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wom^s features I The < )maha Sunday Dee 1 .r,y, J VOL. 52—NO. 28. PART TWO OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 24, 1922. 1—B _FIVE CENTS -Jf •'•v.. ■ ■' ' ^4/i'sS (?rvijJr/o/L ^ 4VwA;/'/^&rri/fyr p£of<? , ^rneS/fJ/eaa! jtfi'ss <?rma W^/kirts Aie/oyrajjA The Persian poet’s jug of wine and loaf of bread might have made tiiv < wilderness a paradise, hut it takes a tea table with all its dainty appoint ments to turn a library into paradise during these afternoons just on tliu threshold of Christmas. Miss Vernelle Head and her guest. Miss Erma Aikens, of St. Joseph, Mo., are seen here having “tea for two’’ Thursday afternoon in the library of the beautiful Head home. Miss Aikens departed Friday morning. Miss Bicklcy Smith, 'also of St. Joseph, was Miss Head's guest during the week. • • • r At a late holiday tea, given by Mrs. F. A. Nash, Miss Ellen Creighton will be presented by Dr. Mills Silby In a song recital. She has been a pupil of I)r. Silby for two years. Miss Creighton was educated at Duchesne col lege and is now recording secretary of the alumnae. She is 'a member of the Cathedra! Gallery choirs and lias appeared as soloist for the Mozart club, and also for tlie Cathedral sacred concerts. * • • Mrs. Frederick Bucholz was in charge of the Christmas party which the Junior league gave Saturday afternoon for children at the University of Nebraska hospital. A joyful gift and a useful gift was planned for each child, but the success of the committee was so overwhelming th*at each little patient was remembered over and over again from Santa’s pack. The Junior league gave a similar party' at tlie Day Nursery Friday afternoon. * * • One of the first of the school girls to arrive home for the holidays was Miss Doris Talmage, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Talmage. She Is attend iug Miss Bennett’s school at Milbrook, N. Y. Mrs. Talmage will entertain 'at a large luncheon for her daughter at her home on January 2. Mis} Talmage is to sell cigarets ns one of a charming group nt the Associated Charities ball Wednesday night, December 27, at the Brandeis. • * * It Is good occasionally to even up with California for the many at tractive Nebraskans who are lured to her desert and shore. Omaha is the gainer this time in Miss Juli a Tripp, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Tripp, who are newcomers here tills season from Isis Angeles. Miss Tripp, an ac complished singer, spent the fall months studying in New York. She and her parents are welcoming Burton Tripp home from Staunton Military icademy, West Virginia, who is here for the holidays. --—-i yl/rs 7rec/<?r-irfc £uc/ro/z. J .■■■itruwmJl. ■ ■■■»■■ I S/ree/or ? prances J8ur? b MOSftflSt&MI Miss Frances Burl will bo one of (lie holiday hostesses for the young set. She will entertain at Hie Omaha elnb tea dansante Wednesday, December 27. \ few daj s later will find her hurrying off to Chicago, where, on Tuesday, January 2, she will be bridesmaid at the wedding of Miss Dorothy Bradford of Evanston. Sparklers Are Being Worn Gabby Announces Three En gagements in Her Own Sweet Way. By GABBY DETAYL8. DIAMONDS will never get to be an epidemic, eo It Is with sur prise that Gabby hears of at j least thrse new ones having made I their appearance with all the ear marks of badges of bondage. Judging by the position they occupy. This without explanations being made through the press, though not with “no questions being asked.’’ Of course speculations have been rife about the sparkling gems, enthroned so serenely In handsome platinum, but up to date they are worn for ornamentation only, or so their wear ers say. However, It now appears that an announcement Is to be made at a holiday tea, already scheduled, con cerning one of our most attractive girls, whose charms are as marked as the gray matter she Is famous for. It seems she Is about to desert the legal field, where she Is engaged In proving the female Is more deadly than the male, for one more roman tic. The others are not so frank. One young lady who declines to make a statement ie visiting from a north ern city with the .family of a young f man who lias just returned from an eastern college, where he is a senior. She is making his vacation days more bearable, and is the recipient not oidy of n generous amount of compliments, but also of one of these diamond rings. The third young lady is more dis creet about wearing her solitaire on her left hand. She plays ostrich with it on her right, and fondly sup poses that the public is entirely un aware. However, since she was in the court of Ak Sar Ben this year, anything unohstruslve is impossible and Gabby hopes that after nil east ern trip she will realize this and wear it where It should be with an appro priate announcement. .~*_rpHOUGH It is mors blessed to give, etc., etc., says Gabby politely, stifling a yawn, one must be more blessed to receive, for It Is Just as Important to be beautiful and gra cious as well. Of course, nice things we notice always happen to those rare creatures with Titian tresses, and so Gabby wm not surprised the other day to hear that the father-in-law of one of our most beautiful young matrons with ruddy tresses, had seen fit to send a smart sedan around as the result of doing his (Christmas shop ping and doing it early, and that a white fur coat as exotic as the Pari sian salon whence It came had been personally selected and for warded to her by his wife. TIE women who attended a board meeting of one of the city's large institutions for social service are •fcuckllng over what occurred this J week. They had gathered for luncheon and a business meeting, and their president, a woman noted for her charm of manner, her efficiency and her public spirit, was presiding. The luncheon proved excellent and they were all enjoying themselvea when the president was called to the telephone. "Why Jane, I forgot all about you,” they heard her gasp. She came back decidedly flustered, and explained apologetically. "I have a daughter v<1io is sick In bed at home and 1 J - '•mpletely forgot it,” she admitted * shamefacedly. “The poor child hasn't had a bite to eat and It is nearly 2 o'clock. She told me she was so hungry she was gnawing the tele ^ phone.” And gathering up her fdrs and her hand-hag she fled precipitately to ren der social servlcs where It waa most seeded, ——:- -- 1 For Fiancee of Denman Kountze J Mr. C. T. Kountze will Introduce Miss Mary Mallory Harris of Mem phis, Tenn., fiancee of his son, Den mig, who will arrive with her mother, Mrs. R. W. Harris, on Saturday, the 30th. at a 4 o'clock tea at hla home. Tuesday afternoon. January 2 , Mr. Kountze will entertain his own friends, and the following day “will again give a tea for Miss Harris when the friends of Denman Kountze will be the guests. Miss Dorothy Judson will honor Miss Harris on Wednesday, January 3, when she will give a dinner at her home with covers for eight. Mary Findley Hostess at Buffet Supper. Miss Mary Findley will be hostess Tuesday evening at a buffet supper at her home, following which the guests will attend the T. K. dance at the Fontenelle hotel. Covers will he placed for the Misses Izetta Smith, Frances Burt, Dorothy Dahlman, De Weenta Conrad, Emily Burke, Fran ces Patton, Helen Rogers, Mary Mors tnan, Dorothy Gilbert of New York, Josephine Schurman, Edith Eatta, Te kamah: Frances Castetter, Dorothy Cavanaugh, Ruth McCoy and Messrs. Frank Campbell, Sam Carlisle, Phil Downs, Jack Squires, Millard Rogers, Ralph Campbell, Jack Peacock, Mar vin Bridges, George Stocking, George Metcalfe, Jasper Hall, Brooks Vance, Milton Rogers, Howard Gray and Tom Findley. • Mrs. Clair Baird Writes Christinas Play. “A Christmas Dream,” a playlet, written by Mrs. Claire Baird waa pre sented Friday evening under direction of Mrs. Baird at the Christmas party at the First Presbyterian church by ,30 children of the Sunday school classes. The principal roles were taken by Catherine North and Bar bara Baird. Words and music for sev eral little songs In the play were also written by Mrs. Baird. Lee Huff Home Bright With Living Christmas Trees. I-ast night for the first time Mr. and Mrs. Lee Huff Illuminated the three living Christmas trees growing on their spacious lawn. Situated as their home is on the crest of the hill at 5601 Farnam street, these, vari col ored lights sent the holiday mes sage of good cheer, far and wide. Two stand guard on either sfde of the front walk, And the third, which Is on the northern slope may be seen by motorists as they come down the Fatracres hill into town . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Menagh of Dennison, la., parents of Mrs. Lee Huff. Jr., arrived in time for the light ing. and will spend Christmas day In Omaha. Mrs. Flack to Give Buffet Bridge. Mr. and Mns. George Flack have issued Invitations to a buffet bridge they will give at their home Thurs day evening of next week In com pliment to Miss Elizabeth Barker, who has returned for holiday week from New York, where she is a stu dent at Columbia university, and for Capt. and Mrs. Richard Crane of Madison, Wis., who are visiting Mrs. Theodore Ringwalt. Captain and Mrs. Crane will be hon ored Christmas evening when Miss Helen Rogers, who has just returned from Vassar, will bs th« hostess at a thrss-tabls brldga. Family Dinner. Parties Make Christmas a Jolly Day Crackling logs, the fragrance of sa vory goose, holly wreaths and reunit ed families! Hundreds of homes in Omaha will answer this description to morrow. At the Ward M. Burgess home will be their daughter. Miss Margaret Lee, and sons, Charles and Lewis, with their families, Mr. Burgess’ mother and sister. Continuing a custom of many years, the Charles T. Kountze home will open to the family for Christmas dinner. Miss Eleanor is home front school fol the occasion and Denman Kountze is also here. Ilis fiancee and her moth er will not arrive until the 30tli for their visit in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Burns and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rums will dine with Mr. Kountze. T^e O. T. Eastman family will he un able to accept the usual holiday in vitation owing to the recent serious illness of Mr. Eastman, but they will be a happy family group in their own home because of Mr. Eastman's Im provement in health. Frances Nash Watson, her husband. Major E. M. Watson, and Miss Cather ine Cartan, who have traveled from Paris to spend the holidays here with Mrs. E. W. Nash, will arrive in New York on Christmas day. Mf. and Mrs. L. F. Crofoot will meet them at the pier. Others of the family who will dine together in Omaha are Mrs. E. W. Nash. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nash and family, Ludovlc, David and Michael Crofoot. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Head and their daughter, Miss Vernelle, will en joy family dinner at home. J. M. Baldrige will entertain at a family dinner, having at his home Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Baldrige, Howard Baldrige, Mrs. R. W. Connell, Herbert and James Connell’and Dudley Wolfe. Mrs. J. M. Baldrlge and daughter, Miss Gwendolyn, are In Maine. A Christmas cup o’ tea will be served at 5 o’clock to 20 or more friends of Mrs. George Prlns at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Prlnz will dine at home earlier In the day with Mrs. Prlnz's father, John L. Webster. With Mr. and Mrs. Frank Judson and their daughter, Miss Dorothy, will be Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Davidson, Miss Dorothy, Janies, Jr., and John; Mrs. Margaret and son, Wil liam, Miss Ann Howland and Wal lace Shephard. Arriving this morning from Chicago are Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Bohling. who will lie the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bohling. They will dine with Mr. and Mrs. T. I,. Davis on Christmas, when other guests will be Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Davis, Mrs. G. A. Meyer, Miss Elizabeth Davis and J. S. Brady. John F. Stout and his daughter^ Miss Gertrude, will entertain Mr. and Mrs. Phillip lvnoedler of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stout and daughter, Barbara of Tekamah, at their Christ mas dinner tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Keller and Miss Emily Keller will have with them Eleut. Coni. Harold R. Keller, Mrs. Keller and their sons, Harold Russell, Jr., and John Wilbur. With Mr. and Mrs. R. .T. Dinning will be Mr. and Mrs. Allan Tukey and daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dinning, jr. Dining with Mrs. W. C. Shannon at a family dinner will he Mr. and Mrs. Myron I.earned, Mr. and Mrs. I-ucien Stephens, Mrs. William Sears Poppleton and son, William, Jr., and Mrs. H. C. Smith. This is the first J Christmas dinner Id Omaha tor VVU- ^ 11am, jr., since he left here to attend schbol in the east several years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Newbronch will have dinner at home. With them will be their daughters Eleanor and Evelyn, and Mrs. Howard Douglas. Mr. Douglas and Miss Dorothy Jane, their grandchild. Mrs. Grace Travis and family will complete the circle. Dr. and Mrs. Earl Sage are having their Christmas dinner today. With them will be Dr. and Mre. F. N. Con nor, Mr. and Mrs. John E. Wilbur, Miss Katherine Wilbur, Charles Deuel, Lnke Dueel and Dr. W. O .Bridges. Mrs. C. F. Cox. sister of Mrs. Ar thur Mickel, will be hostess at a family dinner, which will include Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mickel and Mr. and Mrs. George Mickel and family. Dining with Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Carpenter on Christmas day will be Mr. and Mrs. George Barker, jr., and son. George; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ko witt and children, Caroline and Ralph, jr.; Mrs. Linn Carpenter Lockwood and Miss Hattie White. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Reed and daugh ters,«Erna and Peggy, will have their Christmas dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Carpenter, Jr. With Mr. and Mrs. George B. Thumpiel will be her father, George E. Congdon of Washington, D. C„ and Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Allen Congdon and small daughter of Syracuse. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Gordon will have a family dinner party. From out of town will be Mr. and Mrs. Willard Hawler of Chicago. Mrs. R. W. Brerkenrldge, mother of Mrs. Gordon will also be a gi^est. With Mrs. Charles Offutt will be Mr. and Mrs. Casper Offutt. Mr. and Mrs. Milo T. Gates, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Gates of Genoa, Neb.. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Hendricks and Miss Helen Hib bard. , Three sons and their wives and two daughters, will dine with Mr. and Mrs. M. C. reten. They an Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Peters, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Peters and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Peters, Miss Gladys and Daphne Pet ers. Other guests will be Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hess and John Hess. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Megeath and Mr. nnd Mrs. J. K. Megeath will dine with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Megeath. Mr. and Mrs. Barton Millard will entertain Mr. and Mrs. Louis Clarke. Mrs. R. F. Kloke, Miss Jessie Mil lard, W. B. Millard, Jr., who la a student at Yale and Ray Millard, who has come home for the holidays. Among the welcome holiday visitors is Mrs. P. J. O'Brien of Missoula, Montana, formerly Miss Nettle Burk ley. She and her husband will be guests at a family dinner tomorrow with the J. M. Hardings. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Brlnker, Frank Burk ley and Harry Burkley nnd family. Miss Eleanor, Harry, Jr., RoberJ and Francis, will be the other guests. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Allison, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. A1 Sibbernsen will dine with Mrs. C. C. Allison at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gallagher and their young daughter wall dine at home. With them will he Mr. Gal lagher’s brother, Ben, and Miss Mary Daey, a friend of the late Mrs. Gal lagher, mother of Paul. Mrs. Herman Ivounlze will enter tain at a family dinner at her home for Mrs. Ella Cotton Magee, Fred ericks Nash, Virginia Cotton, Mar shall Magee, Ben Cotton, sr., and son, Ben, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Rushton will have as their Christmas dinner guests Mrs. Rushton’s brother, R. E. Davis, and wife from Utica, Neb., and Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Mockett of Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Woodworth of Lincoln and Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Hig gins will have Christmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Potter. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Ramsey will have as their Christmas guests Mrs. E. W. Cook of Beatrice, mother of Mrs. Kamsey; Mr. and Mrs. D. W. (Turn to Fags Two. Column Two.) Calendar for Xmas Merry - Go- Round of Gaieties Mostly Affairs for the Young Folk. Sunday, December 21. Mr and Mrs. R. II. Olmsted dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Knoedler of Chicago, guests of John F. Stout. Monday, December 25. Mrs. W. R. Adair, dance at Country club honoring daughter. Marjorie. Mrs. Georgo Prinz, Christmas “at home” to 20 guests In late afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Peters, morning housewarming at their new home for SO guests. Miss Dorothy Higgins, dinner at her home preceding the Adair dance at Country club. Miss Helen Rogers, Informal eve ning bridge in compliment to Cap tain and Mrs. Richard Crane of Madi son. Wis. Mrs. Herman Gunther, dinner at (he Iilackstone hotel, honoring her daughter, Miss Louise, and her guest. Miss Charlotte Wilson of Roswell, N. M. Covers for 18. Tuesday, December 26. T. 'K. club, dance at Fontenelle. Miss Mary Findley, buffet supper at home. Miss Kathleen McCrann weds Stan ley Paul Wallin. Mrs. William T. Dinkins, evening bridge for Mrs. Morton Rhodes of Worland, Wyo. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lewis, three tables evening bridge as housew-arm ing at new home. Miss Verona DeVore and Miss Wini fred McMurtin, luncheon at Athletio club, honoring Miss DeVore’s guest, Miss Laura Stevens. Mrs. F. P. Loomis luncheon at Braudels restaurant for Miss Mary Caroline Woodworth of Kansas City. Miss Margaret Shotwell entertains at luncheon for Miss Eleanor -Scott of Washington, D. C., and for Miss Eleanor Smith at Blackstone. Wednesday, December 27, Les Hiboux, dance at Blackstone. Alpha Phi luncheon at Fontenelle. Mrs. Frank Selby, formal tea at her home. Miss Helen Graham, bridge tea at her home. Associated Charities’ ball at Bran dels restaurant. Miss Frances Burt, tea dance at the Omaha club. Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Head, dinner at home preceding bt^ll. Mrs. Emily Peterson, dinner for Mrs. Russell Phelps of Minneapolis. Alpha Chi Omega of Central High school, dance at Prettiest Mile club. O’dlx club of Central High school, luncheon for 40 guests at University club. Miss Beota Alderman, hostess to Stigma Chi Om'icron of Omaha uni versity at her home. , Miss Daisy Rich, tea for Miss Bleanor Scott of Washington, D. C.. her guest for the holidays. Mrs. Herbert Wheeler entertains at Omaha club tea dance for nephew, Dean Robinson of Grand Rapids. Alpha PI Omega of Central High school will have 100 guests at the Prettiest Mile club for a dance. Miss Bllzabeth Davis, dinner at Omaha club for Mrs. Donald McFer ron of Iloopestown. 111., preceding ball. Mrs. Theodore Maenner luncheon for Miss Mary Caroline Woodworth of Kansas City, guest of Mrs. F. P. Doom is. Maj. and Mrs. Arthur Davis, dinner at their home for their house guest, Miss Ruth Constance Ingalls of Atchison, Kan. Miss Bleanor Burkley, luncheon at her home, honoring Miss Ror*thy Gilbert of New York, guest of Miss Mary Morsman. Mr. and Mrs. Bee Huff, Jr., dinner before ball for Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sidles of Dlncoln and Mr. and Mrs. .(Turn to Page Two, Colonial Uto) ,