J ' ^S, i / n / ! / / / n( ■ 'jj> / / A 6W 7. / FI / ^7/ / w * # \ 7 / f> Largest Circulation-Guaranteed—of Any Country Weekly Published in the State of Mississippi. LEXINGTON, HOLMES COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI, THURSDAY, MARCH, 10, 1904. VOL. r.xvi NUMBER 50. Teacher's Meeting 1 Last Saturday's SMeeling Reported the 'Best Ever Held by the Holmes County Teacher s Association. Last Saturday the County Associa tion of teachers reached high-water mark, the attendance being the best The iuterest since organization, was good, the work partaking of the nature of a round-table conference. Investigation showed that iy very large percentage of the actual num ber of white children in Holmes county entitled to free school privi leges is in attendance at school. The reports made by the large number of teachers present show that with the longer term a corresponding in terest in attendance has taken place. Securing and retaining regular attendance at school was a topic that called forth a lengthy discussion. The concensus of opinion seemed to be thut a live, competent teacher was the key to the situation. That a teacher who knew more than his text book, one who could dispense from his storehouse of knowledge new and inten : ting matter upon any and all lesson*', knowledge to interest and hold the attention of the pupil, thereby making school a place of supreme interest, would have little trouble to keep a full attendance, It was held also that a teacher to succeed fully in teaching must have the love and regard of the pupil, The best method of teaching aiith metic ir. the lower grades came in for a good share of attention and was a profitable occasioL. Miss Caro Foster, was on motion of Supt. Smith, made an honorary member of the Holmes County Teach ers' Association. This distinction was accorded this most talented little musician because of her interest in the musical part of the program, she having furnished music for sev Special Correspondence To The Lexington Advertiser By our Washington Corres pondent. The Hon. John Sharp Williams, floor leader of the democracy in the House of Representatives has intro duced a bill for the relief of the suf ferers by fire at Baltimore by rebate of duties on building material and suspension of certain internal revenue taxes. By so doing he has again put the republicans in a hole, soaped the sides and pulled up the ladder. If they refuse to pass the measure they will go up against a precedent estab lished when the Chicago fire occurred ir. 1871 ami thereby rob many honest men who have been unfortunate. If they do pass it they will admit the democratic contention that the tariff is a tax and that the tax is paid by the consumers of the country and not by the foreigners, as maintained by them. They are up against it. This bill cuts both ways like the nigger's coon trap. It catches them a-comin' and a-goin'. Let the galled jade wince. There is much comment here in circles anent the recent editorial in the Cincinnati Enquirer, the paper owned and controlled by John R. Mc Lean, endorsing Hon. William Ran dolph Hearst and his candidacy for the democratic nomination for the, presidency. Up to the present time that paper was one of the papers that studiously avoided the mention of the name of Mr. Hearst in any connection, and it is one of the worst things that any paper could do to any man to neglect to say anything about him at all. They all were try ing their hand at ignoring Mr. Hearst, but the sentiment all over the coun try that has manifested itself for him and in his interest, has changed the aspect of things here among the leaders of the party and among the leading papers of the country. They are compelled to recognize the fact that the great common people of the country are for Mr. Hearst and there is no barometer watched closer by the politicians than the sentiment of the people. Some men here are called leaders. In reality there are no lead ers here. They are all followers and subserviently so. When a bell-wether oral meetings. A very interesting and inspiring feature of tlie recent meeting was the Japanese National Air, a piano solo by Miss Foster. A permanent feature of the Association meetings is the exhibit of school work, such as drawing, etc. The next program will be an nounced within ten days at farthest. The next meeting occurs April 9th and will have for its leading feature a Trustees' Rally, Every trustee in the county will bo expected to at tend and take such part ns he chooses in the proceedings. This will be a great opportunity for the trustees to meet and measure up the teachers,of the county and begin to plan for the selection of the best instructors for their respect ive schools during the next session. All in all this was a tine meeting and one of great helpfulness to-oll present, The writer,hopes to see every white teacher in Holmes county present in the chapel of the Training school at, 10 o'clock, sharp, April 9, 1904, and also to find there a representa tive from every hoard of trustees in the county, readyJo hold ail epochal meeting of educational workers, at meeting which can be made to go far toward placing Holmes county at the head of the educational col umu m Mississippi in the next few years. Nothing short of this is the ambition of our most excellent coun ty superintent, and he has the com plete sympathy of the president of tlie association as well as its other officers and members. Expect great tilings/for education—they are com A Teacher. ing. lSlatike s mixed candy Howard Dyer. starts out and calls to the flock they simply get busy. The minds of the majority of the members of Congress in both House and Senate were in a chaotic condition concerning the democratic nomination for the presi dency until the people got busy all over the country. They were watch ing for the signs. Now that they see them they ars getting busy. The editorial mentioned above is one of the signs of the times and all of them have seen it and read it aright. Among many other complimentary things which the Cincinnati Enquirer says of Mr. Hearat in this editorial, are the following: "Mr. Hearst is un questionably a man of mark, and many sober-minded men write him in their book of estimation as a man of destiny. No one of his years has had a more remarkable career in this special period of grand development. In his private affairs he is so far above petty personal assaults that there need be no dwelling on that point. He is of the stuff that honest people make heroes of. Starting in his business life with a handsome in heritance, he has not been a drone a draw back in society, temptation to a life of ease and use lessness he has not been a sluggard, but has multiplied his holding in en terprises requiring ability and courage of a high order to insure their suc cess. And every dollar that William R. Hearst has added to his fortune has helped other people in a thousand ways. been ground down for his material promotion. He has lifted men up with himself, and has put no one be low. * * * No man's right to be a candidate for President of the United States is better than that of William R, Hearst. It would be silly to talk of his lack of fitness in the face of the'following he has. do not reach the position he now occupies without proving qualities and equipment of a high order. Suc cess in life like his is notan accident, especially since probity, next to in born ability, has been a chief instru ment in his progress." or With every * * Nobody has ever Men CLllETi and MONARCH SHIRTS The prettiest Styles, the longest wear ers and the best fitters* We have just received otir Spring supply of the above famous Shirts and Collars, We are now opening up our Spring Goods of all kinds, and will this season more than sustain our reputation "for being headquarters for up-to-date-apparel both for Ladies' and Gentlemen. Pickens Barrett Company. U The Leading House in Lexington Mr. Hearst's candidacy for President cArthur Brisbane in a Letter to the SNyvj York Herald Strongly Endorses and Advocates the Selection of W. R. Hearst as the next Democratic Standard Bearer. (From the New York Herald.) To the Editor of the Herald: May I inject a few facts into the present discussion of W. R. Hearst and his probable nomination for the presidency? Mr. Hearst is in his forty-first year. He has sunported Cleveland three times for the presidency, and Bryan twice. He has been a loyal and act ive democrat and a newspaper owner and editor for twenty years. So much for the statement that he is an inexperienced youth. Mr. Hearst is not a demagogue. He is not a violent radical. He be lieves that nothing is more "conser vative" than adherence to the funda mental American principles that have made this country, through guaran* teeing to every citizen Mr. Jefferson's famous prescription — "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." The agents of the trusts, who seem to dislike the idea of Hearst's name on a national ticket, denounce him as "an enemy of the business interests." Mr. Hearst owns newspapers in four great American cities. The editor of the Herald and every other intelligent American knows that noth ing is more sensitive to general pros perity than a daily newspaper. Of all the country's business interests none depends upon the general pros perity of the merchant and manufac turer as much as does the newspaper. So much for the charge that Hearst would be an enemy to the business interests of the country. To act as President of the United States a man ought presumably to understand and to be in sympathy with the different classes of the popu lation. And he ought to be person ally a man of executive ability and judgment. t As to the executive ability and the judgment of Mr. Hearst's newspapers and of the success he has achieved in a difficult field in a very short time is recommended. He has successfully studied, repre sented and led public' opinion in New York, Chicago, San Francisco and Los Angeles, where his newspapers are published, and elsewhere where his newspapers are felt. The support given to him by the mass of the dwellers in the cities proves that he understands the city man. But his interests are not limited to those that live in cities. He owns several large wheat farms and cattle ranches and has, consequently, a knowledge of and sympathy with the requirements of the agricultural classes. One of the most conspicuous and energetic fights in prhich he has used his newspapers has been waged in the effort to protect the farmers and wool growers by regulating and dis couraging the manufacture of shoddy. A man, to inak? . good president, should have demonstrated his capa city to put the interests of the ma jority ahead of his own private inter ests Mr. Hearst believes in public own ership^ public utilities—street cars, railroads, etc. And he works per sistently to bring about public owner ship, although he is a large stock holder in various institutions that would be affected by public ownership. Mr. Hearst advocates persistently an income tax, although, as everybody knows, he would be affected by that far more seriously than many of those that oppose the just tax. Mr. Hearst believes in good wages for good workmen and pays the high est wages, encouraging the worker in the effort to make enough to keep his wife comfortable and his children in school. This he does, although of the largest individual employers of skilled union labor in America, Any body who has occasionally heard his conscientious business managers be seeching him to talk less about high wages would realize that Mr. Hearst's pocket does not control his principles. Now, a question that all "practical politicians" will ask: What is Hearst's actual political strength? To start with, he polled the largest vote ever given to a Congressman in New York. The percentage by which he beat Coler, who was running for governor at the same time, would have elected a democratic governor. If the can didate for governor had been as strong personally and politically as Hearst, Odell would have been defeated. Mr. Hearst's majority in his district was 6,000 more than that of McClel lan in the same district one year later. It is not necessary to say that every thing that practical politics could do was done for McClellan. In his district Hearst's majority exceeded by 3,000 that of Parker in the same territory, and this in spite of the fact that Parker had an enor mous advantage in that there was no opposition to Parker on the chief op posing ticket. It made no nomina tion against him. Mr. Hearst's district in New York City embraces part of the far West Side, where men work hard; part of Fifth avenue, where men live com fortably; part of the Broadway busi ness section. Therefore, his is a strikingly representative majority. one It is evident that Mr. Hearst is strong, personally and as a journalist, in New York York City. It is also quite evident that he is strong in Illinois, in view of the fact that "practical politicians" with pri vat e schemes were afraid to take the convention to Chicago, fearing that the inhabitants of the city would stampede the convention for Hearst. Hearst is a loyal democrat. He has given the party loyal support through both Bryan campaigns, al though he' is not an advocate of free silver. He is not a factional candi date. His interests are legitimate business interests. He represents legitimate American progress and prosperity — with good wages for those who work and big rewards for those who have brains and executive ability He believes that the creation of wealth is not more important than the distribution of wealth and the promotion of prosperity. For that reason, and also because he has a sense of justice, ha fights the trusts and all'tendencies to excessive con centration of wealth through crimi nal monopoly. Mr. Hearst believes fitiat universal prosperity is dependent upon the pur chasing power of the masses and upon the protection of those itfaat are in dustrious and frugal. If he is elected President of the United States, it will be a bad day for promoters of national get-ridh* quick schemes. It will be a good day for all of those whose interests and wishes demand the prosperous development of the entire nation on democratic Arthur Brisbane. lines. As the early morning hue of gold en yellow fringed the east and Ns lure's pulse was slowly waking, witnessed the beautiful marriage ceremony of Miss Janie Mai Hearn, of Lexington, and Mr. J. J. McDon ald, of Scklater, Hiss., at the cot tage home of her mother, Mrs. V. Hearn. Rev. Kincannon officiated. The bride is charming in her tiring manner and artless grace. The groom is a gentleman of sterling worth and interested in the alluvial lands of the delta, where they will make their future home. The wed ding presents were beautiful and. displayed taste in the doners. The happy couole left on ihe early tnora ing train, with good wishes lavished upon them. we re ATFnenri. Now is the time to use fertilizers. We have the best. T. W.-Smith & Sons. Co. *. Carroll County Shooting 4 father and Oldest Son Killed, Younger Son Wounded, in a 1 Difficulty Over 'Boundary Lines Ivith Sgeighbors. W. W. Hill and his son, John, were killed and his youngest son, Hunter, was dangerously wounded by Aaron Stuart and his son, Ed, near Old Salem, in Carroll county, Monday. It seems there existed a misunder standing or rather a difference of opinion over the line that separated their lands that joined. Stuart had cut a board-tree, claimed by Hill, and to settle their dispute they secured the services of W. W. Winn, their county surveyor, to establish the cor rect line. It was during this survey that the difficulty ensued and caused the death of a father and a son and the serious wounding of another. A number of persons were present and witnessed the encounter. A Colored Hibernian. "Private" John Allen says that an old darky preacher in Mississippi was recently approached by a deacon in the church, who desired to gaiu the reverend gentleman's consent to his daughter's marriage with him, the deason. "I doan' know 'bout dig," laid he dubiously. "You ain't seech a yeung man, deacon. I ain't shore dat you kin support mah chile!" The deacon bridled. 'Dere won't be no trouble 'b*ut dat, sah!" he as serted warmly. I kin support her all right!" The minister reflected for a moment. 'Has yoz eber seen my Chios eat?" he finally asked. "I has, sah!" came from the suiter "But, sah!" exclaimed the old preacher, impressively, ''has vou eber seen her eat when nobody was a watchia' her?"—Woman's Home Com panies U. C. V. Meeting 4 Broceedings of the Regular cMarch Session of Holmes County Camp, SNg. 398, U. C. V. A regular meeting of this camp was held in the Court House at Lex ington last Monday, and opened with prayer by Chaplain W. M Broadaway. The roll wa* called, and Adjutant Howell announced the death of Comrade Peter Ingold ; which occurred since our last meeting. Comrades Oltenburg, Pettus and Reichman made a report commemor ative to Comrade Ingold's life and death, which was adopted by the camp. C. R. Brook, of Company A, 28th Mississippi Rcgimeat of Cavalry, was receivad into the membership of this camp. Comrade Oltenburg made a short talk on the character of General Gordon, U. C. V. Harris Binford, servant of Lient. Binford, of Fisher's Mississippi In fantry, was received as an honorary member into this camp. Minutes were read and approved; and the camp adjourned with a benediction by Comrade D. J. Bailey. R. H. Baker, Commander. F. A. Howeli, Adjutant. Notice. I have the pleasure to announce tc the teachers and trustees of the Holmes county public schools that itlie term of 1903 to 1904 will be ex tended to eight months- 1 also ear neatly urge that the winter schools be continued, to include the entire term where it is possible. It is well known that pupils can make much better progress when the weather is pleasant and favorable than when the days are so warm, as in July aDd August, and that a continuous ses sion is worth much more than a divided aession. Besides, all those teachers who are making an effort to better qualify themselves for the work deafte to take advantage of the normals and inatitutes during the, fummer months. Respectfully, W. H. Smith, Couuty Supt. Education. Don't I be deceived. Wel sell ths genuine and only Perry 3-tooth Culti vator at $4.2§. Beall t Hosksr. Writes From Experience. Hilary Talbert, of this city, is a bachelor, but when this is said it is not all—he is an experienced bachelor. If you don't believe it, read the fol lowing humorous treatise on oscula j tion, which was handed us by one of his lady friends: The maid could play the piano, Hake plea and lobster salads: Could quote you scripture by the hour, Or Whitcomb Riley's ballads. Mo girl coaid walta more gracefully, Or talk with better sense; No girl could better climb a tree, Or cross a barb-wire fence. She had a dainty litde foot, She had a winsome waist; She didn't have t* pad or paint, And always dressed in taste. She wouldn't flirt nor act the fool, Nor swear to be your sister; And yet this maiden had one fault— She "rooted" when you kissed her. Did you ever kiss a femini ae friend who wouldn't keep her mouth still, but kept rooting around in an effort to get away? Of course, I mean your sister, or mother, or cousin, or aunt, or some other near and dear friend. I never was mixed anything of the kind myself, I naturally so shy and backward, and my digniled style of blonde beauty Is so unsuited to such frivolities, but I have a brother who is a great collec tor of osculatory thrills and lip tickles. He told me the circumstances which I have immortalized in the above touchiig poem.—Ciarksdale Register. The teachers of ihe Owens, Zeig lervilie and Pickena schools have snonded to Supt. Sm.tk's call for specimens of work, and have on file in his office a nice collection of maps, examination papers, composition?, etc., donated by the pupils of these schools. These examples will doubt less be followed by all the teacher* of the county. up in am re Obituary. . Sacred to the memory'of Elbe S. Jefcoals, who was born the 8th day March, A. D., 1897, and departed this life on the 22d day of January, 1904, aged 7 years, 10 months and 14 days. At the hour of 4 o'clock p. m., on the 22d day of January, 1904, the angel of death visited the home of Brother and Sister Jefcoa's, and took to himself sweet little Effie and bore her deathless spirit to the God who gave It. Little Effie was so an. gelis, God refused to let her remain on earth any longer. Her sickness was of short duration but severe. Though she complained not; and when asked where hurt, she would say, "No where, I am all right." She bore her afflictions to the last. Ths day befoie her death she laid her hand in her mother's and said "good-by, ina," as much as to say God has called me and I must go. She leaves behind a father and mother, brothers and sisters and many relatives to mourn her absence. She was buried in the Hopewell cemetery, beside her sister, who had preceded her to heaveD. Weep not, father and mother and relatives, for she is an augel in heaven, waiting and watehing at the beautiful gate for your arrival. . J. L. Sdarborough, Pastor. Strayed. On February 28th, from Bates' plaee, six miles south of Sallis, one dark bay mare, eight years old, heavy mane and tail, tail plaited when leaving; small knot on back, dent in hip; carries tail on one side, covering dent; was traced on public road one mile south of forks of the Ebenezer, Coxburg and Yazoo City roads. Reward will bo paid for her return to owner. Wm: Harris, Sallis, Miss. Last Friday afternoon the pupils of ths Owen achool engaged m a de bating contest, the boys against the girl* Ths paper* were submitted to Profs. Fostet and Kimbrough, and they decided that the girls were ths winners in tkaaonlsal. at