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tou amiv cgi.stti BY ELI P. AKE. JEONTOX. . IISSOURL TO REDUCE THE WEIGHT. nlt for Pnra. Overburdened With Men and women who suffer from - overweight and who have worried with score of unsatisfactory expedients inat promised to reduce uncomfortable adlPOty, will surely be interested in tne methods of treatment which were employed in the case of the late Sena r Stanford; treatment that would probably have been completely success ful had not the fatty degeneration of the heart gone beyond the stage where -oietetic influences were of any avail. -J one of the known varieties of medi cine are really palatable, and all the courses of treatment so far discovered are more or less irksome to those whose v needs "Pairs, and the course which the senator was religiously adhering to when he died vas most distasteful to him. Fried hashed beef, three times a day, washed down -with water that was hot as drinkable water can be. was the only food that entered the senator's stomach for the last seven weeks of his life. This change of regimen was one against which the patient inwardly rebeled ---he had lived as he pleased and ne pleased to live well but he had placed himself in the hands of a phy sician who was an expert in the pro longation of threatened men's days, and was faithful to the instructions given- Tempted continually to indulge in the food on which others who sat at his table feasted, the senator consumed - only the moderate quantity of finely- chopped beef, fried until cooked " through, and the ever-accompanying ; glass of hot water. The primary re . ault of this diet was the loss of thirty - one pounds of flesh in fifty days and the departure of that apoplectic florid ity which had for the past two or three years been one of the sen ator's most marked facial character istics. How much longer the treat ment would have been continued, and " what the ultimate results might have been in this particular case can not be guessed, for the fatty degeneration of the heart suddenly reached the point of fatality and trie dieting came to an - end. Medical experience would sug--gest, though, that everything would have been well had the most vital of -organs been unaffected; that the mere bulk could easily have been removed :and future growth controled. It is -questionable whether the speed of re duction was not too great, and, al- though in the case under discussion the rate probably had nothing to do with the decease, still the best of the - authorities are satisfied that the loss exceeding ten pounds a month is too much of a drain upon ordi nary vitality. The principle of the reduction is easily understood. Lean meat being nitrogenous, -forms muscle and not fat. Lean meat eaten by a very lean person would be difficult of assimilation, for fat is necessary to the assimilative process, but when swallowed by one who is plentifully supplied with fat the com bination supports life and. of course, diminishes the encumbering tissue con- : siderably. The usefulness of hot water as an anti-dyspeptic beverage has long been asserted; it helps digestion as no other perfectly harmless fluid can. Food that is starchy or fat is digested in the small intestines, but lean meat dis tributes its good qualities from the - stomach, and in that work a sufficiency ' - of hot water materially assists the fre quently ineffective gastric juice. Al together the "lean meat remedy" seems to be the best yet known for the re moval of superfluous'fat: and it has the advantages also of being cheap and , easy of application. Washington Star. THE SCILLIES. ? Something About the IVopl of This Qroap of Islands. The chief islands are St. Mary's, Tresco. St. Martin's, Agnes and Bry her. None others are nowadays in habited. St. Mary's, the ; largest, con tains the capital and the seat of local government, though Tresco is the resi dence of the gentleman who. as lessee under the prince of Wales as duke of Cornwall, is known locally as the gov pernor. All told, the population of the isles is under two thousand with a -diminishing tendency. The governor --does not favor an idle tenantry. The -youths who will neither fish nor till the Jand nor keep shop are urged to seek "their fortunes elsewhere. The Scilly damsels, unless snatched -up as brides, are prone to aspire to be- - come dressmakers in Penzance. Noth ing could be better than this for the improvement of the local stock. In past days it was the fashion to inter marry to a deplorable degree. Indeed, the custom still holds, so that on Agnes vou may safely address any man, woman, or child of the seven score in habitants by the name of Hicks or . Jenkins, even as on St. Martins, Ah ford or Nance is a like password. But the Scillonians now see their error in thfe respect. Their little churchyards prove how many a youth and maiden died ere maturity, which, in a land so - notoriously salubrious, can be due only to consanguineous alliances. Cornhill Maaazine. An Inhnmnn Practice. Some crabbed philosopher onee ex pressed the wish that boys between the aees of twelve and twenty might be kept in a barrel and fed through the -bung-hole thereof. He has had to the credit of mankind be it said few svmpathizers with his declaration, -though among certain people, if the report speaks truthfully, a practical - test of the value of the same idea has been made. In New Britain, an island of the Tacific. it is said that all female children are shut up in cages until they .'come of affe. These cages are con structed of palm leaves, and when two ".or three years old the girls are shut -no in them; nor are they permitted to go out on any pretext except once a -dav when they are taken to be washed. " Notwithstanding this forced seclusion, 4he authority states that the young la dies grow up strong and healthy Harper's Young People. A drastic policy of retrenchment and economy ha. been vigorously en tered upon by the government of . nsland, in an endeavor to redeem STcolony's financial standing. The Claries of all the civil rvants from SSest to lowest, will be reduced, but reform is not to affect the salary . of the governor. CcpyrlKh:d. 1891. by S. S. Morton, and pub lished by special arrangement- CHAPTES -XVI. CoTTljrrKD. ne had just entered upon the quiet ista of Delaplaine street, absorbed in his own interesting reflections, when bis attention was idly directed toward a gentleman in an invalid's chair which an attentive valet was slowly pushing along the pavement. The thin, shrunken figure in its rich attire, sparkling with diamonds and resplen dent in fine linen, attracted perhaps rather more than a casual attention from North, whose mini was impressed by the painful contrast between the abject wretchedness of the invalid's face and the pomp and splendor of his outward circumstances. Helpless and suffering, he wai evidently not one whom the severe discipline of physical affliction had softened and refined; it was but too obvious that here was a mind as warped and diseased as its frail tenement. The expression of hii face betrayed a harsh, selfish nature exaggerated almost to a grotesque de gree by years of self-indulgence. He appeared to be constantly on the alert to discover something that he might construe into a grievance. The querulous glance of his restless eyes, the sneering curl of his thin lips under a fierce iron-gray mustache, forestalled all words, and were a sufficient warn ing to persons of acute penetration not to give him the provocation for which he was evidently watching to give way to violent and aggressive wrath. North was passing this gentleman with the speculative but courteous glance of a perfect stranger, when to his utter amazement he was accosted in the most peremptory manner. The wheel chair was brought to a sudden halt, while a petulant voice uttered the startling challenge: "North, you jackanapes! What do you mean, sir? Do you intend to insult spe?" North was electrified. What had he Gone? Who was this interesting in valid? "Some one, evidently, whom I ought to know," ho thought, "and whom K will be awkward and unfortunate to offend. What can I do to pacify him?" Thm, lifting his hat as he turned back to the gentleman, North said, with an apologetic air: "My dear sir, I beg your pardon. I tt23 preoccupied, and did not recognize you at all." This statement, although offered with charming frankness and suavity, was quite thrown away upon the deeply of fended gentleman. "Oh. don't tell me: he cried with an gry emphasis, looking at North with his shrunken sallow face suffused with a purple flush, and his small black eyes flashing resentful fire. "Your wonder ful harangue last night turned your head, I presume. Preoccupied, were you? Didn't see me, eh? Heavens and earth, sir, that's false! It was a piece of deliberate impertinence, North, and you know it. You're carrying a high hand just now, young man; oh, yes, a very high hand, but we'll see how long it will continue! My patience will not last forever. Heavens and earth, there'll be the mischief to pay one of these days! You don't hoodwink me so neatly after all, Mr. North: I'm not the shallow dupe that you take me to be!" "Well, upon my life, what mad, rav ing maniac is this?" thought North, blankly; then, rallying from his amaze ment he said, calmly: "I bog jour pardon, sir. you are un der an entire misapprehension. I have no motive or desire to hoodwink you, and so far as my transactions have any connection with yourself they are open to your inspection. And now, sir," he added, sternly, checking the torrent of abusive word that he plainly perceived THE WHEEL CHAIR WAS BKOfGUT TO A 8UDDEX HALT. to be imminent, "I beg leave to end this colloquy. You have a claim upon my forbearance; otherwise I should require you to apologize for the language in which you have just indulged. Good morning, sir." It will readily be understood that the effect of this encounter was not traa quilizing, and there were superficial traces of annoyance in North's face and manner when, a few moments later, he' entered Mrs. Maynard's drawing-room. He had not iaquirod if Mrs. Maynard were disengaged, rather indolently tak ing it for granted that she would be; and he was very much annoyed to find that lady occupied with morning vis itors. Mrs. Maynard was one of the few ladies in X who found it expe dient to hold morning receptions; and this happened to beher "day." North felt exiremoly awkward on dis covering that he had intruded a purely business call upon a social hour; but be fore he could excuse i?5nself and with draw indeed before he was able to de cide whether or not this would be his better course he was seized upon, fig uratively, by the entire drawing-room and retreat was impossible. Finding that he was intimately acquainted with everyone present, he entered with meas urable agreeablenesa into the current of small talk, inwardly hoping that cone of his friends would notice the circumstance that neither when he first addressed them, nor in his subsequent conversation, did he call any of them by name. He seized an opportunity to speak a few words ta Mrs. Maynard in private, during the course of his call. The conversation had turned upon a wonderful cactus which the gardener had Just induced to bloom for the first time. Everyone had seen it, except North; and with the same exception everyone was going into raptures about it. North immediately became enthusi astic on the subject, for the cactus was in the conservatory, beyond the reach of the sharpest eyes or ears in the drawing-room. "Mrs. Maynard, he exclaimed, turn ing to that lady with an air of mock appeal, "my happiness depends upon my seeing that cactus! Will you favor me to this extent?" With some laughing rejoinder she led the way to the conservatory, which opened from the drawing-room, and a moment later they stood alone in the warm, moist, perfume-laden place, with great banks of tropical plants, wide-spreading palms and stately can nas casting a delicate green twilight around them and a soft, dreamy silence pervading the fragrant gloom. North duly examined the cactus and expressed the proper degree of admira tion; then turning quickly to Mrs. May nard, while his manner changed from the superficial suavity that he had adopted for the drawing-room to a por tentous gravity, he said, in a low tone: "Mrs. Msynard, I have something of great importance to tell you. You will bo surprised perhaps disagreeably. Shall I speak now, or wait until some other time?" She was tearing the petals from a great crimson-hearted rose, and she did not look up; bat the slight tremor of the languid white fingers betrayed to him the nervous agitation against which her pride and will were contending with only partial success. 'You may speak now, Mr. North." Then, wearily: "Why should you wait? It is no worse at one time than another." "True, Mrs. Maynard; and certainty, however unwelcome it may be, is al ways more easily borne than suspense. In one word, then Annie Dupont ha3 been discovered." The soft color in her cheeks died out quickly in the surprise that she felt at this announcement, and for an instant her eyes lifted themselves to his with a half incredulous inquiry. "ou did not expect this, Mr. North?" she questioned, quietly, a curious re serve injier manner which made him vaguelyconscious of having lost ground with her since their last interview. The intimation was too subtle and slight for him to be able to seize upon it and definitely assign a cause; but, had not his affairs been shaping themselves so satisfactorily within the last few days, it would have occasioned him infinite uneasiness. "Expect it?" he repeated, with a short expressive laugh. "No more than Annie Dupont herself! I can scarcely use a stronger comparison. It's the strangest case, Mrs. Maynard, one of those that prove the statement that truth is stranger than fiction. I have not yet been able to lay my hands on the documents which will prove her identity, and establish her legal claims as Mrs. Dunkirk's niece and heir; but that these documents exist I have proof as clear as the noon-day, and I confi dently expect within the next twelve hours to have those papers seeurely in my possession." Absently breaking off a bit of pale blue heliotrope that was reaching out temptingly toward him over th e mass of fragrant blossoms, he put it careless ly in hL buttonhole as he spoke these last words. "Does this proof come through the man who called hera a few days ago?" inquired Mrs. Ma3'nard with the same reserve and in a speculative tone. Her fingers were still busy with their work of destruction; her eyes idly watched the great crimson petals fluttering to their death. "O'Reilly?" North smiled a little, with his eye3 fixed in sharp but baffled scrutiny upon her coldly unresponsive face. "Yes, through him. I could take him into court to-day, with two or three other persons who are equally within reach, and by his sworn testimony, without the aid of any doeumentary evidence whatever, establish Annie Du pont's identity so thoroughly that no combination nor conspiracy against her could possibly overthrow it; but for her sake I prefer to wait for the corrobora tive testimony that those documents contain. There will surely be but a few hours' longer delay." He was unconscious of the warmth in his words and manner until he was awakened to the fact by the cold, sur prised inquiry in Mrs. Maynard's sud denly lifted eyes. "You are singularly enthusiastic, Mr. North," she said, slowly, holding her gaze steadily, while North, with mo mentary discomfiture, felt himself flushing a little under its cold accusa tion. "You leave me no possible infer ence but that your most ardent wish is to establish this identity. May I ask if your sudden interest in this hitherto unknown heiress is purely profes sional?" He did not, at that moment, fathom the suspicion in her mind, but he vaguely caught its superficial signifi cance. A curious little smile crossed his face, then a perfect inscrutability veiled its whole expression. Mrs. May nard, observing hlra with sharp intent ness, felt all the shock of a sudden and unexpected repulse. She had knocked at a door that had instantly baen double-barred and locked against her. "As for that, Mrs. Maynard," North rejoined, after a moment's pause, lite manner light and jesting, "so long as the lawyer is ahxl a man, it is not always possible to disassociate his per sonal and professional feelings. If they don't antagonize each other, they gen erally become merged, you know." "Especially where a young and beau tiful heiress is concerned," suggested Mrs. Maynard, with quiet bitterness. "Why do you think that Annia Du pont merits that description, Mrs. May nard?" demanded North, teasingly. "Wore we speaking of Annie Du pont?" returned Mrs. Maynard, with a frigidly polit stare. "Your question implies a degree of self-consciousness, Mr. North But pray excusejne; I can not leave my friends any longer. I have been absent from the drawing-room too long already. Understand me distinctly, Mr. North," she added, facing him proudly for an instant with a brilliant color in her cheeks and a defiant light in her dark brown eyes, "I am sincerely glad to hear of Annie Dnpont's good for tune, and I congratulate you with all my heart on having been the disinter ested means of bringing about this happy resuitr North confusedly murmured his thanks and turned to follow her to the drawing-room. He felt amused, an noyed, and on the whole rather disap pointed in this interview. It had de veloped absolutely nothing to his prac tical advantage, while it had suggested a whole train of baffling speculations; and to crown all, he had a harassing suspicion that in this passage-at-arma with Mrs. Maynard he had not figured so creditably as he could have desired. But he had no opportunity to indulge his slight chagrin on this account, for the instant he reentered the drawing room he received a shock that drove all these less important matters from his mind for the time. At the further end of the long drawing-room, talking to a garrulous old dowager in eye-glasses, who had evi dently captured her upon her first ap pearance in the room, stood a young lady yes, the very same whom he had seen with Mrs. Maynard in the car riage. She was tall and slight, with a proud, delicate face, whose exquistte fairness was accentuated by the sof i clinging crape of a rich mourning dress. She was beautiful enough to make a sensa tion in any social assembly, yet so icily cold that all words of admiration would freeze upon the most ardent lips. There were many who, observing her in dif ferent mood., fancied that beneath this ice throbbed a warm heart that had suffered as only the heart of a proud, loving woman cars; but of this the se rene brow and los crave no sign. North stood transfixed for a moment as if oblivious of the presence of others, unconscious of the emotions that his face was betraying. All doubt was gone from his mind. Even if he could have questioned the direct evidence o his own eyes, he received convincing TALKING TO A G ARItCT-OCS OLD DOW AG EH. proof in the cold recognition that hef proud glance expressed as it rested upon him for an instant. It was not such a glance as a perfect stranger, however indifferent toward him &h might feel, would bestow; under all ita hauteur a flash of passion lay scorn, contempt, unforgiving resentment, which told of the pre-existence of some kindlier sentiment. In answer to the look that she met from his eyes a scorn ful little smile flitted over her lips, and, bowing very slightly in recogni tion of his presence, she deliberately turned away to avoid any further notice of him, and continued the con versation which had suffered no break in consequence of this little by-play. So quickly had the mutual recogni tion taken place that only one person in the drawing-room besides the two mvst intimately concerned had taken cog nizance of the fact. Mrs. Maynard had spoken twice to North and he had not heard her; but when, suddenly recalled to his surroundings, and the fact that he must behave sanely while he was under the scrutiny of so many curious eyes, he turned toward her with an effort to resume his usual manner and expression, she was saying in a low, satirical tone: "You seem to take a strange interest in Miss Hilary this morning, Mr. North. May I suggest that your manner Ls a little just a little, perhaps notice able?" North flushed deeply; he had not yet regained his self-possession, as his hur riedly uttered words proved. "I have seen Miss Hilary before, Mrs. Maynard. We are quite old friends," he said. The mockery in Mrs. Maynard's smile instantly changed to something else not quite translatable, but suggesting utter disbelief in his statement. "Indeed!" she said, coldly. "No one would have suspected this from your manner of meeting her here two weeks ago." "My manner of meeting her " North abruptly checked the indignant dis claimer, adding, desperately: "There has been a misunderstanding, Mrs. May nard, which I cannot explain now, but in a few days more I shall be at liberty to speak. In the meantime will you not pity rather than condemn?" It was an involuntary appeal wrung from him hy the fear that before he could have an opportunity to plead his cause before Myra some malign fate might interpose and separate them again. If he regarded Mrs. Maynard as the impersonation of that fate his heart must have failed him, for marble could not have been more cold and piti less as she turned away from him with the words: "Unless you deserve condemnation, you surely do not require pity. Your re quest is a confession, Mr. North." She left him then, in order to receive some one who had just entered the drawing-room; and North. reviving as if from the effects of a sudden dash of cold water, found his wits sufficiently to resolve upon an Immediate departure. He had succeeded, after waiting a few moments for the opportunity, in mak ing his adieux to Mrs. Maynard, and had reached the drawing-room door when. Williams confronted him with a mes sage. "Maj. Maynamd's compliments," he said, bowing low, "and will Mr. North please come up to the major's study for a few moments?" It flashed upon North's mind instant ly that there must not appear in his manner the slightest hesitancy about complying with this request, and he therefore assented at once; but he was in no enviable state of mind as he fol lowed Williams up the broad staircase. Oddly enough he had never calculated upon the probability of his being com pelled to meet Maj. Ma3-nard, and he had not prepared his mind f ov such an emergency. He had no time now to do more than to rally his self-possession and nerve himself to meet the unex pected in whatever shape it might pre- I sent itself to hiui. falling back upon a measurably clear conscience as a sus taining factor. The major's "study so-called, al though there was nothing in the ap pointments of that luxurious den or in the occupations daily pursued within its four walls to warrant such a desig nation was situated near the first land ing of the winding stairway. to bs coxnauzD.J TAX REFORM DEPARTMENT. (Tfcis department aims to Five everybody's Ideas about taxation not tariff). Write your opinions briefly, and they will be published or discussed in their turn by the editor or by a mem ber of the Taxation Society. Address, "Taxa tion Society," ibis office or P. O. Box SB, Buf falo, X. Y.) DIRECT LEGISLATION. Call Sent Oat From the Central Labor Council of Cincinnati. To the Public: Our system of repre sentative legislation is rotten. Witness the passage of the Strehli law giving more privileges to the street railway monopoly of this city, and the refusal of the legislature to pass the Ford bill to repeal the Weitzel law. It is pro posed to change the system by substi tuting that of direct legislation which includes the following: 1. The right to approve or reject pro posed state laws shall rest with a major ity of the citizens of the state. The right to approve or reject the proposed laws of any political subdivision of the state (such as county, city, town, town ship or village), shall rest with a ma jority of the people of such subdivision. The method of such approval or rejec tion shall be that known as the refer endum. 2. The (right to propose laws for the state shall (in addition to being exer cised by members of the senate and house of representatives), rest with any proportion of the citizens of the state, between five and twenty-five per cent., which may be determined by statute law. The right to propose laws for any political subdivision of the state, (such as county, city, town, township or village), shall (in addition to being exercised by members of its legislative body as at present) rest with any pro portion of its citizens, between five and twenty-five per cent., which may be de termined by a law of such political subdivision. The method to be em ployed in so proposing measures shall be that known as the initiative. Abusing the "Hayseed. Taxation to the hayseed constituent of interior senators and representatives is a scheme for fining the successful business man of the metropolis just as much as his accumulations will stand, so as to relieve the poor hayseed from a few pennies of the exactions levied upon his land. Inquiry into the tax methods has to him and his representa tives only this and nothing more. You can reach tlie bucolic ear with the cry of home rule on any matter of public polity, excepting taxation. On that he is an obstinate and obdurate conservative. It is ingrained in his mental constitution that any change in the vexatious' and expensive system now existing will increase his burdens, and he can hardly ever be got to listen. It ws certainly a most simple and com prehensible proposition to let each county determine how it would raise its money for public purposes. State authority would still have the full power to fix how much each county would be required to pay for state pur poses. County authorities would lose no part of their power to designate how much, and how, money must be raised for county expenses. If a rural county still desired to make its rich men per jurers by insisting upon personal prop erty tax the.y could go to sheol in their own way. The only sufferers would be banks, widows and orphans and the few rich men who are cursed with ten der consciences. The great raft of owners of personalty would go un scathed, save for a fresh scar on their already tattooed hearts. It is almost too late to pray for any change of the bucolic mind in this par ticular. Still, we will once again point out that it does not matter one iota to the people of any rural county how the taxes of New York city are raised. If they see fit to raise them wholly from land values, the farmer can have no possible reason to object. It will not make the difference of a single penny either in their land or taxes. The county option tax bill will enable every community to put its own ideas into operation, without the interference of its neighbors or any prejudice to their property, or free regulation of their own affairs. If anything has been demonstrated, it is that no equitable way of collect ing personal taxes has ever been de vised. It has not and can not be made to bear equally and uniformly upon all such property. That is the experience of the world, civilized, semi-civilized ami barbarous ever since man under took to raise the money to support the government. It has never accomplished anything but gross injustice, the de velopment of fraud and perjury, the re lief of liars and bribers and the in crease of the burdens of those who are too honorable to lie and too poor to bribe. The Turkish governors of the Danubian principalities had the effect ive method of tying up the suspected possessor of hidden wealth, hands and feet together, and flogging him with the barbarous double-edged sword. This method occasionally wrung a few piasters from the stores of sorrowing relatives or soft-hearted spectators, and so was regarded with favor by tax farmers. Even a hayseed, however, would hardly approve of the regular employment of this method of saving him from the few pennies of tax on farm land which he unwillingly pays. He prefers some good ingenious scheme of soul torture as the Georgia tax list ing Taw, and puts a premium on per jury, individual and official. The of ficial tax gatherer must perjure him self when he swears that his assessment roll is equal, just and fair, while each individual tax payer either honestly endures unjust and unfair exactions or perjures himself to swear them off. Wm. G. McLaughlin. Liveries, the Badge of Serfdom. The Massachusetts stranger spoken of in the Eagle of last Thursday, who said, "Your city should compel them (the horde of filthy, saucy and noisy Italian bootblacks) to pay a license tax and wear a badge the same as express men," should inform this community how he earns his living and whether he wears a badge or not. No one should pay a license or wear a badge when earning a living at a le gitimate occupation. He who would turn liberty to license has little knowl edge of the causes of brutality and crime. Poughkeepsie Sunday Times. Good for Bond Holders. The railroads encourage the farmer in crying for taxation of personal prop erty, because that would let them out. Their bonds are not taxable and their stocks can be hidden, sent away or sworn off- How It Works m Boston. Smith forms a little corporation to build a railroad in Vermont. The rail road is fully taxed there. But Smith lives in Boston; and, as he owns all the stock say, $100,000 and stock in foreign corporation is assessed there, he is taxed on the whole amount a sec ond time. He mortgages the road for 9100,000 and spends the proceeds on im provements. This additional value is taxed in Vermont. But he sells the mortgage bonds to Brown, of Boston, who is then taxed again upon the whole $100,000. Brown pledges the bonds to Jones as security for a loss of $100,000, and forthwith Jones is taxed upon the whole amount. This makes three taxes upon only one piece of real property. This is the way in which the wise men of Massachusetts mean that their laws shall work; but. as the taxpaj-ers revolt against such injustice and protect themselves in the only way open to them to-wit, by hard swear ing Massachusetts counteracts that evil by increasing everybody's taxes fourfold, on the assumption that all have made false returns alike. At all events, this is how they do it in Boston. How Taxation is Studied in Pennsyl vania. Let us hope that the "study" this commission has given to the "tax ques tions" will not prove to be the same kind of "study" the governor himself once gave to tariff taxation, viz.: call in the plutocrats and ask them how the people ought to be taxed. Let us also hope that their study is not the same sort a Penns3'lvania commission always gives the "tax question:" "How to tax the masses without taxing the classes; how to tax industry without taxing monopoly; how to have more meney in the treasury for rings to manipulate; how to pretend to do something for the people and really do nothing at alL What is taxation and what is unjust taxation; what has the state a right to take and what has it no right to take; what taxation will promote the general welfare and what will be injurious to it all these are questions that these commission stu dents of taxation generally know lit tle about and concerning which they care even less. The Crusade. How misplaced is the sympathy for debtors as against creditors will appeaf from a fact which is not generally con sidered, but which the events of the past two weeks on the New York stock exchange have made plain, namely, that the debtors who are in trouble art not poor and needy people, but adven turers who were seeking to make them selves rich by the aid of borrowed money. Another fact, no less impor tant but quite as unfamiliar, is that creditors are mostly people of moderate means, not to say poor, and that in number they far exceed the debtors. The largest borrowers, also, lesides the speculators in stocks who have just come to grief on our stock exchange, are, first, the railroad companies, whose aggregate debt amounts to $0,000,000, 000, then the banks, state and national, which have deposits amounting to $2, 500,000,000, and the United States gov ernment itself, which owes in round numbers $1,000,000,000. In addition there are state, city and county obliga tions amounting altogether in 1800 to $1,135,210,442. These debts are owing, not to a few capitalists, but to a multi tude of small creditors, man3' of them women.who have invested in them their own savings, or have inherited them from relatives who did the same. But by far the most nv.merous class of creditors in the country, and one whose, claims to consideration are not, I think, sufficiently estimated, are the workers for wages and salaries. Out of our total population of 65,000.000 there must be at least 10,000,000 of men, women and children who depi'.nd for a living upon their personal labor. Estimating their earnings at the low average of one dollar a day, these sons and daughters of toil find themselves at the end of every week the creditors of their employers to the amount of $60,000,000, and in the course of a ysar to one of $3,120,000,000. The valuof this vast sum in purchasing articles of daily use is measured by the valuft of the dollar, and to diminish that value for the benefit of the comparatively small number of debtors is to rob the many for the benefit of a few. A large portion of these 10,000,000 earn ers of wages are, moreover, creditors in another way. The census shows that 4,781,605 of them have savings bank Ac counts, amounting on an average to 35S each, and in the aggregate to $1,712,769,626. The debtors, who bor row this money, borrow it in sums ranging from $1,000 to $500,000, but as suming the average to be $5,000, theif number is only 342,554. The taxation of credits sought as a measure for the relief of the debtors could not therefore benefit more than 342,554 persons ow ing money to savings banks, while it would injure 4,781,605 who have depos its in them. A million and a quarter or more people hold, also, policies of in surance on their lives, aggregating more than $3,500,000,000, for the secur ity of which the companies have assets amounting to $750,000,000. These are still more largely interested in the exemp tion of evidencesof debt from'taxation. The only debtors, of any number, who seem to dese. ve consideration in the matter of taxation are the farmers who have bought land on credit and have given mortgages on it for the pur chase money. These deservedly claim the natural sympathy felt with men who are striving to secure homes for themselves and their families, and since they believe that to tax the money loaned to them would make it easier for them to pay off their mortgages there is strong impulse to grant it to them. It would have the contrary effect, and on the other hand, it should be remem bered that buying land on credit is as much speculation as buying stocks is, and, for the most part, those who have engaged in it have seen the market val ue of their purchases advance and the rate of interest decline, for more than enough to compensate them for any ad ditional burden on the land which the exemption of the little money now taxed might cause. Besides, when it comes to choosing between them and the much more numerous little credit ors I have mentioned, the preponder ance of sympathy as well as of numbers is against them. Matthew Marshall, in N. Y. Sun. Another Case Mr. Haires Do you ever print, ah anything oiTered by a poet? Editor (savagelj') No, sir! Mr. Haires I'm sorry; I was going to offer you an advertisement for a dry-goods clerkship, as I'm sick of the poetry business. But I guess the paper over the way will fix me. Truth. PITH AND POINT. Many friendships last because therei is the width of a street Jietween th friends. Puck. ' " In a well regulated family the olive branch of peace is sometimes a stout hickory sprout. Dallas News. The time appears to be at hand when a man who is referred to as silver-haired will regard it as an attempt to depreciate him. Philadelphia Led ger. ; "It isn't right to say that a man has no redeeming qualities. "Well,! no at least not until you have con sulted his pawnbroker. Detroit Trib une. Young Mr. Sapley "I wish I could get me a hat that was suited to my head." Miss Palisade "Why don't you try a soft hat!" Clothier and Fur nisher. . , Slimson (sternly) "Willie, where are those green apples gone that were down cellar?" Willie "They are with the Jamaica ginger that was In the closet. N. Y. Sun. "It doesn't seem possible that any woman would lead a man to drink de liberately." "Well, she has." "How do you know?" "She has dried bee for lunch every day." Inter-Ocean. Tagleigh "Dr. Druggem is quite a linguist. He tells me he has learned all his languages from his patients. Wagleigh "Is that so? Then they must be dead languages." N.Y. Herald. Jess (in restaurant) "I'm hungry enough to eat a horse and chase the rider." Bess "What are you going to order?" Jess "Waiter, bring me three cream puffs and a cup of cocoa." N. Y. Times. She "But you 'have no reason to be jealous of me; . you know you haven't." He "Reason! Reason! I dispensed with my reason entirely when I fell in love with you." In dianapolis Journal. No Help For It. He "What the mischief is this?" His Wife "You will have to eat your oatmeal in a flower pot this morning, dear. I haven't been able to get to a china shop since our girl left." N. Y. Sun. "No, father," said the young man with the college medal, "no farming in mine; you're going to hear from me in the world." "I reckon we will," ex claimed the old man, "an in about ten seconds; John, reach me that hickory !' : Atlanta Constitution. A Deep Injury. "You you passed me to-day on the street'" sobbed the fair girl, "and d -d-d id n't even look at me." "Where was it?" inquired the young man, anxiously. "D-d -down, town," was the tearful answer. "I I was in the c-car, while you were hurry ing along the street just as though I I never existed." Judge. THE WISE GIRL, And How She Arrange for Comfort la at Sleeping Car. The wise girl knows that nothing is quite so desirable for wear in the sleep ing car as a wrapper of dark -colored flannel. It may be stated as a positive fact that women who try to make themselves look coquetish in a sleeping car, and wear elaborate negligea or lace-trimmed wrappers, show ex tremely bad taste. Experience has taught that a wrapper of soft flannel in stripes of black and1 blue, made in the simplest fash-; ion, is most useful. When she is ready to go to bed, and the1 porter arranges her berth for her, she goes to the toilet-room, taking with' her her shawl-strapped package. She removes her shoes and stockings, puts on the knitted slippers that she hasi taken out of her bag, removes any gar-1 ments which she pleases, and assuming her wrapper, which has been folded in her shawl strap, repairs to her berth, j After fastening the buttons of the cur tains, she disposes of her clothing as4 best she can, folding each article smoothly and carefully, and placing her money, watch and tickets in her wrapper pocket. And then she should' try to rest the porter will call her in good season,, and her ticket will not be asked .'for during the night. In her shawl strap, which, shows as its. outer wrapping s shawl or traveling' rug, she may have her own pillow if she desires it.' But this is not a necessity, as the cars are supplied with linen that is usually fresh and clean. In the morning the wise girl will put on her stockings and shoes in bed, leaving the lacing or but toning of them till later. Then she will assume her other garments and re pair to the toilet-room, where she should as expeditiously as possible make herself neat, trim and fresh, that her friends ,who are to meet her may not find her dusty nor travel-stained. This she should do quickly, that she may not be classed among the women who are the dread of all considerate women on the fparlor cars the women who take and hold possession of a toilet room as if it were a fort. Ladies' Home JournaL 1 . He Was Mot an "Exception. A Detroiter, of a very mild and placid; temper, had some business ' attended to, or pretended to be attended to, by a Cleveland firm, and do what he could by letter he could not get a settlement: Finally he went there in person and settled the matte. "It's the worst I ever saw," he said, in parting. "We've attended to a good many peo ple's business," argued the head of the firm. "But not as you have mine." " " "Yes, quite the same. ' "Oh, eome off," exclaimed the dis gusted Detroiter. "You can't staff that down my throat If you had treated very many people as you have treated me, you would have been killed long before ever I heard of you," and with that burst of anger be walked out per fectly satisfied. Detroit Free Press. Only One Climatic Drawback. Eastern Newcomer It looks as if it ought to be healthy around here, Jumpclaim Jim Tis healthy, pard ner. There's only one disease that ever prove's fatal in these diggins'. Eastern Newcomer What disease is that? Jumpclaim Jim (carelessly resting his hand an a belt full of six shooters) ' Lead poison in'. Ef yer system is. lucky ernuff ter escape that yer kin live a hundred years without dyin. Buffalo Courier. Candy Hungry. ' Wee Son When Johnny Jumpupp'a papa died his mamma gave him a whole lot of candy. ' Mamma What of it? v Wee Son Nothing, only 1 was won dering if it wouldn't be all, right if you'd just pretend my papa was dead, instead of waitin' for a truly fonerTsL Good Newa