Newspaper Page Text
‘Be Teachers,’ Puelicher Tells Omaha Bankers I (Continued from Pn|f Oar.) !■ tween capita! and labor and do away with those strikes which bring benefit to neither capital nor labor. I "In the bank of which I am presi-! dent we have neither employers nor employes. W# are all associates." 'lust ‘‘Sell" System. He declared that the bankers must business men to the federal re serve system. "It may have faults,' lie said. "Bull 3 have never found a single banker who believes we could have financed the war or the deflation period fol lowing the war, nor that we could, even now. maintain our place as the greatest comraerial nation without that system. "Let me warn against a dangerous doctrine that is being heard today even in high places, the doctrine of fiat money. One would think that the experiments by Russia, Austria and Germany would he sufficient to < onvlnce everyone of the foolishness of fiat money. Talk to your custom* r*is whenever you can to impress upon them the safety and sanity of the gold standard." Tribute to Women. He paid a high tribute to the work of women in the banks. "You," he said, addressing the gon tier employes, "have made yourselves indispensable in* the banks. Rut I j hope for all of you that you will some j day make yourselves equally hulls- ^ ponsabl • in the hearts of men as wives.'* io referred in highest terms to j 'Valter W. Head, “next president Vif the American Bankers’ association.” jjfviready plans are on foot, he said, for his administration. Mr- Head, ' he said, "has set him self the task of helping the farmers. "Too long have interested politi cians pretended to do things for the agricultural people. Mr. Head will direct his energies to find a sound solution for the problems of the farm | ers and stockmen, a solution based I on economics, a solution that shall be lasting.” Introduces Waller Hoad. John L. Kennedy, toastmaster, in lloduced Walter Head, who presented Mr. Puelicher. Mr. Head complimented the fair em ployes present: "Few of you have held office in banks, ini*, your hopes will yet be realized," lie said. He declared Mr. Rue licher considers service to his fellow men before ho considers making of money. J. Kessler Jones, president of the Omaha chapter of the American In stitute of Baking, made a brief speech, expressing the chapter's appreciation of the honor of Mr. Ruelicher's pres ence. Index to Want Ads ANNOUNCEMENT DEPARTMENT. Burial \ units . I C’anl of Thunks .. !!!!!* * 2 Cemeteries, Monuments ...!!!!!!! 3 Florists . 4 Funeral Directors .!!!!!***"* r Funeral Notices .g Future E\rnt* . >j lost and Found . w Notices .!!!!!!* 9 ! FersonnIs * * * * jo AUTOMOIMI.K DEPARTMENT. Auto Accessories, Tires . ll dK'ufo .Agencies ...!*.! 18 vVutiis For Sale . ];{ { Autos to Exchange .!.!!. 14 Autos Wanted .’ ] jg (•aroges—Hcp irlng ..ig Motorcycles. Bicycle# .17 Service Stations . 1H Taxi—14 very . 19 Trucks, Tractors.* 20 BUSINESS SERVICE DEPT. Accountants, Auditors . 21 Builders, Contractors . 22 Dancing Academies .28 Detective Agencies . 24 Insurance—All Kinds . 25 Moving, storage . 26 Milliner*, Dressmakers . 27 Tainting. Tapering . 28 Patent Attorneys . 29 Plumbing, Heating . 30 Printers, Engravers . 31 Professional Services . 32 Repairing . 33 Services Offered . 34 Tailoring, Pressing . 35 Wanted—Business Service . 36 EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT. Business Colleges . 37 Correspondence Courses . 38 (•encral Instruction . 39 Musical. Dancing. Dramatic . 40 Trad© Schools . 41 Wanted—Instruction . 42 EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT. Employment Agencies . 43 Help Wanted—Female . 44 Help W anted—Male .. 15 Help—Male or Female . 46 Ngenfs. Salesmen . 47 Situations Wanted—Female . 48 Situation* Wanted—Male. 49 FINANCIAL DEPARTMENT. Business Opportunities . 50 Investments . 81 Loans on Real Estate.52 Money to Loan . 53 Wanted to Borrow . 64 LIVE STOCK DEPARTMENT. Dogs, Cats, Birds. Pets . 65 Horses. Cattle, Vehicles . . 56 Poultry and Ntipplies.67 Wanted—Live Stock . 58 MERCHANDISE DEPARTMENT. Building Material . 59 Clothing and Furs . 60 Fuel Hnd Feed . 61 (•ood Thing* to Eat . 62 Household (mods .63 Jewelry and Watches . 61 WMachinery and Tools . 65 Miscellaneous . 66 Musical Instruments . 67 Radio and Supplies . 68 Seeds, Plants. Fertilisers . 69 Store and Office Equipment . 70 store Specials . 71 Swap Column 72 Wanted to Huy . 73 RENTAL DEPARTMENT. Apts.. Flats. Furnished . 71 Apts.. Hats. 1. nfurntshed . 75 Farm* for Rent . 76 Oarages and Barns . 77 Houses. Furnished . 78 House*, Pufurnlshed . 79 Offices and Store* . 80 Room and Board . 8t Hoorn*. Furnished . 82 lioom. 1'nfurnislied 83 Booms for Housekeeping . 84 Wanted to Rent . 85 Where to Eat . 86 Where to Stop iu Omaha . 87 REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT. Acreage Property . 88 Business Property . 89 Farms and Ranches . 90 lots for Sale . 91 Real Estate—Benson .92 Real Estate—Centra) . 93 Real Estate—Council Bluffs . 91 Real Estate—Dundee .95 Real Estate—Florence . 96 Real Estate Miscellaneous .97 Real Estate— North .98 Real Estate—South .99 Real Estate—West .109 Real Estate—Exchange ..101 Real Estate—Wanted . 102 Realtor* . .108 Trackage Property .104 ANNOUNCEMENT DEPT. | 111 RJAT, VA1LTH ... 1 DISTINCTIVE features, see demonstration at factory. Automatic Healing Concrete Burial Vault. Insist upon your under take using no other. Ev#y vault stamp ed watch for name on lid. Manufactured only by the Omaha Concrete Burial Vault m Co : N. Sflth Ht . t»maha.__ CEMBTEMti, MOMMENTS . S FORE STLAW N. North of City Limits. All revenues for perpetual car* and im provements. Offices at cemetery and 720 Brandvis Theater Somewhere in Omaha Is a Buyer for Your home. Get in touch with him through the Real Estate columns of The Omaha Bee—or list your property _with some jive, energetic real estate broker who uses Omaha Bee “Want” Ads._ BEE WANT AD RATES 15c per line each day, 1 cr 2 days. 12c per line each day, 3 to 6 days. 10c per lipe each day. 7 days or longer. The above rates apply exclusively to Want Ads which are commonly termed “public wants,” and do not Include adver tisements of individuals or concerns adver tising or exploiting their businesses. THE OMAHA BEE reserves the right to designate what constitutes a public want. Want Ads accepted at the following offices j Main office.17th and Farnam Sts South Omaha. .N. W. cor. 24th and N Sts. Council Bluffs.16 Scott St. Telephone AT lantic 1000. Call for “Want” Ad Department. An ex perienced "Want” ad taker will receive your ad and a bill will be mailed later. The rates quoted above apply to either charge or cash orders. THc OMAHA MORNING BEE. THE EVENING BEE. CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT ADS. Evening Edition .11:40 a. m Morning Edition.9 p. re. Sunday Edition..9 p. m. Saturday These rates apply to The Sunday Bee as well as to The Morning and Evening Bee. All week-day advertisements appear in both morning and evening editions at the one cost. ANNOUNCEMENT DEPT. llOKI-r- . 4 LEE LARMONTS JoHN BATH. 1X04 Farnam. JA. J908. 1 HENDER8( 7 Farnam. J1251* FUNERAL DIRECTORS . o F. J. "STACK <&TC0., Omaha's bort undertaking ■ iiahr- it. ARROW AMBULANCE1“! _Thtrty-third and Farnam. Hoffmann Ambulance Service 24th and Dodge Sis. JA. 3*01. HEAFEY & HEAFEY, ... Undertakers and Embalmers. 1 Farnam. HULSE & RIEPEN~ Funeral Dlrectora, *214 Cuming, ja i—j CROSBY-MOORED^D^" LARKIN BROTHERS, ' 1 -N l" \ I i -I It! H ORB. 1813 §i i 241 II FUNERAL NOTICES .7 6 . aged 61 Sur\ Ived by hit daughter, Mrs. Daniel Clifton. Funeral Saturday afternoon from John A. j Gentleman a mortuary, at 3:30. Interment Holy Hepucher cemetery. LQgT AND> FOUND .77777 8 i leph< inb • Fi uJtk • ii <jo and dictate your •Want” Ad to The Orna n;t Bee. Each advertisement will receive prompt and careful attention. ! DOST—Pair eye glasses marked Holst, around So. East corner 13th Harney. AT. Dust—Gold pin. Wednesday. downtown 1 district, diamond center, pearls sourround- 1 * ha Hia ed and " w 5 • • with white face, weight about 1.000 lbs.’ i m I meat p icklng Co 261 h ind p ';i \ 8 S i. S LOST—Torn s shell glasses. I Hialto theater Call. HA 104!» WATER MPA n7KI —-IVoST_ two, male "and 1 female. Call \VA, 5698. TERRIER—Lost, white English bull. Re ward-_'L A. t' Kennedy. IIA. 0853. PERSONALS .777*0 | THE BADVATlON Army industrial home ! solicits your old clothing, furniture, maga zines. W® collect. We distribute. Phone JA. 4133 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110.1112-1114 Dodge street. TO TELEPHONE YOUr" * > •WANT” AD Call AT. 1000 and ask for a “Want’* Ad ! taker. MENUS, programs, special and birth a~n~ I nouncements printed on short notice. 483 Brandels Thea. Bldg. Phono AT. 3978. THEATRICAL historical masque costumes. for plays and parties, at Lleten’s. Omaha RENT Hoover vacuum. $1.26. HA. 6698. TYPING done at home. WE. 1714. Apr. 14 to Dec. 2—Same address. AUTOMOBILE DEPT. \l TO V( < l"Of:n.n. TIKES . If fti NEw r a TiRES ..#....$11.95 "0*;» .$5.9fij 30x3 4 .$fl 95 KAIMAN TIRi: JOBBERS. 1 722 f’UMINO. Al ros KM* 8AIK i;i D ( \R0 at A BARQA1N Ford cars and truck*. $50 and up. Ford bodies and winter tops. Car’s sold on terms to reliable x»artiea. UOLDSTROM AUTO SALES CO. Central Garage. Open Day and Night. _1318 Harney Street. JA. 241« BOMB bargains in used Ford*, prompt I delivery of new Ford*. M CAFFREY MOTOR CO.. The Handy Ford Service Station, 1 Hi and .) i. kson Sts AT. 771 1 NEW and used Fords, cash or terms C. E PAULSON MOTOR CO.. Authorized Fold and Lincoln Dealers. 20th and Ames Ave KF 0146 USED cars that can be used. NEBRASKA OLDSMOBIl.U Cu.. Howard at 18th. At. 1770. ! USED 'CARR O. N. Bonney Motor Co., 2551 Farnam. USED Ford pans at half price. Parts for all wtandard make cars. Neb. Auto Parts. . 1 o 1 h Harney St. ! ! H_OLT A* «xpei t auto trimmer * ; f s 4 • • i j .M TOS WANTED . 1* WANTED—Truck, not ovai two tong* or ; touring car, as part payment of equity on a small farm. Address Y-315 4, Omaha | Bee._ J OABAOCS- REPAIRING . . . %. IB 1 FOR \-i auto painting, dine to PFE1F ! FER’S SHOP. 2525 Leavenworth, 35 yrs. i e*h*Hpnc«‘. [RICKS, J BA CTO KB " 3 4-TON Columbia chvip MA I54T BUSINESS SERVICE DEPT. nni.UEBS, CONTRACTORS .IS GAR \1 > uni size. flO'i up. Concrete work. Micklln i.umber and Wrecking Co Tel. WE. 6555. CARPENTER work, remodeling, a special ty. garaged. 1110 up; satisfaction guar : HA 5824, PANCIN(1 AC A DE M I EH.. . . .. . . 23 I.EARN to dance for $4 at KEEP'S 1818 Kurnam. Class** s Mon., Wed. and FrL nights. Dancing Tuea, Thurs., Sat. and Sun nights. Private lessons by appoint ment!._J A 6470._ DETECTIVE AGENCIES .24 RELIABLE Detective Bureau Sunderland Bidg . Ja. 2056; ldght. He. 3812. JAMES ALLAN S13 Neville BlkTEvldenca secured in all cases. AT. 1136. MOVING, STORAGE .. ..2* ESTIMATE furn. on packing, raov. and storing. Contracts taken by job or botir. Globa Van & Storage Co. JA 4338. AT. , 0230. Grossman A Sons, owners._ ; Moving—Packing—Storage. Gordon Fireproof Warehouse & Van Co. 218 N Uth St. Phone JA. 3032. _ BEK INS OMAHA VAN & STORAGE. j 16th and Leavenworth Sts. Packing, tnov- ] ir.g, storage, shipping. JA. 4163. PAINTING. PAPERING .23 PAINTING and paperhanging. A reliable contractor. E. J Thorton. WA. 0879. WHEN IN NEED OK 1IELI* OMAHA BEE WANT ADS. BUSINESS SERVICE DEPT. ■ - - _ j »*-*rKNT ATTORNEYS . g9 ;J IV. MARTIN, Patent Attorney. 1712 Dodge, room 20*. Also Washington. D ! I help inventors sell _thelr^ patents. PRINTERS. ENt.RAVERS . SI ti1!lLY-.i'rL"Ij!Lii_.1’";. 212 s. n st. ja. tolT l‘KO FEWMONAl. SF.RV1CE8 . S3 DENTAL X-ray 60o eachl 12 full aet 019 Securities Bldg., 16th and Farnam PRESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded at the 5 Sherman A McConnall Drug Stores. RERVH he, OFFERED . 34 A' < 'AHL'lpiN, SIDE, knife, box pleatlnv, covered buttons, all styles; hemstitching, buttonholes. Write Ideal Button & Pleat ing Co, 303 Brown Block. Omaha. Neb Telephone Ja 193b NEBRASKA PLEATING. ““ Hemstitching, Covered Buttons. 1806 raniam. second floor, Ja 6670. OMAHA Pll.LOW CO.—Feathers ran. ovated and made up In new feather proof licking, 1907 Cuming JA 2487 SPECIALIST all kinds fruit trees, tree# !] rimmed, cared for, transplanting, WE. FILMS DEVELOPED FREE _ The Ensign Co.._1607 Howard St. WANTED—House cleaning, general repaid ing. KK. 6453. fall evening?. j EDUCATIONAL DEPT. IU>I.\KSM COLLEGES ..;. 37 DAY SCHOOL—NldHT SCHOOL, i vornnlete course) In accountancy, machine j bookkeeping, comptomeiry, shorthand and earning, railroad and wireless teleg ""V civil aervlce and Ml English and , o1. merclal branches. Write. call or pbuno Jackson 1565 for large Illustrated | catalog. Address BOTLKS COLLEGE. I Boyles Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. Day or Evening sessions - dwokak BUSINESS COLLEGE. , Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam. AT. 7416 . VAN SANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS. 3„s_Cor_Nlnete.'mh_and i)oug|as. JA 6»»0 ! GENERAL INSTRUCTION . 3» LEARN SALESMANSHIP. WONDERFUL opportunities. Dig earnings. Home study. Satisfaction guaranteed Ad dress P. Q„ Box-484. Omah:i_' MUSICAL, DANCING, DRAMATIC ... 40 ANNIE E. GLMSGOW, voice and piano u03 Rarhach hlk JA. 7 qs I USE THE TELEPHONE] •’all Atlantic 1000 and telephone your • Want” Ad to The Omaha Bee. Remem ber, Omaha Bee ••Want” Ada bring bet ter, results at leaner coat. TRADE SCHOOLS ..4i WANTED—Men. ladies and boya to learn barber trade; Mg demand; wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or writ® 1403 Dodge St Trl-Clty _Barber Col 1 eg e. M< UJ-TH B \ H It EH O M.LKllii ’ 110 S. 14th 8t. Write for catalog. EMPLOYMENT DEPT. HEI A* WANTED—FK MALE __44 MAID to assist with housework and care of children; no washing Mrs. M. C. Ilcn 1 filer}, 888 High School Ave. COOK—Wanted, experienced, while; ref erences required Mrs 11. 8. Clark, Jr., 3522 Farnam. IIA. 0016. 'i 8EWORKER—Competent white wo man for general housework. Must be good cook. WA. 1290. HKI.r WANTED—MALE. 45 O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO o o O SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVES. O O Some exclusive territories open, duo O O to increased production. No invest- O O ment required. You can make up to O O and $100 per week if you can O O qualify. Apply O O F. M FREDERICK. DIS. MGR. O O REAL ESTATE HOSIERY MILLS, O O 439 Securltlc. O O O O O oo o oooooqqooooooooooooooo VICTROLA OKI'A HI MENT MANAGER AND SALESMAN. In th« fastest growing city In the south; seaport town, with one of the oldest, largest, best mush- houses in Texas. Good salary and commission with assured ad vancement to the man who makes-good. Write or wire, THOS. GOGOAN & BRO., Houston, Texas. B A N h iNSTRF M 15NT& STRING INSTRUMENTS. SALESMAN ANp REPAIRMAN. , Good position with excellent salary to a live wire and assured advancement to department manager. Write, TftOS. GOGOAN * BRO., Houston, Texas. fclANO TUNER AND SI PACKMAN < k>od salary and permanent position, with assured advancement for a clean-cut, live-wire gentleman. Address. THOS. GOGOAN «fc BRO., Houston, Texas. FLOOR molder wanted Good wages, steady work. Apply at Griffin Wheel Co., 2 ft 01 9th Avp,, Council Bluffs ADVERTISING solicitor wanted, steady, $f.O per week. Box W-642, Omaha Bee. AGENTS. SALESMEN _ 47 SALESMEN—The largest organization of its kind in the United States has just doubled It3 territory and is opening a fac tory branch in Omaha, taking in the state of Nebraska and part of Iowa. Has open ing for men who through honest, effort and hard work can obtain managerial positions within a short period of time. Experienced salesmen will he given prefer ence. but will accept a few men who are willing to work hard and follow the In structions of experienced and successful men. This is an opportunity and unless you ran furnish the best of references and be a willing worker do not war-te our time or yours. Apply 416 S 17th. St., frotn 9:30 to 6. and ask for Mr. Merciel. piano" saiJesmen. ~ In the fastest growing city In the south; a climate where flowers bloom all the year round; seaport city: oldest, largest and best music company In Texas. Good salesmen can earn more than |600 per month salary and commission. Wire or writ*. THOS. GOGGAN A BRO., Houston. Texas. SALESMAN to represent a wholesale eut hov house In Iowa. Nebraska and Kansas, who can travel with his own far. Must he veil known In the wholesale and retail hdwe. trade, also dept, stores. Liberal commission to right party. Give full par ticulars in first letter. Address Naten herg-Strauss Importing Co, 170 W. Ran dolph. Chicago, 111. SALESMAN wanted for state of Nebrnsks. Our line consists of suspenders, belts, neckwear, handkerchiefs, garters and arm bands Prefer man who has auto. Strictly commission basis. Give references, ex perience, ability, present occupation in first letter. Northwestern Suspender Co., Das Moines. Is. s A LEHMAN WANTED—Shoe salesman for western Iowa. Give references with application. K. B. Fltkenbrock & Sons, Dubuque. Is. , MEN to solicit for the City Suit club. See Mr. Frit*. 308 So. 19th._ SITUATIONS WANTED I KM SUB _4S WHITE woman wants dqy work. KE. 2286. GENERAL housTwork or cleaning. WE. 0270 DAYWORK or laundry work WE. 17S& j FINANCIAL DEPARTMENT BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES . M DISTRIBUTOR WANTED. Tocket six** adding machine that retails tor |3.oo. Greatest machine of its kind made. Sells on sight. No competition. Ex cluavie agency opened for Neb state. G1va phona number. Address W-I85, Omaha Bee. OMAIIA “’hotel for sale! GOOD LOCATION, DOINU. GOOD BUSINESS. BOX W-960, __OMAHA BEE._ GROCERY and market for sale. One of the best locations. Write J. L. McDowell. 80« Bth Avc., Greeley, Colo. FINANCIAL DEPARTMENT BUSINESS OPIOKTINITIKS . SO oooooococoooooloooooooooo o o o o o o o o O MACARONI PLANT FOR SALE. O O O O O O By an order of the referee in bank- O O ruptcy in the district court of the O O United States for the southern die- O O trict of Iowh. western division. I o O will sell at private sale all of the O O effects of the Sun Manufacturing C O Company, located at First avenuo O O and 31st street, Council Bluffs. Ih . O O consisting of five lots, 6<>xl«S each. O O and one 1-story strictly fireproof o O new building, size about 100x126. O O completely equipped with new inu o O ehlnery for the manufacture of o O macaroni. Bids will be received o O by the trustee at tho address given O O below. Property may be inspected O O any time by applying to trustee, o O O O O O J C. Hansen, Trustee In Bankruptcy O O O o o O 531 \V. Broadway Council Bluffs, o O Iowa. Phone 151. O O O o o o o o o I oooooooocoooooooooooooooo UUUUUUUOUUUUUUUU'JUJUOLMJOD O o O o o o O STATE MANAGERS O O O O O O For National Food Growers' Asso- O O elation; an exceptional oppor- O O tunity with big future to high- O O class men financially able and ex- O O perienced in organization work. O O O o o O G. O. PHILLIPS, o O O O Organization Manager, O O , O O O O 313 Boston Building. Denver, Colo. O o o o o o o ooooooo oo_oeooooocooo ooooq HOTEL of 2'» rooms. completely fur nished; only one in town. Two railroads; good commercial business; low rent. Price $2.2^0; will give some terms. No trades. Union Depot Hotel. Fairfield. Neb. PARTNERwluTlsTooo to $5,000 cash, to invest in good business proposition. Money will bo secured and returns shown are above the ordinary. Investigation in vited, references exchanged. 1*. O. Box 4S2. Moines. la. __ BILLIARD HALL—Central location; lOOi 000 population, new fixtures throughout; one snooker, one billiard, four pool; good reason for selling. The Lincoln, Fremont, Neb. _ FOR RENT—New store building 30x70, furnace li^af and lights, $35 per month in town of Smithfteid, Neb. Inquire C. C. Henson. Imperial, Neb. HILLIARD table for sale. Good as new*. Will sell at half price. Address T.2163, Omaha Bee. DRUG store, suburban; good going busi ness; lump or Invoice. W-955, Omaha Bee. _ _ _ WANTED—Partner to buy interest In Dahlia and fruit raping. JA. 3256. INVESTMENTS .. . 31 • asi i paid for 2d mortgages on Omaha property. F. O. Horarek & Co., 640 1st Nat l. Hank Bldg._AT. 3631. AM i-a\i!.g towp; l.rm. house, |82 month income; $35 payment month; $1,200 equity. Reasonable 4121 North 24 th St. I H.~MlTHEN~~pav8 most for LIBERTY BONDS. Q 21 City Ns t Ha n k Bldg_ 1 PANS ON REAL ESTATE .52 WE have cash on hand to loan on Omaha residences. E. H. LOUGHE. INC., 538 Keeling Bldg. _ STRAIGHT 6-year loant. 5 per cent AMOS GRANT CO.. 201 S. 18th. Arthur Bldg. AT. 8380_ LOW rate on city property; quickly closed. No monthly payments. JA. 1633. W. T. GRAHAM. OMAHA HOMES—EAST NEB. FARMS O’KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 101« OmL Nat. Bk. Bldg JA. 2715. FIRST mortgage loans made promptly on Omaha real estate Shopen A Co . Real tors. JA. 4228. 236 Keellne Bldg. FAR M LOANS” Large or small. West Neb. farms, ranches. Kloke Investment Co.. 84."> Om. Nat. Bk. MONEY to loan on •Birins and Omaha real estate. MYERS Sr RAINBOLT CO., 424 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg.. JA. 0746. 1100 TO $10,000 loans made promptly F. D. WEAD and D H. BOWMAN. 310 S. 18fh St Wead Bldg. AT 0161. GARVIN BROS. 645 Omaha Nat. Bldg. ON IMP. PROPERTY. NO DELAY MONEY TO LOAN . 51 LOWEST RATES, EA8Y TERMS. NEW RATES SCHETDULE. LOANS $16 to $200. On Furniture. Pianos, Etc. Left in Your Possession. AT LOWEST HATES. PAY ON PRINCIPAL. $ 3 per month on $ 30 loan. $ 5 per month on $ 60 loan. $10 per month on $100 loan. $::0 per month on $200 iwan. These small monthly payments will repay a loan In full, plus a small service charge LICENSED BY ST AT FI OF NEBRASKA GUARANTEE LOAN COMPANY. 209 South 16th 8t. 314 Karbach Blk. Tel. JA. 5045 DO YOU NEED MONEY? 80—60—76—100— 200—bGO DOLLAR! Dr *ny other amount at legal rates. No publicity, easy payments. Thirty years In business OMAHA LOAW COMPANY, 606 Karbach Blk. Tel JA. 2216. _Southwest Cor. 15th and Douglas Sts. COX Co , loans 86 ana up on wages, cars and furniture; confidential; 26 yrs. estab. 812 World-Herald Bldg JA. 2298 LIVE STOCK DEPARTMENT DOCK, < ATS, birds, PET! .§5 PUPS—Pedigreed Boston bull terriers, malm. Price $10. MA. 3301. RED fox for nale. Telephone 17J3. Jo seph Brick, Neola. la. KITTENS -Registered Pi sign WE 463L rPL LTKV AND SUPPLIES .57 YOU buy the beat chicks for the least money shipped everywhere; guaranteed alive or replaced; from Colwells Hatch ery. Smith Center. Kan. __ PURE bred white Pekin ducks, $2. Bar red Plymouth Rock cokerels, $1.50. J. A. Markon, Hudaon, S. D. COCKERELS—Thoroughbred S. C R I. rede, $2, hens. WA. 3240. 1902 South i 46th. WHITE Wyandotte hatching eggs. Call KE. 0389. MERCHANDISE DEPT. ttoTiiiNr. \\n rt'BS . an <!OATKE—Beautiful squirrel, big sacri fice. latest design, like new. HA. 2561 FULL DRESS suits and Tuxedos for rent JA 3128. int> N 16th Street I Feldman 1 FURS—Miases fox furs, good condition, I almost new. Address W-643. Omaha Bee. A H MV shoss If 10 7t>j No i*'n HOt BOOLS . 63 D A Y B Y LAY INK VERY WAY the Stephenson Auctions Hr<* attracting larger crowds and mors buyer*, t ome to 1609 Capitol Avenue Saturday afternoon. January 20th at 1:30 p. in , and judge for yourself. Plenty of seats for everyone. FRANK B. STEPHENSON, Auctioneer. ( iNK mahogany ; d- s] m.d to match. One oak swivel offl< « chair. No dealers need apply. JA. 1340. 954 Omaha Nat. Bank 1.0WEST \VANT* AD RATES in Omaha Telephone your "Want’' Ad , to AT. 1000 and secure better results at i 1*wgpr rn*t-_ EXPERT sewing machine repairing. MICK ELS. 16th and Harney _ AT. 4161 ItANUE—A good size roul cooking range, with detached water boiler, In good con i dition, cheap. \VA. 6981 | MERCHANDISE DEPT. HOtJK.IIOI.U GOODS «* FURNISHINGS—Fine lace curtains, drap eries, rugs and other home furnishings; terms to suit. NT. t'»S91. 1708 l‘«ulfce St. We make, refinlsh, rebuild reed furniture. Omaha R ,<• R. Co.. 640 S. 18th. JA. 20 43. PA1< IA >U 8E F i HR EE PI Ri ■' \M> MJ«J, CHEAP I s 16 ONTARIO STREET. 1’IANO—Trice & Teeple upright for sale reasonable. *i.;44 Binney. WA. 4439. STOVI DETK* ‘IT .1 i-:w El.' G AS ST. )\ i; PRICE $15.00. HA. 1124. _ o|I, STOVE and oven. $20; almost new; New Perfection. KE. 4 430 : lie. $ ' ' .IF.WEI RY AND WATCHES.64 ; DIAMONDS We pay the bent prices with privilege to I buy back at small profit. GROSS JEW ELRY CO , Omaha, Neb.. 402 N. 16th 8L Telephone Ja. 5049.___ MISCEI.L WKOIN . . .. 66 KINDLING, sawdust, shavings for aala. Bradford -Kennedy Co phona JA (>740. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS .61 TRADE > our used piano on a new player piano. Balance as low an $10 per month. A HOSPE CO.. 1513 Douglas. VIOLINS i ■ fini toned rfui in* Atfumenta, reasonable WA I960. \ like new, coat $216. Si crifiee 1 fnc $125 villi 30 records. M A._294*._ STOKF AND 09Fit F EQUIPMENT . 70 TELEPHONE ATLANTIG* 1060 | and ask for a “Want" Ad taker. Re ) member Omaha Bee “Want" Ada bring better results at lesser cost. | WE BUY, sell safe, make desks, show | cases, etc. Omaha Fixture &c Supply Co., a. w. corner 11th and Douglas. JA. 2724. ' SWAP COLUMN .7* NO SWAP—NO PAY! NO SWAP—NO PAY! Dispose of the things you have for the articles you want through a three line "Want” Ad In this column. Run It three days. A box number will be sup plied and the replies will come to our office first. You, In turn, may call for them. If you swap, a bill will be sent to you at our regular rates. If no swap Is made, no bill will be sent. Remember—NO SWAP—NO PAY. This offer Is good only In Omaha and excludes all business ads. Business "Want" Ads in this column will be charged our regular tales. Th's proposition is offered merely as a service to nur readers and to increase the Interest in the rap'd growth of The Omaha Ueo "Wnnt” Ad Columns. This offer applies only to the SWAP Column. For rates in other classifications see rate card. Remember—NO SWAP—NO PAY. 1 HAVE several pieces of Logan county Colorado land among which there are sev eral places on which Immediate posses sion can ho given. Will trade for eastern land, stock of goods or city property. Address S-774. Omaha Beo. 8-room modern house. Bemls l'ark dis trict. large lot, near car line. Value $7,500. What have you? Address Box 8-777, Omaha Bee. v REB Montana, r 200 loan $000 seven years, strict Investigation invited. Want merchandise. Consider other proposi tion Address S-530. Omaha Bee. QUARTER section South Dakota land; plenty of wood and water. All fenced for pasture. Worth $20 acre Will trade for equivalent. Address S-729. Omaha Bee. DANDY 160*a., ail tillable, well improved Neb. farm. Trice $12,000. Want city property or mdse. Address S-796, Omaha Bee. REAL ESTATE—Exchange 6 acres cash, $1,000 per acre, west of peony farm, Dodge road, as first payment on house in Dundee Address 8 533, Omaha Baa, WILL >\w.p a tnulflgraph for mimeograph and will trade extra type and auxiliaries for office equipment. Address, S-636, Omaha Bee. AM leaving town, • room housa incoma, $82 per month, payments $35. Have $1,200 equity to exchange. 8-724 Omaha Bee._ _ TWO jennata, large ai*a, nr a few rare 4 leaf clovers to trade on a piece of land, or what have you? Address S-720, Omaha Bee. TWO desirable lots. Highland addition to Thurston, Nebraska, taxes paid, with ab stract showing clear title, to swap for Ford car. Address S-776, Omaha Bee. will swap 2 Spokane, Wash., lots for a good car. Clear of Incumberances. Ad dress S-708, Omaha Bee. 2»4 ton Columbia tru h aa part payment on lot located for apt. buildings. Address • i a Bet f ■ kind of business firm. Address S.775, Omaha Bee. _ WILL trade 3-burner oil cook stove for camera or buggy. Address S. 526, Omaha Bee. t___ EXCHANGE 1981 Essex roadster for 1922 light four touring Will pay difference In cash. Address S-528, Omaha Bee. HOOD collection of postage stamps, 2,500, all different. What have you? S-523 Omaha Bee.________ 80 ACRES tillable land, 18 miles from Omaha, for western Nebraska wheat land. Address S-639, Omaha Bee. _ FURNITURE of 11 -room apartment, good condition: reason sickness. Will take good car and cash. Address S-728, Omaha Bee. TEN doz. fruit jars: will swap for sani tary couch with pal or bed. Address S-725, Omaha Bee __ WILL trade player piano for good auto mobile: prefer Ford or Dodge. Address S-640, Omaha Bee. GOOD e|f>otric light fixtures for living and dining rooms. What have you? S- 324 Omaha Bee._ $1,500 EQUITY In home; will trade for auto or securities. Address S-571, The Omaha Bee __ $5,000 TRACKAGE lots for bungalow, or clear property. Address S-738, The Oma ha. Bee. _ __ THOROUGHLY modern well located 5 room bungalow for lot weft or light car and part cash. B-730, Omaha Bat CALIFORNIA top and side curtains for Ford. <‘ofit $15n. To trade for one man top B-797, Omaha Baa. at_ $ 1.800 stock in good local company for | residence lot of equal or greater value. 8-791. Omaha Be _ CASH grocery and meat store, doing good i business. AVi 11 trade on hotel In Omaha, j Address 8-533, Omaha Bee. THREE lots near Clifton Hill school, will exchange on home or one lot close In. Address S-72 2, Omaha Bee. 20-INCH Excelsior bicycle and some cash for 28-inch wheel. Address S-531, Omaha Bee WILL trad* new Remington portable typewriter for a good used Royal type writer. Address S-534, Omaha Bee. ONE daylight post card camera. Cost. $31*. Sell cheap or trade for small cam era. S-61&. Omaha Bee. CLEAR va th I IfO, Wl 11 ex change for diamond or equal value. Box 8-33. Omaha Bee SWAP n ■'1 Vi ’ ola f'»r & l ihv i u. or what have you? Address S-750, The i Omaha Bet 1*»0 a^re* near Graieville. Minn. $12,000, j Mtf. $6,000. Want Rerl Oak. Ih., income i oi ' •. di ■ • 8 -301, Otns ha Baa 320 aci . « Red River valley near Fargo S p. $32.00o, Mtg $10,000 Want Neb. or la. land. 8-802. Omslia Bee. WILL TRADE iTnei 7-JEWEL GEN TLE.MANS GOLD WATCH. SLIGHTLY rsKP. F« * Ft VIOLIN. «' A I ,L WA. 1613 WHITE enamel baby bed end library table for trunk and traveling bag. Address 8-733, Omaha Bee PEA TF<ORM scale up to «00 l tTfT a iso small scoop scale up to 100 Iba. Address S-778. Omaha Pep. LABOR ami team work or hauling for phonograph or anything useful. Address S-723, Omaha Bee 320 ACRES Kejth county. Nebraska. $40 per sere. Want Omaha income. Address H-90Q. nmaha Bee. GOOD piano, will iwap fr-r lady's fur coat. Address S-727 Omaha lies. MERCHANDISE DEPT. WANTED Itl BUT Jl 4'' ACRES extra ftn Improved Iowa land . nr bi I k flat 8 .... < >raaha B • W i LI *sw a p painting and 1 : t ’ for a Ford oar. Box S-519, oinahn Bee. MO! IMS Knight sedan to trade for 800d residence lot. Box S 525. Omaha Bor WILL, trade paper ball r for a platform Ernie- Address 3-706, Omaha Bee. WANTED TO BUY... ._. 73 Fl’RNlTURK—Am in market for used fur niture, any kind; ice boxes, gas stoves, etc., best price*. Robert R. Neil, JA. 3866. P E SK& DESKS DESK sT New desks, used desks bought. sold nnd traded J c. Reed. 1207 Fa mam AT 1141 CLOTHING—Best price paid. .Tames H. Holmes. 2218 N. 24th. WE. 3120. RENTAL DEPARTMENT. APTS.. I I.ATS, FURNISHED . . . 74 CALL _ DRAKES NORTH 21ST, 621—Ruhlan 4-room accom modation. nicely furnished; outside apart ment. $63.___ CHOICE front apt . 2 rooms and kitchen ette: eteam heat and bath 2063 Firnam. ■ l l i ■ APTS.. FLATS, t M i RNISIIED. 75 turner” court. One apartment available in Omaha’s most exclusive and conveniently arranged 4 roonia apartments, with 5-room accommo dations. Rent reduced. Janitor, HA. 6896. G. M. HAUSER, Mgr. 1106 Podge._HA, 7140. FOUR-ROOM steam-heated apartment; | close-in. 1610 Chicago. C. P. Stebblns. IN THE SWEETWOOD. AT Dewey Avenue and Sweetwood Avenue, between 23th Avenue and 26th street, 3 desirable rooms, $60 and $50. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, “Where Omaha Rents." 17th and Farnam Sts. AT.0544. Almost 1.000 Apt®. Almost 100 furnished. All modern and fireproof. Let Drake'® rental man find you an apartment. Call ua, we will take you out. DRAKE RENTAL AGENCY. Tel. JA. 2X05 Cor 17th and Howard St® TH E L< >NGFELL< >W . - 1 Howa I, ai I The Hawthorne. 2205.07 Howard. Kitchen, living room, hedroom, bathroom, large closet. Just finished. Strictly the best None better in Omaha A few at $55 and a few at $60. See Janitor ut Longfellow, Burbank, Ml Omaha Na_th Bank HARNEY APTS., 3005 HARNEY ST. Four rooms and bath, 6-room accommoda tions, good condition and aorvlce; can be ! seen any time. Rent $70. HASP BROS . 212 K« ejlne Bldg. AT. 0721. FOUR-R apartment, main floor, fire place; fino beating plant. $40. 2616 Capitol Ave. The France®. D. E. BUCK A CO. ,TA. 35 4 3. ~THR HEli. 2464 Harney st reet. Very choice 5-room apartment with two bedrooms, vacant February 1. Fan be seen any time. Irving Sorensen. AT. 6790. THIRTIETH ST~ 60is.—Three-room flat, good repair, bath and electric light, all modern except heat, $21. Rasp Bro®., 212 Keellna Bldg. AT. 0721. A PA HTML N TS AND FLATto_$100 W J. PALMER CO. REAL ESTATE Management. AT. 8980. _ __ Keellne BbJg. PETERS TRUST COMPANY* 'WHERE OMAHA RENTS." AT, 0344. 17th and Farnam Sta Tentu and Pierre. The Dunnany. 6-room outside apt. Absolutely modern opt. AT. 6392. DRAKE Court, 3 rooms; 5-room accommo datlon®. AT. 1394. Kveni nga, AT. 324 2. FIVE-ROOM modern apartment. 534 So. 26th ave. Call Mlaa TJneburg. JA. 04X2. APARTMENTS for' rent. W. Farnam Smith Co., n:o Farnam St., JA, 0334, MA. 3023 (Tel.)—Steam heated, unfur nished 4-room apartment. Scarg<\ FARNAM and 39th. 6 room.-* to sublease. Colbert AptH_ HA 23 23. NTH LAIRD— loom apartment, modern but heat, very doMirable, $35. JA. 1625. i THREE-room steam heated unfurnished apt® . Murphy bed. 220ty No. 23d street. 8TRICTLY i i1 ill 8 room ;i pt! Murphy bed, private bath, eteam heat. 2214 i* St. FARMS 1QK KENT . 76 IF you are a good farmer, have stork and machinery, an<l a little cash and want to rent a good 640-acre farm for a term of *years write me. George W. D’Ment. Wellington._Colo. _ PARADES AND BARNS.. 77 ■ -arag'. gt->nm heat. 311 S._3l Kt. HA 7124 HOI 81 * FURNISHED . 78 HA. 6806—Will rent beautifully furnished home to couple or business woman for six weeks; possibly longer. KE. 1534—Will share my all modern, nicely furnished home with couple. On the car line.__ HOFSE.S, I NF1 RX1SHED . 79 CARTER LAKE—Small modem stucco cottage, located on car line; 2 blocks cast Carter Lake club; good condition. Full cement basement Furnace heat, 825 per month. Phone AT. 9900. EIGHT rooms and sleeping porch, mod* prn._IIA. 5574 31 1 1 Woolworth. PARTLY modern seven-room cottage. Call HA. 2126. ___ _ 5-room cottage, partly modern, close In 125 mo. JA. 1169. FOR RENT—Seven-room house; modern but heat. Call MA. 490G. WE. 6630 (Tel.)—Six-room modern house; two rooms reserved; adults preferred. AT. 4601—(Tel.)—For rent or sale, 4 roorn all modern cottage Miller park 1 -MST modi i m. $30 io m.\ r 1, OFFIC ES AND SPORES . 80 DESK apace. Use of de*k. phone and typewriter, $17.50 per month, to respon sible party 526 Paxton Block. AT 8859. OFFICE—236 City Nat. Bk. Bid. furnishe“d or unfurnished; use of reception room. DOWNTOWN studio, furnished, for rent l da > 8 per weftk. HA. >7 4. HALF of store, In good location, for shoe repair whop Call AT 664 7. PRIVATE office v.ith telephone and sten ographic service. Call AT. 1606, FOR RENT -1 > - 1 ,t1 offica au ipi 100 FI rat Nat Bank_Bldg._ HOOM AMI)> BOARD .81 MARTHA St.. 1616—-Nicely furnished room on 1st fir. with bat^; prlvat** homo privi lege; reasonsble, walking diet. ja. 3927. ROOM for 2* homo privileges* private famiIy; board If deair< d__WL*;._5717. ROOMS. FURNISHED . 82 ftOOM 'mHEcVOHV for ROOM HUNTER* Should you to find listed below the room you want, rail at the “Want” Ad counter of The Omaha Bee for a ro^pi directory. Tho Omaha Bee maintains this service for your convenience. New list issued each week. Anf, if >ou want to Inrert an ad of your own phone AT. 1000 and ask for Misa Smith, our “Room for Rent" specialist. AVA. 3770 (Tel ) —Pine opportunity for 1 op 2 business women, beautiful room, bath adjoining, strictly modern, private home In Edgewood; breakfast and dinner, no other roomers. Home privileges. Thlrt> .flfu7st_403 So^Large exnuiette ly furnished front bedroom. Exclusive hom*v Every modern convenience. Two gentleman or couple employed. Ref. re quired. OWL HOTEL—One double and two single | room*, now vacant at tin* Owl hotel. AV ckly rates, f2 ."»•>, $3 and $1 Transient. 60c. 76c, $1. Steam heat, electricity, hot arid cold water._110 K 13th »St. NEWLY furnished and remodeled modern moms. Single or ensuite. Best location. Walking distance. Phone HA. ."160. HOTEL SAN FOR I >—19 th and" Farnam.""' HOTEL HENSHAW—16th and Farnam. Special rates to permanent guests RENTAL DEPARTMENT. ROOMs. FI KN1SHFP ..>* Nicely furnishi okmo in. rrlco reasonable to gentleman j with proper references. AT. 3f47. j KB. 137# iTel )— Room in modern home, i near car line, for 2 gentlemen or ent* ployed couple Heard It deal red i'\VKNTV-Si;roNI> ST 1""' 80 3 a#w« ly decorated rooms, strictly modern. 2 blks. to 2 ear line*. Can arrange for hskpg. HA. 4751—Desirable front room In lovely private home, excellent location, garage. WARM room adjoining bath, no other roomers West Farnam dlatrlct \v \ 0697, I • i ' Mice I lor 1 or 2. home privilege 11A. 024 5. NICK warm sleeping room, close to cat line gentleman, we. 3192._ 1 • » 1 • : -s 49.18 a 23d St_Phone MA_4040._ Mod i in . steam h«*Ht 13 f>'l ^ 724 N ISth ROOMS, INFIRXIMIICP .88 FOR RENT — Modern clean double room on car line. 1IA. 1926._ ROOMS FOR 1401 SKKKFPING . M4 Two largo modern desirable rooms. Kvsry* thing complete new howe. WA. t>909. large t lost t. kit henette; evei thing furnished 940, VVB ( »01 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, 93 per week. 02$ South 30th St.__ ROOM DIRECTORY for ROOM HUNTERS. Should you fall to find listed below tho ^ room you want, call at the "Want'* Ad counter of Tho Omaha Be« for a room directory. The Omaha Bee maintains this hervlce for your convenience. New list Issued each w#pk. And, If yon want to Insert an »d of your own, phone AT. 1000 and ask for Miss Smith, our "Room for Rent" specialist. REAL ESTATE DEPT. ACBEAUE rUOl'KRTY .. ..■ • Ml Acreage in Town Six and one-half aero?, located near 13th street and Q. with part of it adjoining loth Street, which is now paved. Some of it a trifle rough, hut there are a number of good building sites on it, overlooking the Missouri river, with plenty of trees Laying right for a profitable vineyard, small fruits or chickens The price Is ex ceedingly low, only $1,000, which Is Just about the price asked for good farm land. Purchase of this and the proper develop ment along tho lines before mentioned should mako romeon.i Independent. Half • ash und the balance on long time. C. G. Carlberg, Realtor, JA. 0585. 312 Brandels The. Bldg. Acreage Five dandy acres and 5-rm. modern bunga low, wdli hot water heat. Good barn, chicken house, etc. Lots of fruit. A fin* east front, high and sightly location, on paved street, paving paid Located on Krug Park toad, just north of Ames Ave. Best acreage buy near Omaha. Posses sion <>n short notice. For full Informa tion call KB. 4 125. 1505 Karnam St. O T Hamer. AT. 0960. FARMS \M* BINCHES . 90 CANADA-—320 acres In tbs famous Gold burg wheat district, 260 acres under cul. tivation ami in best shape for 1923 crop. No. 1 wheat grown for last 6 years. Bal ance fenced in pasture. All necetsary build ings In good shape Can be bought as going concern with full lino of implements; S good horse?, cows, seed and feed for 112.000; $s,0on win buy land without equipment. Uoort chocolate clay soil, ab solutely no sand. Climate moderate and not as severe as most people think. Ap ply W. Peterson. Goldburg. Sask , Can ada. 160 ACRES" DOUGLAS* COGNTY. VKB. NEAR WATERLOO, PRICE $125. Hero 1? the best buy in the country, 160 | acres, close to Omaha, B0 acres in alfalfa; IS acres pasture, balance under plow. ' Light Improvements; near Waterloo. Pos session March 1 *126 per sere. See GRAH AM-PET ERA REALTY CO., __ 629 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Omaha-_ LOTS FOB SALK .• •. 91 WILL build to your order on our beauti ful lots In Edge wood; very easy terms. Phono Atlantic 3540. __ DUNDEE lot. 60x125. 00 54th »st near Far nam: choice lot; owner will conalder reas onable offer C A Grlmtnol JA 1616 '» offer on lo\(d> south front Edgewood lot on Jouea St , near oar. Real bargain. Call JA#. 3261 flays. LOT in Denson Heights, 2 lots In Nakoma addition. HA 5891._ Hi; M. ESTATE—OCNTRAT. ___. B3 6-ROOM bungalow all mod , will sell for |8,l REAL I viM K -lU MIKK 88 Dundee Bungalow Terms to Suit Here In your chance. A new. well built, five-room bungalow, nicely decorated, oak finish, tile bath. Move right in. I’rlce 86,950, $750 cash. Glover & Spain, Realtors, JA. 2850. 918-20 City National. If EAL ESTATE—M AcriUNKOUB , 97 SIX.ROOM modern cottage; large lot, 61x140; cement driveway to a garage, at 2616 Florence boulevard, for $1,660. W. H. GATES. 647 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. JA. 1 294. HOMES for Working men. Four rooms partly modern, full lot. easy terms 81.200 Have oth-*ra Stewart. Ralston 10.W COLORED’—75 house's for aaie. E. M. Pavla. 2530 Grant St. IV E. 2 420. ALFRED THOMAS-& Son Co.. Realtors J REAL ESTATE DEPT. him l STATE—KIOHKMT ... W N ETHAWAY "home ft tent*' ape latlat t«» * »t»M ESTATE—N ORTH _W 2786 Maivy St. Klegant. brand new bungalow, exception ally well built; garage to match. About $1,500 caah necessary. Rasp Bros., ft? K \T 0 1 NEAR IftTH ON BROWN ST 5 room bungalow, exceptionally wql| built, oak finish, strictly modern, ot\ one floor, large lot. Priced to sell W. FAUNAM SMITH A CO. Realtors. 1320 I' irnsm Ft J A o:,M Sun WA C*7«. C^r% mnKnl 1 1* 0 r 8 ° n a * 1 rvice home i v. cllll JHJL 11 Vullder tjet * imate. 5-7 ^T, 1048 or WA 5704._ Nm rt d • onia .»II ntodti n A bargain, located 6944 Florence Hlvd. Norris A Norris. JA 4 2 7 o _ Hi \i i 81 %TE-mu i H W 6-ROOM, fully modern, garage. $4,150. Near 23<1 and Bancroft . want offer Call Best, AT. 6188, HA. 8714._ _ SIXTEENTH ST., 8078 S —, all modern hous** by owner_MA 1139. 73 7 DUCATl'K-6-Rm . Mod. Ex. heat: T. lots 1500 caah, balance monthly Crelgb. Tel. JA j ;■ n . 7 I': .i i.i I - )."!<!.■ I." J family Move In non Walnut ■■ v BUCK A «‘i> ntjv end sell homes Confer With Colin. j 4823 So. 24th St. MA. 8148 BKAI. ESTATE—AVIMT.W Field Club District Dandy 7-room, 2 full story. well constructed stucco home, located on south front lot. 100x132 feat Yard is nicely shrubbed and en closed by hedge fence. House consists of 3 Urge room* first floor; 3 bedrooms, heated sleeping porch and bath second floor Finished in white quartered oak and white enamel; full basement. Laundry tubs and toilet. Hot air furnace; garage for 1 car; 2 blocks to school and car line; Here la a property worthy of your Investigation. George & Co., Realtors AT. 3024 0OOOOOOOI6 O OOo O O 600000OOOO o o ° Edgewood Bungalow £ O Now' under construction Five fine O O rooms on one floor. I-arge attic O O with dormer space to finish Urge O O a ry room CaU and enamel fin- O O Ish. Excellent location, on paved O C street. Price complete, 10.400. o O Terms For appointment to Inspect O O call Grant Denson, WA. 1580, eve- O O iilngs. O o o o Benson & Carmichael, £ O 612 Paxton Biock. AT. 3640. O O O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO New Bungalow $200 Down Brand new five room* and room bath, partly modern. Ha* oak floors, fur n«ce and rough plamMng. Frame com strurtjon. Lot 40x128. Close to school unt earline Get this today for $3,600. C«1 Pedersen. H V 7482 or AT. 7412 NEAR ELifWOOD PARK ’ CAN BUILD STORES. On 60th St., just south of Elmwood Park a 7 room modern house and other out< - buildings: ground 126x310 ft. making ♦ lots In all Very treasonable price. Term.* Evenings, WA. 5032. ,r. T,. HTATT COMPANY 1338 First Nat. Bank Bldg AT 000" N*w Horn- p—Vour terms AT 4056 Grove-Hibbard Co. TO TRADE for Omaha property, 663 acre". Kmmohs Co., N. D , well improved. Ad drr*s H-1Q0, Omaha Pee_ ItKAI, ESTATE—EXCHANGE .101 WANTED—Stock of good*, haixtwm® pr* ferred, In exchange for improved farm in south central Nebraska. No obiection 10 paying acme difference. Farm located in Platte valley clos-e to good town. good black loam. Addresa Y-21A7, Omaha Bee__ REAL ESTATE WANTED .10? TO buy or sell Omaha Rea! Estate see Burt C. Fowler Co., Successors Fowler Ar McDonald. JA. 1420: W. J. PALMER COT^”.0'^' your home. I.lst with us and prepare move. 412 KeelDto Bldg. AT. &9S0. ■List your hnmp—Buy your horns, BINDER & OTIS, Real Estate. Loans. RanUls. JA.3581. 10 Homes Wanted Klv. nr Fix rooinF. Chaa. W. Tounr * ■Son, 1602 City Natl. AT. ti6«d. C. T. Spier & Co., Realtors 304 Peters [rust Bldg JA. 4 357. “Tukey Sold"It” v Pi' KEY A SON. Realtors, .TA. 4123. BIRKPTT real estate: * DlUIVLI 1 Sells, UentB lll8ur8t. _3 .0 ■ Retera Trust Bldg. JA. 0632. GRITKNfn Sanity Co. List with' unuUlMU U9 for quick results. 1400 First Nat’l BauJU Bldg. JA. I960. LIST your homes for snla wfth us. *\Va have the customers. I’AYNE INVEST MENT CO., Res 1 tor S P. BOSTWICK, real eatale. ATT UM, WORLD Realty Co, Realtors. AT. 3492. Hastings"a hkvdex, reai/torV Wei tarn Real Estate Co. JA. 8607 T<»~SEl.1 a seT OloVer A Mnfclh A T 302L Willard C. Blabaugh. Realtor. JA. 2913 K. Jl. Benner Co., Realtors. JA. 5664. Omaha’s First Early Spring Clean Up LOT SALE $10 Down—$1 a Week No Interest for Two Years . Lake James Park—49th Ave and Bedford Fine large, sightly, well located lots, ranging in site from 50x13S to 80x172 feet. Sewer in every street; sewer tax paid in full; city water in block. Fine large shade trees. Some lots have beautiful hedge, some have bearing fruit. In rapidly improving district. Lot* similar to these near by are selling from $100 to $200 more. Investigate. Prices Only $450-$550 Sale Starts Saturday, January 20, at 1 P. M. Sharp COME EARLY AND CET YOUR CHOICE Take Benson car to 49th Ave. and Military. Salesmen will meet cars. Or, drive out Fontcnelle Boulevard to Bedfrrd, then west three blocks. CHAS. W. YOUNG & SON 1602 City NatT Bank Bid,. AT. »66«. HA. SOM.