Newspaper Page Text
it C'4 Sip Jraster ' M1UEB,K00KENSUTPHE MDITURS AXD VitWlllUTOUH. O F 1' I O K TallmaaRe Bluok, Third Story To tlie Left at the Head of Stain. the nEtiEU" rnocKSMOJi. I trTho New York Timet Wo aro glnd to loarn that tho far- course of a lengthcnc-l review, Hays mere of 'this township aro mukius prqmrutioim to ri'Hjioml to tho cull for a grand wood uud provision pfm won, to c-oiiio off next Tuc.'-day, . THE I'KMDKST S MKKSAOK. . Pi-ch!. lent Lincoln delivers liiiusclf, in this down no i it, with nil lii clitiriuj- tiu 1 Urrislie clearness and Bimplieity. The rlieiorieal uijiiriHiiiniio aiiUrieiuiiiKiiiai 2'Jth inst. Every farmer who can ,,,,.1, witlfwhich the later Jre bringn bushel of potatoes, it Back of iMiont were aceusloined U xtulf out in tho1 i.a5cateii markkt. i orr. cM by II. Onlnlpin, Ciljr .Jrocor wi.Mit l toifil 03 rmii.( ! , , t; i.. Hi.r v:!i Hy I 4V1 30 Oiit4- 4li l-Ah! Wil-ke -I UWrl 50 lljov I V, H.iit a ;5 i r l.ol I (,n,-'-'..iV-. i'tltter-ln & liOu ("lover Mee'la 00 Kic; 1' h it -. -l I int. I I'. .'irl 1'. lu1mUn ),, I .,- 'I ..U.rW-., .,:. J'l-iitli.TH U',bt , J'n'l Apil. s 1 11 per CITY OF LANCASTER. Thursday, December 24, 1SG3. THB Union-It mint, and liall ' prenervedl" Atiir Jaekion. i. LIBERTY rod Union now and forever, one and Inieparalile.! Daniel Webster. IF I m asked when I m for ft dissolution nf the. Onion, I answer, Never! Noverir--;."..'.., C:. IT it question of government or no Rovrrn mnnt, country or no country."-? A. Vtmjlae l&JSoo advertisement of Eeal Es tate for salo by John T. Brasco. - New Year'a Addren. 6ur carrier will be on hand on New Year's morning with tho usual Xew Year's Address.' Save a quarter for him. ICE. . ' Wonotieo that some of our citizens arolaking- advantage of tho present " frecie," to fill their ico houses. Inw Card. We invito' tho attention of our read ers to the law curd of Jons G akaoiitv, Esq. Mr. Gar acuity has recently re turned from tho West, and opened an office in this city, whero ho will attend to any legal business entrusted to his liands. The Entertainment t th)t City Hall. ' Tho entertainment given at tho City Hall on hist Saturday evening by tho pupils of Miss Socket's school, was in every way a Uocidoa success The proceeds, amounting to some 00, wero largo, considering tho jprivc of admission, which was only 15 cents for children of all ages. Considering tho short time allowed for preparation , tho success of tho exhibition was ro inarkablp.'tho entertainment being the best 'of the' kiivd wo havo yet Seen in the city. ' Among tho tableaux, "Ma ry, Queen of Scotts, the night before ior':. execution," and "At tlioExccit tion," " Morning in tho South," and "Evening in tho North," wero the lbost, and drow from the audience the mostomphatie expressions of approba tion. The "Marriage of Tom Thumb," was what tho ladies would call "cute,'' Tind delighted everybody. Tho decla mations by several of the young men, were excellently dono. Tho excellent music from Mr. Schneider's orcbestra, which was fur nished gratis, added greatly to the spirit and plcasuro of tho entertain ment. Several pieces were also vol unteered, before tho opening, by tins city brass band. The exhibition deserves a more ex tended notice, because of tho plcasuro kind' encouragement it gives to the childron, the gratification it affords to parents, and, abovo nil, because of the worthy object for which it was given. It adds somo S00 to tho poor land of tho city, and wo believe tlto public -Would like to sco it repeated. The prico of admission might bo increased without "injuring tho cause." Tlie City Hall. Thcro is ono dangerous feature in tho government of the city of Lancas ter.. Wo havo a legislative depart ment;" but. tho executive and judicial departments are combined. They ehonld bo separated, and a special judi ciary crcatod to expound tho enact ments of ' the. City Council. Wo need iut now a decision, umler tl.o ordi- naiieo of tho City Council providing for tho Jotting' of tho City.llall, which shall determine what cl:ts3 of enter tainments rire political and what aro .not. '' ' ' -"Tho. Mayor, of Lancaster rcfusod a few wockij sinco- to givo tho City Kail for tho purposo of holding a meeting fbrthn benefit of tho.soldiers' families and the Ipoo 'of the city. I This was dono on tho ground that the ladies of tho S6"ld'iera! Aid" Society had before 9ee,u.pioil ll Wall, and tho ; sjieaker bad giyojv to tho ineeUng a political character. ., ThaMayor also refused to allow the- childron of.tho High School to occupy tho Hall on last Saturday evening, until cyorything of a political character should be strickch from thccntcrtiiin mcnt. This1 rule would exclude all .theatres : which enact patriotic plays, and all concerts which sing tho " Suir Spangled. Ua'nncr." TO THE RELIEF TOOCESSIOSi. AGrand Dinner will bo given to the! mombors of tho Relief Procession of .Hocking township, at tho Tallmadgo Houso, on Tuesday, tho 29th inst. . Tho rroccssion will bo met by tho City Relief Committee, on tho pike tet;f.(fryn, and escorted to tho city. Vriacs of deposit for whatever may ucruglit.wiU U indicated by tho CoftMfttSoe "Lot all who buio.'couio in tho Tro- SP';1 ' ;,: '; ! COMMITTEE. : Lancaster Dec. 24, 1SG3... "yfliidlKi John W. Okily, of tho MjjrjropistrlctV. and a Democrat,, has tdoaXhatfthe Soldiers-Voting Law is constitttionaL . flour, or a load of wood, should bo ready on Tuesday morning to join in this goncrous and patriotic movement for the relief of tho soldiers familicsar.d tho poor of tho township. The most remarkable success and enthusiasm have attended theso demonstrations in other counties, and our own farmers will not allow themselves to be out done in an effort at onco so beneficent and patriotic. Wo havo assurances from tho army that thcro is nothing which so nerves tho arm and gladdens tho heart of tho soldier, as the knowl cd"o that thoso -for whom ho is fight ing aro caring for tho wants of his familv. Arrangements will bo made by tho citizens of Lancaster to receivo and en tcrtain thoso who composo tho proccs sion. The largest "demonstration of the kind of which wo have read, was that made by tho"' farmers of Franklin county on last Saturday. A proces sion of 3:U wagons, bringing over p()U eorils of wood, .and bushels of prois ions, poured into Columbus. We clif tho following relating to the proccs sion from tho correspondence of the Cincinnati Commercial On yesterday morning at an early hour, every roa'd loading into Colum bus was crowdod with wacons of all kinds to tho number of 33-1, filled with good, dry, excellent wood, bushels on bushels of potatoes, wneat, corn, inn. tor. flour. &c. Tho committee np pointed to receive them were perfectly surprised at the magnitude oi me ai fair. They attempted to form a pro cession which should occupy a certain number of streets, but it was impossi ble to do so. For two hours the Ktroain flowed incessantly into the city until over fivo hundred cords of wood vero deposited along the sidewalks, in the State House yard,-in open lots, and wherever tho wagous could be edged in and unloaded. Kunou. An error occurred in the list of managers of the procession pub linhed in our last issue. Tho name George Koons, should have been Geonji Kirus. their State papers of this class, havo no place hero. It is tho shortest Mes sage wo have had for a generation ; and yet, this year has been tho most event i i 'im..... CINCINNATI 3IAHKKT. Wku.nksday, Dec. 23. CATTLE The receipts havo been 'quite large, footing up 3,.V)() for the $302 to all New Re- emits. 5' -; Mrnf. WIDEffm, 9OTHREG"I0.V.I.. Ii rtlililiil n ruTiiil'M a Ifi"fi'rtu vinhihn t VMi tlie 'r f:, J,i A BOUNTY OF 8::f'-2 will bo paid f.irnll w rvcrtiit "'l f"t vVrau., Swell draft-J ; vv ill n it .:---. . L.i ut S. T. WI'H'.NKII. IKK 10 37 - lUoui'i'i Oiwi-r. ii'ul since tlieioverninenthegan. There ; week; domaiul active and full prices n. who. i.-.,r i-nii.; rf,.."i n.-ir fr...i..i w , . . , , , i i i. tt', t e fjirtM-M o;!it:c-r,.ili'.iUl'l cull onliiiu uli'l vol luteer ut never has been a iiiousamHu pari sd iiuh itn ram i. muiiuiu iuiw- inuch to spend words uiion, an-1 yet ir ai tzr: zr.r, common at ViMtyi 7S; there has never been ho littlo indul- good, S3 a0(j3 id; prime to ch'jico.ijt gcuce in words. Abraham Lincoln is 'to? 1 50. ono of tho few men who believe that SHE HI' In good demand at 81 50 ords stand for things: ho cconoitiiAB to 5.) .. per cental gross. H;;voral lots iom accordingly. ff extra fat sold nt l(t 2j per cental The lirocess ol reconstruction,-as the ! gross. 'resident puts it, is simple and yet per- JlOCi.S Receipts arc about 27,000 ectly ell'ectivo. The iwtive to reas- head. Demand good and prices ud- sumo loyal obligations is secured by vanced to 15 to 20c, hut at the close a Maciiixks! Sewixo Ma- ciiixks. Now is tho time to make Christinas and New Year's gifts. Just received a lot of Wheeler Wilson's, and Grovcr & Laker Jl chines. T. E. B1LLTNGHTJRST, Ag't, OR. ROBACK'S STOMACIt . Bfmls A HE SO TO BE EXCELLED AH 1 STOJIACIHC . JegulatoT Of III DIGESTIVE ORGANS. WOOD.Wo wnnt somo wootl on uXflcri!tkiu Tll-tnl Reporti) from Richmond. CrM'Ki'i'.it CoriiT-llorsK, Viruini December HI. Almost simultaneously with the recent raid by Colonel Jones through our lines, near Fairfax Sta tion, an attack was mado on the pick et lines of tho 1st Cavalry Division in front of this place One of our pick ets were gobbled and their raid ended. J'ecent rains have made tho roads al most impassiblo, especially for artille ry. Citizens here tell us we are soon to evacuate their town, but no designs of such movements are apparent. Credible witnesses, just from Eich moinl, stato that our prisoners there are better fed than their own people, and much better than they would be Wero it not that the desperate straits of tho citizens of tho Cftntedercy must be kept from our knowledge. Fresh beef is now S-l ner l.ound' and fresh bread S3 50 per loaf, such as formerly cost onlv 5 cents. The conseiiuence is that thousands must starve or go into the army and divide their rations with their families. It has been determin ed by the rebels to conscript every man between the ages of fifteen and iit'iy livo, inclusive, for ono last desperate and decisive effort in favor of the Con federacy. The attempt-will probably be made upon Washington or some por tion (d tho North, in this conscrip tion, both negroes and whiles are to he included,' anil uiey mo iu uu thrown Into fhesame ranks together, indiscriminately. With this immense mongrel army; Jell' Davis means to precipale himself on Washington. Pennsylvania, or Ohio perhaps ail inree. oniniauuiiig in person, hOwill endeavor to Mimuiaie the passions of these- hordes by the most extravagant stories of fancied wrongs Biitferedit' our hands, by the Southern people, and by most fabulous promises of .plunder, to bo "obtained through tho victories which shall bo gained in Northern towns and cities. Caaea of Hopeful Convention. A day ( or two after the election- a leading copperhead in Brooklyn was accosted hy a strong Union man with tho lnnuirv what ho thought of tho re sult. The reply ran somewhat in this fashion: "Sir.Imre tern opposed to tho Administration, but this verdict of the people of (he Istffteotew York, livmroviii!' so unmistakably tho course of the Government, convinces mo that opposition is hopeless; I bow to the will of tho majority." Another case of similar character in renorted. . A merchant, who is said to havo made large sums of money by the Matamoras trade, was . so astonished by tho returns on Wednesday, that he rank V avoweuio a ineim uiiiu iu vus just possible that ho had mado some .:I!i.,i.-.,a "T),i vmi know." observed III iDKllV". J ' this honest mnn, "that I goncrally think I am right in all that I do; but somehow I begin to fear that I havo been in error ? Tho Government, af ter all, has donoprettyi well, and the nnonlo seem to like it." ' : ' ' t Moro important than cither of these is the caso or an eminent lawyer or this city, "Atho -went tfc Washington strongly and almost bittorly "conser vative," but who Was so impressed by tho honesty ntid ability of Mr. Lincoln that he ndw oponly proclaims his sup port of tho Administration. New Yofk Evening Post. making it tho only means of escaping onfiscation oi properly and other pen alties of treason. The ad is secured with tho very highest sanction possi ble, by making it rest on a most em phatic and solemn oath. The efferf is secured by enabling those who thus oiniily to revive and carry on the State -Government, just as soon as they comprise a certain definite portion of the whole number of the voting popu lation before tho rebellion, lhoso who aro for the Emancipation Proclamation aro satisfied by the President's declared determination to maintain it until pro nounced null by tho highest judicial uUhonty ol trio laud : while those who have opposed it as an unconstitutional assumption of power cannot complain, for they have it in their power to test tho unconstitutionality by an appeal it any time to that Court for a decision. Corlain categories of peculiar dye aro exempted from the benefit of the oath, winch, of course, will meet tho appro bation of every loyal man. Other miner provisions are made, to complete the equity and. efficiency of tho plan. e believe that the closer it is exam ined,' tho more it will bo discovered to b6.,coiui)letely adapted to the great end dofiircu. Tlie public mind, after Hue reflection, wo havo not a doubt, will accept it as another signal illustration of the practical wisdom of the Presi dent. : OHIO SOKfiO ASSOCIATION. The regular Annual Convention of the Ohio Sorgo Association will beheld in Columbus, on Tuesday, January 5th. ls()4. The Board appointed at toe last Convention will, in accordance with instructions, report a plan lor a per manent Stalo organization, lhe at tendance of all interested in the North ern Cane and Beet Sugar enterprise, is earnestly dosircd. Tho members of the Board aro re quested to meet at tho Neil House, in Columbus, on Monday evening, Janua ary 4th. WILLIAM CLOUGH, President of the Board. John L. Gill, Jr., Secretary. Papers through the State.friend ly to the cause, will please copy this notice. portion of this was lost, and the mar ket closed flat at 87 50 lor 2001b aver ages. IV'cvv York Market. Ntw YoitK, Dec. 22. FLOUR Shipping grades in better request. ' State is quoted at 5(3100 higher. Sales at Sli 0(G 80 for ex tra State; hi G0(J.7 70 for extra round hoop Ohio; 7 75038 50 for trade minds, closing firm. WHISKY Steady at 91G03c for Stato and Western. WHEAT Heavy with a moderate demand. Sales at $1 10(1 50 for Chicago spring; 81 -12 for old; 51 43(5, 1 ;1 for .Milwaukee Club. COPiN Heavy and declining. Sales at 81 28(1 20 for shipping mixed Western in store, and ol 31 afloat. OATS Quiet and a shade firmer at 03g 91c for Western. ATTENTION, EVERYB ODY! A gov) ch ime to IToM Mng DRAFTED. for Hi' !"h lt'i'iiM-ut ). V. 1., iM'f'iy jriutiti' nil :ofj;i'rij:'l, that hu liu il.nel ft " RECRUITING OFFICE In InnrAiier, on Mnln St , nrar Hie flocking VulUy Bank, wIhto In- mil uicirrully icceno iJI iuy ilesire Ui eulial A Bounty of $302 Will Lc paiil t' i'l ))" twnit, hti'I TO VETERANS. $75 fiflw! as Hfmn nn ii)MtTvt into ervkc ut CjI'Iih bUH. tor iu lorn iatiuri..Mll ft! Un-ttt-. Lut. K. K. MKH. Liiiu-astf-r, Dec. 10, 1W3 . K'-'.ru.t:iJ ' Sir r. II lititloiiL; (wen tlie aim of pTiiNiciam ' '- Eeoruits W anted FOR THE OOlli Regiment (J. V I. Sergeant JOHN D. KICELT, AVINOhccn ilftnllp'I to r-niit fur T 1 I I thc'JMli It.'iniflit.ll. V. 1 ha .tal- lishfl a recruiting oflicc lit BALTIMORE, O H I O. iVrxoim wishing t nvoifi tv 'intft aw swur lh' ?mntv utV'rvtl in vulimtwr, mid who ltnir' l -nli-t HiiKihi-'tlM'ir fticniN uii'lvr oV'ivrm (rntu thin county, kIkiuI'1 eII m lum ami vnlutitcer ;it imht. iiitlu1 reiiiHito Uiiiiii:itin(r hii'1 tonic I'liijtci tii'.H in rU;ivr una nine Hit' fom tihiu I'omjtliimts of l'.iliounrsH, Livor li-onl'Tf", I-nii'iior, Hoiulrvhe, Low ncM of Spitiir. Itidiii'Uon, .Iflunli;f, kKfx I'VviTJiii 1 A "!(, whk-li nn the 'lis- hCvz C"11" ""'''i'l,t to lllilJ "-'liliiatf. Tli 'O J ''IlK-'IY III" 'Jf'MI Uii'oVcrci ' iv. IT. no. ?ffjyt l.:i'k. limi in thoii-iiii-ls of i:af tlm u.J inprit- oflii liitrcr- liavo 1 t't'd fvJ in flu nl u it coiiii'l. lints, uml thferc irt YA A l.uf run uii-c from tin prviiiW. aii-i tlint A Mntitv nf $30 . ir i.-ii.l for tvr n-cruit-. nn-l I. W ...-.-. . . . ...... ... , ........ drafted nn;n will tiutrK-civo. K-i-t John I. NHr.I.Y, Doc. 10 37,. . . Hw;ruuiu Mifi;-r. in in liivor oi ttn-si' tru v woinUMu Hit ten. V.'tMidvi.'-t' r.l I who an- jiiViiftVd and lu-f l nil iLTft-jihlo tonif forth' troubbiuihov indicated. to ti coiiinn'ii"e at oii'ju u.-'iiij tittle. Hit t era. fevtj Ad- VCl'tisiMIH'llt. JOHN GARAGHTY, Attorney at Law. OFFICE Tiillniiiiljjr V.Ms, fccoml floor, nvor P. lli-inx'd t"rc. All liiihii.ii onlni-tul to liim will te proinpllj' at- ffMl.ll-ll tO. Liuutcr, Dpi-. II, 181.1 Ml It RECRUITS WANTED FOE THE 10th Ohio Cavalry! NOTICE TO SPORTSMEN. twtfc tOA. V.v'.MvVV vtVv, c?. v W ivX. a t " Fci'er an 5 jlyz, Liver Comrjlaint, CDynjzer-aia, Indigestion, Ja'j.nZize, Kidney Ccmf laihte, .cv vvvvc. tov-tvVA voo cvs, vvA've.v tvts. RffolOVAL! A; BREWWEKIAN n A VIKO removed hl Rnok Htore from tlx old tftnd, to tlie room One lionr huinnilleirly r.n-i ul Joim i:. hnisth Ciinrrclunipry . wotita ne Ifleenen toKpe all hi. nhl ru.lemfm. eud e tueny new uautet mny f. or Hi in Willi call. BLANK BOOKS. STATI0X2RY. STANDARD '.VOI'.KS, K0VELS, SCHOOL BOOKS, an.l LITERATURE of all kindu, AT THE LOWEST l'niCFS. A. DRENNEMAN. Mnreiter. Mj 7,1DC3 tf EW HARDWARE rfflir -"iiWrilcT Invimr lati ly n:a Io Intffo uddittotM J to hiM't-riiU'r.Stwtk u( IRON AND NAILS. An ivi)ttith-t;inUnT prifrf h"vo (iflvmn-H, ho will " M hi't'iv .irii' h - -i- l-.w dm ttnv fan U. oUiiim'd in th K -t.-rn I'm. tmv nwutved lor th year lathi, hi -t II n. i ul" nt .-rwiiJ yrvlH. To '.'M wi-U imUniisr in t!i irnrdwnr liim; th.- w ill tui'l on Im'i'l :i i.-r-'" rit'k, lioin whifh Ut iidi f-.-ifi-ii' ii.i-ii! I thitik I rviri pU Nf, iHith in ttlfl !'i -.tifViTli'l nTi.'f-. I IitVf t" 'ii-r in pnt: M tin'". ilii's N--wT!ijvr luul .(inttt V AX ICS. Mill, J! I'M. .'iiinf.l .md Vo.l ; ' U- ;n cvitv , ari'tv : Vh-t'.i. I I:.rk .'...J..r. TM, Hif-tATiH TWj Kniv-m. Fcr'l;-. mi I V--kft ICrn , n' j-attnit; :;irp-htT'" :tn-f i'itf,i-iJ? 'l oA ', V m.!-!'- I! n-.l'4 ti-f' .ij.-l '!'... I-: r,u i i1:ird. T", KiiMiit'lled Uoth, Lrathcr and i:i f.f,.:i.p Am h .!. I l-.i ; T UT. L'.'. r.d-..r,!.,.. Co l c, W hr W-iro.'i'-:!-.. H-i.-' "h;irn ; ffh !)ni't point Wood Srw ,: 800 KCfiS LLBKLtE KAtLS, A' o. A'n -I . N"'--iI'-, Tin. Ar, AM :ivr ;t! .: ! I ... .rn nn ! ". find limy finj Ui trTj ttlti'-lt;tlif V lf n WH'trlll f. J. C.WEAYElt. Line:, f.-r, J.r.":iry 1, 1;1 ll! Inlilf. Iii F.ii Iwiontj Coiuiiioii rioHt Court, Oliio. Local TArKits. Tho .llostou Jour nal remarks : " .Not a tontli part of tlie lotiil' news Avliich transpires in any country town finds its way into a city paper, and lie who taken tho latter to tho exclusion of his town or county paper, does not ltilliil his duties as a citi.en. hueh a man is unworthy to till a town, for ho must certainly lacks local pride. An Arr Hymn. A velnl soldier writes to a rebel paper the following story: Our minister nearly got himself into a serapo tho other day, ana whether he is a ''bit of a wag." or a very careless iellow, or an "Abolition traitor," is nqw tho subject of discus sion with us. At tho meeting on Fast Day ho gave out Dr. 'Watt's hymn, commencing: Ami m- v.-o ivi-fti-he yi-t ulivo, Ami ilo wcyi-t ri'ln-1 ; 'Ti wonfliMiis, 'tii griu-o, Tli:il vi' mi1 out oflii'll. PncUnBa nml Provision no longrr Re- ilviil at lllchmmul for Vnluu Holillers. Dai.timouk., Dee. 13. The following disjiateh was received this morning, from portress Monroe, 12th, to C. C. Pulton, lialtinioro American: " Please give notice, that the rehel aiifhoril'es decline receiving any more packages or provisions lor the Union prisoners, so that parlies interested may refrain from forwarding any more goods to this point. Signed "B. F. ECTLEIl, . ".Jlajor Uen. toinmaniimg. On Thursday, Dee. 122d, ISC!!, at tho residence of Jlr. Geo. Wyley, by Rev. Ilannabery, Jh Mai.coui (Imi'irrii, and iliss Jennib wyi.kv, an oi ratr field connty. AVith tho abovo camo tho usual ac companiment of cake, which tho print ers ate: irivine thanks, and wishing the happy eouploa morry Christmas. AiUlCUL.Tl'itlL ELKCTIOii fflIM? mi-mbrrf "ftlie Kuirflpld County A.i'ii'ulhim Hoi'iclv lire ntitiflinl tlmt nn olei tioii ol' nlH -otK fur tlinpiiaiiini; yi'iir, w 'II m li'M "I tin' Mnvor'K tMiii'o, in tho City of'oil'T, on Sntunluy, Jniiisnry 'itli, lMii-l. Nono iiro pntitloil lo voto t nuiil olrnlioll rxoi'pt who piiivhiisol iiiuinlicr'sli 'knts Innt full. V. O. . Uuiil:, rire'jr. JOHN SliE, I'ivh. T OTICE is hcril.y givmi tint tii ur.rl.-rjigtieil t will nro!p.'iit. lo tin- fulli--! i-xii nt ot :lic , all niTims licrfufUT I'ounU !hootiii'' um li.-r m 'in.Hi-ft. i;c, l-:uU' Mm WM. LA'iT.V. Jo hnmTc o nnelX TT.S p."'iirtf'I 'lit i.r;U'f'i; fUw at hi lt! ofHco, I I Wot Bide uf the rtil-h': Sfii:.rf, neur th co-uity o(li'0. W. H. PUtiir n9'v-i-itod in hufn"fi with h)tn, nnd protnjt Htti-ntion will given to the culltjetion ol' Military C'liiins. bvti. 44U tf - New 3Ii!Iincry Shop. !AR3 .TITIAN -V H1YHKY mvo oji-ned a Md- lincr in id .M't'Uii.imuK.inr h.-t:i1i!ihui",nt nn iVIiftdiriir ftr('('t, nfiir I In i-onn-r nf Otlumhiw St. Thoy will be iih-of-ed to t'f'ni!ii"d:it.' :dl tlint rit ty call. Mi-- .IITLIA. t hPYIiKV. Lnn"oter, Ohio, ovlJii't-Xt-tf LIEUT. HILL HAVINU l'oi'M .liilvioillionii'il liy oov. Toil, to ro-i-ruit li.r tho ;'lli i Hno Cavalry lias opi'iiciln RKC'RllTIVti OFFICII In I.aiii!atr, on 5liiiiiStp.o(, n.'iir tl' locli',li'4 Valley Hani;, where ho will I'lieerf ully l'l'i.'i'ivn all win) limy li.sirn to oil- A Bounty of $302 Will bo paid to all new recruits, and $102 TO VETERANS. B 7 5 i'ai'1 n: f.-on ;m niiHtereil into nerviee nt Co- IiiimImi.i. Vor lull lli-r ilit'onn:ition fall at the ollii-e. iKe I.'.nit. HILL, luvniiiinnuiii.'cr. Houso for Sale or Esnt. f niulwlynotl w Mi Wliee A HOUSE AND LOT FOR. SALE. f nlTer my limine af.'l . it for sale, on Walnut strfl t 1 iipliii'it.' the l'e-.l.'lll"' of .1. A. Iteani, h-.l. i in I'r"l" htl"iTi ity w tronvMiifiitiy Innitfd tfir itr.iiir (luina tii-oni'; on 31 nn siri'ft or in1 i;:Mirntifi.:mti win Hold vi-rv low. Octl)tlifi-ii-3:ii. II. SCOTT. II.L.CKIDER- OKKK'K Cie.iv nioeli. Main froet; the aama a heretofore ooeiipil I v 11. 1.. f'riiler. T. S. lv iet'iiliirt.ii!niori will lie rllliii!jfiliigjui) Teeth. I will he ula'l to ee inv ol J friull'ls. IanenJter,.lurie iii 'lU-lltf. II. SCOTT. TALLMADGE HOUSE. .1. nKKiso, ii:oiuii.tou. Oneriti will receive everv nlteiitioii, Ilill rninoriiiljla. Laiieisti-r, ' Alio, Mab' M, 1 i tf llEAPQi-AHTKny lth Iu.stiiii'T nr Ohio, ('HILLIi'iiTIIG, Ohio, August Hi, lfHSI. A Ilewtir.l of'l ;X In 'U.I.MiS iflii.) nn.l reasonnlile DTi..n..i iinj u ill lu. ii.ii. I fi iinv iwrann nr".sf. ill sell or rent liis hniiseritMl , ; ' , . v i . . . . 'r . ,, ,.mi,i;, or toaileimty lTovor.i;tl-n-h;ii ol rtns instrn-t. i.l-.i rill..'. , . ii.'nr.i, Ciiiitiiiii ar.u Prorom Murslml. Seiitem'oerS.lsn stt ,t. hv- iteil ..n Hie west snle of Ci1:nm!iiis atreet, nii.l Ini in. Ilv owne.l .v the wt.low I'oster. R.rl'.iitli''i'iiil'onnati( .t! v loll. Kimmiiml, or to lhe ulKku'sljJiiou ut llevul's ''"."'i jjjq, 1 'ee. 1 7, la fiw ATTACHMENT NOTICE. lleiirv .tolim-on. l'l'tlT, 1 lielore H. Steinni in, III' illi'.T. ft'i 1 1 01 flini't. r.Mli-r, Pert, j Ohio. ol llinjkiuii'Tp. ,T. P., l-'airliilil Co, OM1' Eeal Estate for Sale TU Wflfor mile lhe IIoiienml Lot on Main ulroet, l.uneiiKter, now oeeniieil hy 'I'heo.lote Toiik ; also, three Oul-l.ols in K it L ue'iister, fiontnm on the i r.i.. .. . .ml rii'.i niiiinoi'oveil ill-hots In .Northwestern nililiti'on. AIo Hv. iiiy-two iu'Ivh of mini-ou'il laml nilioinitlR the town ol oai.nmn Dee UVJ ms " JOHN t. mt VPKE. issne.l an onler of Attiu'lnnent in the above llelion for l IW. JIJJlSUA. lie.- 17 ::ir TjTOTICK Is hereliy civen tnthe Stoekhohlers of the lineiisler niel 'tiroveport Turnpike Company, ihat theannintl eleelion in aeeovihoiee with the statute, will lie hehl at the otliee of John lldpiniin, ill Win ellesler, l-'lalllili" eolllltv, Ohio, ihi Mmelay. lhe llth ilav ol'.lannnl'V. lwil .l'.'tneeli the hi.ill'S ot lo nYtoi'k A. M., nmlllo'i'lodl 1'. M.. to ehet seven I liroetors for m I'oail. JOHN CIIANKY, lieelo an 4w riesiilcntolmiiilooiniiany. P1UST NATIONAL BASIC OF I.ANCAS- Tl'.ll CUUTIFICATB OF AUTUORi ITY. . Tulaxi'By I)EPATitrsT( Orrier or Ciutr- nnt.l.F.n itr Tin: CullllKNi'V, '. Washitniton, Ueu. 1st, lata) IIICIIF.AS, hy sntisfaetoiyeililenee presented to iinilel'sijrneil, It tins IH'on irnvie io iiiear n.T.r t.'l'l... l.'iii Vtn.iiial Rank ol Laneaster, ' m the t-onntv ol Knitlh'lil ami Stnle ofOliio, has hern duly oi'iainzed ttmler, ami aeeonlina to tlio roiiiireinfnt ot theaetof Conjtresa, enlitleili "An net to proviile a National Citrivnev, sei'iireil hy a plelite of I'niteil Staten Stocks, pnil lo provnln fur ttw' eireitlation nnl feileinption 1 hereof," npproveil Kehrnary 2f, Iwtl, ami has enmplioi! with all the piovisionn of sai.l m-t requir- eil toheeoniplieil with bi'loto I'ominencinjr, the imm- ness ill iiiiuiiiiin , . . . Now, therefore, I, Iliiah Mernllneli, roniptrollerof the t'lirrelli-y, HO nerenyeeriliy mat im-Mn.i rri.-i tionul HilliK ol Llinenster, eoinny in ritoni i'i ihi'i Slate oft Ihio, is nntlioriwd to eominenco tho business ..r u.....M..r tlm iii.l nfori'saiil. '"."'"' . ' . , .' !..'.. I ...1.1 o'nAl .if lnteMltieeiy wtierei.i. nun. mi, ii... ! ...... ... oil e.i', this lirsl tin v ol iiis'eniiier, isi.t. rBrM -i llUflHMeCULLOOlr, Uoe in :)7 -tin Coniitrolli'rof the Cnrreney. Bank Announce ment. mirp virat Vnllonnl llnnk of Laneaster will enm I iii.'iii o business on Motulav, .lannnry , ls'll, for tir,(M,,,.ti,,i, ofa ueneral UanklnK an" Ki- ..i.....,. Uiiuliiess. innler lhe nuthority of the I'mteil'st ites, ut lhe Hanking rooms heretofore oecu- ineil hv Martin '". HalHinR hours from 0 A. M., till 2 P. M. Jv. 1). Win, 0- T. GAUAfiltTY, a7-3in Pres'l. Ihislner. GEO. IT. SMITH, JR. DEALER IN' WATCHES, CLOCKS, iiJirvtDV ivn VAT'TAVO -' d L' V Ijiilil. il.l 1' .IUIIU.1. Greene's Bhck, Second Poor from the Corner, Main St., Lancaster, O. Lctaont, In Music. Mis" M. Parst desires to teach a class in vocal and instrumental music Sbo would liko" to coinmcnpo tho 1st of Janurtrv. ant feels ebnndentsho - n i can givo satisfaction. Lancaster, 0, Dec. 17, 'C3. 'jai"OJL50- TI1F. tmilersiinrjil lias heen piointeil hy the rro hate KairrleM Cbnt.ty, Ohio, Vns ".' n, the mallei' nftlio assignment niiele by Joseph Hillet and Saiimel Hitler for the. berielit or their ere.tttors, andlheererlitorsof sai.l .loseph Hitler nnrt Samuel Hitler, nre hernhy roqiiirod to present their elalnis to J " aMBH STiNSONi TnLtoe. Valuable Farm for Sale. riUE snhserllKT offern nt iiriTrtte snie One nf lh I moHtilesirnble farms ill tho enunty, HonlalniiiR '1 n.'es of exeellent laml, teti aiires of which nre eov ereil with the best timber. The farm IssitunWil on the Newark road, three miles North-east nf Lancaster, and has on it a eomloitablo divelhnnrliouse, good barn, mid never-fnilintf well and spring, A line oieiinrooii i.i,- .......... .. ,,r...i.iu m. will In. mvenon deferred mTrrlents Fni further information lply to the snhseriber, or to Joseph Jl.ieklln, living near i";,j;r,":"-,-HANlKlj KUTo. Lancaslrer, 0., Nov.l3,0.V.T3 tf. Ayer'a Cathartic PUls. "Dv. "i.oja.iV,,i av-t .t toov wtv wuuw 'Oo'Aov,"S'v.s. uvc . v'.c Viai, occ CiOVVOV.. sc'v.'voAt.. v'vv-c a a -T' O V. "Qv. T.oicvtV viiv-.'ivi "SvtwvWtv, 3vi- These FliUers are r:it vp in ij'urf bottles, of xchiah theabevtts a.f-sin-ile. The label is finely eni-avei, anj is prmidei isith a srfe-ruarl Trcm iounUrfeitem. Ti i:e i'l cr Icli'.c, c; tizfor v5. C. W. FbiA, Trocric'lar, j-Tz. ( EisJ Fourth St., Cinainrati, to u'hem ad orders should be addressed. for salt: rY K:miTirmi) A t'o. P. Kitf-rd, Linisror E. K.ilh. iUivhv:lh; Ai!j-.tiA .-m, C't.j.rpnit; 1'. 1 1 runs rit-a-cnlvdhs (i. 1 Ihiiiilin. Oakhmdi ilnriruut -m t;., rirkfrihiitriii; lkerv . Mf Candlum, Hrnm-n; cnailcr nian X Kiniii!!, Ani:iiida; L. L. JU 'U.n, X.-w fi.dv.ii: Ju6pjh R.u:iMi!l.-rfprti'- i."nir. :id hv dniiL'i!-tB(iiidiii.Tflmii.gtiier,.ll.v tl.i-juli-jut tl.u I'liitcil Stiitfs and t'ajiada. . Criftk. l'i ALT Hlft i.wi !1 H. li.-ni-lt.-t, Willir-.tfi A. Mali. l.i-.vivi.r..-ll-Ui-r r-H'i Hfli- ry ''. .-'i:Iivui U. i ticiidniit-, .tl1fi-l ti'atlil'i; -h I (i'HII'J Itilft- lu- uii'ih-r t!i- hrui iiann; ut I lu-n. '.i. t, ;iiii .v i:.-. j 1',,-v.i l! -. (',. !, ii-t. V -in A. Hidl, Jwi P. TWt r-Iii t :in-l II' r.'.v 'ji'l'i j !;, ) u".in-i tr.tdtii(( nii't ,i. ii" M yii-r r. ., ;. inline I'f Hlifdj;t ll-dl A ' M P--.'l r.'i iu c.ty of w V'rk. iiithn .-Lti.- nf i"W rk. will raiir-'ri'i'M-c th t (Hiri,'e ( rf-ol: rf th-r;ty nf I n--t r. in thf ctiimty ftf Knir ! 1 I ;ii: ' ' i!" "i ' J.l on the l!n it;tV il .N'f'V, A. I'. 1" f.l- U' 1 "if.'n pi tti CVitjrt of rti'iiiiiirm Mn v. :M:iv ru 1 f'-r th- :ty uf fmrrifll in fl'd Hturt ( '!t:-i. i::it iht'iri. triii lorrfi thsit on tit l.'th iliiy it ,N"';ir''r". A- I'. 1. tli" aid Hfft'ndi Ht did em l'.y.''rl )i!i- h'Mi th riii iit-nrw C'r''k iu their cli .i: "r :i:iu:in. r- r rut'i niiruit' tii jifnoii ni ono V '(Ilililli lt t! " 1-t 'IjV rf UfM pu)r, A. I. I", im ? rTi:i:;utiuiC "ii tin-1 at Wi-mr, A.I. :..) i'i'-u nr.'l th'Tf- mrv u pity lurn th" nil HfrT 'r !: for Mid ti (.iii'it-i':a4''ii ol" lh' -rvifi- of tltrt e:,i I (r-.ri- f'l'fuk. tin lt-r f-ni.i ff uirwt. to ron-rVn-- th'- "? iii of fitf'it linri'lrf ' -loHarsand prnyinc f ii j'i'f jrin-nt n-iiiijt the - drffn tints J'rth uwd sinn .ri-'ii; ;t;i zl-f T.rtT'n', ffr ; w rit nf nttnrhmriit vj. ;:- thfUI. Tli'-.!'! I'hmw S. Wndiit, WdllKTii A. ii.iM. l,ftti.,J. h-ii-dift An 1 Hmirv fti'ithwick are ri';ii)'Mli!i:ir tin y ar- r. .(inri-d to nii(-r uml onuwwr tin lit. o.i uit r iitiurt iiih zifi 'i.y t .nmaRrv, a. Kl'h fiEottiiECKoOK. . Marker FntWr, Attt'yiu NOTICK IX PAHTIT10. iirtn' Sfrf-Ir nnd TWrnhurd Hfrwk of ".urtv, Minn, CftrnliHf roNjrcrIud nl .I'-d f, Mid N'hhut Itou'tff mid Mnrr s'lt'M'h nt iniir!)-' hli of Hnniilton ftmnty. Ohiov Fn- If n ): . hnndt. w-hnudt wid" Mutildii i-h?Mi-!t !:. n'0 (ill 'of Krnnkl n coiiny. Ohm, WiU ii.iiii fN-itiTinit minor. Mid Catfumn sditntdt. h ;ilir- .)i iVfo'i' N hniidi, t'H-.t) of iBjrtiHd comity, Ohio. '1'tw-wi-ltw rnd li 'r ft hv of ltr fhmtdt, (-i-t'l, . tt of H'Tih tn. iiflnjt, Kriirrifhl county, Uhio, v l! t-'k" ri"t:i-rt !'( on th :i Uiy ot Iwt'iidr A. 1. 1 th- im h riimcd tihd in the Court of Common l't Fftiiri! 1 i-imty, Ohio, their in-tition dfinfiu d:i:r jfirutif-n.mid thf :'i-iifuin'nt ot th I"Hr etiite u;'. .i I ('.:i;'rrii'- S-hni-U m ih f ilirwiiiK dewnl-M r-il --r:-tt j-iniitto in KitirtiMd -Minty, i Mtio, Itt-ing the K;u"t ih.U '! tip- .-iiiHi-f-iij.t rjiuirtr of iwtiou NuimUt i-lcviii (J lu toWii.dii ) it? TnU r thirtwii,: of Khiijth numb rf srutwti conUuing ghty-four (Wj rt- tn(.r "r t. AMhii"rtr.nii of M rourt tn- nndrsijrnM will a t .? -1 y t-.r m md-r tinrtition nmy im nia-i if C.itii:'r ' i.n-iot. widow of twd dwed'i m u'!' ! m md t r-Tu-v, ... ... JI'UA E. KJ-WaN, JAC.'ii WHIilAN. ?ftitionprrt T'.y '"-rrz in. und riirkf1 A Fritter Aitorii'yi, 3 likilr'-' iioo.n- A. DISPLAY UNSURPASSED AT A. A AEON'S JEWELRY STORE! CIIRISTJIAS AD XEW YEAR'S P "Oil 3 133 K3 33 3 r.p.-i 'f.,!i a h..i tav tmni'ToiM fr'eiid-. anl etifc i il l' urrivi-J with an eiifiiely new k ,. d in l'lcitsiuit Tou iisliip sieiiiiiini-r. muKulrove Keniiiiarv. united with the Uvjle.lii - 1 lloine Cine, an ln.-tiliitinn "f l-irn'iiir that ii"r,.j,. ins In all. bill inoru e-li.'i'l:iilv to ii.ii'ii'l-, thej r.llllitv ill rlli'linim I. iu.iumi-ii i. h. .i en, .."' 1 IVllln- Hi .lW l .iiii(i. uil.'l IMiu., iinia Unarm, IVeik Clialnn, ..ftv.e l.rt.'-r'nl! id P'-nKTiuid an cndlcKri va- SILVERS GOLD WATCHES, tli."l'!ifT, iml'i li3 ,:n.'r!ean and Kmrlixh L. verj;.th...iii.W a-i-rtiin'iit of i ,p,,.: KAKE BABOAIIMS TO BE HAD. ... . ... ,. J" 1 tWVL! nWINI nnreea.eil the entire Kioi-rs in .i.i 'ir. iiA'l'KS would inform, lhe pu';li;' in general that t. Ii,m ill storunt hid- estunu.iiinieii., in ioe Greene Hlock, Seconrt noor irmn i Corner. Itlttln Street, Lancaster, O., a hiroer iiortiii'en otltii4. iiSrhiini'niiti) thf Ren. end .lewelry trade Hum win- ov.T Indole oih riHt in thin l '.lit,'i i . :....l n lorrreliivniee of lie nnM jusi iri-i-ii.-'i HUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, , i ; "i of ererj' variety, ifch as GUITAriS, VIOLINS, . ACCOKDKOXR, FLUITS, .. , , .X'OXUTENAS, FLAGELETS, CLAIRONET3, 31USIC BOQKS, &c, &c, AND AM) KtSIirtt VIOLIN A OIIITAU STRINGb- ii,,,Iw,.hr,ed-ietti Tbotwwlloeli." Tli. l'ailur Tiniekeeiier.w-ill l i"ld orioeMo ..jut lie nil ei. ri i'rT TACLKS.. WA'l'tdl eA 1 kfU .Ulery, Mm- eal In-trilmi-ntj, Music Hook. c in 'dlei lnrioly. l'nreh iserri are invited t L'U'O Hie a eall . IIO-AU kinds of lli-i-airing done jiromi ,flJ,1!llJl'" ''bineiwtor, Mny il, fiX-& TO THOSE IN WANT OP O LOT H IN G. ..r iiiii.r..i-iii'' tihr.ieel li'iwei'r ;ll tiie Mime mid loTlerip lnotiev than treatment itK.iic ui.uhl i-o.t lle'iii iit in.v "111. r Wiit.T l lire. . ... . . K-ir p:iitieiil i. send for a elp' ai'.'l lein. ri 't Hint the next Aniiu:il Term of the ri.-is.nit t...h:p heniyiary aiil ooinMf nee on M'lSl.V-, AiAiit'fl J1-' i. A. tOCaud '"usi.-'t of W wivk-, ,livW'1 into Three S.wioti..asl'.,OU'il: : Siiniinei'fiessioiitioiii Mnn-h the :ieih to June Mill Imu. Twelve weekn tuition 'i. Vavation I" vie.-!;?. Knll N-ssjon, (mut Aiwict 1st f. Nveiuher this Rlt lliil. Tivdve weeks tillliou Xi.raea.ton. . Winter Si'ssion, from November ld, lsti to Xarch lii-h. 1. SiXIm'll wevk tuition J.s. ;, Tniii'.n must be idin adianee, .ii sei iiieilbynote; ilnrl no ledii.'tion will ! onaeeoinit of.-ih-iiU'e. tti) Honr'-'itix, eiinsislini? ol tliriniu'eons foo l, fruit, an.lvei(etul.h'i,wil!befuriiislii'dliy lhe l'riiieipiilti al JsPi" wpi'k. .... It-ir l.avi':il-'o piin-liaseda Tiano, andseenred the femcesof r"Mt."irirC.rrriM'.iDi:ii to ive inslruelioii dn the Piano, nml other inst i imie'it of iiiu-ie, en rea- ionnMeterin. I r. JOSEPH KEKMAN. l'mieqwl, , ami AHK.ltt4-il riir.r.UiAwiiiui- retmiary -n, Recruits Wanted FOR TUB 58TII REG. O. V. I. Liu; Ik .'t CJ CD 2? OS. S3 "U n lire it mmr' i'her ifo.i.. ail suitai le lortho '' Ail lii.1, I.e. s: ;.a.l l'S 1 Utile ln.illlil all HIT Hoods for eash. 1 ti, l ix.ii.cutaiitll tiiv.irii'L' nir with tneir pniro. t,:i:i' mil fni'L it io their inu rest; will sell ut luieen to futtono and all. . ji,4io reivive.1 a lurtro ncortment oi lfpnnr. Made t'l'lhiinr. Triniks, Huts, Woollen bKirt,nud Unmlrem and Tistols ot nil kinds. . ., lie... US 1 il A. AAnos. A 1'rlenrl In Needi 'try It., fir. Sweet's liif:,llinhle Liuimei'il It nrejinred fronj the re. ii'i' oi'Iir. Sti'iheti fiyreet, pf CniKsjllent, thii groat Luii ncttw.and has lixn iii.'d in hii pnicrioa fur the .Uiaj ti'.iiuy .years Vitli the most astonishin .ii.s'i .s. A ailcxieruai rtinody. it . witliut a rival; and will alleviate juiii more npeedly than any other pri'pnrntion. For nil Khenmatie and Kervom l.iror. 'iers it in trutv Infallihle, and iw a ourative for Sore.; W'liiiuls, fS.rains, Hniises, jn., its soothinft, healing and powerful strenntheniilR iirnpertieii, the jiKt won der .indas'onislitiieiit uf nil who hale ever jjirenit trial, nvroiie thousand eertifientr of reinarkabl. cure., perl irined hv rt within Hie Itrst Mwo yoarit, ain4 Hire fact.' rfuo Advl'tlNoinent. tj-l milE KiHiseriher woiUd iiiform li'""'" I, that he hnsREJtOVEl) Iif'f T VHuisll MriNT to the rooui ronuorl becupicrl hy THEODOHE TONil, .' ' ' ... . , . In the SH AEFFER ULOGK,: One door Wet nffleorsf heek1!. PrllgStOWtrhcrelio may lie found ready tii lit out cither ,. , . ., , , , READY-TitADK Oil T?0 ORDER, ? nil who may Ihvor him will, n call. Tc wiiirn. Ihiinkii for past favors- ' : - . .. ' JACOB, UUt. , April 9. l0-if , ... ..' -!. TIErT.riU.ONEl. JAHiSOS has opened a lie jeruitinii llfflee in Laneaster. nn Main' Htreel. Doom West nf tli Ol.l Siholl. Id II 1. 11.1 Inr, where he ii mithnrincd lo enlist men lor the 5Mll Ohio Regiment. This is a veteran lieu iineiil mid distiiiimished itself ut the halth ii ot Kurt lionnldson, Shiloh, and tho hn'tle.4 around ieks '"Tiu . ' . ..., ... .,;;,:,.... A Itounij' ni UP-i"-. win in- I'ao. 1' v.,.. iiv reerilit, and 9U! to Veteraun. 74 raid onn .as mustereil into service at. CVIilm hu. For Purtlier illloniiation call nt the cnVo. .1 l 'i A l IV L'I . I , 1.'I IV IVe IT, IRIS ' ' ' ' R''i'ilitihg nilieer "Special Notice. OFFICE OF THE COU.EOTnn " ' , ' OFINTEBXVL BEVBSt'E, ' l'ilh IHSTIiltT OK (IIUO, . tlmliiville. Ohin. Hec.8, 1-W THE tin iorthe payment of United Hales Tajtc? in Kairliehi (Aiuiity, dhio, la hereliy cttenled to ljis einher anHi, 1). All (wrson. interested are unti tled to inaka payment on.or be fore the l of l'-'''"-Her next, at the :. of R. M. Clarke. Deputy CVUw' tor in Lmieaatcr, Ohio. ... ... . ..(M A.penalty 9f ti percent, wilt W ' added, ifr wtpaid as almve statfil. ,. NATHAN pKNA, Pee 10, 'rci a7 w Cotlc-tnr 12th I'ist. ol "hio- Bdarders "Wanted. ItS E. d MHAPKEN curl aeoommodnto tiirec or four boardcrsi corner of Wheeling street and road Alleri . ' ' L.Z ' ' ' OctUih-iWt; , - . .. :.. . BOOKS! BOOKS! REDUCED PKICES. J VST xtceiVe J ami fur nic, n new Mid. xtcnTo tuek of BOOKS AND STATIONERY , ' cnihraeing Miscdbncniis Tioolx, fr?hool llook, lilnnk book", . Bi' silnd '1 cstanients, Pnivar invl hvn.n li', ' 'All the standard poeta, . lliiL'raihica, hiitoric ana SnrraiircK for the old nn.l Uia votiim, Jurenilc Hook ami loy, l'oeket Hookn. PlariM arid Pnwli U'ullcla. I'ort Monica, and a (root variety of Fancy Attkla.- A Inrne toek of , . WALIj paeb . ' Very Iittrb S3 cs Qax5 coll QO eta cesCs a Tiltink Viph Vvt ana Htotlonnry. (hmishad conn' trvjle ileri h( a cnii.ll ailviuiee on Esstcrn pricca. Anvhiwilc daalre'l. if not oa hand, will hconlaradi and procured ni a few duy . - .inH.. I., it THILL. lr'fiii-MiMi, Wl'. opjrte'e HHpft Ifaum, Li.rtcastir, DeclO 0l-39tf, -