Newspaper Page Text
VJfCLB BkNJLMIR'S SBRMOX. - Not niftny houreago I beard Uncle .Benjamin, ditcus&ing this matter to b,is son, who was complaining of pressure. "Jlly upon it. auimy,'' sa,idthcold - man,' 6s ha leaned on his stuff, with bis gray locks flowing in the brecee of a My, morning, ''murmuring . pays no bid. I have boon an observer for these fifty years, and I have never, caw a man helped out of a hole by cursing ' his horses. Be ns quiet as you can to? nothing will grow wilder a moving liar- iw. a i. A A I j.m i unt L iivrriivo tlm .Mnil .Blatters are Daa, i ncKnowieuge. out no nleer is any 'belter for fingering; tho mor you growl, the pooror you grow. "Repining at losses is only putting pepper into a soro eye. . Crops will Jail in all soils, and wo may by thankful that wo have not a famine. Besides. I i always took notice that whenever J ', the rod pretty smartly, it was so much as to eay: .Here is something which you have got to learn.' Sammy. don't forgot tliaCyotir schooling is not over yet, thongh you havo u wife and two children." "A-;' cried Sammy, "yoa may wy that, an! a motlur-"n law, ivnd two apprentices into the bargain; and I , hhould like to know whal a poor man I I J J WHfl-n-" Urge l -J 1 -latin pacre far two ar lkBB t Mat stamps. 4kss -a Q a Oyer's .H5S6?4aiia KB DT is to learn heiv. when the great' M scholarsan ll''wvcr:ir nt criT-r! ai's, and can't tell for their livos what ha beeomo of the I inoiu y. ' : i '-Softly, Sammy, I am older than you; I have not got this; gray hairs ami this crooked back without rood bur dens. I could tell you stories of the days of Continental money, when my grand-falher used to stutl'a milky box with bill to pay for a yearling, or a wheat fan, and when the Jersey women used thorns for pins, and laid their tua- fits uway in the garret. You wish to now what you can lor.rn! You may loam these seven things: 1. That you havo saved too little, and spent too much. I never tlrmght you to ba a miser, but I have seen you giving your dol'a for a 'notion,' when vou might havo laid olio half of it aside for charity, and one half asi lo for a ramv dav. 2. That you have go no too much upon credit. I nlwavx told you that credit was a show. There is a sub staneo behind which cast the shadow; but a small body may cast a greater shadow, and no wiser man will lollow the shadow any furl her than ho can soo the substanfo. Yon iruv now learn that you have followed uu I been decoy ed into a bog. 3. That you hrtvo incti in too much haste to becomo rich. Slow and ca-v wins tho race. 4. That no course of life can bo do Tionded upon as always prosperous I am ufraid the yoiingor vaeo of working men in America have a notion that no body could go to ruin, on this sido of tho water, Providence ha very great ly bloMcd us, and wo have become pro sumptous. ' 5. . That you have not been thank ful enough to God for his benefits in past times. 6. That you may ba thankful your lot is not worse. , We might have linn loo, or postilenco, or war, or tyranny, of' altogether. li jAtrd lastly, to end my sermon, you may loam. to otter yy.tli more under standing the prayer of your infancy: Give Us this day out- daily bread. Tho old man ceased, and Sammy put on his apron, and told LSi-l. to blow away at tne forge bellows. GEO.II. SMITH, JJ. DEAI.KU IN' W A T.fltt i CLOCKS. JFiYELKT AND NOTIONS, Greene Mock. Second Door from the Comer, Main St., Lancaster, 0. U.IKE miMi.t IX i o ItH (IAD. flV''i"""1 co'" stool; 0" .IIMI? I I 'aTF. wnttH inrai the p'VM - in Riierrl t,,1"' ho his turn in store at his, in iw (irrriiv !lnrl. ii-cmnl Ouor from III1 Corner. 'I tin streel, l.n iifiiMr r, O.. of art: I l'" "' h" KV end JoHC-liy ti than was ever o:fticd Ui:r. p.e. . , He hie hint roeo've I nlv'gomvo:con, MUSICAL I ft STRUMS 'JTS . of erer variety, such n .GUITATiS, VIOLINS. " ACCOriDEOXS, vli:its, COXCEUTEXAS rLAGELKTS. CLAinONTXS, MUSIC DOCKS, 4c. ic, n AM KIND OK VIOLTN A ilTTTA'f STKfVOS CLOCK. in "n tl- vat;? miimi; vii)"frf tltH i-ON. liKKbKuT, k CO., i iui i-.t tore ti 'ntinn:tl Disiwns-.rv, csMHjsIi! at CiiH'iimiili.O., Jul). 1 lvO. cure piiVnto dirtCiuM'fi with Uitvxttmi-WU unam. impoiri:y, MtiuriiHi biiuBHiuus.urii-i'iiPc, bium-'l Knnsft.uni. 1'cnmte in) 'html. i ltort vti y t--n;iUo form nni v.iriftv of eVxul-tr iltent. Cum ruptrt, thorough and pTmment, and !coa lnoderHt. Send for ourC.rcul r fifteen luryr in. y 11 m. kttrr piigcs, oi riir:ei. v dtmoio nnd int.n'itmg mutter. At o, ftflreulttriiiliMidrd for l:lisni;!y. Mitiy of our patn( assert, thny havo nont money to Doctors iii Eastern Cities, suid roccived no re turn. Then why not rwtrmvr. homp tn!cnt inrn who kro'the;liiiwtc.nndcnn cfpvt sppether cures. r r. Jackson's Fonmln I'.lls M prr box wnil fr Cir-'i'lfr. Kpf:IM wrtton p-phs, u'U srrld, scut ith the Circular, without ctmrp. Om oi the chrni ft. most 'utrrrntmg. find iinpoitnnt hnoks rvrr pu 3i p-7o.' liiii rnurnVMip. "Th' Hmmtaiu o L V. frr Und ProtfMor nnd M.triitiM iiiitdi-. nndnn FAi-li-it Kv to I.nvo an f Hfiuity." It KTT?-'- FACTOUlLYr-vp:d!vr.ou3 Ri.biccH nryriio.reril- lv oxpl iin'd in any work its Knun-H inirtinr'. Phfo :u tts rrd f,i- Urvt stn-p. or O.rt-o torSlcrtl t'ircf 3 cnt Htimps. Fully dv- rild in our C ir-.-fl-ir, n '"ii every young mnnMiouMiiaif, nitt-uiu nvv u well. Mpdie;no:mdhidru''t ntm ncnl promplly tonnypirt t!" "onntiv. Consiiltimr I?imii of tho rispoiu;uy, No. lsyonrnorostrrpt. V, O. Uox. No. 4:i.t. . PH. JACKSON'S ORIENTAL LINIMENT HotrtoTM tdl col'hios, and rciuvi-niifrM organs vhi-1 hnvo ;i;u ilorntPiit for manv vur. It will rnro miv (( oliniifiri-n'-v, croalc and itwrfnf tin jjar":ni tci ;ny r i: on'ihrtini. (.'.in b mailed mtli peifi'vt it.if -v. $' pr 1 ottlo. OR. JACKHON'S FRKNCH PATENT MALE SAFE! It porfo--tIv safe nnd nvor ti.U to r; vo Hatirfiirthtii. tt is tho onlvMiro mid sato provontivo iuriin.tcoitrn-t- insdiono pvor invented. Pries SI ewh, said if 7 per lojton, nt mad. m i n"i iv IMPORTAaT.TO SULDItillS Agent for Procuring I Trj :t to '1'T IM" I I'.... I.r. t.' 1 l. ... I in.irm i, M-i" llTik.. .to., inon.llos? viiriny urn iiiv t. In (V VO 111" D P.l I. orM kinds ol Korair ng done pT.nipiv m l ohwip- ir. ui.'wi. .-.Mil n, jr. Imc.lcr, 5!ny 'J2, 18C-3. u I ZftHE ROUSE onsen jm.v asd uh sweets. A. F.. I'H. PII'II'HIHTOK. 7,.inM.lle. July 3. '-lS-3m. iMPdllT.i.NT Id thr MBMi fEW GOODS AT OLD PBICE8. H.U LOTHING READY MADI IMPORTANT ro busi FD1 H mi AND THE Bcsomi aitd scEoimons diseases. from merf Edn, a rtll-lnoic merduuU of Orfbrd. Maim. " I kare told Urge qunnlltim of yonr Sabhapak ILLA, but never et out boille which laiuvii ol the deiire eflVct and lull vatUluciion to lliose who took It. At fast an our people try It, tuev aree there haa beeo o medicine like it betore iu our community." Eruptiona, Fimples, Blotcbes. Pustule. I Dloera, Sore, and all Diseases of the Skin. ' from Rev. Kobt. Stratton, Itritlol, England. " 1 only do my duly to you and the public, when I add my testimony to llmt you publish of the me diciual rirtuetot yourSAHRAPAitlLLA. Mvdaugb ttr, ajed ten, had an atllictiug buinor in iier ara, eyoe, and hair lor years, which we were uuable to . cure until we tiled your bhe use becu well for aoma mouths." . . From Mri. Jane E. Rice, a ireMnotm and much- ' eslrrmml lady qf IMnuin ille, ( apt Man Co., iV. J. " Iy daii!liter ban uuO'ered fur a year part with s tcrotulout eruption, w hich wan very troublesome. h'otliiiiRaflbrdi'd any relief until we tried your Sab safaiulla, wkicb toon completely cured her." . : From Charlts P. Gag',Eiti.,othticidehj-tnmrvftrm of Oayt, Murray f C'u., Bunuuciurert oeiiam- : tiled iKtperi in Aailiua, A'. II. I 1 had for aeveral years a very troublesome hu mor in my face, which grew constantly worm until It dituguied my features and became an intolerable .miction. I tiieil almost evcrvthlng a man could of both advice nnd mcilicinc, but without any relief whatever, until I took your Baiisai-arilla. II Immediately mode my face wone, as you told me it might lor a lime ; but iu a few weeka t he new skin began to form under the blotches, and continued until my lace It at imnoth as am body's, and 1 am without any symptoms of the dtease that 1 know of. 1 enjoy peffout healt h, and without a doubt owe it tO )'OUI SAItHArAlllLLA." Erysipelas-General Debility - Purify the Blood. From nr. Robl. Sairin, Homton St., N. T. -Tin Avtll: I seldom tail lo remove KrvvtioM and Scrqfulm Sorct by the persevering uso-of your Hakaa and I have just now cured an at tack of Mtilituant A'risijWas with it. Ho altera tive we possess etinnlsthe 8aiuapaiiilla you have iupplicd to the prulessiou at well as to the people." From J. F.. Jolimlon, Fun , Wakemnn. Ohio. " For twelve year. 1 had the ) ellaw Erytlpelss on my right arm, during which time I tried all the cel ebrated pli siciaus I could reach, and took hundreds of doliais' worth of imiiicines '1 ha ulcers were so bad lliut the cords became visible, and the doctors decided that my arm must be amputated. I began taking your Sakbai-auilla look two bottles, and tomeut your Tills Together Iheybavc cured pie. I am now as well and sound as anybody, lieing in s public place, my case is kuoVii lo everybody iu this community, and exuilct the wonder ol all.'' From Hon. Henry Monro. M. P. P .nf ' Sewcastlt. C. II'., a Umliuy member of thr. I'aniulutn Parliament. " 1 have used your Saubavauilla in my family, for general daintily, and lor purifying Ms Woorf, with very benelicial results, and ltd cuuildeuce in commending it to the nfllicled " St. Antbooy's Fire, Eose, Salt Rheum. . Scald Eeud, Bore Eyes. From llarrru Slckler. F.nq-, the ahle editor of th4 . Tunckmnnock Ikmoerat, Pninnylritnia. 1 ' Our onlv child, about three years ol age, was at tacked by pimple on his forehead. They rapidly spread until Ihey formed n loathsome and viiuleut oro, which covered lus lace, and actually blinded bis eyes lor some clnvt. A skilful physician applied BACK PAV AND ALL M1LITAKY CLAIMS CLAKKE & F1U ITKJi,' ATTORNEYS AT LAV. , Claim Agent. lllcK-k, South side Main nitrate oi silver nud other leinedies. w ithout any ap narentetl'ect. i or lilteen days we guarded his hands, lesl Willi them he should tear open the festering ant THE from Arleiuut Ward, Jr. f IU putty plane tn my min i that vv Mrut huvo i fan uh lonir, atuicwnr gotJHon. Ntt mti:li. 'I'liu hyn piilii tin Deinoprtimiht that tlit'so ICol.ol. i n hooil bo over as huoii ;h t!uv wiih 'loctotl, uml tliov air iluiii"; all in tlii'ir iKiwcr to ifit it over all over tla- Norlli. Yon eoiil tiek liciro loyullv in a, chU kcn't c:ir than c i U nimi pon 03d. Tho otlior day I 'pintuJ myfo!!' u commltteoov tliij Wlioloto bo Iu Kicii- mon uni too cl'l eoiloiit eonvins J. Da- vUovtho rror ov lim wayn, an iir Biiiulo him to jino the Voting .Mou' Cbi'iatuin Awt:i!iiion. hiiiiilliin iiuibt bo 'li'l to liavo the win' nIiii(, or, by the timo it I'luloil tho .Northern Hyin piithiors will have uoSoulhri'ii bivth run, or no (.'oiwtitootlon, or no lirlti rittion of Injypcmlonro, or iiotliinjr or an'thln i' Nono. Whnrcobd wo Jirocoor G. Watthinlon, J. tiiinry k'llorsonH, Timian AthimsoH, an utci Ury, to nuiko nnntlicr CoiiMtitiitinn. nl so 1th tho lnrl oHponhilly? Kt-hn onHorH W'liur? That w hy Jlivi h airtukun sich (rood euro ov thai in Hlrooniont, which roinimU ino uv a littlo liirtiilont, hk A. h' olmarvott. 'A chlp tO 1110, HcX ho, " J know but ono way to get rid of tho ityiiipa Ihtzorrf." , "Which i how?" IarsUt. " Why," Hiiyn ho, " rip tho Contiloo Uon into HjilintorooiiH rent it in twain, nj) Realtor tho piocoH to tho end ol' the wtrth." . " How wood tltum do it?" I coodn't eee it mtich. 'I Why you know thar lovo for it i 80 grnto thnt ct it wu.t tlextroycd, it wood break their hearts an kill 'cm dead, which wood bo tho oond ov Yin.' " Pons bo thar oond," bo 1. " Lon may it wave I" 'LoriltlG MIDE to ottntit DRKS8 COATS, PANTS, VE.-5TS. S1IIWTS. SOCKS. AND COLIiAl'S T.rtl'illi-or wrt'lr. Ilr'ltr. chrnnr : n,o ''' '.is I a f.i l.,rt.,M'J. ihin i-.-in ho hul fhrwheiT l,nn.:a-u r, at III.OCK'd wn inamiiiolli:l"lhinj etore TALLMADG2 HO SE inlno.lint. lv under Tilli,l'3n lloil nffl. s, Main livot. l.dw-iit.T, Oliin. l ull firly, !:'ll nlu-n, aud i,..,.U- ,-..,ir I.O!. W'li 1.' tf'.O. MirOi'lll'I'll. Th'itiklni my "I I triemt iorinpi" , ...-: . ...... IU". I III V n i"intlllil,u.,o ni ui"tr -.1-1' . i".M niif,- "iiitiIIv I oxioinl nn iiintni'in u ii-hi iy lo' nnd pr "e.. Iwi'l forgot lh ! ifj 'l"i I l"j- (i'l to .'till,'ior iii sup'-iMnv " ' mil fsirneas ofpriuss. ,-, , , . ! J. llLitJwlV, JJ5 i. Pek 14 1 lJ-IT-tf. PIIR imorsigiioil h'lTina pnri'lied and thorough. 1 Iv ropalrod ami iinproveil lllP CITYlfiiLL, .Iiii.t1-d nn llm ('mini, nl lh Mniilli r nil al llr'iiiil M rrl. I Hiniialcr, O , Imtoful pat I'nvnr', now nl eits tho putronngH ol till former oii-louicr. and "11 II ' no mol ' to favor lll I'llolt". tn.llpilv til" willlla of the rnra- n with n 'ill' H'. r. Mi l l' i.e. nr ruuijii. Iln It fully jiioparnil to do nil kimla of nt.hert notii-e, sn livll.d nil llmo. p-iv the liighett nirl unenfor W1II'; I nn i ntii'T grnin. Il ivinv In Ins 1'iiiplov n g .od nil. I onoed mil- .r, ho rooh null h nl thai ho will lm nl.lo to rntiii-ly M;.lv I iom, who limy wvor tvin win, inoir enini or paironagn. i. . ".'iirv.. LaiKnilar, Juno lltf CI (J Alt MWIFACTi IIY. it t o r v u ii t r ehfi e i. n v.i ui,.i I in,..,-lr. flli n. ono door wi st of llnntor'n lima Hnro, koo nilnntly on hand a large and superior nssonniont ,. lleiir 'lir 'on H.'irnlin l,u rnlmi'llit .I'rln. Ipr. It a it til mid Ifrmlr. IIiiU i'inlli I'lgirs.of Hie vorv hol mWr. wli'-h t hoy will aril lio.iior ilian niiv'iiviiiiifa' l'irinir o-t'ihl 'limi nt in Oio ll nr. wnrtrmfr tho l0-t fllltll'IV of Ofro,,' i iili. and r.inn.'i'il."it foeil Tolim'i n, nnd elinllrn .omnop.on of rolllt.. UirWo iniili' sinol.or. f I ,l,lo to oxnnvno out ,.!, itooT lU'i rKnnici.n. I.aivastor, l'eh. Hi 111 -Intl. AS AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM, " Ajii'mwi MEi hotk.-Daniel Wob ntcr hml- un uiu'cilulo of old Father Searl, tho minister of bin boyhood which is too good to bo lost. Jt win ouelomary tlion to wear bucUkin bvoochonin Jool wonthor. Ono Sunday morning, in Autumn, l'lilher Searl brought hid broochc tlown from the garrot, but tho whhih hud tiiken ptm ieiwion during tho HUinmor, and wore L'avihg'u nioo timo in thorn. By dint of (Sort bo got out tho intrmloi n, iiikI dressed for mooting, but, whilo read ing tho acripturo to tho vongrogulion, he felt dagger from ono of tho onni gfjd iinall-wintod follown, nnd jumped around tho pulpit alupping bis thigha Bat the moro he aluppod and dancod. the' more they atuug. Tho people thouirht him vrur,y, but ho' explained thd iMttteE by auying : ''Drothren.don't b alariiU' -tue wora or tho Lord is in rav'&oatli,! but tho Uovit i in my breeebwi") Wcbutof . always toU n witbjjrtcfrtjtlw to the FASSfllLbtPiBRT ESTABLISHMENT. -I Ism a CLirl'fll. D A U U ' )! f l AVE removal their nlnoi tn thr Oioty Urudt 1 I llnil ling, iititn-'diitl-ly o'o'lo tlm I'rv (i.-nl -t..n f Mi'. H''U. nn I 4 doim ot th lliH' Villi)' Thir ntiirU 'iiifitln ol nil kiinl ii FANCY BONNETS Atmn (enpr;d n-u.irtmrnt of STRAW GOODS, IIIICIIItN. l.tllll M' (Mi's. Villi kl HriKl Iits' 'olliir, ( arsrlt Ac rooi.ia ipe. inl nil. nlii.n. Older. Illleil on ahnrt FANCY HATS AND FLOWERS tmlirlaoil, mvi I'heai, lor oisll. I. mho nro rs' .i.. tlnll lliviti'.l tn i- II L.Tnio pur. Ii i-ing i l .,,.. l l.lKl.'I'UU 4 lIulll.NSll.N, l.nm nator, April l-'ia If. 10 THOSE ID WANT OF CLOT MING. 0 ITEMS GREAT INDUCEMENTS, TO THE ITS CIRCULATION NOW NUMBERS OVER 1,000 COPIES WEEKLY JOB PRINTING!! Wo nro prepared to execute all kinds of Job Work, in tho latoHl styles, on the shortest notieo,nnd upon vory low tonus corrupt wuund which covered his whole lace. Hav ing tried every thing else we had any hope from, we began giving your Sakhafakili.a, und applying the iodide ol polush lotion, us you uliect. '1 he sore bewail lo heal when we had given the lirtt bottle, and wat well when w o had finished the second. The child's eyelashes, which had come out, grew again, and he ! now lis healthy and fair as any other. The whole neigliboruoud ptedicled that the child mutt die." Syphilis and Merourlsl Disease. ! fir r.'vim i f St. LoUin. MiiltOltri. "1 hud your haksapauilla a tnoie ellectual remedy lor tho .iciinilary symptoms of Syphilii, and for syphilitic disease than any other we possess. '1 ho profession aio iiideblcd to you for tome ot tua best medicines we have " From A. .1. French, M. D., an eminent physicim of Lairrenre. ,1nss.. v-ho tit a prominent member of the .eyiiilalnre of Mawxchmetts. 'Pit. Avkh My dear Sir: I havo found ronr BAitSAi'Aiui.i.A un excellent lemedy for Syphilii, both ol the primnry mill tecondnry type, and effect ual in some cuaca that were too obstinate to yield to other remedies. I do not know what we can em- 5ih.y with more certainty of success, whero a power, ul nlteiativu is iuo,uned." Afr. Clirn. S. fan l.ieif, of New Uninnrrl; AT. J., liml dteaillul ulcers nn his legs, caused by the abuse ol mercury, or nicrcuriii ffisrrMs, which grew more end mote aggravated for years, In spile of every or treatment that could lieiippiieil, until the persevering use of Avkh'b SAiiaAi'Aiiil.i.A lelieved lilm Few ensea can be found more Inveterate and distressing than this, laid It took wveialdozeu but ties lo cine him. LeuaorrhcDa, Whites, Female Weakness, sre generally produced by Internal Scrof nloui Ulcer alion, and aio very olten cured by the alterative cllect of this Some cases reiiuire, however, iu sid of tho Saiisafauilla, the skilful spplicallou of local remedies. From the vetl knomn and tridely-eelcbratttl Dr. Jacob Morrill, of Cincinnati. " I have found your H a ukafauilla an excellent alterative in diseuses of li inalet iluny cases of ir regularity. Lcucorrhma, Internal Ulceration, and local debility, arising tioiit I lie scrofulous diathesis, have yielded to II, aud there nro tew that do not. when tlaclfecl is properly aided by local treatment.'1 A lady, unwilliny lo allow the publication of her name, trrifes; " My daughter and myself have heen cured of a very ilebiiilnliug Leucori hoea ot long ttauutug, uy two bottles of your Sakbai'AUII.La." Bheumatlsm, Onitt. I.tver Complaint, Dys pepsia Hoart Diuouao, Nouraiaia, when caused bv .NVroWa In the system, sre rapldlf ured by this Ext. Saiwapakilla. ayTr'8 ! cathartic pills posaess so tunny nil vantages over tho other ptir gativc in tho timrket, and tlieirAiipcrior vinnci nro so itiiitorHally known, thnt wc need not do moro tlinii lo nnsuro tho rnililic. their quality is miiinmiuo'l eqnnl to tho k-st it ever luu been, and thnt 1 1 icy may ho ilopendud on to do all that they huvo ever done. IV.puicil tiy J. C. AYER, M. D., & Co, Lowell, Mass., nnd sold by ai . .. .-ir.i k !.. Kuuffjuut k Co., and (iconto II. I'..',-U. I. uieaa.oi , I llilo. July J I, I.Ui Iyl7 It. .SI. OI.AHKI eWoFFtrK-Tnllmiidgo btreut, iiiioaster, otuo. . BOUNTY-MONEY. Evory Hol liev wh ha" s tv.mI two yours, is entitlod ti.jlirHoiiiiiv. KvorvS 'ldioriliMiliaiKod hy mwon of wounds reooivo.1 in Imtilo,! entitled u Sl'Wllolinty. Kverv Soldier enlisted alter .Inly la', 10-'. nnd ilia charJed hoi.. re serving two year. I" ontitli"! to 1-J6 I'oimtv. Tho Widow, Children, Father, Mother, or Uei'-a of oMi.'is. who die in the t orvico, lire entitled to the above liolintiesi. .. ! I.r" Are nllnwoil to nil soldiers who hnvo boon r'HaMeil, in any dereo, hy wounds or disease, while in the service in the 1: lie of liiify to widows of doeoased solilicrB to orphan iiter or widowed mother dejioiideut on the deceased soldier lor hiij port. ItucK Pny. We have rvorv f.ieil'lv for tho oollnntion of Back Pay. If final pn'oors arc eorro.-tlv in ule out. wo ean Ii ie tho ineiiev in hair! in four itiya from tho time the remer nre 'delivered to u. M'ol li'l' who havo urrar ot'jviv diiethem from the flovemmout, will do well to en 1 1 on u. oh wo can eolleet the money for tn'ieh les than it will oositto go to ,1m riV.n-,, or ele whero : nnd mneli sooner than the suito l'ny Agent oau collect tliuir money. Wrlln to t'n. And will n.lvio yon. FI'KK OF CITAMfJE, nnd send vou olank with' iti itrn.'tion for tilling thorn up, so that you can prepare your elaim witiiout troublo. i I'rampl, I Tho oomer von tn die vonr nppl:ention, the sooner vou wdl set y.'air lin.nev." If Apnlieafnn for Pension is not eia.lowitlrna year from the date of discharge, n veariy pension is lost. Ilenipinbor tlie Tlnrr! It. M. PLMIKK. Pimm Aokst: Offlee onth side Main Street, Tiillinnile llloi-k, Lsnriwter, Ohio. Cclprvnrc: Martin A Co.. Br.nkern; IlunlerA Paiihorty.Attorncysi P. M. Wn'.''', Pension .nrixeon. 1'irrsBuiiu Lasdino, Ti:Nrssr.E, May, 11. To the People of Fntrflolrt Comity. We nro pei-ioiiallv neiinainteil with II. M. 0I.AKKK, F.-".. .Ill lls'li.-ve llilll to lie honeytan l enpal.le. We i heerfnlly reeoniiiii.ini him to our friend of tho 17th P.euo'niont as a proper por-mi tn attend to iheeoll tioil of Soldier.' I'I uiii", Hnek l'ny, ltonnty, I'oniions.&o. .T-.111, M. fnnuell, (Inlollel ITtll l!c.g:'nient O. V. M. F. Moore. I.ieuti'iiant Colonel wtli Hcg. 0. V. I. A. .1. Ilivis, Adijltnllt 17th Ohoi. Daniel Knts. ...... Captain li. K. Ilutterfield, Comd g Co. A. 17th 0. V. Lieiiteni'iit .1. II. Aruey. Captain Kwn Uii-tcf. t.'oinpany F, 17lh Iteg. I.ioiltennnt II. H'liliiVilll. .1. W. Stiiii'henini,, I'iptain Company B. A. I. Ashhro'iU. 1st loiitenaiit Couipnny B. Will .ilii II. I'Mltll. l Mi llteteiiit, ehiiipiiny B. A. rt-eiou. t'i(,nn Company I, 17th Ohio. I. oo N'-.leJ. 1 't Iiieiilennnt. on pun v I. ITtli Ohio. D. M. I!, a. C ipt I'll C iinpany K, ITtll Ohio. , S. II. C.Hiin.-.'.l I.'ellten .nt. O. E. l'et. rs. Aixt ml Q.iiirtr Ma-tor I7lh Ohio. II. If. Sleniei. t 'apt i n Company ii, 17th "hio. r'mt.iin C. II. I!:0"-v. Conip'iiiv Ii, 17th nhii. I.ielllellallt '). M. Well' i, C .Illl.allV D, 17th Ohio. Lieutenant II. II. IlialMt, I niipany u, 1,'WIUUIO. I.measter, J row Is, ai5 Wtf REWl OVAL.! A. BREWrOEmAIM UA VING reinovtil tiU Hnlt Mure Trmn tlta old tin ml. to Ilia rnm on Huor IntmrdluiHy .h1 ot JtdiR ( -mil IT t'niiroi lionor) . wiiuhl ti pluHitid lot't nil liin old t'(isfiiiiiirR. uud t tumty new onos i tu.iy f ivurfii n with a Cull. BLANK BOi'K"!. STATION ERV. STANDARD W0RK. NOVELS, SCHOOL BOOKS, and LlTKItA ITJREof all kintls, at tiik IjOM'hst :mm"is. A BRENNEM AN. Linca.ter. May7,lHC3 ntf CLOTH ING. tMseMtsisesBsssssaasB BEST AND CHEAPEST IXSTJKAflC.I. FIRE. MARINE AND' LIFE Vm the Partlclpaliau iflao. LUBILLIBD KSCBAXCB C011PAXY, OF NEW YORK, r .... Cnsh Citi'itnl Surplus Assets Toial Assets 6500,000 139.818 $639,818 P. RISING. AISirlii5ri'Old StuiKl, Main St 1I; now in store a largo nnd complete supply of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTH ING, embracing every ileseription of OEXTLEVEX-S an I B0 P.s; WE A HIXQ ArPAREL, whieh is offered to pitrehisera AT PRICES to SUIT TUB TIMES, roit HIE HEADY C 19.1. Evcrythingfiom the finest omit down lo tho coarsest l.neeK Miirt, KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. I nm rendv to civo fflve good Bariralns and Runrnntee the Work. My CLollll.NO is nearly nil MADE AT HOME md I beliovo to ho hotter trilnmod nnd made than that from the Ei't.nli l will he CHEAPr.R in the end ne-Conie nn with your eah if you want hi'. 1 B Vt'JAl.NS th in wero ever offered yon IH'ore. O it. II, 1813 ly. H13l.,i BANK EXCHANGE! -PALM EH KOOMZE, OF NEW YOftK. Cash Ciipilal. ' urplus BRsets Total Assets . $500,000. 100,759 84 I 8G90.759 '84 TALL SLOTJGH. ATIORKETATLAK I, A 1(V STDII , till IO. Cirriompt nlt-'iitlon j.'iven to Colleotiout' otl-TcK In ilf.rd's llloek. Laneastiir, March ti, iwiu 17tf . N. SI. CKUUCU, SADDLE WD WWMM Wills I.AXCASTEU, OHIO, On the corner of Broad and Market srpiaro ono doo houth ol J. D. .I.u-lion's liroeery. Ho korps eouHt intly on hand a full supply of every tluni in Ins hue oi ixiiue.-. oivo nun n enn l.ail-alsl M iy , lw'ii-tf. NOTICE TO S ?02rS MEN. 1 1 I!' have made arrnni;eiuents to open tin, "FASHION itMtsK." ut I n l.lieo. nu.l to; all iiieetoi:r. for .iniiilinit mid Iron. nix. I he I rue! is a lull in le. in -rood ei'oiinil, will U well fen.-ed. i.i-iieoled w th L'ond M iMim! for all who niny eomo, p.-rs.ius wi-h.u to Hain either running or trotting h .res. or thoo' wi-liin-' hordes trained tor either,. he iieeomm.i.l:ltedliMer the Ikst of .liino. Hy that time I u .11 have train, ra ot'the first order lor both liitrpnsi' I inteli'l to lliaUe thi the most liopilhir Course ill iii,... a. II e eo l.iior d tiorse. nnd in all respecti .1...II 1, ol ...i. here all eun eo to. mid .to eiliov this vry oxeil'ii; and lionuliful sport. I also oxpoel to hildn II'iUSF, FAIII mine a j ear. Due notice will lie given ol the rnee I t.n Lanenster, Mareli CIIABLKS MllXEIl. , lsia 'ii'ir sv K' l; leave to inform hi. old friends and file p;ih- li.: generally, that ho haa opened il Mi lhtfl Wit l i fiil kiitMIHU KS'I ATH.TSHM I'.NT, Ore Doer Vat ot 11. Is. ll' More, Where may ho fo'ind at all times tho delhwiies of tho senHon, in the shuts? of ISH,!iSS!FLESH.OR Cliolco Itrni'd ira.Vi nn triindies nnd Del Iciltel )' I lnvored Liquors. Our stock of Conl'eetionnr e is hrgo nnd wr sp leeted. nnd eotnlirises l,ni-Uo depeaeiosnndsweet- m-atKof nil kind. Oiireounii'v treieis will imnour "ilinary department, under g ii'i supervision, nirr lining roonis, eo-.l nnd n ry. our prices low, und our le-ire to pte-we Ley. Old all I'.'ll.t. Tho liar Hoto..i'e.,an I .hi. lor eontro of that prineo of uood lellows ,i IN l'F.IUIV. wdl ho loim.l sit. md to nono. Call nu.l see us. an i you wii go away suns n,, r tl.lll II KOO'I 'R. Af or th: irooU wo w 11 ho r-re,iro. to runn-Ii laoio. and iioiiilenien with ICK-CRI'.AMJ of "II llavors. Wo 4jo intend lill'tig up a MODO FOI'.NTAIN Xnticister, June 4, lswi iinilu fC'TKsnosi'rilier having lately made large additions J to Jus luriner MO..-1; ot These companlet divide three fnnrilii of net profits aniiuiilly to the Policy Holders In scrip, bearing la teiestattl pur cent., thereby funding the .iirplaasnd giving Policy Holders greator tesurity and ehsape issurunce, . I he Advantage ol tUe Partlclpsitlsis; ate in Doiniinatrnted. A B.mi Policy ol tl.Ut.ll, on the Old 8) item, pay.. A It. on a Policy of S3.(iiill,"on the New "and Partlel tiatlni: Sysioui. nay. in rivts vuurs l&u ev P.iilul in. und ol first year he receive. In terip (it 00 A nd attho und of thesocoud year ' II SV Ami iaturost la cash on provtoua tcrip, ' " f vu At Iheendoflliothird year ho receive. In t'-ri . 1J M And iiilereslei, previous scrip. (311 SI 88 A t llieeud of the 4th year tie recolres In scrip jj at Aniltiiterestnn previous tcrip 4 t.r 2 70 Atinuendofthullllh year he receive. In ' " IS Ahdmtereston prevloutscrlp MO S 60 1 WJ7J 0 Bcaitj Ry Insuring In one of the above cAmiis. llles. his I'ollev will cost hi in. for five year.. Sill In. steuilol SI.'nib; the Old System, to wit: Totiri'iiiiniii on 3,lli 0 for five yvart.... ISO af Ml si-rip worth In .New York 411 1 elite. . 3n 00 Uj Interest received iu catbouscrlp.. 8 09 IRON AND NAILS. THE LANCASTER GAZETTE IS PUUI.ISIiri) WEEKLY AT ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS. IN ADVANCE. s Now is (he time to IN THESE TIMES OF EXCITEMENT 'W1ITR siil.s.'iilier would Inform In. pnumwra and I el-,., tint ho bus HKMO T.D HIM P.M. TMil.lMIIMKN'T I" Ilia room formerly occupied by I'll Hi l" lUK T'lMi, iii tin; sua i:rri:u rlock, Miip ilonr Wf-t nf fiiMtrtfo UroU'R IrugS(oro, wJiorcho niny founl rt'iitly (n tit out oillnr READY-MADE OR TO ORDER, dl who may furor him with a rail, 'or past favor., April u, IHitu ttlf lie returns thnnlca JAOOll II1TE. nil. T. O. RIIWARHM nffera hia I .rvi.s-H to eit'sens of ,.,n..a.ttr und vicinity. ontce over Hbv., mi's Kept, 10, 1 .03. If Drug Htore. VIllGTL E. SFTAW, LAW OFFICE FPICK OVF.Tt rilPKortD A nRt.AMIIMI'TII'8 dlM'O MTilltK. ' W'll attend promptly to nil busi ness iilrnlr. to hi. euro. Lanouater, July 3, 'itt-tf. Nat lee to Tas Papers. TOTICE la horohr given, thai horoaVr, the morilh 1 1 ly Tnx must Im i. Ivetween tho ioth nnd last of a h niont't. l'or.on tiding to make payment within hi tone poifled, w II ho re.ll're.l tn ' nny pennlty and elherwiaebedealt with acconllng to law. P.. M. CI.AUKE piity Collaotor. IVpt. 1?, Ufa -K EEBB0B SIIOl'LD HAVE A HEWSPaFER SUBSCRIBERS WANTED! SUBSCRIBERS WANTED! Dit. SIVKET'S Infallible Liniment THR GTSKAT KTIHIINAI. lSE.HK.nY. lor 11 he n in tit I sin, t.oiit, lM'lirllla, l.iiiiili;ia, Mill !ii'li mill Joints. Sprniiis, Itriiixi'a, tula unA llriiiM's. -(. ii ml Wound, 'le. IleniliM lie, liml nil It lie li mil I if unit 'rv. .nil IliKortlrra. nl!. STl'rtJI N svi:i'. l i of Connec. i,iiiii, The Ureal Xalill al Ilonr sli tter. Dr. Meiilioii Sweet ol t'oniterttrut 1 ON oralsint the lOihdnT'if lnlr, ln, at TVnin.nl1, Ohio, a note fortho siim ofuiin hundred dollnrs. duo Novoinlior IUI, 1HII3, iitailo by lleorgr llolihes, of Kairtleld county, Ohio, nnd puyulile to Mnriih Kair ebihls. Notice is horohv irlvon to tho said floorgo Holmes, that payinent to nny other porsnn than the said Siirnh raireniiiia, win ih intiiio ut nis own riK. MAHAli F.MUC1III.D4. Bept. 17, ima-flw Known all mer the I'niled s'tntes, llr. Me tli, ii sit iM-l of llomicctlriit Is the author of "Dr. sweet's luf.llil.le 1.11111110111." hi'. Sweet's Iiiliillililo 1minu'iit. t'ures and never !ii Is. Dr. Sivivl K liil.tllililo Liiiiinont Is n certain remedy l.-r N-'.tr il'4 11. Dr. Sweet's Inliillilile Liniment l.'ures llurns and Sealls imnie.tiatelv. Dr. Sweets Inliillilile Liniment It is the he.t known lieniedv for Sprains und llrilisea. Dr. Swer.'s Inl'illil'le Liniment Cuiea II. 11. ' .. he iiuaie.hal. Iv and never laila. Dr. Sweet s Int'.illilile Liniment Atfords immediate relief for I' seldom fads to cure Dr. Sweet's Inf;tllillo Liniment Cures T.iotha.'lte iu one Minnie. Dr. Sweet s Inlitllililo Liniment Cures euts mid immeiil itely and leaves no sear l)r Nweets Itilallilile l.illlltienl is the best remedy for sores iu the known world. Dr. Sweet s Inliillilile Liniment lias been used l.v morn Hum a million people, and all praise it. Dr. Sweet's lnfiillililo Liniment Istriilya" Vieii I 111 need," nud every family should have it at h in. I. Dr. Sweet's InfulliMo Liniment In IW snlel.j nil Druggist.. Price tH ami .W cents. UlCHMMwoN A Co., o Proprietors, Norw ii'll. Connei'tiellt. BOOKS! BOOKS UEDUCED PRICES. 1 1'.sT roePiTPil and for sale, a new and eilensive .1 stock of BOOK AND STATIONERY Plllhl'.le'mg Miscellaneous flook, hehool llo.iks, lllrtilk linoUa, llii.les and Tostanipnla, . IV.iver and hvnin book., All the stand ar.l pools, lliogrnphies, Ipalonea nnd Niirrntivep for tho old nnd tho young, luvemle 11 .oljsaml loys, 1'eieliel Hooks, Diane, and Piirsoa, . Wallets, Pert Monio., and 11 great yariely of Fancy Articles. largo stock of AVALTj lJAIJEil Very I.ovt. Hlank llo.iks, Paper nnd Stationary, fiirnisho.l ooitn nl a Miiiall tiilvaneo on Kastern nrieos. A nv books desired, if not on hau l, will hn ordered nnd procured ill a few days at the lowest prieo. 1 J o.iiv 1 TiVrnii.T. n8"f7,T,W fl'ocV, ;i;ioir fAf Shaffer llmus. l.aiiea.ster, UeeUi'id-llnif. HsaixivaTaa nth 1'i.Taiit or Ohio, ) Ciiillkxitii., On in, August 111, If'i. ( A Howard of TEN DOl.l.AKS (1U,1 and ronai'iinMo pxM?n.oa irnMirro.l, will w paid to any person arvest. ing and delivering a deserter at tln-.o Hoidii:iurters, or lo a IWputy Provost Mnr'hnl of this Di.triet. OROlt'iK W. IIOIIKY. Oantaia sail Provo.t Hurshsl. a.ptembrfS, t'etsHf Pes Snleby nil Dealers July i, ItnO lyll. BHOADWiYHOIEL. JOSEPH II. CROMWELL, rrovictor CICI.MAT I, OHIO, This popular hotel I. situated on eomor Ilrondwnv ann -eeonu su-eei, convenieni to 1110 inniuiiK ,1111 i tho H lilroad ilepot.. ANo near nil biisinetsJiouaes. l.inka nnil tilaees nt amusement. Hreiikbist for early trains nt b o'clock. O'Linihusos for nll'trnin. Iwvins the ally, Ajri ! Iff I "LIVE AND LET LIVE!" FURNITURE ROOMS! Jesse P. Outcalt, f-J KSPKCTFrlXY inform, tho public that bo is And ivilw 'thst an. ling prices have ndvncod, howill .ell 10 my art el." ' I ' as they i",n ho n'ita. ne.1 in the H.-tern Ci i". I tiave resotveii tor tile year tai-i, 10 4. -II e at siuiill pro'its. 'I'o all li' wish anvthng in tho Hnr Iwaro line, :le-v w II 'm I on h md a I .rg" t-'toek. from uh ch to n i!;e select. on, nnd I think I can please, both iu the pe. Invalid priee. I have to otter ill part: M .tin's. Hunt's. Newmver's mid ilrnfl". AXI53, Mil, xout. Hind. Panneland Wood Saws; F .s ill every viiro-tv : While nnd Dark Noli Door. Pad, Chest Till Locks; Knives, Forks, and l'o ket Knives, new patterns ; Carpenter's nnd Cooper's Tools ; Hnddlev's llardwnre nnd Tools: Coaeli Hurdwuro, linnini lied Cloth, Lcnthcr and Danias-k ; Oil Cloth. Huh Hands, Tvks, to. Kl pin' sprin'.". Axel, and Ki.lls; Trai-p, Log, Il-Jlter. and Cod Chains; Wooden W ire. Tubs. Hiv-keN and churn" ; lion gro. celebrated Oimhlot Point Wood .Screws i BOOKERS LAfcSUlE NAILS, 50 r II T D T - r w. Also, Anvils, Xee lies, l'iiw, ,(e. 0. All fo eomo nnd sshs, and may fin1 the very article they huvo been wauling. t .1. A EA LR. L inenster, Jantmry 1, 181341. . 'LOWS PLOWS!! VTTENTION FAJMERS YOU w ill fin.l nt P. .T. lUH'IXfVS 1Tiir.Uvnrp Stnrt 11 liirum fl-amirtinont of IM.OU'H umi! otlior A i"i'nl- tin nmiliiniiMitl tho. foll'iwitiji rcloltrutil innktMd ) .1. it. ( l Mj iV nn a t'()iniiin:iiuu i'iown, i-oinis, i nn HI" I ! 1 r4lilri. iIlMn, stot-l rl'Mr-. V. hiir-t't. l'iit I'lnw!. Lonfj'ji Piittt'rn. All ttfwhit h h:vc Ihmmi MmritHtflilv 1v the Fi.riiH'rn nl' tlii? iml tho mlintTiil Minnlios anil :iri iit ki.imlt(lifil to If th,t !""( in OiiMiiiirUct. CmII, oxtiininr auJ inako vur iioioo to unit vonr irrountl liml tfimi!. ANoi'uiiHtnntl)' nn luuu, ujnll ntork of RON, NAILS AND STEEL llotiscbniltlina Itliilcrlals or At.t, naM, snddlrry nnd Currlugje Trlnimlnfrs . fsutio 31 1( HI rrpShlnncrsofCraln. Floor and other taerchaadl.e can huveinsuniiice 10 uay lace deal red, at the me. I reiisoiinoie rules. We ure ant ho, Iseu tonav for the scrip of these Can panh s li.ifore delivery 4(ircni. on Hiednllar. ' "Those. who desire tlm ttut :,nrt cheupttt lata ranee in itiu iiin.ire.iiousible cotnpanits. willdo welt i cm 1 1,10 .'iiisui Micirnrnce, 1 niiinaiiga Hieak. I I.UlKt A t iilTTEIt, Agenla Lanca.ter.May2l,lr!ii3-lylH , - - , OA TJTIO ; rrtliln certiflun thnt Dr. J. FEEM AX In dnlViDtfior 9 i .!) h list t mtthiifnciiiru th ta PitttMit VulcunH ir Cornliii ium itml KUiei lor rliflcUllewtb. un der Hit GiMnljuiir Hutuiits ut . . Wf arnlnfurinnd tltat DeiiUittn In varhnn purU tlitV con nl r a ru mtinifuvtiiriiK hiiJ vundinx IhMtcf Flale.Hinl Gun a in vinluUon vt nUi futvuU; lhk iniiiiMtf tiiiiil I'tJiHisU rrM trHVellliift from pnc to plMfodoiiipiuitl work, and w, thurflore. ct jtUa tlie ptit-Uc iiirnl nl bt Idciniposod upon bv nny VWi not (Inly tiieeitnul by us tn dn uch work . ' Wv ilu not l.lct nue iravf II nir Donliclii, Our Uciir uru f'tltce K 1 th. I ho (fraul icciirPi to thw nnrt holilinirlhft rithl tho rlxlil lo matiulMClurr and ! tin ttid GnnmaiMl Pluten In the town or low tit lUrd ln,the licent and untplswhr. ' AU DcnUsm -in loir the Vulcanite, Coralltt. Hank Kui'bnr, or Ainher HHie witiiout a Mcennefrom utv itieltalilo to proiifctilioTt for Infrlitrltwc upon iai futeiitA. iino; a)) pernom wearing rilflcfal Tet-th oa iitRiielt F:te nud by a Dentin, not hclrtltti; nu! H hi. I Ir 0111 or PVivtlpfro under u, ate equally llublein l:iw whhtho initkiT. AMr'HlPAN II K1 K1TRRKR CO. HarH Rtthhcr Patent B.W. Pmi,n, Gtf'l Ag't.N, Y, Jun. Ut, IHU 1 . II WI10LS ALE AM) R Columbus St., I.nncnv(tr, Ohio. Sugar, isiiticr.iinsion. nine Picnic. Soils, waters i'reiim.uuil Gluier Crackers. Also HIIIIAD und CM li IIS, of every variety. done to order. , prepared to supply all v, hn want im ivii 11 nn v With r pood nrticlf nt ron- konuh(. pnef. in rnrptr, 1 h(i-ro(ni,imcoaniiTiit:n iin Furniture In of tho Intont sT? Htylo, nnd m:tntifm.'tunM of good mntorinlt. und in the lloiit Mtyle of worknunihlpi o ft fN conrnlont that ho ran srll moro Fnrnilnre fir tho utimc timnry than m vvor boon bought in the v;uy 01 L;uu-aM'r iHioro. V V U 4 1 .ST V. U 1 Ci , RCPis.TRX.TCr tt VARWX5HTWO Iolio nn tho Mhnrtod notir'O, nnd xtnrnwtoil to giro if'tod Hnii-ti'ticiion. All nrtlr in hm lino of bnmw w,l Im nrotuntlv (illotl. and ho hoittM. hr iiiinctunl nttontutn to hiinnr, nrtd low prioon for hi work ai)d wt.p'H, tt ft'iiro n ttnral r-rmro of puniio luitroungo. ilio pntilK- nro invitod togivrhin) n rail. f-orriM of nnv style, nimishod 'on short notice. I will nttend fimernls in tow it nnd country, with or without a Honrso. JWfShop on Main Stroct, in tho rooms tormoi'ly ocoupioil by hinitlt & fjcuort I door Hunt ot J locking Valley IJunK JESSB P. OUTCALT. Lnncasler, Mny 1, WiXrW . , DENTISTRY II. SCOTT. U.L..CIIIDEU OFFICF. fliesy Block. Main atroet; the eame heretofore, oeonnied bv U. L. Crlder. '' ' P. S. Mv poeiiiarhiitinpwillberllluig(plugging) Tooth. 1 will ho glad to ten fnr oldfriond.. I.MMttar..lwne as 'yAtt. ' Bk RCOTT. ATTORNEY AT LAW; I. A Nt AS I I II, IO, I i ! ',5 WILL nlteiid promptly lo all legal business ear truster! In Fnirlleld and BiHolnlaaT coiintlcs llouuty money, back mivand nsn.looaeol- lected. All sons of written Instrument, executed, such ns Deeds. Ac. TOFfl IK On Main street, in Rlfford . Hter geon's H.MlilIng, ad floor, up ttairway to the Oait cnaie ,'ince. , bancatter aprll 0 JP03 tf TOOLS of all descriptions, the lowest prices. Lancaster, June 18 (sV-litf, of the Wst tnality and r . J. HOVlNli. HIGHLY IMPORTANT FROM THE WEST. 300,000 MOllE HEJI WAttTKDI ISAAC LEVY f TAS )nsf relnrnod from tho East With tho largos! I I atonic 01 FALL AND WINTER C L O T HI N G ovr Wnnatht to this oitr. nnti Inflloa tho fnrmora nnd ntifoitf call ana rxnuuno itii inrgo aiui MEN A ND BO YS' CLOTHING, IttlYtrp Aiirohiwinm! now hero. Do not allow vonrHolv to ho duped nnd drnod into thene hiihiI) Clolhine Htnro. luiftho ei.Htnni with nonjo of thoin, hut thorn by and koop on up utronf, imt'l rou pomo- to C, T.KVV'K. in tho Mil EKKKIl It LOCK, 4 Dmm Wo at mt the Market llnwa. nnd thero you will havo nn opjrorttiuity to examine hi largo ana apionma niotk oi CLOTHING AUD NAVE S3 PKK :K.T. lleuieai b'.r.l DP.FT rnmnellllon. Cnll and indsr for TonraelToa. Itemeiolr the place, 4 doors west i ot tne niaraoi. nnnsn, , onit one, 'omo an i I Oo.ia-iW; , ISAAC LKVY CITY SHOEING SHOP Is : ' " Have rented, rftfltlnd. ard nnani1 i ft a nt fl CITY SHtlKING SHOP, (formerly o.cupl.d S. Sninael lleninek, dec.) on the CmaerofBroad and Jail streets. Lancaster. Ohio, whero Ihej are pre pare! to doall kiud.nfwork In ts. smithing Hast WAGOS MAKING, , .. u.iKKiAfsB JIAK1NO. , KlSPA!flf. ' '' iPOKIlO, Thar will dp Ihelr" work wall A. nl. a Invite tho patronage oflhelr oldfrle dtaadtb. asb- llrgoiiorally, . ZIItK & STUJRT. Lancastor, Doc. 11, 1805-Mtf !. "ESTABLISHED 1760, PETER L0EILLAED, Snuff & Tobacco Manufacturer 'id ISCIIATlnRRslSt.,' (j . (Formerly Chalharn Rtteet, New York.) . bi Would call the attention of dealer, to tke arllelW of lrl. manufacture, vis t I . 'n ' I) , , .. BROWN RN'UFF. :. MScaMy, Demlrrns. Fine Itanpee. ,, Pare Virginia. ' Coar.o Kappee., Naehilochne, jjin.rlcuo Gentleman, w CopeaDtre) : YELLOVy SNUFF. - Scotch, Honey Dew Scotch, k High Toa.tscotch, Froth honey Dew ?eotlt . Irlali rllgh Toa.t, ,; : . Fre.bbcotck.i W. or l.undytoot. . , TTpATTtRTIOK IS OiLLtS TS1 TH HBOt SSSeCs, Ttoaiaraiot or Fist hit Chswiso sa Naoaise, loavcrot. waica wul as ruiao or a Scrtaiea Ui .uitv. TOBACCO., KaosiNs.' Fins Cut Cnswias. RMeniss, : i p, jt. I. or plain, : 8. .go; I not. Cavendish or tweet,, , No.J, 8weetHeniileil Oronero, Cswetwr ' Not. I A- S inliod. The Foil Caveudl.h, TgrkU Granatated ' i It. U. clrcularofprlce. will beteatoa appllea Hon. ... ; 1 ' '" sfprtl ai-U.l-s-lf. . . , NEWTON SCHLEICH 1 1 LANCASTER, OHIO. Glet attention to butlnett la all the Cos m, says especial attention to collections, bounty pentloa and back pay claim, of soldiers sod tbslrfrUeds. OFFIC'k Tallmadge Block, over Hardware more. .... . Lancaster, May 7 'S3Gtj 'V