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-i . , , -V . -: . ;-JUresrattare ' - lUiJLIslIKD SVEliY TIIUKaDAf SUBSCRIPTION Ycxt, .151.50. &'U MoniA Three Month, iG.5-0 $0.75. BAli. ADVERTISING: "VrtiA&'Z on Application. Special Ternu to Home I'atrona. Yearly aiirert: vra have the privilege of lour ;r. i--;;T. w::hcut a Id; ti inilchaige. A-I'Sms liKGistJtK, I roc ion. Missouri. VM.v' I ft ! 'i ill mm ilo Tiff MwMl BY ELI D. AEE. OUK GOD, OUR COUNTltY. AND TKUTH: TERMS $1.60 a Year, in Adrance VOLUME XXVII. IEONTON, MO., THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1893. NUMBER 4. JOB-WOEK; rue Kkgister's facilities for dolnglob work are unsurpassed in SoutheastMissou i and we turn out the best of work ,s ue h POSTERS BILL-HEADS LETTER-HEADS 4 statements; , Envelopes, Cards, Dodgers BBIEFS, PAMPHLE1S, ETC AT LOW PRICED; Official Directory. MEM1JKR OF COXGUESS: Fvas, Thirteenth District TTj. II. V 31 arhti -id M IJ. S. f,Nl OKKICE J. (.'. Nl Kll ficirUbT; V:.i. K. Newman, Receiver Ironton, io. -I. ('i:.k 'Jkek.v, Judf.'e Twenty-First .ircaii, io .loto, .!. OFFICIAL D1RECT0PY IRON COUNTY- COURTS: Circuit Cockt is held on the Fourth Monday in April aud October. County Court convenes on the Firs. Monday of March, Jane, September sna December. PudbatkCocrt ia held oo theFirst Sl-jnday in February, Miji August and Xo- f eniber. OFFICERS: A. V. IIollom an, Presiding Jude Coun C;yeirt. ('a !tJ.s:.-4 Hm.t, Coev.y Jude, South ?r; D.T.-iTriet. I: J. Hil;., C'ou.y Judse, VTcstern Di. trit. .1. S. Jorhw, Irosfc::tii; Attorney. P. W. V hitw o::r'i. Collector. A. KKiCiiKi:, Oimty Cicrs. To. iii-KK, Circuit i Icrk. l'KWZ DlMikU, Pr:b:ite .Tudjre. D. F ItKK-K, "I ff ;-:( r. A', il. K!tn:r:, -h S. !. 5iKVii"i;N, A--t -or. r. , ir ! , 'r .;t r. .;. T. AK- . I! :.: .! .$, I.-iitf.f. A. !;'i.M)MN, -iirvnyr. A. i. Va.-c;:, ::i,i! .MiiTiiNsiontT. CIT olHti lJS: .'.fjfir. W". I". Gav. A'" '', J. I.. :::i.hviii. '.',"' .Ufrnfii, .. S i 'lsrl, V. . F:iir"niid. CV'f Tn.iiiKrrr, l. F. IJeese. (.'nlt cl'ir, J. L. JIaldwin. CV' Coitncilmi'HW. it. Kilear. .1. N. Iti-ii-V, A. ISeuley,.!. M. Heel, M. Clay baugh and Ju'i. liablwin. StH'H CommiHer . I"s;!eT,-'ao. ItaMwin an-1 M. .liiviJiiili. ,-p ;''' J. M. Il -el.-lno. BnlJWin l!,;ith CoMMttt- vW. II. d'.'ar. J. N. Bi-iop and A. Hoi;!ey. pgipi The Editor's Vacation. for Infants and Children. 'Catori a is c -rell .-idavtod to children that 1 recoiumtDl it aj superior u any jiresoriptiuu i- nown to me."' II. A. Archer, M. !., !11 Ho. Oi'or.i St., ttruokiyc, N. Y. Caatorla cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stoiiuiclj, iJiarrhosa, Erutation, Kiiut AVonu, gives bleep, &iid prut notes di- pestiou, TVitatiut iujurious nutlicatioa. Tfaa CitNTAVB Coupa.nt, 77 Murray Street, If. Y. C t'riTDi.K'CurnCH. Arrad!aColljre gil I'i'ot Knob. L. . Wkunkkt Hector. Jliir'i Mass an 1 Sei ni'ii at Arcadia College every !id iv a s o'l-lock a. m. Vespers and JJcniii'itioa "m the i;!csed Sieraiu-nt at 4 o'cbu U v. M. ilih Mass and Sermon and lieuo-li'-ti n :tt Pilot Knob C:t hoiie Church at 1): o'-.!ek a. M. Sond.'.y school for children ;t o'clock i it. M. i:. OiiURCfr. Cur.; Reynolds and Mo;i'it;t:n .-irevs, W. II. Hokmkl, l'a.-.tor. Il".ii!fiv.:e: Irunto.i. Sc s every Sab ba'h Hi II a. r. and 7 p. m. ."odny School :3 a. C!as Mti"r tirdav nfternoon at ' o'clock Prayer Meeting Thursday;. All are inviu-d. Isr. fJ. CKUK'-fr. t0!.'Tii, Fort Hill, DfliT-'pn Irotiti A r'.:iil;K. "lev. II. "XViun::iiir5. r?f. --t iun. every Sun dar. At !1 a. m. an I 7 ' m. Prayer meeting ev'-ry Wededsy e''.r.iiiir, T o'clock. Sab bith School at .: a. M. 14-VHTit.r C?itjku, Madison street, Re.v ICnob slrec1 M. Snousil, Pastor, ir-l..r- rouLun. l"ra';ninc on ever Saturdar :.: vn; 'r.p iirt Sundy of eaeb raouth nt :?:: r. m. atil on the lirst aud third Ktiudys t It a. M. aundav School every JSuu.Uv t a. M. aud I'rayer Meeting pvery Tuesday evening at 7:S p. M. Lori:itAN CaORirir, Pilot Knob. Jifcjtro Vfwvk, Pi-tor. M. Chorcit, Corner Bhepherd tid AVanhingtou streets, Ironton. T. II. I t KWoof.pastor. Preachin' every .Sun ,!av at 11 a. M. and '.: f. MinfUy SelKoI ntt:.V a. M. nd Select Heading at 4 r. m. Literary every Tuesday night at 8. SOCIETIES: t I ronton Lodge, No. L44, K. ot I., Ironton, Mo., meets every 2d md th Friday evening of each month l " F. P. Akk, C. C. A m tu n IIi'Kf. K. f H. & S. Ikon LoraE, No. 107, I. O. O. F., eet, ,very Monday at its '.corner Main and Madison streets. A. 1. VAcb, r. a. K P. kE, HecMiding Secretary. Ironton Encampment, No. 29, 1 O O jr.. niecU on thss first and third Thurs STmSn o? every month in Odd-Fel-lows'lIaU. corner Main and Madison street .s. O D V ks, 0. P. I. T. Baldw in, scribe. i0. lOO, OKiROrTKE WESTliODOK, and JiHdison tiKiN o,u. J Maiti Midian Chapter, No. 71, R. A., meets at the Maxonie Hall on the lint and khinl Tuesdays of each month, at . p.m. V . K. Edgar, M. E. II. P. K. D. Akk, Sec retary. Valley Lcuoe, No. 1870, visits op HoNOKi meets in lows' Hall everv alirnate fL''V,.--.. Ait ov.. A. I VaNCK. It cunvru; - - r- --- - 7 AOdd-re C D. Iu A". .M vksii a T.I., Reporter FJasxekn Star TjOUOB, No. t, a. F.'fc A. (oolored), meets oo the second Saturday of eah month. ffIIlON POST, AO. 34t, V. A. Xi.f meets the 2d and 4th Saturdays of each mouthat 2 r. M. FRANZ DINGER, P. C. C. R. Peck, AdJ't. IKONTOV CAMl", -o. loif, c-uiis mi Veterans, meets every lnt and 3d .tunlay venn', mnulh. and every Tuesday f 'i 1'eck, Caup Commander. ' First Sergeant. PILOT KN'vVR. viiAiT Knob Jjolob, No. A. O. U W met every 2d and 4th Friday Church. Pilot Kkoh Jjoooe, No. lob, I.O.U. V mt- tsvery Tuesday evening at their faau!cus. Mascumkvkp., Secretary. Ikon LoixJE, No. 30, Sons of IIes . ' ,. n the seoond and lit Minday of -.,h'r,":ith. V,'M. STKKKKNS, President. hLHi ART mm m HA?,NESS mi Ga Mn 1 fnivn Pmna? Have oM to rontiamerit for 20 year. Jf Jfl Road WdCtOn. 1 .u-k'iHo i.. J 1 la-TiRflS tQis wn;. ocip nno pnf ' liiit. i. ..i.-kiiimA bef.irs aj-.s mn.icv is Tiud. We fiv fr.-itt btttkttuu'il not 6iiafactorj. War rant f oi'twoynMS whj p an Ajr"at ? Irito $M , tj or-T for jroor wntojoor mrnoratT. noxmg f Wo fjik a .11 LIn rik cif rfurr.'U'f m Khiirt-lf SpHnc WarnniX to OnarantoMl sune M'if rnr aut bi iirrrv. j . .1 10 a. 1 ur. ms. f'liuvinnot 7rtavltXI. Wiuanrltni fjn fj-tir. 1 DIWl IVutioni! Unlivery HMaima IvOaa inr " " our har : i ess ic s&,iL "re ai Ao. t Ouk :jnncd Leather. . A.Vt.:T Jig?'. g-A 3 KMios Saddles, anrt Kly Net-). V.Z I M2Tf .Tr i-z- w r r ami. on lor cua or-jnr. uioa- vi - - X I It 5I 71 hi .W.B. PRATT, Sec'y, ELKHART, J ND. WM. TRAUJ5RNICHT. II. TRAUERNICHT. V J & mm 110 I ai-JI f.!sr N m :'4i; U nm l.i U u Vt m m r : 4st , . - z. v.) of .a Bra Kii l w Nbi wurnm --t!r 1-3 P3 fi-. : -5 irk The fii-st entrance into the Exposi tion grounds is bewildering. Great white building's loom upon every hand; intersecting streets lead in all direc tions; the grounds are cut up into miniature peninsulas, islands and con tinents, by the lagoons which beautify and, with their craft, enliven the whole area. The crowds of people, the flags, the music, all make the Fair a contin ued holiday, and the eyes grow tired with endeavors to take in the tout ensemble of the big show. It reaches too far and comprises too much for that. We had determined, beforehand, to "do" the Fair systematically, but no system was big enough for the occa sion, and the succeeding hve days were given up to go-as-you-ploasc sight-seeing. And even then, with no set amount of work to do, and opportunity for rest and refreshment on every hand, at all hours, the evenings found us so tired and footsore that, seated in the wagonette bowling along rapidly to the hotel, it was agonizing merely to look at the pedestrians plodding on either side! Our party thtise days consisted of four Mr. and Mrs. McMullin and the writer aud his better half. Mac is one of the most indefatigable of walkers, and each evening found him apparently as fresh and unconcerned as when first he strode thro' the gates at early morn We envied his endurance, his freedom from corns, and his lack of advoirdu- pois. When the cool weather sets in, we are going to take walking lessons, train down all winter and spring, and when next the Association meets and excursesto the land of the Aztecs, we'll try his metal on the streets and iti the environs of Old Mexico. It is record ed. So mote it be! First we entered the Missouri P.uild- ing, registered, and deposited in the are seuarated hours' view was only a taster to the ladies, who then and there resolved to set a day apart for '-a good look" at the posies. The dinner hour having come and passed, and the inner man becoming rebellious with waiting, we went outside and having seated the fem inine section of the party in the shade to await our return with the -prized shoe box, proceeded to the Missouri building tor the luncheon, deposited there ere we had set forth on our tour of inspec tion. We walked this way and we walked that; we consulted the map and started again; we walked across the bridge to the wooded island, and, of course, walked back again; we tried this street and that avenue; we looked for the Illinois building as a guide, but all the flags with the state designations clung limp to their poles in the stilled atmosphere. Again we started, and walked some, more, until a stray breeze came along and distended the folds of the drooping flags; and lo! not afar off streamed the welcome legend. Anoth- Highest of all in Leavening Power. -Latest U. S. Gov't Report. A&S-OLEJTELY PURE gard to the other buildings. When the tired sight-seer first sees the Peristyle on the lake front, he isn't impressed greatly with its size; but a walk through it from end to end opens his eyes. The 'tother end recedes from his step until his aching limbs and weary feet do spair of spanning its amazing length. Understanding the immonsity of the show, the reader will more readily overlook inadequacy of description. A week's visit to the Fair is barely suffi- er short walk, a longer wait for the ! cient to give one an idea of what he colored gentleman into whose hands the precious parcel had been entrusted, and behold us, jaded but happy, re turned to our point of departure. We think eight miles of good walking was consumed in this way. The luncheon was soon knocked into 4'pi" a beer bottle ravished of its contents, and again the line of march was resumed. We say "line of march" advisedly and it was close order, too. The morning's shuffle through the crowds had taught us that this system was necessary to avoid the loss of a part of our contingent of the Association. Sight-seeing especially, where the objects of interest are thicker than fleas in Egypt, and piled mountain high in ever-changing scene sight seeing is distracting and self-conscious ness disappears. Insensibly, comrades at first by the interven might see if he had a year or two to cess of the difference In the cost of labor here and abroad to serve the in terests of monopoly, and both indus tries have been made profitless by overproduction. What our industries need is froo raw matorials to cheapen products and thus enlarge consumption, with no tariff on any higher than the difference between the cost of labor here and abroad; and when a tax is thus levied by Congress to protect labor, labor should got the full benefit of it. Whenever we get down to that tariff devote to it! Missouri's two-hundred- standard onr industries will be perma- and-odd editors and their wives were neatly prosperous. Until then the all on the grounds this day, yet, after greed of monoply, fostered by oppres- we left the Missouri building in the sive taxes on the people, will ever morning we never saw a one of them make our industries unstable, and la- so great the space and so many theplac- bor always is the first and tho groatest sufferor. Philadelphia Times. Bureau of Information. 1 3 4 - Vi 1 iSHVi.J THE JOAI'O'X', HIDULSBHOOS, MXSSOTT&I. SUITS MADETO ORDER AT SHORT MICE And Perfect Satisfaction Guaranteed. V. El.UF.CIir. V. EFFINGEli EBRECHT & EFFINGER, 8r InriA GENERAL rteken PILOT KNOB, MO. a full line of UNDERTAKING 00ES, of All ClHFses and Kinds. Al dors by Telegraph promptly executed. We have OA IXjSTK) jST 15W HEAKSEO of !.:itest Style, thai will be Furnished on Application. Office One J)oor yorth of V. ICfii vt'cr's; also, at ILbrecht, JilacL'siit ith Shop. es in whicn to disperse tnemseives There were probably one hundred and twenty thousand people on the grounds, but nowhere except in some "The Burlington Route" R. R. has of the more popular displays, was there recently established in a convenient any jostling or discomfort. Though quarter of its elegant and commodious the July sun shone brightly from a passenger station, at Chicago, an office cloudless sky, the weather was delight- designed to afford travelers information ful; a stiff breeze from over the lake on the thousand-and-one things they- cooled the air, and, made it a pleasure need to know, with regard to routes, to tread the smoothly paved streets of rates.connectiona and accommodations. the wonderful W hite City. it has has been placed in charge of an About seven o'clock we sought the experienced man, supplied with all rail "Exit" gate, and passed out into the way guides, maps and time tables, and every-day world. The wooden barri- known as the "Bureau of Information." check-room a shoe-box tilled with tion of two or three people; then soon ers fence from each other two worlds It is a place to which all travelers may luncheon, furnished us by landlord a dozen, two dozen, half a hundred as distinct as Fairv Land from actual mnin fm- inrnvm.nn tn men, stripped oi au innumerable host flows in human life, or the realms of Dreamland from and correct answer This is the onlv .'I ' i i . it; i ... a ...I I m in ni.iuimenia, w(, baiiiwi ioi in me streams between them. I he feminine stern reality. There the Grecian office of the kind west of the sea-hoard sights to !-ee. Ihe Illinois exhibit, mind in such case is esDeciallv at larce. 1 temnles recall a life covered in theli;0 ,n ti iu vuuu uu. yiuvo a uoip and a score of times we were on the dual of centuries; here the voices of the and convenience to the traveling public point of losing our women-folk in the hucksters and cab drivers, the pop-corn AU trains of the "Burlington" arrive ever-eddying sea of humanity. So, seller soliciting custom, the cable cars, and depart from this station, and the in- after a couucil of war, Mac was placed etc., etc., bring you with a dull thud to telligent and valuable service of the in front, the women next, and we fol- the inexorable present. There it is Bureau may be enjoyed by all patrons lowed behind, with one eye ever on the play-day; here it is pay-day. You of this line. A special pamphlet will column of march, and 'tother foraging I brush your eyes, resume your citizen-, be issued by the "Burlington" in the the displays as best it could. In this J ship, and make a straight chute for near future, giving accurate informa- order, we that afternoon took in the dinner! tion as to "How to get to the World's' Manufacturers and Liberal Arts build-1 A pleasant drive anon brought us to I Fair Grounds", "How to secure rooms ings a l ather extensive job, we fear, the Kenneth; we were pleasantly re- and board at the various hotels, board- lor thoroughness; but we did the best ceived by a model host and hostess, iner and lode-ino-houses " Trustworthy varieties and colors, enclosed in glass pOS!Sibie in tho limited time at our dis- and after an elegant dinner, sought re- aeents will be at the C. B. & O. denot ; i i posal. Beautiful and curious exhibits pose from the fatigues of our first day in Chicgo, to impart all in for motion to visitors. Arrangements will be made by which some trains will be run direct to the World's Fair Grounds without change or delay. which, contrary to the rule, is in the State building, was the first examined Of course, it is principally agricultural, but in the mineral way it is not to be sneezed at. Among the other attrac tions here, is a large picture of a farm wheat fields, meadows, horses, barn: etc. all ruado from various colored grasses and wheat stalks. The inside building is lacquered, dadoed, and else wise ornamented, with corn cut across tho cob: and beans and seeds of all and soarranged as to form all the shapes known to inlaid work. The on evc,.y hand from every country on at the Fair. enectis line, ana at a snort usance the giobCf challenged our attention, ad thc cyo leads one to believe he is look- miPation and wonder: and before In another column of this paper will injron walls upon which the highest unf1 i.,, rcnr c,ir.ov I be found an advertisement of a medi- fr..c r ti,, Q-.t V...-.-Q K.n , . , , , cine Known as tiiamuenain ti tjoiie, I " - efforts of tho painter b ait have been became impressed with the truth that cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for sale expended. The display of fruits, large civilization and enlightenment are hv dmo-mst.. P. If. C!Hsn nf this' nlarA. I A Colorado murderer and and small, was good, but Old Missouri much more widely diffused than provin- In almost every neighborhood through- the name ot Packer has just been cannibal didn't need to stand abashed before it Next, the Horticultural Building was taken in, and all tho plants and all the flowers of all the world Were here represented. Palms, cacti, giant ferns, palmettos, banana plants, mag nolias, and a thousand other forms of cial ecrotisni teaches. from China, Japan, Hindustan, Mada The exhibits out tuo west' tnere are BOme one or sentenced to forty years' imprisonment more persons, whose lives nave oeen for a dreadful crime committed a score saved by this remedy. It is natural . . . ... ... i vegetable and tree me. some oi tnom oir land a bystander, lost in admira- with corrugated names as long as your tion. at length remarked, as in self- gascar, Java, and other "heathen for such persons to take especial pleas- countries, were side by side with those ure in of Christian "civilization," and took nor prejudice nor shame by contrast. Viewing one of the displays from a far-1 arm. Flowers bless us! uo tongue communion, "And these aro tho people I could tell, no pen set down, nor types wo Spend millions every year to civil- encompass the varieties, their shapes, hzo anj enlighten!" colors, etc. We only know that two j Val. KtrriXGKR. Seert rv iim.V MOUNTAIN. 1,01GK, rso. iH', on or W. M , SVinKKi;. isecreisry "t...-wt MnnvTAIS LonoK. No. 2C0, I O F.. meet Wednesday nisbt of e aeh week. Tkon Mountain Loigk, rso. s"jTV: A. id., meets Saturday night N v:- the full m o. Lotus Pktut, i i DCIflEMSCD WE GUARANTEE A CUBE EntlVltlilnrK and invite, tho most 1 5 careful invvdtitrution to our responsibil I ity aud tho merits of our Tablets. j Double Chloride of Gold Tablets J so J. A. PARKBKM : fROV MOPNTAI? Downey, N. O' jVk. No. L'93, W meets on ttie nrst una inira Friday of each month. hkllf.view. i "Yf.kS ire Ijopok No. i"J, A. t . & a. . ni.'el va rni ni.--a. I- Hill, Secretary. ; Uu-d.iv ntjjnt or er aii'jr u"- Oi-1 paperj for sale at this Tweuty-Svo cents o.- hundred. ..fiv m v- mm m FT . XUM Vim. MA'iV .AT rw er3k. V'x jff- o AT Tfc. Y&A. Zif Ut A- READ 0U3 I TCSTjMONIALS Will eomnletelyrtestrovthe desire forTORACCO in from 3 to 5 da vs. Perfectly harm less; cause no mckiums, ana maypo Riven in a enp ot tea or coueo witnout tne Knowl edge ot tno paticm, wno win voluntarily stop smoKiugor cnewing in a lew aays. TlDnUVrVVrS'! cn.l WnQPnTVi? HA PIT ca at home, and with- JJUUlmlHUlJUUU aud liiUillilxiili lillDil out any en on on tne part oi tho patient, by tho use of our SPECIAL FORMULA GOLD CURE TABLETS, Dnrlnfr treatment pntlimts nro allowed the free uso of Liquor or Mor- pnino uniii at-a niii-j us ui-y eiiuii vuiuuiaruy pi o incia up. We send partieulars and pamphlet ot testinionials free, and shall lo clHd toidaco sulferers from imv of thesu habits lu coinmnnica- tiou with persons -who have been cn red by the use of our Tablets. KILL'S TABLETS are for sale by all FIIist-class anigfl.-ts ul S I .OO l"'r ltape. If your dmpyist dues not keep them, enclose ns I .OO ana wo will bcuu )om, uy ruiui ii uiuu, s iauika; in uu Write yonr namo and nddress plainly, and atato wntther luiJicU arts lor loeneco, ciorpiiiue or Liquor Jlatnt. IK) NOT I'H DECEIVED into purrhaslng nrferefl for v-.le. Ask for DrllXiii'S j.y-v i-txt-r fr ana lane uo ouiti'. iiuracturetl only by tiii: OHIO CHEMICAL GO, CI, 53 & S5 Opera Elock, 14 A? A, OHIO PAKTICCLAIW V A FEW Testimonials from persons who have been cured by tho use of Hill's Tablets. Thk Ohio Chemical Co.: Dear Sib: I have been using yonr a for tobacco habit, and found It would aat you claim for it. I used ten centa of the strongest chewbur tobacco a dav. and from one to five ciirars: or I would araoke ' from ten to forty Dines of tobacco. Have chewed and smoked for twenty-flve years, and two packages i your Tablets cured me so I have no desire for it. n. m. oAi ujajLj, ie8iie, juicn. DOBBS FeRRT. N. Y. Tni? Onio Ciiemical Co.: Gentlemen: Sometime ao I sent for fl.oo worth of yonr Tablets for Tobacco Habit. 1 received ,..m oil i-i,rht nnrt nitiimn?h I was both a heavy smoker and cbewer. they did tho work in less than three days. I am cured. y Truly yours. MATHEW JOHNSON. P.O. Box 45. Pittsburgh, Pa. leasttre to speak a word of rrai.w for your Tftblets- My son was strongly addicted to the use of linnn. it,n.,,M! T wiulcil to try your I ablets. He was a heavy and rnndtiint .lrinU-T. Tiut. iftr usine your Tablets but three days he quit UrinkinK. ami will uot touch liqnor of any kind. I have waited four mouth before, writing you, in orctr to ksiow the cure was permanent. xours jrniy, , M1W. liELEN MOitfiJSON. Cincinnati, Ohio. The Ohio Chemica Oo : Gentlem en : Your Tablets havo performed a miracJo in my case. I have usod morphine, hypodennicaily, for seven years, ana navo ocen enreu nyine of years ago. Packer and several . I enmnnninna Ififl. Salt. T.alfA nifv In tho recomending tne remedy to r J others. The praise that follows its in- i" oi 18 lor Colorado to prospect. traduction and use makes it immense- Two of the party went in another di ly popular, vv nile it is intended espe- rection. leaving Packer and the flvo -Jailer frw nnliii n Ti r 1 r t o m riVi l a iiTrcori. I . unfortunates together. The larger iwr nH Hi!iirnnpn it. ia filer r I m mon I 0 to cure chronic diarrhoea. If such be Party presently ran out of victuals.and the case, it is certainly a "Godsend" to j Packer slew his five companions .to many a poor mortal. keep himself from starvation. Ho killed them as they lay asleep one ine nate mass industry. night, and after rifling their pockets. There are twelve plate glass factor- lasted on the remains until ho could al to our mind wo shall not attempt ies in tho United States.and all of them uu" Ul luo u eonwin- to point out this or that paiticular ob- have been closed indefinitely. The e'lDS him the judge is reported to havo I I . J J J T l .1 . .Oa iect ot interest, but refer the reader to reasons ffiven are overDroduction. auu,C8SCU Lae luus- oiana up. one of the "Official Guides," accessible tight money and the arbitary methods cannibalistic devil!" The accused at the easv orice of 25c. or to the mass of tho elate fflass trust. stood up. "You man-eating fiend, can " " I . . n t v... a. a. of descrint.ive matter in the vet chean- Tho nlate P-lass industry was one of 1 uu" fw pro- er columns of tho dailv naoers. the special beneficiaries of the McKin- hounco 80ntcnc th on you, you It is said that there aro twenty-one ley tariff. The tariff tax on plate glass miles of walking in tho Manufacturers was largely increased, and the result building, and the man who trios to "do" I was a full dozen factories instead of it is apt to think the statement rather two which existed until recently, and under than over the truth. We did'nt more plate erlass than is wanted. A As we took no notes the idea of working while playing was never logic- cannibal, when thcro woroouly eight people in liinchdalo county in 1872, and you ate fiveof them?" two packages of your Tablets, and without aay effort on nay part. ArliWco nil Orilpra to use of W. L. LOTEGAT. RESPONSIBLE s THE OHIO C'AEMIGAL CO., SI, 3 anrj 5p Opera Block. LIMA, OHIO. The value of a good name was well exemplified the other day, whon a man askwl nnn nf nnr rirniroriota ii. il. i i l 4. : .1 t ,.l 1 ; n .. tn...A wl I . . . .. wl watK me wuoie uisutuee, uui e uiu tiuso uusug;.iuj( """""" I bottle of Sarfaparilla, "WhoBeP" in enough to thoroughly tiro us out ere all are shut down and 1U.U0U men sua- quired the clerk. "WhosoP why, Ay the shades of .evening had gathered, denly thrown out of employment. er's of course. Yo don't suppose I'm OuVfeet were benumbed and sore with The hijrh tariff tax on steel so whet- H"iUS luu riBKS wun "anna. .l , . i .i . I .i i. .... . : . , v. n , . l - innwonicu exei lion, mug et c wv uiuuc i iuu ine jhcli3 ui tapiLciiioiia iuuu no I pur exit. As we passed the portals of now have mills capable producing lour j The . Twicc-a- Week " St. Louts Re- fltfie huge building, a one-legged indi- million tons of steel rails when we public' is, beyond comparison, far vidual crossed our path. 1 he dismem- consume only about twelve hundred superior to any weekly paper publish- bered limb had been replaced, not with thousand. The result is overproduc- ed in America. -It is issuod each Tues- a cork leg framed to deceivo the eye, tion, depression, low prices, and the day and Friday, fourteen to sixtoen but by a good, old-fashioned, sturdy, first movement made by employers to pages every week, and gives tho sews wooden pin, shod with metal. As we escape from their own folly is the re-1 0f the day at least half a week earlier looked upon the insensate artificial duction of the wages of labor. , and much more fully than any weekly. extenuation, the soles of our feet thrill- The high tariff taxes on plato glass At the same time. Its Literary. Ari- ed with envy, and longed for repose. have stimulated investment in that in- I cultural and bthor departments aro uo- Everything connected with the Ex-1 dustry until we have plants capable of surpassed. It fills tho wants of every ;n nn n nr.aml a Pcile. that to nroducinir double tho rdatn n-lna r fflcmuer OI lne muy ana snouia do . . .... T. .. . I read in every household. It is a great tho observer size loses its just propor- consume. iven tne complete trust semi-weekly paper furnished to suc tions. As one instance, tne aianuiact- mat, too possession oi tne glass lac- scribers for one DOLLAK A TEAS, the urers building is two hundred and tories could not make them profitable. I same price as tho weeklies. An extra eightv-five feet high, with a promenade and they aro all closed because tho C0W will ho sent froe.for one year, to the , ... . ..--1 u i i !....,.! x- .. Uopdor of each Club of four new Bnljsorib- on lop, rowuuii uj, .a,, B.UbWu uu .n.uuk ouyr. erB with foup dollllP8. VVrito for froo Had the tariH duties heen rodueed Uj a fiamnle conies, and raise a Club. Ad- I iT . ,f reasonable standard on steel and plate dress THE REPUBLIC, St. Louis, Mo. glass both of those industries would , t " " yet so vast are the proportions of tho structure, that a casual onlooker, if, asked his opinion as to its height, would not think of putting it at over ninety to-day be on a sound basis; but the! orotic hundred feet. And so with ro- tariff taxes were made largely in ex- Pltcher'o Castorla 4 :1 t; -4 P 1-