OCR Interpretation

The evening times. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1895-1902, April 28, 1896, Evening, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024441/1896-04-28/ed-1/seq-4/

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mie ami Tenth bmELT.
Telephone Editorial Rooms, 4s8.
Business Ottice, "JT.
Price Mo-nine or Evening Edition. One Cent
Sunday Edition .Tbiee Cents
Monthly, l-y Carrier
Morning and bunday Thlrtv-nvo Cent3
Evenlu .Thirty Cents
is' and V.
r. I
Uornlnci Evening- o'"1 Sunday 50o
llorului: uutl Sunday 35o
Evening uud Suudny 35o
The Times
every day in the week than any
dally paper published in the Dis
trict of Columbia.
No other paper can successfully
assail this statement Circulation
books open to all.
This circulation of The Times for
tho week ended April 211. 1800, svus
as follows:
Monday, April 20 . . . 38,926
Tuesday, ApFil 21 . . . 41.793
Wednesday, April 22 . 41,875
Thursday, April 23 . . 42,204
Friday, April 24 ... . 38,951
Saturday, April 25 . . 43,412
Sunday, April 26 ... . 25,928
; 273,089
Less damaged copies,
copies left over, un
sold, in. Office, and
copies left over, un
sold, at Newsstands
and Branch Offices 7,050
Net .- 266,039
I solemnly swear tliut the nliove 1h
u currtt't statement of the circula
for tin week ended April 20. lhll,
and tliut nerj copy- was delivered
or mailed for a valuable considera
Superintendent of Circulation.
Suliscrlbed and sworn to before mu
this 27th day of April, A. I. 18!)U.
Notary Public.
If you miss any newsln tlieeveutiii;
edition look in the list below. What
you're looking for w as probably pub
lished in this morning:' edition, and
as The Times never repeats you'll
have to take both editions to jjot all
the news as quick ok it happen".
Nevvian'is Dinner May lie in UMiIencc at
Chicago. '
Farm Buildings Swept Away and Tele
graph Irafne Su-ieinlcd.
Certain Testimony Excluded In tlie Bryan
Murder Trial.
Serious Uprising!) Reported in an Italian
If United Suite-. Would Not Interfere.
Cuba Could Win.
Jackson City Gambler and Hip Guard
Were Drunk.
Daring Filibuster Slips Out on Another
Tliirteentli Anniversary of St. Mark's
Episcopal League:
Theosoptnsts Think that Long Enoughfor
Their President.
Louisiana State Troops Ordered Out to
. Natchitoches.
Uen. Grant's Birthday Celebrated in Many
Citizens Tliank The Times Tor Promised
Itaplit Transit.
Great llorsc'on Exhibition at Kenning
Visitors l'lajed Good Hall and Were
"The ArtM's Model" a Pleasing Exam
ple of a .New Type.
Scheme to Reproduce the United States
ielieme to Kcprouuc
Meets with Favor.
i tav
Plans Tor a. Brilliant Occasion Are Now
1-inancla Progress Reported to the '96
Alexandria's Mayor Could Not Sustain
the Charge Against Mrs. Layton.
ltlvernnd Harbor BilllncreasedOver Two
Senate Will Prohibit Retired Officers from
Corporation Hire.
Medical anil Dental Colleges Regulated by
a New Law.
Sessions Open Today In National New
Church Edifice.
Weather Bureau to Undertake a Unique
Money Found In the Cabin.
6hamokin,ra.,April 28. Jeremiah Dichl.
a iMdiclor rarroer died in Mabantonga Val
ley, on Thursday last, and his nephew Sun
day found $2,000 in goldand billsccncealcd
In the cracks and crannies of bis old cabin.
A year ago the deceased roan's brother,
John Dicbl, who was also a bachelor
recluse, died, and (be same nephew found
$2.ft00 Million under the floor of his sleep
ing room. Both men were supposed to
be almost pciintleM-
Tmpesi.it;i councils
While Washington U laboring heavily to
bare the price or gas reduced from $1.25 a
thousand reet, Philadelphia Is contemplating
reduction to 75 and ultimately to CO
cents. The papers of that city are already
rejoicing over the near advent of the time
when GO-cent gas will do the heating and
cooking of the house and the coal cart and
asli cart be known no more forever. In
fact, all tills is quite possible jvlth gas at
75 cents, but absolutely assured when the
price readies the lower fignre. This meta
morphosis can be achieved because the city
of Philadelphia owns her own gas plant,
and the authorities In cliargc declare tliat
by enlarging und improving It they can
'manufacture gas and sell It for 75 cents ut
a profit.
The experience of Philadelphia Is simply
IhaLol every oilier city that is the owner
of Its lighting system. It matters not
whether It is gas or electricity, the fact re
mains that the people get chcapera ud better
service1 hen Ihemuiiicipallty&upplieslllhan
when this is done by a private corporation.
It is the sioat natural thing In the world,
too, that such Is the case. The municipal
ity can equip Its plant as cheap, buy Its coal
and other supplies as cheap as a private
concern. It can even pay its, workmen
belter wages, aud yet furnish a product
of a better quality aud at a lower price,
because H has to pay no large dividends on
-watered stock. The profit exacted'by the
stockholders ou their Investment Is what
compels cousumersto pay exorbitant prices
ror their light.
, There is no reason to believe but that
Washington would fare as well as ether
cities If the municipality owned the light
ing plant. No doubt, both gas and eicctrio
lights could lie -furnished at a minimum
price, and yet leave a surplus applicable
to enlargement .and improvement as time
might demand. It Is a matter which our
people ought to look Into carefully, with a
view to adopting that policy which will
result in the greatest good to the greatest
It affords The Times a great deal of
pleasure to be able to congratulate the
good iicople of Anacostla upon the definite
prospect of rapid transit within tn years,
or jierhnps cun less. Tills pleasure Is all
the more genuine because mixed with it
is a modest appreciation of the acknowl
edgements which have come to The Times
for the share 1 1 has in ha ving brought a liou t
the long-desired legislation. At the same
time it feels thiflt has dune no more than
Itsduly in standing for the best interests of
every section and of all the people of the
District. What is good for them isgood lor
The Times.
The whole .southeastern portion of the
District has been treated in a ttei.motl.crl)
fashion iu the matter of transportation
facilities. While other lections bate been
broughlimo easy communication with each
other by means of electrtcuuil cable lines,
the southeast, especially that part ljlng
on the other side of the Eastern Branch,
has had to gel along nith an amiquand
apology for a ttcend-rate horse ear line.
The material development that under more
propitious conditions would have been Us
lot n as held In check through the un will lug
nessor Inability of oue man to furnish the
people with proper facilities and make the
region they inhabit easily accessible, so
as to encourage and stlmuate the lnei-t-inent
of capital and the building up of waste
The bill passed yesterday by theniouse
will no doubt be con curreil in by thcSciiatu
because the amendments are not of a
character to evoke prolmged debate or
determined antagonism, and two years
hence will see the consummation of what
Anncostians have hoped and labored for
so long.
The amendment to the naval appropria
tion bill, offered by Senator Chandler,
prohibiting officers of the navy or marine
corps, on J he retired lUt, from taking em
ployment in the ser Ice of business concerns
that furnislf supplies to the government. Is
eminently Just and proper. It might ery
well be amplified by extending the Inter
diction to any private employment what
ever. If it be said that the pay ofaffoffl
,ccr on the retired list Is not munificent, and
that such skill as he has acquired at the
expense of the United States is remuner
ated more liberally by private manufactur
ing concerns 'than by the government, the
answer is that he ought to resign from tte
servlceand devote himself entirely and ex
clusively to his new and better-paying em
plover. He should not be allowed to tcrve
t.wo masters.. ,
There are many skilled engineers out of
emploj meat or In unremunerativ e positions
vvho'would be glad to accept such places as
are held by retired army and navy officers
In private manufacturing establishments,
and Would render, good, efricientand raith
ful service. Retired naval officers are to
day employedby the Cramps and other
shipbuilders. possibly because of superior
skill and knowledge, but also, no doubt,
because of their connection Willi the naval
establishment and the advantages they de
rive thererrora. Army officers on trie re
tired list are employed in several New Eng
land arms factories, presumably for similar
reasons. The practice is radically wrong,
and the 'Chandler amendment is oiien to
no other objection than that it ought to be
made more comprehensive.
Within the past few weeks the country
has been shocked by the many homicides
-committed by insane persons. In a num
ber of instances the murderers had given
no previous intimation or shown signs of
a deranged mind, but iu several cases they
had once been Inmates of lunatic asvlums
and discharged as cured. Notable among
the latter is that of Peter Egbert, a young
man in Rockville, Ind., who killed five
people-without thc'lcasr. cause or provoca
tion and then committed suicide.
It Is wrong, almost criminally wrong, to
permit a person to be at large who has at
one tline'ln his or her life been afflicted
with dementia, unless that condition was
the temporary effect of disease and disap
peared with the cause. In byfar thelarser
proportion of cases dementia, if based
upon organic defects, will return, even
though the patient may have presented all
the appearances of being cured and dis
charged as such. The dlsiAisltion to work
mischief 13 simply lying dormant, and may
be aroused by a circumstance so trifling as
to escape notice altogether. Upon no
other hypothesis can one account for Eg
bert's deed, committed without any premo
nition, andat an early hour of the morning.
rhysicians In charge of bOspltals for the
Insane incur a grave responsibility "when
they discharge as cured a lrson who has
at any time suffered from dementia of a
vicious nature. It may seem cruel to keep
an apparently cured patient in the asylum,
but It is far more cruel to turn him loose
upon the community and run the risk of
a great catastrophe.
UISITORS to Washington seldom leave
the city hall with its historic court
room unseen. It is the prldo "of
the bailiffs and deputies to show sight
seers the place where Guileau, Gen. Sickles,
Breckinridge, and others whose names
stand prominently in trial history heard
the fateful word of'the Jury. A party of
tourists from Massachusetts were being
shown through the courthouse yesterday
by John, one of the. head bailiffs. They
reached the famous court room. All the
ladles of the party insisted on sitting in
the Judge's chair, standing in the witness
box, and walking through the Jury stand.
John recited to them the history of the
famous happenings that had occurred there.
The ladles Jotted down notes as the bailiff
"And here," said John, "the famous Bill
Jones, the fierce and dangerous highway
man who attempted to hold up President
Monroe as be walked down, with the Mon
roe doctrine under his arm, and who killed
several men, was tried. It was probably
the most dramatic event that ever took
place in this building." The ladles Jolted
down more notes and tried the Judge's
seat again.
RAISE in the price of lead may be
looked for in the near ruture.'
cilii .Tnmra C. Frank, a miner, of.
Helena, Mont., who Is stopping at the Na
tional. "The producers of Montana and
Idaho have already come to an agreement
looking to that end. and unless the current
price of the metal goes up materially in
a very few das war will be declared be
tween the Eastern and Western producers.
An effort will be made to have the Missouri
miners Join with thoseorourownStatc.and
In that, event they can control the lead
market so that it will be very Interesting
for the Eastern men. The Easterners are
short, but the Westerner have a big sup
ply on hand. It Is the purpose of the lat
ter to curtail the lead production to such
an extent as to squeeze the price up on the
Eastern men. There is little lead In the
East today."
Ill OSSES to cattlemen from cold and
1 drouth the past winter have been
smaller than ever known licfore."
said F.8. Herbert, who lives near Lincoln,
Neb., at Willard's last evening. "As a re
sult cattle are In particularly good shape
tills spring, and the cattlemen of the West
arc quite sanguine. The Stock Growers'
Association recently held a convention that
tended to brighten their hopes. The prices
will remain as good as last year, it was
shown, but the cattlemen have no hopes yet
of securing the reduction in transportation
rates they anticipated. The pest of wolves
in the far West is now the worst enemy the
cattle raiser has. and it is proliablc some
concerted action will be taken to get rid of
the evil."
fREDERICK J. BLAKE of Raleigh. N.
C. is a guest at the Metropolitan.
"I have Just returned from the lumber
districts of upper Ml( hlgan,"-atd he. "The
cut of the winter will hardly fall short of
1.000,0(10,000 feet, and the mills have a
very busy sea-sonahead of tliem While that
seems to the uninitiated a great rlgure It
Is hardly as large as it lias been
In previous seasons. The destructive forest
fires are resiionsihle for the decrease. II is
wonderful to see how rapidly a region re
covers from one of those disasters. Where
the awful fires raged a year ago the local
ities are all built up now witli healthful set
tlements, agriculture liclng the chief In
dustry. A great future Is in ttore for the
Northwest. I think."
TO BE . .
Meine Gretchen is a Deutcher Miss.
Just across from ttie vine-clad Rhine;
Ami when J asked her for a kiss.
She timidly answered me "Neln,"
So I claimed "em, and really got nine.
"Have jou a sweetheart, Gretchen, dear.
Fair maiden, most divine?"
She, smiling, blushed and seemed sincere.
As she coyly answered me. "Nein;"
By Jove! She answered me nine.
"Then, perhaps, you've a husband, too,"
Mid I,
"Since to sweethearts joif so greatly in
cline?" With her eyes cast down she heaved aslgb.
And ruefully answered me, "Nein;"
Great Caesarl She answered me nine.
"What, Gretchen, nine husbands, and only
To the truth, please, your answers con
fine; Now, how many children?" With a low
ering roein
She answered me haughtily, "Neln;"
Yes.augrily answered me nine.
Dear Gretchen. I love you, and don't care a
If nine Is your mascot wh, then,
I'll offer to go you one letter, and draw
To a full house of hearts make it ten;
I'll raise It, meine Gretchen, to ten.
Asclnsens the oak the ivy entwines,
Iu tier deep blue eyes love's message I
And I drew to my heart this coy trump of
As she artlessly answered me, ''Yah;'
Yes, distinctly shennsvvcred me yah.
His Policy.
"Are you going to bull the market today?"
"But what will you do if stocks decline?"
"Grin and bear it."
The Reason TSersof.
Jack Miss Toutlcy ought to ride a bl
cy cle.
Maude Why?
Jack Because her carriage is a little
Would Take No Each Bilk.
"Jimson tried to have his life insured,
but failed."
"Heart disease?"
"No; umpire."
A Piilosopher.
A man he was of great wisdom;
To prove which we need but repeat
The fact that botueudsof the candle
He burned lo make both ends meet.
K3 Tumbled.
They were sitting in the twilight and
he was explaining how he lost his money.
"You see it was this way: in the quarter
stretch my horse was two lengths ahead,
but he gradually lost ground, till In the
home stretch re was neck and neck with
the young filly "
"How lovely," she exclaimed. Inter
rupting him and moving a little closer.
"How lovely?" he repeated. "I den't
understand. I bad my money on the hcrse
that was dropping behind."
"Yes, Harry, I know; but I was think
ing how perfectly beautiful It must have
been to be neck anil neck."
Then he gave a protracted sigh, ad
justed his position, and there in the silence
and gloaming they illustrated, in panto
mime, a modern racing-term.
Letters eijt Broadcast
Them; Into Action.
0 ni
J h-
Niitionul jlfeniocrntlo Congressional
Committee Declares That the Tidal
Wuto of Political Sentiment Iu.t
uud Can lie HeTersed Tho Heed
Couifrens Scored. ,
The Democratic Congressional commit
tee Is hard at work repairing the Presi
dential fences for- the election In the fall.
The chairman, non. Charles J. Faulkner,
has sent tlie following letter to the"bosses"
and leaders all over the country:
"My Dear Sir: The national Ucmocratic
Congressional committee has been organized
and its headquarters for this campaign es
tablished at 736 Fifteenth Btreet north
west, Washington, D. C.
"It Is the purpose of this -committee to
enter upon an earnest and aggressive cam
paign for the election of Representatives
at the election to be held on November
3, 1806. We want your active co opera
Hon lu this work, believing tliat with it
the results wltfch followed the tidal wave
agianst us In 1894 may be, to a great
extent, reversed and a majority of Demo
crats elected to the Fifty-firth Congress.
"Public sentiment, as shown by the
local elections held during the sprlug,
has undergone a decided change.
"The results of the Fifty-first Congress
and the terrible panic that swept over
the country, as a consequence of Repub
lican legislation enacted by the Reed Con
gress, was the legacy left us when vvc as
sumed control of the government, and Its
effects paralyzed the energies and efforts
of the members of our organization in the
campaign of 1894.
"The analysis of the vote in each Con
gressional district demonstrates the fact
that the Republican victory of '0 1 was not
a triumph of Republican sentiment, but
resultedfromthefactthat many Democrats,
from-one cause or another, stayed at home
and failed to give expresslou to their IK-mo-cratlcscntlmeutsatthepollsatttiatelection.
"The Republican Congress elected In No
vember, 1894. has now been In session five
months, and has failed to give to the coun
try, although practically In control of both
houses of Congress, a single ineasu rent pub
lic relief. It Is tlie Judgment of thosecom
petcnt to speak that this Congress vvillad
journ witlijujlpassluga measure of public
interest aX&tt tban.the appropriation bills.
"No Democrat need fear to draw a com
parison befcvieeo- tlie results accomplished
by the Flf$--Chird Congress, a Democratic
Congress, anS those accomplished by tlie
Fifty-fourth Congress, which Is Republi
can. The ciyjralsed by the Republican poli
ticians of tfce'Ineffielency anil Inability of
tlie DemocFatic-Coiigress to measure up to
tire nssponsibltitjjjimposcslupon it, should be
silent In the prvjnce of the factlhat with
but a barepivolty In the Senate we pass
ed eight mcSsirfSfof vital Importance tothe
people, wlitte'istlieprescnt Republican Con
gress, by itiiiajj ion. confesses Its inabillty
to passaHrfyfe measure of publlcrclief.
"It win(b, tjie purpose of this com
mittee to yUigthese and other questions
dividing tne two great political parties
promlnently-sbefore the- people by proer
illerature;ivhlcli'will be compiled through
its "agency a4twliich we hope will reach
those who most need It through your co
operation. "
"With this, in, view wo desire to put
ourselves in communication with all the
organizations of- the party in the States,
from the Slate to the county committees,
and to learn Vital character of literature
is needed lneach section of each State.
We would also' be very glad to learn
from you your opinion of the condition
of the organization of the party in your
locality, and the feeling and septlment
of the Democracy of your section.
"Any suggestions you may make which
will assist this committee In arriving at
conclusions as to the proper method to
be adopted to assist you in strengthening
the Democratic organization in your county
and Bcctlon will be gratefully received
and highly appreciated.
"Very-truly yours,
"CnAS. J. FAULKNER, Chairman."
ThecpmmllteeJs made up as follows:
Charles J. , Faulkner, West Virginia,
chairman; Lawrence Gardner, secretary.
Executive committee Senate James K.
Jones, 8. M. White, John L. Mitchell,
George Gray. Samuel Pasco. House of
Representatives Thomas C- McRae. John
M. Allen, John F. Fitzgerald, James G.
Maguire. Albert 8. Berry, H. Welles Rusk,
William A. Jones, Paul J. Sorg, Eenton
McMiliin, Joseph Wheeler. General com
mittee Senate Calvin S. Brice. Ohio;
Charles J. Faulkner, West Virginia; James
K. Jones, Arkansas; George Gray. Dela
ware; Samuel Fasco. Florida; Edw.
Murphy, Jr.. New York; James Smith.
Jr., New Jersey; S. M. White, Califor
nia; John L. Mitchell. Wisconsin.
House of Representatives Joseph Wheel
er, Alabama: Thomas C. McRae, Arkansas;
James G. Maguire, California; John T.
Bottom, Colorado; James P. Pigott, Con
necticut;. W. Causey, Delaware: Stephen
M. Sparkm.in, Florida: John W. Maddox,
Georgia; James II. Hawley, Idaho; Finis E.
Downing. Illinois; Jason B. Brown, In
diana; Thomas Bowman, Iowa; SIdncy,G.
Cooke. Kansas; A. 8. Berry, Kentucky;
Adolpli Meyer, Louisiana; William P. nur
ley, Maine; H. Wet's Rusk, Maryland;
John F. Fitzgerald, Massachusetts; Frank
HriTosfonl, Michigan; O. M. Hall. Jfinnc
ncsola; j6hn1 M. Allen, Mississippi;
A. M. 'pockery, Missouri; Martin
Magltini8. Montana; R. P. Keating, Nevada;
Johnston Cbrnfsh. New Jersey: Amos J.
CummliiES. 4New York: Stilran Hutchins,
New Hampshire: Fred A. WoodardTNorth
Carolina: V. N.f Roach. North Dakota: Paul
J. Forg. Ohio? Naroleon Davis, Oregon: C. J.
Erdman. Pennsylvania: Oscar Larhara,
Rhode Island: W. J. Talbert. South Carolina:
C. Eoyd Barrett. South Dakota: Benton Mc
Miliin. Tennessee; Joseph C. nutcheson,
Texas; J. t. Rawlins. Utah: B. B. Smalley,
Vermont: William A. Jones. Virginia;
Charles H. Voorhees, Washington: J. D.
Alderson. West Virginia: J. J.'Hogan. Wis
consin: George T. Eeck. Wyoming; Marcus
A. Smith. Arizona; Anthony Joseph, New
Mexico: Ed. L. Dunn. Ollohoma Territory;
R. W. McAdams. Indian Territory.
Bev. W. n. Brooks' Denial:
Editor Times: Under the headline. "New
Color Line." The Morning Times of April
27. stated that Rev. W. H. Urooks would lie
one of fifteen speakers to address a pub
lic meetlngat Vermont A venue Church Wed
nesday night next on "The Mismanagement
of tlie Public Schools." and you add: "It
Is understood tint there w-il be-icmcthing
said about tic discrimination against the
black pcopteiii favor or the vcilow people
in the public schools."
Tk!s Is certainly news to me. as no one
has asked me to speak at such a meeting or
consulted me in placing my name bcrore tl e
publlcinsurh connection. I wasnot aware
that there Is a trhool r-ghton hand. This
is not tic first time or late ttnt my name
lias been used to advance other people's
ends wtholut consulting me. I trust, t-ow-cver.
It will be the last. I think that I
have both the courage and the ability to
speak when the IwmrniNi h.f-in-. .-,
my services, but I protest against being
announced to address pub'ic meetings of
which I have not irl.
Stty' Brgvtttes
Lieut. T. B. Amiss or the First precinct,
who has been conrincd to his home with
muscular rheumatism for several days
past. Is convalescent.
Mr. B. I.. Warner has donated to the
Emergency Hospital a large bay horse
for use uu the ambulance wagon. The ani
mal is a fine specimen of Western animal
and made his first run yesterday.
It Is mare than pro liable that the Washing
ton firemen will be furnished in the near
future with aluminum lire hats. Chief
Purrls has ordered a sample hat, made of
this light metal and It will, be worn and
tested by Assistant Foreman William E.
Jones of Truck D. The maiaolicjctiui to
the old-style leather fire bats is their
weight: This fault Is overcome in those
made from aluminum.
The Kp worth League of the Methodist
Episcopal Cburcli South will hold; a con
vention for the Washington district in tills
city Tuesday nnd Wednesday, May 12 and
13. Each league'will be entitled to five
delegates, senior and Junior, In addition
to the pastor of the church, over the
Eugene Grannan
, chief of the Baltimore
and Ohio detective
force, resigned from the
, to take effect Thurs
was appointed a roagis-
position yesterday
day. Mr. Grannan
rtate by Governor
Lowndes of Maryland.
He has been In the
and Ohio railroad
employ of tlie Baltimore
for a period of twenty
A heavy Iron tire flew from one of the
wheels of a watering cart on Sixth street
this morning. It was rolling wildly along
the roadway and would have collided with
a spirited team of carriage horses had It
not been for Mr. 'Hal I Colgate, record clerk
of the police court. He grappled with the
big iron ring and prevented probably a
serious runaway.
Policeman M. M. Miller of the Fifth, who
was seriously assaulted by negro thugs
while making an arrest near Navy place
southeast several days ago, has returned ti5
Attorney A. E. Shoemaker, the legal
representative of the Anti-Saloon League,
was recently chosen by the Maryland Prohi
bitionists as one of the delegates-at-large
from that State lo the national convention
of the party, aud will attend.
Three hundred appeals have been placed
In the hands of the board of assistant as
sessors, now sitting as a board of equal
ization and review, in the matter of assess
ments of city property, and these are now
being canvassed. Considering the multi
tude of lots passed upon, this Is regarded
as indicative of very general satisfaction
with the work of the board.
"Take the standi" commanded Judge
Miller in the police court this morning.
The witness, a small colored girl, reached
over and attempted to seize Clerk Potts'
big square Inkstand.
Tomorrow night. In the Masonic Temple.
Staff Capt. Blanche Cox will lecture on
"India, the land or idols and sacrifice."
and will appear In the native costume she
wore in that country. The platform is to
be transformed into an Eastern scene,
whereon others will appear In Oriental
garb. Hindostani songs will also be sung.
There is to be a voluntary offering at
the door, but all are doubtless expected
to bring their jiockpt-books well sup
plied, and the cause is certainly a worthy
The case of assaulting an officer against
James Mitchell and Byron Neal. both col
ored, will be tried In the police court
Thursday. These men are charg?d with
striking Policeman M. M. Miller with
bricks while he had a prisoner under
arrest at patrol box 43. corner of Seventh
street and Navy place southeast.
Judge Samuel C. Mills, who was seriously
ill for five weeks, is convalescent, and was
at bis office today.
Police Sergeant" Lombardy. of No. 6,
is on the sick list, surrenng with bis old
complaint, rheumatism, j-
Police Lieutenant Swindells, of the
Georgetown precinct, reports a bad land
slide on the canal road, between the Aque
duct bridge and" Green Springs, entirely
blocking thesidewalk and part of the road
way. A dead Infant was found by Policeman
Relth about 7 o'clock this morning la the
alley between North Capitol aud First
and P and Qstrcets,northwet.
Tatrolman B. F. Williams of No. 9 was
reported to headquarters by Lieut. Ueffner
today as being absent from duty-without
Veteran Policeman "Bobbie" Burns, who
Is detailed for night duty In the detective
office, is on the sick report.
Lieut. Amiss, in charge of the First po
lice precinct, is confined to bis home by
sickness, and Sergt. Tony Shilling Is act
ing lieutenant.
Prof. Fanciullf, leader of the Marine
Band, has been granted a furlough,, and
will leaver tonight for New York. The
professor will combine pleasure with
business during bis trip.
Workmen are engaged in cutting the
grass on the lawns of the new public
library building. The recently laid sod
has grown lieautifully and presents a
handsome appearance.
Postmaster General Wilson is in New
For stealing $5 from Richard Watts and
using the money for railway fare to Phila
delphia, Lemuel Turner, colored, was sent
by Judge Miller today to Jail for two
months without fiue.
William Ciafford was fined $10 by Judge
Miller this morning for tearing Policeman
Plemir.ons' coat from his back when ar
rested for being an habitual drunkard.
Jesse Smith, colored, stole $18 from
Mary Robertsou. Iu the police court today
!ie was fined $1 and ordered to give back
Mary's $13.
Capt. Baker, master of the schooner Clar
ence Vcnner. was arrested today upon in
formation filed by Hartior Master Sutton
for violation of the harbor regulations.
Baker refuse I to move his craft fro.nthe
Great Falls Ic? Compnny's wharf on Sun
day to permit a pleasure yacht to enter the
boathousesllp. Tjie hearing iu the case will
be had Thursday.
George Browne, a twenty -year-old col
oreJ Ialiorer. w?rs arrested at Center Market
this nurning by Policeman Sullivan and
locket up at the Tirst precinct station
house-for the larceny of a shovel from a
Patrolmen Seltrig' t Purks, Breen, Ede
len and Hcrndnn of the First precinct force,
are on the sick list. Patrolman Williams is
acting sergeant
Col. Daniel Williams of the rolire court
is actively engaged in makins preparations
Tan Shoes Scarce '
But Hot at Our Stores,
.Htntar TV '
consequence v
AH the Nsw Shapes
ol the Popular
Dark Shades
i ofTan!.owsiiossaua
Tan High Shoes,
For Men, Women aud Chlulren.
At Less Pri es
Than other dealers cm
buy them lor.
030-032 7th St. N. W.
1014-101U Pn. Are. N. W.
233 Pa. Ave. S. E.
for the excursion that the R. W. B. Club,
an association of the court employes. Is
going to give on-JunetJ0 to -Marshall Hall.
Joseph B. Bryan today filed a bill In
equity to recover a judgment of $600
against Harvey Spalding aud others. The
petitioner aiso requested that a deed from
the defendant to James H. and Edwin W.
Spalding, of lot 23, square S04; lots S3
to !o, square 311; part of lot 1, square 520,
and lot 1 and parts of lots 60 to 73, square
448, be set aside.
Minnie Wells began secret proceedings for
divorce against Bernard Wells today. It is
understood that desertion since the date
of the marriage is the ground for the action.
Judge Uagner announced today lliat pro
bate court would be held on Thursday this
Special Meeting oft ho Members of the
Ecklnjitou Citizens' Association.
The members of the North Capitol and
Ecklngton Citizens' Association feel very'
much encouraged over the passage of the
bill by theSenate providing for rapid transit
on the Eckingtou and Soldiers' Home Rail
way. A special meeting of the association
was held last night for the purpose of tak
ing suitable action witli reference thereto.
President Henderson presided, and said
that when a special meeting was called it
was with a view to expressing the asso
ciation's approval of the bill reported by
Senator McMillan and of urging Its pas
sage at an early day, but that since the
call was issued the bill had passed the
Senate and was now before tlie House
District Committee for the action of that
body, so that it was only necessary now
for the association to confine their efforts
to endeavoring to have the House commit
tee report tboblll promptly and secure
Us passage through the House.
He spoke of the passage of thebill through
the Senate as one of the very gratifying re
sults of the united and hard work of the
association during tlie past three months.
dutiable resolutions were sulmitted by
the railway committee of the association
and unanimously approved, expressing sat
isfaction with thebill in all Its details, as
being a very Just and equitable measure,
imposing no undue hardship npon the com
panies, and giving to tlie public all they
could reasonably expect or demand.
Tlie resolutions also Included a vote o
thanks to Hon. James McMillan, chairman
of the Senate District Committee, to
whom tlie association acknowledged its
Indebtedness for so proper and satisfact' ry
a bill and for the consideration shown the
suggestions and recommendations of Its
representatives In connection with the
various provisions incorporated therein.
A resolution was aim adopted, urging
Chairman Babcock of the House District
Committee to report thebill to the House as
It passed the Senate, without amendment,
and to secure Its passage on-next District
An Informal discussion of a number of
other matters of interest to the association
was had and progress reported.
Sugar Was the Main Feature In Ac
tivity. New Tofk. April 28. The stock market
this morning ruled strong and higher
throughout, but business was light. Lon
don Imught a moderate amount of St.
Paul and Louisville and Nashville ami the
traders also took a line of the Grangers.
The professional element as a class were
disposed to take a bullish view of the sit
uation because of the steady increase ia
railway earnings and the hopeful outlook
for an amicable settlement of the Vene
zuelan question.
Sugar first rose 1-2, to 125 3-8, re
ceded to 124 1-2 and rallied to 123. This
stock was the feature In points of activity.
Tobacco rose C-8, to 73 1-4; Colorado Fuel.
5-8. to 32 1-2; Consol, Gas, I, to 162 3-4;
Lake Erie and Westeru, 1 1-4, to 21;
FocificMail, 3-4, to 28, and Southern Rail
way preferred. 1-2, to 32 3-8. Speculation
at 11 o'clock was dull and firm.
Death of Former Wushlnutonhin.
Laurel, Md.. April 28. Mrs. Mary E.
Travcrs, widow of the late Elias Travers,
who amassed considerable wealth in Wash
ington real estate, died here suddenly Sun
day night of heart disease. Mrs.Trav era was
apparently In pcrlect health Sunday after
noon, and took a drive to tlie residence of
Mr. George Warner, in Howard county, a
son by her former husband. Shortly after
her return to her home in Laurel she was
taken 111 with heart failure, and expired
shortly after 10 o'clock. Mrs. Travcrs
was born March 23, 1832.
Berwiu Heights, Prince George's county,
Md., was recently incorporated by an act
of the Maryland legislature. The resi
dents of the village met last evening at the
home of Mr. J. C. Bonnet, to select three
suitable candidates ror commissioners, as
provided for lu the certificate of incorroia
tiou.to be voted for at the coming e'ection,
next Monday.
Mr. II. S. Waple, a merchant and the
postmaster of the place, was called ou to
preside, and the following names were
placed hi nomination: H. S. Waple, I. C.
Bonnet. John T. Birch.Berwin Heights
is a most beautiful, picturesque and flour
ishing village on the Baltimore & Ohio
Railroad, and adjacent to the r.ew Electric
Boulevard road to Baltirrore. It has an
altitude of over 1.000 feet alove the sea
level, and for health, comfort and prox
imity to" either Washington or Baltimore,
isunsurpass-d by any suburban settlement.
Extensive 'mprovcmentH are being pushed
forward by the energetic citizens.
Greenbrier WhltoSnlphur.
Tills well-known mountain resort, on
the main line of tlie Chesapeake & Ohio
Railway, will open June 15, 1896, under
new management. Patnphlet.i mayjie ob
tained at Chesapeake & Ohio-offices, 513
and 1421 Pennsylvania avenue, and 1110
F street northwest. Further particulars by
addrcsslug L. W. 8coville. manager. White
Bulpher, Greenbrier county, W. Ta.
Tjn Ixy
Let us give you a practical
demonstration of what we
mean -by "saving prices" jn
our Athletic and Sporting
Goods Department.
AH bicyclists know these are
7c Bicycle Oilers for
50c Hand Bicycle Pumps far
39c Heavy Nickeled Coasters for..
25e Yale Sprocket Locks for
50c Yale Nickeled Sprocket Locks
10c Nickel Axle Lamp Bracket for
25c Nickel Head Lamp Bracket for
15c box of Dixon Graphite for
50c Nickel Toe Clips for
39c German Silver End Grips for
50c Celluloid End Grips for
25c box of Daisy Enamel for
25c box of Daisy PatchlngCemcnt
25c box of Daisy Tire Cement for
$1.25 Drab CanvasOutflt Carriers
25c Nickel Bells, single stroke, for
50c Nickel Bells, double stroke, for
$1 Electric Stroke Bel! for OSc
$3 Aladdin Lamps, nickel. for..$a.ao
$3.50 Miller Miniature Lamps for.$2.48
$5 Twentieth Century Aluminum
Lamps for $3.98
$5 Pathllght. nickel, '96 pattern,
for. $3.98
$5 Nickel Scarchllght.'96 pattern,
for. $4.28
These are small matters, but
they show the drift here.
In big things there's our
S48.50 Bicycle. Good as any
S75 wheel made.
:aks and company,
Pa. Avf . astt Tta St. "Saks" Corutr."
928 rth T06 K St.
". "
There are things In every-day U
g use for which you generally so to $
g the drug- store and pay high w
privxb. ijuit&ci jou &tuiu v.uuiiu& h
here for
them the sooner you'll g
save money.
Perfumes Soaps
brushes Combs, etc. all the good
Essences and most of the best
Pure White
Castile Soap,
1 5c cake, or
29c 3-pound bar.
You'll pay double this in a drug
928 rth T06 K St.
Strong Objection to the Laying; of
Tracks on Ki-nesuvr A venae.
A very enthusiastic meeting in protest
to the proposed laying of tracks on Kenesa w
avenue was held la the parish hall of
Columbia Heights last night, a number
of ladles being present? A bill in the Interest
of the Belt Line corporation having passed
the Senate lu spite of the opposition of the
residents, uow rests in the bands of tho
House committee.
Judge Bundy opened the meeting with a
vigorous speech on tt.e subject, and in
speaking of the proposed innovation said
that the constitution provides that private
property shall not be taken without com
pensation, but that it would be impossible
to compensate the property holders of
Kenesaw avenue for the injury done them
in such a case. He pledged himself to fight
the movement to the bitter end, both in
Congress and in the courts, if necessary.
Mr. T.Walter Fowler said that when ho
purchased his home he had hardly sup
posed that It would be made so unc mfort
able and,so Injured that he would be com
pelled to dispose of It.JDut that If the pro
posed railway went through the street
his property would be for sale. He dwelt
upon the unfitness of the street for tbo
purpose designated, and upon the danger to
llttte children and the anxiety of their
He-stated that therailroadmonoroly cared
nothing for Columbia Ueights. but only for
itself; the residents were the persons who
really had the welfare of that portion of the
city at heart. It was Immaterial to th
corporation whether they injured Individ
ual property or not: the corporation and its
allies simply stepped In to reap the advan
tage of the efforts of others. He vva sorry
to see the national legislature, a rortlon
of It. at least, lending Itself to such a
measure, and favoring the railways at the
exiK-nse of the people.
Mr. William B. Matthews Indorsed Mr.
Fowler's remarks, and added that this was
the second or third time that the hydra
headed monster had shown Itself in tl.iir
midst. He paid a high tribute to the men
who bad settled Columbia Heights, and
severity condemned the methods used on,
the outsale. Ue added tliat if Le had not
a dollar's Interest in the matter l.e would
still think it Iniquitous.
Mr. Frazier moved that the committee al
ready elected be enlarged, and thefollowing
were elected to represent the Interest of
Columbia Uclchts with tlie House: Gen.
Tyner. Judge Bundy, Judge J. C Calmoat,
original committee: Mr.. Shaw. Mr. W. IL
Matthews. Capt. C B. Turnor, Gen. I). O.
Swalmand Mrs. Marian Longfellow O'Don
oghue. Mrs. O'Donoghue represents Hie Interests
of the ladies on Kenesaw avenue and wa-
unanimously elected, the gentlemen paying
her a high tribute and thanking her for the
work she had already done in the matter.
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