Newspaper Page Text
Transmission Line Walker Injured in 20-Foot Fall Beatrice, Neb., Uec. 8.—(Special.)— 1- H. Nelson. 20, Afton, la . was badly « ut and bruised when he fell 20 feet from a pole a mile south of Holmes vine while working on the transmis sion line between Holmesville and Barneston. Sleet on the pole caused him to slip and fall. Bee ^ ant Ads produce results. Sommer Bros. HA rnfy 0188 28th and Firnam SATURDAY SPECIALS fresh Ldam Cheese, each..82.G9 Fresh Imported Roquefort Cheese, P" lb.83c 5-lb. loaf, per lb.68C Petit Gruyere Cheese, six portions, ‘•ach .85C Petit Gruvero Cheese, whole, each . 75C Imported French Stringless Beans, per can . 50C Imported French Artichokes, bot toms, per can .81.15 Palmists (or Hearts of Palms), P«r ‘»n .81.38 Chase & Sanborn’s Seal Brand Coffee, 2-lb. can .89C Salada Tea, Green or Orange Pekoe, per % lb.39f* Swansdown Cake Flour, pkg. .29c Omar Wonder Flour, 24-lb. sack .97C Iceberg Head Lettuce, each r, -it.10c and 12’^C Green Peppers (large Mangoes), caeh . , 11 tor.25C Fresh Mushrooms, as long as they last, per lb.G9c Grapefruit, extra large, regular 15c size, 6 for.GoC Regular 121 ac size, 6 for..55C Wedgewood, Meadow Gold, Seward and Better Butter, per lb. .55C Fresh 1‘ork Tenderloin, per lb.5SC Choice Pork Loin Roast., lb. . .20C Choice Rolled Rib Roast, lb. .30C > P. & G. Naphtha Soap, 10 bars for .15C Star Naphtha Powder, small size, t> pkgs. for .25C WE SELL Skinners MACARONI-SPAGHETTI undPurt EGG NOODLES Pepper Supports Norris in Fight for Amendment Senator From Keystone State in Favor of Having Congress Seated Immediately After Election. Washington, I>c. 8.—{Special )— Senator Norris of Nebraska, who, with the support of the progressive group in the senate, is supporting the idea of a constitutional amendment which would make it possible to seat ! a new congress immediately after its ! election, received a strong reinforce ment. It came from Senator George Whar ! ton Pepper of Pennsylvania, succes sor of Boise Penrose, nrd regarded as a regular republican, Following the challenge to the idea [ extended by President Harding, Sena tor Pepper's support of the Norris •idea suggested the possibility that Senator Pepper may be a candidate tor the presidential nomination In 1924, should the Held be an open one. However, the plan is not monopolized by Senator Norris, but is sponsored also by the American Bar association. “It is sometimes argued ,n defense of the present system," Senator I’ep per said, “that there is now a cooling off period between the excitement of a campaign and election and the actual beginning of a session or inauguration of a president. To my mind such an argument is without force. If four months is a good cooling off period, perhaps four years would lie better. We would then have a congress so well cooled that the topics discussed in the campaign would rio longer be fresh In their minds, and they would probably be working on something else. It would be as logical to pro pose that a jury should be given a cooling off period after hearing the evidence before being called upon to render its verdict. “While we cannot, perhaps, be guid 1 ed by English customs and precedents I in this country, it is fair to lake their : experience as illuminating. After a i general election in England, the new | legislators are brought to WesUnin | ster without delay. Their elections ; are ns heated as ours and they have not found it dangerous or conducive to radical action to call parliament immediately into session. Certainly we can trust the American people to send men to the senate and house who will be prepiffed to do their duty tlie day after election as well as four months after election.” The coldest capital in Europe is Petrograd. Pennsylvanian Joins Progressive Forces ' ^a^ ___ \Giorg V. Fine of Juror Accused of Court Contempt Reduced Lincoln, I) o. $.—(Special.)—The tine of Itnssell Itozean was reduce {oday 1 y tlie state supreme court from $100 to $25 for contempt of court while a ' juror in the Lucy Neal murder trial lot Auburn, Neb. Itozean was charged with express ; ing an opinion of the testimony to j neighbors while a member of the mur 1 tier jury. The act called for a new trial and cost the county several thou | sands of dollars. The supreme court held that while ' Itozean was guilty of the offense as Charged, he did it with no malice. Dr. Sherraden, Mason and Elk, Succumbs to Pneumonia Dr. William II. Sherraden, 61, pion eer Omaha dentist, died at 6:30 yester day morning at his home, 3021 Daven port street, of pneumonia. Dr. Sherraden was a Mason and an Elk. He is survived by his widow, one daughter, Mrs. Jasmine Dunham of Omaha, and one Sister, Mrs. Ella Golden of Council Bluffs. Funeral services will be held Sunday ; afternoon at 3 in the First Congrega I tional church. ■» ' 11 ....— ■■■■'. I Admiral Jones ' to Head Entire American Navv _ * Reorganization of Force Under Title of “United States Fleet" Approved by President. Washington. Pec. S—The Navy do 1 partment announced a general order, j approved by President Harding, put ting into effect a plan for organiza tion of the navy afloat under one .commander in chief. The fleet is organized under tho title "the United States fleet," and is divided into four sections as follows: The battle fleet, the scouting fleet, tlie control force and the fleet base force. The present naval policy calls for the various units of the fleets, battle fleet, scouting fleet, control fleet and base force fleet, meeting annually for threo months for drills, maneuvers and gunnery exercises. Admiral dunes Commander. This winter the newly organized fleet will meet in Panama bay for that purpose. Admiral H. P. Jones, U. S. N., now commanding the Allan tic fleet, and who would, on the meet ing of the Atlantic and Pacific fleets, assume supremo command, by the new organizations becomes for all pur poses the commander In chief of the United States fleet in peace und war, whether the units of the fleets are tn juncture or apart. The particular advantages of the new organizations are described bv the navy as follows: It facilitates passing from peace to war conditions, thereby saving time at the beginning of the war when time is vital. It allows the various units to be trained in peace for the duties which they must perform in war by officers who are in command during war. All Under One Command. It places the whole fleet under tlie command of the officer w ho is to command it In time of war and gives him and the officers in command of the major units opportunity to gain I necessary experience in command and I in making plans to carry out their | a: signed tasks. It creates an organized fighting I force which has only to be expanded in emergency to be ready for any campaign. The battle fleet which would natur* j ally be opposed to any enemy main I fleet in war time will be in command of Admiral IS. \V. Eberle, U. S. N.. with the title of commander-in-chief, ! battle fleet. The scouting fleet whose duty in wartime is to locate the enemy main fleet and later to unite with the bat tile fleet to join in action will be un der command of Vice Admiral J. D. McDonald, U. S. N., with the title of commander scouting fleet. The control force whose duty is to aid in the seizure of bases and to ex ercise control of the sea once it is gained will be under command of a I rear admiral to be assigned as the re | lief of Hear Admiral N. A. McCully, WE DELIVER TO ANY PART OF THE CITY PHONE ATLANTIC 3857 MAIL ORDERS FILLED ON THIS AD Compare—Buy—Save Saturday Specials Omar Elour, per 48-lb. sack _91.79 J. M. Cut Green Beans. 3 cans for .49<* Tipper Peas, -~* Pure Cane Sugar, 10 lbs. for .75* New large English Walnuts, lh.25* Extra fancy B. D. Cooking Apples, peck .49^ Extra fancy Jonathan Apples, 10 lbs. for.63^ Ankola Coffee, 3 tor .98c Table Supply Special Coffee, 3 lb».856 Itllewlld or Seward Butter, Par IP.53» | Uem Nut Buttertne, per lb.383© | DELICIOUS MEATS UNDERPRICED Fresh Dressed Spring Chickens, per ib.. ««,, + Frime Rib Rolled Roast, per lb.. i q!. Fresh Tork Shoulders, per lb.."...’....iouS Extra Lean Pork Chops, per lb.“ * 1 45 Genuine Spring Lamb Stew, per lb.7, .7.77. Spring l.egg of Lamb, per lb.777.7.7 27 Young Veal Breast with pocket, per lb.77777. 7>721 Choice Steer Beef Roast, per lb..* nL Choice Steer Chuck or Shoulder Roast, per lb.777777”l2W Choice Steer Rump Roast, per Ib. 12>1* Young Veal Roast, per lb.7..7!7!7l2V* Extra Loan Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon, per lb.27H© SATURDAY CANDY SPECIALS Fancy Mixed Candy. Hoarhound Wafers.... Fruit Tablets... 25c 2 lbs., 45c uaker] 'BR.EAD | IT'S MADE WITH MILK | LET THE QUAKER I BE YOUR BAKER !*■ y Saturday Sunday Special Saturday Sunday Special CHOCOLATE FUDGE —Everybody’* favorite—Chocolate Ice Cream gen erously filled with cherries and fresh ground nuts. You’ll enjoy it at lunch, dinner or supper. Fine for parties, too. Take DELICIA Heme in Bulk —or ia Pint or Quart Sealed Package*. : Made the BETTER way by FAIRMONT in Omaha, Crete, Grand Island and Sioux City. I 44 Benefit of Omaha WOman’s Club Bldg. Fund Please send through my grocer. .packages of “Kernels of Wheat.” I agree to pay the grocer 25c per package. Name ..'. Address .(Purchaser) Phone or mail order to MRS. H. J. HOLMES, Chair* man, WA 1451, 4815 Douglas; or MRS. CHAS. E. JOHANNES, President, WA 0079. U. S. N.. just ordered as president of board of Inspection and survey, with the tilte of commander control force. The fleet base force whose duty will lie to defend such fleet basts as may be established will be under com mand of Hear Admiral .1. V. Chase. U. S N.. with the title of commander fleet biise force. Mail Brings Suit for False Arrest and 12 Hours in Jail Don K. DeBow brought suit late yesterday against John SI. Kemp. 631S North Thirty second street, charging that he was arrested on .a false charge made by Kemp and held In jail 12 hours. The arrest, for which he asks $10,000 occurred November 27, accord ing to lk'Uow, who says it was charged that he aided and abetted George S. Kselin in obtaining lots by misrepresentation, lie says the case was dismissed without prejudice by Police Magistrate Wappich. The Ordinal Food Drink for All Age*. Quick Lunch at Home .Office ft Fountatn*. RichMilk. Mai ted Grain Extract to Pow dei St Tablet forma Nouriihin*-Nneookla|. W Avoid Imitations and Snbstitntta 3 - “One thing sure-well have good bread! ” Red-blooded he-men demand nourish ing food to retain their strength and energy. Sportsmen in the field or stream— bankers and laborers alike know that Victor flour give* them the most de licious wholesome, health sustaining bread that can be made. "Not Accidentally bocd" but" Made Crood Alwaya. The most modem day light mill in America. THE CRETE MILLS - - Crete, Nebr. Daily Capacity 2000 Barrala. Our 80c Roman fiOr* Nuget, Special, ib. . A real treat. Try some. V ___ 48 lb. Sack Gooch’s Flour. Made from choicest blended wheat. _ Fancy Steer Pot Roast) lb. Serve it cold with our own made mayonnaise. Cudahy’s Rex Lean Break fast Bacon, 07 lAp per lb.“ • I Delicious with waffles or wheat cakes. Large Cans Pet Milk 10c One dozen cant, $1.15. Jonathan Apples, per box, $1.49 Good for both eating or cooking. 16th and Harney ATlantic 7175 CENTRAL MARKETS 16th and Douglas ATlantic 5490 Large Cans Del O C c Monte Pineapple ^ ^ With whipped cream is a delicious desse rt. Central Extra Quality Pack pfrlbUtter’. 50V2C Made from the purest milk and cream. Gallon Cans Mazola Oil $1.49 i Fine for ealarf Central Special Coffee, lb. 30c Take along a 'b». for B8e. Guaranteed Checked Eggs in cartons, 9fil/or per dozen .. If you like fresh eggs, try oure. Mixed Nuts, 1 Qr 1922 crop, lb.1 Buy your nuts for Xmas now. and Pure EGG NOODLES | Pearl White Soap 10 Barg for 35C The Quality Coffee of America, per lb., 47*