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Vol 6 Nnuxber 17 Colored Women Forced to •5fr ^":^Work .in.Cotton Fields NATIONAL ASSN. WIRES WILSON New York City, Sept. 24,1918. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, through its Secretary, John R. Shil lady of New York, makes public the following telegrams of protest to President Wilson and to Governor Brough of Arkansas against the ap plication of compulsory work laws to women. The Association's action was taken on the basis of press dispatches stating that Arkansas planters have begun & movement to force Negro women to work on cotton plantations in that state against their will and the reported enforcement in a Georgia town against Negro women of com pulsory work laws which are applied against colored women only. The telegrams follow: September 23, 1918. Hon. Woodrow Wilson, President of the United States, Washington, D. C. National Association for Advance ment of Colored People earnestly re quests your attention and that of proper department of the federal gov ernment to prevent forced labor of Negro women in any of the states New York papers of September 21 carry press dispatches from Pine Bluff, Arkansas, that local business men and planters have begun move rtt'Pt to have work or fight order ap plied to women, alledging that Negro women now living on allotments paid them by War Department because of drafted husbands and sons serving in armed forces of country, are l-efusing to perform labor. Wrightsville, Geor gia, is reported to be enforcing against colored women only ordinance requiring both sexes to work at least fifty hours per week. This Associa tion is confident that your high sense of justice inmxTm- prompt con demnation of efforts to apply com pulsory work laws to women's labor and that you will regard it as invi dious and un-American to apply com pulsory work principle to Negro women alone. JOHN K. SHILLADY, Secretary. National Assn. for Advancement of of Colored People. September 23, 1918. lion. Charles H. Brough, Governor, Little Rock, Arkansas. National Association for Advance ment of Colored People requests in formation concerning proposed move ment of Arkansas business men and planters to invoke so-called work or fight order to be applied to Negro women. In the name of colored peo ple of Arkansas who are unrepre sented in your Legislature, and in the name of colored people of the nation, this Association emphatically pro tests against discriminatory applica tion of labor eonsciption to colored people and particularly objects to la bor conscription of women. No prop osition is anywhere made to conscript labor of white women. The nation as & whole will regard attempt to con script colored women as in the nature of peonage. Negroes of the country are serving loyally in nation's armed Monday. You are forces arid on its industrial battle fields. JOHN R. SHILLADY, Secretary. National Association for Advance ment of Colored People. A. M. E, CONFERENCE IU*V. Fox, of Urbana, Selected—Rev. Childress Preaches Opening Sermon The public reception for the North Ohio Conference Tuesday evening at Grace M. E. Church was an affair long to be remembered in Dayton. The ad dross of welcome by Mayor Switzer, •the response by Dr. Jackson and the musical numbers rendered by the i-horus under the direction of John Arnold were the outstanding features of the evening. While the tableau by the 7th and 8th grade of Garfield school, directed by Miss Crocket, was a pleasing climax to the exercises. The following program was rendered: Program Music—Eaker Orchestra. America—Choir and Congregation. Invocation—Rev. J. E. Burton, Mc Kinley M. E. Church. French National Anthem—Marsel laise—7th and 8th Grades, Garfield School. Anthem—Conference Chorus Choir. Solo—John Wesley Arnold, Director of Music. Welcome Address—Hon. J. M. Swit zer, Mayor of the City. Anthem—Conference Chorus Choir. Welcome Address—The Alliance- iUv. T. j. rtmitn, Kion Baptist t.nuren. Address of Welcome Sunday Schools—Miss Mamie Banks. Anthem—Conference Chorus Ghoir. Response—In behalf of the Confernce —Dr. Thomas H. Jackson. Presentation of Rt. Rev. C. T. Shaf fer, the Presiding Bishop. Tableau—"The Star Spangled Ban ner,"—7th and 8th Grades, Garfield School. Rev. H. F. Fox, of Urbana, was elected chief secretary of the North Ohio conference of the African Meth odist Episcopal church at its morning session yesterday at the Grace M. E. chuich, Fourth and Ludlow streets, Rev. Woodson of Mt. Vernon was chosen asistant secretary Rev. C. M. Hogan, statistical secretary, and Rev. J. T. Farley of Youngstown, reporter for the church papers. The opening sermon yesterday morning was preached by Rev. C. W. Childress of Cleveland. During the afternoon there were reports from all the churches, pastors telling of the I A* 5.W fctifciriL i! ny/'fX £-r Vv vf m- v* 4lh 5,'^s DJCi't the Amerienn soldiers. i Arnold sang a solo at the service last night. The sessions will be continued today at the Grace church, when reports will be heard and other general business will be transacted. SPECIAL TRAINING FOR YOUNG COLORED SOLDIERS SPECIAL T(* THE FORUM Technical and Mechanical Equipment Offered at Leading Institutions STUDENT ARMY TRAINING CORPS IN ^Government Prepares Young Men for Military Service and for Civic Pursuits After War (Special to the Forum) Washington, D. C., Sept. 15.—Mr. Emmett J. Scott, Special Assistant to the Secretary of War, announces: The War Department has worked out mental and manual training for the young colored men who have been called into the United States Army, or who are likely to be called through the new selective draft law. The edu cational systems have been adopted to increase the efficiency of the man power of the military service. The first is the Training Detach ment, or Vocational Section, which has already proven its value as an agency for the betterment of the embryo sol diers through the nearly 8,000 that have been turned out as skilled work ers in many technical branches, all of which tend to improve their chances growth and extension of their pas- for usefulness and advancement in the torates. Last night the sermon was army and qualify them for livelihood delivered by Rev. T. H. Jackson, pro- after the war. Some of the subjects fessor of theology in Wilberforce col-J embraced in the courses offered at the lege. schools set apart for this vocational A large mixed choir selected from training are: radio, or wireless teleg all the A. M. E. choirs of the city raphy electricity, auto mechanics and sang several anthems under the di- chauffeurs, truck driving, blacksmith rection of Rev. John Arnold. Rev. ing, wheelwrighting, carpentry, bench A. ML E. Conference at Memorial tall all day mm *V y.yr ib DAYTON. OHIO, FRIDAY SEPT. 27, 1918 CHATFAU THIERS^ PEOPLE GREFT THEIR LIBERATORS In this, one of tlt$ flrs»t pictures (o reut'li this country of Hie buttle of ("htilcuu Thierry, are shown some In habitants of the town who remained during the German occupation walking through the destroyed streets to •A. evening WOod-working, wThe burg, S. C. Prairie View Normal and Industrial College, Prairie View, Tex as Lincoln University, Chestei County, Pa. West Virginia Collegiate Institute, Institute, W. Va. Wilber force -University, Wilberforce, Ohio Alabama A. and M. College, Normal, Alabama Tennessee A. and M. Col lege, Nashville, Term., and Louisiana A. and M. College, Baton Rouge, La,, fourteen in all. Collegiate Sections of Student Army Training Corps In a number of the leading colored colleges of the land provision has been made for the establishment of units of the Student Army Training Corps. Students of these schools enter in the usual way, subject to the regulations of the individual institu tions as to the educational and other qualifications. If above eighteen years of age and registered with hit local board, the matriculant may ap ply for voluntary induction into the military service of the nation, the privilege beginning on or about Oc tober 1st. They will receive $80.00 per month, subsistence, housing, uni form and equipment, and their tuition will be paid by the Government. Graded by proficiency, the student may later be assigned to duty either by transfer to an officers' training camp, or to continue his Jtechnical or scientific studies in the school where he is enrolled, or to a non-commis aioned officers' training school, or to a vocational training school, or will be transferred to a cantonment for duty as a private. Under this far-reaching system, young men will be given an MEDICAL MEN IN CAMPAIGN AGAINST VENEREAL DISEASES 4pt Yil V ...•/•VJ- -V *V:Mr cobbling, concrete National Medical Association and au- woiking, horse-shoeing, pipe-fitting, thor of numerous literary and medica' productions Dr. Algernon B. Jackson, Training Detachments and Vocational surgeon in-chief of Mercy Hospital, Va, Howard University, Washington, D* C. Atlanta University, Atlanta. Ga. Georgia State A. and M. College. Sections Philudelpha, Pa. Dr. Roscoe Brown, schools so far selected to give 'of Richmond, Vu. and Dr. Ralph A. special vocational training to the Stewait, of Washington. 1). C. y^sng colored men of draft age, who According to the plans adopted it shall for this purpose be inducted into is confidently expected that every col e a i v e i i a y s e v i e a e u s- o e s o i e i n e A y W i e kegee Institute, Tuskegee Institute,} reached by this educational work. Ala. Hampton Institute, Hampton. The work of these physicians is to be Savannah, Ga. North Carolina A. and in press, and a pamphlet covering 0. C., have been presented the Croix *lV|,|,FrVATW ttiuf-HHV fS* nM k these subjects sirnplv but, thnrmmhl- b» fj" .?re for hrnvm-v .UbLMiiAtli [Carolina'- A. and M. College, Onm*.*- war on pni into the hands of every word received trom France. Theaa colored soldier in the Army who is companies, now the 372d regiment, able to read. It is hoped to reach are brigaded with the French and ara those who cannot read by specially-'considered to be among the very best prepared pictorial placards and stere opticon slides. The last mentioned work will be largely in the hands of a group of colored sergeants who are peculiarly adapted by education and training for this work. THE NEGRO IN WAR WORK Issued from the Office of Emmett J. Scott, Special Assistant to the Sec retary of War. Washington, D. C., Sept. 25, 1918.— In the "drive" for the third liberty loan the colored citizens of Jackson ville, Fla., were asked to raise $50,-1 000. When the returns were all in it was found that the energetic colored citizens had subscribed for bonds to the value of $250,000—a quarter of a millions dollars' worth and five times the amount requested of them. The executive commitee in charge of the work among the colored people was headed by Charles H. Anderson, treas urer of the National Negro Business I/eogue, and senior member of the firm of Anderson and Company, bank ers. In recognition of this splendid showing the general committee award ed an "honor flag" to the colored citr i'/ens of Florida's metoropolis, and at a monster mass meeting the flag was formally accepted, with Dr. N. W. opportunity to continue their educa-! Collier, president of the Florida Nor tion while recjving military training mal and Industrial Institute, St. Aug and will have the. advantage of skillful preparation before entering upon their duties in the field. ustine, Fla., as spokesman of the 'oc casion. On the 14th of September, the col ored people formally took notice that it was the 58th birthday anniversary of General John J. Pershing. The following telegram, signed by Allen G. Perkins, Thomas Washington, D. ^C., Sept. 25.—An-, the office of Emmett J. Scott's special noimccment is made that, a group of assistant, to General Pershing in prominent colored physicians and sur-j France: geons have been appointed by the War "As Galveston Negroes, assembled Department to carry on a vigorous to rehearse for Liberty Chorus No. 1, campaign of education, with a view of under War Camp Community Service, Combatting the spread of veneral dis- we are reminded that today is the eases in the camps and cantonments 58th anniversary of the birth of the tV.e c:v. ntrv, where colored soldiers chief figure in America's Expedition are stationed in Appreciable numbers, ary Forces, General John J. Pershing. The phys'cans thus far selected for As he commands and leads the sol Ihis vitally important work include: diers of our country, among whom are pr. C. V. Roman, of Nashville, Tenn., members of our race, our prayers as fcamrif editor of the Journal of tti# H. emi Love and Cor- jnelius J. Williams, was sent through for him and bis corafnaafi. W« mrn-m* mm mmm ADVERTISERS realize quick results when using these coi jjj umns to reach the people. jg Phone Us Main 7006. K n n e s Price 5 Cents send through you our felicitations t» him, and give assurance of our giance in every way in the cause for inch he is battling.* The hostess house tsr troops at Camp Gordon, which has been in process of erection for several weeks, is now ready for occupancy. The Atlanta Constitution says: "Tha house is a building complete in its ex pression of beauty and comfort, tha same attention being given to the details of harmonious and Artistic equipment that characterizes all the hostess houses that have beeui and are still being erected at neai'ly every cantonment in the country, and is de signed along the same lines of tha hostess houses for white soldiers." The structure was provided through the efforts of the National War Work Council of the Y W. C. A., the head quarters of which is in New York City. This fills a long felt want, aa there was great need for the colored soldiers at Camp Gordon to have a suitable place where they might meet their relatives and friends who had come from a distance to visit them. Mrs. Alice Dunbar Nelson, the newly-appointed field worker to mo hiliiee the "woman-power" of the col ored people of the nation, has just oncluded a successful tour of tht southern states, and has formed many new organizations through which tJha women of the race may aid in win ning the war, and stimulated to a marked degree all of the units sh« found in existence in the cities and towns. Her itinerary covered mora than 5,000 miles. She was greeted most cordially by the State Councils of Defense and these organizations throughout the South evince a dispo sition to co-operate in ever possible way with the patriotic colored women '»f that section. Sergeant Robert Terry, of the First Separate Company of Baltimore, and Sergeant Charles Hughes, of the First supplemented by literature which has e':»n prepared to mee the special needs of colored troops. This is now Separate Battalion, of Washington, trained regiments in France. Of the graduates from the Field Artillery Training School for officers at Camp Taylor, Louisville, Ky., 38 were colored. It is reported that Bix of the honor students were colored. The school opened July 1st and closed August 81st. Colored men, it is stated, stood second, third and fourth in rating in the total class of 2,500. In accordance with the revised regu lations issued by The Adjutant Gen eral of the Army, applications of civ lians to the Central Officers' Training School may now be received. The ag% limit of applicants is from over 18 to 'ess than 46 years at the date of reg istration. Special induction for train ing at these schools will be regulated so that a fair proportion of candidates shall come from (1) The Army at large in accordance with existing in structions (2) Civilians in Class 1-A (8) Civilians with deferred classifica tions. The final selection of civilian applicants will be made by the Com manding Officers of the various Cen tral Officers' Training Schools. No applications will be considered in the War Department At present, colored men are admitted to training schools as follows: Artillery, Camp Taylor, 'Louisville, Ky. Infantry, Camp Pike, Little Rock, Ark. and machine gun training, Camp Hancock, Augusta, At the closing exercises of the In fantry Division of the Central Offi cers' Training School at Camp Pike, Little Rock, Ark., one hundred and seven colored men, representing nearly every State in the Union, re ceived commissions as second Lieuten ants. Capt. Garrison, the instructor in charge of the school, said that the young men had exceeded all expecta tions and had met conditions ac they were in a most cheerful and confident ^manner and that they had mounted the military ladder of training round by round, showing a degree of profi ciency that compared most favorably with their fellows. Their conduct ia camp and city was most praiseworthy.. They came from all walks of life, from college down Dinner and Supper served at Eaker Street Church Sat, and Suo.