Newspaper Page Text
i. mnit Gazette. ' MILLER KOOKEN & SUTPHEN EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. OFFICE TtUmilp Block, Third Bterx-Ttf the I . Lstft eU the Head ot Stairs. ' - "CITYOF LANCASTER. TiicnsDATT, October 29, 1863. f i "THE Union H must, and be preaefvcdl" iiI.IBF.RTV end-Union now and forovor, One " end Inseparable! Daniel Webiter. "IP I am asked when I am for a dlsaolutlon of tlie Wnlon, I answer, Neverl Nevorll" Hmry Ciny. . IT la a question of government or no govern aent.oountry or no country." Stephen A. DovgUu -. We Must Itjve Mony. "We write this as a personal and in dividual dun to all persons knowing ilhemsohros indebted to tno uazeuc ui fice. There are sryvwal thousand dol lars on our books which should be paid atonco. We have nine hundred dol ' lars' worth of accounts against persons .'-who owe us for three years' s'ubscrip ' ' tion, besides numbers who awe us for and two Tears. The harvest has - boon abundant, greenbacks are plenty Brough is elected Governor and Ohio is safe, awdtfcore is no reason why cr ery roan Indebted should not send us the amount due immediately after ' reading this notice. We have laborod , , ;iuithfully.,day and night, daring the ; campaign, to furnish a god! paper,' and '"mi hone now to receive a substantial and tangible rowativ - ' TO CAMPAIGN flUBSCllIBElU. All our campaign subscribers who wish to continue their subscription da- : it:.. v.- .:ll nlancn Int. us Irfinw IUU VI1U JW" " ..w... - ... soon. The paper will bo discontinued at the expiration ot lour montns, unless . nr i 1 1 ' : iVUUIIVUi Sv w "'v 4' o ers will ind thomselve.8 unable to do -without the Gazette. Hon. Cary A. Tjumme has ou thnnks for valuablo Fublic Docu ments. Lieut. Geo. Blaib, who was wound cd at the battle of Chickamauga and left in tho bands of the cbo.s, wo loarn from a lottcr received by his wile, is at Libby Prison, Richmond, slightly wounded in the leg. It will be a great -relief to his family and friends to know his whorcabouts and tho extent of his wounds. . I Lieut. 0. B. Brandt, of llie 17th . Ohio, who was reported dangerously ". woundod, in the battle of Chickamauga and a prisoner, wo loavn from his father is now in Libby prison, Richmond ' Ho was notoriously wounded as first Btated, bnt slightly, having been struck in tho side by a pioce of shell. Ho "writes homo that ho is now well and .iicarty. Continental Monthly. We bavo received tho Novomber number of this ablo and spiritod Monthly. It contains tho usual num lior of artir.liis on the crreat Questions of ii , - " . the day, besides a number ot poems .nnd litoravy articles. Address John ;"F. Trowi Publisher, 50 Grcono street, 'New York. Flrtv Tho ticket ofllce at the Fair Grounds "Was burned down on last Monday night. .Supposed to have been set on fire by somo vagrants, who entered through tho window, and wero lodging inside. Notice to Tnt-tfaycrs. -T: Tho ANNUAL LIST for 18C3 is ,,t my hands for collection. CARRIAGE TAX and INCOME TAX must be v paid immediately. . , ; ; R. M. CLARKE, . ' 1 Collector Fairfield Co A BOLD ROBBfiHT. :Last night aoout 7 o'clock, ns Mr. ,T. Pepple was passing up Whcelih : " street, ho was knocked down by somo T Miiktiown villain, and robbod of over $200. Ho was iliscnsiblo when found in which condition ho rcmainod until ' two or threo o'clock at night. His pock cts wero turned inside out, and a largo boulder, with which ho had been struck in tho forchoad was found lying near his head.'- lie was taken to tho rcsi deuce of Mr. BiCKFOBD.near which the robbery was committed, where every attention was shown him. Mr. Pep pie statos that as ho was passing up tho j . north side of Wheeling streot, ho saw a tall man come out of tho alloy on the opposite sido, and rapidly cross the stroet While crossing the alley, noar the residence of Mr Bickford, tho rob ". hor 'soized him by the breast, and struck him in the forehead. M. Pcpple is un , ablo to givo any further description of Hit villain than thatho was a tall man'. It behooves our citizens to be on their guard. This robbery was com mittcd in the early evening, in one of - the most pub ie and populous portions vof Uio city, and evidently committed by vorae one who Knew tost Mr. Peppl ' Jiad drawn money to make a payment, .-n where ho would pass on his way homo. Wo hopo this bold villain may i)o diseoyorod, nnd punished ne hede serves. BAILROAD ACCIDENT. Ou last Tuesday "hight the Freight and Accommodation train on the C. W. Z. R. R., broko through a bridgo, be. twoeti CWkstlllc find Morrow. Luck ily the" passenger car, which was lull, arid several of the freight cars, did not go down. Mr. Wm. Skellky, tho en gineer, had ono leg torn off and tho othor badly brokon, so that he will hardly recover. Tho fireman and brakesman wero both injured. billlculilei In Par ding. "Whon Aristotle was asked, "What can a man gain by telling a falsehood?" he ropliod : "Not to be credited whon ho speaks tho truth." Ellipses supplied. Whoh Aristotle was asked (the ques tion,) "What can a man gain by toll ing a falsehood ?" he replied, (saying, lie. can gain this thing, namely,) not to be credited when ho speaks the truth." . REMARKS ON THE PARSING. 1. "Quostion" is in thet objoctive case after tho passive Verb "was ask ed," according to. the rula that the pas sive offeacA, ash; and' some other verbs, are sometimes followed by tho objects ivo case. ' . ' ' . 2. The' sentence "What can a man gain by telling a falichood?" is equiv alent to a noun, neuter, 3d, singular, objective, ' and is put in apposition with "question." 3, "He cm gain this thing, namely, not to bo credited when he speaks the truth" is equivalent to a noun, neuter 3d, singular, objective, and is govern ed by the tl-ftheitivo! participle saying. 4. "Not" to , bo ' credited when he speaks tho truth," is equivalent to a noun, neuter, 3d singular, objective, and is pat in apposition with thing un- dcrstood. . John williams. Ill-Trcatmaiit W a Soldier' Family Cuattanooqa, Tonn., Oct. 14, 18C3. Eds. Gazette :-Porm it nvo to say to you that about one year ago the 20th of last August, I enlisted in the service of my country. I was away from home just about one year, when I got a fur lough of fifteen days to go homo to vis it my family and attend to pecuniary affairs. I live in Bloom township, Fairfield County, a place famous for Butternuts and traitors. I malto this distinction simply bocauso there aro somo worse than others. Awifo ai.d three little girls compose my family, living on a five-uero lot of ground, pretty neatly fixed up, with tho exception of the fence, which is nono of tho best. I am a privato in tho army, and it takes all my earnings to keep my family In some thing to cat and wear. I havo a good- J ly number of Butternut neighbors around roe, who havo treated my lit- tlo family with conrtesy, respect, and friendship, and I believe as a soldier's family should bo treated. But there is also a traitor in tho neighborhood, whom I unfortunatoly own as a neigh bor. Whilo I was at homo, there was no ono more friendly to me than him self. But as soon as I left to rejoin my regiment, his friendship left also. He has a lot of hogs that he thought might get in and destroy tho crop of corn wo had managed to raise, if ho would turn them out. Ho managed the thing ex actly right, for they did get in and de stroy tho crop. The first day my wife went and told him kindly that his hogs Wero destroying her corn, and that it was all she hud to depend upon for her winter's moat. He told her to go home and make her fences. Tho second day sho told' him again, but tho reply was the samo. Thus sho entreated him time and again, With tears in her eyes, un til ho finally told her ho did not care if they ato it all up, for she was nobody but tho wife of ahluckRcpublican, and I had ho business. in tho South, fight ing to free tho negroes, nnd that she ought to bo down here, and help me fight. . no was greatly rejoiced at what ho called a defeat at tho battloof Chic amauga. Ho rejoices at tho death of a soldier, and says, "another Abolition ist gono to h 1." . I ask tho' cititens of Bloom town ship, how long will you suffer such con duct and such sentiments to bo uttered against tho soldier and his family? V o havo gono away from homo to off er up our lives, if need bo, on tho altar of our country, and havo left our fam ilics under your care and your pledgo for their protection. Will you sco that such men as this vallandighammer. constitutional peace-maker, and Union forever (over tho left) man, will stop his insults to the different soldiers' fam ilies, by calling them names of differ ent kinds. J. T. CRITES. Old Volunteers Re-enlisting to be Cred ited to the Btatea. WABHiNtJTQN, October 25. Tho fol lowing circular has just boon iesuod : 1 r ' 'nARlI)EPARTME?rT, " ") "Provost MAMhAI General's Of- fick, "Washington, Oct 20, 1863 j "CIRCPLARNO. 95. . "Regimenta now in Borvico. which ro-cnlist as veteran volunteers, under tho provisions of General Orders Nos. 191 and 3t)5t current series, from tho Adjutant General's office, will be cred ited to tho States, and. as far as practi cable, to the Congressional Districts to which they belong. Signed "JAMES B. FRY, 'Troyoft Marshal General." lrThe aiwonce of one of tho pro prietors for threo or four days, and tho sickness of several of Our hands, will account for the lateness of this iwue of tho Gazette. Mom A boat the Nrcre) Coptrejr im Usra;laKorml4abU OrganUatlon In HaneOek Vnmtf. New Yobk, Oct. 27. -The Macon (Ga.) Confederacy of tho 14th says the reported insurrection of blacks in Han cock county seems to have been more serious than . was at first sup posed. - Quito a largo number of negroes aro implicated. Their organization was complete, and ofll cers chosen from major-general down to corporal. Tho chief of tho coriKpir- acy is nn arttiil and intelligent tellow, who wus well qualified to bo leader of sueli a dangerous enterprise. Jlo was tho major-general of tho forces, and proceeded to Atlanta on business con nected with the plot. The plan was laid to join Rosecrans when he arrived and captured Atlanta. To this they wero put up by designing rascals from Lincolndom, who aro infesting the whole country. .A number of tho ring leaders have been lodged in Hancock jail, nnd with them tho major-general, who was brought in irons lrom At lanta.' To a Mourning Mother. On the death oHery't Albert E. Fctttn, Co. F, " VthRvt Ohio VoluntwM. Mothort mourning for tlio loss - Of thino ouly son, ' Listen to ino tw I sing Ortliatttuaontono. For he is but abnt gona To a land that's lair ; In a few brief, toarful yeura Thou ahull meet him thero. He was bravo, and he was true As a knight of old; Kept his honor bright as steel, And as pure as gold. ttv was worthy of the name That his father bore,--Worthy of thy tender love ; Couldst thou ask for mora ? Te, a higher meed than thia That brave soldier won ; Worthy of his country's love, To bo enlled hiT sou. Mother, woep no more for him, Itut rejoice to know That he died triumphantly, Charging on the foe. ' Tluit above his lifclcKS form In his Southern grave, Where his comrades laid him down, Victory's banners wave. Well ho sleeps, thy soldier son, In his lonely rest, As when in his infant years, (.'nulled ou thy breast. Let him undisturled Tioso Oil in beneath the sod, nulloued by his cnimtry's tears, And the smile of Clod. CurrniiD Fktteii. $10 Reward ! f!"HE aubscrilier lost on the 2Sth inst.. In Lancaster I ur on the road to the buminit Church, a wallet containing a sum of money, and tied with n black shoe string; also, a pair of silver spechicles, in atincase. The alxivo reward will lie paid for the wallet and con tents, and one dollar tor the aiicctaelca nnd case, by leaving them at liitnmcl Beery s Grocery, or with 31 8w : . JOHN MASON. JLContt Mo A sdsis. . NOTK'R Is hereby given to all whom it may con cern, that at the next session of the Oimmission- ers of Fairfield county, to be held in Decemlier next, there will lie presented n petition praying for the estali lishnient of the following described county road, to wit : commencing at or near the old Tavern stand, for merly owned and kept by John Hwayer, dee'd, on the old 'Chillicothe rood; thence north 144 west to the Madison and llockinir townshin line: thence along said township line and the line of the old road to the half section line; thence along the half section line and the lineofthe old road to the Amaudu rood, and thereto terminate. Oct. 24, 1803. Cw MANY rETITIONEUS. ; Estate of Moaes Thompson, tlecM. TVTOTICEia herein- given, flint the undersigned has I 1 Is-cn nimointcd and nunliliod ns administrator with the will annexed, of the estate of Moses Thomp son, lale of said county, deceased. Persons indebted to said estnto nre rcnuired to mske immediate payment, nnd hose having claims against said estate to pi-cscnt theni, properly verilicd. juiia v. iimau.', Aduir. with the will annexed MiHorsport, Oct 28 31 3w of Mosea Thompson. A OENTLKMAN, cured of Nervous Debility, In competency, Premature Decay, and loufhful brror, actuated by a desire to benefit others, will be happy to furnish to nil who need it (free of charge) the recipe and directions for making tho simple Roniedy used in his case. Those wishing to profit by his exponent and possess a Valuablo Remedy will receive the same, by return mail, (carefully scaled), by addressing JOHN R. OOHEN, No. CO Nassau Street, Now York. Aiigl3,03 20-3in. VLARflE, convenient DIIICK TAVERN STAND, and Furniture, and Stabling, in the tow n of Rush villc, Fairfield county, Ohio. Possession given im mediately. For terms apply to the undersigned. ELIZADET1I REAM. rVpf. IT, 1881.1W $302 to all New Ee cruits. ENLIST IN THE 12 CAVALRY! TIUW. J. HU'KS is alifhnrited by the itlovernor to rcs-ruit a Oninistny forthe i'Jt'i Cnvolrv, in Fairticlil and adjoining Counties. The Captain nnd hath Lieuten ants ill bo taken from the ranks anil (dec ted by the mcniliers of the Company. Twcuty-seven men navo nircuuy voiun tcelod'. t .. '- Lieut. Hicks is authorised to offer a bounty of $30 TO A Mi NKW RECIUIITS, and $0 to all who have bcert In the service ovornino months and honorably discliargcdi The Coinoiim- must ho raWd witbln tliirtv davs. All persons enlisting now will bo grunted a furlow of tniriy uavs. . RKCIll ITING OPIi-ICBIn the olrl-Selio- Held BnliaiUfCi comer of Main and Columbus streets. . . Heplemlier2t, 1IW,1. tf TO ALL. WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. A fYX lit Dl Nil to a Into decision of the War Penart ment. all aired nnd infirm neraonn having two or more sons subject to draft, wishing the exemption of ono lrom the dralt, will can in person on nie nt my offlco and make the election, according to the form nnaj,piKnH AnA lal metions irlvart. And all exemptions heretofore made out, are can celled nnd of no effect ror want or form. THOMAS DRAKti. Oct l,18l-3w Deputy Provost Marshal. NOTICE TO PAROLED MEN. MAnqtAHrss Uth Disrate nvOilto, i rii.iiiinAil, iv . ont. 9a. iaa:r LL soldiers captured and paroled before the first I day oiweplemher, li, nave oeen excnsngw, eim must repon to tneir proper post ior oiuj-i uumo d lately, or they will be arrested and treated ssdeser- Tknse mk Inroe In thannnntiea ol Fairfield, Itocking. Pickaway, Hike, Rosa and Perry, will report to these Headquarters, where tney will no lurnisneu irausjior tation to the nearest milittu-y post. ' GEO. W. ROBY, Oet-1, 1803-27 3w Otpt. and Provost Marshal NEWTON SOHLEICH, LANCASTER, OHIO. Gives atlentloa to business In allthe Courts, pays especial attenllob to eollaetlons, bounty pontine ana ears pay claims 01 soiumm r mu nirnui. Of PICK Tallmadgs Block, over WeilBri Hardware Store. Lancaster, M) T 'M-Olf. -1 JUST ARRIVED! L k ii U 0 l f TAVINO Jrnit returned from the Kiwt, wtir he I I hiw purcluiaed tlie largmt and mux ooinijtttta mi ortiueiit of FALL AND WISTER READIM CLOTHING Consisting In part of Fine DltESS, &B UHIHH CO A T. PAHTS. VESTS & OVERCOATS. All well made and of the Latest fashion. It is well understood that he always keeps Hit boat assortment of Fins Shirts, Keck Ties, Collars, Hwhs, Trunks, Hats, Umbrellas, In fact, jivcrything for everybody! And keep it in youf mind that A. Aaron Three Doors EiiM or Hie Mocking Valley Bank, Sells cheaper than any similar establishment in Lan. caster ; call often aud early. Also let it lie known that now is the time for those who wish to buy u nneand goou wawn, as a. Aurun iins juni recoiveu a large sup plyof Swiss, English, and the best American Levers, in . Gold and Silver . Cases Revolvers and cartridges of all kinds, of the latest patterns, Fruit Kaskcla, Castors, Silver and Plated, Table and Teaspoons, Pocket-knives, o. Clocks of all kinds, 8 daya and 20 hours. In fancv and plain frames; Accordcon.i, Vio ins. Jewelry. the finest and all of the latest styles, Including Breastpins, Earrings, Finger rings. Lockets, Gold pens with silver Holders, Onld and silver spectacles, for all ages ; aho for short or near sighted persons, Pocket books, vara cases, ann Motions 01 all Kinus. Come one and ail and see for yourselves. SQrDon't forget the place at my old Stand, three doors east of the Hocking Valley lia.ik. Sign of the Big Watch. Laucsster, Sept. IT. A. AARON. CHANOEJOP TIME, Cincinnati Wilmington It Zanesvtlla HAIL ROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT Oommensing Monday. April 20th, UCs, Traia vtli' run as follows : CUING I1A8T, . Live Ltock, Fr, A Ac. No. 1 Pas. Leave Cincinnati C,in P.M. 7.00 A.M. Morrow 8,:iS " ,:V " " Wilmington 1U,1!5 " 11,2 " " Washington, ll.'iP.M.l'AI A.M. 1,W" " Cin lenlle 3.1S P. M. 3,1U " 11,311 " Ijiniaster 7,00 " ,uu ' 12,36 P.M. " N.Lexingtonfl.oO " 7,46 " 1,42 " Arrivo ntZonesvilleU " 10,u0 " M6 " VUING WliST, NO. 2, P.UIEXUIB AOOOJIIIODATIO?! M. 1,19 P. M. Leave frinesvilla 7,M N. Lexington..., LANCASTER.... Circlevtllc Washington , Wilmington ,ll o 1.46 " ....10,06 " 0,46 " ...r.U.iri tiao ...12,12 P.M. 1J..SJA. M. ... 1,10 " t,4U " ... 2,00 " 4,30 3,60 " B,00 Arrives at Morrow Cincinnati.. Eastward nassenirea trains make close connections at Zanesville with Ueutrid Ohio Trains for all points Westward Train connects ns follows ; At Morrow with Little Miami Train for all ointa Hutith and West, and also with Little Miami Train for East and North. Freight and Accommodation train leaving Laticas- teratfi,4.r A. M., makes close couuectious with Cen tral Ohio Train for Columbus. Dailv lines of (;oaches eonnectmir with PaRsenifor trains 'are run from Clrclevillo, Chillicothe aud Co lumbus. s sner i il nrrangements are made for earrvin? Livestock to the Eastern Markets by the' Italtimore and Pennsylvania Hatlroads at as. low rates us are of fered hvnnv other line. For through tickets East or West, or for further in formation a to Freitrht ll-des or Shipments please ap- pij siuoii.i j. .-;-r.i.i,. ei'.-iii i 1oe-ic.H-r. W.M.IW.V IIU.MI, Kl'.l.mV H, W. W. CARD, Ass't Buii't, Zaneaville, O. Feb- 111 'Ul 18 tf. Recruits Wanted! ENLIST WITH THE 40th O. V. I. Col. CUAS. C. WALCOTT fflHIS Kpgimont In mnmnnpil nrln 1 ciui.ll)-Hl'imm from Fiurfiolii nnd Fruiiklin uountH'S, nnd the men aro armed with the Spuucer Kitle seveu shootwit. linpmvo this tttat upporUinitv and Kcupe the dralt. A Bounty of $302 will ho paid for new roe ru its, and $109 for thow, who nnvp Horvcii nine months, Hiuvn sinuica men will not "('PUT. OFFICE -CornfP ofMnln St. and Pub lic $iuarf Second Door from tuc Corner Lieut. CHAM II . WOR. ltocrtiiting olticer. Lancftstor, Oct. 22. Itl03.-tf HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. I offer niv'Houfe nnd Lot for nnlo, nn Wiilnht ntrt.()t oMoitr the rrsidenfo of J. A. Kouni, Ksi. This rtroperty is cnnvfiiU'iiliy lociitrd f(r pHrnoiii duinir imnHf on Mnin streot or thi Kudruad.niid will to sold vrrvlnvv. OEOKiE SM1TX1. Outl.Mh(3-20-0m. Boarders Wanted. 118 E. 0. MVCHACKEN nan nvainnirM.ftte thn-o or four boanlom: corner of Wliot'liiitfutr.'ui mid T'Mltl Allt'V. OutUth2Vi-3w. rh? HAIMIOAD HflUHK. formerly kept hx Tripp A (it.rthviiitp, enrnor or Coliitnhiin and tt:idroad KfrpptH. oiiiMsiUi Prult's Tunviu-tl. in nffVrfd t'nr t PnL The houHo in n'ell atlanted for A hotel or Ixtarding house, with pood PtfiUmjy and othrr couveiueiicea. i'OHpstion iven inimcuiuieiy Oetl5-iil)-3v. JUrX Ia WILLIAMS. E. J. MOHIMSO, rltOPIIIKTOK. Oiiests willeeive every attention, Bills ronsonahlo. Lnnenster, Ohio, March Jii, 18U3 tf L. C. B U T C II WOULD rospeelfitlly inform his old customers thai he has niriini npcneil up shop in the room lipien oy A. lruiiiiuoisii, lie, own .ui, linadfe House 1 will aive my whole at tention tn tho repairing of Wnhihes, Cloeks nnd Jewelry. Oive ine a call, one and all. Work war ranted, tl. V. Iianoastor, Aprl 30, 18CV-5tf "VTOTICE Is hereby given to tho creditors of Jnnies V C. Henley, that on tho Oth day of October, A. J). 180.1, the Probate Court in and for the County of Fair neld and State of Ohio, ordered a dividend of seven ahd nnehalf per centum on the claims against said James C. Henlcv, which had been presented to nnd allowed hy his Assignee to ho paid hvthe undersigned Assitfnee.on the 6th dav of oveml)e Av I. lm-a, at the olBee of Hunter 1 Nauijnerty, In thecity of Lan caster, in said eounlyi which dividend will he paid accordingly. HOSTHKNES M'CABE. Assignee of James C. ilenley, Lancaster, Oct. , lsca-is-:w. DI1.A.C. BAULOVV Still continuees the Practics of Medicine on th uoncoiATiiic si'siicm, and will attend tn the duties of his profession both Id city and tho country. aB-( FICi:".Norlh West Corner ol Broud and WJieellnsj Streets. Lancaster, April 8, 16S. ltf Ayer's Cathartic Pills. SOLDIERS' INTEREST A. C UN C V For Collectin Bonnlr Money. PENSIONS, HACH PAT, AM) MILITARY CLAIMS GENERALLY. fnHK Agein I I.YIIe:tui still coniinue' (...vr.rT U Til I irilJLS ..-.I . tuitf ul'Bid.bers' slid 'fveriinient ciaiiiis la : conlinue'J for tins and ailioiinna counties, nt the (' a Ay'i OJfict of i i. . iir.i.i.Tii i u, ('-.irtMir of Main and Coltunbua, Streets, I LANCASTER, OHIO., Prompt sitent'-ir aill Is given to prenara all noses- ear jsijrs lor the cvlksjinig of BetuBtf JQaaev lJi lo ol'liirs by reason of expiration of servioe, or dm-ii-wwd on s'.'count of wounds receiied while in the servioa. Also to Widows and lleirs of Soldiers who die id tue service. Ienlona Allowed bv law to all Qobiier dil,le.l in MPTba I n Widows, Orphans, or Widowed Mothers of detested Soldiers. Our facihtiua for collecting llacb Par( Are sot su! urpassed by any. Our .xperience has nat advantage in this department. All giion ua ares who have claims against the oremment will do well ui consult us emier in person or by letter. Hclaf Nat But makoyouraprdamtlrm at once bv culling at the Oillse of B. K. HKlXni Kb, Agent, , urner of Mam and Columbus .streets", L. A NOA ST K Ii , OHIO. Itefereuces. W oonlially recommend T. W. TALLMAIXiE, as a man entirely worthy of confidence, ,ud one a bo will honestly carry out whulcwcr ho propocalo do. W. S. Kosecrans, Major General f . jj, 0. P. Itiickinghain, AdUtantleneral,U. 8. A. 0. B. Wright, (juartermuster Ocaerajfof Ohio. C. Isdano, Oiinmissary F.x-Govcnor Derimson; We also refer to the following ofToors is serrlca. Mator General W. T. riherinaii. Ilrigailicr f jenenl II. B. Ewm. . . Colonel Jdlm M. Conuidl, 17th lu-gimont 0. y. I. " F. B. Pond, ' VM 0. II. Pinner. 60th " - Liaut. Colonel Swavfie, 43d V. fiupp, 1st Reg. O. V. Cavalry Maior .loab A. Htaflord, rv- 1st Regiment O. V. I. E. P. Jackson " h. n. Giesv. Wc r';f ;r to the following 6Hth 4i,th " " iti7Mls of Lancaster. Ohio: ion. i nomas r.vvmg. II' P. B; Kwimr. .M'srs. Hun- u-r a uuugneny, John u. jlurtiii, John H. Biases, flmrles F. tjunighty, Messrs. Iteber, Kutz Co., Ur, WHgenhHls, pifiis'fih Hurir'on. 1 juijaif.T, A u u 1 20, 1 d;-21 tf JWaXkCjELCO. George Crook, Plulutiff, sirailist Boswell S. llc-iiedi.:t. William A. Hall, Lewis H.Iienedi'-t and Hen ry O. t-oiitlnvir-k. Defendants, partners saVling nndduiiiif husi ness under tirm name of In Fairfield county Common Pleas Court, Ohio. lli-iie diet. Hall Co. Boswcll S. llenediut. William A. Hall. f.eir;. n. I?en. eiliet and Henry C. rioiithwick, partners trailing and uoms business unner tne nnn and name of Beu d et Hall Co., all rei,ingin the Cilv of New Ynrlr. in the Htate of New York, will take notiee that (iinrire veins ui uie n, i.aneasier, in tne eountv of Fair noin ann i-tate 01 uniu, inn on the IHth day of June. A, 1). IKiii, hie his petitibn in the Court of Common Pleas within nnd for the coiintr of Fairfield In said Ktu r xnio.Birainsi tnom, setting lortli that on the day ofNuvoinher, A. I). 1S.VJ, the said defendants did em. pluy end hire him the said (inorite t'rook ss their elerk or salesman, for and during the period of one j,.,,..--.,,,!,,, UiV uaj ui iweinis-r, A.IA isr.i, andterminatinir on thelst davof Deeemis.r. a Ii isrii and then nnd there agreed to y him the said Ueonre Crook for and in eotisidemtion of the services of the sain i.enrite uwn, unili-r said eonimtt. to rn dered the sum of eiffht hundred dollars and prayniR .... J...,,,. ,., niMno, nnn, iit-n'iioaiiis ior me sain sum orison; and sluo iiravmi; for a writ of attachment acainstthem. Thesaid ltostr,.llt4 u,.noiiet. uT,it,0.n a Hall, l,eviaS. Benediet.and Henry C. Soutliwi.-k are no tinea inai tney are required to appear and answer said pumiuuuuur oeioro tne zwn oav 01 septemhernext. fJEnlt'iE CIHXiK, By JnhnS. Ilrasso and Clarke Fritter, his Attorneys. Putod August 6, 'tJ 19-Uw. pfJ7. Cincinnati, Wilmington & Zancs- ville Rail Road Company. ff OLDEIl-Sof the 8'iirihH of the above named I Uompanr, 1 othor than first mortimiie Hond ho d. urn) inclu Jinir Stockhilder; md Anatiitu deht cretiiturs, are reauirnd to nitrn the trma of i-.i,i-tm,.itiim nnH to asHitni Iheir Butidn. pvi'letioeH of indehtpdnpHH nnd uorim iMTei oi rcu0K, intne inuttrtripo: on or hpforo the TENTH (luth) DAY OF tWTOHRiUHia, in or- dfir to AAcUfA anv liHi-tiriltntifMi in the ntitviinun Int. tlo will not be allowed Ut sin nftf r that date. For further ii.ti.rm'.tioniuid Hhmka. atiplv to JOHN fc. MUMAU0I1 or WM. P. f-HKRU. Lim-BHtenOhiu. CHAHLKd MOHAN, Purchaser. fffptomber 3, 18G3-iivAi 12th Collection Dis trict in Ohio. 70TICE IS HEHEBY filVEN TO ALLIIOM iit may conoHrn, that the li-it. valuations and enntnoralionH mado nnd taken within the county of FairlMd in fluid Collwtton Distrii-t, by Assistant A Hiindors, wdl bo depositedin the Aaaefliror'a Oltice in Lancaster Fairfield County, Ohio, and loll open for examination from the ltxh day of .Septt'inlwr, A. L. 1SV3, until the 2rth dav nfrteptom ber, A. D. lR3s in'-liHivi', und that on the iath. tth and ath duyn of SeitoinUr, A. 1. appeids will l)orei,oivel and dott rmini d bv the Assessor of said district relative to erroiu-onfc fr excessive valnationa made and returned to him by the Am is tint AwsnDn", at tho Aive.-ora Otiico at'oreHuid, uiel that onaaid last named daya will again be anhmitted to the in Hpectinnof any end all persons w ho may apply for that purKiue; tho taken und returned by' As sistant AwiiPSHora as afuresaid-. All uppeals to the Assessor as Aforesaid, shall be made in writing, and Khali apeeify the uart cular, niattoror tiring rf.sp-tmg whi.-h a dwisiou is ra.U03ted. fit KLK F. SH.FFEH. Asienfior of lath ;olktion District of Ohio. LanrMsUT, O, Sejd. l(h, l8i,-24 lw. Notice to JDrafted Men. llr'.ATWRHOr THE 12TII Co. T-TT,, fhill.cothe, Ohio, July V2ih, IHia. ) 1 ft olril 2d of Cirpular No. n-tfrom thenfnoe of the I'ri.vostM'hal General, is an far modified aa tn reuirocv!rv dratted man claiminee-vmptinn, by reasi.n of having paid the num of thivehundred d'ollara iS.Hx), under nee t ion l.'t of 'Thpai t fnr en rolling nnd calling out tlw nniiona! foroes and for othr purpnppr.," ut-proved Manh 3d, to present Fi; PLICATE RliilltlPTd froin tlie receiver of com- mutation monev. for nm'h ninount, to the Board of RiirullmntMf li s listrit, in order to receive there from aC'EUTIFK.ATlC OF KXF.MPTlONv Tho l-oinmiMsioner of Internal Itpvemn In enoh Ormn regional District, has U-en nuthorifod by the .cretaryorWarund dirw-tod by the Secretary of the Trenrv, to roceivo frum drafted porfon.H, who de sire it fir the purpone of exemption fivin the draft, thonioney above Rpot-ifWl. f,i receipt of the sum, tire Collector of Intornnl H'-vonue nhall (rive the drafted person paying it MPLICVTE 11ECEIPT8. Both copies of these recMptr shall he delivered to the Board of Enrollment on or Wfore the day the drafted perion taronuireil to report for duty, one e.opy to be retained by tnefaid Hoard ;and when ho delivered to the Raid Hoard ttiA drafted person shall be furnished by the Hoard, with nrertifVnte of exemption discharging him irom iurtnr lianuuy unnnr inn nma, ov reneon or having paid the sum of three hundred dollars as aforesaid. flEO. W. HO BY, Provost Marnhul and President of the iiourd of Enrollment. ' July2T 63-17. J. W. LEWIS, M.D., niTStCIAX AXD SURQEOX. Has permanently located In the city of Lsnenster. OFFICE AND KKSIPEXCE Corner of llrnadwny nnd Wheeling, .n the house formerly occupied by Dr. Wncenhals, wtiern ho will he found day or night, unless nhsent on prufessionnl business Jlefnronee Dr. limrsller. Lancaster, April 11, 1801, tf IMciismit Township Scmlniry. riHE above Peininary, united with the Hygienic- .1 Home Cure, is an Institution of learning that presents to all hut more especially to Invalids, onnc or iinproviiiff their physical powers at the aiime time, 'ormniiy oi seemins: thorough Education, and for less nionev th.m treatmout alone, would cost them at nnv other Water Cure, For particulars, aend for a circular, and rememher that the next Annnnl Term of the Pleasant toivnship Pominarv will comnienee on MONDAY, MARCH ihe .H.. .i, A. t. lK, and eensist of 40 weeks, divided into Three Hessions, as fullows: Summer Session from Mareh the 30th to June lth 18 a. Twelve weeks tuition SB. Vnvation in weeks. Fall Session, from Aug'ist 1st to November the 29th ISM.1. Twoive weeks tuiiinn $0. No vaeiitinn. Winter St-ssion, from November 23d, 1863 to March l2lh. 184. Si.vlecn weeks tuition $8. Tuition must lie psld in advance, or secured by note; and no reduction wdl be made nn account of nhsence. Ovrilonr.'ing, eonsinrinir of farinaceous food, frnit, and voelnblos, will be furnished by the Principals at 42 per week. sWI have also purchased a Piano, 'and seonred th. services of Professor 0. Henxsinaa to give instruction on the Pinno, and other instrumentof mnsin, on rea sonable terms. Dr.JOKI'PII FEntsN, Principal, and ABmilAM ITICCD, AsMt-tisf Februnry 5, ISmv-lj-so AslsBjlalMratortt) Nolle. TOTTCE w hereby gi ven, thst trie u riders: gnewl hmv 1 hwo appointed ajid qnnttned a Admintslrvlora cf the Eabttw of Aielraw tibaenVr, devemsed. All persons having qlaims against said eatatft will present thm legally authenticity, wuhin one tear, and all who ar UHMutssi. will maka immednite pavment. HsEf. rtllA.FTF.R. 0t.U-3w ANDREW hUiEKKErt. Kstata f Waa. Rowles. NOTirB la hereby given that the undersigned have Issen epnomted and jualifiad sa F.iecuUira of tut latbf Wm. Bowles, Ute or Kirri-.i comity. .IRspR HiiWLES. Cvtl T7w a WM. IIOWLEB. Eecruits Wanted! T AM here to recruit for th 17th Olilo. Our ranks have been thinned by siukues and battlo, and wo to fill them up. OpriCK-In Clark aV Frtttars Law Offlce. J. W. STIXCIIf OMn, Oct 12, lMS-fiMf Capt. Co. B, 17th 0. V. 1. NEV STOCK OF BOOTSSSHOES FOlt TUE FALL&ViNTEElTRADF. THE IN EW FIRM! Kcehlcr'& Mayer, continue doing business at C K'EHI.EH s stand, three doors West of tlie Hockinf Valley Bank, Lancaster. Ohio. C KtKin.EU V. MAVff.R, would respect fully inform the public that they have ontere1 into fmrtnership in the ab ve business, and tbr.t C. Khler las just returned from the East, and yhst he selected in person a large and superior atoca: 01 custom made work, consisting of DaubloKata Ladies' Caltcrs, and Balmorals, ' Alaa, Mlaaca And Cbildreas, fflen'a U'esr, Hoy's Wear, Tamil's Wear, We warrant our work Rsmtt riiipinij. We are pre purH on the chortHl nottccto till all ordvre forhoiit madework, from tlie fineit Iiot to the wirwut Bro gaii. We keep Utf Yxwt nUtk, the jft vorkmen. and get up work m the et Htyle. Our Htot-k -mi't he urpai4ea iur uurnuiLiy, iR-niuens s rtuuuimiie price. LEATHER. We hNo keen eonstsntlr on hand an assortment of nest Kole sad Vpjnr Leather and Shoemaker's rinmngs. ' Kij-.n Lbrt six tvu. uweuster, unto, ?epternoer 2, iuiuti . MASONIC CALENDAH. EEOULAU C0MJCTJ5IC1TI053, LAXCA-iTER LODGE, No. 67 Ootober 2", UJt CU.UTEU, No. 11...... -tl - H. bTINMAN, Us:fJer. Lancur, July 15 A friend in .feed. Try it. Dr. Swot's Infalliuble Liniment in prepirod from the rc.-ipe of Dr. btcphcr. bweet, of Connecticut, the u'reat lwne setter, nnd lui U-en uied in hi pnt:tife for the la.-ft twenty yt&rn with the most iwUni'thtriif mw. A un extc'nwl remedy, it iMwitlwut nvjti. und w;ll olleviate pnin more upedly than any other prop-, ration. For all Rh vnmatic and Norvoui Dior tk?r it is tndy infaihhle, nnd ui m curative fortWe), W.illnrU Mf.lMinJ. Un.itutst r ifa ,u.ti.,,f l..lir.u And powerfal strerifftheninif proprtie1, the Jimt won- ivr ana aini-ninni ot rii wno nave ever gif en it a trial. Over one thonaund eertinton tA ruiuarktlile litres, performed by it within the List two yearn, attot thiit taut. Secttdvcrtiitement. IjH m J pTmimion I wih to my to the reader of yiur juipfr that I will end Ly rMiirn mail to all who wish it, (free) a Re.ipe, with full directions for making and uing a'siinple Vegetable H:dm that wdl ett- tu ally remove in ten day), shmplen. Blot lifH, Tun, Kreoklen, and all Impnritie' of the Skin, ltniVing the same oft, clar, Hmoorh nnd inautiful. I will aUo infiil free to thoe having fi-tM U'tnd or Bare Fafen, hi m pie direction and jnforni-it.'n thut will enable thm to Urt a full growth "f Luxu limit Hair, Whukyr or Monstv.he, in k' thn day. AU upplieation-. an-iwrt-d by return mall free of uliarge. Bespectftillv voiir), THOMAS K. riIPMN, Chomt. No. H Uroadwar, New York. April S3, 1SC3 2m4 ATTACHMENT. J. W. Pearse, Pi m ) Before J. V. Bnaon. Jn v. tn:eof th Peace of Walnut Joseph White, Deft. ) Townahip, FajrlloH Co, Ohto ONthelMh day ot Sept. lflra, nid Jimtie itMiW an order of attvhmeni in the above action for the .-mm of Sixteen Dollar. Milleriiport. Sept. ath,'6S. J. W. PE.VKfE. Administrator's Sale of Real Estate. TN pursuance o'an order of sale granted br the Pro- 1 Iwteoonrt of Fairfield Conntv, Ohio, I will otfT for sale, at nuMic auction, free of ilfiwrr, on Satmrdar, the 31 at day of October, 1863. nt the door of ; tlie Court Ho,se, in the eitv of I.anrter, Ohio, be- j tween the hours oflO o'obvV, A.M., nnd 4 o'clock, P. M-. the fillowmi(de'cntedltf1l : The south hiff ot in-lot number ninety-two (92), in Carpenter! addition to the town, now city of Lancaster, utuo. Terhk of Saik One-third in hand, one third in ono venr. and the residue in two veara. with interest on tho deferred payments from the day of sale. Appraised at eveo hundred dollar. G. W. PltATT. Admr. of the Estate of Andrew Jonea, doo. W. Pitt Creed, Attorney. Sept. 24, It CJ 2 tf Valuable Real Es tate for Sale. r,iu;F., srnsTAvriAL, commoti OVH BK1CK IIOISK, well adapted lo Dwelling, Hotel, or oiUer parpniea, in good repair, sltnate on Broad Street and the C. W. V Z. II. R., In the City of Lan caster, renting for $300 00 per annum, to be oOered at Administrator's Sale. iHmXXAH RIXO. Adininiftnitrix) of tlie Estate f GBOHijE RlXtJ, riamtift dsccivcd. J atnintt JAHOB L.'KlXU,sfol- telenWs. rr.Tirin!i to sr.Li lasds and assicx nowaa. 'sirsunnee of nn order sranted bv the Probate Mi'uf Fairrield County, Ohio, I wdl utifer fof aale t i,t,. nation, nt the COT Ol'SE, in Lnncnsin-, r" cturday, Nov. 7th, 1S63, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the following ileaorilieir Ileal EststA, IrKWit: In-Lot-i numbers iw nnd Jsi in the City ofUin.ftster Ohio. Appraisfd:df.tirttinuBivddnl!:irs, jf4is.i) snd Out-I.ots numbers ;i. -liinu.! :i of o. f,,nr (41 Is-imr in c.irisMitr's Ail.lit.cii to llieCityof I.ani;a.ter i.Hiin. Apjini-ed :irr.:ie hundred end tilty dullirs. Terms of Sde. iino'-ihird in h:ud; bne-tliird in one vinr, and mu-'tliird in live vi:ir- from tlie dav of sale witn intereet. M-SANNAII P.I.V1. Adiiiinistra'.f:IifUiet.ite nf i;-. Uintf dec. II. l. CLAUKE, Attorney. Lancnstcr, Sep!. 4, 'OS la-Jisifi no VIRGTL E. SHAW, Z.A.W OFFICE rIfKICE OVER SIFFOP.P DEI.ASIIMUTHIS fVRVO STORE. Will ntUmd promptly to all busi ness entrusted to his eare. Lancaster, July S, 'i-tf. Notiee to Tax Payers. TfiTOTlCE is herebvfiiven. that hereater. ihe month' 1 ly Tax must be paid between tlie antti and Inst of eiu:n monin. i-erson. laiiing to rnnKS payment witnin the time specified, will lie -required to "pay penalty nnd otherwise be dealt with a&rordihft to low. it. M. CLARKE beputy Collousor. Sept. 17, 18CS.-f. PETITION F6A PAItf ITIOJT To Charles Berry, .times Hunt, Mary Elisabrjtn Jones (minor! nno; June .lones, t on will tokcjioticetthat on thelMh dnyof SOPtem f her, A. P. ISM, the iiiidersined nled a petition in the Court of 0oinmon:Meas of Fairrield County .Ohio, where the same is now pendina-, Aomanding pnrtitinn ofthe followinr premises, situate in said eountv, Yia: Lot No. -Jsa in tlie city of Lancaster. Tho undersigned demands that partition be made of said premises as follows: To the uimr?iKned nne-rourth, and to Charles BerrV, Jiunes Hunt and Mary Elisabeth Jonea each one- fourth, and to Jane Jones, dower in one fourth part. At the next term of said Court an application will he mado hy the undersigned, for an order that partition may 13 nis-ie,!.., ,11 tu ,i,mies. FREDERICK A. 8HAEFFER. Sept. 17 18IB JSw. pf 3 60 ATTACHMENT NOTICE. DenrTO. Plack, Tl'lff. 1 Pefhre fl. Steimrwh. .7. P. aeainst Vof Hocking Tp., FairAeld Co, JohnP. Caley.Deft. I Ohio. rs the SOthday of Peotembef. A.h. Isra " Ptice issued bd order of Atteohmont in the above action ior ns. ntaitr u. BLACK. Ijuieaster. Octith, 189V2Mw. - NOTICE TO SPORTSMEN. TOTICE is hereby Riven thai vre, ihe onderslgnsd I will prosecute lo the fullest extent of the law. all rsona neresiierioiinu snooting, netuns, er trsnrsDX aras or snv otnremc on our respective di rrprr ON I XEWTvIV PETERS, HENRY WORK. J32tv R.J.PETT85 TO.BBWVIELD. ROEEriX wTJRIfc. GEO. U. SMITH, TO. - DEALER IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JFWELRY AND . NOTIONS, Greene' Block, Second Door from tht Corner, Main St.. Lancaster, 0. RAISE RARCUIXS TO BE HID. nAVINI pureeased the entlm stoek of JAMES flATES would inform the pul.lie In general that he has now in store at his Uililisluiient, in His tirttss Ulack, isecond Dasr from lbs) Corner, Tin In Street, l.nnraater, O., a Inrtfi'r asinirTn,etit of artlrles pertr.lning to ties sen ersl Jewelry Irado than w ever before offered lb this place. ue lias just rcaeiveu a largs mvoios 01 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS.'. of every variety, stub, as GUITARS, VIOLINS, ACCORDEOXS, FLUIT9, C0XCERTENA3, FLAGELETS, - : CLAIROXETS, MUSIC BOOKS, 4c, 4c, AXD AU. KINWOP VIOI.TN & OUITAU 8TIUNGS CLOCKS, in endh-ss varietystmons; trhicnars the celet,raud "Keth Thomas Cluck." These Hp'ular Tune keepers w II Is" sold St pries to suit the tuna. ' SPECTACLES, WATCHES, Pocket Cutlery, Musi- csl Instniimmts, Music Books, arc.,iu endless variaty. ptiwhasers are invite! to ine a call. aMTAII kinds of Itepair u. , lone pmrnptlr and cheap- lv. OEO. blllTU,Jr. ' IjAeaster, May 22, lbtiS. t ZftNE "HOMIT CORXER lf.l.r ASD 5( STREETS, ' A.E.t'OOK, PUOPUIKTOU. Zaneaville, July , '03 li-3i 11. REHVAIL. IMPORTANT to the J'UBLIC XEW GOODS AT OLD PRICES. cxoTiino siiDc;fro oudeh, DRESS COATS, PANTS, VESTS, SHIRTS. SOCKS, AND COLLARS. werj tliinsr lor everylioily. Hettrr. thrnptr, mart Airs fU ant piort fu.AiosaVe. th:m can lie had elsewhere iSi IjiiKaater, 't bLiJK S new nuunuioth ck-tLinj stora TALLMADGE HOUSE, imineiiaHv under Tatlmadtra Ifouae nftVe, Main itreft, Ltthf:a.-i'r, Ohio. Call early, call often, ao4 iiipnlv tour nfee-sr-it!! wh;U- gKxlt are cheap. TliarikHiirrnTold frinU for the pt linend patron un. I invito a uonttunititee of their eutom. To the puHic K' nTdly I xt''rid an invitation to tent my tiVHUand priiM-it. Ion't fort('t the pl ioe; don't ibr g-'t to cuil. Itemetubur the superiority of my good mud fairocH of prices. J. BLOCK, Ag't. Feb 10 l3-t:-tf. JVo-CJLsBsB. rrXITK 'mdeniKned having purehased and thorough lv repaired and improved the CITYHILL, Ml mute mn the Canal, at tha aaata, radar Broad Ktrcat Lancaster., Grateful for pat Ctvorw, now snltcitn the patronage of nis former cuwiotciLTx, ami mi inttee wno leei niapoea to fcivor hJi elfiirtH, to the wan tf of the con muniiv witn a liuicr; akiiul.h ur riAJVii- II a i Mly prejnu-cU to do all kind of at short notico, and will at all time par the hfgnat market pricef'r WHE.vTand othr grain. Hnrin' in Inn emnloTB ff'o-i and exr-erienced mil ler, he U'qU i-onHdnt tht he will he aile to entirely !Wtify th'jw wlio may tavor him with their cnntoni Lane; nca.ter, June laci lit CIGAR MANUFACTORY. ROOT V BlITTCRFIELD Main Street - Ohio, one door west of IlutiU-r's lime- Store, keens consUintlv oa haod a large and sii)K-rior assortment of Henry Cloy . Con ICrgalla. - rairarna ,i-rini isie, Itongls and tteasli'. Half Hpasaiall CiLnrs. of tlie very est qnsl:ty. vrhii-h they wilt sell i-iiesrier tn.ui any niitniiuetunnjf estaniisnmenf in las West. We fire tvorkino the l-est onalitv of Yarrow. Ciilonnd Coiinectienl Seed Toboeeo, and cludleng eomfisrison ol'reiilt. aaT"ve invite sluol;ers nni riefilers to evsmtne out stoeh in H.T Bl'lTElt FIELD. Uineaster, F.-K Hj ISOi-lutf. Recruits "Wanted! FOR THE GALLANT old mm. tiipmiit A. OGDEX OK the lTiii fihio Itociment, Oilenel COSXELL, l nulhoriaed to recruit (6, the uttve Reiinenl. This is an exeellent onnortuiiitr for those wlshina to inin the Amy, t" urilrst utnotit; their friends. KKCKI ITINi'i f.KPIi.-E With Ciabks Farms, ill the T:l!lln:li2e l'-ks-k. Lancaster, Ohio, e.tenils?r 3, 18i":i 23tf ESTABLISHMENT. iVIissra CLirrOKDiVKOBI!VSOrt UA VE removed their hu&iness to the Oiesy Prick Bailiiinjcr. iinmediHtely opposiu, the Dry Chiod Store of Mrs. Beik, und 4 doors West of the Hocking Valley Bunk. Tlirir stock consists of ull kinds of FANCY ETON NETS AIho it ffenerfd (.pftorfmont of STRAW GOODS, ItlBKOlsS, I.ADIK81 CAPS,TKItl Head Dresses, Collars, I'arsets.Ae, receitea apeoial attenttu. Onlers filled n hoii nance. FANCY HATS AND FLO WEBS tiniirpiuifteit nnd cheap for enffh. LAdies nre r (".ocinUiy lUVUsWl to ran rrt'iorn pun'iinmiir riav wWe. 1LIFK0KD fc KOB1N&0N. lsAnenster, April 1-O.Vtf. TO THOSE 15 WAST 07 CLOTHING. THE subscriber would Inform Ms ensMmers and else, that he has REMOVED BIS tft. ?BLISllMEVT lo the room formerly occupied by HEODORETONft, In the SI1AEFFER BLOCK. One door West of Oeorm Beek'a Drag Store, where hs may be found ready to fit out eHhsr - REAiDY-MADE OR TO ORDER, aft who may favor him with s call, for past favors. April MSM-af He returns trunks JACOB BITE. JCa.isr0- DaT'sa "OnSoo T. O. EDWARD" offers his nmteettft. services to ntiiens of Lanesster sc., v lelalse. . !ee oeerSJee'iTn'a Diujirire. ' Sept. 10, . . . .