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Pajamas Minus Sleeves Latest Fad in London Leather Sport Skirts of Gor geous Hues Demanded — Handbag and Gauntlet Gloves Must Match. liondon, Jan. 6.—Sleevless paja mas and nightdresses are the lastest In fashionable women's wear among the "haut ton" of Britain. In place of sleeves, the wearer adorns her arms with dainty bracelets of rosebuds and ribbon, usually worn above the elbow. This accomplished, the fashionable Englishwoman Is now turning her at tention to an "all suede” out-of-door costume. Having borrowed from man his leather waistcoat and fashioned it Into the most fascinating of Jerkins, velvety soft and of the most gorgeous hues, she is now demanding sporta skirts of the same material. Not only hat and shoes, but hand bag and gauntlet gloves must match exactly. And to achieve this result even fur is often so disguised as to be hardly recognizable. Not only Is the humble rabbit dyed blue, green and pink, according to the wearer's fancy or gown, but even the sumptuous chinchilla has been trans formed to Jade. Ermine, formerly only known as a white fur, Is now taken from the little animal’s sum mer coat, a very pretty shade of brown. Evenings nowadays all English women are clad in gold or silver, like oldtime fairy princesses. Almost every material has now a metal thread in terwoven. giving gorgeous and shim mery effects. The very newest material for eve ning wear is a soft lemon crepe de chine, with a Japanese landscape of sea and mountains imprinted in black. ADVERTISEMENT. Here’s a Real Beauty Maker Pimples, Blotches, Blackheads, Boils, Muddiness and Redness Dis appear When You Usa Stuart’s Calcium Wafer*. If your ambition is to have the love liest of complexions here is a real beauty secret:—use Stuart's Calcium Wafers. It is no secret, however, to thousands of pretty girls all over the U. S. who have relied upon tehse wonder wafers to keep their complexions perfectly beau tiful instead of wasting time with cos metics. These wafers go directly after those embarrassing pimples, blackheads and other euch blemishes. It is not a round-about way. You get results every minute. You are sure of it in a few hours. They clear the blood, they drive from the system the impurities that cause pimples. The calcium goes to the skin, acta as a tonic, stimulates the tiny nerves, pores, and blood vessels to renewed activity, and !o! before you realise it the skin is peachy, firm, clear and the picture of a sweet, rosy complexion. Get a 60-cent bo* to day of Stuart’s Calcium Wafers in any drug store and you will have a real beauty maker to clear your skin of pimples, red ness, roughness and such destroyers of beauty. Wife, 20, Names Woman 82 Years Old as Rival JTrefciuuc CE/i^Jd-iardt^ I > —^*1) ttiszJr&ice _ By MARGERY REX. New York, Jan. 6.—Eighty-two years old and a corespondent In a divorce case! Well, of course, wo can't all become United States senators after 80. But, after all, the distinction which has be fallen Mrs. H. J. Brayton of Provi dence. It. I., isn’t anything she can really get conceited about. There are 121 others so named In the divorce case of Mrs. Minnie Col well Engelhardt, aged 20, against her “love magnet" husband, Dr. Adolph Engelhardt. The 122 rivals were so created through being “patients" of the healer. He has been engineering a spiritual contest, apparently, which his wife describes as "negligee” re ligion. She believes it has covered a multitude of sins. At least it offered an all-embrac ing divine love emanting from the founder. Dr. Engelhardt, familiarly known as the “love magnet.” The Sunday-go-to-meeting devotional gar ments of his folk were kimonos, his “lavender-souled” wife asserts. Those Penitential Robes. "He tried to turn my home into a harem!" she cries. Mrs. Engelhardt told the court that the "magnet's" divine cures were not so good when she was about the premises and that the soul-shades of the penitential robes hanging about his “office” got on her optic nerves. Engelhardt liked them younger when he fell in love with the lady who is now his wife. She was Just 16, a high school student. It was love at first sight. Her parents had been caught by one of Engelhardt's "ads" In a paper and were charmed with his healing claims. Daughter Minnie and her parents became patients. In those days Engelhardt was Dr. Adolph von Henri, and it was under that name that he was interned dur ing the war at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., as an enemy alien. All his patients went to the train to kiss him good-bye, bis wife states. When he regained his liberty he took the name by which he is now known. On Janu ary 24, 1920, he got married. His subsequent conduct led Mrs. Engelhardt to sue for divorce, charg ing nonsupport, gross misbehavior ADVERTISEMENT. ADVERTISEMENT. Run-Down Women Face to Face With Old Age! Blood-Power Builds Nerve-Power, Strength, Endur ance. Energy, Girlish Charm! S. S. S. Is Remark able in Building Blood-Power and Nerve-Power! Hm |i id 40 (n jrnri yat but ah* is run-down, exkaustad and that is just wkat aid ago is. S. S. S. will build up your blood-powor. This |i«s stroagth always! Madam, thla truth may (Ira you tha "creeps.’* Shudder ae you will, thla fact starea you In the face! You can not down It I If yon face the fact, you can add glorious strength to your washesed body. You can add sweeter yuan to your life, and bring back Boaee of the glorious charm of your girlhood days! But If you refuse to ■elMts It, then no power on earth can help you I When you are ex bausted, when you feel like “flopping down" on every seat you come to, that very thing you feel la nothing but early old age. Exhaustion and old ago aro practically the same thing. Both mean a “wearing out.” The number of yea re you have spent on aarth baa nothing to do with the way you fM! Remember this, tbs number of blood-celle you have con trols your nerves, your vitality, your health and strength! It Is all you have I The answer then Is, build up your blood-power! B. B. 8. baa been used since 1820 as one of the greatest blood-cell builders known! It con tains only vegetable medicinal Ingre dients. It Is also a remarkable blood purifier. This Is why It has proven such startling results In rheumatic conditions. In stopping pimples, ec sema, skin eruptions. In clearing and beautifying the complexion, and in building up thin, worn out men and women, and in building great nerve power! You are only as strong aa your bloo’d 1 Stronger and morn youthful nerves depend on blood* power 1 Stronger' blood ahowa at once in your face, in the strength of every organ. 8. S. R. will give yon great energy, strength and Mora youthful appearance. Btop getting old before your tima! 8. S. 8. is sold at all drug stores, in two sizes. The larger also bottle la the more eco nomical. 5« S.S. makes you /eel like yourself again and wickedness and extreme cruelty. She says: What Wife Charges. “I got tired of seeing women flock to him day and night. And I noticed his cures were not so good when I was around. “He certainly mesmerized the women. Young or old, it made no difference. And, furthermore, he is not an ordained minister. He used religious meetings as a cloak for his divine healing seance. "He kept a closet of multi-hued kimonos for his women patients that would put any lingerie store to shame. He had colors for different types. “Oh, he could certainly hoodwink us women!” Here are some of the corespondents named by Mrs. Englehardt out of 122 rivals: Mrs. Brayton, 82; Mrs. Charles Bass, 65; Mrs. Georgianna Gregg, 75; Mrs. Herbert Lawrence, Mrs. Anna ' J. Tanner, 65; Miss Alice Manning, who is in turn sueing Mrs. Engle hardt for naming her; Mrs. Nellie Silva, Mrs. Effle Ross, Mrs. Mary Parker, Mias Ida Angell, <2; Mrs. William Bemis, Mrs. Baxter, Miss Gardinejr, Miss Ingaborg Swanson, Mrs. Merrill and Miss Emma Nelson. Another Young Woman. Only a year after Englehardt mar ried Minnie Colwell he began to woo another young Providence (R. I.) woman, according to Leo S. Colwell, father of the plaintiff. He gave her an engagement ring, which was re turned to him, presumably after the discovery that Dr. Englehardt al ready had a wife. All this naming of corespondents, however, seems perfectly ridiculous to the divine healer, who says: "These women have simply been my patients. My wife got a list of the patients I treated and now has named them as corespondents. It’s Jealousy on her part—that's all. “If healing is immoral, then I sup pose I’m convicted. My wife couldn't bear to see me with my women pa ADVERTISEMENT. MRS. HINCKLEY NERVOUSWRECK Tells How She Was Restored to Perfect Health by Lydia E.Pink ham’s Vegetable Compoond Memphis,Tenn,—“ Twoyeara ago I was completely run-down and my nerves were a wreck. I could not sweep a room without resting. I could not do my work except a lit tle at a time, and the doctor’s medi cine did not help me. One day some onethrewyour lit tle book on to my porch, and in it I read several testi monials of women who had been like ' myself. I went right out and got me a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham’a Vege j table Compound, and before I had I taken the whole of that bottle 1 knew ■ it was helping me. I took six bottles, and then in about three months I took two more. Now I am in perfect health. 1 do all of my own work and could do more. I can truly say that I know Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound gave me my health."— Mrs. O. J. Hinckley, 316 Union Book upon “Ailments Peculiar to Women will be sent you free upon request. Write to The Lydia E. Pink* ham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. This book contains valuable information. tients. She shut tho door iti their faces when they r~ She nearly shattered the ’phone rn ceiver when they called up for ap pointments. She flew into a rage when I_made a cure. My wife couldn't understand me.” Mrs. Englehardt will receive $14 a week temporary alimony pending the disposition of her divorce case, which will come up for hearing on January 9. Englehardt has only recently ap plied for his first papers, preparatory to becoming a citizen of the United States. Big Flood in Algeria. Biskra, Jan. 6.—A tremendous storm, followed by three days of very heavy rain, has occurred In Algeria, about 60 miles south of Biskra, in a district where no rain has fallen since 1917. The railway between Biskra snd Touggourt was washed away in five places. A train which left Biskra on Tuesday afternoon for Touggourt found itslef In an Immense lake cover ing some tiO square miles. After sev eral narrow escapes from being swept off the rails, the train reached to Bis kra. In some places the track was 16 Inches deep in water._ I SAVE 25 to 50% on Any Kind of Typewriter We sell all kinds, guar antee them to give 100% service and back up our words with action. All-Makes Typewriter Co. 205 South 18th Street M . ... ADVERTISEMENT. AD vERTI SEMEN • Doctor Tells How to Strengthen Eyesight 50 Per Cent in One Week’s Time in Many Instances A Free Prescription You Can Have Fitted end Use at Home Philadelphia. Ta. Do you wear glasses? Are you a victim of eye strain or other eye weaknesses? If »o, you will be glad to know that according to Dr. Lewis there is real hope for you. Many whose eyes were failing say they have had their eyes restored through the principle of this wonderful free prescription. One man says, after trying it: *'I was almost blind; could not see to read at all. Now I can read everything without any glasses and my eyes do not water any more. At night they would pain dreadfully; now they feel fine all the time. It was like a miracle to me.” A Indy who used It says: "The atmosphere seemed haiy with or with out glasses, but after using this prescrip tion for fifteen days everything seems clear. I can even read fine print without glasses.” It is believed that thousands who w'ear glasses can now discard them in a reasonable time and multitudes more will be able to strengthen their eyea so as to be spared the trouble and axpenss cf ever getting glasses. Eye trouble! of many de scriptions may be wonderfully benefited by following the simple rule#. prescription: Go to any * ,d™“ V"'* and get a bottle of Bon-Opto tablets. Prop one Bon-Opto tablet in a fourth ofagla** of water and allow to dissolve. Wlth liquid bathe the eyes two to four times daily. You should notice your eyes clear up preceptibly right from the start and in flammation will quickly disappear. If your eyes are bothering you, cven a little take steps to save them now before iti» too late. Many hopelessly blind might have been saved if they had cared for their eyes *n>'O'n0: Another prominent physician to whom the abort article was submitted, said: -Bon-Opto is a very remarkable remedy. Us constttuant Ingredi ents are well known to eminent specialists and widely prescribed by them. Tbs manufacturers guarantee It to atrengthen syestght 50 per ceut In one week's time In many Instance! or refund the money. It can be obtained from any »ood drug gist and la one of the rlry few preparations 1 feel should he kept on hand fur regular use In almost erery family." It Is sold In this city by all sood druggists, Including tjtaerman gb McConnell, four •Loros. ADVERTISEMENT. ADVERTISEMENT. You Can Now Try Nuxated Iron At My Expense I First Compounded This Remarkable Remedy For My Own Neighbors And Their Praise Of It Has Spread So Rapidly That Now Over Four Million People Use It Annually—Read My Unusual Offer Below. Years ago I began to wbnder at the great number of my own friends and neighbors who were al ways ailing, complaining and doctor ing, without ever seem ing to get any better. Both work ing men and their wives were fre quently all tired out tn the evening, and a great many were weak, nervous and run-down. One had pains in the back and thought he had kidney trouble. Another had pains around the heart, palpitations and dizziness, and was sure he was suffering from heart disease. Still others had severe headaches, floating spots before the eyes, tender spots along the spine nndagreat variety of alarm ing symptoms. For years I made a special study of this condition, consulting a great number of physicians and chemists. An immense num ber of investigations by physicians all over the country showed that threo peopleoutof every four you meet lack 100<t iron in their blood Lack of iron in the blood is the great est of all devitalizing weaknesses. It is the iron in your blood that enables you to get the nourishmentout of your food. Without ' iron, nothing you eat does you any good. ’ Your heart, lungs and kidneys and all your vital organs get their nourishment from the blood stream, and when the blood lacks Iron and is thin, pale and watery, you may suffer from the symptoms of a great num ber of diseases when the real and true cause of all your trouble is a lack of iron la tbe blood. In the old days people often took me tallic iron, which some physicians claim is not absorbed at alL In compounding this newer form of iron which I call Wanted Iron, I employed a special form of best, which is like the iron in your blood and like the iron in spinach, lentils and apples. Un like tbp older fonts of iron, it will not injure the teeth nor disturb the stomach, and it is ready for almost Immediate ab sorption and assimilation by the blood. It is the people whoee blood is rich in iron who possess great strength, force and energy. If you are not strong or well yon owe it to yourself to make the following test: Cut out trial coupon and go to any drug gist and get your first trial package of Nuxated Iron: then see how long you can work or how far you can walk without be coming tired. Next take two 6-grain tablets of Nuxated Iron three times a day after meals for two weeks, then test your strength again and see how much you have gained. An astonishing number of nervous, run down people who were ailing all the while, have greatly improved their health and increased their strength, energy and endur ance simply by taking this newer form of iron. Trial Coupon I Fill in tbU coupon with poor bum udl | addren and Ukt it to uf dnitiat b jrov | a city. Deposit with him tho prico of om I I regular full-siae bottle of Nuxated Irons I | This la not a payment, but a deposit only. | ■ If you are not more than delighted with | I the results obtained by two woaks’ use of I | Nuxated Iron* simply return the outside | ■ wrapper to your own druggist who will ■ promptly refund your money. Wo will re j pay the druggist the full amount ho refunds I upon receipt of the coupon and wruppas. 1 DAE HEALTH LABORATORIES * Now York City j Name - j AAAwmmm I (Fill in your name and afdrsw sftosd NOTE: The above company is known to be thoroughly reliable. Over 4,000,000 packages of Nuaated Iron are sold annually, and it has been used and highly recommended by former U. 3. Senators, Msmbere of Congress, Judges of U. S. Courts and many physicians. Beaton Drug Co., Sherman & McConnell DruR Co.. Hainan Drug Co., Merritt Drug Store* and J, Harvey Green. ^ c W oman Defends Male’s Right to End Engagement Birth Control Advocate Says Sexes Equal Before Law— Break Before Marriage Better Than After. Syracuse, N. Y., Jan. 6.—“Women have claimed and won equality with men before the law. They should grant men the same privilege of breaking the engagement that they have claimed and used.'’ That is the way Mrs. Margaret San ger, birth control advocate, answered Marjorie Bowen, famous British novel ist, who recently declared that men should be required to keep marriage engagements and women retain the right, under law, to sue for breach of promise damages. Mrs. Sanger fired her answering broadside at the British writer while here to lecture before the Women's congress of Syracuse. “It is far better to break before than after marriage,” warned Mrs. Sanger. "It is of the utmost importance for both that the man be madly In love with the girl. If ho changes his mind, or If he learns that he has ceased to care, both nre happier If he breaks It off. So far as legal action Is con ADVERTISEMENT. RUPTURED? TRY THIS FREE New Invention Sent on 30 Days’ Trial Before You Pay. Simply send me your name and I will send you my new copyrighted rupture book and measurement blank. When you return the blank I will send you my new Invention for rupture. When it arrives put It on and wear It. Put it to every tent you can think of The harder the lest the better you will like it. You will wonder how you ever got along with the old style cruel soring trusses with hard gouging pads or belts with leg straps of torture. Your own good, common sense and you? own doctor will tell you It is the only way In which you can ever exneet a cure. After wearing it 30 days, If It is not entirely satisfactory in every way— if you cannot actually see your rupture getting better, and convinced that a cure is merely a question of time, just return it un<l you are out nothing. Any rupture appliance that Is sent on 30 days’ trial before you pay is worth trying. Why not tel! your ruptured friends of this offer. I refer you to any bank here. Dr. An drews, 311 Koch building, Kansas City, Mo. Building Bone Its equally as important as( building flesh. Foods that I assist Nature, fix lime in the I bones and teeth are essential. I Scott’s Emulsion Uamine-bearing ver oil contains, bundance, ele i that energise odv and assist t formation of and sound teeth aseessmsMBtien ADVERTI SEM ENT. DRIVES ASTHMA Out of Your System BIG FREE OFFER Thousands of former Asthma suf ferers endorse Leaven’s Asthma Prescription and say it positively controls Asthma—that it is differ ent from anything else. Over 250, 000 bottles already sent out. You can try this wonderful remedy on free trial by simply sending your fame today. Use it ten days and if satisfied send me $1.25, otherwise you owe nothing. C. LEAVEN GOOD, 1363 S. W. Blvd., Rosedale, Kan. earned. I fail to poo why the man should not have the same privilege that women frequently exercise. It hurts a woman's vanity—just that— to lose her fiance. It would hurt her far more to seek divorce. “Women have claimed end won equality with men before the law. They should grant men the same privi lege of breaking the engagement that they have claimed and used. "Happiness In marriage depends far more on the man’s love for the wom an than on the woman's love for the man. Unless each step forward tn their love-lives is earnestly desired by both the marriage is doomed. “Marriage should be a consum mation or mutual desire. As for fore ing a man to marry—that is ridicu lous and almost Impossible. Marriage calls for the highest mutual love, and love cannot bo forced. You can't legislate it into existence." Doctors “Tees Up.” London, Jan. 6.—London physicians believe that "confession is good for the soul." They are holding frequent se cret meetings now in which they make When in Omaha Stop at Hotel Rome Action— Anything in motion attracts attention. When you are walking, gazing out the win dow, it is not the inanimate objects t iat attract your at tention—it is the things that move and show signs of life. This same principle applied to advertising is the reason why Art Anima Film Ads get big results for consistent users. Action plus ideas and pre sented in such a manner that the reader will unconsciously read your message. Let us explain further. Hallgren Film Advertising I Service 636 Paaton Block JA 1893 confessions of mistaken diagnose*, til order that they may profit by ths mistakes of each other. Given “Chicken” Shower. Cadiz. O., Jan. 6.—After R. W. Rey nard's chicken house and 85 pure bred chickens were destroyed by fire, 13 of his neighbors visited his home, each donating a chicken. There wer# -t hens and 1 rooster In Reynard's novel chicken shower. _ PIANOC TUNED AND REPAIRED All Work Guarsntssd A. HOSPE CO. 1B13 Douglas Tol. Doug. B8M ADVERTISEMENT. Mrs. Kllen Heun. m W .wT\ —■ Have You A Daughter? How to Take Proper Care ot Her Health. Hastings, Neb.—“When I was about 16 years ot age I caught a sever* oold which caused irregularity and Buf fering. My mother gave me Dr.' Pierce’s Favorite Prescription and four bottles of It completely restored my health. And In all these years I have not had the least sign of wo man’s weakness, but have always maintained unusual health, which I think is due entirely to the Favo rite Prescription that my mother gave me when I was developing. I have been enthusiastically recommending Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription for 40 yeare and shall contlnus to do so as long as I live.”—Mrs. Ellen Heun, 211 N. Burlington Avs. Get the Prescription today from your druggist—liquid or tablets. ADVERTISEMENT. ADVERTISEMENT. Doctor Cuts Out Own Appendix Sixty-Year-Old Surgeon Reported to Have Operated on Self for Appendicitis. An Associated Press Dispatch reports , that a 60-year-old Pennsylvania doctor cut out his own appendix, assisted by a nurse. Several years ago be amputated one of his own fingers. A ^Treacherous Disease. Appendicitis attacks at any moment even persons seemingly in good health. Usually, however, it la preceded by so-called stom ach troiible, constipation or similar dis turbances. Often when there is a warn ing feel in* of uneasiness in the abdomen, appendicitis can be guarded Against in ex. actly the same manner in which one guards against the spread of throat infection, be. cause that is Just what appendicitis Is— an Infection in the intestines spreading to the appendix. When one has sore throat, one can often prevent further trouble and the development of influenza or grippe, by using an antiseptic wash or gargle i to fight the germs and a laxative to carry off the poisons from the body. Just exactly the same procedure Is necessary to fight the Intestinal germs and guard against appendicitis. But Instead of an antiseptic wash for the throat, AH IN TESTINAL antiseptic is necessary. Intestinal Antiseptic. There is now offered to the public a preparation having the DOUBLE action of an intestinal antiseptic and a COM PLETE system cleanser. This prepara tion, known as Adlerlka, acts ss follows: | It tends to eliminate or destroy harm ful germs and colon bacilli In the intes tinal canal, thus guarding against ap pendicitis and other diseases having their j start here. It is the most complete system cleans cr ever offered to the public, acting on BOTH upper end lower bowel and remov ing foul matter which poisoned tha eye. tem for months and which nothing alee can dislodge. It brings ont all gases, thus Immediately relieving pressure on the heart. It la astonishing th# great amount of poisonous matter Adlerlka draws from the alimentary cahal—matter you thought was In your system. Try It right after a natural movement and notice how much more foul matter It brings out which was poisoning you. In slight disorders, ru. h as occasional constipation, sour stom ach, gas on the atomaoh and elck head nohe, on# spoonful of Adlerlka ALWAYS brings relist. A longer treatment, how ever Is necessary In cases of obstinate constipation and long standing stomach trouble, preferably under direction of your physician. Reports From Physician*. “I congratulate you on the good af^et I had from Adlerlka sines I proscribed It. (Signed) Dr. L. Langlole. “I have found aotblng In my (• yeare practice to excel AdHrlka." (Signed) Dr. James Weaver. .. _ „ "I use Adlerlka in all bowel case* Seme require only one dose** (Signed) Dr. F. * “After'taking Adlertke feel better then for 2# years. Haven’t language to express the AWFUL IMPURITIES eliminated fram my system.” (Signed) J. E. Adlerlka Is a constant surprise te people who have used only ordinary bowel ana stomach medicines, on account of He rap id. pleasant end COMPLETE action. It Is sold by leading druggists everywhere. LET’S SWAP Have you a typewriter and want a sewing machine? Swap your diamond for another piece of jewelry?, Want a vacant lot for an auto?. fi To assist you in disposing of the things you have for the articles which you want* The Omaha Bee “Want” Ad section will carry a new classification—SWAP COLUMN. If Under this caption you will be allowed to insert a three-line “Want” Ad, for three times, which will bear a blind or keyed address. * If If you are successful in closing a deal you will pay for your advertising in the regular way. If not, we will cancel charge. In other words—NO SWAP, NO PAY. Call ATlantic 1000 NOW and get your advertisement started in our SWAP COLUMN. 9fu» Om&ka Morning fW THE EVENING BEE