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The Lexington advertiser. [volume] (Lexington, Miss.) 1904-1985, January 10, 1913, Image 2

Image and text provided by Mississippi Department of Archives and History

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By Martha Haskell Clar.
(With apologies to Kudyard Kipling)
When Earth's last kettle is spotless,
and the dishcloths twisted and
When the oldest grease-spot has faded,
and the youngest dust-germ has
We shall rest, and faith we shall need
it; lie down for an aeon or two,
With never a shrill alarm-clock to set
us to ivork anew.
And those who were neat shall be hap
py, they shall sit on a cushion!
Each weary and separate Martha so
cumbered about with care.
They shall have real leisure to draw
from, with never a store-man s
And feet shall have done from aching,
and never be tired at all.
With never a caller to gossip, and nev
er a neighbor to blame,
And ao one need scrimp on pennies or
care for her housewife fame.
But each forever and ever, in a separ
ate star alone,
Shall do the Things She Has Longed
to, in Time That Is All Her Own!
A maiden twin'd a Christmas wreath
for me,
A wreath tied with a Yuletide bow and
A maiden sent a message sweet to me,
Yke Christmas Spirit knows so well to
Their jglowing corals and their lustrous
The holly and the mistletoe have shed.
My wreath is green as Springtide's
deepest dell,
While other Christmas greens have
feUeu dead.
A maiden twin'd a Christmas wreath
for me
Of Friendship unfading emblem, fair
Miss Matgeurite Lear,of Yazoo City,
the prized guest of Miss Louise
®ri«i#forth Wilburn will be home on
the fifteenth of the month for a mid
waiter vacation.
Mrs. Sam Herrman and two young
est daughters left Tuesday for a little
visit to New Orleans.
Ur. A. Flower is making extensive
improvements on hisLexington cottage
before occupying same.
Mi-s. G. A. Wilson sent the first par
re! post package received inGreenwood
with its "Buttered Side Up."
Mr. and Mrs. J H. Proud fit,
are at home tp their friends for the
New Year at the Moore House.
Mr. and Mrs. James Reid are home
making in their new residence the late
Jordan property in East Lexington.
Mrs. 'Sadie Wilson Wright enjoyed
Die holidays in ltta Bena,guest of Mrs.
M E. Elliott and Dr. Frank Holloman.
Mt.«» Annie Alexander cheered her
mother and family in the old West
home during Christmas vacation hours.
Mrs. Mildred Smith Riedemann is a
D. A. R. name gladly recorded on
then G. Humphreys Chapter mem
Hon. E. F. Noel left Saturday to
at the opening of
fee in Greenville
tourt, where Judge Monroe McClurg
Mrs. Marvin Stanley was over from
Glendora to share a portion of the ho
lidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Miles.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lofstrom are
become home makers this year on
llte Stigler plantation some fifteen
miles away.
Miss Hicks is confined to her room
with a slight sickness since the holi
days and Miss Anna McBee is tilling
her place in the college.
That Leslie Johnson has purchased
Site interests of Charles Glover in the
Peoples Drug Store is recorded among
the New Year changes.
The Guild meeting of St. Mary's at
Mrs. A. E. Svvinney's was postponed
anti! next Monday afternoon on ac
t»unt of inclement weather.
Mrs. G. A. Wilson, Jr., is spending
some of the New Y'ear days with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoskins,
at Carr Hill their ideal country seat
pear Memphis.
Mrs*. (J. A. Wilson substituted for
Mrs. E. P Noel at the D. A. R. meet
nag Tuesday on account of the flooded
rendition of the streets to Mrs. Noel's
suburban home
Mrs. W. W. Wilburn was hostess of
so iffiteresting missions meeting Mon
day afternoon.
«f Durant, as leader, was prevented
from attending.
Hon. H. H. Elmore has purchased
the Hooker cottage recently occupied
■iyMr. and Mrs. James Re d. Also a
lot in West End annex wnere he will
build a new year home.
Mr. Robert Craig, after enjoying the
splendid quail shooting of Holmes,
guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Burwell,
left Saturday for Rogers Springs, Ten
nessee's happy hunting grounds.
Mr. and Mrs. Will McBee were over
from Greenwood Sunday for a New
Year family dining with Mrs. Alice
McKee. Mrs. Will McBee left this
week for a visit to her parnts in Vicks
Mrs. G. S. Beall, Jr.,
Mr and Mrs. Walter K. Gwin and
family returned to Tchula Wednesday
night from Memphis. Lexington hopes
tod .im their final decision to establish
« new home. T heir friends are indeed
T ; d to know of the great improvement
their son, Walter II.
Mr. Stewart Watson enroute to CruJ
.gee and Hon. R. E. Wilburn and Hon.
The Texas Wonder cures kidney and
(bladder troubles, removing gravel,
cares diabetes, weak and lame backs,
rheumatism, and all irregularities of
She kidneya and bladder in both men
and women. Regulates bladder trouble
in children. If not sold by your drug
gist, will be sent by mail on receipt of
$1.00. One small bottle is two months'
treatment, and seldom fails to perfect
a cure. Send for testimonials from
this and other states. Dr. E. W. Hall,
see Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo. Sold
igr druggists.
G ;A. Wilson enroute to Greenville
court, were returned home for a wait
over Monday on account of a burned
bridge over Big Black between Yazoo
City and Jack sou. At 3 p. m. the
Valley tram via the I. C. route ar
rived and carried them on their way to
the Delta.
Friday afternoon Miss May Pepper
will be hostess of La Douzaine Bridge
Mrs. Mary McLean will entertain
the Duplicate Whist Club on Tnursday
Friday afternoon Mrs. G. A. Wilson
was hostess of her Bridge Club Mrs.
kT L, Walton, Miss Hooker, Miss Cun
l^JKhain and Miss Wilson substituted
i.^Vne absent. Mrs. Mary McLean
■Ps presented handkerchiefs for high
~st score. A salad course and punch
were served after the games.
Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. N. S.
Hoskins and Miss Frances Hoskins
were hosts at cards, followed by a i
buffet supper in honor of Miss Lois ;
Williams and their nouse guest. Miss!
Doris McLean, of Jackson, Miss. The;
event was one of the most charming {
of the smaller affairs of the week and j
one of the loveliest. The home was
attractive with plants and cut flowers.
Lovely souvenirs were given as prizes
at every table, consisting of silver
picture frames for the men and lovely
French flowers forming pincushions
for the other guests. They were won
by Miss Williams, Miss McLean, Miss
Norman, Miss Barr, Miss Kennard,
Miss Koach and Miss Holland and
Messrs. Beauregard, French, 0 Kelley,
Roach, Cobb and Aiken.—New Orleans
The holiday and Decmeber meeting
of these magnetic young musicians
claimed the hospitality of Mrs. Martin
and their teacher, Miss Martin, De
cember 21. This was a gala date in
point of enjoyment and the warm re
ception of five new club members who
were welcomed and congratulated on
the perfectly splendid examinations
passed to entitle them to membership.
These favored girls are Sidney Povall,
Alice Kayner, Olivia Barrett, Mildred
Meek anil Sue Jack Pitchford. After
the roll call Miss Martin gave a lovely
little talk on "The Helpfulness of
Obedience,'' which further impressed
the pupils witli the sterling and splen
did counsel of their teacher. Willie
Cameron received highest votes for
best rendered solo andMildred Levy for
most interesting paper. The January
meeting will be on the 18th ultimo.
Mrs. Martin with that inborn hospita
lity of the Southern homemaker disre
garded "all rules to contrary'' and
served a repast of several dainties of
which she has the highest art of per
The program followed, viz:
1. Piano Solo- Ballet Music, llel
mund, Theresa Farr.
2. Reading Paper—"Liszt's Irony,"
Clara Stanfield.
3. Piano Solo—Humoreske, Dvorak,
Rosa Gwin Durden.
Paper -"Wagner's Christmas,"
Sal lie Farr.
Piano Solo—Etude Op. 46 No. 17,
Heller, Catherine Stackhouse.
6. Paper—"Children Natural Imi
tators," Necie Herbert.
7. Piano Solo — Waltz. Wagner,
Laura Sutton.
8. Piano Solo—Hunting Song, Hel
ler, Allie Beal! Hobbs.
SI. Paper—"Don't Look to Others,"
Evalu Evans.
10. Piano Solo—The Mill- Brook,
Pique, Annie Glower.
11, Piano Solo- Dixie Land, Mary
'1. Ross.
12 Paper—"Some Personal Traits
of Paderewski," Louise Roby.
13. Piano Solo- Tarantette, Heller,
Bettie Moore Jordan.
14. Paper "The Christmas Reun
ion," Mildred Levy.
15. Piano Solo—March de Concert,
Wollekanpt., Willie Cameron.
The regular meeting of the D. A.
R., Ralph Humphreys chapter, will be
held according to the Year Book with
Mrs Joe Robinson at half after ten
Wednesday morning.
The matter of special interest at
this meeting will be a talk by Mrs.
Williamson, vice president general,
whose subject will be "The Marking
of the Natchez Trace.''—Kate Mark
man Power's Notes, Jackson News.
Washington, Jan. 7.—At the Demo
cratic House caucus tonight Represen
tative B. G. Humphreys of Mississippi,
received the vote of the Democrats for
the chairmanship of the important
Commtitee on Territories,a post vacat
ed by the promotion of H. D. Flood,
of Virginia, to the head of the For
eign Relations Committee. Mr. Hum
phreys was third ranking member on
the Territories Committee. Represent
ative W. C. Houston, of Tennessee,
being second, but as Mr. Houston al
ready bad a chairmanship, that of cen
sus, and Mr. Humphreys, one of the
leaders of the house, being one of the
ablest members of the Ways, Rivers
and Harbors Committee, he was cheer
fully advanced by his fellow members.
There's a Mrs. William Jennings
Bryan, Jr., as well as a Mrs. William
Jennings Bryan, Sr. And the young
er woman is a true daughter-in-law
of her dynamic and won't-stay-down
father-in-law, the Commoner.
Mrs. William Jennings Bryan. Jr.,
lives in Washington, where Mr.William
Jennings Bryan, Jr., is going to col
lege. A family man and a university
student at the same time, is a piquant
This interesting son of his father is
going in for law. He is a freshman at
the GeorgetownUniversity Law School,
and he has been unanimously 'elected
president of his class. He inherits the
Commoner's gift
Mr. Bryan took the pleasant respons
ibilities of life upon his yung shoul
ders early, when he married the pret
ty and talented Texas girl who was his
boyhood's sweetheart.
Bryan pere and Bryan mere have
recently visited the blissful young
couple here, in their cozy dovee cote.
There are two lovely children, the idol
of their grandparents.
Mrs. Bryan, a young woman of un
common force an dattractiveness, goes
in for the earnest things of life.
.I! ■ \ e; s
Want Your Trade
| for 1913
We are
I going to do all we can to
make our store attractive to you by
keeping the right goods at
the lowest price.
We carry a big stock of goods at all times, but will get for you
anything you want that we do not carry in stock.
Fashion and frivolities are only inci
dentals in her lexicon.
She is enthusiastic over the progress
and enlightenment of her great, wide
Music is her specialty and her great
life work after her husband and chil
dren. Twice a week this indefatiga
ble little woman goes to Baltimore for
lessons. She practices diligently.
Almost all the first-class musical re
citals in Washington find Mrs. Bryan,
Jr., in the audience.
Among the intimate friends here of
the Bryan family, both junior and sen
ior, is the family of Interstate Com
merce Commissioner C C. MeChord,
of Kentucky. Mrs. MeChord hai just
been hostess at a musical recital t the
New Willard at which Mrs. W. Lam
Jennings Bryan, Jr., was gUfcJt
honor. ;.,| IJ
Now that the strenuous haitf"
Bryan is the fashion ag vMl, fhl at
tractive but entirely unci trustve Lung
woman is regarded with the itvi Tu
terest.—Washington Correspoi, ■ v e
Mrs. Helen Bell McClurg, guest for
a fortnight of her daughter, Mrs. Lau
rence Yerger, has been the recipient
while here of numerous social atten
tions, as must be always the case when
this popular woman returns to the city
where for so many years she made her
Mrs. Yerger had intended entertain
ing for her mother on an elaborate
scale, but has withheld on account of
the critical illness of the splendid little
three-year old son of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Yerger, whose life has hung in
the balance now for several days, but
who is now showing some improve
Cards have been issued which read
as follows:
"Mrs. William Gowdy and Mrs. Sid
ney Craft invite you to meet Mrs. Mon
roe McClurg on Tuesday afternoon,
January the fourteenth, from four to
six o'clock, 715 N. President street"
Mrs. Gowdy's home will thus be
opened to the mutual friends of the
hostesses and the honoree, charming
Mrs. McClurg, and there is not the
slightest doubt as to the pleasing en
tertainment which will then and there
have place, with the two young mat
rons who will act as hostesses and the
gracious woman who will be thus hon
ored.—Jackson News.
Florence, Ala., Jan. 7.—After an ill
ness of several months. Julius W. Som
mer died at 4:20 o'clock this morning at
his late residence on Wood avenue.
Mr. Sommer was a prominent jewelei -
and lodge man, holding membership i l
the Masonic, Odd Fellows and Macct
bees orders. He had been a residert
of Florence for twelve or fifteen yean,
and was a native of New Orleans. Th?
funeral was held this afternoon at 3 :S J
o'clock from the First Presbyterian
Church, and the deceased was interred
in the city cemetery with Masonic hon
ors. He is survived by his wife ana
two children, J. W. and Miss Willn
Sommer, both of Florence.
Mr. Sommer was the husband of
Holmes fair and favorite daughter,
Maggie McBee, daughter of the la
mented Col. and Mrs. Joshua McBee.
Deepest sympathy from a host of kin
dred and friends is extended her in her
great bereavement. 1
January Meeting of D. A, R.
Despite the lowering storm clouda,
the B. G. Humphreys Chapter, D. Aj
R., held its January meeting with
Mrs. George Ash Wilson, Regent.
The recent heavy rains having causeti
the road beds to become unsuited for
travel, either by foot or coach, this
meeting, which was to have been help
with Mrs. Edmund Favor Noel as hostj
ess. was held at a more ceutral locai
tion—at the always delightfully hos
pitable home of Mrs. Wilson.
Much business concerning the plans
for the State Convention to be held i i
I. 'X ngton in March was considered an< I
dispatched in a most tactful and cor -
j 4
Ngw and Fresh Goods Coining in Every Day
I will sell you anything in my line as low as anyone
else* grade of Goods considered.
I Guarantee Weights and Measures
1' r!ny price is not as low as my com
petitors' and my weights and measures
do not hold, you will do me a favor to
let me know it.
You have given all your patronage to
the other fellow, divide up and give me
some of it.
He cannot be more thankful for] it
than I will be
I Mean business and Want Your Business,
Baxter Wilson
No. 112
summate manner by Mrs. Noel, who
has the success of the State Conven
tion so much at heart.
A thoroughly interesting programme
has been arranged,the details of which
will be published at a later date, bit
the State Regent, Mrs. Fuller Fox, of
West Point.
The patriotic choruses and music 'of
the early colonial period will be fur
nished by home talent. The members
of the Choral Club having felt it their
pleasure and privilege to favor the
chapter with these numbers.
This day being the time appointed
for the regular election of officers, all
who were in their present offices were
unanimously elected to succeed them
Mrs. George Ash Wilson, Regent.
Mrs. John Harbour McBee, Vice
Mrs. Edmund Favor Noel, Secretary.
Mrs. Archibald McDowell Pepper,
Mrs. Peter Adolph Lindholm, TreasjJ
Miss Viola Lindholm, Historian and
A refreshing salad course of pineap
ple-nut salad and chicken salad with
snowflake wafers, followed by wine
and frosted fruit cake were served at
the table, during the pleasant social
hour which followed.
The Club's Circle is ever growing,
at this meeting Miss Hoskins and Miss
Mcl.e; n were members who gave
pleasure by their presence.
At early candle light the members
were homeward bound, feeling the .ra
diance of this afternoon's hour on
many possibilities of the B. G. Hum
phreys Chapter in its future growth.
At St. Mary's Episcopal Church.
Rev. G. Gordon Smeade, arch deacon
of Mississippi, will hold the following
services in the Episcopal church Sun
day, January 12:
Celebration of the Holy Communion,
7:30 a. m.
Morning prayer and sermon, 11 a. ra.
Evening prayer and sermon, 7 p. m.
The public is most cordially invited
to all of these services.
J. S. Wilkins, S. W Autry and C.
C. Grantham, Shaddon; W. T. Pace,
G. A. Tate, A. D. Tate, Bowling
Green: F. E. Mullen, Acona; D. E.
Cade and L. H. Cade, Emory, are
among the visitors to the city today.
Owing to a burned bridge below
Yazoo City, the Y. & M. V. main line
trains have been run via Lexington
this week.
Mares and Mules
Juft received
Two Carloads of Good Farm
Mares and. Mules
Pope's Sale Stable
On account of the scarcity and high price of beef cat
tle, I am oblige to adopt the CASH SYSTEM altogether.
Parties paying their account? promptly, weekly will
get their deliveries at the regular price; Steak 12
1 2c lb., Roast 10c lb. All orders shall receive our
most prompt attention.
Thanking you for past favor, and hoping to
merit a continuance.
Sours to serve.
J. W. AMOS, Lexington, Miss
Phone 221
New Pressing Shop
Just Opened
Will call for and deliver all
work. Your patronage sol
cited and will be appreciated.
Prices reasonable.
Absolut* Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Lewis Flower Proprietor.
Flowsr Bids.
When your stock are sick
or have chronic troubles, call
Lexington, Miss.
and he will satisfy you.
Calls answered night or day.
Office tit Moore*s Stable .
Residence Phone . No. 232

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