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Newspaper Page Text
Final Reductions on All Winter Wearing Apparel For Women, Misses and Children The winter season is drawing to a close. All winter merchandise must bo disposed of to make way for spring stocks. Every coat, dress, fur coat, suit or other winter apparel will be repriced to clear out on the spot. Quantities are limited. If you would have full benefit of the best selection at these remarkably low juices, be here early. Examples of the Values You Will Find Winter Coats Tailored coats, embroidered coats, fur trimmed coats, coats in the most attractive styles are marked in .this final reduction sale at prices that are but a frac tion of their real worth. 23 Self and Fur Trim- 1 Q A A med Coats 75 Better Fur trim- Q H A A med Coats I o\XU Fur Coats and Wraps Reduced The fur prices quoted in this ad represent some of the best fur values of the year. The wise woman will buy now for next season’s wear. 8 Genuine Hudson "I fTA A A Seal Coats XOU«UU Plain anil Trimmed Models with Large Shawl Collars. 6 Finest Hudson OQft A A Seal Coats ' Trimmed with Squirrel. Natural Lynx and Beaver. ^insky 295.00 42-inch Model. Wraj)6 295.00 With Platinum Pox Collar. 4 Black Sealine ETA Coats I i/.DU With Skunk and Opossum Collar and Cuffs 6 Fur QQ F7T Coats £Vo I D | Beaverettes and Sealine. Dresses for Women and Misses There is a wide variety of styles, and materials in these three groups of dresses, reduced in this final mark-down to rock bottom prices. Attrac tive models for afternoon, evening and street j wear. 35 Silk and Cloth O AA Dresses 0«v/l/ 41 Silk and Cloth -| A AA Dresses X^«v/U 63 Street, Afternoon and 1 7 HA Dinner Dresses X I #Ul/ Sport Skirts Reduced Tho attractive sport skirt is an important member of the Spring Wardrobe. There is a good selec tion of styles at these final reduc tion prices. 50 All Wool Novelty 7 QQ Skirts I oi/O Pleated and plain models. 60 Pleated Prunella and Plain Camel Colored A QQ Skirts ^IwO B_ Two and Three-Piece > Suits ' 20 Tailored Winter Suits 0 QQ 33 Fur Trimmed and Tailored 1 A AA Suits H.UU 15 Handsome Two and Three rtQ Piece Suits mi/«UU The best of fabrics and styles are repre sented in these three groups of suits reduced from much higher prices. Undergarments of Silk Jersey Silk Jersey Bloomers « These garments arc essential vfith the tailored suit or dress. In a good range of colors. I {educed to 1.98 Blouses Some very charming blouses arc included in these low priced groups. Better Silk Blouses 3.49 Odds and ends reduced from higher priced liner. Tailored novelties and filet and Irish lace trimmed blouses In light and dark colors. Lingerie Blouses 79£ About 200 blouses from our regular stocks that have been reduced because they are somewhat soiled. Sweaters A splendid selection of sweaters in plain and fancy stitches and in a wide range of colors. 300 All Wool slipover Sweaters 1.00 Fine All Wool Sweaters 2.98 Tbla is a real buy—It includes brushed wool sport coats, skating sweaters and medium weight slip overs from our higher priced lines. Girls’ Apparel at Reduced Prices GIRLS WINTER COATS Included are wool jerepes, velvets, serges, velour checks. A num ber of party and dance frocks are Included. 40 Dresses, were 6.08, 2.49 i 24 Dresses were 10.00, 5.00 13 Dresses, wers 15.00, 7.50 I K Dress**, wore 35.00 now 8 Drosse*. worn 19,50 Q HJT now 4 tl 0 I)re?*ee, wore 25.00, 12.50 ! 4 Uressox, were 29.75, 14.88 ! 17.50 Second Floor. 300 Girls’ Gingham Drfesses 1.79 Wednesday—Remarkable Bargain Offerings for Thrifty Shoppers Money-Savers in Linens Huck Towels— 12.000 medium size white huek towels with red bor ders. For home or hotels and apartments. Each— Turkish Towels— 1.000 good sized Turkish towels, mostly with neat blue borders, a few fancy styles. Each, * Turkish Towels— 1,000 big, heavy bleached tow els with hemmed ends. A real bath towel, so thick and ab sorbent. Each— Crochet and Satin Finished Bed Spreads at Remarkable Reductions These are soiled from dis play but one tubbing will make them as good as new. Single and double bed size. Mostly all hemmed. 2.00 to 15.00 values; priced— 1.39 3.50 4.98 and 7.50 Main Floor—South Irish Linen Toweling This is our regular 49c quality of bleached Irish toweling with colored borders. Every thread pure flax. Yard— Brown Crash Toweling 5,000 yards of this soft, absorb ent quality suitable for dish and roller towels. Yard— Linen Glass Toweling An all-linen quality of the famous blue and pink checked toweling that has long been a favorite among particular housewives. Y ard— Sale of 350 Pairs of Women’s High Shoes A Big Group of Splen- Q £* Supply Your Foot lid Walking Shoes in I ^ wear Needs in This This Sale, Per Pair . Low Priced Sale. Originally Priced at Three or Four Time* This Low Sale Price With leather military or Cuban heels. In black or brown kid, black or brown calfskin. There is just a limited quantity of these splendid values, so early shopping is advised. Third Floor—Fast Most of the Fun Is In Making Them! Boxed Valentine Materials Per ^Qr Box Receiving a Valentine gives a child but a moment of pleasure, while making them affords hours of entertainment for little folk.'. In these gay scarlet boxc3 are all the necessary materials and print ed directions for putting thenvdo gether. Purchase Them in the Book Section Main Floor—ort h Demonstration Sale of Pond’s Toilet Preparations All This Week 65c Pond’s Cold or Van ishing Cream, 44<* 35c Pond’s Vanishing Cream, 50c Pond’s Extract, 37<? 35c Pond’s Tooth Paste, special, 18c4 1.00 Pond's New Compact Powder, metal box, 69<? Pond’s Antiseptic Cream, special, 15<^ Main Floor—West Sale of Soap P. &. G. White Naptha Soap—Special, 10 bars for 41C Ivory Soap—Special, 5 bars for 2,7C Pearl White Laundry Soap —Special, 10 bars for 29C White Borax Laundry Soap —Special, 10 bars for 21C Fifth Floor—IFcst imported Lace Curtains 10.00 Values 500 Pair A wonderful assortment of irish Points, French Lacets u.d Marie Antoinette Cur ains in white, ivory and beige. These curtains are all our own importation, pur chased at big price conces sions and brought in under the old t^nff. This is an un usual o, j iunity to buy I real lace curtains at a remarkably low price. i Reversible Terry Cloth—All new patterns in floral, bird ar.d striped designs. These materials make beautiful over drapes and portieres. DQ 1.25 values; yard, OI7C Voiles and Marquisettes— Fine mercerized quality in beautiful dotted and figured patterns. Specially OQ priced, yard, OJ/C Cretonnes—New patterns in florals, blocks, stripes, bird and other attractive designs. 75c values; per A Q yard, *Ta/C Quaker Craft Nett—Beautiful allover fifpired patterns in white, ivory and bei^e. OQ 40c values; yard, Tuscan Nett—Genuine Quaker Tuscan Nets in plain and all over figured patterns. Those nationally advertised curtain materials are known for their beauty and durability. QQ 1.25 values; yard, OI/C Ruffled Curtaining — Fine mercerized voile with full narrow rufflintr for lone or -ash curtains. 40c Sixth Floor—Fast Special Selling 400 Imported Work Baskets Regular $1 Value 4^c Each Beautifully beaded work baskets for your work table in which to keep a bit of sewing ever at hand. This style is unlined and conies in a choice of red, green, brown, purple and navy. Third h lot>r—If rst I The Famous Reddy Line of Notions Uniform Quality ^ The Red Reddy Package Uniform Package I 11^* that means the quality Uniform Price ■*' ^ you want at lowest price r V a r i * g ated Rick R a e k Braid*-A wido range of col or*. boll, 10£ Reddy Hair Warera — For long or abort hair; will wave the hair quickly; per card, IOC n Sew-on Corset G • r t ( r i — Strong clastic, all ready to at tach to corsets, 10c Reddy Shell Hair Pina— With perfect pomta; arc not brittle; 8 to the box, 10^ Reddy Bias Tape — Millie of fine lawn, sizes 3 to 7, 8-yard bolts, at 10«* M • r c • r i ifd Rick Rack B raid — All good colors, sir.*. 99, t>-yd. bolts. 10<* Reddy Double Meah Human Hair Neta—A irturin teed net, all shades in cap shape; a fine quality hair net; only, each, IOC n M#rcrriied Whit# Rick Rnek—— Sizes JO to 37, 6-yd. bolts, f Lingerie Tape — For muslin underwei r. e Complete with bodkin, 10 vtn) bolt |0«* Reddy Dr**« ini Pin* — 360 n <* o d 1 epoint hr*** pins that aro rustproof, at 10* Rnldjr Metal Hair Curlers —\V arcs or rurls in a few minutes with out heat. Card of 4, IOC I. Reddy Mote Supporter* for C h i 1 d r e * Made of stout nobbing, with good clasps. Tair. IO<* Reddy Velour Powder Puff* —-2 V* and 3 H inch puffs, in sanitary enve lopes. each it 1 rtd' Main Floor—South