteo conduct hi business in the fntnre as to merit a ooo- tinncpee and increase of patronage. JOHN TBIXLKR. ' iieept 1812 " ' ' s nMitf I .1 AAl loiotMUV uais. T A amis iBing aa X sssow naatlv; bargaia, . all gone. Callaaoa 1 yeaMosss at SO BlnffSL B V n V "VISIT C PUTNAM'S .All&S 118 y - j v; -.Vt'.: BAA V IT- V" VISIT (PUTNAM'S) Au6 5 118 S ? i-VLu W SVAIM'S COUHSOJ EITTER3 'WKft grg A healthy tools, fen tie stimulant aad aseqoal 1(4 moTBln( appetiser. Prepared ta rip ati Boarbon. Betnf sew ksed ta the axduriea ? fl otheri Blttera Ta ; ar&re iw fiJ fl States Army HotpttaU, and millions or prtraw Tamlllea, and Is the ewijr popalar medtebM wbick has been especlajly zmpal from stamp Sox by Um United Btatcs gorernmant, n th groand of ha fearing been adopted as standard rvuMfTy b the medical prafcaslosv. SVA(NJS BDUBOM BlTTERt5 nr-Tbey ate mad oi lnrredienU wall kaown . and approved by the nmidot prrfttAoA, M ". - aving pouftrfM Umie pnpertitt, are both ' i palatable and pleasant, with tufScknlreua mint propwtia to corrective Wooo d'naags fj "' ' Kent of he ayatemajid aot like s.chana VhaB takea according to direction, as a remedy nay ' the following diseases : Imiigti, Dyiptp- M, Jtiumdtf, VmrrJiffulion, Lon of jLppo Cm, Lovntu of Spirit, &UU ConfUxtio, SVAIM'S BOURBON ' n Rnoimekt, Cbrrferaew, and kindred J! state, nrlalng from disordered eoodltlon of tha tHomaoh, Liver, or Bowel. Let weary owe try these agreeable Bitters; one tried and sad,' ther wall reconrmeni them with ceoaW T " dance to all others who are in need of a whole some, agreeable &tf effectual font.1 Therapi1 Idly Increasing demand for these BiUert has) ' Induced me to give them publicity, so thai1 ' thooaanda who have not nsed them, may try t : tham aad be convinced of their efiioacy.' ' SWAIN'S BOUABON- BITTERS i ISfLadVo, who hare tried and fonnd moat oaher "fbomarh Biutrt" U Mm, ampoiav I tabU and to kigkly tiuditaud for their dellcaia taste, please give (hese a trial, aad 701 will, not lie without them. Thcy will give ton t ' t , the stomach, and steength jo the whole systssa. tSlt your draggbt or tradesntan has not got tkM SUun, have him send for theaa. tBemenber the name, and take no other. SWAIU'S BOURBOH BITTERS tV The eompo)tlon of Dr. Swath's Bitters, harlot made puMlc through the column of Medl meal Journals, and having been adopted as a standard rem edy by the Medical Hrofcwido. are by the decision ef the Commluinner of Internal Revenue, KhKAtPT FHOM slAMr UlTV. ' " TRTa H. SWAIN, rionuBTOo, 1 er t ..a &t w . l t . , urnoaa u gaulb M aker 8U, Chicago. C A. COOK, General Agent for the Went, Office, 26 Market Street, Chicago SOLU BY ALL Uhl.ou.sis Slav 24. 1S64 1) PEER'S SAMBURG'WINE J FCRB -M OVR YkAK5 OLD. F R rnBtM Ml'MON TABLK and tor FAMILY 1E. yteai KeiS .y ,1'hvainai lot (gALIS&. v sAati fJUtbUMB ana lAVAtaus Every Family at this seaaon should use theftamliLrg Port Wine celebrated in Knrope for il medical aud lieneflcml qnalities highly esteemed by eminent phy sician, need in Knropean and Anieiieau Ilopitala.aud. hy tome or the flrst famne in r.orope and America. AS A T(MC it haa no equal, causing an appetite And building an tne system, being euureiy pure wane 01 a moat vat- uaiue grape. AS A DlfUKTIi' It impart a healthy action rf tlie OUmla. Ejanrysaad irtnary Organs, very benenml In Dropsy, '.lout and I'lienniatir affection. SPO K'fi WINE rs a wire article from the loir of the rort grape. poaeesMng mefiteat yireperti to any other wine in tne. aad an excellent article m, ail weak and debilitated persona and the aged and infirm, improving the appetite, and benentting lad lea ei children. Try It once, indrra nail not he deceived. ' t, AEaTBe sure the signature of Alt ati Srua Is oer the cork of each bottle. . Sold by all Drnei'ts and flrat clasa eVtalera who al I sell the CAPTfcLLA 1VKT BBANDY. a chntre bid article, imported oc'y by Mr. Fpeer- direct from the vaults 01 uporto. - 1 rao auppited by Urdt mith,Cblcge,drncgiata, and by A. Sneer, at b Vinrvard . . " I'noolpal . No. au8 Broadway, New York. " . Dr. STRICKLAND'S intcllelifliiona Cough Balsam. CURES Coughs, Colds. Pore Throat, Asthma, and Consumption. It Is only necessary for any one troubled with three complaint to trwone bottle of ' Strlcfc.lan.eVa Melllfluowa csk Balaam to convince them that it 1 the beat preparation ever a sod. It not only cures the above affections of the Throat and Lnnga hut ft cures Night Sweats and "fit ting of Blood, and la and excellent gargle for any kind of Sore Throat. It ia pleaasnt to fake, and a aafe med icine air infanta.' Price 60 cents per bottle. ror aaie Dy umggisi generally lnay 17-lv PILE S - SURE CURE A TJIYFRY BODY IS BEING CUBED of this diati XJ mg disuses by tae ase ot Dr. Btrlckland'a Pile Btmtdy, Read what those aay who have need it Mr. Charles W Landram.of Louisville, and Mr. J. P. Hasarde. Cincinnati. O- both were cured after us ing 0ne pot of Dr. Strickland's Pile Remedy. They -say they have tried everything bnt could obtain "ho relief, but one pot of tricklauds Pile Remedy affect ed a perfect cure after suffering fo. many years with tne worst kina ol l'Uee. aney recommena every poo who Is sefftxing to try it. Bold bv all Druggists. 60 cents per pot. MauoTaci nred at No, 6 East Forth street, Cincinnati, Q. . . . Aak for .... Da.BTIUCKLAND'8 PILE BEilEDT. Or KxchaBt for Kastcrxt PropsrtF ar A nice Dwelling Hooae. with verandah front door and window blinds, with a wood W. KltK.. attacnes to tlie dwelling which has - cistern and pump in it. Also a good Wood House 23 ft by 12, baa a brick chimn y a good well of water iu it and makes s very convenient piece lor washing acd .ooking The w 3 Lou well Improved, 60 ft by 13 each, with alley in rear. , Also a fine drape Arbor 40 ft by 8, covered with choice vines in full bearing. A variety of fruit and ornameutal trees, shrnbbery, Ac. The buildings and arbor stands on centre lot. There ia s good. substantial picket tence in front, high dose fence in Teas. Front aad rear Carriage way.- The place ia beautifully aituated in Uie city of Joliet on Miaaisaippi Avenue, south of MvC. R. R. Warehouse and wall tie sold cheap lor Cash or exchanged for good Eastern Property not over 10 or 16 milt from the sitiesot New York or Brooklyn - - - , For full particulars addreas .';. - -.. ; I f CB.JONK8 P.O.Box 647 ' ' JoltevWm OcllL, we call and view tb. presaina.-. . ... , Jone9,1863. 62-3m BOT1CB. ;-.'eW-.t'.' ..: ESTATE OF DAN1L SMJTH-, DR0T. ' "Y"CBUC notice a hereby given, that on ths third X .Monday of Oct. next, (ueiog the Mat day of said month.) I shall attend before ths County Court of Will County, st tbe Court House In the city of Joll t, tor tbe purpose of settling and ertfcietlDg all eaaitns against the eatate of Daniel Smith Ute of aaid 'County deceased, when sod where all claimant are notined and requested to attend and pieeuht then-claim lo writing against said ear ate fur adjustment. , All person indebted to said eatate, pre slab ren nest ed to make psymsnt to the nndenrigned all howl aeNy. : -,r . . ' ALARY aUUI wBITH, Adma Jvr1lei.Oc4.lT.16sC v - Ww uCawir?s - c i mle QKAMAII J?APBt sad BOOKS, at tho- f ust ones Mow Veprt. . N R W a. ,. . V. a j. B.- A iferdinand paesold. ? n Would call the attention of the eJtlsess of Juliet and vicinity, that he haa opaaad ffln kand Cro slt near the MiddU Brtdat, 8001 ana enoe Mora, oa in earaer 01 It KlntaV AH K raan aa aa ab? WlHwUflountJM- iht a aot tnteni 01 ! Wmea'i, JHIancs's, sad ChUdrn'i 1 Cair. Uoat. and Enambeled Shoes: : "AlaoCHimrtw OoSMiaBo. I ! tit IV '' rSB . s,l .'.J ' All kindsof Men's, Boy', and Children' Boots and Shore made to onler at the ahorteit a otic and of tha IhI ntnek ia the market. JiraiemUer the place, on B'uff aad Cross sta. woliet.Vt.ta,lllnO';p-T.r rTq t iT."f& NSW GOTSJNQ f i CLOTH AND TAILORING 'a tnaSJor vtonneraity ocrapeudhy B. DooUttlo.-r TH R anbecrlher having reopened a taftorfeg and clothiiut thelmre named nlare. wonld inlnrni his old rnntomera and acqnaintences that no id prepared to fnrniah ear manufacture every stile and variety ol Men and Boys' wear. ; He will also keep on hand i " Vostlwsr awd FwralslttBa; Gaods... , THE CLOTH "DEPARTMENT will at all tiitie be stocked with the beat .varieties. whieh wll be made np to ordei, and the work war ranted to give SHtiafacuun. BEBASTIAK ETKl'UKJIB. Jtdiet, Oct 2R. 1862. Svldleri; iridnni, Ilelri: T fl AYE formed a partnership with a well known 53 1 gentl-man of Washington. D. C. who t aenuainted with rheoh?f offlootmit' the everal nieut and ruirean of Hie Gavsrameat. and Keeps adV viaedof-allth- dweteioaa of tliO . lVArt meats reiatipg so MILITARY CLAIMS, with whose aid I am enabled to collect with mo greater promptness aad certainty than con Id other what he done, all claims against the U. 8. fbw -BOUNTY," "ARRKaRS OP PAY," "11 A LP PAY,' i ------ - st other demands tor Military Service, due the Offlcera, tiaier,eeamea, or Contractors, or their a, toow or 1 1 errs. - .-..... Claimants, can rely on prompt attention acU'samlt- tanro. ho charges 11 a claim ia rot allowed. " it 1C BAilllCnV.' Joliet, 111, April IS. 1862. U ' Attorney, k JOJjIET i GEO. WOODRUFF, Praprtetar. OlOHT KXCIIANOK SOLD AT LHWEST CURRENT O rate, on KfcW YORK. KngUnd. Ireland and Sco--land, and oa Germany, Prance, Holland, Belgium, ..wvsj, eweucn, teenmara ana owiiaeriana. Also, motley Inheritances Ana every other claim collected . in every place of Kurope. Money received on deposits and interest "u' uo ppecuu vepuuies. COIB ABB UlfCCBBBKT MOBBT bought and SOld. ., Oolliotioks promptly attended to. '. For Sale. ' m . ; . ; Passage lirkot froni Ltverpool. Bre men, llaaiborg, ' Antwerp and Ifavre to New. York. Office aouth east corner of Jefferson and Joliet sta. 'ti roiiet, July Mb, 186I. JOLIET FOUNDHY Aifc MACHINE SHOP IB now in fall operation, repair all kiad cl and prepared to arnka or .A crlcitl inral Implement, ; ' f ' ' . In the beet manner and oa short vesical larch 31, 1863. 8AX0ER A Co. 'UIK II10DE8T PRICE PAID IN CASH FOR Old .Iron, Copper, aud Brats.. I lo w tv Jl a r ro wi b Cu 1 1 i rato rs, 17 OR SALE. . Shop. tha Joliet Fowndry snd Machine S A NO ERA Co BOOHS! BOOKS! AT SAVAGE'S NEW STAND, Two doors east of the Post Office t B E ATFfL for past patronage Mrs. Savage solicits V X rbetBtinaaaraof Uka farors at her new store, where will be foood ao eatesalv assortment ot Jliscellanesns and School Books, and allstanaard work, and new publications. . A Bmat varnty sf . K ; ' Stationery, AVall aad W ladow Paper, is kept constantly on band, also the standard Mmsle Bstoka -mmtt Bbect Maale. ; Mrs. 8. has alo added to her stock a great variety of Fancy Goads, Beads, Brashes, Baskets, OOMB8, Ac and a large assortment of TOYS. 'miet. Dec.JB. 1S3Vt T .. . , eTATK OF ILLINOIS. Coitmr or Wtit Jss." Will County Circuit Court of the Dec term, IMA Augustus NVHerrick, - ' ' ' vs. V Bill in LeviaA Dwlght Herrlck. 8heldon Parish I llerrick. alary tmily Uerrack and Cortes J Chancery Marion Herriek. I AKFIDA V1T of the non-residence of Leniao Dwlgbt Herrlck. Sheldon parish Herriek, Maty Kmilr llerrtck and Corte Marlon Herrlck. defendant above named having been Bled in the ofhee of tbe clerk of the aaid court: Notice ia hereby given to tbe aaid Leman Dwigbt llerrick. cbeldon Parish llerrick. ry Kaiily Hernck, and Coi tea Marion Herrlck, that Anguatua N i. Herrlck tbe aaid complainant, filed his bill of eompWintin said court, on tbe 13th day of vcwmc 4it.4, and that a sotnatuBa - boreupou iud oifl tttaaid Conrtagainat 'he aaid defendants returnable on tbe Brat Monday of December next-(1864) aa is by law required, aad that Saul couae is, ow pendiug in said court. , . Now nub s you the said defendant above named shall peraoualt) be and appear be lore the aaid circuit court of ill count! . on tbe first dav ol the next term thereof, to be bolden at the Court H-mae in the cily of tfuuex. iu aura coanty. on Uie n at Monday in tbe month ot 1) -emitter nexjsnd plead answer or demur to the said, complainnata said bill ol complaint, the aaae ana in matter, and things therein charged and ratum win oe taaen a conieeeed and a decree will be entered agaisat yon accordant to the prayer of said win ui vitiutiaiiis. B. F.BCSeELL, Clerk. R. X Baaaaa, Comp' Solr. ' Joliet, Oct. 18, Iboi. v - xBAw SOTICK. ESTATE OF jOffSTX. WILT8E DKfm. PCBL1C notice m herebe given, that oo tbe Srd Aloadav of Januarv aeit fbein. tha lati., said month ) we shall attend beiore tbe County Court w, umiit;, uie wan nouse in tne city of Jolr et, for the purpoaeaaf emlmg and adjusting ail cutlma agAioat the eatate ot John L. WHtae, lata of said vvumy, werwaeea. wnea sna where all claimants notined snd requeated tu attend and thai siarare tu writing egunst saw estata lor adjustment. All persona indebted to Btd-eetate, ars also request oa to wsss paymeui to tne nnoeraigned without delay. r 'I 1 vi iLirr-.aaaunlatratrix . " m.vj. WILTeK, Adtur. el aaid estate nov. ix, livo. b24-3w HDse and Lot foi rale. THK aBbacnber oners tor aale bw property oa Chi csgo street, incladlng tne norm end ol tba block op- maite R u. xrnnran stors. ids wtcatioa as cosvea lent aad the boilding miuble for either a Store or dwelling. The property will be sold cheap, If applies- uoa lie aiaas aooa. - Johet April Se, 1864, - ' ' JOHN SMITH. 1 ruction tale cf Be! EstattV PUBLIC notice Is hereby given that by virtue of s coovrysnce with a power of aale contained there in, executed by Thomas Harris and Catherine Harris his wife as grantors, to David M. Bsrrts aa grantes therein bearing date the Slat day lf Jaaoary A. D. IHoB. and recorded in the office of the Recorder of Will county in the ftste of IHinois. la Book as) ol Re cords on page R and 8. detanlt having been made in the payment of the p.otnissory notes therein des cribed. I the undersigned the grantee in said convey ance, will aell at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash in hand, on the 7th day of lie toiler A. D. 1864. between the boors of one and three o'clock P. M. of mat aay at me treat Boor jof tbe Onnrt Hnaas fn the city of Joliet. Countv snd mate aforesaid, tbe follow ing described pre nave, citaate ia aaid County of Will and amte of 11 11 nova, to-wtu The uaMivJt ni oas half oa sue erorrn earn quarter ot Section thirty wo. and the ondivied one half of . Ike eaat half of the North "rest quarter of the samebectloB. all in Township No. thirtyonr(34) hortb nf Range nine ) ease ef te - r-r'i.i-t an-iaiian, uapminer writU IS sppUr- .w,t in any woo a per taining said sale to be witnoat redemption sad deed or seed will be executed to tlie parobaser or -aar-cbassrt immediately npoo auch uW ii . . DAYID U. HARRIS. Bept.10.I864 saT BfJ lrnAaJl aa aa. N.r.T.iH to-th-aChe pricey aUjLKrrrti ae msvk - . Gi T. BELDING & CO. THE GBEAT Chicago Clothing House n rt . 1 t Lnlcaffo tlotnmsr Housa Sm m oh a .mm am m I a!-wTL. Nos. 98, 100, 102 BAlTOOllt'Sr, CH10AGO, -.j. Where mayaAuwA. The Finest Stock And Largest Assortment of a J T . k. a t. .w nonans; IvAllU AltUL-CBb AlBUiVlUCUb OA t 1 . ItcadfJtade Clothing, ttIen'j,otitli'lahd Boyi Soltf, i lien', Ypnta'a and Boys' Suit-, Children'i Suits, Officers' Suits, " " 4 lCM14ren Suits,' Officers' Suits,4,,1 -! v., Clotliing Made to Order. (JlotMng Made to Order. Ftirnisbing Goods, &c. t.t Farnishing Goods, Sec. s REMEMBER THE PLACS It REMEMBER THB-PwACB 1 1 G. T. Beldingr & Co O. T. Bel dins' & Co WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Nos, 98-100-102 Kaadolph Street, CMc&o. B00TS..& .SEOES, .1 have on hand one of the " '- Larfest aw Beat Beleoteet Stack, .af BOOTS A N D S HOES, r i - t in the Weai, and roceWIng goada. direct front the ICaatera Manufacturiee coostaatly, whirn enaniee mcteeompc-to with any one in the bnsinee. The greater part of my atock was pnrchaaed sell from bo- ore the late rise, whhrtt good I will 10 to 25 per cent . Ckoapor tktanvoam be bonghi olsoaramero Afll kinds of C US TOM WO R.K Made to order and warranted .lo fit and give good aatiafactioa, I have none bnt Ibe beet of workmen those work cannot be surpassed; in tne west. ALL KINDS OF REPAIRIKS DOSE NEATLY on tha shortest notice. U. U. WALLACE. Joliet, Jan 11,1864. , - i. j tf Farmers Look Here. For yoor Farming Tmplemeata, Seeda Ac, go to the AGRICULTURAL" STORE, . under YOCKG'8 BALL, where you will Bad a fnU - . . - assorimvat oe Rrapcrt, inowerf, . STLKY BAY 3 BAKES, REVOLVIKO RAEF.S,. Ctdttsatia cf all style, both single aad doable, Plows, Harrows, Forks, Bakes, Shovel, fpadce. Hia-a. Cultivator Teeth, Shovel Plow, and many other things for tbe farm or garden.. The aaderatgaed Intend to ataaa tnura wtrwiev Depot, for every thing the farmer may want for the Held or garden. Call aud see ns and our stock of (loud before yon buy elsewhere. V V. lOUNU. Lt. BJn Kit . Joliet, May 17.18o4. . . - - . owtf STATE OF ILLINOIS, Cudktt or Wiu, Va- Will County Circuit Court of Dec. term, 1864. Matilda MenaM' "- : ;? J- - v. V Bill for Divorce. Henry T. Mann, J 1 IHAM'Ehl. Affldarit of the non-raaridence of UenryT Mans tbe alx v named defendant having been hied in the ottic of tbe Clerk of th Circuit Court toieaeid, not ire aa hereby given to tbe aaid Henry T Mai that Matilda Mann tbe complainant bird ber Billot complaint tn aaid eiejrt.Ha tbe cbeoorry .ire thereof oa tbe ?Aszn day cf nVparmber A. 1- 184. aad that samaiona thraaapoa tamed tat of said Court agaiaat the aaid deieodast aa is bv law required, and that Slid cause ia till pendiug in aaid court. . Now unleaa yoa the aaid Henry T. Mann shall per sonally be and apitear before Said Circuit Court, on the flrat dT of the next term thereof, to be hoidea at Juliet in aaid counlyron ttroffrst Mood ay of lVersa- ber. leo4. aud plead, answer or oemnr to tne saw cowt nlainanta aaid bill of complaint, the seme aud the mat ters and thing, therein -charged and stated, will he taken aa ertofesSed by yon aad a decree will beeatered against jou according to the praper of said bill. ii.e rvkK.EB.txHnp.Boi r. a- l.aiocfn, viera. Joliet. Oct 4. 18ot. ll-tw BOT1CK. . .ESTATE OF CHARLOTTE K. CHAPMAN, DECS. 1JCBLIC noiiee m hereby given, that cm the Third Monday of November next, (beiug the Hist day of aaid months I shalUattend betore.the Couaty Conrr ol ill tonuty. at tbe uourt House tn tne city of joii et. for the gurpuee of aetiling and adjusting all claim. against the estate of Charlotte K. Chapman, late of said oo wary, oooreaea wkea ana weereoll clautiaais are notified end xeqoestrd to ettead and pareaeat their daio-a, i, writing, aitsin-t aaid estate, for adjust meat. : All neraon indented to said estate, are slao request ed tu make, pajnarat to the aaoVreigacd Withent delay. s S lUiaa, utlausiur Dated Oct. 4, 1864. BlT-w ) BOTKBh. . ESTATE OF HKNRT DEI8CB. DECD. Public aut ice ia hereby liven., that on the. Third Monday of Decern bet neal. (being tho lth da of aaid BiontL.) I shall attend before the county court of Will coanty. at the Court House in the city of Juliet, for tbe parpuae oteett.lng and anjosungaiiciuimaagainat the estate of Henry Detach, la e of aaid Cuuoty. deceased, when and a lie re all claimant are Butifiid and requested to att-d aad prase at thalr claims, ia writing, against said eatate, tor adutauen'- Ali nenarfia tadebted to aaid estate, araiao rrq nest ed lo make payment to theuuuViaigiied wit boot deiey. . fHAML nut r w.At. Aamuitsfratvr. October 18.1 ho4 i.lgow UQOP : cSKIIaT8 & DRESS MAKKG MI86 MARY KKBOAN, at her room ia Bsnford's New Building, opposite tbe public square otters btr ttale SB sssortaieal of J. . Bradley 'a celebrated eklrts. including DUPLfcX ELLIPTIC hPRlNU for lad ie end Misses, which tor style, elegance aad da ribilMy cahoot aeexeelied to thiacity. ! Bbe la elao preparea to ettens to DRESS MA KINO la Ita variona department aad moat recant fashloue. rVnicttfng patronage, aire bopes ta give eat meet sua to tboae who favor her with their castoam. ' ' ' Joliet, Annual 23, 1C64. BOT1CBS. ' fcBTATE OF JACOB ftOfFRR. DKCT). T I tUBLlC otiee is bbrehl givea. tliat ua the Third t Mooday of November aexUnelog the 21st day af aaid mntfa.) I sball attead before to County Court of Will County, al the Court Houae in tbe city of Jott et. for the purpose af settling sad sdyuetiusr all otaaais against the estate of aacos uoner uue at mmta usuu deceassd wnea and wttere an ciaiasantaare aotiaea aud requested so attend aad protest their claiaaa, la rritmg. aaaiuw aaid estate, lor a juatmeut. All peivtons indebted to aaid eatate, are sVao teaaust ed to make payment to the nniieraignea witnoat oelay ' t it AKUD unci r-n. aamiraMnaw r. Sept. 20th, 18S4. ' -- ols-w) ' BOT1CE. . ESTATE OF ERAPTCS COLE. DECS. 1JUBL.1C Notice ia hereby gives, thatoa the Third Isoodoy of Kevembar next, (being tha 21t day ot aaid niouui,) I snail attead nektre Ike County cooatol Will Couaty, at tne court House in ta city of Joliet tor tb purpose of settling and adjusting all clalBta Bgainat tbe estate of Krastu Col Ute of a coanty. deceased, when aud where all claimants i notined and requeate so aliens ana areeeut tneir claim, in wrKing. again aaid estate, tor adjustment. All persons in deb led to said eatate, are ale- reqoeet ed to mske psjaient to the sodersigned oiihontdeley - - SO.B1VM viuiaai aucanir ; Dated Sept 20 1884. - alASw Koticc ol ACBfEiiirtters rale. YY virtue otaa ordet and decree of Y virtue of aa ordet and decree of ths Coanty 1 Coortof WillCousty. llUaoas, auos oa toe Aiuau of the vaoriersif ued. sdmiBastrator of ths of aanw ttweM, Secmaai, for Uav tuasll ths leaies. tate. ad said deoeMval, at tbe laat AagBattenaof aaid eoart-tsHwit: os ths 16th day of Angust, A. D. lScai. sba:i on the X2cf day of October, next, -bstwesa ths Aoa sof Ittwctouk A M. and 4 o'clock P M.of aaid dsy, sell at public aale. at ths north ooec of the Court bouse an thes-k ot Juliet in tsid WUI Coanty. tha A Hoe in described reat estate, sttnato ia th Coanty of Will and f late of Illinuta. to wit: Tb undivided ball of the Mat hsaf ot tho. North host quarter of fceclua ho. thirtr two (8B) to Township No. tniny4vo 86) Nurtlaai kaa. Jva. oiae 8kaatel to, third (AdH pnocipal avaridias, conlalaiua forty stops mtomiM leas, Su ca.H, or jmm osrodwsf oot lea. tha tx Baoticna nor snore than twelve moovlia the parefaaer to gtvs approved puvauual aasartty. sad s mart ay i ars iaS to eeears mo sarraaas saooev. TMHMA8 II. WlUFir,. . Admin ialrstor of Jaavea Shell aVrvvwa,186A - S ltw BOOTS; APi&UOESi ,U ai ii U U el A J .va m -4 Cheap for Calil2 1 ' : f CST RBCKIYVD DIRICT FROM TR MAWIAC- V tartsa taa LARGEST AiSli BEST stock; Ever Bronglit lo thla Ularkel, : t r"--' . -" e" ' J-v Rf f l L'Ie-.B EZR aLJ A tri 10 pr ct. on 1 ADVANCE OF EASTERN C0S1. , r f f f.''i , Call' ani ' Otamlne- betorw 'pnichaaiog' wlaewherl It cuela nwaing to show goods. isaaATMitii, iiok kit rtnmsai SADDLARYBARDWAKB AND CARRIA6I TRIMMlhOS of all deeeriptioaa. '. CASH FOlt HII)E8. Joliet, Oct. M.lSo. . al9-tf PLOWS BEPAfBED. a. r t 3 A 3 rl,n K onderaigned, at his Shop near the Stone Ware bonae, 00 Bliin afreet W prenanMl to Bopair aad nt op l'httrs and other mratlng Implement In moat aoranianlike manner. Ilia ex D-rlenc la bosiaea. i hiagnaranree to those who oatrodlse him 1 un, dm vuis win w. swiiauiciury. 'BLACKSMITH TNG ta all' Its branches ia also carried on at his shop." A abate or pnitlie patronage Is solicited. Juliet. March 8. I. .- PEl fcB C0U I58. L O U K P 0 R T,; r P U UNI T TJ It E , xir 'a k e noons. 8 's C H A' M B E RL A I Hi - (.:,; . '.l. v -.;.:. .... j. AT III8 OLD STAND, CSTABLISPED NEARLY 1 . . . YBAKB AUO. II" AS oa hand the largest and moat complete aloe NIT Ever offered ia this county, every article of which ' pure ft. at d direct from The manufacture, and am will lug to warrant in every respect, and ell at price, at low aa any other hotiee in ineA"et. wad no miarep reemitatioBS for the purpoae of aelling. 1 have a large atock of SOFAS AND "TETE TETES PARLOR CHAIRS, PARLOR TABLES, Maibte aad'' Wood Top Ottoman, Qnartett. gtaadt WHAT-NOTS, CANE SKAT CHAIRS. Over thirty different kinds of the oest styles aa Baish, at eatremely low prices. BEAD S TEA D S - la great variety, aa-ong which very desirable style' la ars some now an MAHOGANY. IMITATION BOSR WOOD. ' CHfcKRY and BLACK WALNUT. ranging from $12 to fta. Also, Bars a at a, Bittntlsn T a bis a Flag Seat Chairs, Looking Glasses. Wall Paper. Ac aaa everyinang else nasally kept la a Bret ctaas War MY MOTTO IS "SOT TO BX 5BERS0U." a 8.CHA1MBRKLAIN. N . B. Coffins of all shea constantly on hand, ekhei plain or atied np tn a style not to be surpassed by aay omtr uewier in ine west, at tow pneea. Lockport, January 21, 18o2. . a32 1864. 1801. THE VvbbM teirt to iDturtB hi riend. and th p-Vwcat Utk), tbtU hecsjbtUinetto met aa Anot T. al. a. n . s wasv wtui niivn si ntraic Jt XA PSCOTT V CO New York and Liverpool, and through them lasae certi ficates of Pasaage for persons coming from the Old Country, by the anequaled Line sf Uvrrjuwi, London and Glatyow JickcU. Drafu for 1 snd upwards payable at sight In all tbe principal cities snd towns in Ksarwpe. without discount For further information and particulars. Apply to P. O'CONNOR, Joliet, Ulioo.1. ' CU101CK Wine and Liquors for Bale by the package at Importer's prices, by r.rrcoMMOR. OHIO A Pneos Whiaky for Sals by Iks barrel, by F.OTXmNOK. QITY Lots aad Land for Bale, by P. O'CONNOR. tsLBlQ A I A I'OTHCCA R AND ' DRUC STORE. ( TBE sabacrreer tahs pita uie la aanoaseing to the dtfsene of Joliet snd vie nity, that at his at w stand no Bluff st.. one door south of Beaamont'a, formerly oe copied by Tho. Kiauey. he ha. opened and ia uflering at the most reasonable rates, a fresh A complete stock of DRU08, PATENT MEDICENK8, DTE-PTTJFFS, PER FCMES. CAMPULN. FLVID, WINK AND URANbY For Medical purposes, etc. Proeerlptlasts ars Prepared at all baots of day and night, eu fcg mytel. auald hereby xtkeit a liberal share of patronage, being a graduate of Pharwia ey and Chemistry of the University of Viena, Aaatf. knowa as one of the Brat of KnShpe, having past tJ laat 16 years practical Apothecary aiad Cbemiat ia dif ferent cities of Europe sad New York City, he flatters himeelt, that regards competency he will merit tho Sotindence bestowed aaas has. " ' Pbysscieus an politely requested ts Ouwviaca tbem olvee by aaaailuing my Diploma. -..., Dr. FKAVCIS WOtRNDLR, MayfS,18S. - Pharmaceutic A Chami t n EAT I N Q H O u s eJ Ha, T JsnTrssaat atrsst, Jails, III AT arm Iftoals and Coid Lanch at all hoars. -- BILL OP PARK ' Ham, Eggs ACoffes Cold roaat Cbkken, Cold corned Beef, Cold roaat Beef C Id boiled Haas, Taa aad Toast, Oysters stewed per doa. 26c 20c 16s 10c 10c 10c 10c do. fried . . do IM do raw do , ' 2c Beef Steak A Coffna, " 20c Pork Bleak A CoB. lc Mutton chop do . 20c Pie aad Chaess. . B, K 1MB ELI .' Joliet. Nov. 12. 1M1.' JU8T RKC EIVED . ... . i Large: Supply of KEROSENE OIL AND LAMPS ' LINSEED OIL. it'.-. MACHINERY OIL, v- OIL TURPENTINE, ,.. BURNING FLUID. AND ALCOHOL,' i -..---r U1TB and BLACK LEAD, . . . JAPAN ANV . SARNI8HB8,. . At : . r Dr. J.MTANM'B, Horth Kast sarnsr of Jefleraca A Csuoags Ala. Term atrial ly cask. - . Joiiet, oept 10. leol. 33 ad9L 33 -ST.-I I WILL PAY THA TXAT Hlfhsst' Market Prtea. ' Atari, . far Prtsns DellvVred at my Brewery an Blaff street, Joliet., ma a. porter. C A R L I N ' S City Exp ess TTagon RUNS As all trams arrrriog at aad departing frees lis city.- Baggag. 4mka ae aad free thsbpots, sod package Mi eared aa sal parts of ths crfy aad -ciaUy. OraVara left at tba Poal Omoa Ispotsrill be promptly atssstaad ta. Abaswes saoderats. Jaalth,182. HWJHCAAUB St O 1TJ E T II I " G W E W sMLOCK 8, Sewtag Maehlaes. Parasol a. UarttrsUas aad J i-oeks svpsirad, tUys Saved, hiU haaft Ior Platea aaade to order, Bnrgieal lastrsmaats rwpmrwd. mnmx. Boxes aad Brass I asm meat geoerally i.paiMS aad variooa othsr Jobtaag, set vvarraates wail oaa ay - S.O.BOoLlsY. Washlastoa staeaf Ottawa aL, olie.'" tolatt. Jaly 16. Il, . . - , . i-- Fats- Mala AC - A aaed Baaao aad tat. allaats aa Broadarav-e Alaoagosd asaoaat bsad Isasbsr Wapow aad "Mgh, Sor saartacaavrs appry so .- hi. AS. riAMX. Jottet. Jala 14. IsodL ' - . Uok'I A DVK aad tKMLTOtT k 6&m Flour at Mill r-. ArW Blots ,. SlZZZZJir :... -d5-CI TAXBW tha liberty of rnlbrating the LaVUea af Joliet and vicinity, that they are now la raoaspt of tacts a i ,Hfl.VIlVlt,QUUD9. , . 1 1 sp UNG.oonns. Which got jeaaly.s- style-wod ttweHty of aasigw, oaaa A I - -T ' - T ssianasnaiuiasii, Taetr saucit oaaoists of i Bonnets, of the UueH Fbruian Stylet, Ri 1 tsreiM irtmmwgl, - With ovary td connected with thelrllao. J i Tneywofw Byoa-art atamtaa an fnserwsa, tn mailt Xeo BamiagTAe. w t ewe eontiuoaura-of that ttninae tomfrally lieatuWetftipesrfA - - . . . . . . ... tbeta by the ladle of Juliet and arroandin( cowwWy, Joliet. April '.Ike. BsU4 rTO TPAIHTKrlT A OTIlfcB 1 B ATR oa hand a large aad well aelactod stock ot all 1 kinds otfAlXTX Dry and la Oil. -Alss. Sand papeSk Maaaed Oil,! erertta Itwrptntiaa TAnber, Uthraga, Bronse. Ould aad silver Leaf, potent Dryer, Laeaer, pamiae stone, Varaiehae. paint Braatsn, ladow Ulaaa, Ac which I am prepared to aril on too snost tarorable tarma. '. ' 1. B. RROWW. ' 6ept. 1846, ' l'm ... .a BOO Dollars Wartkt aff Brtaakos I Braabea. Fine JJJ Toilet soepe ; Buffalo and Ivory COMBS; Jreach Toilet puaetUra vhlaa Faa, lYepared chalk, Uly BepUB's. V.e W a. -all. 2 Joliet Tnrnlns; Shop. fTHB SCBSCNIBRR would announco to Cabinet 1 A kera. Jtaidera.arjdoxaania WaatofTtira ' Bwrioi tns is. - Tstls Baslaass . . ., . In all Its variona branchea. at Kinr'a HhtnrU ..l. Factory. ar the Upper Bridge. By strict atteatioa to iwdoeM b b. M sreefv, a ahareof public aatrowags; WIZARD Ollit THIS SPLENDID EEMEDI - CIMS . j 1)A1T. has-w eorwib4aa. eoemter, atove, shoe. aad Horse Brashes, ad I fl J.B. BR0WMW 8a. a6t, l.t It I j f i. j. .BIS 1 ,!MlL,lfH and iTaaeb Halr.nd Ttk ahell ay T00THA6HB C43 KECRALOIA G r Is Three. Minn tea. In Ten Mlnates. HEaVDACHB EARACHE . In Five Mtnntca. In Ten Minutes. CBAMP COLIO . S1PTHKRIA ta Tea' Mrnntes. Ia a Few Boars. BORB.TMitOAl., ' RHECMAT18M. o.i. '" togsa! Moors Us Few Days. LAME BACK. - SPRAINS. - CUTS AND BBU18K8 BURNS ana 8CALD8. CORNS. -' - CHILBLAINS. ' -This ksiasaal4n preparatiea on'y aeeds a trial tw Teeommead Itarif ts every .household ka tha had, Use one bottle and yoa will always keep lt oa hand against the time of need. 1 Vriee 85 cent aad-TS cent p bottle. ' Tb larg ' wattles contala nearly three times aa mach as ths small oaea. Manafactnred. hy J. A. HAMLIN At BR0., 10S Washington itreet, Chicago, and lor sals by druggiats generally. W-,IS-aU f JiSI 0 jnnel. tSot. t r . . . . -'J AND .'. X. TT X " STRICKLAND'S A nli-Cliolera Mixture, fin composition of astriagenfa. ahautbetita stima- I lanta and carminatives, which every Dlitsh-iHB ac knowledge i the only preparation that will efleet a permanent enre of Hurrineasial Dyaratery. Tlrta J sot i.Boiera pitxinre Is now tn nee to several or oVr army hwpltals wi-ere it gives the greatest satisfaction. It haa saved the l.vtesof thonaarjr1, of onr aaldirrs and cttisrna, aaaVws will guarantee it to be tile best rem edy iw tae world f'-r iitarrhomv and Dysteatery. . Mr Vio-ds. ol Covington. Kywill be most happy to salisfy any one as to tbe virtue ol trick lane's Auti Cholera Mixture; ia fact w have a great nn ruber ear ed a'teT being prom-nneed inearable l-y their physv cians. some after taking only one bottle of Strickland's Ami Cholera Mixture. If yoa suffer with Diarrhoea and Dysrotary try oae botUe. " S O L D I K R 8 f ' 1 a Yon ongbt not to be without sorh a valnaMe medi due. The Cincinnati Natiooal I'niou. April 24 1 k says: that tltwsads of oar soM a-r. have beea saved by tbe use ol Mik kland's Anti-Cholera Mixture. . For aale by Dmcgists at jt arnta per bottle BIBLE DEPOtlTCRIEI. Tbe tbe benefit of all who trsy wish to arcs re good and cheap Bibles snd Teataments. by purrhastnx for tbrmaeives or tor gralwitosa ditri button to the dealt late, tae Will County Hihle Burn ty arfd Branchea sill keep a goof aappiy, which -n be f aad as Stiiowa: SMITtaS. Joliet, Da Page. - Lockport, ' New Lenox, Homer, Frankfurt. - Jackaos,. -.-; Chanahon,' ' 1 Reed. Manhattan, w illoS, Wesley, -1 Green uanien, WUBUIIgaMS, Crete, WhevtvlsniL - DEruorraaias. . J U Mot draff . wranklia Barber, Char.ea liaa J oa Mngg, II D II. ub. . W B t-Weland. Robert Jtthaaoai. .V Jneevh Levra. Hiram Camttell, Richard Colo, ha in net John Uaynea. Dariua 1 Bsrdlth. W R I'aoneng oa. 1 A Frank. D L Cbn-ltaa. Al-os Wrteesx.;- -fy aubrri Clow -' I v Janatbaa Hacer, : 1 S-W. bone that all ths local agent, will redeem their pledges, make prompt ootlectbava aad davuibw- Moua. sas report ts tneir reapeivs Tr-wvarera. n. as. hap, nee. I tH Coanty vi H. Wi- Ukl "f, Trea. Bibto hue. Uaard Acalmat Fall astd WlaurFlMt c not ce Iks (TirXifC witb taa . '-' .Jf - -X Wm it - nt, a ibj iny, a, . 5 INCORPORATED ltlft CH ARTkB - PKKPETUAL. . CAIH, CAPITAL 01,80,000, At ' aSSOtCTS A SB- STniMrAIBZXM Jfet Snrplnaof 04'i,ISI.T3, d ths prtatiga of 40 TxAas tacrsas aad wapsaleBta. UPWARDS OF lll.OO0.O04 Of tosses baes been psh) by the Aaa InssiMuos Fata- .k.. . . A . l ' V - S.. mm mm si w J sdv -wim a. rsMable iBaaraBoa will be appareat from tho fnilowlag LOIIII PAID 3T THB JBTBf A 'Dartag ths pan Frva Y Ohio, wmcoaala.t. Keatarky, Miaaoori, Iowa A bHbsX, $41 Aa ss IOS.S6A0T 9u4.ft 40 4 -ISLAst a Mteblgaa. . glM.aU 81 ladiaasa, - --J4S.SM 81 I ilia a. " 44AX21 41 Toaatiases, 07.64S 21 Binsras Afetx.ala.B46 TT raaa a ta, SlAiai 82 Arkaaaas m Oa Zt.ffciS SS Miassaslppl sad Alabama, . $69:412 16 Fire and. Inland riarifatlon Risks acweptod at larms coaatstant witk solvency sad A..., t,i- , "irproav ; f special atteatar a glv.a to lasuraacs of DwsLkrr aad Coauats. Jbg laai iaf I ta 6 Fears. Ths solid saniia loag sad saweosetaDy trVad, sad taa away advsBtsgss ths JClas iBaaraacs Csax-paay pa essee Is Its Hue, ehowld not be oeertooked by taaeo ready to insnrs sad aadstatsading tAteir oaat latnasia. amriag "atriageattiases" ths sareaslty aWesbaaSa iBaarance biAUMiu aa Imperativa daty- the abiiits of property oosscs to saataia loss beisg tesa mock aaed, ' - ' - --..i - ; A gsneta la all the principal etties sad town tasroogV eat the BUM. Pollciaa tamed wrthowt delay, by aay af sas saiy asiiimmiia agsas es sas woassaay. , AsT Bastahas atasaoed to with daapetok aad Sdelfty . BOWkN A GbVJVAJs, Ageata.' MIsS, Sept. r, 1869. . .. . plA-l, . St. ocla i Altoi fti4 aifago Ks B WFW TIME T L. .JoUrtA Waunayion Aau.axatTasajt '- Joliet A Wifmspoo Accossf tsars JoIhH,- .7.-4$ t M . 1 ...,'TV. arrives in f icaara, . B-30 A M I -i .-! Chjrago, u AU P M - ; . " arrives ia Joliet, A3 P M Day express reiag aoath aaaa Joliet - 11-18 A kf - , . aorth - 68S PM Might axprss going aouth pass Joliet . 0:48 P M " - " aorth - " ' Mil. Tk.lagl TlgAaSaSrom Joliet t Hew Task. Bo. taa, Pkiladeiphis aad ail principal Iwerss sa tho Bmaadle aad Bsstera Atataa. caa be ebtaiaed st fas 8t L. A. A C. R. R. ns qatokaal aad moat reliable roal sis. Cbsraao, tans Company's Braias asakiaax direct bsbbssiImbs thsnwvthsaorg Tsaaasa the rvasaie row arag eoat. aa aatvaamge wad ahamasd hy the CtaaT IBS rare if taa est oy wwy w viraapi. , H-iirLBTT,Art, xmm 1 1 wj. kVLz B A a ar JolAvts MFr JM eall.od examloebe---!"!" -.--W 1 vtI:ir,,v. .vr:rr?!-?-. n , " . " WOOB, i O IT uL Tpu i S -,, - '-T ft ,," , BKr A,p CT Soo.O 'ff, Pnagea, tilk Lace, Gams, Chaatwa'-4 Inge. aWtl,.-- '??f:Bn' 1TT' Caoenteevea, Chminaeni. rlilw u CT! j FIRE & LrGHTNlI J I BT THB A . A. ' , 0?; JEIEPOET,. ILIsaS r f t:W T llasrBfitea Capitalautior.zcd ty the ; " Suaof liftnoIsTJCO.CSO.-5 AccnmuSafetf Capital tsslimited, new c .er .. I $200,003 and constantly lncroan . :;m) f; t " l ?"L I a . j INSURES LTVB caOCH AIJD A Z. Oi'cslia PaPSKTT AGAiliaii. tt AIX EAMACJ3 B7 Farmer, rd owners of dwelliegs. kiok to yaur ksU posts, ao.1 insure In this.- HUk COUPASf " Vie Satat yoa tae brat of wicmniiy at fair rales.' I . 'I Diittoioita: B. B. WaSHBl-RNE. i ROBERT IT. TTEMt. ai fc float tliiuots. tsept. V. B. Assessor. t WTL80H S8AFFRR, ' " rvei,si ClTtCh Coar. OieHeiMon WM. WAOXBR, Bra., CS..1U. Au WM . CRAY, lit. Tseaa .sf otcp Co, l m 1 1 L' 17, . v. T, r W. 0 BRaWLEY, AaVy at Law, Fneponl, JU, CHARLF.A DEERE, Plow staaafacturer. Moiinc, IU. Wit 9WlDDfeLL, . Buudvr. Freepert. 1U. agncwllorwt, rrwep-an, IUT T,, OKMSBtE. Jadge ol Buyksaaia fa is MICHAEL BCHAuii-C; Att'y st Law, falesa, lu E PAYSON bNOtF, Kurasrysasn, Wiegaa, III. - '-. II ) ;OFFlCEUS: r - a n t J WTXB0X SHAFFER. IWM.B. GRAY. I - ice rrsaiiial- WM fJ.WAEBFI.L. VBJBSBB.B, - - . -v iscinarv- I B. STRONG,- . Deputy Secretary C C. BEST. Manager af Lacal Ag ! - March 16, '64. THce. b uuTt mhf. - Agent lor Jottet and Trieav t -, : . .rrv v J rt,f"S r t . t mm -i h ; rt iiit, vubii ax - :DRC&& BOOKSTORE; He, . JsBTsrssta) trwaC, I JOL.lKTr'It.LiINOIS. - Xl OW ON HAND.BCompUse stock of freah aad par 11 Pboos ak KrMawrs ; rvas won saw Hawass tor Medicteal parposee; A Ftss A am rorFaasV so ujut aancua ; Hair, Tooth aad Nail 111 aalree. owe baadrsd dlaWssS' kiada of Toilet Soap, Hair vJHs, "oraadia. CstogaaBf p Perfsmery la sndless variety, every d set lip of Combs, Rasors and Rsaor Streps, - - f Ptrto Moaaien, Ac, Ae- Dooka and Stationery,' wnrtrUag ef a very large stork of Buu,k Books, Acceaak' Books "aaurds. llaa Boo!:, Diariee aad Mimuisainsa Booka, Pens, Papea, Knvetopea. aad avary other Mads School aod-Omce Ptatioaery , with a large eapply of Scbwol Book. , Basing parr baaed my present atock la a tlisp stsrq kH, 1 caa confidently offer to all who assy favor was wi their patronage, uaaaaally resaoaable aad liberal terms ' . JoUrl, Dec S, IsitV. ... a2a-y K. M, BRAY. ' To Justices of tut I eace -t Cnsla-IesJ A U kiad of Jtvartrea aad Oooarablew BLANKS, tea aale at lbs, WUI Oooaty Drag A Bosk Btoro. " Joliet. Dee. ,1864. a2t . ! Furniture Store. MICHAEL SEBASTIAN- wonel raapactriilly- iaaara' . ths citiieos of Jol irt aad vtcmity, that he keeps at ways oa baud, at hi. new stand, oa Joliet an iA,aear ths Rock laiand Rauttoa-I Depot, the Urgeat and best selected stock ol frrturnre.everr.gered ia Joliet, aad at aawrr prt- ors than any rcanpetitora dara to eelL. , for .caah. Uh stork constote of HTwefsar, Flam, (aaat wd Spring tuftom Csaara. a Atrea , amaav. Card, Oofre and Aoteaa IsbiVs, samwsw trrm and IWrad ,ti issa, aVway Aind, Oattase, and t . , - Frentn -geafaearfs. . ' t I IvraoeA. 7 . i J ; .Wjkr'awd Prewai, ksery discvuafma. ' Aarsawi cases, AkaVtVaxra! aad Srcrttartex, rTmiS stands. CroaUes, fVeravag twosrs, ammrd snad j Hsn-dnaVs, AVtrraawA lUmm. ' Aaaatfnp Classes, sad oaaap. auVr mrtxdrt ao waaii lasts fe saeafisai. - Likewler always oa hand and made to order, o well se lected atock of Coffine of every deecriptioei. A Hearas aill be always oa head, aad rnaerala will be attsaaed with psoniptni ts. - All work ordered aad repairing Anna on th shertaat Botice.and in the beat wurkaaaalihe hekarpa aoa but the best wartass. ' Thankful for tne Mberak patrnaagshs.ioasl ess aaa, for ths laat ftsa ywtra Is Hi is nri I t i is an r ir i I osace that 1 a ill give aalavraal aatiaSarUoa aiy aid m -" aa oew cwaiuania Bareaiter, amy my aasuo ss, not fo be andsraoM by ao coaietltnrs. MMJIIAKL SEBAFTTAlt, Jalast-aC, sear Rock lelaad Kaiirrvaat Psass. Bept, , 1844, , r , ,. B1S 8. O. t I i o n D i, - On Hand Again X X afthsBtonoataecoraor of JaeVraoa aad itta wa stroeta. has sold all hia right title sad latsrset ta taa Stock, Bowk acmaaet. aad Koteato J8, O.Bimia Is, fas aaer ocewpoat, who will aattte all sects, aajaiast tha Bras af D C. tilsspsr aaSisaeadswoaldaaaosascsto ttas awhile hia faw laee castoaaora aad friends, that ha agata is rwady aa liy . r'.,.-. , . . Grocer! and Provisions. ' heap for Caah, ta all was will call aa him at his old ---' TERMS INFERABLY- READY PAT. . a Mr. Sleeper will bo with ate s short rtasc sects, with all whs bass aot settled. Vevby aottaed to call tmmedmlely aad astUa. -. o i aav. a stcr. aoreaU - . - - Joliet, April JA, laaS. , B4a- M H T:i II; 111, ,1 i Wfs fstsnt Bprlay; BoslstsadBv r'HX snbeciiUwkesjiiat rt-cstved a Urge lot of rheoa L Popalar Badeteada. They aomhtas mars of laawry "ooaesay sad asiUty, I dars seatsua to aasirt, thaa any other article of farnstars Bow ia aaarkat. it tssat aa with wsrarksing aasag allows eoauttaataad p.l4scl awe tile Uoa aad la ackaowaadged to be cheaper aad bettor saaa tealhara or say other good bad. All ara iavttad tocaU sad swamlaa. aa I caargs aothlag for showing goods . . ACGENE DALY. Exchange at, hetweea Canal aad Bivor sVtdga Joliet, Jan. 20, 186T a S SAND POR SALE. a i , -S , . - .1 , V I t T Woald tvavpeeffuriy ' laform das pahHs that I eaa lit asaoaat af Bead, aa taa I prepared to deliver aay norteat aotacs Mr read ta tae beat for aU kladeevT Msaavaryaadt'lasaiiiasi raasl oi aht oaaa aeay taaat I am prepared lo waeb eoaSeacS. tar aM klse. of Mi is ry and do las saaa, ia a warksasaa taks Bisasir, saad as hambag. Rfanaus my work. Bltesiai u soca-TaaJtaaa-ai a aad M4ehlwa itmal. - Wat WttAtAkSk Jotsst,Ill,Aog.S, laosL - farm res 81. e.. -.- TBE eaWrfber alters formwanfcrmtttaaatadr ar mibwaoaih wast af tbe ehy afjwlie. fold strwe toataUM aatowl XOS acrasjaf ahach 4 aarva sta aasel woodbind the beiaaee Basarkt aaoev s tae stats es7 ruiu.tuos. lias are ov seres tail tiwKMht aad clovar aaeodow. Tkwss ass tares SwWiiag Sea sis, and two Ths CraTwril be said alltogethsr ar In at The prairta wail hotel, titaaasd soar mflaa aaas aha Blank road. 'Tersas-aey, for aorther tasmaliaw apply o Msrchr. -vvt. ' LDWAtDRkLLY.TrvmtaaaasOn L 0 O KH .'R E ! lfew fcoip, ibsJ: Castflo TxtUrj T E the aaSoratgksd. ha form the ctthhsas Of Mat T f ssd vtcnariy reapartrauy. loaat We bat fished a Soap sad Csadls Pasters, aad ssfl at Prions Btstsnsbls.' toft Svsp at retail, taa cent a galtoa. - . . . B-MBTiA aSARTAtt - .. . M'S apparCaaal Boots, ksrtb JofW. patwsd; aad 8 art to aafk aaas af poas asstkh alota-j. ell.t, sag. ii. tsat. - - ii , v rTVyTBauVoiltes srssbsxrs; tar Hail baa pibbsbA 1 Btaek of f ara tiara, a Bar. aaa goosS --r "T, ts dscMtedly ahe , - . . . . " LARGEST STOCK W JOLIET --- sor as; a-, a-. t m Yaryisg la price fram tIT te SBj I. . ' ' .7 BEDSTEADa." r'A Broas t AA Aa OSS .' . - -V", . , J I I From $2 64 te tSk. il t .j-i4ii-!ta.. CnAIRS, ew csa as gat; BBS aH son.- AUsrsiAtwadtos EYSTJA DALY Ms'aisast Jarat,Jej 1 J" 0al sad Mswrrtvis-w: m OO laxja . aawary 20,1861. iri T "-.-- sart, .raA -ew grara aaa aaesa.. Mt . , t xt aVtatusy'r n