Newspaper Page Text
Cjt Jawaslw fiajtttr. MItLEB, KOOKEN & SUTPHEW MDITOWS AND PROPRIETORS, a 4 I I O F F I O K Vallnaadr Block, Third MaryTo lb L.eft at tbg Head of attain. CITY OP LANCASTER. Thursday, November 12, 1SG3. TUB Union It must, and "hall be protervedl" Anirut Jaekton. "LIBERTY and Union now and forever, one and inseparable! Dnnid Webntcr, "IS I m nuked when I am for dissolution of the Voion. I answer, Novorl Noverl!" Henry Clay. "IT it a question of government or no govern meat, oountry or no couutry." Stephen A. Dwgla Written in Red. All subscribers indebted to U9 for ono year or moro will find their names written on thoir papers in red. We take tbis method of reminding our friends that they nro expected to call in person or send by mail and pay the amount due. Captain Ooden and Sergeant Strode left to-day to return to tho 17th Eegimont. tSTTho attention of our readers is called to tho advertisement of Amos Welsh. jQTWe are indebted to Hon. C. A Trimble for valuable public docu ments. tOur thanks are duo lion. V. B IIorton for valuable public docu ments. Farm for Sale. See tho advertiso mentofMr. Ivutz, who offers a fine farm for salo. tQy Our thanks nro duo Mrs. D. P, Keller for a very largo head of cab- bago, weighing fourteen pounds and a half. . Colonel ItiPPEV, of tho 90th Regi ment 0. V. I., lately resigned, passed through tho city yesterday on li is way to Logan. Rev, J. G. Dawson will preach his farewell sormon on Sunday evening, Nov. 14th, 18G3, in the Baptist Church on Columbus street. . Died. Wm. Skellv, engineer on the C. W. & Z. Railroad, who was in jured by the lateaccidont on that road, died last Sunday morning, from the in juries received. Rev. U. J. Kniselt, pastor of. tho Evangelical Lutheran Church, will doliyer his farewell address on next Sabbath morning, at tho usual hour of divice sorvices. Capt. Stinchcomb left to-day with his men, to rejoin his regiment. Tho Cap tain, although a soldier who fights rebel sympathizers in tho rear as well as rebels in tho front, leaves many friends behind in both parties. SSrAttcntion is called to tho adver tisoincnt ,of Misses Julian & Spybcy They have- opened their storo on Wheeling,- near tho corner Of Coluni tjus" street, where they .will he pleased to soo'all who may call. f i , Dinner to the Soldiers. Nobe Robinson, who keeps a Union Sufcen, ' Union cranio nnd Union oys 89 n mf'8t e8pRol Union dinner at his residence on yesterday to a num ber of tho bravo boys who havo just returned from the Army. ' '", , Accident at the Reform Farm. "Wo learn that on last Thursday, while Mr. Samuel Ilnrdy and his son, of this citjf, were painting upon one of tho buildings at the Reform Farm, the eraffold gave way, throwing them both to the ground, severely injuring Mr. JIardy and breaking his son's wrist. Mr. Hardy, we learn, is elill lying at the Farm in a critical condition. Death of a Fairfield Soldier. Wm. L. Inmman, of Company F. 17th Regiment, 0. V. I., died in hospi tal at Chattanooga, Oct, Kith, 18(13. lie was a son of Eden Inoman, Esq., of this county, and was born December 4th. 1842. Ho enlisted early in the war under Capt. Rickets, and died on thq throshhold of manhood, in a glori ous cnuso. "How sleep the brave who sink to rest, With all their country's wishes blest." PRISONERS AT RICHMOND. In a list '6f Westcn officers, held as prisoners at Richmond, wo notice the two following from Lancaster, viz: Lieut Colonol II. B. Hunter, 123d Ohio, captured at Winchester, Va. Jmdo'15, 18ji3; First Lieut. Goo: go E Blair, 17th Ohio, captured at Chicka- augaV., ,. .. ." ' And one from the county, viz: First Lieutenant, O. B. Brandt, 17th Ohio, captured at Chioamauga. CALL AND GET TOUR PAT. Thv ''bravo boys," of the Indepen Volunteer Militia Company) (Capt. Clarke, who went to Camp Chase jLjlst summer ti keep John Morgan off, are respectively informed that the pay ro)sfhye'beon returned with the mon eynit'that each Boldier carjayfl his pay by falling at the office of Clarke & TX!Li: A- V. - ' il!" 'The Union majority in New York is ncjar 33,000 a gain of over 43,000 over Jatjyar's vote. Woanded Soldier Arrived. Sebastian Gobs, Co. D, 90th Ohio, has arrived at home, wounded in right wrist. The following soldiers, wounded in tho battle of Chicamauga, f-oni Com pany 1, 17th Oliio, arrived hist week, viz: Corporal A. B. Clayton, wounded in thigh ; private L. 11. Purcell, wounded in side, by a shell ; Corporal Dan'l Schleicher, wounded in lcftarm; private August Slick man, wounded in shoulder ; private Robert Cruit wound ed in the arm ; private John Kull, wounded in leil arm. Tho following arrived this week : Corporal N. Selby, Co. F, 17th Ohio, shot through the chest, the hall pass ing entirely through the body; Corpo ral Irvin Kbright, Co. F, 17th Ohio, wounded in thigh; private Charley Crouse, Co. A, 17th Ohio, wounded in back ; private John Brannagan, Co. D 17th Ohio, wounded in thigh; private James Kern, Co. D, 17th Ohio wound ed in knee. Of these, Corporals Clayton and Sel by, and privates Crouse, Brannagan and Kern; aro parolled prisoners. Clayton, Selby and Brannagan were on the battle-field nino days after being wounded. Several of these were wounded and left in tho woods which were burned. They were saved by clearing the leaves away around them. Many of tho wounded who were una ble to do this, were burned to death In a conversation with one of the soldiers wo learned many interesting facts concerning tho battle and those who took part in it. Captain Stinch comb is spoken of as ono who led his men instead of sending them wherever the fight was thickest. Capt. Ricketts is remembered and lamented by all as a hero. Lieut. J. M. Ruffner dis played tho greatest gallantry and dash, rushing into tho very face of the rebels. Among other things it is re lated of him that he plucked the colors of theS2d Indiana from a branch by which they had been stripped from the staff, and flaunted them in the face of the foe, whilo tho flag was riddled with bullets. ANOTHER DESTRUCTIVE FIRE. Last niirlit about 7 o'clock a fire broke out in Mr. Mithoff's stable on Columbus street. The stablo in a few moments was enveloped in flames and the fire was communicated to the nu merousout-buildinffs on the lot. After the Fire and llook-and Ladder Com panics arrived, their efforts wero con centrnted to save the fine dwelling which extends nearly the entire length of the lot, but the firo gained steadily, and consumed all the outbuildings and the frame portion of the dwellii.g Nearly all the furniture, however, with the doors, windows, and movable por tions were saved." The property was insured to tho amount of $3,000, which will probably cover the loss. The res ideneo was perhaps the finest on Co lumbus street, and the fire is tho most destructive ono which has occurred in tho city for somo timo. Tho genera impression is that the stable was firod by some of the thieves and burglars who have been about for some time, and who desired an opportunity to ply their vocation. There was considera ble wind during tho fire, which carried the sparks over tho 'surrounding build ings in a shower, and made great ef fort necessary tojiavo the town from an extensivo conflagration. the fire companies. We were a fain struck with tho con fusion and mismanagement which pre vailed. Tho Fire Companies did all in the power of men to bo first at the fire, aud to prevent its extending after they arrived, and they did good ser vice. But with the present organiza tion it is simply impossible to he very efficient. If there had been an organ ized and drilled Hook-and-Laddcr company, the dwelling houso would have been saved. We 'would again urge upon tho citizens the importance of giving more encouragement to tho Fire Companies, and especially upon the City Council the duty and import ance of more liberal appropriations. the "Look-ons." As usual hundreds of men stood looking complacently on, whilo a few of the faithful did the work and tugged at tho engines. It was only by too greatest urging that men sufficient to keep them going, could bo induced to work on tho engines. Somo of tho ladies shamed them by their efforts. We have tho names of a number of he roic young ladies who deserve special mention for their faithful work on the " Relianco " and " Young America." ACCIDENTSi Our young friend Charles Kutz, was suffocated by ?the smoko, and fell from a building. Ho was thought to be fatally injurod at first, but we learn this morning that his injuries are not serious. Mr. Wm. "E. Brown had ono of his legs badly bruised and sprained by tho hoso-wagon passing over it. We hear of a number of other persons being slightly injured. The Npw York World, the leading Democratic journal of the Empire State, says that, while the war lasts, it is clear that "no party can succeed that docs not malse.itP energetic pros ecution the paramount object." Re member that, Copperhead politicians. IIIOOTISU STARS. Muny of tho readers of tho Cnzetie; will remember the grand display of shoot ng stars which occurred in the United .States on the evening of tlie 12th und morning of the 13th of No- vember, 1833 thirty years ago. It is i s tid their appoaranee is a regular phe - noinenon. Iiupperiing on the night just stated. The writer of this article wit- nessed tho shower of falling slurs in io.j.1, unu no can suioiy any mm u was ono ot the most huIjIiiiio ana brilliant sights ever witnessed, andi as to-night and to-morrow morning 12th and 13th, November is the anni versary of that event, would it not bo well for tho curious in such matters to look out for its return ? Should the night he cloudless, many persons will be well repaid for the time they may be thus entraMd. lHJ.-l. Reports of the Soldier' Aid Society. To the Soldiers' Aid Society: I respectfully report that within the last quarter ending 17th of October tho Society has made three shipments to tho Sanitary Commission at Cincin nati, as follows : July 24th One box nnd ono barrel. The box contained forty shirts, eleven pairs drawers, four pairs shoes, half bushel dried apples, and threo cans of fruit. The barrel contained lurty-five cans of fruit. September 17th Two boxes and two barrels. The barrels contained onions. The boxes contained thirty three shirts, thirteen pairs of drawers, ono pair carpet shoes, n package of compresses and bandages, twenl j" pack ages of herbs, and twenty-six cans of fruit. October 7th Ono barrel of onions, ono keg of pickcls, and one box con taining twenty-four cans of tomatoes Respectfully submitted, Mrs. M. A. DAUGIIERTY, Cor. See. S. A. S. To the Soldiers' Aid Society : I respectfully submit the following report of the finances of tho Society for the quarter ending Octobor 17lh : Money received September SI 35 August 3 75 October 2 55 Total.........; 87 C5 Expenditures ' August $30 19 September 9 50 October 14 GO Total 803 39 Balance in the Treasury 8124 15 Mrs. JOHN REBER. Treas. Published bv order of the Societv. SUSAN "C. STAMBAUGII," Cor. Sec'y. BRILLIANT FIGHTING AND DECISIVE SUCCESS on the R APPAHANNOCK. NEAULT a, 0OO PRISONERS CAPTURED. AVasiiInciton, Nov. 8. It appears from information received here to night that yesterday morning, the 5th and (ith army corps under command of Major-General Sedgwick, advanced to Rappahannock Station, they having the right wing of tho army, the 1st. 2d, and 3rd army corps forming the left wing under Major-General French, proeecded to Kelly's Ford. When the right wing reached tho Rappahannock the enemy was found to be in consid erable force holding this side of the river Tho rebel batteries, earth works and redoubts-crowned thehanlvs on each sido of the Rappahannock. General Sedgwick at once advanced & stormed them with great gallantry and impetuosity; causing much slaughter, and taking a large number of prisoners. When Geu French reached Kelly's Ford, about six miles below Rappa hannock station, tho enemy threw across tin entire division to support their picket lino on thisside. General French hastily took a position so as to bring his artillery to bear on t hem and shelled them with marked eH'cct, not only killing a large number but throw ing them into niter confusion, scatter ing them wildlyand taking many pris oners. Gen. French following up his advantage inunediately, threw tho 1st division oftlio 3d corps, commanded by Gen. Birney, across the river which ended his operations for tho day This morning ho crossed tho river with tho remainder of his command. Gen. Sedgwick had previously crossed it, and ut nino o'clock this morning the two wings had formed a junction and held both banks of tho river. The enemy after their defeat in these two engagements wero so hotly pursued by our men that they threw themselves into tho river in their efforts to escape, whero somo were drowned and many wero killed. All tho rebel artillery was caputured, reported to bo seven guns. Their whole camp equipage undoubt edly fell into our hands, us they wero compelled to leave it in their hasty re treat. Gen. Buford's cii' airy crossed at hulphur springs to cover tho right j niiiiK, iimi virt-gg ttiKt iviipuii ieii cruM-. havo KrotoIoi'e given mo, in tlio ilis ed holow Kelly '8 Ford to. cover the c!i,.j,0 f tho anluous duties which loft flunk. Tho encnij', under cover of i, I,.,,,,, thrown nnon mo. llllll, MUM VKl 111 UIU UIICUIUUUI Hill- .A t .1: .( f..i iuppt;rt unu tuv uiivaiicu ut uui iiireeu reached Urainly Station carlj' to-duj'. Tho entire number of prisoners tak en by both Sedgwick and French, in 1,82(5, principally of North Carolina and Louisiana troops. Tho number taken by Sedgwick was from 1.2(10 to 1,400. tho remainder being taken by French. Our total loss is reported to bo 400 in killed and wounded, but no day resulted in a complete Union vie prisoners. ' Our wounded wero carried tory. Tho majority for Stephen Miller, to Warron'ton Junction, nnd from there wcro sent to "Alexandria this afler- noon. election iietcuns. j jn moro favorable than was expected In .'thirty counties in IULois, the' In this county, (Ramsey,) which has Union majorities foot up 44,207, and hitherto been Democratic, there is now tho Democrntio majorities 1,906. Un- a Union niiijoi' ty of'225, being a Union ion majority in the State so far 22,201. gain of 1,000 since last year. " The Un Last yoar the. Union majority in these ion majority in tlio city of St. Paul is same counties was only sixteen. j nearly nVo'hun lrod. In Wisconsin, with thirty counticsj With this goo 1 news at homo, and heard from, the Union majority is 12.- tho tidings of tho glorious .results in 436. Full returns from the home and New Wit, Chicago, and elsewhere, soldiers' voto will make the Union ma- the Union men of St. Paul fool docided- jority not less than 40,000. To the Military Cmnilttii of the Slat fciaci'i.AR. Tin State or Ohio. ") Executive Department, r Columbus, ovcfiibur 7, lbtjX ) To the Militant Committer i,f ':: (;Kntlemen -I hare l,..i-.toiV,iP in.. yollr ai,i ,0 r,4jh(,,lr Slut' nnotu f t,0 Cll ,uju tl0 president of the United States for three linnrlrerf thou- sand troops, under date of 17th ultimo, and am liappy to know that you ure giving mo the aid I desired, I lmVo now to inform voii tlinl Ol.ioV !n,,ota 0f thia call is 5!)',3!j2. und tffat this immbcr has been iusllv anvxn' tioued among the several townships and wards of the State, in proportion to tho military st rejig' h of each, after first irivins due credit to each for nil the troops heretofore furnished. I he num ber thus apportioned to each township i nod ward of your county, you will leanurom mo newspapers published in your immediate neighborhood. I Herewith 1 send you a copy of my i correspondence with the War Depart ment, dated respectively September, 18 arid 28, showing the plan for securing the volunteers now asked for. From this, you will observe that tho recruits! now to be raised are all designed for regiments in tho field, hence no new organizations will be attempted. You will also observe that gallant and brave men, who have already earn ed their commissions, are to be sent homo to receive from mo promotions, upon condition that they raise a given number of recruits. A moment's con sideration will satisfy you of the wis dom and justice of this policy. First It gives to the soldier who has won position'tho promotion that he richly merits. Second It places tho raw recruit by the side of the veteran soldier, by whom ho will bo kindly received, and at once taught how to avoid tho dan gers and diseases incident to camp life. Third It secures to the Government a body of men who will at once, become with tho advantages indicated, eM cient troops. Fourth It saves to the National Treasury much of tho expense incident to the organization of new regiments, and a very large proportion of the a mounl that would otherwise bj expen ded upon supernumerary officers. The inclosed letter from tho War Department, under date of September 15, designates tho bounties to be paid by the Government, and tho periods when paid. Those bounties, you will observe, are for the volunteer who has seen nine m in'.hs' continuous ser vice and flip the recruit who nus never been in service, SS2 of which, in both cases, is to he paid at the time of mustering, and all during the continu ance or at the expiration of the service, irrespective of the time when this oc curs. Tho recruit will be permitted to select the regiment that lie wishes to join. It is confidently expected that the regiments' now in tho field will, by the re- 'nli.-tiiK'iit of the otliccrs an 1 men now there, bo continued for the term of threoyearsor during the war; hence, the new recruit has no reason to dread or fear being placed in any new organ ization. Should wc fail to raise our number within the time named by the Presi dent, to-wit : the 5th of January next, a draft will positively take place on that d'ty to make good the deficit. This drift will be made from the townships or wards in default, and not from those which may havo furnished their quotas. Hence it becomes the duty of the resi dents of each townsh'p and ward to look to it in tune if they desire to save a dralt at their own homes. All inclined to enlist will bo encour aged by the reflection that tho incom ing State Administration, both Lpiris- I itive an I hx.-cutivc, will continue to doits full duly in providing for those whom they leave behind d 'pendent upon them for support. Surely it can hardly be necessary that I 8;'.y any tiling to in. -n who si) f.Jly appreciate, as you do, the momen tous issues at stake, wiih the view of stimulating you to action. The exist ence of our glorious Government is yet in jeopardy; the wicked men who have eonfolerutod together to overthrow it, can he put down only by military force. To accomplish this a few ad ditional men nro absolutely necessary. Thus far, Ohio, the State' wo all love so well, has generously, nobly done her full duty. Shall wo (lag now, when a single further ell'ort is -only necessary to accomplish the great and holy pur pose of maintaining our national Un ion? I am not insensible to the deep debt of gratitude that tho people of Ohio owe you for the generous aid that you have heretofore given her authorities in this great work, yet I feel constrain ed in their behalf to make this further call upon you, and fondly hope that you will not yet weary in well doing. louaro aware that I am soon to surrender tho highly responsible duties now resting upon mo. I will, there- tore, avail myself ol tins, probably the last occasion for addressing you, to ro turn to you my profound thanks for tlt. ncrous iiikI willing phi that you 1 .. .. ' KOSpOttt 1 11 1 1.V. yOUI'S, DAVID TOD, Governor. The Nlnnenotn Stnte Election Another Union Victory. St. Paul, Xov. 5. "Wo have met tho enemy, and they aro ours!" Coppcrhoadism has receiv ed its death-blow in Minnesota. Tho election in this State on Tucs- I Union, for ttovernonover tlenry ells coppcrhead Domocrat, ia not less than 10,000, and it may exceed 12.000. The returns from all parts of tho State come ' ly elatel to-day, j The Boston Post says, in good taste I und judgment : I Wc are sorry to see an attempt made I to injure the character 'of Gcn.'Jtose jcraus because he has been relieved Irom duty in the field. Ho haw fought well, rendered good service to hiscoun- try, and merits it gratitude. The President -may havo had justifiable reasons for calling him from Tennes see, nhd yet leavo his reputation n a citizen and a soldier unsca'hed. Yot tho poor, subservient tools of power imagine they present grateful incenso in attempting to sacr'fice a man whoso worth is fur beyond their comprehen sion as tho stars are above the earth. The people- need not be alarmed. The soldier who re organized the de moralized Army of the Cumberland, after JJucll felt it; in:rle it the newt armv in the United Slates, defeated u. superior army at Stono liiver; droo the enemy by a series of brilliant movements out of Tennessee: acquire I Chattanooga with very slight loss, and was repulsed bv overwhelming num bers chiefly because the Secretary of ur refused to give him the reinforce- rnenls which he needed, and which Ik had given to his successor will rise triumphant above the machinations of malicious personal enemies. JJj'jton Journal. The father of Spsncer Kellogg Brown, the young man who was hung at IJiehiiiMid on the 25th of . September, went into tho Pulton street meeting, New York, lat week, and requested prayers that the deal!; of his 'n who was 'murdered" in Ili'hiuond might: be sanctified to him and his surviving family. The request produced a thrill and sensation through the audience. M.MtRiKn. October 25th. loGii, at the residence of the bride's father, by Kev. Van iJe inark. Mr. GrowiE V.'. r'.wi'.'im.D and Miss Hannah Hiiowx. all of this county On Thursday, Oct. I2;uh. by the Kev. Thomas l)ako, at his resid'-nce, Mr. IiK.Mii:n C. Foisi) and Miss .Su'.aij C. Pur f, both of this county. Special Notice. Office of the Cot.i.i:r Toa i OF I XT K UNA I. JlKVKNl'E, 12th Distkict of Ohio, ( Circleville. November 0 lHi;:j J Tlr.i annual assjsmeiit of United States Taxes in the county of Fairfield has been completed, and the taxes are now li:e. All persons interested are hereby notified to make payment on or beiore the 7th day of December next, at the office of Ii. M. Clarke, Deputy Collector, in Lancaster. ' A penalty of ten por cent, will be added, if not paid as above stated. NATHAN DENNY, Collector 12th District of Ohio. vcv Millinery Shop MIKSES jrU XA SI'YHEY Inre ojvnM n Mil liner nl M'wtiiainuking E-t t'ir-hnitit on Wli rlinir Mret-t, nnr the corner of OlmnVnjq St. They will la1 j-k'HSfil t R.-.-miimn'l'it" nil Mi 't tuny CUll. .M"He ,H SX 1 tit 1 Valuable Farm for Sale. rfHE smbwrl'ier nnlo ono of th? most liebiruM? firm in tde futiuty. onntninin .VJ ru res of ex Mleiit I tni, ton nres ot " which are eov ere. with the lmt tinilx-r. The furni i mtu;irel fn the Newark ruti. th"e Mi le,) Nurth-r-i-t m !,, m -a.-ter. Hie! h -m on it a eotnf irt i'e hv'-Um, h'tu, g.ud b'irn. mi 1 neve-- I ng well pr nir Kennim it-le time w h heaven on lei'..rre l pfiyinent. F'tr further information nplv to the 8iilT.U-r, or to Joseph M--klint living nowr the premise. UANJEL KUTZ. Lanenstor, O., Nur.lTG3-33 tf. Mayor's Prurlainalion. MAYOR'S OFFICE. Or? ) kinen-tpr. O., X v. 4, is a rflHE qmlltifl Flovrrir nt the Se;-nn'l Witrl in the 1 city ot Lini-A$ter ure her-uy notified that uu Elec tion m ill be ht-U in md ';ir 1, On Tuesday, the FM day of Decern her, lS;i:, fnrne Trustee, tn fill t lie Vrtcanev 0'-e;iiMi'"l bv the I re-:.--ti:.t .n nt N. Y'.'iiiL'. F.-(. The iK.1l t.. hi' h.-l'l :it the i 'Jerk's n'li.e m .u-I. r.irl '.f..j-n'.i l-t-v-en the lurtif s ol'ix an 1 -ievea in ilu: int)ru;n an 1 1 loscd nt nix in theevenina. titveii miller niy Irm I and t!ic eorjioratc peal fcCAL.of tlr-cityof La;i raster, this itli day of No- vemUc, $10 Reward ! riinn sulisTiLrT list on t!;p '.'Mi inct., iii T.nnV:vsti-r I or on tlii roid t.i tho Suniln t Chvn'h. :i wil l rniitji iinr.' a i;m of mi'iii'v. tui'l t..' t with .1 I I fitniu;: nKn, n piir ul silvor sjnvt:k-lfi, in At n i-!i. Tiio alinvi. rovvaril t1I hnp-iid inr tlirt Mall -t nn unn-t.'i:t-i, an I fine ! 'liar inr tlin sp.'i-t.i-l:'. uw i-i-i", l.y li-avun: tlibiu ut :aiiiui.-1 Uecry'ii Orni-i-ry, ur with .lollS" MAmiX. A fiEXTLEM AN, cured of XtTvoua iVbility. In compt tenoy, Preniaturo Docny, tind Youthful Error, actiiittc'l by a rluairo to benefit others, .will ho happy to furnish to all who need it (free of charge) tho recipe and diroctioti3 for innking tho simple Itemed) n.ed in his ease. Those wislffV' to profit by liis experiepee and posscsp ft Valuable Remedy will rent ire the same, by return null, f carefully sealed), hy addressing jitiix n. odw:x, No. CO Xussau Street, Xew York. A t v irnd in cd. Try It. Dr. Street's InfdliaMn Liniment iH prepared from the reeipe of Dr. Stephen S'-ve-n, 'f rurnnvtivut, the Hretithonn seMer. atid han leen used in hif prn 'ttee Airthe laat tVM!ity yen rs with the ni'-t RstoniHhius auei'os. a an exb'Vn.d remedy, it U without u rival, nnd will -dlovinte ptiin tnnre speedly than nny other prep iMti m. For nil Ithe'iiiutic and Nervnii nir-d'-rs ii i-t tr ily inf.iMiblc, nn 1 as a ourattve for Sure-, Wo'ind-1. Spren', Hrni-e, ,t., its, healing aii'l powerful -t ren? hen iniT pmpeitie, th iust won der nnd iv-tonihuient of nil who Iwm ever ftvn ft a trial. Ov-rone thousand certiflcatea of remarkable eurei, performed by it within the Ust two yura, nttest this raft. .t. ReetiJvcrtifleinunt. . Iyl4 IOlToR ok r.:',KTT!:-7-T- 5t-: With ymir cStifriivii'ii I wi-h to nv to the r.-ader of your ivip'T tli'it 1 w II .i-'ii'l hv r" un nriiinii.ii n.i .n it, iIVopI i lli'ijj, with ("nil ilin'i-ti-.n- fur nnkin mid u-im ifiniple V.-J.'UMc Ilnlm thit w:ll !l til ally riMnovi? in fn itivt, I'", Hlotoh.s, Tin, Kr'ookln-J. iiivHill lniitr.ti(".. "f (lif Skill, leaving 111." lf .il, rli-iir, monlh nnd V.nttifiil. 1 -!ll ilw m-iil fn-r. to !. lmviilK 11 ild ITm. or rtiro r:i""i, iin! diri'ctinm nnd mfornntion th:it wdl o"ii,'l-1 thm to "tirt u fnll crowtli of Lnxiiriiuit H it, Whik"r or u'li", in loan tlnn :i dnv. Allnt,l'P1iinM'' inworo.l hy rclurn ituiil free ofehiirge. lU-spiMtMlv VOUM. TU')Jl.- P. rilAPMAN', Clwmlut, No. 831 Broadway, tork. April 23, 18--2in4 Public Sale. fllHEnF.will b sold nt pnhlic vendue, nt tho ri. 1 dpni'n of Amos We.h. two inilea east of ltoynl tnu, on the Lnn(inter road, on F1UDA Y, November 20th, 1SG3, nt o'clock, A. M the following property, to-wit : 2 Work Mares, Ono Yearling Bull, 2 Milch Cows, 17 Head of Stock Hogs, 21 IKW) (IF KHERP, Two 2 Ili'iso tVnUOiis Oii4 of I he in iw, fine Wheat Prill. One Wind-Mill. Plown. Hnrrow, 1 Cultivator, 1 Whoelhdrrow, 4 sell of limn, S pnirof cheek linen, 1 mnn a i-anaie, 3 unuies, tnree unun crndlen, forks and rakon, ONE LA11GE COPPER KETTLE, on eooltinir Stove. 1 Parlor Stove nnd Pine. 1 clock. 8 pair of Bdtndn, 9 grain sucks, one wood sled, two 1 en to mention. Terms rande knoirti on nav or sale. ' Nov. i:-3T It' AMOS WELSH. stacks oi uiy, an'i many onirr nraym SOLDIERS' INTEREST A. G M N C V For Collecting Bounty Money, PENSIONS, BACK PAT, MILITARY CLAIMS GENERALLY. r J1MR 7tvy ofT W. TAM.MAMJE CO.. for the mill ( o-iii nu.-.i (t,r tin uud d,',.mi.K couiiuea, at tha fjctU'iil A jnty OJJice of ii. f. iiKiinnn, C'.jmor T 3Uin Culuutbim Strtelf, LANCASTER, OHIO. Prompt uttent on wit I virim to prepttrw Ul neiia iiury jMjiwra for tlifcoil.ta. of Kmintf .Ifonrjr "J SoI Ilt" Ijt iv'limi of (tlblratinn of iervW. or '!i-';ri on ' "V "" w oiu.t of wouti'l. rw-sie'l whit? loua kutl lUin ut bol'iora Petition All '! 1 l.j to nil -ol lion 'IV.i.lsJ iu MrtiM, f. Wi'loAi, OroruiH. ur WmIovtcI Mit.i tt! dMUJ soUiltk. Our i-'jil.foa for i:oll..t.iig Pay, Are tiot rp-wv-I by v.y. Our xfrn'j hft n tUiS ciruirliiK-nt. All JJ'Teii tin yrt- fuvftut-.g- io (rive i.Unm nvnijit liif (idveniroerit wJl do uuli ut cuiutult u .ther hi prju ur by Ivtur. ieiar oi It'it tnalie Tnirnpr'l'rfit:on nt otye K ealbnff at the Cwmer of Main and OAumbi streets. hANOASTKIt, OHIO. ICfarf rfncr. Veord:iI!rre-otiitrin I T. W. TAI.I.MALE, an h niii ent r"ly worthy of :,nl leni-o, nnd one who , hone-itly i-..rry out w hter h prfipot-i m do. V. S. It w-niii, Mm or fioneml I'H, A. C, P. Uu kitiy!i !it. Ad.t,t:wito te.-ral T. S. A. (i. 11. Wrti'ht. i i .rv-rfii.taler O-nomluf Ohiv, C I-l'Uio, Co;jirii.'my E-'iovenor I'eim "n. Wt alffi ref.-r to th- follow in? ofSuvrt in Mrrio. Mi ut jfnril W. T. h'-r:n m. Hn td erii rit-ral H. Ii. K vne. C'd mfl John M. rouiitdl, IT'h Rerlmtnt 0. V. I. F. li. Pond. CM " V.. . pipper, Li'f :t. Col inel -w ivtie, ' ' V. rnpti. Major .1;ilt..&ulT-rit " E. P. Jv l;-on " If. H.fiie.y, j-'th " 4:V1 ' Nt H- O. V. r.arArr. Nt Mi-ipumnt ). V. S. ftth " " 4-;th " Y,Q Tt-l T V f!ie f- II er-nST ' t:-n of iJkn'wt?, fh'o: Hon. Thomn Kwin'i. Hon. P. H. Ewiti2. Mpiri Ili,n. ter A IoiL'lirtv. .Mm I). M-irtin. John P. mare. Charh-H F ii,(w'hr, Me-rn. ItoUr, Uutl & Co., Lt. WftfenhtK P'Miioh ui:r"on. Laae.ijter, Atiuit f, H- 21 tf CHEAPEST STORE JUST ARRIVED! A A EDM HAVING mt rtftmci from the E-t. whore he ha4 ptiroluutfd the Urgii anJ luot coiitleUtu sortmcnt of FALL AXD WINTER READYMADE CLOTHING Confuting in part of Fine DRESS, & B USINESS CO A TS. PANTS. VESTS & OVERCOATS. All veil made and of the Latest ftuhion. It is well understood tint he always keep bKt assortment of Fine Shirts, Xeck Ties, Collars, Socks. Trunks, Hats, Umbrellas. In fact, oven-thing for everybody! And keep it iu your minu mat a. Aiirou Three Doortt C11M ol ilie Hocking Valley Itiink, Sells eheaper than any similar establishment in eter: call often an I"earl5 . ANo l-'tit Ije known tiiat nowith tnne for tlion who wish tnlaiya fineuud ond Wutoh, aaA. Aar jn ha jutt received a large sup ply of S:ciss, English, and the lest American Levers, in Gold and Silver ('uses, HevulTrrs Mid cartridges of nil kind, of the Ulesl pattern. Fruit P-.tkt. Cutors, Silver at: I Plated. Ta'.'h- and Teaip.mus, Pocket-knives. Jlc. . Cl..i li of ell kind. 8 day nnd 20 hours, in far. -y at. I j l iin trinie; A'.eordenn.i, Vir. ill. .Tewelry. tin.' 'i'l.'.l ati'l "II oftlio I it t -ty!..., iii'-l'i'linif llr'-i -tp n., K.n'r riir-. I.w:iit.i.:ld penwtth silver 11 il irs. ii-. 11 and s Iver pe ti- le, for nil aces ; dji.iViridioit ornenr sitthte I i,ernns. Pocket bouks, Card i-.asfs, and V.tioni "fall kinds. Coin.-, our and all and -ee for yourselves. PdF Don't fvriut the place nt n old S' ind, three do vs eit of the Hocking VnUcif n,iA: S'jn of the Rig W.i'ch. Lutii'ii.-ter, Sept. 17. A. AAUON. .(.iitmial tatorH tOilrc. 'Y HTIE '9 Iitv y'ron, tht t'.e undei'iipied hiavo tro n .'.ppo.uted mid o,tutlineU am Admuiihtr-t'-i. of tlie Kit ito of An-Irrw shvnVr, de-icised. All prrom havinn cl-iim us tin-it fftid estftto will prtfseiit thern 'evilly fmthcnt::ntf.l, with;n one year, and Ul who nrc m JyLtn'i, will nuke .n.u.ed'Me lw.vmer.t. Ji-RAEL (ilKfTFER. Oct. 13--23 3w AM'KCW blLEFFER. Recruits "Wanted! TAM lioro to re. ru't for tin lTlh Ohio, Our ranks liiiv.-liroti thinned by aicknom and hattlc. and we uunt to till th-Mii up. OPPICK-In Clarke & Fillter's Law Oilice. J. W. STIXCHf OMn. (kt 12, lflM-CStf Cnlt. Co. B, 17th O. V. I. 3IAS0MC CALENDAU. KEGTTLAE COMM05ICAT1ON8, LANTASTEn T.Opnn.No. S7 Noromher M. 1' ciiai'11-;k, Xo. n :6 G. STEIXMA.N, Recorder. Lancaster, July 0, lsS3 15 L. C. BUTCH ff"ori.r rospectf illy Inform hia eld en-romer f he hi ail tin opened up shop ill tlie n-om o.'CUp.e i ov .1. nrenneiimn. noxi ooor io me Titlinndir" Hue. I will cite niy wtu-le au AaiStontion to the rc ratlin a f W'-urhex, n-icka nnd lowrhy. (iiTp inc a can, ono ana nil. work wur. muted. L. C. BU'l'CH. Liicaftor, Apr5 1 30, 1o 6tf DFtrATc. BAUi.6w 8t-ll coiilinuees the I'raotice of Modicine on tho mOTlCOI'A I IIM' SY SI I 'll, and will fit'Tirt to the duties of his profession both in city and the country. n-e l li:i:.-. North u'ot earner ol Rrnud mid Wlircllng Strcels. Lnnn-ter, April J, 1WS3. l'tf JSLCscX Motloo. TTirEis hereby given to nil whom it mav eon 1 I'orn, Hint :it the next session of the Oimniijsion rs of Riirfii'l-i I'ounty, to lie held in December next, thore will l presente-ln petition pniyini; for the estnh lihment ot the followinir desi-rilie.l .ounty roail, to wit : uoininencing nt or neiu- the old Tavern stand, for merly owned nnd kept by John Swnver. dec'il on the il l Chillinmhe mini; thence north ue wst tn the Mndisnn snd HockiiiK township line; thence nlonp seid township line and the line of the old rond to the hnlf lectionline; thenue along the hslf section line and the lineo'the old road to the Amanda road, and thereto terminate. Oct. 24, 18C3. 6w MAST PETITIONERS, ! Eatate of Itfoaea Thompsoii, deo'd. TOTICEis hereby given, thst trie undersigned has been appointed and qualified as administrator with the will uiinexed, of the estate ef Moses Thomp son, lale of saideounty, deceased. Persona indebted to said estate are required to mnke immediftie pnymenli and those having churns igainst said estate to nfesent them, properly verified. , ! JOHN V. HBIKON, Admr. with the will annexed M'llerf port, Oct. .8 31 3r oVMee Tlimnpsou. NEW STOCKOF BQOTS&SHOES . FOR THE . . :f FALL&YIHTERTRADE. THE JWFIHM!, Koehlcr & Mayer, WILL continue doing Imsiness at C. KCFJILf U'a old eund. three doors West of the Houklug Valley Dunk, Lnnouter, Oliio. ., , .. C. KIGIILER V. M ATI-II, would rhspeet' fidly inform tlie puMic that thy have euUrxl inht partnerslnp in the above ruinlnew. and that C. Kwliler has ju.l rHtunwd Troin the Gitst. and thnt he aatwUhl in prson a large and suporlor stock of eustora mad ' work, consisting of ' ... Wnble.Moi Ladies' Callcra HalmoraUt Als. vii,es'and Chlldranaf " AlenU U'l.r.Hiyisttear, Vanih'a Wtar, We warrant our work agsjnat rppiiwt W are pt' pared on the shortest mrt-ee to fill all ortlers for homa made work, from the finest Ho-H to trie roanest Brtr X an. We keep the lust atomic, the best work mew. aad H-t up work in tlie liest stylo. Our Htovk cannot 1st uriMusod fur durability, neatness rmonwbW ansa. LEATHER. W -slo koenennstioitlron hand an aaaortment of l- itSol and liiper leather amlbhomakur'a Finding KfEMI.ER Mil'lCB. LajKMter, OUo, September , fcaf , 1 Notice lo Drafted Men. TTpiT,qi(4or rut lrn Co. mT I :U htoAh, Ohirt, Julj 12th, lws; I.UAGItAWI U (A Circular Vo. Mfromthcafli' of lit' l'r-v.)t( M'.rshal jttmTU it. to flr m&iifli . :ih f r''uir"-v9iy artvni mini e.aiinini;iJii,mpoti, )' r:,id-.jM of r.nriiij; frtud in Hum oi Three huiiurcw li'II'irn ia'.M;i, urii.;.- KfNjtion 13 of 'The;t ivr vri- !"!.it..r fvr.d fuii'iiif oiit thf- nitior.r.1 fope nnd for o"i-r piirp'-f.i,'! ar.pmvfl March lHti. to prcuumt pf'f'M'ATt: KECiMPT.-j frnin the receiter of coin mutttun morii'V. f.r tiuch nmount, U ttt Bor of KitroHmntrtf h i f.itn-t, tn nritr t rHC'tJiTctf Itww ;rm aCEKTIFICATE OF EXKMPTION, Tho r.ii,iri.a.oT,.r of IutninJ Kernu tn b Tn.-.-iH-irv. la rwrfiyn frorn flrnftd trnj. wlui tlf- iirf it frtr th' purpose of pxirijrtion from theJrmft, thT?non-T atw.Ve f-f-rifi;d. On receipt of thurn, hh CMl-t.-Uir of liitni:U IVix-mif) it hat I ri Xhm Urt-' f-r-Mrt, paying il uUPIJCATF. RKCEIPT?. Both -n :! f 1if rwit hl tydHiTrtHl to the li'nrl of Enrollment nu or before the dv the dmftM prnfn i rwiniril to report for duty, one copy to is rftmncdhr thenAt'J Hoard ;!ind whvnoMtTreaUtl m4i IVritr l the di iiflMl pTtKin fh.ill he furnished hy the RnrH. tv-h af rtfl'tt of Memption dineliatncinrf him from further liability undor tho dnift, hy remsou of luring ptud tlie turn nf throe hundred dollars M forMftid. W. ROBV, Protoit MrtTiluil fljj'l Premdem of the Board nf Eurollujctnt. Ju.y23-17. F. W. LEWIS. M.D., rnrsia.ix jsd surobox. f Uu permftTientlr locate? I in the eity of LnrBiUr. OKFK'F, AND i.EJTDEX''E Turner of Broadwwf ind Wlif'Miiiff. .n the h''tf r.rinerly rtt.'CiipiwI hf r. VuetilirN, when- ivll -rornud iUy or aight, unle atfUifit uv profi"-'onl huiibea. lUferen' fir. ?errU-r. Luuuutcr, April 11. 111, if I lkaiiiit Tou itftliip Seni.n try. rfIIE it-iore fitninarr, united irith the Hygienie L'liome ;ur. is mn Institution of iHcurnmij thai prfi''!it-to nil, b'tt nii-rc ciiul'r to I nv.'du hi, lh opp.rt unity or uvuriiiicT a tliorouafh Education, and f iniirovinstheir ihviic :l powers at the fame time, ni'l f'rle- than treatment alone would coal thorn st any other Water Can. For ye.tni'jutAr. aendfor t oirr-'Ular. nnd remember th.i the next Annual Tenn ff the Ploaannt towaihip -Hiu.iurv v, iil ijommenee on MOMAY. MARCH tho V i, A. f. Irtt, au 1 .'on4iat of W wek4, Oj tided int Three fViufonit. as fillown: Smn::-er bunion from Mar-h the30thto June iMk leW. Tvrclre weeks tuiti-tn Vatation 10 weekt. Fall Heiun. frofn Aufriuu lit to November theOth 1UC3. Twelve (reek tuition . NoTacation. W;ner Seeaion. fftm ovcm'fer 23d, 1863 to Varan 12th W4. S xu-en week tntbon $. Tuition rnuit te pid in ndran'.-e, or secured by note, ind no rediu'iion will be made? nn arcount of aba'enee. iTfBojdaMin, f.-n-iHting of tnn'ejna food, frail, ind r.retaMe&, will he furnished hy the Principaia at $J OT w-o;. ""rl h'.renl-np:ir heda R.inoand eerured tho .ervic" of Profear, rnxiiDrm to (fite instrwtio m the Pmno. and other inetrnment of rrmato, on reav -onaHe terms. )r. .If.EPH FEE MAN. pripriikA nnd 4 A If AM FRBBD, Aaiwla-lb Fetnury xllya! Recruits Wanted! ENLIST WITH THE 4611. O. V. I. Col. CIIAS. C. VALCOTT FI1HIS Ue,nment fa eornpoeed rln cipalU ofiin'Q from Ftirfleld and Franklin Vmintiea, and the nien re armed with the Hpenoer Rifle eeie ahoott'n. imnriTe thi last opportunity and ejkie the druaX. A Bounty of $302 aill be mid for new fwriitx. and MM forthow who hsve st-rved uine moutlu, which drfted men trill nol r,v.,.ir... OFFICE Comer of Mala 81. and Paax lie Vqnar) IsecouU DourTroiu thcCeracr, Lieut. CHA3. H. RICK. Kecruitina o(8ear. Oct '12, 15S.-tf CHANGE OF TIME. Cini'luiia'.l M llnilngion ZanesvUle - fff an; u. i-; -J om. 1141 1- ROAD iUMEt ARRANGEMENT. Co.-niiienoinj 5lonJr.y. A Pl i4th, ItCS, Train wWi raw as fcllcws : GiMXIi IS A ST. t.ive Ltock, Fr, Ae. No. 1 Paa. f.MVe C ncinnoli H.' P.M. A M, Murrow - MS " Mi " W.lmihiton H-.JS ' .M M Wuslui.gii n.l2,15l'.M. 12,30 A.M. . " fm-lev.lle ;i,i.-i I'. M. 3.10 11.M " " I. mcnMter 7.i) " r.,KI " P.K. " N.I'Xiiijt'.iiM.iJO " 7.4S i,ta Arrive ntZ.ine.ullel I " lu.uO " t. " No. 2, PASSisiiaa AccoavoBtTioa Ii'sve Xinesville " N. I.vinzton. .. ' LAN'i:aTEK... CiruleVillH " Wsshinrftnii " WIlniinjiTiin Arrives at Morrow " Cincinnnti 7.M A. M. 1.19 P. M. , S,4 - tsn " 12,30 A.M. 1,40 4 ,90 . .... 9.' ... .PMiS 11.04 ....U.l'i P.M. .... 1,10 2.00 3.5U 1,00 nt Z;iiiesville with Central Ohio tralna fur all peiuM lin.t. We.twnrd Tr.iin ennneel as follows: At Memar with Little Minml T'.iin for ell points South and Wees, nnd nl-o with I. tile Mimi Train for East and North. . Freight sil l A vniin,i.lntinn train leaving LanoaaV ti'r:it "i.4'i A. M.. Uink." eloie eanaeutiona ailhCaae tnil i h:o "Vinin for (Vlunihns, Diiilyline of '.inches eonnectln with raensr tntin' are ruu fl..m t'irclevillc, th llicotlie and Co H'liihiis. tli..sIieelHl errsnemenH are mede fop Arrylne Live ibV-a t-j the F-intern Markets hv the Baltimore Knstwnrd D.isseneis trains make elnsii ennnectlona t nnd P'niiJylv.mfft llnilroads at as low rates as are at ierd '.V my "tier im. Vtr thmush En"t ot West, ir for fQrthar In. f-'rinstinn n to Frelrt'it H 'tes or shipments please ap .iy toJuHN C, C v-KIil.. ntt-nt at Lsneiwter. WM. KEV MiiXK, RECieVIR. W. W. CVrtn. t Siip-t,Ziiiesvill, O, Feb- l'J'OU 4--tf. a house and lot for. Sale. I offer my House and Lot hr sale, nn Walnut street f opposite the residence of J. A. Ream. Eaq. Thia ptrniertv ie eonvenlvntiy located for persons doing t... . ! i ... k d..ImLj i ii sold vcrv low. uEOKUE 6MIT11. OcttfthGJ-29-5m. Boarders Wanted. R9 E. C. MeCAOKEN can aeeemidl thre or four boardore; corner of Whfen street an4 road Alley. (Vtlilk iMIw The RAILROAD HOUSE, fermerty kept by Trips A Gitrthwaite, corner of Celumbua and Railroad Streets, opposite PraU'a Tanyard, is offered for rent. The house is well aditpted for a hotel or board of house, with good atablina and other coavaaieiieem Possession given immediately OcU5-2U-Ow. . JOAN L WILLUMaV J. 1HOKKISO, PROPBICTCM. Gnesta will receive' every attention. Bills raaadMUia! Lanaitr, Ohio, Mar t -MeWW TALLMADGE HOUSE