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1 1 Jl II No Relief For the Sufferer to Ba Had in Russia From Misery and Persecution. CRUSHED, IUP0VISHE0 AND KILLED. Fatlerad la Hia Movement Handi capped la Hla V oration He l I li able to I'rntfd Himself A Slav Without a Maxter'a Protection to Slilelil Him from Abuiie. Atlantic tit.v, X. .T., July .Ifhn B. Weber, of liulTalo, X. Y., lute com missioner of immigration at the port, of New York, ami chairman of tile special coniniissiou uutlioried by the congress in lSS to investigate in Europe the causes inciting immigra tion to this country was a speaker, Sunday, before the Jewish lhautaur qua on the subject of "The Status of the Jews in Russia." In his address Mr. Weber charged the Itiussian restrictive laws as being res))Oiisil)le for the misery and perse cution of which people read and hear, lie stated that there would be no peace, no substantial relief for the sufferers until the total disappear ance from Kussia of either the Jew or the special laws directed against them. Taking up the laws regarding the right of residence which tile speaker characterized as especially hard and oppressive he briefly sketched tha history of the official decrees regu lating the area within which the Jews were permitted to live during the past forty years. Summing up the status of 1 lie Jew in Russia. Mr. Weber said: "To-day he is an alien in the land of his birth, a subject who bears an undue share of the burdens of good government without the privileges of ihe meanest citizens. Fettered in his movements, handieapiicd in his voca tion, restricted in his educational op portunities, he is unable to protect himself and is powerless to success fully invoke the protection of the authorities, a slave without the self interest of a master to shield him from abuse he stands helpless. friendless and defenseless, a brute force, egged on not only by religious intolerance, but by contending forces that strive to strengthen the govern ment on the one hand and to destroy it on the other, the irrepressible con flict of the age between government by autocracy and government by the people. The Jew is, therefore, the spoil of the rabble, the spoil of the official, the. football of fanaticism. 1ho buffer against which strikes the wrath of bigotry, intolerance and savagery." After asserting the moral obliga tion and the right of the I'nited States to protest to the Russian gov ernment, against its treatment of the Jews, Mr. Weber said: "1 can not look with unconcern up on the arrival of thousands of hunt ed, terror-stricken human beings, who come to us, crushed in spirit and impoverished in substance, to enter into competition with our respected and self-rspecting lalxir. .Neither is it an answer to say that, we have 1he remedy in our own hands by closing our ports against these people. Thi wuld violate our every instinct of humanity and would war against the policy which has made this cnuntrv great and prosperous and which will continue to add to our progress and prosperity if immigration is con fined to normal causes alone. The abnormal immigration from Itus.-ia is due to the laws and methods of that, country and this gives us a legal nnd moral right to object. Self-interest and humanity unite in a loud call to invoke such rights." Referring to the hope that a con siderable part of this stream from Russia may lie diverted to other lands, Mr. Weber quoted the state ment of an immigrant at. Kovno in the Pale: "I am going to America, for in. that direction lies hope. Here I have only fears to confront me. The hope may prove delusive, but the fears are a certainty. My great ambition is 'o breathe at least once the free air with which God has blessed the American people." "These," continued the speaker, "are the words of nn uncultured Jew, and these are the sentiments in the heart of every Jew in Russia." Continuing, he said: "He patient with these unfortunate people, and do not judge them by the ordinary standards. Their lives from the cradle up have been passed under extraordinary conditions. The grown up generation can never forget their mistreatment, they can not banish fear and suspicion upon command, but their children enn be fitted to en ter upon citizenship and mode to glorify your race and reflect credit upon our American institutions. Mexicans PunUh Nwlftly. San Francisco, July 12. The offic prs of the Pacific Mail Liner Colon, jiiBt arrived from Acapulco tell of the punishment meted out by the Mexican officials to a burglar who broke into the steamship company's office at Acapulco in June lust. He broke open the safe and stole $400 after beating the watchman into insensibility. He was captured, later, on the road to the City of Mexico with only $80 on his person. He wan taken back to Acapulco and there admitted his guilt. He was promptly sentenced to be shot. ' Tragedy Da to Jealousy. St, Joseph, Mo., July 13. Mrs. John Mackey died, Sunday, from pistol wounds received at 209 Main street, where she is alleged to have been de coyed by William A. Matzinger. Mat zinger has been In love with the woman for a year, and : when sho jilted him for another he made threat against her life. She met him , by agreement,: and Was soon after wards fatally ' wounded. '; Mutzinger turned the revolver on himself, and put three bullets into bin body. His death is expected. FIRE ON HOBOKEN PILR. Tha Nw Pier of tha ScaadloaTlaa-Aaaai lea Maa at Hoboken. Sf. J., m strored the aecoad Tlma. New York, July 11. The new pier .if the Scandinavian-American line, at the foot of Seventeenth street. Ho boken, X. J., was destroyed by fire Friday, and for the second time in three years the line is temporarily without a pier. It is believed the loss will amount to almost $300,000. Tha dock alone cost $200,000 to build. The fire started in the store room of the pier, and when discovered the fire had a firm foothold. Thers was no ship of the line in port. The steam ship Islands should have docked Fri day, but did not arrive. On the pier was a large part of the cargo destined for Europe which was to be shipped on the Islands, and this was de stroyed, causing a loss of over $300, 000. Comparatively few men were at work on the pier at the time. WThen the first fire engines arrived fully three hundred feet of the pier was blazing from the water's edge to the top. Tugs of all sorts -and sizes threw water into the fire, but this seemed to have little effect. The city firemen were badly hampered in reaching the place. The flames spread as rapidly as when the Xorth German Lloyd and Scandinavian piers burned three years ago. There were three explosions, apparently caused by bar rels of some inflammable material. The flames spread very rapidly. Tha heat was intense, and many firemftu dropped into the river for relief. The slight wind carried the flame? toward the Tietjen and Lang dry docks, containing a score of vessels, Those wdiich could be gotten out were towed away. A nearby bathhouse was crowded with women, girls and children, who fled without waiting to dress. Two children were sightly hurt in the crush. West of the bulkhead were moored the United States training ship Por's mouth and the Ward liner Manhattan. These were in peril for a time, bat the wind shifted, carrying the flamas out over the river. The naval reserves on the Portsmouth did good work in keeping the fire within the bulkhead ing. Within three quarters of nn hour after the tire started it was under control. None of the workmen on the pier was injured. A FEMALE ENOCH ARDEN. After an Absence of Twenty-One Yen Iletnrna Flittla Hnnband Mm-rled nml Untiles of Age, Rockford, 111., July 11. A woman in the role of Enoch Arden returned to Rockford, Friday, after an absence of Jl years. The chief figure in this curious his tory is Mrs. Louise Olson. Twenty one years ago Mrs. Olson was in jured in a railroad wreck near BtifFn lo, X. Y. She was taken to a hospital, but recovered. Her mind was not clear, however, and she wandered. U France. Another victim of the wreck died in 1 he hospital, and by mistake was buried as Mrs. Olson. When Mrs. Olson returned to Rock ford, Friday, she found the two babies she had left Hilda and Frank full grown and surprised beyond measure at. her return. Alexander Olson, her husband, she found living with his third wife, the second Mrs. Olson, whom he married while believing fully in his first wife's death, having died some years apo. Mr. Olson identified the returned one as his first wife. The latter will rec ognize the rights of the third wife, and will live with her recovered clnl dren. COL. AMES TAKEN TO PRISON. Convicted of Bribery for "Protec tion" While Chief of Police o( Minneapolis, Minn. Minneapolis, Minn., July 11. Col. Fred Ames, superintendent of police under the administration of his broth er, Mayor A. A. Ames, was taken to Stillwater, Friday, to begin his six and a half years' service in the state prison for bribery. At the prison he went through the usual formalities of bathing, barbering.Bertillon measurer ments, etc., and was registered as convict No. 1093. His occupation has not yet been determined, btit inas much as he is an expert bookkeeper and also a registered pharmacist he will probably be assigned either to the accounting department or to the prison dispensary. DISMISSED FOR GRAFTING. Sergt. I.. Schanwacker DlamlaaeJ From the New York Police Force for Accepting; Presents. New York, July 11. First Deputy Commissioner Ebstein of the police department has dismissed from the force Sergt. L. Schauwacker, who had been in charge of the schools of instruction. Sergt. Schauwacker was found guilty of accepting a present of $1 from each man of a. class of ,-51 probationary patrolmen. Conspiracy to arefeat Jnatlee. Chicago, July 11. A well-planned conspiracy to defeat justice and se riously interfere with the prosecu tion of the election judges'and clerks who are under indictment for fraud's perpetrated at the recent judicial bal loting in the Eighteenth ward, was blocked, Friday, by State's Attorney Dencen. The conspiracy involved two of the most important of the state's witnesses. Leander Goodrich is in jail and John Barrett is being subjected to a searching examination by the prose cution. Convention Closed. Boston, July 11.--The convention of the National Educational association was brought to a close Friday. The national council met to clear up a few remaining matters of business, and ten of the 10 departments held ses. sions. Prominent Lumberman Dead, . Duluth, Minn., July 11. Levi A. Barber, of the firm of Peyton, Kin, ball & Barber, died Friday, aged 67, He was prominent lumberman, and u-ava a large estate. IIHSI Gil A Relic of the Neapolitans' Great est Saint, Preserved at Naples, Said to Work Miracles. HAS BEEN SENT TO THE POPE'S CHAMBER Mia Hatlineim Contlnaea to Hold Death Off, Hut He Is Hut a Shadow of Hla Former Self, Notmtt hutand Inir the Continued Activity of Hll Mental Faculties Rome, July 12. In view of the seri ous condition of the pontiff, the Neapolitans have had recourse to Iheir most sacred and seldom used method of rendering him assistance, St. (iennaro is their greatest saint, and his mitre is preserved at Naples. It is said to work miracles. The aris tocracy and clergy of .Naples begged Ihe archbishop to send the mitre to Koine and he allowed it to leave the city for the first time in many years. The -precious relic was intrusted to Monsignor Prince ('ara"cciolo, who ar rived with it safely in Rome Saturday, by (nrdinal Rampolln and Mon At the Vatican t lie mitre was received signor liisleti, who, with great cere mony, thanked the Neapolitans for their piety and self-sacrifice in allow ing the mitre to come here. After the cardinal had invited Mon signor Curraciolo to remain for some days in this city, the sacred relic was deposited in the sickroom. A WEEK OF AXXIETY. The Knd of It Found the Tone But the Shndow of a Mitn. Rome, July 1-'. Saturday brought to a close a full week since Pope Leo ivas stricken with illness, and it found him still buttling against death, Dr. Lapponi remained near the pope throughout the. night, but there was little occasion for his services. When Dr. Mazzoni joined him in the sick chamber at 8:30 o'clock Saturday morning they found that their pa lient had not. suffered any serious de pression during the night, although the same terrible weakness was still manifest. An affecting interview has occurred between the pontiff, Cardinal Satolli and three other cardinals represent ing various degrees of the sacred col lege. Cardinal Satolli and his compan ions were admitted to the presence of the pope as a special favor, following his earnest entreaties, in the gentlest manner Cardinal Maechi, shaking for all, told the pontiff of the universal interest, taken in his condition, add ing: "Prayers are going up every where that the Lord may preserve for the benefit of the church, the precious life of your holiness." "I thank your eminence," replied ;he pope. "It will be as II ml wishes. We must submit In His holy will." S;j saying the sufferer pressed the hand of each of the cardinals as they with drew. , One of the cardinals present at the. interview, spoke afterwards of the re markable changes that had been wrought since he had' last seen the pontiff only last Sunday night, when extreme unction was administered to his holiness. The cardinal said: "The appearance of the Holy father is in tensely painful. He maintains mental acumen, but his brave spirit: is terri bly broken. This was especially ap parent to me, while 1 am used to see him often. 1 have observed a great change in his physical condition dur ing the last five days. Mis words nr; now uttered with difficulty and he raises his hand only after an effort. His face is excessively emaciated and his eyes are deeply sunken. His ex treme weakness is evident at the first glance; there remains only a shadow of the man." Cardinal Satolli, in a conversation, said that life was only kept in the tired body of the pontiff by the con stant use of powerful slimulants, and other persons Auully reliable who saw the pope Sunday and who had Seen him on previous days of his 'ill ness, agree with Cardinal Satolli in saying that death has made nil his ravages save separation of the soul and body. And yet doctors announce fo the public that the pope's general condition is satisfactory. An ex planation of the apparent contradic tion lies in the fad that the doctors expected his holiness to die long be fore this and now are exercising in their bulletins an excess of caution and a comparative method of expres siop which is incomprehensible to the lay mind. Moreover, the extraor dinary vitality of their patient has, so to speak, annihiliated every medi cal theory held by doctors- in Italy so that it is scarcely surprising that Doctors Rossoni, Mazzoni and Lap poni content themselves with daily recording the symptoms of progres sion and retrogression whic h succeed each other with such baffling irregu larity as to forbid the risk of mak ing a definite prognostication for the public. The Kishinev Petition. New York, July 12. The American Kishineff petition is causing grave discussion between the czar's two all powerful ministers, DeWitte and Plehwe, and according to the St. Pe tersburg correspondent of the World the rivalry between them may re sult in the petition being received. DeWitte is extremely friendly to the United States and is said to re gard any weakening of the good rela tions as a grave error in policy. Ha is reported to be using his influence toward paving the way for the recep tion of the petition. Prince of Wales to Inspect Flacuhlp. Portsmouth, England, July'l3. The prince of Wales arrived yesterday for the inspection of Rear-Admiral Cot ton's flagship Kearsarge Monday. Am bassador Choate and Secretaries White and Carter, of the American embassy, travelled in the same train from London. Admiral Sir Charles F. Hotham received them at the station, and the whole party drove to the ad miralty house as the admiral's guests, the prince of Wales, Ambassador Choate and Admiral Hotham occupy ing the first carriage ED. DELEHANTY'S REMAINS. A Body, Believed to Be That of tha Drowned Baaeball Player, Tak en From Slan-ara Hirer. Buffalo, X. Y., July 10. The body found in the river below the fails, Thursday, was identified at Drum niomlville as that of Kd. Delehunty, Ihe famous outfielder of the Wash ington American league team. The body was mangled. One lee; was torn off, presumably by the pro peller of the Maid of the Mist, near whose landing the body was found. M. A. Green, a stockholder in the Washington team, identified the body by the teeth, two crippled fingers and the clothing. The body was shipped to Washington. Mr. tireen, Thursday morning, iden tified the luggage left by Delehanty on the train at the bridge last Thurs day night when he was put off. In it was a pass to the Washington grounds made out to Mrs. Delehanty. Delehanty's' effects have been sent to his wife by the Pullman people. Frank Delehantv, of the Syracuse team, and E. J. McGuire, a brother-in-law, from Cleveland, are here investi gating the death of the player. They do not believe that Delehanty com mitted suicide or that he had been on a spree in Detroit. In the sleeper on the Michigan Central Irani on tha way down from Detroit Delehunty had five drinks of whisky, says Con ductor Cole, and he became so ob streporous that he had to be put off the train at Rridgeburg, at the Cana dian end of the bridge. Cole says Delehanty had an open razor and was terrifying others in the sleeper. When the train stopped at Bridgc- burg Cole did not deliver Delehanty up to a constable as the Canadian po lice say he should have done. He just put him off the train. After the train had disappeared across the. bridge Delehanty started to walk across, which is against the rules. The night watchman attempt ed to stop him, but Delehanty pushed the man to one side. The draw of the bridge had been opened for a boat, and the player plunged into tha dark waters of the Niagara. Delehanty's relatives hint at' foul play, but there is nothing in the ens, apparently, to bear out, such a theory. Ihe body, when found, was nude save for necktie, shoes and socks. The clothes had probably been torn off in the passage of the 'rapids and in going over the Horseshoe falls. The body was much bloated. TROOPS LEAVE EVANSVILLE. Police, Armed With lllllen, Left H Charge Seven Funernla Thnra day Two More Dying. Evansville, Ind., July 10. After talking with Gov. Dui-bin over the tel ephone, Thursday afternoon, Brig. (Jcn. McKee ordered all troops re moved from Evansville. The Terre Haute company left for home at 7:'M Thursday night, and the Evansville company was relieved from duty. The Yincennes company is left in charge of the jail and courthouse. The four Indianapolis companies, the Martins ville company and the battery, with the (iatling gun, were ordered fo leave for .Indianapolis at midnight Thursday on a special train. The last, of the troops, the Yincennes company, will leave for home Friday morning. The city will be left in charge of the police denarf men,f , which is arniel with rifles. Thcre'were seven funerals Thursday. All were conducted quiet ly. The ministers yi one or two cases prayed for the city and county administrations, and said this was not. a time for criticism, but for sym pathy for the friends of 1he dead. Two more of the wounded are pro nounced by the surgeons fo lie in a critical condition. Adam 1'rowski and John llee arc sinking, and if they die the list of fatalities will be increased to 12. The grand jury is taking testi mony on Monday nights shooting. WILL LIVE TO PAY PENALTY. Murderer of Policeman llun NOy on Road to Recovery Drenda Hetnrnlnir to EvailNvlIle. .leffersonville, hid., July 10. Con tra ry to all forecasts made by physi cians ntteuding Lee Brown, the negro who shot n policeman and precipi tated the Evansville riot, will proba bly live to pay the penalty of his crime. When Brown was placed aboaird the train at Yincennes, Ind., to be brought to the reformatory for safe-keeping, it was said lie could not survive the journey, his wound being sufficient to kill an ordinary man. Thursdny he was well started on the way to recovery. Brown had a paroxysm of terror when told that lie would be taken back to Evansville, and manifested relief when Gov. Dur bln later countermanded the order for his removal. It wns learned Thursday afternoon that a negro named Cain MeGee is lying in the Deaconness hospital, in Evansville, with a bullet in his arm which he received Sunday night when the mob fired into Bud Fruit's place. Ilia Kindt Expected. Jefferson City, Mo., July 10. Attor neys for Senators Fan-is, Matthews, Smith and Sullivan, who are under in dictment by the Cole county grand jury on the charges of bribery in con nection with the "alum bill" in the legislature, Thursday announced that they expect to go to trial when the circuit court meets on July 27. They have asked for blank subpoenas for 100 witnesses, but the clerk has re fused to issue tlie blanks except upon an order from Circuit Judge Hazell. The request for the large number of subpoenas indicates a big fight. United Mine Workers' Convention. Pittsburg, Kas., July 10. Speeches by John Mitchell, the national presi dent; W. D. Ryan and others promi nent in the order, took up the entire time of the first session, Thursday, of the inter-state convention of the Unit ed Mine Workers of America. The coal operators met in separate con ference and completed their organiza tion. As yet there has been very lit tle if any intimation of the probable action of the joint conference to be held on Monday next, when a new wage scale will be considered. Ill mm A Movement of Signal Importance to the Religious World is Launched at Denver. A PLAN TO EVANGELIZE THE WORLD. Tentative Proposition For the Amal gamation of the C'hrlntlan Endea vor, the Euwortb. League and tha Ilaptlat I nlon la One Grand 'a tlonnl llody. Denver, Col., July 12. A movement of signal importance in the religious world has' been launched by the Chris tian Endeavor convention now in ses sion here. It is a tentative proposal to work for the amalgamation of the Christian Endeavor society, the Ep worth league and the Baptist union, and it will be presented in the form of a petition from the Endeavorers to the other two national bodies. In taking 1 tie initiative in the ad vocacy of such union, the Christian Endeavor society points to its prior ity of establishment us justification. To Evangelise the World. "To evangelize the world." This is the keynote of the pleas of the noted ministerial orators of this country and of England who, by their zeal and eloquence, are stirring the souls of the large audiences which attend the sessions of the International Christian Endeavorers' convention and the numerous auxiliary meetings. That a definite plan for currying on the work will be adopted before the convention adjourns is probable. The complete registered returns ol accredited delegates has not yet been compiled, but at the lowest estimate there are now fully 8,000 in the city, and the total number of visitors is not less than 20.000. Plenftniit Impromptn Features. Two pleasant impromptu features of the convention have been the pre sentation by Chuplaiu Rev. E. Steel, of the United States navy, to Presi dent, Francis E.Clark of a. small Amer ican flag, said to be the first raised by American troops over Cavite, and the expression given by Rev. R. J. Campbell, of London, to the sentiment of unity growing between Great Brit ain and the United States. Sunrise quiet hour services in five city churches at six o'clock Saturday morning were attended by thousands of delegates, although they had been occupied until late Friday night with convention business. From 8:30 to 9:30 sessions of the Christian En deavor school of methods were held in the churches. THE PAPAL SUCCESSION. The More Prominent I'ohnI unities In the Sncred College for the I'npnl SticpCNNion. Rome, July .12. All the world is oc cupying itself with a discussion of tee probable successor of Leo XII 1. In ex pectation of an early conclave, no cardinal has left the city during the past week and inie are on their way here. There are now at least; 02 car dinals in Rome, including all of the Italians. Of course, Leo's successor wil be an Italian. A pope of other na tionality would be. bound to create a recrudescence of the question of temporal power, which would be de plorable. Of the pnpuble Italian cardinals, these names are chiefly discussed: (lotti, Svampa, Vannutelli, Oreglin and llanipollu, J I is improbable that the college will elect Oregliil, the aged eamerleiigo. There is a pontifi cal tradition thai the camerlengo is rarely elevated to the papacy. This tradition, however, was broken wlu-H Leo was elected. Serafino Vannutelli is highly commended because of his diplomatic experience and prudence, In the latter he resembles Leo. The chief contest is expected to be between (iotti, Rampolln and Yannu telli, although Cardinals Sarto, Dipie tro and Svampa'are frequently men tioned. Rampolla, the papal secretary of state, is an able prelate, but his policy lias made many adversaries; be sides, never has a state secretary achieved the papacy. It is said, also. 1 hat. he has determined to retire to a monastery when Leo dies. tlotti is an able, intellectual execu tive, lie is the head of the Carmelite order as u- monk, not as a secular priest. His election would add luster to the church, unci his management of the Carmelites indicates the probable policy he would adopt if he were elected pope. In all quesfions (iotti would seVk for the triumph of jus tice. He is not offensive in his pa triotism, und his acts have concen trated upon him the attention of his colleagues. External influences would not be a factor in his election. y Svampa is very ill, being threatened with paralysis. Already he has had an apoplectic seizure. The chief opposition of the college of cardinals is against Rampolla OLD LUMBERMAN DEAD. Wiin Large Holder of Tiinher Land in Mlchlunn, Slew York, Mex ico and Cuilforiila. Detroit, Mich., July 13. Patrick A. Ducey, a wealthy retired lumberman, died here, Sunday, aged 70 yeairs, When the Michigan lumber busi ness began to decline he purchased a tract of 30,000 acres of timber in the Adirondncks, and carried on ac tive 'operations iiN.that part of Jew York state until 1893, when he re tired. He also had extensive lumber interests in Mexico and California. Baltimore VUlted Storm. Baltimore, Md., July 13. A severe wind and rain storm occurred, Sun day afternoon, Which was particularly violent in a limited section of north east Baltimore, where, within a radius of about four blocks, SO houses were unroofed, walks demolished and trees uprooted. For several ' squares the streets were thickly strewn with debris of wrecked roofs, brick and splintered limbs of trees. Three hun dred people were rendered homeless for the time being, and were comr pelled to find temporary shelter. The real heroines of every day are in our homes. Frequently, how ever, it is a raistaken and useless heroism. Womm seem to listen to every call of duty except the supreme one that tells them to guard their health. How much harder the daily tasks become when some derangement of the female organs makes every movement painful and keeps the nervous system unstrung? Irritability takes the place of happiness and amiability: and weakness and suffering takes the place of health and strength. As long as they can drag themselves around, women continue to woik and perform their household duties. They have been led to believe that suffering is necessary because they are women. "What a mistake I The use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound will banish pain and restore happiness. Don't resort to strong stimulants or nar cotics when this great strengthening, healing remedy for women ia always within reach. FREE MEDICAL ADVICE TO WOMEN. If there ia anything in your case about which you would like special advice, write freely to Mrs. Pinkham. No man will see your letter. She can surely help you, for no person in America has such a wide experience in treating female ills as she lias had. She has helped hundreds of thousands of women back to health. Her address is Lynn, Mass., and her advice is free. You are very foolish if you do not accept her kind invitation. For proof read the symptoms, suffering and cure recited in the following letters: "Deab Mrs. Pinkham: I wish to express to you the (Treat benefit 1 have derived from your advice and the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound. My trouble was female weakness in its worst form and I was in a very bad condition. I could not perform my household duties, my back aehed, I was extremely nervous, and I could not eat or sleep, and the bearing-down pains were .terrible. My husband spent hundreds of dollars to get me well, and all the medicine that the doctors prescribed failed to do me any good J I resorted to an operation which the physician said was necessary to restore me to health, but 1 suffered more after it than I did before ; I had hemorrhages of the womb that nothing could seem to stop. " I noticed one of your advertisements and wrote you for advice, I re ceived your reply and carefully followed all instructions. I immediately . began to get stronger, and in two weeks was about the house. I took eight bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and continued following your advice, and to-day I am a well woman. Your remedies and help are a Godsend to suffering women, and I cannot find words to thank you for what you have done for me," Mns. Lottie V. Natlob, 1328 N. J. Ave, N.W., Washington, D. C. , "Dear Mrs. Pinkham: I write to tell you what Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound has done forme. " I was suffering with falling of the womb and could hardly drag about, but after taking five bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound I was completely cured. I am now a well woman and able to do all my work. "I think your medicine one of the best remedies in the world." Mbs. J. M. Lee, 141 Lyndal St., Newcastle, Pa. "Dear Mrs. Pinkham : Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound has done a great deal for me. I suffered so much from falling of the womb and all the troubles connected with it. I doctored for years with doctors'and other remedies but received only temporary relief. " I began taking your medicine, and had not taken it long before I was feeling better. My husband said that I should keep right on taking it as long, as it gave me relief from my suffering, as I could not expect to be cured by one or two bottles. I did so and am now able to be on my feet and work hard all day, and go to bed and rest at night. Thanks to your Vegetable Com pound I am certainly grateful for the relief it gave me. It is the mother's great friend. I would not be without it in my house, for when I feel tired or out of sorts I takea few doses and feel all right. " I would recommend your medicine to all tired mothers, and especially to tnose Buttering as l was." Mrs. K. $5000 FO R F E I T if -tfe cannot forthwith produce the original letters and signatures of above testimonials, which will prove their absolute genuineness. ' Idia IS. Pinkham, Medicine Co., tynn, Mat). Lr i nt i iiii in Ifoursfora Asr For 0i sMi ar am aw av mm m m mmwnMmj TBADS BUNK, Nam on Eaoh Pio k MKHIST TANMR J Y oUAimr -,rf II r I MS MOM THAN VI I fi HALS A CcHTtfaY. y A IA Jk : . . .tgL1. ilEte JLLfn AJ.TDai(BW.wauiA. KpiJr,""- nMoAiwioiumtD.TOainow. -r'-SPrfS-1- X . chambers, liennet, sxeo. are generally the result of some form of stomach trouble. , Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Constipation, Nervousness, Headaches, Kidney and Liver Complaints, induce an "all gone" feeling, depressed spirits, loss of sleep and appetite. Don't feel blue. Be healthy and happy. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin (A LAXATIVE) makes healthy stomachs. Get a ' 60c or $1 bottle at your druggist's to-day. It will make, you your old self again. A trial bottle sent free if your druggist hasn't It. PEPSIN SYRUP COMPANY Montloello, III. - Clear Head1 BROMOSElTZERs CHOCOLATE BON-BONS racked 1 Bulk aid Original Seals Packages. ill First-Class Dealers Handle Then WENNEKER'S, ST. LOU S. WESTERN CANADA HAS FREE HOMES FOR MILLIONS. Upwards of 100,000 Amen cans bare settled Id Weottri Canada during tb put t rear They are CONTENTED, HAPPY AMD PUOBPKROIT, and there 4s room atlU fo) MILLION. Wonderful Ttelds of wheat and other grains, Th best (Tracing lands on the continent. Magnifloent climate plenty of water and fuelt good sohool ezoellenteharcheat splendid railway facilities. HOMESTEAD LANDS of 160 Acre Fit EC. the only charge being 110 for entry. Bend to the following for an Atlas and other liter ature, as well as foroertlfloate giving you reduce railway rates, etc.j auperlatendent of I mini gratlon, Ottawa. Canada or J, 8-ORAwroaD 3)4 W. Ninth St., Kansas City, Mo. O.J. BROW. ton, m Qulncy Bhl Chicago, jDU autuorU Canadian Government Agents. HOW TO BETA H0ME..p'i'fte ttaaalia or U. C. STU0MU, Ds Tail's VlaB, Aik) m