OCR Interpretation

The evening times. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1895-1902, November 27, 1895, Image 10

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024441/1895-11-27/ed-1/seq-10/

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Interesting Experiments to Be
Made at Indian Head.
To fc)
That cold wave is on time to-day you'll be
hustling- for an Overcoat. There's one, or a
dozen or more HERE to suit you. No mat
ter what price you care to pay, and there's
no trouble about fitting you, for we pro
vide for all sizes and shapes. The tall
the short the stout the slitri and the
exjra large men can all be fitted in each
and every grade. . .
Prices $10 to $45 with a dozen inter
mediate grades better value in each and
every grade than anyone else in town can
p.- Slve yu- our money back if you want
w tr.
Those Calf-lined Box Calf Shoes are
good ones for winter wear. They are ab
solutely water-proof, are practically inde
structible, and are neat and dressy, too.
$5.00 is the price, and it's the biggest
$3.00 worth shoes you ever bought.
12th and F Sts. gflgfat
Chickens Free
We will continue to give a large,
plump and tender Chicken FREE to
each purchaser of groceries tonight of
One Dollar's worth or over from price
list. Open until 12 o'clock.
N. W.
B ll
Thanksgiving Bargains
We have arranged a perfect Thanksgiving Feast of
bargains for today's shoppers, such as will delight the heart
of any housekeeper! Are you one of the wise ones, who
believe in getting good value for your irionc'?
j---- 4Sc.c4c.eoc.eoc!
"- -;,: ! ;X4.je
3c. 3 l-2c. 4c and sc each
3 for fSc
- 2fic
1-2 doz. Cranberry Saucers
Large Cranberry Dish ..
Cilery Glasses or Tray
lloa&tiuc l'an
Covered Iioastinc Pans. lcst ma(J
Regular price. 8dc. Ubc l.0!
1-2 doz. Knives and Forks
CnrUnc Knives and Forks, tut tilt knives..
1-2 doz. Flint Water Tumblers
Turkey Dlehes. 14intl
Decorated English China Dinner Sets
Btone China I'lates
rie nates
Oranlx'rry Strainers and Hand
Regular price. 4Uc.
1-2 doz. Silver l'lattil Knives. 1-2
and Table Spoons to rnjteli
Sllvcr-Plated Butter Knlfo or Smear Shell
Silver-I'lated Salt and 1'euDer Shakers
88c Razors
4Uc Razor Strops X
French China Cranlierry Sets. 7 piece', hand painted
Decorated Chamber Sets ,
Rolled Oats. I'ettilohn'H Food. Dei Package
1 lb. Best Roasted Rio Coffee
California Lemon Cling reaches, per can
California Bartlctt l'cars. per can
Bus sex County Tomatoes. 31b. cans
Corn. Lima Beans. Succotash, Sifted l'eas. String Beans, etc, per can ""
Bakers' Best Chocolate, per lb
Lunch Tongue, per can
Asparagus, per can, finest quality
Tress -
doz. ForVs and 1
each Tea
SI. 38
"1 Kn
Housef lirnishing Store,
512 9th Street Northwest.
One of tlieNew Kind WboTVnnAruiily
Able to Defend Herself.
The front door of the southern police sta
tion was opened suddenly yesterday and a
woman entered, dragging a min by the
Capu Claiborne and Lieut. Tarks went
to the woman's assistance, but she wared
them off and look the struggling man to
Uie desk.
After she bad caught licrbrcalhsheafkcd
If Justice Schcnkeljvns In. She tvns told
that the Justice "was 111 Ills courtroom.
Giving her prisoner a Jerk the entered Uie
courtroom and said:
"I am a woman. Judge, but no man shall
Insult me nnd gett off with it."
When nsked to explain matters she con
Unued: "I never saw this man nntll a few
moments ago, when I was parsing down
Llghtstrcct, near Lee street. Ho apprached
rne and instilled me. I looked for a police
man to have bun arrested, but did not Fee
one. The man saw that I could not find an
officer, and be said, 'Pb, yctn rnu'tbareme
arrested.' This made mo mad. Judge, and I
said, 'Oh, I can't, can't 1?' and look Llm by
the coat collar. He tugged to getaway, and
I let lilm keep It up until bcltad become tired
out, when I brought liim to you."
The prisoner taid his name was Joseph
Roberts, and asked the Justice to "settle
the case as light as he could." The charge
of disorderly conduct was entered against
him. The woman, wbo was Miss Annie
Uulb, of 1323 Sbarp street, lied her name
put on the docket as baring made Uicarrest.
Roberts Is small, and while listening to
Diss Muth lay the charge against bin) lie
lecmcd gradually to shrink In stature until
his bead was barelly risible aboTO the rail
which, surrounds Justice Bchenkcl's desk.
JusilceSchenkel Imposed a fine of $1 and
costs, which the man was unable to pay, and
le was ordered tu be locked up. When the
justice said, "put Mm back," Miss Mufu
llarted to lake hold of the man, but Turnkey
Korion told her that he would take charge
if the prisoner at this stage of the proceed
Tig. The Justice told Miss Muth that she
josenvd to bare a place on the police
Ai Roberts disapticarcd through the door
t-udiiig to the cell his captor left the sta
lion, wearing k smile of satisfaction which
robably come from tho proud consciousness
hat she was a "new woman." Baltimore
Mnrllo rough's Obacuro Address.
The Loudon Telegraph of November 8
prints the following paragraph In a con
spicuous place: "We are asked to stato
tbat the Duke of Marlborough requests that
til letters and cou.iruunicatl.jng for him be
addressed to BIcnaekB."
How One Man Employ! ni llirhuto
Appendage to Adnntuge.
"Are beards lucrative, or, in other words,
can one make any money by wearing them
long, said a .young man about town.
"Upon the first thought and perhaps even
arter one has evolved the question carc
fullyln his mind be would rcplyno.
"But they are wrong, as the following
case of an old artist will show. By "old
artist' is not meant a genius like Unmet,
Angelo, or men of that class, but a paint
er who, besides being noted for bis su
perior work in portraits Is conspicuous for
the quantity of hair which sprouts from his
This gentleman, Jt is said, ha's won
many a wager on his beard, which Is of
such great length that he Is compelled to
wear it underneath his vest. No one erer
sees the hirsute growth, except when he
exhibits It to settle a bet. To saunter Into
a saloon and get into conversation with
some of the customers Uiere has become a
hobby with him, for in doing so he has an
Be frequently gets a drink in conse
quence of betting with some other fellow
who has a fairly long beard as to whose Is
the longest, and it is seldom that he loses
a wager of this kind, for-his whisker ax-
tend to the bottom of his waistcoat."
Philadelphia Call.
-t p
Re-form In Burial Cuttoirm la Urged
by nn Undertaker.
One of Uie leading undertakers of this city
told me recently that within tho next fif
teen years the burial customs of the country
will be enUrely changed. He said that
among oUier reforms the custom of follow
ing the remains to the cemetery would be
done away with.
He said tho undertakers had been trying
in a silent way for years to bring about
certain funeral rcrorms. and that before
long the matter would be publicly dis
cussed and the reforms put into practice
so far as was within the power of the
lie says that statistics show that a very
large numer of deaths result each year
from tiie custom of following the remains
to the cemetery. Invalids and persons
weak and broken by grief axe taken oat In
all kinds or weather to go to the grave, and
then the exposure in the bleak cemetery
while tho services are being held at the
grave frequently causes the mourner se
rious Illness.
There are many other matters which my
friend did not care to talk about in con
nection with funeral customs that win be
changed. Buffalo News.
What It Can Bo Will Be Snown In a
Novel Way Naval News and Notes.
The Ferwonnel Bin Work on tbo
Shlpa The Mucbino Guns mid Wlitit
Tliey Are Capable of.
The effect of 1.1-incb guns fired on turrets
similar to those on the battleships Indiana,
Oregon, and Massachusetts is to be deter
mined by an experiment soon at tbo Indian
Head proving station.
An exact reproduction of one of the tur
rets of the Massachusetts Is to be mounted
and struck by two or three shots from the
largest nary rifle, fired under fighting con
ditions. This turret will have one of the
13-incn ballistic test plates fitted to the
side where the projectiles will have Impact,
while the remainder of Iho turret will
be constructed ofcast-ironplates of athlck
ness which will give them the resisting
power of the regular armor plates.
A few weeks-ago the department made
an experiment with a side armor plate of
the Oregon, fitted and supported so as to
place it under conditions similar to those
on the side of the battleships. The experi
ment showed that 12-lncb guns were hardly
capable of penetrating the armor to a dan
gerous extent, while Iho projectiles of tuc
heavier gun passed seen rect Into llie buck
ing and earthworks in the rear.
The same shell would hate gone through
one sldeof any ship afloat. If fired at a range
of about 2,000 yards. The turret experi
ment will be the II rat of its nature anil prom
ises to be of Incalculable value to ordnance
officers in determining the actual resUting
power of the new turrets against the heav
iest projectiles used in loreign navies.
The experiment will be costly, but the re
sults obtained, it is believed, will warrant
the expenditure. So far no modern turret
has been attacked with tho best guns, al
though those of the turrets of the Chinese
battle ships were shattered pretty badly
with the light guns of the Japanese. Both
guns and turrets, however, were of an in
ferior quality, compared with those on the
first-class war ships. No turret carried
armor thicker than twelve Inches, nnd the
heaviest guns of the Jaianesc were not of
more than tenlncli calibre.
The projectiles to be hurled at the ex
perimental turret will weigh 1,100 pounds,
behind which will be a powder charge of
BOO pounds, producing an Initial velocity
of about 1,600 feel per second. The shells
are expected to cliave .thirteen Inches
of armor, but the effect of the shock on
the structure generally Is the principal mat
ter to be determined by the tet. The two
sides of the turret will represent walls
of twent)-slx Inches In all.
No gun has demonstrated Its power to
send a projectile through so much cast
steel. Dummy thirleen-lnth guns will be
mounted in the turret, nnd, while they will
not be of slt-el, the effect of a shell
on the Interior mechanism can be deter
mined with reasonable cloncneM.
The strong grounds taken by the line
offictri of the nay at their annual meet
ing. In Id on Saturday night, iu favor of
the "e&senllal line fealureo" of the Joint
commission's personnel bill, maj clear
up the matter somewhat for Congress.
What is not so ulnl.ms is the attitude of
the staff officers concerning the staff feat
ures of that bill. It Is pretty well known
that the staffwouH like i)oalilvejnk, nnd
Dial these officers also do not like tin- pro
posed reductions In pay accompanying
changes in rank. The .Secretary Iscxpected
to ralte the subject once more in bis re
port, although his le-s are already well
As one of the Chicago's new Itoilcrs will
be made of nickel steel anil the other of or
dinary steel, a comparison In practical
workings can be made between thm. The
Maine and Texas will Ik formally exam
ined by the board of inspection and surey,
ami this board nlil no doubl report on the
character of the lujurles recehed by the
The new chairman of the Ilouse Xntal
Committee Is expected to be Congressman
Boutelle of Maine, long a prominent mem
ber of the committee, and the retirement
of SenatorMcI'berson is likely. It b thought,
"toglvethechalrmansliipof theSenate.N'aval
Committee to Senator Blackburn of Ken
tucky, if the Democrats bold tliccoutrol.
The contest of machine guns at the Wash
IngtouNavy Yard winds up with theMaxIm
Nordenfeldt. and the rtport of the board
will be awaited with Interest. There have
been tried five guns In all. Last jear six
were tried, two of which were automatic
single-barrelled and the other four band
worked; but the board could not agree on
any one. the majority favoring the Maxim
Nordcnfeldt and the minority the Gatllng.
so that another trial was had this year.
It Is feared that the down-draught fur
nace, which was recently-tested by Chief
Engineer Smith . will not be found suitable
for naval use. It had been hoped that the
consumption of smoke, and a saving of
one-tentn in coai would result. It was
found that the furnace was economical, but
it Is expected that the change of system
will not be advised. .
N Secretary Herbert will probably recom
mend the construction of two training ships
for the Naval Academy. Capt. Cooper, the
superintendent, said In his recent report
that the Monongabela's only merit for that
purpose was her f Ine accommodations; "but
being unhandy and unwieldy, the remit Is
that In runny respects wrong principles aro
taught," so that "the sea atmosphere"
was the most she gave to tho cadets. The
vessels lie asked for wereof about 000 tons
displacement, composite built, bark-rigged
sailing vessels, with no steamappliances on
board. He added thaf'thequickjudpment,
the readiness of resource.-nnd the unr.illlng
nerve required of our naval officers in the
ma nagementof modern nien-of-warcanonly
be developed through the teaching of sea
manship, and that on board sailing vessels.
The argument that seamanship is no longer
necessary in these days of steam and tnast-
less snips Is a grievous mistake, but the art
must be taught in youlh. It should still be
the foundation stone of this Institution."
In addition he wanted some light cutters
and some handy steamers, uniform in size
and speed, for the use of cadets, and some
sailing boats nnd racing shells.
The Improvement In the rapidity of manu
facture of ship armor Is shown by the fact
that the contracts of 189.1 are etpected
to be completed next July, ami the entire
araior for the Kearsargc and her mate,
7,800 tons. Is to be supplied witnm a
year from the receipt of the plans for
It. This remorcs one argument for con
tracting with the shipbuilder for the armor,
and the ordering of armor by foreign
countries Is a guarantee of getting down
the price of that which is furnished by the
armor-making plants to our own ships.
Capt. Sampson has made the additional
point that "the .transfer of oTer $3,500,
000 of Government, money, with all the
power It convejs over these Institutions,
to the hands of a private corporation can
not but be regarded with alarm."- It Is
Improbable that Congress will order any
change In the system.
- s
Kansas Man Treated With Tblevcs,
But Wok Murdered Anyway.
Eureka. Kan., Nov. 27. TV. H. Orris,
a prominent and wealthy citizen of Sorery.
Kan., was found dead In bed Just before
noon yesterday. Foul play is suspected.
Orvls was sandbagged and robbed "of
$6,000 In government bonds at Bevery a
few months ago. Subsequently some one
gained access to his room at night and
left a note telling how the bonds could be
Mr. Orvls followed directions, and re
covered his property by the payment "of
a ram of money.
It U now thought by many persons that
he was murdered In order to prevent the
exposure of the parlies who robbed him.
Tenollls's Great Clothlmr Bale is today
Greatest Sensational
Ever known in Washington is being run at
TENNILLE, 709 7th st- near G N-w-
He has got all the Clothiers and Fakirs guessing. He has put
every $ 1 0 and $ 1 2.50 Overcoat and Suit down to $6.50 arid guar
antees them to be strictly All wool or money refunded. This im
mense stock will suit the most fastidious.
Ask for the
$6.50 Overcoat, " $15,
$4.25 Overcoat worth $10.
Bojs' Overcoat $2 worth $4
Ask for the
$6.50 Suits,
Worth $15.
$425 Suits,
Worth $10.
Children's Suits,$l.
This sale will be selling goods up to 9 o'clock every night this
week, then close to arrange stock for the next day.
The Union Clothier and Furnisher,
709 7th St., near G N. W.
00 Total.
It seems ridiculous to
think that you can be
well dressed for that, but
it's so 58 for a suit and
$9 for an overcoat. Those
are our factory sale prices
and, mind you, they
are all goods we made
ourselves. We know
what sort of material is
in them, and how they
are made.
They are good.
621 Pa. Ave.
Under Metropolitan Hotel.
Christmas Gifts
At 20 Pm Gent
Below are a fewosuggestions
from our stock of Presents
suitable for a Ladj:
A Chatelaine Watch.
A Diamond Pendant.
A Miniature Brooch.
A Diamond Bracelat.
A Cold VlnaUratter
A Lavender Sails Jar.
A Com Ring.
A Cold Lorgnette, i
A Pair or OperaAIIasses.
A Manicure Sett
A Jewel Case. . .
A Tortoise Shell Hairpin.
A Toilet Set.
A Cold or Sllver.Belt.
Cold or Silver Carters.
Select 7onr Holiday Fretents this
week at a saving of ft) per cent and
Te them laid aside on -payment of
1109 Penn. Ave.
?KR That we want
ss'qi . .v. ;
Ln..i lo nuimai
We Must.
We are IibtIhc this
solely and onlr that
we may so into nnr
new building with- I
ont any or our cres
ent stock. You can
hare that & erv dol
lar"s worth of It for
about hair what the I
nrl arintilrl h
Everything to fur- M
nlsh a home- Credit
If you want It.
House & Herrmaon,
?.li;l 9I7' B,9 S21 and 923
Sbvisn i rt s r.
630 Mass. Ave.
The Finish of the
Record Smashing Sale.
The last lot of the great HAZELTON STOCK has
reached us, and we are making; a gigantic burst to get
through with this Tremendous Sale. "We have broken
all records in the clothing business and not content with
that, we are outdoing ourselves. Come at once or kick
yourself all your life. These opportunities don't occur
every day it's a sin not to seize them when you get a
Handsome Rose Bowl or
Molasses Can given with
each purchase of $1.00 or
470 472 Pennsylvania avenue north
West, sear 6Ul iUecfc--BQilneai men's
hffich. 18 to i o'clock. 2Bo.; table d'hote
dinner. 1:80 to 7:80 p. m- BOo. oc3-3m
Snrh Talneiln HonsefnrnistilnEa are
peculiar to ua. We do not know irhere
you could duplicate them.
Larce Turkey Dlaaes 14c
, RcEular prk-e :0c.
LarccUlot'kTlnlIamllnllers ise
Worth 39o.
StoccChlnnhl.ii) Jars K2o
Worth SI.
12 doz. Cr.in(x.-rry Dishes.. fir-
Worth 15c
1-2 doz. Flue Crystal Water
Glasses and Tr.iy Ap
Worth 25e. "''c
1-2 doz. Fancy Cut-class
Wine Glasses i n
Worth 30c
FlneFUutGlassDei-anters.. too
Worth COc
Cake Stands -120
Worth 29c
Eiue Crystal Watpr Pitchers "larr
Worth 20c
Bhcet Iron Itoastlnc Pans;
all sizes Kr.
EuRllsh China and Deco
rated Chamber Seta: 10
Pieces , S1.3
Worth $2.98. "3
Best Stone China Plates
Fine Quality To?.thDU.iJ..Vf' sic
6 Rolls Toilet Paper, per-
forated -too
$2.98 Smyrna Rues JS-.o
100 piece EuRllsh China
Dinner Set 4.88
Worth $7.98.
439 Seventh St.
c. on the Dollar
Is what we are selling the finest clothing on the market
for for less than the cost of the cloth.
Will bay a first-class Casslmere Salt, any size, sod a
selection of lo styles to seloct from 'the cloth In this
snitcust75c per yard. You know it tates six Tarda
to make the suit, which Is $4.50, but we promise to
sell you goods at less than the cloth coat, and this
statement bears us out. Don"t fall and ast to be
shown these suits, as they are wonderful bargains.
Men's Suits.
112 Men's Casslmere Suits for $5.00
ti ToungMen's Suits for d,oU
Overcoats, Ulsters.
lien's Clay Worsted Suits.-..
Tonne Jim's Double and Sin
gle Breasted Suits
ta.00 lien's Suits for
IS3 Men's OrcreoatB. Melton,
fl7 Imported Germaula Orer
coats -
15 French Black Chariot
Men's Black and Bine Pure
Wool Cheviot Pants
Men's Edward Harris'
more Pants
Eawyer's Casslmere Paula ,
Men's Casslmere rents
10 Oxford Mixed OTercoats.
IS Irish Frieze Ulsters, 50
Inches long, made In nrit
class style
Men's Pants
Children's Clothing
Casslmere Knee
Strictly A'l-wool
Children's Deep Capo OTor-coats
13. CO Children's Suits.,
The Most Delicious Table Water.
Per gallon In Demijohns 10c; in bottles. 13o
ANTON LERCH, - -Dyeing;
Cleaning and. Dry Cleaning.
CS isth Street Northwest
. WBa,l-M8 J BBact -Northwest
cheapest house In
town for TBUXKS of all descriptions-
Sole Agent for the new DHES3ER TBUNK.
64-1 Louislanla Avenue.
Cor. Ninth and E Streets.
No connection with any other house in the city
are so well known 'round town
that they scarcely need adrertlslsg.
They adrertlse themselres.
If you want to be In the swim you
had better get one.
N.E. Cor .7th & H Sts. N.W.
ieoe m st. n. to.
rirjtclase catering for balls, parties and prl.
Tate families. (
Meals, IS and ISc
Famllloa supplied with salt-water oystoraby
the quart or gallon.
Ice cream wholesale and retail
JOHN YX3IX. Proprietor.
Absolutely Painless Dentistry.
P IMK and again
our painless
methods o t
dentistry hare
been proren to
be the snrest,
safest and
most efficient
means for
treating trou
blesome teeth.
You're assur
ed the services
of skillful and
eXDeilen c e d
operators hers at most reasonable charges.
Palnloss extraction. SO cents.
1217 Por.n. Ave. N. W.
winter, price IS end M
par month- Add ress
Burnt Mills, Md.
COLD IN Tax: HEAD. Catarrh,
ana fleaandie immediately relieved bj
Capitol Catarrli Cire. 125 cents.
nov7-3cio-cx8 .

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