Newspaper Page Text
ens AcUiuijmv uttmu. The Qlekn or Puddings. One pint of nice bread crumbs to one quart of luilk, one cupful of sugar, the yolk of f .utr eggs beaten, the grated rind of a u :iion. a piece of butter the sise of an o:-. Bako until done, but not watery. Xt'ir.p the white of the eggs stiff, and V::i in a tea-cupful of sugar in which L.o.s been stirred the juice of the lemon. Spread over tho pudding a layer of j ily or any sweet meats you prefer; pour tho whites of tho eggs over this, ;.D J replaeo in tho oven aud bake light 1 .-. To be eaten with cold cream. It is second to ico cream, and for somo ' casous better. I31P0UTA.T TO SOLDIERS Agent! for Procuring; BACK PAY MILITARY claims. CLAHKE & FMtTKtt, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. It. !U. CLAIIKK, C'lMim Arm. rwiirKlrK T.illmilg Mock, South sida Msia t licet, l,.ill-a.ster, O'uo. BOUNTY MONEY. ; -Uirr who Iia two TMr. i entitlM f i"i r.'- ititv. Kvt'rv Sutiiri-hargl hy rmnt. mo in'!- rif'civp'l in fM1, jftctttitlfM. m Stmt Honnty. V -rv .4'ildter miMH nftt-r July 10 mni di 'i .iv -il l-emrf irriiij two veiirt, i militlad to lift J ,u ay. Tin- WiJuw, riiildrpn, Fathrr, Mother, or 'li- .'SuC ,iiiiirn, whu l,e m iho strvUo, are etitilloU t ) t!i-n!xv lloiuitica. .'v r )nn- ton, ol-IU r who ha httri diftftltUd. tn mv -'vi'e, ,y worm Unr diwiii whiln in th nrvifo '.u t 1 - IiiiMif .liitvfn wiiImwii of iiHniod vldini tn rj iir M -i-t.TH or Mi'lnncil mother dependent on the (I'-cf-M.d iur mi .port. Hack Pay. Vm? h"vc vry fiu'.lity for the rollrvtion of TUrn T'-y. If fmil MiM-ni Jiro oorrf'tlv niftHi ont, we run p i .Mln' 'n-.n'V in iritid in lour dfv from the time t',' pi'twi'ar dolivrrrd to un. Hol'Iion who hare -.n- ir hi iav 'Iiip thiMii from the Government, will Ho v !l t.An on um, ih we erin enl)e't the miner for r. i h t-A Hi tn it will emit to (to to fViiminn, or ebe- vVv-v mi'l iniii'h fnniier thun tho Htate Iy Agent Writ- t r An'! will n.W:e y.ii. FltRK OF nMliOK. and tend on )tn with in-tnii'tHtnn for tilling them tip, iliut you :m puipm yiur claim without truuMe. H rronit flic ommm yon uifiko ymir ftppt'ention, the nooner vijti w tT t your itMim-y. If Apphention for Pension i 1 r. -t miv h n it yeiir fnmi tho date of diicltarg, a vcar'y nMtum in lost. iCfim-mber tUe Place! Tt !.f. n.ARKF, rum A'ir.T: fflfio-outh idn M xn ntreut, Tiilliutt'le Itlork. Lunonster, Ohio. Ilrfrncr: MirtlnATo.. Ranker; Hunter Inticherty.Attornyii V. . Va'iiludH, I'mixiou Hnrieoti. J'lTTRIK Mil I.10I.U, Tr.XNRMRa, May, Itua. To the People of FnlrArld Connty. W'k nrn nornnnlly ne iift!nti'd with U. M. ri,ARKK, lo.. fii'l U-lH've him tn ho hinient and rnpahlo. We i'i"erf.:Mv rvfnmmwi'l him to our friend of the 17th I! tiifiit :i ii iiniper ju-rnn to attend tnthernllection el' --il li.-r-t' f'l-tinm, llnk I'ar, Hoiintv, l'enfiiun,Ac. -f-liii M. f'...;!n ll, foloin'1 17th H'l'mentO. V. M. F. Mor Lifttteimnttbiliinftl ITlh Keg. O. V. I J. Inv.,, 17th Ohol. 'l)nl-l Knt. ( Mmi nn It. K. Hutterfteld, Comd'g Co. A. 17th 0. V. T.Mii. ti'oit ,1. H. Arney. 'if .'ii Kr.fn llieltK,'(!onipany F, 17th Ilef. iJf'iti'irnit l. it'Hnlhvnn.' .1. H Ktiin'hi'iimlt, fnptain Company B. A K (im'"tk, ImI ijentioinnt t'mnpnnr B. Wdratu II. Piitfh, 2il Lieiiteiiant, iinipany B. A. f ift 'tn Cfiinpany I, 17th Ohio. !.. N'.ih', Ht Lieutenant, Coinpnnv , 17th Ohio. ?' M !;irfalnt'iimpnny K, 17th Ohio, H. It. ' Hhh, 'id liii'ittemnt. o l,.-tn, A"itimt t)ofrter Mutter 17th Ohio. M. II. Iiuvm, tlflptnin CnnpHny O, 17th Ohio, fiiittin f. H. H'piM'V, Ooin(Hinv I. 17th Ohio. T.""'"M'int ti. M WeMi, (Mmpanr I. 17th Ohio, f.'eiitenirir O. It. Hrnndt, rnmpatiyO, 17th Ohio, I. iiv-n-t.T, Juno IH, lHiVllitf BOOKSfBOOKS! - KEDUCED PRICES. J t'-T recntred and for tale, anew aud extensive BOOK AND STATIONERY ftmbrtving Mtfuieil Alteon Boortn, Heh'iol Itooki. lllnnk bonktf Hitilci und Te-ument, Pruver und hymn honk, All (he Ktt.ndrird )H.eU, Hififtrnphier., huttuiM und Nnrrtiei for the old nnd the ynnm, JtiTende Itiinkmind Toyn, 1'iH'ltet llookit. Iiiuriei und Piirnei VViilIi-t( I'ort M'inieM, nnd a groat varioty of Fanny ArUrloi. A hre ifH of AVALTj PAPJS'R Very Low. Oa ce odU Ji i as? a Si S3 8 I'lhnlt Hooks. Paper and Htalinnary, furnished eonn itv ,i,.,it ut a small advance on Kutcrn prhs s. .i,v ) Km d'-ircd, if not on hand, wdl lionrilerod aiiil procured ma Irtt days at the lowest price. JllllN I,. Tr rniM,. t. trt'trfni'' 'i Wnfk, Djijilt hi Shttffet llwue. l..lin:.ialer,'J'ld ,1'Uf. , "LIVE AND LET LIVE!" FURNITURE ROOMS! Jesse P. Outcalt, RKI'I'.f TITI.I.Y infnrmi the puMio that he ! iii.mrnd to supply ull who Wiini CABINET VURNtTURE With a good artlie st rev G".T"",iiuilili' prices. His Parlor, I . TI-T 1 lted.rooiu,(imceaiidKiteh- j iisaif Ktirnituro is of the latest stylo, and manufactured of good materials, aiid in the Heat Mtyla ( avorkiHaaalilf). lie feels onuflilent that he can sell mora Furniture f.,r the amc miinry than has ever been Imiighl m the City of l,aiH'ator lsfore. V V U liST VAX IKG, Done on the horlet notli-e, nnd waimntel to (rj K'Kid in u-fiu-turn. All ordr in hi hue f himincM will Ite promplly titled, nnd he hopii, by pnni'tunl Attention to liimoM, nnd law priceHi'nr hie work nnd The puhltu me Invited to ivnhltn fttuilf. JliJLL;e'jpOjo r u j t'Ori'lJH of anv style, ftimlshed sjiiaJ.iss7,,n Nhort notice. I will atb ntl funerals In town nnd country, with or without a Hearse. 4Sliop on Main rUroet,ln tlio rooms foi'iuerly ofctiiiiotl by Smith k Krkcrt, Zuooni himtol llockmjr Vnllcy Hunk. JKS.SK 1. OUTCALT. Laneaiter, May?, WO PLOWS PLOWS!'. ATTENTION FAKMEHS YOIT will And at r. J. BOVINO'8 Hardware Wore nliitxe assortment of PLOWS and othor Agricul tural implements of the following celebrated makers : J. L.lHLl.tBou's combination Plows, Points, Port aud Lsind sides. dilihons' Htoel Plows. W. Darat's Cast Plows, Long's Pattern. All f which liavo been thoroughly tested by the Farmers of this and the adiaeent counties, and are acknowledged to be tho best in the market. Call, esamine and inske your choice to suit your ground and Mams. Also constantly an hand a juU stock of IRON, NAILS AND 8TEEL ; ,IIoacbuilllng materials 0 ALL suss. TOOL" of all deaoriptions. of rh best quality ao )'t ic:rst pi lees. .1, lf'T& l.tu-.ur. .lone Is tief. REMOVAL. IMPORTANT lo lite PUBLIC NEW GOODS AT OLD PRICES. CLOTIIIKO ltIDE;XO OICDER, DRESS COATS, TANT-S, VESTS, SHIRTS, SOCKS, AND COLLARS vrthinr tnr ATrvtaHv Rtttrr. thrnntr. mo t 4nrir bit a' mo'-e fa'MonnMe. than uim ho l"l l"whcr in l,, at BUKJK'S now niaiiiniotliflothinj tor TALLMADGE HOUSE, ImwodittolT under Tnllinivlijo Homo o(Bf, Mnin troot, Lnni'Mtnr. Ohio. Call tarly. call ofton, and utinplT Tonrno,oitio!.whilo Koolinreohfap. Tlmiikinmyld frionHi for tho init lilx-rnl patron ro. inrito a'oontiiiiianoo of thoir rintom. To tho puhlio Ronorultv I xtwl an iiiTitntion to ict niy mvli anil nri(.'n. Ikm't foruot.tho place: Hon't for- i;it to oli. Rom'nilxr th iiiiioriority of niygiwxU and faintoaa of pricsi. r.inurJMT-tf. JWoftlco. rfIIE mvloriinnrd hnvinn pnrchasod and niorough I ly roaircd and improtcd tho CITYHBLL, MHuatoil on tlio t onal, ut tbe Noutb endof Ifroud Ktrcnlf l.tincasteri O., Oratffnl for fivr, fiolieitu the pntronngH of nt turmer en(uiiifra, aim an innsa wnn km-i riinpurtrii to farir h:a etTort, t mtpplr the wnntn of the roiu nmnitv with a moir'K aUTICKK t)F FLtUtt. Ma in fully prepared to do all kinds of t'VS Vtni WftWU at ahort nntii'i. and will at all timoa pay the liighait inariit prioofnr WIIKATand other urnin. II riiin in hia Mnpov a Kood and oihrinood tuil lor, ho fooh ponnd'iit that h will ho ahlo to entiHy nati.fT th'ino who may favor him with Ihoir i'iitoin nraain.ivo. 11. W. WOULFOUT. Lani'aitcr, June lfOJ Utf ( ' I G A It M AN U F A 1 T ( ) UY . no or BUTT cur I ELD Main Rtroot, f.anoa.tor, Ohio, ono door wt i Huntor'a I'rug l-'torr, koopa oon.itajitly on hand a laro and auporior assortment of Ilenrv flnf. Con Itrgnlln. La I'ulnitltit ,lrlnr1p, Itouch anil llfiiitlf , Hull Sinnlah Tirar. of tho Tory Iwifd quality, ivhwh thoy will poll ohoapor than aiiT niannfai tiiriiic OHtahlishinent in tha West. Wo aro workene tho l ost quality of Yarrow, Cuba and Connortieitt fiord Tohaoeo, and challenge comnsH.on of rositl'a. laiTWo inrito moltors and lor to OTsnun our st.k. ROOT ni'TlEKr'IEI.I). Lanoastrr, Fob. Mi 1 VI -Wtf. ZftfiE SOUSE, COR.VEK iV.I.V .4.VD itli STREETS, A. :. ft, IMKIPIIIKTOH. Zamatillo, JnlyO, '03 IMni. Umi EILLIHERI ESTABLISHMENT. Itllrf CI.IITOllD&nOBilVSOn TAVK removed theii' business to the Giesy Hrick I I lluihling, inn loilcly npite tho I irv Unnd Hlore of Mrs. Itci k.and 4 dours Wcstol the lloi kiug Valley Hank, Their stock consists of all kinds of FANCY BONNETS Also general rmsortmrnt of STRAW GOODS, UIIIIIOIXN, I.IMI K' O l l.N, V HI I.Hc Head Itreaaea Collar, Corse l.e , reeeiven tpei-ial ntteiiliou. Ordern filled on short notiee. FANCV HATS AND FLOWERS nniiirp"i'd, nnd ehoup for o.vth. Ladies are rn flpectlutly invilod to cull htsforo purclmMiiig eNo Hhere. ( I.IKi'OUl) k lUmiNSON. Lniu-uiter, April l-'Vtf. VALUABLE PROPi HI Y TOR SALE. WISH INO to go west, I offer for sale Iho proper ty m w Inch I now reside, lleru is a nuechuuee for a desirable and cheap residence. hi'. 3, i.l-;iw W. B. HKATY. Notice (o Driillcd Mm. Hr.iinsor tiix I'Jth Cok. Pit riiilhcithi-, liliio,.lul Will, lwa. I IATtAOllM'H M of (Circular No. :H from the offlco of the I'rovosl M.irshal (ieiiertil, is su far inodlhcd as to reipurc every dnillfl man rlaimintfexcnipiion, by roasnn ol having paid the sum ol thvee hundred 'liars (9100), utflor secllioi l.l ol l neaci lor en- Iling and enlhng out the national lorcus and for tier purposes," approved March :M, 1S:..I, to pi'oseul tiiii''A I'l.'. II Ki 'KIP I'M from the r ivcrolcm- iinibillon nionov. fur such amount. In Iho Hoard or Mnrolliiieul f his diatricl, in order to receive llioro IroiunCKIt'l'lI'lr.vTKtil'' KXHMl'TION, The niinuiis'Oouor or inicrnai iievenue in earn Congressional liisinct, has I aiitlionroii by iho rioorolarvol War and directed by the Secretary or I he Treasury, to receive from diaftcd persons, who de sire II for the purpose of excmplion from Ihedrsft, I'le money above spei'illcd. On receipt of the sum, the I'ullector of Intel-lid Itevcnne shall give the drafted person paying il IH'I'I.H'VTK IIKi'KII'TH. 'these rei'lpts shall be delivered to the Hoard "I I'.nn.lllocnl on or lieloreineilayinenraueo person is rcpnrod lo report for duly.nneoopy lo be r,.t , Ibv tliesni'l lloird.andnhensodelivereillothe said Hoard the ilrallccl person shall be furnished by Iho Hoard, wild aeortifleale of exemption disidinrging hluifroni further llnbililv under Hie droll, bv reason ol having paid tho sum'i' Hn ee hnnilred dollursus aforo.,U.f. ' ':. W. IKiHV. I'rntost Marshal ano rrcsmem oi inn Hoard of Knrnllmeiil. July M'M-17. TT(TMK Is hereby piveiitoall whom It may eon- eero. thst at the next sennlon of the t Timnilsslon- ers of Fnirtield eountv. to lw held in DeeemU'r next, there will be presented n pnlition prf.yinforthe entab. lisliment of the following desert I ed eounty nmd, to. wit : eommeni'iiitfnt or near the old Tavern stnnd, for merly owned and kept hv John Hwnyer, owd. on the old ChllHeotho road; thenee north M4 west to the Msdisnn nnd lloi'Uina township hue: tlieneenlon snm townshti line and Ihe line of the old roari to the hslf section Ii e; theuee n)ont(lhe half section line And the nftM oW roud to tho Amanda road, anil tberew rn-iriM . O'.N WW. w MANY rKTlTHtnltiw. . SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTH ING. P. RISING. AtSprliiRfi'MOId Slnntl, Mo In St l.uiiciiafcr, Ohio, Has now in store a large and complete supply of SrKLNU AND SUMMER CLOTH- lN(i, embracing every description of UKXTLKMRS'S and B0 Y lt.WfyiltlXa AITARM. which is oRered to purchasers A T ritlCES to SUIT TIIK TIMES TOll THE HEADY CASH. Kver) thing from the finest coat down to the coarsest 1,'heok Shirt, KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND 1 am ready to mv ml Its good Br(alils and era. uy ui lil.-u is uenriy all lesrly all MADE AT HOME and I believe to be better trimmed and made than that from the East, and will he VIIKAPKR In the end ert'ome on with your cash If you want HETTEtt BA IU1A I NH than wars ever offered yon before. Oct. , lma-iy. p. TALL SLOUGH. AnQBIHYATMW LAN0ASTEH,OlllO. sTPrempt attention glTen to Collections- OFFICE In Wfford's BlMw. Lfif.rMjr.h Vs. 15l"-1"ff CLOTHING READTMADE SOLDIERS' INTEREST AGENCY For Collecting Bounty Money, PENSIONS, BACK PAT, AND MILITARY CLAIMS GENERALLY. THE Aff-noy ofT. W. TALLMAIWF. k CO.. for tho Oolhu'tins of Soldier' and tioveniinont ehiiins ia still oontinuod for this and adjoining i.-ountiutt, at tha uetunu A'jtM'j vjjict ol ar k ij i ,i iii a' is ia, Corner of Main and Columbus Streets, LANCASTER, OHIO. Prompt attention will ho civen to prepare all neccs- nory piipors for tho collecting of Bounty; ITIanrf Puc to Rolilicm by reason of expiration of sorvieo, or ilisehurffofl on aeeonnt of wounds ronoived while in tho sorviee. Also to Widows and Heirs of Boldiors who die in the sarrice. Pension! Allowed by law to all Soldiers disabled in sendee, to Widows, Orphans, or Widowed MM hers of Uexxuwed MoLliors. Our facilities for collecting Back Par Are not surpassed by any. Our experience has ffixon us Rroat advantage in this department. All w ho have claims against the Government will do well o consult ua cither in person or by letter. Delay Not But malto your application nt onee by railing at the ORiceof B. V. HKINMl'ND, Agrnt, Corner of Main and Columbus dtroets, I.ANO ASTISlt, OHIO. Ilefcrencesi We cordially recommend T. W. TAI,l,MAI)r,E, ss man entirely worthv of confidence, and uno who will honestly carry out vvhatcwor lie proposes to do. W. 8. Ilosocrnns, Maor General I'S, A. C. I1. Huckinphaui, AdjutantGenerid.'Il. H. A. G. H. Wright, 0,iartcnnostor (jeuondof Ohio, C. pelano, Coiumissury ' " Kx-llovenor llennison. We also refor to tho following officers in scrrice. Major General W. T. Khermiin. Itriiimlier General II. It. Kivinir. Colonel John M. Council, 17th Ilcgimant O. V. I. F. H. Pond, ( " C. II. l-ippey, Lieut. Colonel Kwavne, " " V. rtupp, Major Joab A. Htalford, K. P. Jackson 00(1, h Ml ' " 1st Reg. 0. V. Cavalry 1st Regiment O. V. I. fisth " " " II. II. Giesy. itlh We refer lo tho following citisens of Lancaster, Ohio: Hon. Thomas Kwing. Hon. P. H. Kwinc. Messrs. Hun ter A Ihiuirhertv. John I). Martin, John H. llrosee, Charles F. G mighty, Messrs. llelicr, Kuti k Co., iJr. vvagennais, fenston surgeon. Lancaster, August 9), I8U3 2ltf 1H1IW IL ii If J?3SIB JUST RRIVED! ill nAVINfl lust returned from tho East, where he has purchased the largest und most complete us sortmcut of FALL AND WINTER 1EJ Consisting in part of Fine PRESS, .t- Ji USINESS COA TS, PANTS. VESTS OVERCOATS. All well made and of the Latest fashion. tt is well understood that he always keeps the best assortment of Fins Shirts, Nack Ties Colhm, Sorks, Trunks, Jlat. Umbrellas, In fact everything for everybody! And keep It In your mind that A. Aaron Three Door CiiM of Hio Ilockluu Valley Itu iikt flell cheaper thnn nny similar establishmeMtin I,an citster ; cull otten and earl. Also let it le UnoHii that now istliM lime for lhoe who wih tolmyn Hue nnd gond Watch, as A. Auroiilius just received a lare sup ply of Swiss, English, and Ihe best American Lexers, in Gold and Silver Cases, Revolvers nnd cartridge of nil kinds, of the htrd puttcnn, Fruit Baskets, Cantors Silver and l'litc(, Table nnd Teaspoons, I'ocket-kuives, Ac. Clucks of all kinds, 8 days and 20 hour, in fum y nnd plum frames; Accordcon i, Vio ins, Jcwelrv, the llnet nnd all of the lute-t stylesi, inclndini? BreaiipitH, K-uring, Finger rins, Lockets, (told )it with mlver lloldcrs, (iohl nod silver spectacles, for nil ngen ; also for short nrnenr sighted persons, Pocket hooka, Curd nun oh, nnd Notions oi'idl kind. Onim one and all and see for yourselves. BvirA)i7 faroet the place at mil old Stand, three doors east of the Harking Vallrif Jlank. Sign of the Biq Watrh. Ijimaster, Hept. 17. A. A A RON. l 7. C Vi U T C I L WTiULD respectfully inform his old customers V tl1' be hus agAin opened up shop in tho room rtL occupied by A. Brenncinun. next door to the V Tulhnadge'Moue. 1 will give my whole at iirl''"'''"" to the repairing of Wutchcx, rim-Id ,uid Jcwelrv. thvo m a cult, ouu and all. Work nr runted'. L. C. BUTt'U. Uncaster, April SO, I8tl3 otf Kit ate of Nomi Thompson, rire'ri. lYrortrKis herehv Riven, thrtt tho u heen nppomt'd nd iiuslifled nn with tho wdl annexed, ot the entitle of undersigned hns as nduunistrultir with tho wdl annexed, ot the estate of Mosca Thomp son, lute of said county, doceHned. rersons indehted lo said estate are required to timke imntedinle payment, and those having chums against mud estate to present them, properly venlieil. ilUll.i V. 111(11111. Admr. with the will annexed Millersport, Oct. 28 31 :iw ol'Mosus Thompson, HIGHLY IMPORTANT FROM THE WEST. CIIEER1XG NEWS FROM R0SEC1WS 300,000 MOItB MEN WAXTKDt ISAAC LEVY T AA lust returned from the East with the largest I stock of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING ever brought to this eltr, and invites the farmers and citisou generally, to call and examine his largo and well selected atis'k of M NN A XD HO YS' CLOTHING, before ptirehMlng e!newher. Po not allow Tourtelvn tbedulved unit tlratuted into Ihene Hinall Clothme Htorea, twiit the cuntoin withntimeof them, hut pan h them hy nnd keep on up utroefc. until vou eome to ISAAO l.KVY'H, in the HH AKKFKU BLOCK. 4 Uoora AV4 mt th Market Home, and there you will have nn opportunity to exuimne his large nnd itplendid itock of CLOTHING AND HAVK 85 CENT. Itemeia bor.l DRF V ('nantltln. Cull and judge for yourselves. Renienibcr the place, 4 doors west of the Market House. Corns one. com all I Oct, s lU-tt 1HAAC LEVY. VIRGIL E. SflAW, LAW OFFICE irFICE OVKR BIPPOItD TF.i.APirMIlT!l'H FUKritSTOKE. Will attend promplly loall busi ness ontnislod to his care. I.ansasvar, July J, '-l. THE CHEAPEST STORE fl.tD.ui hboc tm'm CURATIVE COUGH BALSAM Ii Ice 33 und 50 lis per Itullle. The Best, Cheapest, and moat effectual Ut nit Ay for COUGHS, COLDS, &rn the World, ha ever produced, purely Vegetable, contaiua uo Mineral or other Deleterious Ultl'US. Tho Curative liulsaui is warranted, if used accord ing to dirci'tions, to cure in nil ea.xes, Coughs, Oold.i, Asthma, and all arfcetiuus ot tho '1' and Lung. M Kiln me Zadoo Pur tcr's llnluttm a ai i dk- LV VKtilTABLK RXI'MTORANT, propiired with jxreut care auid s.-ifiitdic skill, from a oom In nation of tho best roinedies the vestal lo kinttdom utt'urdj. It. rnn edud iii;diti)!S aro list'd on iM puwor tu nrnit tliw liexlthy and vicoroiueircn httion of the Mood through tho lima. H enliven the nniei'le and assists the skin to perlnini tho duties of rcffitl-itnig tho heut of the vvtoni, mid in gently t(irovinii of tho w-.nte tub- ritu'r ii'mii inn nin nrv n : the body. II loosens the' lib'ain, induces free suit- ' ing. and uill Is- r,lnd vl-iv : ., ,.urt .i,... V-st' :Wt ..; ..i.... '.' .1" ..a - cm.dbent. .varining.seim h. nil! nn i euer live, c.'ill be tuken hy the oldest person, or youngest child. Mailnme Zadoe Porto's Curative Hal- earn is no now and untried medicine, but has been uscl by (he public for the past 1 vears, with un paralelied success, end has neijuired its present ez lensive and largely increiisiii'( wide, iVi by being recommended hy ihnse who June used it to their uttiictcd friends and others. If you have n cold, if ever ro slight, do not fail to g;ve Ihe Hiil-oitu a trial ; as the very low pri.-p at which it is sold, brings it in Ihe reach "of every one, that they may al-.vays keep it convenient for use. The tlliielyuse ot a 2 cent bottle w.ll ojtcn prove to be worth' one hundred tunes its cost. Do not he nut oil Willi anv other. A lt for M nd. ame Zitfloo Porter'a Cnuir'i llrelsani, insist on hr.ving it. and lnUeno other ; il your llriiggi.-d docs not nave it, have hilu semi anil get it tor you. lt-Xold hy nil Druszlsts at 25 and SO cents per lint He. II ALL k lilJCKEL, Proprietors, 218 Greenwich Street, X. Y. Nov. VI, li:j-.ll-ly. .1. W. LKWfS M.D., MY.SICIA.V AXD SL'IiGI-OX. Ha permanently located in tho eity of I.nnnaster. OVV('K AM) ItriSI I H'.Nf'K Corner of Hroailwiiy Mini Wheeling, ii the liuue fitrmerly o:i!nied hy Dr. Vn''Mh:il., uhere ho will he ffnuiifduy or night nnle- nbwcnt on profc-iinnal husineKs. llefitrenee I r. Itti'lter, LanriiMtcr, April 11, lSul, if 1JIIANGEJ)F TIME7 Clnelnnull Wilmington A. Znnr.vllle RAIL liO AD. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Commencing Monday. Nov., lHtil, Truin win run uf I'-IIivn : GOIXf; HINT, V4V A Live suck, Fr, A". No. 1 Pus. I.oaro Cincinnati n.'si P.M. o.Hfi A.M. Morrow .:! " " " Wilonlit..n mi.". ' 1J.11 P.M " WaHlnntou,ll,loA M. IAI1 A M. 1,11" " ciP'levillo leiA I. M. :),r) .:, " " I. ua a-ter n.4o A M Il.l.'i " H.:ioP M, " N.l.exinul.,117,15 " ,! " 4,:f ' Arrive nl Z.iiu svill'11 " Io.ini " S,as " t;illl Hi,r, No. 2, Pas. Fr. ,v Ac. Live Stock Leave Tianesrille o."n A. M. l,ii p. M. ' N. l,eximionll.:i'2 " 2. Ml ' i.X't " l,ANi'-'l'i:it liM P. M. ,!'' " il.l-i A. M. " Cir. l-ville.... " !t,nn " s.l.l ' " Washillfflnn ,!! " l-J.I-1 A. M ll.:W " " Wiloii'i'rlon ,1.t:i " a.:ai 1.1! I' M. Arrives ai M'.rrow 4,: " 4. m " :t,-lo " " ( Mii i mint i ,:u " 8,ii " K itward pHSMenen trains make i lone connei'lioni ut ZuiiosVillu Hith Cent lid Oluo Timuis fur all point h Kns i. Wotwir'l Train connect" s follows: At Morrow wild Little Miami Tmin for nil points South and We.'t, and .do with L'tfie Miiiini Tumi tor I-'t and Norih. Krc'ihl and ,V-eonunodiif ion tr;iin h-min Iiii'jis tor nt i: , !M.,midrM eu-u (jminoctious with t'cri tr;tl oluo Truin tin- i'oIuiiiIum. :i'lv lillt-H ol Co;n-h" eilineftilUT W ill r;Hser.2t'l" train-' aro run from Ctrclevill', L'hdlioothe and Co- llttll tillH. itw.'I''i'd arninenionlH nro nvule for enrryitiL LlveShiidi In Ihe 10 infill M-ilkeU hy Ho (;itllnojp itml I i'iiiHvlvuiii:i ltiiili oiiiH nt us low rati sas iireot lered hv any oIIit tin". Kor IhroiiLfh tirdfetx K it or West, or for further hi loritialion ss to l'ie::'lit tt-ites or Sliiiuinls plne ap ply to JI C. t' N r;Ll-, ii(Mit:H Lrmi-iiter. VM. KKY IK'M), HKi'lKVKn. W. V. r ttr, A'tSup't.Xanesville.U. Keh- lU d.'! Ift--If. FOlt THE FALL&WirSTEPJHADE. THE NEW" FIRM! Kcshlcr & M n yer, .W. ILL f.-iulinnn dolntT linsinets nt C U, F.ll I.KH's Id st ntd, three d .orjs Wen ol Iho llockuiif alley iwnit, l.ani-a-Mer.tmin. C. ICd'slIMCH A, V. M AVI It.wonl I rcpt ftiHy inform the p i'lte llnl llioy h ive enton-d into p-irtlUTillip ill the ;)1hivc hi I hi ut ,.. tt Ih it ('. KodihT Ills IU"! rt-lnnittd I mm the V. ist, nnd Jtluil ht rolei-t-d 111 pt'l'soli ii I ii ye ittld supt'i'lol stock of cu.stulil madi work, oiisi-tin of Ilonblr-Nolfi l,nd lrt 4-ikllcrn and llnlmoralM AIho, anil Children, Men', Vo r lloy'n 'cnr on i Ii'ii U'ttur, "Wo warrant our work aipiint rtppinit- We aro pre pared on tho -diorfe-it notice lo till till m-dor forhomi luudownrk, from Iheliuesit Ihmt to the co'irneait hro Kan. We keep the 1hh ntiid(, the IkI workmen, nnd net up work in the Itcst fOyle. Our htor euunot he surpiireied for durnhihtv. nrulneHM A I'ea.simuMe piu cM. LEATHER. Wo also keep eon-tanllv on hand nn assortment of lies! Hole nml l'tier Lent lirr nod ShiieinaUer's KiioIiiici. Kl-:il I.Kit , MAYKIi. Laiirnster, thio, SeplenilM'r il, 1Hi;i j:ttf BANK EXCHANGE! v 1 PALMER KOONTZE, KHS lenve to Inform his f old friends, and the puh. jd8f; s tfi'iuTnlly, that he has .- 0IhiiihI ik mjmimsSasajmM RESTAURANT AMD EATING KSTAllLTHl IMKNT, Oisr) Door West ol I'.. H. IMd's Nloro. Where nuiv l found at all times tlio delicacies of tho season, in the shals of FISH,riSSa.FLESH. OR Choice llrnndlrs,I'l ne Hrandiea and Italicutely t'luvorod Liquors. Our HttH'k of ronfeelionurieA ii Inruo nnd well no- lected, and comprise! hon-txinn deliciicie! and sweet, ineatmif all kinds. Our countrv fi iends will find our culinary drpartinent, under noitd suiervision, oirr dininu nwniH, cool imd atrv, our prioet low, und our oVsiruti' please Iveyond alidouht. The Itur is stocked, und under control of that prince of Koodfellows I.ON 1'KltltV, will he found second to nunc. Call and nee us, . nd you will go mray xatirw fied PALM Kit After fhi week we wffl he prepared to fomioh ladien nnd penth inen with U'K-rliKAM ff all thivors. We nln mteml lillmn up n SOm KtUKTAIN. L.:iiu-iiMvr, June 4, 1HUV iiuu DR. AC. RARLOW Still continiicea the Practice of Medicine on the HOMEOPATHIC SYSTEM, ynil will attend to the duties of his profession both in Quy nnii me country. sroi't'IOK...Xortl Wast Corner of Ilroad and Wkeellna; Utreeta. iAiicoster, April i, laalt. Itf JVOtlsBO. R. T. O. EDWlnnt offers his profcsslwi- al services lo citisena of Ijiwoaster ami vicinity frier over Sbjcum's Urnu Store. Sept. IS, ls tf 51 lilJ II II IAV, worn rj,KxDT 8CB0FTTLA AND BCEOFTJLOUS DISEASE! frvm Emery Edtt, a Ktll-hmm mtrclumt O&ortL, Main. " I save sold large quantities of your Sarsafab ili a, but never yet one bottle which failed of the desired etfect aud'lull ratisl'action to those whe took it. As fast as our people try it, tlwy agree tliere has been ao mvdKiue like it belore in our community." Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches, Pustules, Ulcers, Sores, and all Diseases of the Skin. From Jtev. Jlobt. Stratton, Jiriitol, England. " 1 only do my duty to you aud the publie, when I add my testimony to that you publish ot the nw dicinal virtuuti of your SA-Sapauilla. Uvdiugti- eyes, and hulr for years, which we were unable to cure until we tried your 8a iulat auilla tihe haa beeu wdJ for some mouths." fom Art. Jane E. Hire, a vell knmm and much' eittemed leuiy qf Dcnnitcilte, Cape May Co., A". J. ' My daughter has guttered for a year pant with a Rcroiuloui eruption, which waavery troublcitoine. INothiiiKufibrded any relief until we tried your Sau--b a pa kill a, wUicb oooo completely cured her.'1 from Otarlet P. Gage, Esq., of the cidely-knocnfirm o Gayey Murray If C'.t mantyaetwzri enatn clltd paptre in Nashua, A". H. " J hid for several years a very troublesome hu mor in my face, which grew constantly woi?e until it dif-tigured my features and became an intolerable attlictkin. I tried almost everything a man could of wr, tea tu, naa an araicuug uumor in oer can, , ... . . u UUIII MUVIW RUU lUCUIUlUC, UUa VIIIIIUUli UJT ICilCt i a IT: c 3". ' ... " .i.i ,i ' !.!" '. ?""". "7 , j - ?"m " ? "mQ' ",ul '? "i "e7, "K,2 e-u 10 iurm unuer me Dioicuci, iuu euuunucu until my face is as smooth as anybody's, and 1 am ",!'T.7 rVeSS,e. .h ao'S wt a donM 7; V. T.V . . . . J., . . n Erysipelas General Debility Purifjtha Blood. From Sr. Hobt. Sawin, Houston St., K. T. Dr. Ayku: I seldom fail to remove rup(ionand Scrofulw Sortt by tbe persevering use of your tjAUgArARiLLA, and 1 have just now cured an at tack of MalijHant Erysipelas with it No altera tive wc possess equals tlio Sarsafakilla yon have supplied to the profession as well as to the people." From J. E. Johnston, Esq., Walxman, Ohio. 11 For twelve years 1 had the yellew Erysipelas on my right arm, during which time 1 tried all the cel ebrated nlivsicians I could reach, and took hundreds I of dollais' worth of medicines The ulcers were so bad thut the cords became visible, and the doctors decided that my arm must De amputated, i negsa taking your Saksapauula. Took two bottles, and sonic of your Tills. Together they have cured me. am now as well and sound as anybody, lleing in a public place, my case Is known to everybody in this community, and excites the wonder or all." From Hon. Henry Monro, M. P. P., of Hemcattlt, C IF., o leading member of the Canadian Parliament. " I have used your oars a pa kill A in my family, for general debility, and for purifying the blond, with very beneiicial results, and feel confidence iu commending it to the afflicted." 8t. Anthony's Fire, Boss, Bait Bheum, Scald Head. Bora Eyes. From Harvey Sickler, Esq., the able editor q th$ Tuncuiannock Democrat, Pennsylvania. " Our only child, about three years of age, was at tacked by pimples on his forehead. They rapidly spread until they formed a loathsome and virulent sore, which covered his face, aud actually blinded lus eyes lor some days. A skiiiui pnysician appuea nitrate of silver and other remedies, without any su inrent euect. t or nfteen days we guarded nis nanas, est with them he should tear open the fostering an4 For liftccn days we guarded his ham ig sue, Slav corrupt wouud which covered Lis whole face. ing tried every thing else we hud any hope from, we begun giving your Sarsapabilla, aud applying; the iodide of potaeh lotion, as you direct. '1 he tore began to heal when we had given the first bottle, ami wus well when we had finished the second. The child's eyelashes, which had come out, grew again, and he is now as healthy and fair as any other. The whole neighborhood predicted that the child must die." Syphilis and Mercurial Disease. From Dr. Hiram Sloat, of St., Missouri. "1 llnd your Harsapaiulla a more effectual remedy for the secondary symptoms of Syphilis, and lor syphilitic disease than auy other we possess. 1 he profession are indebted to you lor some of tha best medicines we have," From A. J. French, M. D., an eminent physician of Lawrence, Mass., who is a prominent member of the Leyislttture of Massachusetts. "Ilii. Avkii My dear Sir: I have found jrour Saiisai' an excellent remedy for Syphilis, both of the primary and secondary type, ana effect" ual iu some cases thut were too obstinate to yield to other remedies. I do not know what we can em ploy with more certainty of success, where s power lul ultcrutive ii required." Mr. Ohm. S. Van Lien, of Nem Bmnswci, AT. luid dreadful ulcers on his legs, caused by the abuse of mercury, or mercurial disease, which grew mors and more aggravated lor years, in spile of every remedy or treatment that could lie applied, until the ficrscvcring use of Ayeb's Sahhai'akii.i.a relieved ilm. Few cases can be fouud mure inveterate and disl reusing than this, and it took several doico bot tles to vuie him. Leucorrhoea, Whites, Female Weakness, arc generally produced by internal Scrofulous Ulcer' at iuu, and art- very ollcn cured by the alterative eilrct of this Hahsavakilla. Sonic coses require, however, iu aid of the Haubapauilla, the skilful application of local remedies. From the trell known and iridtly-celebrattd Dr. Jacob Morrill, qf Cincinnati. "I have found your hakbapauii.i.a an excellent alterative iu diseases of females Many cases of ir regularity. Lcucorrhaia, Internal Ulceration, and local debility, arising from the scrofulous dlsthesis, have yielded to 11, and there are few that do not, when its effect is properly aided by local treatment." A lady, unwilling lo allow the publication of her name, writes: " My daughter and myself have heen cured of m very debilitutiug l.eucorrloca of long standing, by two bottles of your Sausaparilla." nheumatism. Gout, I.ivor Complaint, Dys pepsia. Hourt Disease, Neuralgia, when caused bv Serafttla In the system, arc rapidly cured by this Kit. Sahsapauilla. AYTr'8 CATHARTIC TILLS possess so muny ndvnntnpcs over the other pur paiivcs in the murker, and their superior virtues nro so universally known, that wo need not do more than to assure tho public their quality ii maintained cuual to tho licst it ever lias been. nnd that they may bo depended on to do all t hut they linve ever tlono, I'lvparcl by J. C. AVER, M. IX, & Co, Lowell, Mass., and 6old hy ANoforsali' 1 iv Sitlord I'o.. Kaulf.iiaii 1 Co., and eoi'eli. rvu. liuuasu t, Uhlo. Julyi'l, Imh 1)17 if 1II. SUKET'S Infallible Liniment tug curat fvtkhsial remedy. l or It IiciiiiiiiIIsiii, tiout, Neuralula, l.umbnKO, Ml II fock and Joints, Miraiii, llruiNes, tl Is and llruikfk, Cut and Wounds, 1I Ion, lli'ttdnche, and all itlieiiiuullc und IMcrv oiis Uiaorders. nil. s i'i:rili:, svtT, olConncc. tiviii. I'licilieal Natural Bone ScttiT. Ifr.Htrplivn Sivriii ol Connecticut Is known all over the United states, lr. Mrplirn Nvveel ol Connecticut . Is the author of "ir. Sweet's Infallihlo Liniment" Ji Sweet's Int'iillililu Lirtiiueut. Cures Itlieiiimilism and never lliils. lr. Sweet h lntallililo Liniment Is a certain reniedv for NeuralL'ia. III'. Sweet h Inlallililo Linimout Cures llurns and A ulds iiniiiediaicly. Dr. Sweet's lnliulililo Jjiniinent It is the best known Remedy for Sprains and Bruises. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment ('ures Headache immediately nnd never fails. Dr. Sweet s lnlnllililo Liniment Affords Immediate relief for I'ucs.und seldom falls to cine Dr. Sweet's Infallible Linimeut I'ures Toolbar he in one Minute. Dr. Sweet's I nl'allilile Liniment Cures outs and wounds immediate! valid leaves no scar Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is tbe lies! reniedv for sores in the known world. Dr. Sweet's Infallible. Liniment Has lscn used by tnoro than u million people, and all prune it. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is truly n "friend in need," and every family should li.ive 11 ot iiiiini. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is for sale by nil Druggists. Price 'ii and Ml cents. HIClIAItliSON Co. Sole Proprietors, Norwich, Connecticut, F11' adeby ull Dealers. July i, li3 lyll. BROMWAIHOIEL JOSEPH II. CROMWELL, Prorictor CINCINNATI, OHIO. This popular hotel is sltitntnil on comer Broadwa ami Hei'ond street, convenient to tho landing and nl the Railroad depots. Also near all business houses, tank and places of amusement. Breakfast for early train nt (1 0 clock Otli ll, IS W.I aV faattil laical CihrnUf tt uJ1""? A 51 V Wtw imxm for two V WA lr 8 cent Uuni Pits. JACKSON. IIEUUKHT. St CO.. Proprietors of I the National Iti.spensitry, eMtolilishcd at Cincinuitti.O., Jioi.l lsoo, euro ull private diseunos with unexuinplud ntpiditv. We LTimruiitee toetire (.jnnorrho?a, Gleet, 8y- hi I is, iniMtt'iii'y, NiM'ttirmd Eniisaions.orSulf-AbuHe, iurnnl KiniHttinic. short every jrosmble form and Vfiriety ol Sxulur disense. Cures rupid, thorough und rermitnent, and fees moderate. ; 8end for ourt'.rvuWr tilWn lurefi in. hy 11 in. letter pnes, of varied, vnlunhle nnd interesting matter. Al so, Rilrciilsr intended for hidieH only. Many of our patients assert, they hrvve sent money to Doctors in &stera Cities, and received no rc tnni. Then why not patronize home talent men who know theoliinnte, nnd esn erTeet speedier enres. j J'r. Jackson's Female Pills $1 per box send for Circular. 8peHttl written rojflies, well sealed, eent j with the Circular, without rhnrge. One of the cheup ' est, most interesting, and iii)ortant books ever pub lished. 3oo pues, ino enravinKfl. The MonnUiin . of Light, or M( di'-nl Protettor nnd Marriage (iuido, flndnn Kxplieit Key to Lovo und Beauty." It PATIS KACTUlLYreveiilsviirinus subjects never before ful ly explained in any work in tlie Entrlinh lanpuas. I Prieo Mtetsnnd orte" 3 cent stamp, or three for 81 and : three 3 cent stump. Fully described in our Circular, ' which every young man should have, whether sick or well. j Medieine and instructions sent promptly to any part of the country. Consulting Knows of the Dispensary, No. 107 Sycamore .Street. P. O. Box, No. 4:io. I PR. JACKSON'S ORIENTAL LINIMENT I Removes nil eoldness, and rejuvenates organs which have Isin dormant fur muny years. It will cure any . e.130 ofimpnrency, oreiite und increnso the passions fur any rniionrihletimc. Can be mailed with perfect safc- i ty. Price ?2 ier lsittlo. DR. JACKSON'S FRENCH PATENT MALE 8AFJ1 Jt is nerfeetly safe and never f;ifls to give satisfaction. It Is the only sure and safe preventive iipiinstcoiitiiict nig disease ever invented. Price $1 each, aud $7 per dozen, sent by mafl. Sept. 21. 18G3 20 ly IMPORTANT AND TUE THE A9 AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM, OFFERS GREAT INDUCEMENTS, TO THE ITS CIRCULATION NOW NUMBERS OVER 1.000 COPIES WEEKLY JOB PRINTING!! AVe are prepared to exeeute all kinds of Job Work, iu tho latest styles, on the shortest iiotiee.iind upon very low terms THE LANCASTER GAZETTE IS rCBMSIIF.n WKKKLY AT ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS IN ADVANCE. Now is the time to SUBSCRIBE IN THESE TIMES OF EXCITEMENT EVERYBODY SHOULD HAVE A ' 1EWSPAPSS SUBSCRIBERS WANTED! SUBSCRIBERS WANTED! Valuable Farm for Sale. THK undersigned will sell nt prlrate sale the farm on which he formerly resided, situated in Pleasant Township, Ave miles eastof Lancaster, and one nnd a halt miles north of Hems Motion the uuiesvii ille Turnpiko, conteiuing of xcolltintlnnd. with aqtmntity of good tinier .anti one good dwelling home, two bnniH, two orrhanlt. nd nAvnr.fllinir unrinu of wntr on tha nrAfnisefc. The Atrm mttv tw diTtdwl to null puruhiuwrai or told in one invo. j nrmi eny. . FnrnirlhAv nnrtioulitni ennulr of the nndentcrnen 1iTin three milf North -cant of Liuu'aeter, oa the JAMES HUNTER. Sot Ittli, 1WST S, Ml -Tlvo 3BTJLDX-Z BEST AND CHEAPEST IKSURANCB.- FIRE, "MARINE AKD LIFE Oa tbe Participation rian. L0R1LLARD INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW YORK. Casli Capitst Surplus Assets Tola) Assets 8 500. 000. 139.818 $639,818 MIKITY INSlliANCCClIPANY, OF NEW YORK. Caeli Capital. Surplus assets Total Assets $1,000,000 190,759,84 8630.7M ,84: Thesecom pastes divide tliree fourlhsof net nronX amiaariy to the Policy Holders In scrip, bsarios; In teiestata per cent., thereby funding the surplus aad giving Policy Holders greater security aud obsats asurance, 1 .1 i '-;i;;i Tlio Advnntnire oftlie Pnrticlpatlaf siytteni Demonstrated, B.ona Policy Of S)3.D0O. on tha lilH Kv.lem tism. ill 1 years .iw m A B, on a Policy of 83,0110, on the Kew and Partial- fiu-lauiieoadolilrsl jour ho roceiees In scrip... ft!) OS And ut the end of tha second year 13 0 And Interest In cash on previoue scrip, ' At theendoflhethlra yearbo rocelTesVa ' ! . r'P ' H H AnilinlerestonproTlousscrfp,t3n...... . ( 80 Atlheeudof the i Ih year be receive In scriri r f IS ts) A ndliitorestnn previous scrip $45. ....... 9 70 Altlie endof tbetirtb year he receives In scrl ,w 15 pt Andtntereston prevlousscrlp (0-....'. ttO tutiui7joe Rex ask J Rylnsnrlitr In one of th.simT. tiles, his Policy will cost him. for live years, till let- ,u.ul,ijUnj iuDuia)'nniii,s wit: .1 Topremluin on ll.fli o for live years.... 1J0 M 111 scrip woriniu . tew rork tllconir.. t SO 00 Uy interest received In cash on scrip.. Oil, ; 3H 00 3 00 II1H TTT'hlniiersnrtiraln.irtnnr.-twl nt1i.r,imd,.i,si can have Insurance to any 1 lace desired, at the most reasonable rates. ... w e urn auihnt ized to par for the scrip of these Com panies before delivery 4licontson thednllar. IPr'Tkoae who desire ihH hat h.,,i iHa.L ranee in the mostrespoimlble cnmpaules. willdnweM . ..,1.11 vi, o o icon is a 1 ineiromce. 1 siimaore Hloek. 1 i.aicki: v i iiittkh, Atcoata Lancaster, M a y 21 , 1 SiiS-l y 18 CAUTION". mhlseertlflos that Dr.J. FKKM AN Is duly author. J lied by uslo manufacture the Patent Vuleault or Cnrallle Gums mid Plates tor STlltloial derthe Goodyear Pulontsut We are 1 11 f.irtnoil that n.tnil.i. in ...i Ilic country aru maiicracluring and venilinr the said Piute. and f.nirs in violation uf said Patents; that soium of suld Dentists pro triivelllut; from pi see w i""1-1' B.111,1 nnrs.noo we, tile reinre , ca Jlloo Ihe piiblieairainsi bell f Imposed upon by any Uen tiituol duly Licensee us to dasuch work . W'-s do not liieenso traveliiiK Dentists. Our Licences ore Office Kiirhis. The irraul secures to the part holding: Ihe right the rltftn to ma iiulaelnre and selr ihe.uld Plates In tho townortowns apes llluil In the Mcense, und not elsewhere. aii iieniista name the Vulcanite, Coralite, Barf Rubber, or Amber Pane without l.lei,.t.r. . arellnblo lo prosevutiflii for In frl nrins; upon sard rsienis. nun an persons wearing- A rllltcla! Teeth an. on such Rasa made by a Dentist not hcldlnr surh Kl lit. License or Privilege under ns, areeuuellw llublu In law wlihtbe maker. AMrCHM-AN II, It) IHTIHIER CO., Oxnsr of tit Jftlion c?si,ar Hard Rukher Pattnts ' B. W. Ps. mii, Geu'l Agn.N.Y.Jan. 1st, 18. S A- KISTLER ATTORNEY AT LAW, lA NCASTFR, OHIO, WII.Lattond promptly to all local business ea trusteil tn his care In Pairflel.l anil adlnlnlnv counties Kounii nionov, back navand neiistnjis eol- lacled. All sorts of written instruments sxecated, such as Deeds, dc. lrpoFu-l 'K On Malnslroet, In SIITord 4V Stir aeon's Building, ad Hour, up ttairway to th Okie iie , mew. Lancaster oprll 9 1PG3 tf CITY SHOEING SHOP IN j Ol-l- SEWART HarereiiteJ.rentlod: ard nnmmmA ia. r n CITY SHOKING SHOP, (formerly oseupled by SsmuelHeiinlek.doc.) on the Corner of Brosd and Jail Streets. I.anrnsler. Ohio, wbsre thev are dm. psredto doall Wn.l.-of work In tks tmllhlnr 1W. WAGON MAKING, U.iKlUACK .MAKING. KEPAIt. nOKIN, They will do their wnpk wll ..niJ'.. invllcthe natroiiaare oft-helrnldfrla daaiwl.iu. n.,s.. Ilcgonerally. ZINK. dt STUART. Lancaster, Doc. 11, 1802- 38tf. ETABLISHED 1760, PETER LORILLARD, Snuff & Tobacco Manufacturer 10 - ISCnAilIDERSSt.t (Formerly Chatham Stieet, Nrw Yer.) Would call the attention of dealers ta the srtlstss f his mauufscture,vli : BROWN SNUFF. Moeahoy, Uenii,,, fine liappee. Pore Vlrrlnls, Coarse Happeo. Nschlloehss. American Gentleman, , Copenhstea ,, YELLOW SNUFF. ceVMi, Honey Dew Scotch, tllirli ToastScotch, Kresh honey Dew Isatak, Irish High Toast, rresbScotck. or Lundyfont. TTPAttistios ibcallkb to TSI Lllll IIMS. tion in raii ss or Fiai err Chbwiss ass Ssoaias Tosicco,. wuicu will as rocan or Soraaisa ftl'SUITt. T0BA000. FissCut Cnawias. Sushis). P. Jt. Ii. or plain, S.Jaro, Cavendlrh or sweet, Spsnlsk, RaoaiKa. Lonsr, Nol. No. 8. fiwoethcented uronoeo,. uanastsr Nos.ll- in I rod. ine roil uavendliB, lamsa Granulated. N. B. olrcularofprlcss will besantosappllis tlon. -prll M3-4-tf. NEWTON SCHUEIOH, ATIOMETATLAW' LANCASTER, OlIIO, 0les attention lo business In sllthe Courts, sy sipeclsl attentloh to collections, bouety peaeles. ana oaca nar eiairasoi aoiuiers iMHuiimwi,- OFF1CK Tallmadgs Block, oner Hardware Store. , Lancaster, May 7 'es-atf. - N. II. CROUCH, SADDLE AXD HARNESS MAKES, LANCASTER, OHIO, On the corner of Broad and Market square en 4m Houth of J. D. Jackson's Grocery. , . He keeps constantly on hand a full snnplr of srtry thins; in his line of business. Girt him s csll. L,an"aster, May a, 1M3-tf,