The loss of the missing' ship Ivanhoe
has been substantially confirmed by
the finding of one of her life buoys by
Indians on the west coast of Vancou
ver island.
The board of stewards of the Cali
fornia Jockey club of San Franeisco
suspended Lucky Baldwin's trainer,
Wm. Brien, on the 2Gth, lor suspected
crooked work.
Advices from Tamatave say that the
address issued by Queen Ranavalo,
urging the Ilovas to resist the French,
had been received by the people with
frantic enthusiasm.
A bill will be presented in the Ala
"bama legislature forbidding the play
ing of football in the state, except by
college teams, and by them only on
their own grounds.
The regular cabinet meeting, on the
30th, was set aside, as on the three
previous cabinet days. The inclemency
of the weather, probably, prevented
the president from attending.
Newspapers of all the political par
ties in Berlin eulogize the deceased
Princess Bismarck as a true type of the
German hausfrau, who only lived for
her husband and children, and in no
way meddled in politics.
The London Standard published, on
the 27th, a dispatch from Tokio stating
that the Japanese would next land
troops to the eastward of Wei-Hai-Wei,
attacking that place from the east and
afterward march to Pekin.
The Werner publishing concern,
-with headquarters in Chicago and
works in Akron, O., announced, on the
27th, that the wages of its employes,
1,000 in number, would be restored to
the standard of a year ago, when they
were cut 10 per cent.
Wiiex the Shoe and Leather bank of
If ew York opened for business on the
morning of the 26th, it had in its
vaults 81,500,000. The officers calcu
lated that if that went, in the event of
a run, they could realize all they need
ed by a sale of securities. No run oc
curred. Orders were issued from the head
quarters of the American sugar re
finery trust, on the 27th, to shut down
completely all the refineries of the
company in Boston, New York, Phila
delphia and other cities. Fifty thou
sand operatives will be affected by the
closing of these works.
Ox the night of the election some one
cut the rope on the United States
signal service flag pole, at Murray, la.,
allowing the Stars and Stripes to fall
to the ground. The matter is under
going a rigid investigation and the
guilty parties are to be taught a les
son in respect for the ensign of their
A meteor, said to have been the size
of a balloon, fell to the earth in the
southwestern part of Council Bluffsja.,
on the night of the 13th. Just before
it struck the earth it exploded, and its
fragments were scattered over several
acres of ground. The pieces will be
gathered and sent to the state geologist
for analysis.
TnE cabinet meeting was postponed
for the third time, on the 27th, owing
to the absence of the president. His
physician said that while the presi
dent was much better, his rheumatic
foot worried him considerably, and lie
thought it more prudent to have him
remain at Woodley than to go to the
White House.
A dispatch to the Pall Mall Gazette
of London, on the 30th, from Che-Fo,
asserted that terms of peace between.1 a
pan and China had been completed
through the intervention of the United
States government, and that the feel
ing of security was so strong that
many of the foreign ladies were re
turning to Pekin.
Supt. Stump of the immigration bu
reau estimates that since October,
1893, the exodus of foreign steerage
passengers from the United States has
been greater than the number arriv
ing. Of the 283,020 arriving during
the last fiscal year 2,394 were debarred
and deported for disabilities under the
immigration laws.
Galena, I1L, is to have a splendid oil
painting of Lee's surrender to Gen.
Grant at Appomattox, by Thomas
Nast, the warm friend and ardent ad
mirer of the hero of the scene depicted.
It will be the gift to the old town of
its former citizen, II. II. Kohlsaat, who
has alreadyt presented his old-time
fellow-citizens with a monument to
Ferdinand Ward, whose criminal
operations involved the name and for
tune of Gen. Grant, has received from
Gov. Flower of New York letters re
storing him to full rights as a citizen.
Mr. Ward will at once institute legal
proceedings for the possession of his
son, whom he claims is wrongfully
withheld by an irregularly-appointed
The second annual meeting of share
holders of the Maritime Sugar trust,
known as the Arcadia Sugar Refining
Co., was held in Halifax. N. S., on the
29th, when some startling facts re
garding the working of the concern
were brought out. The company has
a capital of 88,000,000, and the total
net profits, as shown by the report,
were 87,698 for the past fourteen
Priness Loose of Schleswig-Hol-stein-Lindenburg-Gluckburg,
sister of
Kino- Christian of Denmark and aunt
of the dowage czarina of Russia, the
lrincr of Greece and the princess of
Wales, died, on the 30th, from the ef
fects of an operation performed on an
abscess. She was 74 years old, and
was appointed abbess of the convent of
Itzehoe, Holstein, in 1860, amd died in
that institution.
Paying Teller Satbes of the Shoe
and Leather bank of New York said, on
the 26th, that there was not the least
shadow of doubt that the man who
-was found drowned at Flushing, N. Y.,
on the 24th, was Frederick R. Baker,
the man who assisted Seeley to rob the
bank. He said he had known him for
at least eight years, and during that
period had paid him money at least
three times a week
f V
A Summary of Important Events.
There are indications that many
members of the national house of rep
resentatives who were defeated for re
election will not attend the incoming
session of congress. It is said that
over twenty-five members have already
written to the sergeant-at-arms of the
house asking that their mileage for
the incoming session be forwarded to
them, as they do not intend to come to
Washington this winter.
The recent edict calling for the seiz
ure at the Turkish frontier of foreign
newspapers containing accounts of the
Armenian massacre prohibits the entry
of every American newspaper into
Turkey. This action on the part of
the Turkish government is supposed to
be due to the attitude assumed by the
American press on the Armenian ques
tion. It was officially announced in Berlin,
on the 26th, that Japan recognizes that
the United States minister at Tokio,
Mr. Dun, is a suitable channel through
which China can open up negotiations
for peace. The powers will not take
any part in the negotiations. They
will simply remain spectators. It is
considered that China is in a position
to pay the Japanese demands if the
war ceases now, Japan to hold Port
Arthur until her demands are satisfied.
On the 26th Secretary Carlisle ac
cepted the Stewart syndicate offer for
the $50,000,000 bond loan at their bid
of 117.077 per S100, all or none.
A large attendance and impressive
ceremonies marked the funeral of Gen.
Gibson at Tiffin, O., on the 26th.
Owing to the spread of diphtheria
throughout the city of Detroit, Mich..
the board of health, on the 26th, or
dered the closing of every public
school in the city until the epidemic
Nicholas II., czar of Russia, and
Princess Alexandra Fedrovna (Alix of
Hesse-Darmstadt) were married in St.
Petersburg, on the 26th, in accordance
with the wishes of the dead czar, who
seemed to fear that some political in
fluence might be brought to bear to
break the match if it was delayed.
On the 27th Gov. Flower of New
York issued a notice giving District
Attorney Fellows of New York city
four days in which to answer the
charges filed against him, on the 26th,
by the German-American Reform union
of New York city, and to show cause
why he should not be removed from
A violent shock of earthquake, hav
ing motions both undnlatory and ver
tical, was felt at Brosica, Italy, on the
27th. The shock was followed by
rumbling sounds. Similar shocks
were felt at Bologna and Verona. The
average duration of shocks was four
John D. Francis, the aged father of
ex-Gov. Francis, of Missouri, died sud
denly at his home in St. Louis, on the
27th, aged 74. He had apparently been
in the enjoyment of the best of health
until the day of his death.
Princess Bismarck, nee Peuttkamer,
died in Varzin, on the 27th, aged 70
years. She was married to Prince Bis
marck, July 13, 1347, and was the
mother of three children, Marie, Her
bert and William.
The United States of Colombia has
drawn against the Panama Canal Co.
of Paris for 1,500,000 francs, on account
of the sum which it agreed to pay for
an extension of the concession.
Nicaragua has passed a rigid law
regarding compulsory military service
which will embrace both natives and
resident foreigners between the ages
of 18 and 35.
All the executive departments of
the government closed at 12 m. on the
28th, in order to give the clerks an op
portunity to prepare to observe Thanks
giving day.
Rio Janeiro advices state that chol
era has appeared among the Chinese
coolies in various parts of the states of
Rio Janeiro and Sao Paulo. The dis
ease causes death in a few hours, and
doctors are undecided whether it is
cholera or a new type of yellow fever.
At 3 o'clock on the morning of the
27th the city of Waterbury, Conn., was
shaken from end to end by the explo
sion of 120 pounds of fulminate of mer
cury in a powderhouse of the Water
bury Brass Co. John Kelly, aged 46. a
powdermaker, who was in the build
ing, was blown to pieces.
British Minister Goshing has noti
fied Nicaragua that Great Britain re
fuses to recognize the Nicaraguan gov
ernment at Bluefields. After an ex
chancre of views, on the 27th, Minister
Goshing telegraped to Port Lima for a
British war-ship to come at once to
Bluefields. It is reported that the
Nicaraguan canal project is at the bot
tom of the matter, and serious trouble
is feared.
A ballot was taken in both houses
of the Alabama general assembly, on
the 27th, for United States senator to
succeed John T. Morgan (dem.). Mor
gan received "J3 votes m the senate and
61 in the house; Warren Reese (pop.),
of Montgomery, received 9 votes in the
senate and 24 in the house.
The Security national bank of Grand
Island, Neb., closed its doors on the
27th. It is thought not to be so much
of a failure as a disagreement between
the officers of the bank. It has a cap
ital stock of 8200,000. The deposits are
said to be 850,000, of which S20,000 are
county funds. United States Senator
George G. Vest, of Missouri, is largely
District Attorney Slaight at Ash
land, Wis., has sworn out warrants for
the arrest of J. II. Leasia, chairman of
the county board of Ashland county,
and E. B. Gordon, town clerk of the
town of Morse, charging each of them
with the crime forgery upon election
returns for county superintendent of
schools in the town of Morse.
An earthquake at Quito, Ecuador, on
the 27th, lasting thirty-seven seconds,
did great damage. Pulcan church was
destroyed, and fourteen bodies were
taken from the ruins. Many other per
sons were killed or wounded. The
government sent aid to the sufferers.
Jcdge Isaac Howe, late candidate
for governor of
populist ticket,
Bed field, on the
South Dakota on the
died at his home in
28th, after an illness
of three weeks.
Port Arthur is being reorganized
by the Japanese. The people of the
vicinity are welcoming their new mas
ters. The deaths of Sir Charles Newton
and Viscount Monck were announced
from England on the 29th. Prof. Chas.
Newton enriched the British museum
with the results of his antiquarian re
searches. Viscount Monck was governor-general
of Canada in 186.1
The funeral of Anton Gregor Ituben-:
stein took place in the Alexander New-,
ski church in St. Petersburg on the
28th. Delegates from many musical
societies followed the remains of the
great pianist and composer from Peter
hof to St. Petersburg.
The police and post office officials of
London and Liverpool are closely
watching the developments of a revival
of Fenian activity in both those cities.
The movement is attributed to the
American section of the Irish party.
The entire town of Metamora, near
Toledo, O., was destroyed by fire on
the night of the 27th.
A large crowd of Davenport busi
ness men celebrated Thanksgiving day
by attending the formal opening of the
completed portion - of the Hennepin
canal. At 9 a. m. the gates of the
sluiceway, alongside the guard lock, a
mile and a half above Milan, 111., four
and one-half miles from the Missis
sippi, were opened, and the canal part
ly filled with water.
A. W. Little, who had been on trial
for his life in the district court at
Olathe, Kas., for the killing of Lawyer
B. E. Johnson in Kansas City, Kas.,
July 19, 1893, was, on the 29th, found
not guilty by the jury, whereupon
Judge Burris at once said: "Mr. Lit
tle, you are discharged."
Because the United States govern
ment makes express stipulation that
its contracts for public works shall
only be given to United States citizens,
it is 'proposed that the Dominion gov
ernment pass legislation at the next
session making it compulsory that all
contractors for Canadian public works
must be British subjects; this restric
tion to be operative as long as the
United States government discrim
inates against British contractors.
James B. Cleveland, of Onconta, N.
Y., committed suicide, on the 29th, by
taking morphine. He was distantly
related to President Cleveland, and for
many years was employed in the treas
ury department at Washington, and
had recently been connected with the
New York customhouse.
The United States embassies and
consulates were generally closed
throughou Europe Thanksgiving day.
There was no Thanksgiving celebra
tion of any kind in London. The staff
of the United States embassy, how
ever, dined with United States Ambas
sador Baj'ard.
It was rumored in Odessa, on the
29th, that Grand Duke George, the
czarowitz, had died a few days before.
No official confirmation of the rumor
has been received.
Samuel Payne, the negro who some
time since murdered Maud Rubel, a
young white girl, at Omaha, Neb.,
was, on the 29th, found guilty of mur
der in the first degree.
The Birmingham (Ala.) cotton com
press owned by Inman & Co., was
burned on the night of the 29th, to
gether with 600 bales of cotton. The
tire is supposed to have originated
from a spark from a locomotive. The
loss is 25,000, with partial insurance.
The Chicago police arrested, on the
30th, seven members of the "Thieves'
Protective and Mutual Benefit associa
tion," to which no one is eligible who
has not been at least four times under
arrest and served at least one term in
the penitentiary.
Southern Associated Press stock
holders, representing forty leading
newspapers, have decided, with only
one dissenting vote, to ratify an
agreement to ally with the United
The report of the death of Grand
Duke George, the czarowitz of Russia,
was officially denied on the 30th.
Another terrific eruption of the
Colima volcano has occurred. The
scene, as witnessed from Guadalajara,
Mexico, is described as a grand one.
It is feared that there was a severe
loss of property and probably of life.
Thcrman Balding, alias "Skeeter,'
Jesse Snider and Will Farris, all mem
bers of the Cook gang, were sentenced,
on the 30th, in the United States court
at Fort Smith, Ark. "Skeeter' re
ceived thirty years, and Snider and
Farris twenty years each. The house
of correction at Detroit, Mich., was
designated as the place where they
must serve their long sentences.
The decrease in national bank note
circulation during November was 8873,
493, leaving the aggregate circulation
outstanding, on the 30th, at 8206,594,
110. The circulation based on United
States bonds decreased during the
month 82,323,005, showing that the
banks are withdrawing their bonds al
most to the limit 83,000,000 allowed
by law during any one month.
According to the report of the New
Orleans cotton exchange the Novem
ber total shows the largest monthly
movement of cotton into sigbt in the
history of the trade, the total reaching,
in round numbers, 2,159,000 bales,
against 1,675,000 last year, 1,483,000 in
1S92, and 1,919,000 in 1891, the latter
the year of the 9,035,000-bale crop.
The weekly statement of the asso
ciated banks of New York city, issued
on the 1st, showed the following
changes: Reserve, decrease, 813,306,800;
loans, increase, 84,450,700; specie, de
crease, 819.531,900; legal tenders, in
crease, 82,591,200; deposits, decrease,
812,535,600; circulation, increase, 89,
600 .
Miss Agnes Cullinan, aged 47 years,
a sister of Col. Cullinan, division com
missary of the Pennsylvania national
guard, and Mrs. Ella Smith, aged 38, a
widow, were burned to death in a
Philadelphia boardinghouse fire on
the 1st. A number of other inmates
were rescued by the firemen.
The almost complete annihilation by
wolves of a party of wedding guests
who were returning to their homes
from the village of Hidos, Hungary,
where the ceremony which they had
attended had been performed, was re
ported on the 1st.
The Portuguese commandant of the
Chimoio Beira railway recently ordered
the Cape Town (South Africa) police to
fire on a party of navvies for disobey
ing orders. The police loaded, but the
commandant alone fired, killing an
The regular monthly treasury debt
statement shows an excess of expendi
tures over receipts for the month of
November of 88,156,367, which makes
the deficiency for the five months of
the present fiscal year 823,510,226.
The Paris Figaro says: "Only the
intervention of European powers
would compel Japan to lay down her
arms or cease the conquest of China;
but such intervention is no longer
On the 1st the associated banks of
New York city held 852,220,800 in ex
cess of the requirements of the 25-percent,
Death of the Father of Ex-Got. Francis,
John B. Francis, father of ex-Gov.
David R. Francis, died of heart failure
in St. Louis.
Mr. Francis' death was very sudden and a
shock to the family. He was chatting pleas
antly with his wife and the family physician
tip to within three minutes of his demise.
John Broaddus Francis was born in
Madison county, Ky.. January 29, 1819.
Descended from English and Welsh stock.
He was a strong character, who had a high
standard of citizenship, to which it was his ef
fort to live and rear his children. During his
residence in Kentucky he was engaged in mer
cantile and farming pursuits. In 1882 he re
moved to Missouri and settled in St. Louis
county, near Normandy. His residence was
there at the time of his death on a farm known
as '-Uplands." about half a mile west of the
city limits. He and his wife have been spend
ing the winters in Florida, for the past two or
three years, and at the time of his death were
temporarily at the West End hotel, prepara
tory to going south about January I.
Railway Employes Confer.
The biennial meeting of Missouri
railway employes was held at Sedalia.
It was the largest gathering of railway men
ever held in Sedalia. Delegates to the number
of over 100 represented the several railway or
ganizations, which inclnded the Brotherhood of
Locomotive Engineers. Brotherhood of Rail
way Trainmen and Order of Railway Conduc
tors. The session, wh'ch was held in secret,
was for the purpose of selecting a legislative
committee, composed of the chairman of
the several orders in the state, and also
to take under advisement such legislation as
may be proposed by the members of the sev
eral orders for the benefit and protection of all
railway employes. It was learned that the
delegates present were unanimously in favor
of again bringing the fellow-servant bill before
the legislature and demanding its passage,
either in its original shape or in an amended
form. In accordance with this expression the
legislative committee was instructed to use all
legitimate means to secure the passage of the
bill by the legislature.
A Noble Work.
St. John's M. E. church, St. Louis,
was the scene of a happy gathering the
other evening.
It was a reception and business meeting of
the directors of the Methodist Orphans' home.
The numerous clusters of chrysanthemums
made the parlors a bower of beauty. But what
lent the greatest charm to the surroundings
was the happiness reflected In the faces of fifty
little orphans as they tripped around the tables
and served with charming grace and careful
attention the many guests. During the sum
mer the home lost two of its oldest and most
prominent managers by deaths Mrs. Lewis H
Baker and Mrs. Samuel Cupples. Its financial
condition is most gratifying. It owns consid
erable real estate in the city, and has an en
dowment fund of over 165.000, and a building
fund of $30,000. It is proposed to increase the
amount of the last-mentioned fund to $80,000
and erect a magnificent building. At present
about fifty children are inmates of the home,
and they have all the advantages fonnd in a re
fined and cultured family.
The Funeral of Sirs. Phelps.
The remains of Mrs. W. H.' Phelps
were taken to Carthage for interment.
The funeral services were held at the First
Presbyterian church, where Rev. Dr. W. S.
Knight, the former pastor of Mrs. Phelps,
spoke of her worth as a Christian worker.
Floral tributes of rare beauty adorned the
altar, sent by friends in St. Louis and Car
thage. The body was interred at Parte ceme
tery in the family lot.
Lost His Left Hand.
W. A. Raines, of Memphis, Scotland
county, returned from a hunt a few
days ago, and while taking his gun
from the buggy the hammer caught
and the weapon was discharged, the
load taking effect in the left hand.
The arm above the wrist had to be
A Neat Investment.
The city of St. Louis recently sold a
strip of land for 858 at tax sale. Soon
it became known that the property be
longed to the city, and the court has
awarded the man who purchased it at
tax sale 82,440, a neat investment on
Gen. A. C. Stewart.
Gen. Arthur Chambers Stewart died
at Louisiana at the age of 82.
He was a native of Clermont county, O.. and
for many years had resided in Missouri. For
eleven years he was United States revenue
collector of the Fourth district of Missouri,
during Gen. U. S. Grant's administration, the
office being located in Louisiana.
A Had Fire.
Fire visited the residence portion of
Kansas City, rendering thirteen fami
lies homeless within an hour, and caus
ing a financial loss of 875,000. The
scene was the block bounded by Gar
field and Euclid avenues and Twenty
ninth and Thirtieth streets.
Successful Protracted Meeting.
A successful protracted meeting
closed recently at the Cumberland
Presbyterian church in Marshall. It
was conducted by Evangelist Flan
ighan.of Tennessee. There were eighty
five additions to the church and 100
Holiness Church Meeting.
The state meeting of the Holiness
church of Missouri was held at Centra
lia, a large number of ministers and
delegates from different parts of the
state being present.
Appointed as School Commissioner.
Gov. Stone appointed Brice Edwards
school commissioner of St. Charles
county, vice H. II. Molenkamp, re
signed, to accept the office of probate
Badly Damaged by Fire.
Fowler Bros.' packinghouse, Kansas
City, was damaged 860,000 by fire on
the 28th. The fire department had
hard work to get the fire under con
trol. Looking Into Alleged Frauds.
The frauds reported to have been
perpetrated in Kansas City at the re
cent election will be investigated. Sev
eral arrests have already been made.
Very Thankful.
Farmers and stockmen in various lo
calities in Missouri were very thankful
Thanksgiving day for a soaking rain.
Stock wate had become very scarce.
Fitty-Thonsand Turkeys.
It required 50,000 turkeys to supply
the tables in St. Louis Thanksgiving.
The birds were reasonably cheap, ow
ing to mild weather and big supply.
Bnrned Oat.
The store building and stock of the
general merchandise store of Clark &
Martin, at Sullivan, were destroyed by
fire. Loss, 80,000; insurance, half.
Warrensbarg Wants It.
Warrensburg wants the Junior Order
of the United American Mechanics to
erect the 8100,000 home for sick and dis
abled members in that town.
The Colored Brother.
Rector Henry L. Foote, of Christ
Episcopal church, St. Joseph, resigned
because of trouble over the visit of a
colored divine.
An Old Steamboat Man.
Capt. W. A. Goll died in St. Louis a
f ewdays ago. Hejwas prominent in the
old s tea mboa ting days of -the Missis
pi and St. Louis.
Fired At by an A In.
An assassin fired at Dr. E. T. Ander
son, of Hornersville. Dunklin county, a
few scattering shots striking him is
thm back.
Items Gleaned by Telegraph and Other.
wise from Different Localities in the
Isaac Leon died at Salisbury the oth
er day.
William Heryford and Mrs. Scrog
gins were married at Salisbury.
John L.Miller and Miss Anna Kaechle
were married at Cape Girardeau.
Mr. Frank Hugh Rogers and Miss
Emma Thro were married at Boonville.
J. H. Connelly, proprietor of a War
rensburg hotel, has been declared in
sane. John Davies, aged 75, and Mrs. Isa
dore M. Mitchell, aged 42, were mar
ried at Warrensburg.
The construction of the Kansas City
post office building of gray granite or
marble has been ordered.
Mr. Frank R. Berg, of De Soto, and
Miss Rose Mathews, of Moberly, were
married in the latter city.
The Security national bank of Grand
Island, Neb., has closed its doors. Sen
ator Vest, of Missouri, it is stated, is
heavily interested.
There was no holiday at the state
prison on Thanksgiving, but WTarden
Pace gave the convicts an extra good
dinner to remember the occasion.
Fred Jones, whose brother was re
cently arrested for conspiracy to rob
a train, was arrested at St. Joseph
for pilfering from a passenger coach.
Geo. Isenberry, aged 17, a farm hand,
employed by Joseph Simmons, 2 miles
north of Hughesville, Pettis county,
was badly beaten by negroes, supposed
to have been thieves.
At Kansas City Frank Howland
struck his sister's lover, John Sellman,
aged 17, because he would not return a
ring she had given him. Sellman died
and Howland was arrested.
A warrant has been issued against
Mrs. Wilhelmina Eisenhuth, of near
Fenton.by United States Commissioner
Gray.charging her with making a false
affidavit to secure a pension.
Samuel C. Reed, of Curryville, recorder-elect
of Pike county on the
democratic ticket, died suddenly from
an overdose of morphine, self-administered.
He was a sufferer from neu
ralgia. Burglars have been busy at Farming
ton recently. Eight houses have been
entered or attempts made to enter
them. Watches and clothes were
among the articles stolen, as well as
Rev. C. T. McDaniel, of St. Louis, has
organized an English Evangelical
Lutheran church in Sedalia. This is
the first English church of that denom
ination, and it starts off with a mem
bership of over fifty communicants.
Claude Ilumphery, aged about 20,
living 8 miles east of Boonville, at
tempted suicide by swallowing two
ounces of laudanum. Disappointment
in a love affair is supposed to have
been the cause of the young man's act.
All the Sunday-schools in Farming
ton will unite in a Christmas celebra
tion. The superintendent and one
lady from each Sunday-school form a
committee for arranging a programme.
The exercises will be held in the opera
The J. F. Stephens pharmacy, in
East Sedalia. was destroyed by fire the
other morning. The loss exceeds $2,
200, with 8800 insurance. The Coentz
millinery establishment, adjoining the
pharmacy, was damaged; fully cov
ered by insurance.
The Auditorium, the largest play
house in Kansas City, was sold the
other day under foreclosure of mort
gage to the National Bank of Com
merce for 875,000. David Henderson,
of Chicago, will probably buy the prop
erty from the bank.
Samuel Washington, an old resident
of Sedalia, died of consumption the
other day. He was born at Shipley,
near Bradford, England, and was a
lineal descendant of the English fami
ly of Washingtons, from which the
first president of the United States de
scended. The wedding of non. (William D.
Steele and Miss Helen Gallie took
place at the Christian church, Sedalia,
in the presence of 600 invited guests.
The bridegroom is a prominent crim
inal lawyer, and the bride is the daugh
ter of John B. Gallie, one of Sedalia's
wealthiest citizens.
Granville Mack, a young col ored man,
employed by the Tinsley Tobacco Co.,
Louisisana, swallowed one-fourth of a
box of Rough on Rats and died. He was
enamored of the wife of a dining-car
waiter, it is said, and, she refusing to
stay home from a dance while he was
at her house, he took the poison.
Peter Scully, one of the oldest citi
zens of Sedalia, and a retired mer
chant, died suddenly of heart failure.
Mr. Scully was 76 years old, and was
born in Ireland, emigrating from that
country when a lad in his teens. He
assisted in engineering the Cumber
land canals, and later engaged in the
cattle trade, driving cattle over the
mountains to Baltimore from Ohio. He
settled in Sedalia thirty years ago.
E. E. Johnson, a prominent merchant
of Sedalia, was seriously burned by the
explosion of petroleum gas in the
furnace at his house. Mr. Johnson at
tempted to revive a low fire in the
f urnance by throwing a pint of coal oil
on theslumbering embers. The heated
furnace converted the oil into gas,
which exploded, covering him with
flames. His hctnds and face were bad
ly burned, but he escaped without in
ternal injuries.
Vegetable Quotations in St. Louis
Market. Savoy cabbage, 5c a head;
cauliflower, 15c to 25c a head; celery,
5c to 20c a stock; lettuce, two heads for
5c; garlic, 5c a bunch; mint and oyster
plant, 5c a bunch, three bunches for
10c; parsley, two bunches for 5c; horse
radish, 5c to 10c a stock; grated horse
radish, 10c a bottle; squash. 5ceach,or
three for 10c; Hubbard's squash, 10c to
25c each; water cresses, 5c a bunch;
cooking and eating apples, 20c to 25c,
and from 35c to 50c per peck, respec
tively; young beets, 5c a bunch, three
bunches for 10c; onions, 5c a quart;
green onions, three bunches for 5c; po
tatoes, 20c a peck, 75c a bushel.
Capt. William Manse Lowe died at
his home in El Dorado Springs, after a
brief illness, of heart trouble. He was
72 years old. In the early days of Cal
ifornia he was elected to the office of
sheriff of Sacramento county and served
two terms, and also two terms as sergeant-at-arms
of the California state
senate. He was a captain in the con
federate army and was a leader in dem
ocratic ranks in El Dorado. He was a
member of the A. F. fc A. M., and was
buried under the auspices of that order
at Nevada, Vernon county. He was
well known in Cedar and other coun
ties in southwest Mjssom? ,
Receipts From the Several Sources During
the Last Fiscal YearStates Which Con
tribute th Largest Amounts Number
and Class of Special Tax-Payers Spirit
Withdrawn Disbursements of Sugar
Washington, Nov. 30. The annual report of
J. S. Miller, commissioner of internal revenue,
shows the total receipts from all sources for
the fiscal year ended June 30, 184. to have
been $147,168,449, a decrease for the year of $13,
336,540. The following figures show the re
ceipts from the several sources during the last
fiscal year and the increase or decrease as
compared with the year next preceding:
Spirits, $85,259,232: decrease, $9,461,008.
Tobacco. $28,617,89S; decrease, $3.271313.
Fermented liquors, $31,414,783; decrease, $1,
134,195. Oleomargarine, $1,723,479; increase, $52,836.
Banks and bankers, $2.26; no change.
Miscellaneous, $147,168,449; decrease, $13,
336,539. The quantities of spirits, etc, on which tax
was paid during the last fiscal year, with the
increase or decrease as compared with the
fiscal year 1893, are given as follows:
Spirits, distilled from apples, peaches and
grapes, 1,430,553 gallons; decrease. 256.988.
Distilled from other materials, 87,346,834 gal
lons; decrease, 10,111,514.
Fermented liquors, 33,334,783 barrels; de
crease, 1,219,534.
Number of cigars, cheroots and cigarettes,
weighing over 3 pounds per 1,000,4,066,817,433;
decrease, 747,279,684.
Cigarettes, weighing not over 3 pounds per
1,000, 3,183,573,760; increase, 6,881,000.
Cigarettes, weighing over 3 pounds per 1,000,
208,370; increase, 203,370.
Snuff, 11,627,092 pounds: decrease 285,802.
Chewing and smoking tobacco, 235,451,805
pounds; decrease, 16.947,944.
Oleomargarine, 66,429,900 pounds; Increase,
Of the receipts by 6tates, Illinois is at the
head of the list with $30,942,223, Kentucky next
with $24,308,630, New York next with $18,922,111,
Ohio with $12,454,898, Pennsylvania with $12,
151 ,196. The cost of collecting the Internal rev
enue during the last year was $3,975,906, or 2.70
per cent, of the collections.
The total number of Chinese registration cer
tificates applied for under the act of November
3, 1893, was 106,811, at a cost up to June 30, 1894,
of $42,899.
The estimated expenses of the internal rev
enue service for the fiscal year ending June 30,
1896, are given as $4,859,870.
The report shows the work of the bureau is
in excellent condition, both in the oiHce of the
commissioner and in the field. Two thousand
two hundred and seventy-nine violations
of internal revenue laws have been re
ported by the bureau agents during the
year; 632 persons were arrested; property to
the value of $246,191 was reported for seizure
and $40,271 for assessment for underpaid taxes
and penalties. Of the 1.016 illicit stills seized,
908 were destroyed and 108 removed, an increase
for the year of 210. In each of the Georgia and
the Fifth North Carolina districts 231 stills
were destroyed.
The actual number and class of special tax
payers in the United States on June 30, 1894,
is given as follows: Retail liquor dealers, 215,
419; rectifiers, 1.494; wholesale liquor dealers,
4.565; manufacturers of stills. 26; brewers,
1.805; retail dealers in malt liquors, 12,618;
wholesale dealers in malt liquors. 5.515; manu
facturers of oleomargarine, 21; retail dealers
in oleomargarine, 7,400; wholesale dealers in
oleomargarine, 217. Total, 249.137, which is a
decrease for the fiscal year of 1.456.
The number of distilleries operated during
the year was 5.148. Of this number 1.541 were
for grain, twelve for molasses and 3.595 for
fruit. The quantity of grain used for the pro
duction of spirits during the year was 19,710.
818 bushels, a decrease of 9,313,591 bushels.
The yield of spirits from each bushel of grain
was 4.42 gallons, as against 4.21 gallons for 1892
and 4.35 for 1893. The report shows the number
of cattle fed at grain distilleries during the
year was 62,123; hogs, 25.554.
The kinds and quantities of spirits, produced
and deposited in distilling warehouses during
the year is shown in gallons as follows: Bour
bon whisky, 15,518,349; rye whisky. 10,026.544;
alcohol, 10.570,070: rum, 1,864,595; gin. 1,287,977;
highwines, 126.580; pure, neutral or cologne
spirits, 35,377,115; miscellaneous. 14,434,336.
The amounts of the leading kinds of spirits
withdrawn from warehouses during the year
are given in gallons as follows: Bourbon
whisky, 29,782,978; rye, 9,512.038: alcohol, 10,
304,426; cologne spirits, 31,474.235; miscellane
ous, 13,474,235. Total, 87,087,613.
The amount of distilled spirits withdrawn for
export during the year 1894 was 6,114,417 gal
lons, as against 3,762,231 exported in 1893. The
amount of spirts in warehouses on June 30.
1894, was 137,903.078 gallons.
During the fiscal year, ended June 30, 1894,
6,349 licenses were issued to domestic sugar
producers intending to claim bounty on their
product, and $12,100,208, net, after deduct
ing refundments, were disbursed by this of
fice, in payment of approved bounty
claims. During the fiscal years ended
June 30, 1892, and June 30, 1893, $7,342,077 and
$9,375,130, respectively, were disbursed as
bounty on sugar, making, with last year's
bounty, a total disbursement of $28,817,415. ex
clusive of administrative expense incurred in
executing the bounty law.
The following shows the amount of the vari
ous kinds of sugar returned, bounty paid (cents
omitted), etc., during the fiscal year 1894:
Cane sugar officially returned, 611.156.922; net
bounty paid, $11,114,599; claims involved. 3,246.
Beet sugar officially returned, 45.191.296: net
bounty paid, $825,174; claims involved sixty
two. Sorghum sugar officially returned, 1,304,325;
net bounty paid, $17,312; claims involved, ten.
Maple sugar officially returned, 7,663,608; net
bounty paid, $116,121; claims involved, 4.628.
Total sugar officially returned. 665.236,151: net
bounty paid, $12,100,208; claims involved, 7,946.
Official returns and bounty claims on hand
show that the following amounts of bounty on
sugar produced during the existence of the
bounty law were unpaid at the time of the re
peal of this law, on August 28, 1891 (cents
omitted) :
On maple sugar, $122,732; beet sugar, $86,782;
cane sugar, $31,232; sorghum sugar, $436. Total,
a. Relic of Kansas City's Boom Days Un
der the Hammer.
Kansas City, Mo., Dec 1. The Au
ditorium theater, formerly known as
the Warder Grand, and built during
Kansas City's boom days at a cost of
$350,000, was sold at 2 o'clock yester
day afternoon under foreclosure of
mortgage to the National Bank of Com
merce for $75,000. W. A. Wilson, one
of the directors of the bank, said that
negotiations were pending with David
Henderson, of Chicago, for the pur
chase of the house. Several persons
had wanted to lease the property, but
the bank had not considered any of
these, as it did not wish to encumber
itself with a lease, but wanted to sell
the property outright.
Wanted in Texas.
New Yobk, Dec 1. Sheriff Saxton
received communications yesterday
from Sheriff Burke, of Lennon county,
Texas, dated November 25, that on that
date he mailed requisition papers to
Gov. Flower for John D. Rockefeller,
William Rockefeller, Henry M. Flag
ler, John D. Archibald, Benjamin
Browster, Henry S. Rogers and Wesley
H. Tilford, of this city, and saying:
"When you receive the governor's war
rant please execute at once, and wire
me if I will come at once. These offi
cials were indicted in Texas for viola
tion of Texas land trust laws."
Two More Victims.
Dorchester, Mass.. Dec 1. In addi
tion to Charles Gauthier and Joseph
Cook, John Street and Victor Nilson
died Thursday night from injuries re
ceived in the accident at Southridge
Thursday, when a passenger train
struck a barge containing the Y. M. C.
A. football eleven.
. Detailed to Lawrenoe University.
Washington; Dec 1. First Lieut.
James O. Green, Twenty-fifth infantry,
has been detailed as professor of mili
tary science and tactics at Lawrenae
university, Appleton, Wis.
Against the Inauguration of His L&te Op
ponent Was the Extent of the KOlb Re
volt Gov.-Elect Oates Declared that If
He Did Not Believe that He Had Been
Honestly Elected He Would Not Tak
the Office.
. Montgomery, Ala.," Dec 1. Col. W.
C. Gates has been duly installed as
governor and not a blow has been
struck, not a gnn fired nor a drop of
blood spilled, notwithstanding all the
wild rumors that have been sent out
for a week past. The day has been
ideal in every respect, Last night and
this morning perhaps 200 of Kolb's fol
lowers came to the city, but there was
no display of firearms of any sort.
At 10 o'clock this morning the local
and visiting military companies began
to move about the streets, getting
ready for the ceremonies, but there
was no great crowd and everything
was serene.
It was spread in the crowd at 10:30
o'clock that Kolb had taken the oath
before a justice of the peace down
town, and was coming up to the capi
ol to make a speech. About 11 o'clock
he appeared, walking up the half-mile
ascent to the grounds. He was es
corted by perhaps fifty persons. He
and his party were readily passed
through the gates, but upon ascend
ing the steps leading up to the
stone walk approaches the police told
them, as they had told everybody else,
that they must proceed to the right or
left upon the grounds. Kolb and his
party proceeded around to the right
of the building upon the grass.
Presently W. S. Reese, Jr., who ran
for attorney general on Kolb's ticket
went to one of Gov. Jones' secretaries
and asked if Kolb would be allowed to
make a speech in the grounds. The
conratgrff ronl A(1 f lint Vi A ,r,ll 1 (1 Tint.
speak officially.
Kolb then asked if there was any ob
jection to his speaking on the streets
outside. Gov. Jones told him there
was none whatever. Accordingly Kolb -and
his followers left the grounds.
Outside the gates they proceeded to
the sidewalk opposite. There a coun
try wagon was pressed into service and
Kolb with several of his leaders
mounted it. The most liberal esti
mates do not place the crowd of white
men who gathered around it at over
200, and many of those were democrats.
There were also a hundred or two of
curious local negroes. No arms were
seen upon any person.
Kolb delivered a very short speech,
in which he asserted that he had been
lawfully elected and had been defraud
ed; that he had pursued this course
simply to emphasize the position of
himself and purty against the usurpa
tion of his office. He stated that if a
fair and honest contest law was passed
by the present general assembly that
would settle all the trouble and be
satisfactory to the people as well as to
him. If this act of justice were denied,
then he would make an appeal to the
general government. He concluded by
advising moderation and against any
unlawful proceedings.
Half an hour later the inaugural
procession escorting Gov. -Elect Oates
moved up the broad avenue to the cap
itol grounds. Gov. Jones and Gov.
Elect Oates were in the first carriage.
As the procession passed along there
was not the slightest disorder or mark
of disrespect of any kind.
Arriving at the capitol the customary
salute was fired by the artillery.
Prayer was offered by Rev. Dr. Eager,
of the Baptist church; and tlien Gov.
Jones introduced Oates in a brief but
forcible address. The governor-elect-
t.hpn rlflivfrfrl his man crnrnl undress.
He said he was satisfied bevon
doubt that he was elected by 'a large
majority, or he would not accept the
office. He then touched upon national
affairs, and spoke in the highest terms
of the national democratic administra
tion and what it had accomplished for
the welfare of the country. He closed
with a high compliment to the remark
ably successful administration of his
predecessor, and announced himself
ready to take the oath of office. This
was administered by Chief Justice
Brickell on the Bible which is pre
served in the state's archives as the
one used when Jefferson Davis was in
augurated president of the confederacy
on the same spot.
This ended the ceremony, an artillery
salute again ringing out and the new
governor was conducted to the execu
tive office by his predecessor where a
reception was held for some time, hun
dreds of ladies as well as gentlemen
congratulating the new governor.
By 7 o'clock the city was restored to
its normal appearance save for the
figures in uniform who were scattered
about the city on pleasure bent. No
disturbance of any sort occurred.
Prof. George D. Herron Reads m Paper on
the "Transfiguration of Society.
Detroit, Mich., Dec 8. A last even
ing's session of the American Institute
of Christian Sociology, Prof. George
D. Herron read his last paper. It was
on the "Transfiguration of Society. n
The professor said that we speak of
ours as an intensely practical age.
We confess God, but we live as though
God were dead. He thought that what
ever is not done in the name of Christ,
whether buying or selling, or eating
and drinking, is wrongly done. He
believed his grace was sufficient to
manage railroads, cook dinners, build
houses, conduct law suits, till farms
and administer the finances of state.
Either Christ is sufficient for every
thing or he is sufficient for nothing.
On United States Bond Purchases Nearly
New York, Dec 3. The deposit of
gold by the Stewart syndicate in pay
ment for the new United States bonds
is nearly completed. The subtreasury
on Saturday receired $1,339,863.75,
making a total of $49, 11 0,880. 77 gold
deposited on account. It is estimated
that all but $1,250,000 gold has been
paid in at the subtreasuries of the
country, of which about $750,000 will
be depositsd in New York and $500,000'
at the San Francisco subtreasury.
Notwithstanding the Falsehoods of the
Spoilsmen, are Working Wonders.
Washington, Dec. 3.The eleventh
annual report of the civil service com
missioners states that the folly of the
misstatementa indulged in as to the
questions asked in the examinations has
been so patent that they are now
rarely repeated. One of the favorite
untruths of the spoilsmen (says the
VAnnvf) ! lia . ilia miAatfAna ma UmL
evant, or unpractical, bubthe questions.
Lfiked are nractlea.1 and feleTjinfc tn.tViA
I duties of the position sousrht.