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If You Are in Need of Ready Money, Use Omaha Bee “Want" Ad* to sell the things for which you have no further need. It will surprise you how many people want the very things which you have laid aside. Call ATlantic 1000 and ask for a “Want” taker. Remember, Omaha Bee “Want” Ads Bring Better Results at Lesser Cost. ? '•* ■ i _ - ^ II_ ■■■■= ■■== NEBRASKA^LANDS RESOLUTION FOU LANDLORDS AND TENANTS. Improved farms for less# and option to buy on yearly piymrst of only 6 per cent of principal. Three per cent interest only ta charged, balance of payment applied on principal. Box N, Broken Bow, Neb. Land Priced for Quick Sale. E5>4 acres of good land, one mile from Central City, Neb. Good Improvements, all under cultivation. Small amount of .ash will handle. Writs Teeter & Homan. Grand Island, Neb.___ FoR SALE—Modern 6-room cottage, ga rage arid cistern, $3,500; al*o 27 acres land 2 Vi miles east of Peru, Neb.. If sold at once. Inquire Miss Bessie Wills, Peru. Neb. Phono 53. SOUTH DAKOTA LANDS. i40-A. Sully Co Trade for Omaha prop. K. 11. Benner Co., Realtors, Omaha. TEXAS LANDS. COLONIZATION lands suitable for citrus fruits, berries and fruits. Other lands for feed crops, live stock, trucking or cotton. No snows. Good locations and water, fso commissions to pay. Our services free. l«argo or small tracts. State what Is wanted In first letter, immigration Dept. N. A. & A. I*. R. ft San Antonio. Texas. MISCELLANEOUS LANDS. FEED srtii, hbg. dairy and poultry land for actual settlers on terms that can be met. No snows. Good roads, schools and water. Farm Dept. S. A. A: A. P. R. R . San Antorrto, Tex. SALE OR EXCHANGE. $4$ a > b Nebraska corn land, 600 mmi seres cultivated. 280 wheat. One-third ( goes. Incumbrance li.OOO. Half se< uon Nebraska wheat-corn land : Improved. 230 acres cultivated. Clear. j Trade clean gene rat merchandise, hard ware, furniture. \V$II consider o flier deals. , Popler, Owner. 421 South 27th St., Lincoln, Neb. FOR EXCHANGE—HO acres In Pawnee county; Nebraska, all good farm land, $10.ooti worth of improvements. 2VO ndles from town, incumbrance $13,500. Want smaller farm or clear income property. C. t\ Stone, Auburn. Neb, 307 ACRES improved, 107 pasture meadow. 200 cultivated. $85 acre, Inc., $10,500; want merchandise or hardware. P. H. Atchison, Waveriy, Kan.__ l’OR SAU1 or Trade—700 acre improved ranch near Newport, Neb. Address T. H. Evans. Norfolk, Neb. ACREAGE FOR SALE. 4U Acres West Pacific. Right in line of Omaha'* growth westward, •*'* mile from new Hap py Hollow club aite. high, rolling gi'Utly to a spring at ream, 10 acres tn pasture,' 10 in a If Alfa, one tiers orchard, balance cultivated; nice walnut grove; good improvement*. Pro s $11,000 for quick *ale. O’Keefe Real Estate Com pany, Realtors, ion; Omaha Natl. Hank Bldg. JA. 2715. ' VACANT PROPERTY VACANT I.OTS A vary nice corner, fronting the r»rk In Kountze Place, for $1,860. A pood business lot, 43x110 on 24th Street, near Blnney Street, for $1,100. MxltG on Sherman Avenue, between Ohio and Corby Streets, two frontages, owner very anxious to sell. Corner business lot on Arnes Avenue, near aite of New High School, for $1,100. W. IT. OATES 647 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. JA. 1214. WILL build to your order on our beauti ful lots In Kdgewood; very easy term* AT-Ian tic 164#___ DUNDEE lot. 60x126, on 64th St. near Far nam; choice lot; owner will consider reas onable offer C. A. Orlmmel JA, 1616. PIKE A PRICE Want modern Iota; buyers waiting. Phone JA. 2419. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. 24th Street, Double Corner 6tfx1S2. having 284 feet, frontage on three streets, bring 66 feet west front on Twenty-fourth street, 162 north on Burt, 66 feet east on Twenty third street. This will prove a good Investment as Twen ty-fourth la widened. Investors are predicting Twenty-fourth street to become our main street of tha future described ss N. >4 of lots 1 find 2. block 344, Omaha, and 20 foot atrip on east. 0*Keefe Real Estate Com pany, Realtors. 1"1* Omlhi Noll. Hank BI<1*. ,TA. 3715. Real Iuvegtmeiit Triplex brick flat". 7 room* each. Close to business center. Priced to sell. Cali W. Farnatu Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam. JA. 0664. Sun.. WA. 2S76. ALh'RED~THOMAS & Son Co . Realtors NORTH SIDE PROPERTY, .. Minne Lusa Are you looking for a ■trlctly up-to-dute bungalow with splendid surroundings near , nr and school? We have one in genuine Keilastone. Five largo rooms and break- , fast room finished in oak and white enum «1. Oak floors throughout. Excellently arranged. French doors. Tile bath with best of plumbing. Hat age to match house with cement drive. A real home, $1,600 cash. Trice $6,760. Overlooking Miller park and Minne Lusa. a wonderful view. A brand new bunga low of 6 large rooms. Oak finish and floors. Two more rooms can be finished up. The type of bungalow others are asking $6,000 for. Ownciv wishes to sell quick ly. and has cut prftfc to $5,350, $1,000 cash. Cahrles W. Martin & Co., Realtors 737 Omaha Natl. Bank Bldg. AT. 0187. FIVE-ROOM KELL ASTON E BUNGA LOW. FOR $5,260. This waa built ty owner for his home, is finished in oak. and with good sized rooms, basement has cement floor, lot 60x124, with a garage. W. H. GATES. 647 Omaha Nat Rank Bldg WE. 2688. REALTOR. JA. 1294. INVESTMENT 66 ft. on 18th a little north of Cuming, 3 houses and garage, value $1,800 a year. Business de veloping all around it. Act quickly if interested. Harrison & Morton 916 Omaha NatL JA. 0314. 83 Years in Same Location. MISSOURI PACIFIC Offer* permanent employment ta mi ehfatale, boilermakers, blacksmiths and reach carpantara la Nabraaka, Kansas, Miaaeuri and Arkansas. Apply 217 South 14th St.. Omaha, Nob. f NORTH SIDE PROPERTY. NEW! NEW! FIVE AND SIX-ROOM BUNGALOWS. North and west part of city; full cement basement, floor drain, coal bln, heavy oak floors and finish, built-in features; i up-to-the-minuia in every respect. Prices ranging from $4,500 to $6,250. Terms to suit. Will accept vacant lots at full* \alue the same as cash. 8ee them to day. Evenings and Sundays call WA. 1422, WA. 1232. KE. 1243. R F. CLARY COMPANY. Realtors 24th and Ames Ave. KE. 0175. EIGHT-ROOM MODERN HOUSE FOR $5,000 Having some oak finish, two fireplaces, hot water neat, large corner lot. on street car line, where ground Is advanc ing in price. W. H. GATES. Realtor. 647 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. WE. 2668. ‘ JA. 1294. New 6-ro^m Colonial, all modern. A bargain, located 6944 Florence Blvd. Norris & Norria. JA. 4270.__ 3737 DECATUR—6-Rni., Mod. Ex. heat; 3 lots; $500 .cash, balance monthly. Creigh. 60S Bee. Tel. JA. 0200.___ LET Campbell figure your new dwelling. Best construction materials and service. \Ca. 5704 or At. 8048. 537 Keellne Bldg. D E. BUCK A CO buy. end sell homes SOUTH SIDE PROPERTY. Boulevard Home, $5,500 Six rooms and bath, garage, exceptional lot; one block to West Side park car. $1,000 cash will handle. Call Osborne Realty Co., 530 Peters Trust Bldg. Jackson 2282. A BARGAIN—One 6-room house, modern, remodeled. One 5-room house, modern 4 years old, income at present $55 per month. Can easily he Increased to $70. For quick sale, $5,950.00. Call MArket 4517._ ___ Choice Field Club Home Eight-room brick and frame; fireplace breakfast room, etc.; finished attic; double garage; extra lot on the boulevard. Call Osborne Realty Co., 530 Tetera Trust Bldg.Jackson 2282. 6-ROOM, fully modern garage, 94.150. Near 23d and Bancroft, want offer. Jell Best, AT. 6135. HA, 3714. westJside property. Edgewood Bungalow Now under construction. Five fine rooms on one floor. T.arge attic with dormer apace to finish large airy room. Oak and enamel fin ish. Excellent location, on paved street. Price complete, $♦>. 400; term*. For appointment call Grant Benson, Walnut 1680 evenings. Benson & Carmichael, 642 Paxton Block. Atlantic 3640. CORNER WEST FARNAM DISTRICT SI* rooms with aunroom, double garage, full width living room, full width bed rooms. French doors, fireplace, tils bath. Instantaneous heater. See this today. Only $9,750 and well worth the price. EDMAN A ERICKSON. 417 Omaha Doan A Bldg. Assn. Bldg. .1A. 0416. WE. 4856. KB. 3031. Brand New Bungalow $5,500. $1,000 DOWN. Five-room, oak finish, strictly modern bungalow, built-in features; large Jot, Just one block to*car. Jackson 2283. New Homes—Your, terms. AT. 4966. Grove-Hibbard Co. _DUNDEE PROPERTY. New Dundee Home On one of the sightliest south front lots in newer section of Dundee. Classy sweeping lines, elasticca stucco construc tion. Has 6 rooms, full length living room, fireplace, built-in bookcases, dream of a built-in kitchen, fine corner bed rooms and tile bath: gArage also. A mid winter snap at $9,200, on good terms. Buy now and save money. Call Schroeder Investment Co., REALTORS. JA. 3261. Svhroeder. HA. 0411. Booth. WA 200*. Dundee Homes and Lots aeorof. iv co„ rkai.torr. at. 2024. _ FLORENCE PROPERTY C. L. Nethaway Florence, Nch., extends the seasons greetings and wishes rill hi* friends and clients a Christinas full of good cheer and a New Year of prosperity. RALSTON PROPERTY. HOMES for worklimmen. Four room*, partly modern, full lot, easy terraa. 11.200. Have othiri. Stewart. Ralaton 10-W MISCELLANEOUS PROPERTY “We Build to Please" Tempi, McPayden Co.. 1006 Farnatn BL HAST IN OB * HEYPEN. Reaitora. Poor Given 700 Xmas Dinners »-— Creighton Students Make In vestigations and Distribute All Baskets. Seven hundred Christmas dinners were distributed to Omaha's poor Sat urday by Creighton university stu dents. The boys themselves did all the investigating and distributing in connection with the affair. Each Christmas basket contained a five-pound roast of beef, one peck of potatoes, a loaf of bread, a can each of corn, tomatoes and peaches, six ap ples, two oranges, a pound of candy and a pound cake. Automobiles were used in the distribution, but the woivk was done by the students themselves. The board of governors of the stu dents’ union, consisting of A. K. Ste vens, dental college, president; Wil liam Nolan, law; Julius Berger, arts: Adolph Swoboda, commerce and fi nance: Benjamin Ewing, medics; Thomas Berry, pharmacy, and John Ortman and Edward Leary, alumni, together with Charles B. Morearty, manager of the union, supervised the arrangements. One family consisting of father, mother and 18 children, was given three baskets. Pop Man Pleads Own Case. Russell Palmesano, proprietor of a pop stand at 322 North Sixteenth street, argued his own case in cen tral police court Saturday against a charge of illegal possession of liquor. He pleaded the defense that the raid ing squad had no search warrant. The hearing was continued to next Tuesday to give Palmesano a chance to hunt for legal citation with regard I to hia warrant contention. Many Parties for “Y” Boys During Holidays Two hundred and twenty-five Y. M. C. A. boys were taken on trips through the Ford Motor company and Peterson-Pegau Bakery company plants last Thursday: 167 attended free movies at the "Y,” 465 South Omaha hoys were treated to a Christ mas party at Swift & Co., and many others played basket ball. Next Tuesday mowing the boys will visit the Iten Biscuit company plant and the M. E. Smith & Co. plant. Movies will be shown in the afternoon. Wednesday morning the boys will attend The Omaha Bee World theater Christmas party at the World theater, marching In a body from the Y. M. C. A. to the theater and bearing banners upon which will be emblazoned the “Y” triangle. After the pnrty. the semi-finals in game tournaments will be played and Thursday morning a factory trip through the telephone building will be made. Thursday afternoon there will be a Christmas party in the “Y” assembly room. There will be an athletic meet Fri ' day morning, with regular “gym" classes Saturday. On New Year's ! day the boys’ division will stage its 1 annual entertainment. I -; 1 Pontifical High Mass at St. Cecilia Cathedral Pontifical high mass will be sung at midnight Christmas eve at St. Cecilia cathedral by Archbishop Karty. The sermon will be preached by Rev. Charles Cassidy of the Pas sionist order. The master of cere monies will be Rev. George A. Smis kol. Music will be furnished by the combined cathedral choirs, under the direction of Dr. R. Mills Silby. Masses will be at 6, 7, 8, i), TO, 11 and 12 noon Chlrstmas day. The 11 o'clock mass will be solemn high mass, with the archbishp and combin ed cathedral choirs assisting. Plans Complete for Police Xmas Party for Poor Kids Plans for the police department Christmas tree for the poor children of the city were completed yester day, when the hour for tthc party was advanced to 7:30 next Monday evening. More than 200 pounds of candy have been received by the committee South Omaha Qreetings Christmas Greetings to Our Patrons and Friends, j Louis Cohn Co. R..1 Estate and Investment. 4823 So. 24th Street Phone MA. 0143 -i Xmas Greetings To My Many Friends and Customers. TOBIN PHARMACY 2401 N St. ■ MA 0011 MOST JOYOUS XMAS GREETINGS to our many patrons and friends. Consumers Coal Co. Quality—Service—Economy “DEALERS IN GOOD COAL" Yards and Office 13th and Nicholas Tel. AT 0146 XMAS GREETINGS! May the Christmas bells ring in for you an era of unalloyed happiness and constantly increasing prosperity. CRONIN TIRE REPAIR COMPANY 4830 S. 24th St. MA 0879 Tire Repairing—Auto Supplies ! Season’s Greetings to All I92S will find u» strain endeavornir to meet all your demand* in efficient service. J. H. KOPIETZ REALTOR 4733 S. 24th St. MA 0960 The Season’s Greetings A. L. Berquist & Son "QUALITY PLUS” COAL An order placed with us is •Quality Insurance 24th and L Sts. MA 0062 Xmas Greetings to All Ouy Friend* and Customers JOHN C. RIHA Plumbing and Heating 4713 S. 24th St. MA 05S9 The Buff Oil Burners Sold and Installed Tk* Osaka Baa i* paa ••alias is rattan witk •■ uasurpaaaad Spar! Papa—aU »ka •aw* la tka warU af •part. To Our Friends and Patrons Every Good Wish for a Merry Christmas Adkins Motor Company Authorized Ford Dealer* 4911 S. 24th St. AT. 4866 CHRISTMAS GREETINGS To Our Patrons and Friends Frank Bosanek Groceriei, Meat*, Poultry and Vegetables MA 0845 24th and Q Streets XMAS GREETINGS TO ALL FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS HENRY GEEST MEAT MARKET 1917 Missouri Avs. MA 0161 Get Your Xmas Meat, Poultry, etc.. From Us. I in charge, as well as a large number of toys, enough, in fact, to care for 500 children, in the opinion of Sergt. Franke Rose and Emergency Officer A1 Sinclair, members of the com mittee. Sergt. Sam Morris will play Santa Claus and cut capers to bring the smiles of happiness to the drawn lit tle faces of the Third ward poor youngsters, when they are given theif anntial good time by the police of ficers of Omaha. Father and Son Week Here Will Open in Three Weeks Father and Son' week in Omaha will open three weeks from today in churches, civic and luncheon clubs and Y. M. C. A. J. H. Beveridge again is chairman of the father and son committee, with E. E. Mickle wright executive sect-etary. The week will open with a mass meeting at the “Y” Sunday afternoon, January 14. J. H. Beveridge will pre side. George Campbell will lead the Greetings HODGE ELECTRIC CO. We Appreciate Your Business 2508 North 24th Street WE 0582 % A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year To Everybody Hippodrome Cafe ISIS Douglas Street. A Merry Xmas to our many friends and customers from Billie Fox “The Sportsman" 318 South 18th. JA. 9882. All the Latest in Sport News. Wishing you the Merriest Kind of a Christmas and a Happy New Year i U-Drive It Co. 2226 Harney St. AT. 2002. A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year oooo Xmas Dinner from 11 A. M. to 8 P.M. <3000 King Fong Cafe 315 South 16th St., Upstairs. We Wish to Thank Our Many Patrons and Friends for Their Valued Patronage And to Extend Heartiest Christmas Greetings. Boulevard Transit Co. 1715 Douglai Street. Stage Line. Telephone Atlantic 9789. Greetings to One arid All May your patronage con tinue so long as our serv ice excels and may peace, happiness and prosperity attend you, is our sincere wish for you at this holi day season. Real Silk Hosiery Mills 439 Securities Bldg. singing. Governor McKelvie will speak. There will be banquets in the churches every night during the week. A new Father and Son song sheet I lias been made up by George Camp bell. The Father and Son bulletin to i ministers will be issued the last of this week. Ordered to Washington. Maj. F. B. Uyons of Lincoln has been ordered to Washington for ac | tive duty with the general staff Jan uary 3. He will serve on a board of regular army and reserve officers re garding government of the organized reserve corps. The board will sit probably six months. Maj. Ryons served as captain of engineers with the 602d engineers during the war. lie is president of the Nebraska State Reserve Officers’ association. _ Reception for General. Maj. Gen. G. B. Duncan and Mrs, Duncan will be given a reception, probably at the University club, the evening of January 20, by officers of the National guard, reserve corps and the regular nrmy, stationed In ant around Omaha. The reception will hi held In honor of General Duncan'! permanent assignment to the Seventh army corps area. Film Held Over. George Bebnn's film. "The Hearl of the Rose,” which has been show ing at the Brandeis theater will be held over Monday, Tuesday and Wed nesday. according to announcement of Joy Sutphen. manager. The government of Costa Rica has Issued a decree prohibiting the hold ing of boxing matches in the repub lie. Christmas Greetings We are grateful for aupport given us by customers and friends. Engd&hl’s Auto Top Co. •14 North lath Street. ✓ * * I RESTAURANT SPECIAL XMAS DINNER *140 PER COVER Serve From 11:30 A. M. Till S P. M. COCKTAILS Blue Point! or Shrimp Cocktail with Kick RELISHES Clover's High Celery Hearts California Special Olives . SOUPS Choice Creem of Turkey Ambassador Consomme a la Orge Pottage a la Conde FISH Filet of Sole Sauce Boi Caute ENTRIES Choce Prime Young Turkey ala Mud Hokl O'Ksy Cranberry Sauce Domestic Stuffed Young Duck ala Puree Verte Chicken Fricassee ala Pariaienne Baked Young Capon ala Montmorency VEGETABLES Cauliflower Sauce Cardinal O. ft G. Asparagus Tips Vinaigrette Puree of Totalo SALAD Salad Au Cresaon DESSERTS English Fig Tudding Sauce Savegeoa Hot Mince Pie BEVERAGES Coffee Tea Milk THE VIRGINIA (Formerly Calumet) 1413 Douglas Street Spend Christmas Eve i at the “Chicken Shack” 5206 Center St. Management of F. S. Dorsey F. S. Dorsey, for 36 years identified with such clubs as Happy Hollow, Omaha Club, Carter Lake Club, Seymour Lake Club, Balduff’s, and well known to people who demand distinctive service in catering, has opened the “Chicken Shack” at 5206 Center St. Chicken dinners, sandwiches and refreshments served on short notice. Phone WA. 1850 p To Readers i jjj and Advertisers j ^ We Extend Yuletide Greetings \ HALLGREN | Film Advertising Service 636 Paxton Block JA ckion 1893 A World of Sincere Greetings Rogers "Confection*" 24th and Farnam. 1 «