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ff •> [« -a «WHPP-P — '"V / /; (,. J / / / ^ / 1 r ♦ «» b. i ♦ Cs=> Largest Circulation--Ouaranteed--of Any Country Weekly Published in the State of Mississippi. NUMBER 47. LEXINGTON, HOLMES COUNTY, MI SSISSI 1*1*1, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY, IS, 1904. VOL. LX VI OVER THE COUNTY M Summary of Happenings in Neighborhoods (Adjacent to Lexington; as Chronicled by The Advertiser Corres pendents. : •' •' ■ * EBENEZER BRIEFS; t Mess. Stephen Hurwell, W. 0. Barrett and little daugter, Olivie, spent Sunday at the home of Dr. Hur well. J. W. Hurwell is spending the week in St. Louis purchasing the spring stock for Sample, Hurwell Co. The little folks had their dreams realized on St. Valentine day. pretty as well as comic souvenirs of the occasion being received. Many Dr. Stewart, of Jackson, was a visitor to Ebenezer the past week. Mrs. A. L. Godfrey, of Franklin, pleasant visitor to relatives hero the early part of the week. was a Mrs. S. N. Sample and littlo boys went down to Jackson Friday to at tend the performance of "The Runa While in the at the Century. ways city they were guests of Dr. and Mrs. S. S. Carter. Brooke Burwdl spent Monday with Lexington friends. Our state legislators, accompanied by Gov. Vardanian and a pleasant party of ladies, visited the "Hill City' Saturday, leaving Jackson on a spec ial at nine o'clock a drive of 20 miles around the city viewing the military park and the places of interest, they were royally entertaineil at "the Carroll, return ing to Jackson that night. The legislatute having adjourned for the Mardi Gras festivities Hon. S. N. Sample is at home with his family fora brief sojourn. After a m. Renshaw'Thomas in doing .some re pair work on the telephone lines making improvement in the service given by the company. Pickens. Miss Mury, one of Grenada's at tractive young ladies, is the guest of her cousin, Mrs. J. G, Webb. Messrs. Atkinson and Rimmer vis ited Goodman Sunday. Mr. Purviance and daughter, Miss Eva, of Canton, are the guests of Dr. Wm. Clanton. Special Correspondence 4 To The Lexington Advertiser By our Washington Corres pondent. Washington, Feb. 14, 1904. The question ia being asked here why. the now Department of Com and Labor has not succeeded merce better in its quest for "bad" trusts which it purposed to scare off the face of the earth by getting the facts concerning the doings of those trusts and giving them publicity. That de partment has been doing business now for more than a year and not one line has been printed about trusts. Secretary Cortelyou has been told times innumerable where to fish to catch a nice long string of trusts, but he persists in ignoring the sug gestions of democrats. If he really meant business, and it ever was in tended that he should proceed against the trusts and print the facts about them, he could have collected all the data necessary for a report that would have made the trusts oizzle like a wet cat flung into hades, but the new department has been as idle concerning the trusts as has been the Department of Justice. It simply shows unmistakably that the republi can party has concluded to "stand pat" on the trust question as well as upon the tariff question and all other ques ions that will enter into the eam tpaign this year as the vital issues. If the people of the country want anything done on any of these ques tions they must vote the democrati ticket and elect a democratic presi dent and a democratic House of Rep' resentatives; the people need not be alarmed lest tariff reduction and trust busting under. democratic auspices will disturb business. The leaders of the party are not going to jump in and tear things to pieces. They are not going to blow up the tariff wall with dynamite, they are going to be Mr. Edgar Wherry, of Durant,spent Sunday with his sister Mrs. P. H. Murphy. Mr. John Overstreet, Jr., spent several days in Lexington, with W. J. Overstreet, last week. Messrs. -lessee, Lee Van Maxwell, Jim Rimmer and Miss Maude Max well whiled away Sunday in Camden. Mrs. W. S. Gordon and Miss Fan nie Lou Toombs, left Tuesday for New Orleans, to attend Mardi Gras. Mr. G. S. Rogers transacted busi ness in McGees Wednesday. We regret verv much to give up Mrs. W. W. Wilburn and family but Pickens' loss is Lexington's gain. Miss Susie Callahan after a pleas ant visit to Carrollton, has returned home and accepted a position as day operator at the telephone exchange. It seems like old times to hear Miss Susie once more call "Number?" Wnt.Taylor, of Vaughn, was among t he Sunday callers. Walter Lucas, of Ebenezer, is visit ing his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs Pierce. Mr. and Mrs. Davidson visited the home of Dr. Lucas in Ebenezer Sun day. Mr. John T. Anderson is visiting friends here this week. "The Leap Year Girl " Climatic Cures. The influence in the climatic condi tions in the cure of consumption is very much overdrawn, The poor patient, and the rich patient, too. cau do much better at home by proper attention to food digestion, and a regular U9e of German Syrup. Free expectoration in the morning is made certain by German Sprup, so is a good night's restand the absence of that weakening cough and debilitating night sweats. Restloss nights and the exhaustion due to couch ing, the greatest danger and dread of the consumptive, can be prevented or stopped by takingGermanSyrup liberal ly and regularly. Should you be able to go to a warmer clime, you will find that of the thousands of consumptives there, the few who are benefited and regain strength are those who use Ger man Syrup, Trial bottles 2. r ie; regular size, 75c. At Swinney Sc Stigler's. gin gently to lift the rocks off one by one until the wall is not so high that the people cannot see over it and see the tariff-protected industries of this country selling goods to foreigners cheaper than they do to home con sumers. I am rather close to some of the party leaders here and I know that their policy is conservative and not radical. They may not be radical enough to suit some tariff reformers, but we are all traveling the same road and if all will go together, then we will accomplish something in the end which will be of real benefit to the tax payers of the country. If we do not, then the same old game will continue and the republicans will laugh in their sleeves at the split be tween the conservatives and the radi cals which continues to let them have their own way. When will the voters of the country who really want re form learn some sense? Coming. At the Opera House on Feb'y 26th. One of the principal features of In Louisiana was the railroad scene, in which two trains crash together head on in the center of the stage, piling high the wreckage and burning the train in full view of the audience. The theater was packed with people. The company is first-class and way above the average. Scenery, effects, all are good. In Louisiana is in for a big week.—Post-Dispatch, St.Louis, January 7,1902. Lost. On February 1st, in Lexington or on my way home, a red memorandum book containing my name. Finder will please return and receive liberal reward. P. E. Garnett, Tchula, Miss. 2t-f21 I Mark Hanna Dead. Senator Mark A. Hanna died in Washington City, Monday morning at 6:40 o'clock. Senator Hanna was a personal friend of McKinley, and Chairman of the National Republican Executive Committee, which he con trolled with as much ease as a pilot steers a ship. He was a man of great will and believed in the power of money over men. Men like him with plenty of means to gratify their physi cal and spiritual wants, it would seem, would find it hard to turn" loose their hold on this gay and festive planet, and light on somewhere they know not of. However, he left his impress on the money part of the republican party, by whom he will be much missed. His family life was clean and moral. His main success in poli tics was due to the efficacy of money. He will scarce cut as wide a swath in the unknown continent as he did here. R. C. Lipsey still represents H. F. Cassell, of Canton, Miss.; would be glad to furnish nursery stock of any kind for February,' or fall ijelivery. (Jive me an opportunity to show you what Ijhavc before buying elaowhere. R. C. Lipsey. Rev, Mr. Beean,of Tenn.,will hold services nt St. Mary's Episcopal church next Sunday, Feb. 21, at 10 o'clock A. M., and 6:30 o'clock in the evening. Lenten services will be held during the week following: the hours of which will hcannounced in church Sunday. You know what you are taking when you take Croves'Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle, showing that it is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form; no cure, no pay. 50c 'Ve want your furniture trade and if good goods at low prices will get r it is ours. So come and see us and be convinced that we mean business. Calhoun Furniture Co., O.G. Calhoun, Mgr. ; ; Fertilizers for any soil, Scott's Gosy pium Phospho, lilood and Hone, Plow Hoy and Acid Phosphate are sure winners. T. W. Smith & Sons Co. lm-f4 came Prof. W. H. Smith from Durant Saturday on business connected with the superintendent's office. To cure a cold in one day take Lax ative Bromo Quinine tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Groves. r Lexington Opera House THURSDAY - FEB. 25 th HUBERT LABADIE PRESENTS IN LOUISIANA The Sweetest ^tory Every Told A Story of the Sooth Told la 4 Acts A Play for the People Ao All-Star Company. Six Specialty People. Head-on Collision Between 2 Trains Greatest Sensational Effort Ever Produced. $1.00, 75, 50c 35c 25c PRICES: J Seats oil sale at Beall's Drug Store Local Notes ^ r BY J I Looher— On Miss Eva Shepherd is enjoying a visit to Oxford friends. Miss Ruth Pickens is guest for February of Mrs. McRride, of Cov ington, Tenn. Miss Ethel Keirn is visiting the family of Mr. Clay Kelly, of Koscius ko, Miss. Misses Wilson are guests of Mrs. W. M. Yandell, Jr., of Canton, for a few days. The return of health to Mr. Wil liam Eggleston is glad news to his host of friends, Mr. G, W. Stigler, Miss Annie Stig ler, Mrs. Ed. Shaddock, Dr. and Mrs. Pascal Holcombe and Miss Ethel Baker visited Memphis this week to see the beautiful presentation of Hen Hur. Mrs. Charles Gilliam, of Leland, re turned home Wednesday after a visit replete with social pleasures, at which she was the guest of honor on several occasions. Monday afternoon Miss Brooks was the perfect hostess of a delightful Pit party. A large crowd of ■matrons and maidens made merrv over the en thusiastic game and their busy bid ding made the welkin ring. Shepherd assisted Miss Brooke in dis pensing the hospitality of the after noon. Delicious punch was served in the hall and after the games a dainty repast of salads, ices and cake. Miss Harr captured the first prize, a chocolate pot, winning the same in a cut with Mrs. James Gwin. Mrs. Pascal Holcombe and Mrs. G. A. Wilson cut for the consolation, Hie Miss latter being successful in winning the hat pin. beautifully mounted in silver and baroque pearl. Mrs. II- S- Hook er, Jr., was the most timid bidder and received a minaturo pitcher. In the evening Miss Brooks enter tained a large party of belles and over'beaux—St. Valentine was the hon oree ard the handsome heart shaped score cards attested his celebration. To them were attached fairy hearts to number the games played and each loser was deprived of a heart when defeat claimed them for its own. Silver hearts marked the lone Making Room for Hosea. This is one of Dr. Lindsay Parker's after dinner stories: An old Irish Protestant preacher had announced the major ami minor prophets as the subject of his dis course for a certain Sunday. For an hour and a half he talked of the major prophets, assigning each to his proper place. Then taking up the second division of his Bermon, he said: " And now we come to the minor First, then, what place prophets, shall we give to Hosea?" A tall man rose from one of the back seats and, with a reverential bow, politely said: " If you plaze, sor, he can have my place, I'm going out."—Brooklyn Eagle. hand scores. Miss Nettie Watson assisted Miss Brooks in doing the honors of the evening. Punch and the dainty courses of the afternoon were duplicated. Miss May Wilson won the first prize, a quaint vase, and Miss Taggart won the lone hand re ward, a decorated pack of cards, in a cut with Mr. G. A. Wilson, Jr. Mr. Harry Watson was best man in the gentlemen's contest and received a fob of fashion's latest make and Mr. John Dyson was consoled with a pret ty picture. These happy functions crowned Miss llrooke the most per fect hostess. Tuesday afternoon Miss Baker was hHtessand Mrs. Charles Gilliam, of Leland, was honoree, of the largest Pit party of the season. The legion of ladies were in their best voice and were soon cornering the market in a manner to make the New York ex change pale with envy. Of course, many made "rye" faces over defeat when a "corner" post did "barley" es cape their clutches, but they soon re turned to their "oats" and enthusi asm reigned supreme until the close of the market. Miss Emily Stansbury was queen of the bidders and was presented with a bronze urn. Mrs. Walter Dnrden cut the consolation, a lovely picture. Mrs. H. S. Hooker, Jr., was presented the guest prize, a tall crystal vase. Mrs, Kenneth Farr was presented a bottle containing a sure receipt for brightening "defeat." Lovely little Kathleen Walton served punch and at the end of the game fol lowed courses of sandwiches, salads, hot chocolate and fruit. Mrs. R. H. Baker, Jr., assisted Mies Baker in dispensing her handsome hospitality. Fast fell the golden grains of Pleas ure before the scythe of Time leaving but the gleaming sheaves to gam er in Memory. LOCAL NEWS****** 4 Happenings of Interest to Our Home People. Tbe new home of the Bank of Commerce is finished In and out. Iis futures and furniture is of the best and most modern, and its every appearance is indicative of being the domicile of a bank. The second story of the building was especially arranged and titled up for the meet, ing place of the Knights of Pythias, who in addition to tbeir lodge room proper, furnished tbe front room for a social club hall, containing a pool table for innocent amusement. With the present prospect for a good price for cotton this year, it will pay you 60 per cent profit on your money if you use good fertilizer now. We have fertilizers to suit any soil, the best kinds on the market. T. W. Smith & Sons Co. 3. K. Ginn, a leading farmer of Old Salem, transacted business in Lex'ngton Tuesday. Miss Betlie Brooks entertained at a Valentine Party Monday afternoon and night in an elegant manner. A large number of guests enjoyed the two. The first being for the married and retired, while the latter was for the young who just have, or are about to make their bow be fore the world's great audience on the stage of life. Perfect Confidence. Where there used to be a feeling of uneasiness and worry in the household when a child showed symptoms of croup, there is now perfect confidence. This is owing to the uniform success of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in the treatment of that disease. Mrs. M. I. Basford, of Poolesville, Md., in speak ing of her experience in the use of that remedy says: "I have a world of confi dence in Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for I have used it with perfect success. My child, Garland, is subject to severe attacks of croup and it always gives him prompt relief." For sale by Swin ney & titigl m. For matting go to Calhoun Furni ture Company they have all grades and all styles, at prices that no one can hack. Call to see them. 0. G. Calhoun, Mgr. Miles Scorched Capt. Eggleston Scores Miles Heavily in a Caustic Letter to The Vicksburg Herald. Raymond, Jan. 28, 1904. Editor Vicksburg Herald: Among the Federal commanders who In tbe war between the states, disgraced their uniform by brutal treatment of noncombatants, Benja min F. Butler and Nelson A. Miles, both from Massachusetts, stand pre eminent. Butler issued a general order, de nounced by a distinguished foreign writer as the roost infamous that ever came from the bands of a com manding general. It was an invita tion to his soldiers to ravish the women of New Orleans. Miles subjected to torture an old, feeble and illustrious prisoner en. trusted to his care; and with a refine ment of cruelty, that would have aroused the envy of an Apache Indian. The end of the war found Miles the commander of Fortress Monroe, and the jailer of Jefferson Davis, a prisoner of State. There was no possibility of escape. The feeble old captive was secure in a casemate, where a glaring light, never extin guished, threatened to put out his one remaining eye. A sentinel wa9 continually on post inside tbe apart ment; a strong guard outside. The place was manned by a full garrison. The naked walls and the mount were such as to deter even a youthful acrobat from attempting to escape. A man with even tbe rudimentary instincts of an officer and a gentle man would treat with kindness any prisoner under bis control; all the more, such a prisoner as the one in question; at one time, the efficient head of tbe very army to which Miles belonged, and later of a peo ple who had just made the most gallant struggle for independence recorded in history. Such ia rav confidence in tbe character of the American soldier, that 1 be lieve that any other officer bnt Milea, then in Fortress Monroe, would have treated the illustrious prisoner with humanity and respect, and ao won the gratitude of the whole Southern people. A Visitor of Distinction. Last Saturday afternoon, quite un expectedly, there arrived in Fort Gaines one of the most distinguished visitors it has been the good fortune of the city to entertain for many years. Possibly no man with greater national reputation ever visited this section of the South. We refer to Mr. Homer Davenport, late of New York, the world-famed cartoonist Mr. Davenport, accompsned by his business agent, Mr. E A. Pond, also of New York, is making a lecture tour of the principal cities of the South, and came to Fort Gaines to visit his personal friend, Col, F. E. Grist, who ip his way is as famous as Mr. Davenport, being popularly known on every grand division of the globe —a prettv wide acquaintance.—Fort Gaines, (Ga.) Sentinel. Col. F. E. Grist, above referred to, is an uncle of our J. F. Grist, of The Advertiser- Fort Gaines is visited by many distinguished people, none of whom ever miss calling on Colonel Grist and his famous chicken ranch. J. V. Spell of Ebenezer, was in town, and he informed the writer that he will represent Eulogy Lodge at Greenville, where the grand Ma sonic bodies are holding their an nual meeting this week. Prof. Hart prior to his exhibition in hypnotism beginning Tuesday night at the opera house put .Fred Schex neider, engaged in wiring buildings for electric lights, under hypnotic in fluence Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock and placed him in the front window of the Lexington Drug Store, where he remained in that state until 8 o'clock Tuesday night. Everybody that wished to could see him from the side walk. Cured Consumption. Mrs. B. W. Evans, Clearwater, Kan., writes: "My husband lay sick for three months; the doctors stated he had quick consumption. We procured a bottle of Ballard's Horehound Syrup and it cured him. That was six years ago, and since then we always kept a bottle in the house. We cannot do without it. For coughs and colds, ii has no equal." 25c, 60c and $1.00 bottle at B. S. Beall, L. C. Alexander, M. P. Winkler, Foster Drug Company. Then what did Miles do? sent in a squad of soldiers, had Jef ferson Davis thrown Hat of his back and shackles placed on his ankles— one of them bore the scars of Buena Vista. Death by strangling or roast ing before a slow lire would have been a mercy to the high-strung old hero compared to the iguomy sought to tie put upon him. Miles stands convicted of being wholly responsiole for the outrage. The authority given him by the war department was discretionary, to be used or not as ho saw fit. And now this man is seriously spoken of as the democratic candi date for the presidency. The men tion of his name before a national convention ought to and doubtless would be received with shouts of scorn and derision from every South, ern delegation ; and if bv mischance he should get the nomination, the solid South would vote for the devil or even the white negro Roosevelt in preference to him. Verily, "the mills or the gods grind Blowly yet they grind exceed ingly small." Who, regarding that dark transac tion in the casemate at Fortress Monroe, could have dreamed that the cause of the helpless prisoner would in course of time triumph over than of bis brutal jailor. To-day the spirit of Jefferson Davis stands like another angel with a fiery sword, barring the way to the White House. J. R. Eggleston. The author of the foregoing was raised in this county graduated at the U. S. Naval Academy at Annap olis, and served in the U. S. Navy until Mississippi seceded, then be resigned and offered his services to the South. He was assigned to duty on the Merrimac and in command of a gun when she put several U. 8. battle ships out of commission in Hampton Roads. Capt. Eggleston was here on a visit to bis brother, William, Friday of last week. He